Kitilano House Strategic Plan Final

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Neighbourhood House


2007 – 2010

THIS PLAN .................................................................................................................................. 1

THE WESTSIDE COMMUNITY....................................................................................................... 2

Families ................................................................................................................................... 2
Seniors .................................................................................................................................... 2
Community Services .................................................................................................................. 3
KITSILANO NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE ........................................................................................ 4
Our Vision ................................................................................................................................ 4
Our Mission .............................................................................................................................. 4
Our Values ............................................................................................................................... 4
Our Programs and Social Change................................................................................................. 5
Monitoring Our Work.................................................................................................................. 6
THE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH WE WORK .................................................................................. 7
Internally ................................................................................................................................. 7
Externally................................................................................................................................. 8
STRATEGIC ACTIONS ................................................................................................................ 11
Strategy 1: Build and Strengthen Partnerships ............................................................................ 11
Strategy 2: Research, Monitoring and Evaluation ......................................................................... 11
Strategy 3: Foster Community Development and Issue Advocacy................................................... 11
Strategy 4: Expand Program Development.................................................................................. 12
Strategy 5: Build Organizational Capacity ................................................................................... 12
Strategy 6: Communicate Our Work to the Community and Other Partners ..................................... 12
Strategy 7: Plan and Develop a Physical Infrastructure to Meet Community Needs............................ 13
Strategy 8: Strengthen Governance Capacity .............................................................................. 13
Strategy 9: Develop Fundraising Capacity ................................................................................... 13
BUSINESS PLAN........................................................................................................................ 15

ACTION PLAN ........................................................................................................................... 18


APPENDIX 2: PROGRAM OUTCOME MEASUREMENT FRAMEWORKS ........................................... 23

APPENDIX 3: MONITORING PLANS ........................................................................................... 29

THIS PLAN relationship between what we do and the
outcomes we achieve. Program specific outcome
measurement frameworks show the link between
This plan describes a vision for the Westside each program and our overall vision.
Community and the role of Kitsilano
Neighbourhood House (KNH) in achieving it. This We recognize, however, that we also work in a
approach ensures that the ultimate focus of our complex environment, an environment that must
work is outside the house itself and clearly be strategically considered if we are able to
centred on our community. achieve our vision and play a meaningful role in
our community. From this assessment, key
The plan was created through a collaborative strategies and specific actions to take best
board, management, and staff process. It advantage of our assets were identified. A
involved research, group learning processes, business and action plan for completion of these
visioning, strategy development, and team strategies and actions are then presented.
building at many levels. Various versions were
reviewed and additional input sought. This
document represents the ideas of everyone
involved at KNH.

The plan begins by describing the community and

the role that Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
currently plays in the community. Our vision for
the community, our mission, or the role we play
in achieving that vision, and the values we hold in
doing our work are then introduced.

The social change we hope to create, also known

as outcomes, are articulated. A map, or outcome
measurement framework, that shows the

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 1

THE WESTSIDE COMMUNITY ‰ more families are requesting subsidies to be
able to access programs.
With only one neighbourhood house, serving a ‰ parents report increased stress due to lack
large geographic area, the community we serve is of affordable quality childcare.
comprised of 114, 723 people living in six ‰ all childcare centres on the Westside have
different communities. These communities are: long waitlists.
‰ Kitsilano ‰ due to government cuts childcare fees have
‰ West Point Grey been increased.
‰ Arbutus Ridge ‰ parents who cannot afford childcare or who
‰ Dunbar/Southlands cannot find a space for their child are
‰ Kerrisdale accessing unlicensed in home childcare.
‰ Kerrisdale
The demographic characteristics of residents who
access programs on the Westside are becoming The Westside
increasingly diverse including a diverse ethno- has the
cultural group and diverse income levels. largest
Specifically, service providers are seeing more low percentage of
income, new comer, immigrant, visible minority, Seniors 85
lone parent participants, and isolated seniors. and over
living alone
Families and one of
the highest
More and more families report living from pay percentages
cheque to pay cheque, increasing stress within of Seniors 65
the family. Participants are more likely to ask for years of age and over. Westside seniors report
help with food and housing than they had feeling unsafe in their neighborhoods and have
previously. Some of the issues facing families reported incidence of assault and harassment.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 2

