Tugas Makro Chapter 5

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Tugas Makroekonomi (Pertemuan 5)

Nama : Utami Ratnasari (1406534001)

Ghea Lita U (14065)

1. Use the
of the small open economy to predict what would happen to the trade
balance, The real exchange rate, and the nominal exchange rate in response to each of the
following Events.
A. A fall in consumer confidence about the future induces consumers to spend less and

Save more.
B. The introduction of a stylish line of Toyotas makes some consumers prefer foreign cars
over domestic cars.
C. The introduction of automatic teller machines reduces the demand for money.
Answer :

Increase in saving cause :

Supply of exchange rate increase (S1-I1) to (S2-I1).
Then, this increase will cause the real exchange rate decrease (1 to 2), causing the price


of the domestic good is cheaper;

Since the price of the domestic good is cheaper, there will be increase in export and decrease
import ( positive increase in Trade Balance, NX1 to NX2). The nominal interest rate is
determined by real interest rate (in this case, real interest rate is decrease) and the price level
(doesnt affected), so the Nominal Interest rate is also decreasing.


When consumer prefer foreign cars than domestic,

It means the import will be high causing the net export decrease (shifting to the left).

Real excchan


Given the same (S-I) curve, the decrease will lead to lowering real exchange rate and
Real exchange rate ()

nominal interest rate. But the decrease in real exchange rate means the foreign goods is more

expensive so import will also decrease. This effect offset the increase in import (step 1) and
causing Net Export do not change.

NX ()1
NX ()2


Since the ATM reduce the demand for money. Since the demand of money is nominal
variable, so it doesnt affect the real exchange rate (classical dichotomy). The Net export also
not effected because the NX determined by Y (output), Consumption, Government expenditure,
and Investment (NX = Y-C-G-I).
Recall the real money balance determine the Money demand function, so real money balance
(M/P). If we assume the Quantity of Money do not change, we can assume also that the decrease
in the demand of money will lead to increase in Price level. The increase in price level affect the
nominal interest rate ;
Since Nominal exchange rate = real exchange rate x (Foreign Price Level/Domestic Price Level)
The increase in Domestic Price level will decrease the nominal exchange rate.


Consider an economy described by the following equation :

Y = C + I + G + NX
Y = 5,000
G = 1,000

T = 1,000
C = 250 + 0.75 (Y-T)
I = 1,000 - 50r
NX = 500 - 500
r = r = 5
In this economy, solve for national saving, investment, the trade balance, and the
equilibrium exchange rate.
Suppose now that G rises to 1,250. Solve for national saving, investment, the trade
balance, and the equilibrium exchange rate. Explain what you find.
Now suppose that the world interest rate rises from 5 to 10 percent. (G is again 1,000)
Answer :

= 5,000 (250 + 0.75(Y-T)) 1,000
= 5,000 (250 + 0.75(5,000-1,000)) 1,000
= 5,000 3,250 1,000
= 750, so National Saving is 750
I = 1,000 - 50r
= 1,000 - 50(5)
= 750
Trade Balance (NX) = S I
= 750 750
Equilibium exchange rate ()
NX = 500 - 500
0 = 500 - 500
500 = 500
= 1%


= 5,000 (250 + 0.75(Y-T)) 1,250
= 5,000 3,250 1,250
= 500
I = 1,000 - 50r
= 1,000 - 50(5)
= 750
Trade Balance (NX) = S I
= 500 750
= - 250
Equilibrium exchange rate ()
NX = 500 - 500
-250 = 500 - 500
500 = 750
= 1.5%

In this case I find that when G rises, it will make the saving decrease. When saving decreases and
the investment stayed the same, the amount of money in the economy face is lower than the
demand so it will make money from abroad enter that countrys economy (net capital outflow).
Net capital outflow make the trade balance (NX) become negative (decrease) and the exchange
rate increased by 0.5.


= 5,000 (250 + 0.75(Y-T)) 1,000
= 5,000 (250 + 0.75(5,000-1,000)) 1,000
= 5,000 3,250 1,000
= 750
I = 1,000 - 50r
= 1,000 - 50(10)
= 500
Trade Balance (NX) = S I
= 750 500
= 250
Equilibium exchange rate ()
NX = 500 - 500
250 = 500 - 500
500 = 250
= 0.5
In this case I find that when world interest rate (r) rises it will make investment decrease. When
investment decrease and the saving stayed the same, the amount of money in the economy face
excess supply so it will make money will out to abroad (net capital inflow). Net capital inflow
make the trade balance (NX) become positive (increase) and the exchange rate decrease by 0.5.