Community Services
With the increase in demand for services,
community organizations are beginning to work
differently. Service providers who have previously
operated in isolation now see the need and are
eager to build networks and collaborations within
and across service areas in order to build our
capacity to support a healthy and vibrant

Examples of new community collaborations

‰ West Side Food Security Collaborative with
more that 22 participating organizations and
community members.
‰ West Side Seniors Empowerment Coalition
with more that 15 participating
organizations and seniors.
‰ Network 4 Early Childhood Development
Hub with more that 13 participating
‰ Westside Youth Service Providers Network,
with more than 15 agencies and youth
leaders participating.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 3

KITSILANO NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE □ individual and collective strengths as the
foundation of all community development

Serving the Westside community for over 35 □ individual and collective leadership as the
years and connecting with over 2000 participants catalyst for social change
each year, 200 of whom are active volunteers. □ a working environment that supports work
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House is committed to life balance and one that provides
safe, healthy and inclusive communities. opportunities for individuals to reach their full
Our Vision □ health and wellbeing for the individual,
Vancouver’s Westside is a safe, healthy and family and community
vibrant community where everyone thrives. □ democratic participation by all citizens as
the foundation of health and safe communities
Our Mission □ sustainable and equitable approaches to
We are dedicated to strengthening our community community development
through leadership, collaboration and opportunity. □ accountability to all for the work we do on
behalf of the community, and
Our Values □ the role of humour and play in nurturing us
We value: all
□ respect, compassion and cooperation as
the basis for meaningful interaction
In expressing these values, we adopt the ANH
□ each individual resident, staff member, and diversity principles which are:
business owner and the interdependence
amongst us all ‰ We are children, youth, adults and seniors
□ the role that diversity plays in healthy of all races, all religions, all cultures, all
communities abilities and all economic levels.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 4

‰ We speak many languages. Our Programs and Social Change
‰ We are men and women of all sexual
KNH is acting to create social change in the
Westside community. In order to achieve our
‰ We value diversity.
vision, we are working toward the following
‰ We endeavour to reflect the diversity of our
intermediate outcomes within the next 5 – 10
neighbourhoods in our membership, our years:
Boards of Management, our volunteers and
our staff. □ Westside residents are active and connected
‰ We respect all neighbours. through a broad range of community activities.
‰ We expect that all who come to our Houses,
all those who provide or receive services, □ Children, youth and families are integrated and
will extend the same respect to all those involved in all aspects of community life.
they meet here. □ Residents act in leadership roles to foster inclusive
‰ Therefore, we will act to promote the communities.
inclusion of all in our Association and in our
□ Community organizations work together to create
an inclusive community.

In order to achieve these changes, we are aiming for the

following short-term outcomes (1-3 years):

□ Community members know about KNH, its vision for

the community and how they can get involved.
□ Community organizations know about each other and
begin to initiate collaborative activities.
□ Families know where to get support and feel
supported in parenting.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 5

□ Youth begin to develop confidence and positive social
support networks.
□ Seniors are involved in healthy activities and
experience less isolation.
□ Kitsilano Neighbourhood House staff understand
community needs and are creative in responding to
those needs.
□ Kitsilano Neighbourhood House board and staff have
an understanding of their direction and feel supported
in achieving it.
□ Kitsilano Neighbourhood House has the direction and
resources it needs to sustain and enhance its
Monitoring Our Work
A detailed description of the activities Kitisilano KNH intends to monitor its progress toward these
Neighbourhood House will engage in to reach outcomes on an ongoing basis. This information
these outcomes is provided in a outcome will be used to support staff reflection and action,
measurement framework in Appendix 1. program development, and overall organizational
planning. Appendix 3 provides an example of how
Each program also contributed to these outcomes. the Administrative services can be monitored on a
Appendix 2, details the outcome measurement regular bases. Each program area will also create
framework for each program and how it a monitoring plan.
contributes to the overall ‘logic’ of the work we
do. The results identified through the monitoring will
be used to communicate to stakeholders and
inform ongoing management decisions.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 6

WORK At the community level, we currently have a small
but dynamic community board. It is dedicated and
In order to identify strategic actions, or actions in committed and brings a good mix of skills and
addition to the day to day operation of the House styles. However, its size and the frequency of
that are needed to support the organization in member turn-over has limited it activity level.
achieving social change, we looked strategically at There has been no clear committee structure nor
the environment in which we work. This process board development strategies.
allows us to focus on building from our strengths
to fulfill our mission, taking best advantage of Management and Staff
opportunities that may be present in the internal KNH has a new Executive Director and a strong
and external environment, while addressing risks staff team with a demonstrated willingness and
that can be anticipated. commitment to move through a significant change
process. Collectively, they have vision and are
Internally resourceful in applying that vision.

KNH has a wide array of human and physical As part of ANH, KNH staff have the opportunity to
resources to build a strong neighbourhood house share resources with other houses. They are
for the Westside. Each of these resources brings working collaboratively on new systems
both strengths and challenges that should inform including: financial, policy & procedures, staff
strategies for the next five years. training, staff evaluation & orientation. KNH staff
are also embracing information technology
Governance system and expanding that knowledge to all
KNH is governed by the Association of levels within the House.
Neighbourhood House Board of Directors and a
Community Board. At the Association of However, our staff have also been working with
Neighbourhood House level, much work has been minimal resources for some time. During that
done in recent years to strengthen the structure time, the work environment was very centralized
and clarify relationships. with minimal capacity to support individual growth

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 7

or significant community capacity building or Programs
community development initiatives. Staff need KNH has a history of strong programs that meet
support to function effectively and autonomously community needs. These programs have existed
and professional development opportunities to for many years and the community has come to
continue to grow as a professional team. count on them. However, there are also many
gaps and particularly a gap in connecting with the
Physical Infrastructure community to identify and address community-
KNH as a physical space has opportunities and articulated needs.
risks associated with it. First, it is located on
valuable land. It is central and it is used by many Financial Resources
organizations. It is a significant revenue By being part of ANH, KNH has a fair degree of
generator. flexibility in financial management. As part of a
large organization, flexibility in cash flow allows
However, to function efficiently, KNH also needs us to take advantage of some opportunities that
to be upgraded. It is not well suited to the we may not otherwise have the resources to
programs we seek to offer. As well, the building pursue. However, we do not have a significant
requires investment in regular incremental capital fund to begin to address house
upgrades to remain a safe facility. Over the long infrastructure issues.
term, additional space and more efficient space is
required. The question remains: where should the Externally
space be located? KNH serves a large geographic Conditions in our community, city and province
area and there are minimal community services also affect our ability to meet our mission.
within this catchment area. Community needs, the extent to which we are
engaged in our community and the provincial
Volunteers political environment are important factors in the
KNH has a vibrant volunteer base with success of community strategies.
demonstrated dedication. In the past, limited
resources, have limited our capacity to recognize
volunteers and support them through training.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 8

Community Demographics □ Youth leadership and skill development
The changing demographics in our neighbourhood □ Early Childhood Development
has implications for our programs and the □ Hot meals
resources to support our work. First, the □ Community Gardens
population is aging. On one hand, this suggests □ Good Food Box
more programs for seniors. Seniors are also a □ Individual support to vulnerable families
potential asset; as professionals retire on the □ Asset Mapping
Westside of Vancouver, they have a greater
willingness to play a role in fundraising and other As part of ANH, we are part of a larger
board functions. There are also many newcomers infrastructure which links us to other
and immigrants. Because there is such limited opportunities such as the Welcoming
resources in the community, there is an Neighbourhood project.
opportunity for KNH to work with other agencies
to respond to their needs. Funding Environment
□ The current funding environment presents
Community Presence both opportunities and risks. At present,
While historically, KNH has been fairly inward in it there is a strong interest in promoting
approach, in the past year, we have significantly healthy and inclusive communities, which is
increased our community presence. We are the focus of our vision and mission.
involved in:
□ Food security Some risks that must be considered are:
□ Shopping programs □ lack of operational/core funding
□ Community celebrations □ lack of sustainable funding
□ Community development □ short term funding
□ Community capacity building □ increased administrative resources required to
□ Childcare make grant applications to multiple funders
□ Seniors outreach and to report back to multiple funders
□ Volunteer initiatives □ changes in governments
□ Newcomer support