The country of Leverett is a small open economy. Suddenly, a change in world fashions
makes the exports of Leverett unpopular.
a. What happens in Leverett to saving,investment, net exports, the interest rate, and the
Real exchange rate ()

exchange rate?
2b. The citizens

affect them?

of Leverett like to travel abroad. How will this change in the exchange rate

c. The fiscal policymakers of Leverett want to adjust taxes to maintain the exchange rate at
its previous level. What should they do? If they do this, what are the overall effects on

saving, investment, net exports, and the interest rate?

Answer :


Since the export is decreasing, so the Net Exports will decrease given the same amount of


import, described by ;
The NX curve shifting to the left. Saving, Investment, and Interest rate is not affected.
The reason is saving is determined by C,I,G, Investment is determined by interest rate, while it is

stated that Leveret is a small open economy that rely on world interest rate.
since the NX shift to the left, the real exchange rate is decrease. The dollar seems less
valuable, and the price of domestic good is cheaper. But since the domestic good is cheaper, it
induces the export and offset the decrease in export, so the Net Exports remain the same.

Real exchange rate ()




Since the citizen

3 like to travel abroad, so the demand for domestic money is decrease. Since
the demand of currency is shown by NX() curve, this curve will shift to the left. With given
level of supply, the real exchange rate will decrease and dollar of Leveret become less valuable


(buy less foreign currency)

Fiscal Policy can be used to change saving and investment, including tax. If government want
the real exchange rate adjusted to original (E1), Then it must reduce saving in order to make the
curve shift to the left. So , the government can reduce the tax, so that the Consumption increase
and the saving decrease. (S=Y-C-G). So the Saving will decrease, investment is not affected, Net
export is decrease, and increase in real exchange rate to the original rate.


What will happen to the trade balance and real exchange rate of a small open economy
when government purchases increase, such as during war? Does your answer depend on
whether this is local war or a world war?
Answer :
When a government purchases increase in small open economy it will make the saving decrease
because S = Y C G. The decreasing of saving that did not followed by the decrease of
investment (constant) because in the small open economy the change of saving do not affect the
world interest rate (r) whereas they should use world interest rate (r). It makes the economy
face excess demand of money. The excess demand of money will make the money from abroad
enter the economy. This case is also called net capital outflow because S < I. Because trade
balances (NX) is NX = S I, so the net trade balances will be negative (decrease) and the real
exchange rate () increase. This explanation happens when there is a local war.

Real exchange rate ()


7. The president is considering placing a tariff on the import of Japanese luxury cars.
Discuss the economics and politics of such a policy. In particular, how would the policy
affect the U.S. trade deficit? How would it affect the exchange rate? Who would be hurt by
such a policy? Who would benefit?
Answer :
The tariff policy is one of trade policy that has aim to protect the countrys trade of balance,
beside quota. Since import causing the deficit trade balance, government think that placing a
tariff will reduce the trade balance deficit.
But actually, the tariff is not absolutely reduce the trade balance deficit .

tariff policy will reduce the number of Import, so the Net export will increase, and Net Export

( ) will shifting to the right.

This increase will lead the real exchange rate to increase (from 1 to 2). Since this policy
doesnt affect the saving, investment, and interest rate, so the S-I curve remain constant.
The increase in the real exchange rate makes dollar become more valuable, the domestic
goods is more expensive, so the export will decrease and import will increase. This effect offset
the decrease in import (direct effect no.1), so the Net Export remain the same.


From the illustration above, we can conclude that the tariff policy is not effective to reduce the
trade deficit (although it can reduce both the number export and impor since the real exchange
rate is increased). But, it is causing the dollar to appreciate. The parties that will be hurt is the
American exporters because the increase in real exchange rate will make the American goods
and service more difficult to compete due to higher price. Besides, directly, the exporter in
Japan also will be hurt because of the tariff.
The parties that will be benefited is obviously the domestic car producer since they lose some
competitors (Japans car producer).

Suppose that some foreign countries begin to subsidize investment by instituting an

investment tax credit.
What happens to world investment demand function of the world interest rate?
What happens to world interest rate?
What happens to investment in our small open economy?
What happens to our trade balance?
What happens to our exchange rate?
Answer :




The world investment demand will increase because the investment tax credit (tax credit is
low). In a given world interest rate, the increase of investment demand leads to higher
The increase of investment make the world interest rate increase because I = I(r ). This
equation can tell us that when investment increase it also make the world interest rate increase.
The investment in our small open economy will increase because the when the investment tax
credit make the world interest rate increase and the small country should use the world interest
rate. This case make the investment in the small country is also increase.
The trade balances will surplus because the increase of investment reduce the supply of
money, NX = S I. When investment increase it means that S < I (net capital inflow)
The exchange rate in this case will decrease because NX = NX(). That equation show us
that when trade balance (NX) decrease, the exchange rate also will decrease.

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