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 9

□ Over reliance on Government and Foundation interest for the current government are: literacy,
funding health promotion, and aboriginal communities.
□ duplication of services and competition
between organizations The Olympics is bringing new investment; a major
Olympic commitment is to sustainable and
There are also community-based financial assets inclusive community development. The federal
that have not been fully utilized to date. government is placing significant emphasis on
Specifically, the Westside Community has a families and the healthy well beginning of
strong business base. There are many ways that children.
the business sector can be involved. One example
of a business that is currently involved is a realtor Now is a good time to demonstrate the link
who makes a financial donation to KNH each time between the direction of KNH and the current
his company sells a house. There are many other political agenda of government.
ways that KNH and the business community can
be mutually supportive. KNH can also develop a
business of its own, a social enterprise that both
furthers the vision of KNH and generates revenue
at the same time.

Political Environment
KNH has traditionally had a low political profile.
This provides an opportunity to connect with local
politicians to demonstrate the role we play, the
results being achieved, and the link between the
political agenda and our vision.

British Columbia is thriving economically and the

political environment appears to be one of
investment in the community. Key areas of

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 10

STRATEGIC ACTIONS outcomes, ensuring that we are fully accountable
to the community we serve.

Strategy 1: Build and Strengthen Actions

Partnerships □ Coordinate an asset mapping and needs
Our house is one of the few community resources assessment process
in the Westside and thus has a vital role to play in □ Develop capacity to undertake outcome-based
community development. However, our space and planning and management
staff compliment is modest. In order to expand □ Develop capacity to monitor outcomes and use
our role in the community, we aim to strategically that information in all levels of the
build partnerships that support us to fulfill our management process.
mandate in the community.
Strategy 3: Foster Community Development
Action and Issue Advocacy
□ Build strategic partnerships with all levels of Once we have a clear sense of our community
government to address key community issues. assets, these assets become the fundamental
□ Form partnership with City of Vancouver to building block of the healthy community that we
support re-development. envision. Our work then becomes a process of
engaging these assets to build capacity at all
Strategy 2: Research, Monitoring and levels, individuals, families, organizations,
Evaluation businesses, and institutions for community
Our aim is to engage the assets of the Westside engagement. Recognizing the increased needs
community to support community members in throughout the Westside and the unique strengths
addressing social issues. To do so, we need to of KNH, we will play a leadership role in bringing
understand the assets and needs of our all parts of the community together to build a
community. These assets and needs guide the healthy and vibrant community.
development of appropriate programming to meet
agreed upon outcomes or social change. We will
then monitor our progress toward those

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 11

Actions Strategy 5: Build Organizational Capacity
□ Support the involvement of community For KNH to play a leadership role in healthy
members, artists and business owners in the communities, it must also be healthy as an
work of KNH and other community organization. This means that we must support
organizations. our staff to achieve their potential and foster a
□ Incorporate community development activities healthy work environment.
in all aspects of KNH.
□ Coordinate community tables that provide an Actions
opportunity for learning, networking and □ Develop and implement a staff training and
orientation manual.
□ Research social enterprise opportunities to
□ Develop and implement a human resource
address community needs. development strategy with individual
professional plans for each staff member.
Strategy 4: Expand Program Development □ Coordinate regular team building sessions.
KNH is expanding its role in the community with a □ Enhance organizational culture / environment
focus on healthy communities. This is a challenge by engaging in staff appreciation activities and
considering our large geographic area and limited whole staff learning opportunities.
physical space. We aim to expand our programs □ Facilitate individual staff/management
to other neighbourhoods through partnerships meetings to support individual goal setting and
and readiness for opportunities that emerge. achievement.

Activities Strategy 6: Communicate Our Work to the

□ Provide programs in other neighbourhoods in Community and Other Partners
the Westside. KNH is one of a handful of community resources
□ Develop partnerships to expand our in the Westside and yet few people know about it.
involvement in community programs. While it has provided community programs for
□ expand community programs to promote many years, it has focused internally on its
community participation. immediate neighbourhood. Develop a

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 12

communication and public relations strategy that Strategy 8: Strengthen Governance Capacity
brands KNH in accordance with its vision
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House seeks to maximize
the involvement of community members in the
house and in the community overall. The
□ Implement the communication and public Community Board provides a venue for
relations strategy. community members to have input into the
□ Communicate on a regular basis with all levels direction of the house and contribute their skills to
of government and other funding organizations the development of KNH capacity. Doing so
about the work of the House and changes requires purposeful learning and action.
□ Engage business in the communications Action
strategy. □ Identify specific skills needed to support re-
development and ongoing sustainability.
Strategy 7: Plan and Develop a Physical
□ Develop a board manual that clarifies the roles
Infrastructure to Meet Community Needs and responsibilities of members.
The fulfillment of our vision requires a greater □ Recruit and orient new community members to
physical presence, at a time when resources for the Board of Management.
capital expansion are limited. We plan to make □ Provide ongoing board development.
optimal use of our existing infrastructure and opportunities on key social justice issues
other community resources while consolidating □ Develop a board workplan.
investment in an expanded facility. □ Support ongoing board self monitoring and
□ Conduct facilities needs assessment based on Strategy 9: Develop Fundraising Capacity
our strategic plan. If KNH is to grow to meet the needs of the
□ Develop capital plan for facility expansion. Westside, additional resources are needed, and
□ Engage City of Vancouver and other agencies correspondingly, purposeful attention to
as partners in implementing the plan. fundraising. We aim to grow our resources

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 13

strategically, building on relationships with
community members.

□ Develop and implement a financial
sustainability plan that supports the
organization to diversify funding.
□ Develop and implement a building fundraising
□ Assess current rent charges to maximize
revenue generated from use of space.
□ Coordinate fundraising activities that engage
community members in the house activities
□ Secure business relationships that provide
direct contribution or contributions in kind.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 14

Strategy/Action Priority Level Resources Responsibility
Needed Area
Strategy 1: Build and Strengthen Partnerships
Build strategic partnerships with all levels of government to High Existing Resources BOM ED senior
address key community issues staff
Form partnership with City of Vancouver to support re- High Existing Resources ED

Strategy 2: Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

Coordinate an asset mapping and needs assessment process High Existing Resources ED Senior Staff
Develop capacity to undertake outcome-based planning and High Funding ED
management Staff training and
Partnership with
UW Cimm initiative
Develop capacity to monitor outcomes and use that High Funding ED
information in all levels of the management process. Staff training and

Strategy 3: Foster Community Development and Issue

Support the involvement of artists, business owners in the Medium Partnership BOM ED Senior
work of KNH and other community organizations Development Staff
Incorporate community development activities in all aspects High Existing Resources ED
of KNH
Coordinate community tables that provide an opportunity for High Existing Resources ED Senior Staff
learning, networking and coordination Partnership

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 15

Research social enterprise opportunities to address Low Existing Resources Ed
community needs.

Strategy 4: expand program development

Provide programs in other neighbourhoods in the Westside Medium Existing Resources ED Senior Staff
Develop partnerships to expand our involvement in High Existing Resources ED Senior Staff
community programs Funding
Expand community programs to promote community Medium Existing Resources ED Senior Staff
participation. Funding

Strategy 5: build organizational capacity

Develop and implementation of human resources High Existing Resources ED
development strategy with individual professional plans for Professional
each staff member Development
Coordinate regular team building sessions High Existing Resources ED
Enhance organizational culture / environment by engaging in High Existing Resources ED Senior Staff
staff appreciation activities and whole staff learning Professional Dev
opportunities. Peer Mentorship
Facilitate individual staff/management meetings to support High Existing Resources Ed
individual goal setting and achievement. Peer Mentoring
Prof Dev

Strategy 6: Communicate Our Work to the Community

and Other Partners
Implement the communication and public relations strategy High Existing Resources ED BOM
Communicate on a regular basis with all levels of High Existing Resources ED
government and other funding organizations about the work
of the House and changes achieved
Engage business in the communications strategy High Existing Resources ED BOM
Partnership Dev

Strategy 7: Plan and Develop a Physical Infrastructure

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 16

to Meet Community Needs
Conduct facilities needs assessment based on our strategic Medium Existing Resources ED
Develop capital plan for facility expansion High Existing Resources BOM ED ANH
Partnership Dev
Engage City of Vancouver and other agencies as partners in Medium Existing Resources ED
implementing the plan Partnership Dev

Strategy 8: strengthen governance capacity

Identify specific skills needed to support re-development and High Existing Resources BOM ED
ongoing sustainability
Develop a board manual that clarifies the roles and High Existing Resources BOM ED
responsibilities of members
Recruit and orient new community members to the Board of High Existing Resources BOM ED
Provide ongoing board development opportunities on key Medium Existing Resources BOM ED
social justice issues Board Dev
Develop a board workplan High Existing Resources BOM ED
Support ongoing board self monitoring and reflection

Strategy 9: develop fundraising capacity

Develop and implement a financial sustainability plan that High Existing Resources ED
supports organization to diversify funding
Develop and implement a building fundraising plan High Existing Resources BOM ED
Funding - staffing
Assess current rent charges to maximize revenue generated Medium Existing Resources ED
from use of space
Coordinate fundraising activities that engage community Medium Existing resources BOM ED
members in the house activities
Secure business relationships that provide direct contribution High Existing Resources BOM Ed
or contributions in kind.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 17


Strategy/action 2007 – 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010

Strategy 1: Build and Strengthen Partnerships
Build strategic partnerships with all levels of
government to address key community issues
Form partnerships with City of Vancouver to support

Strategy 2: Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

Coordinate an asset mapping and needs assessment
Develop capacity to undertake outcome-based planning
and management
Develop capacity to monitor outcomes and use that
information in all levels of the management process.

Strategy 3: Foster Community Development and

Issue Advocacy
Support the involvement of artists, business owners in
the work of KNH and other community organizations
Incorporate community development activities in all
aspects of KNH
Coordinate community tables that provide an
opportunity for learning, networking and coordination
Research social enterprise opportunities to address
community needs.

Strategy 4: expand program development

Provide programs in other neighbourhoods in the
Develop partnerships to expand our involvement in
community programs
Expand community programs to promote community

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 18


Strategy 5: build organizational capacity

Develop and implementation of human resources
development strategy with individual professional plans
for each staff member
Coordinate regular team building sessions
Enhance organizational culture / environment by
engaging in staff appreciation activities and whole staff
learning opportunities.
Facilitate individual staff/management meetings to
support individual goal setting and achievement.

Strategy 6: Communicate Our Work to the

Community and Other Partners
Implement the communication and public relations
Communicate on a regular basis with all levels of
government and other funding organizations about the
work of the House and changes achieved
Engage business in the communications strategy

Strategy 7: Plan and Develop a Physical

Infrastructure to Meet Community Needs
Conduct facilities needs assessment based on our
strategic plan
Develop capital plan for facility expansion
Engage City of Vancouver and other agencies as
partners in implementing the plan

Strategy 8: strengthen governance capacity

Identify specific skills needed to support re-
development and ongoing sustainability
Develop a board manual that clarifies the roles and
responsibilities of members
Recruit and orient new community members to the

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 19

Board of Management
Provide ongoing board development opportunities on
key social justice issues
Develop a board workplan
Support ongoing board self monitoring and reflection

Strategy 9: develop fundraising capacity

Develop and implement a financial sustainability plan
that supports organization to diversify funding
Develop and implement a building fundraising plan
Assess current rent charges to maximize revenue
generated from use of space
Coordinate fundraising activities that engage
community members in the house activities
Secure business relationships that provide direct
contribution or contributions in kind.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 20

Executive Outreach and Promotion Community members know
Director connect with a broad range of 15 promotional about KNH, its vision for the Westside residents
Office Manager community members to support activities community and ho they can are active and Vancouver’s
Volunteer their involvement in community Website get involved. connected through a Westside is a safe,
Coordinator activities 25 new connections broad range healthy and vibrant
Youth with community and community activities. community where
Coordinator groups everyone thrives
Family Partnership Building 30 meetings Community organizations Children, youth and
Coordinator Develop community 15 partnerships know about each other and families are
Office supplies partnerships to support begin to initiate collaborative integrated and
Communications integrated community services activities involved in all
equipment and resources aspects of community
Office equipment Families 250 participants Families know where to get life.
Recreation provide family programs that 10 different initiatives support and feel supported
supplies emphasis on early literacy, 200 sessions in parenting Residents act in
Workshop parent education, community leadership roles to
materials. referrals, family networking and foster inclusive
support communities.
Youth 50 participants Youth begin to develop
Provide youth leadership and 3 different initiatives confidence and positive Community
social support programs to 60 sessions social support networks. organizations work
enhance youth involvement in together to create an
KNH and the neighbourhood inclusive community.
Seniors 150 participants Seniors are involved in
Provide programs that foster 5 different initiatives healthy activities and
independent living with a focus 200 sessions experience less isolation.
on health and wellness, social
interaction and education.
Community development 4 support programs KNH staff understand
Coordinate and develop 75 participants community needs and are
community support programs 10 community creative in responding to
that address community needs development activities those needs.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 21

Board and staff development 4 training sessions Kitsilano House board and
Build capacity of board and 5 new board members staff have an understanding
staff to foster healthy and recruited of their direction and feel
vibrant communities supported in achieving it
Development Planning 1 strategic plan Kitsilano House has the
Plan and support the long-term completed every 3 direction and resources it
development of Kitsilano House years needs to sustain and
1 report/analysis of enhance its programs
strategic plan

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 22



Executive Board Composition 5 new board members Kitsilano Neighbourhood
Director Recruit and orient new board Skill matrix complete House has the structure and KNH has a stable
Office Manager members. 1 matrix of skills resources required to functioning board. KNH plays a
Volunteer required complete develop a Board of leadership role in
Coordinator Recruitment plan Management KNH has the creating a safe,
Youth 1 orientation plan resources it needs to healthy and vibrant
Coordinator 1 Succession plan provide a full range of community where
Family programs. everyone thrives
Coordinator Communications and Public 1 plan including KNH has the structure to
Office supplies Relations objectives, goals and support the implementation Businesses and
Communications strategies of a communications and organizations actively
equipment 3 members recruited PR plan. support KNH
Office equipment
Recreation Community/stakeholder 1 plan including KNH has the structure to
supplies engagement objectives, goals and support
Workshop strategies community/stakeholder
materials. 3 members recruited engagement at the BOM
Fundraising 1 plan including KNH has the structure to
Raise funds for specific objectives, goals and support diversification of
initiatives identified by the staff strategies funding that is sustainable.
and board. Meet with 3 members recruited
businesses and community
groups to educate about the
role of KNH and build alliances
Capital Campaign 1 plan including KNH has the structure and
Research and develop new objectives, goals and tools to support the
building plan in collaboration strategies implementation of a Capital
with staff 3 members recruited campaign
Committee Structure 5 committees KNH has an active
Identify and implement an committee structure
appropriate committee structure supporting house vision and
to meet KNH needs. direction.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 23



Executive Payroll and Bookkeeping Staff payroll Staff and KNH have the
Director Coordinate financial 100% of bills processed capacity to fiscally manage
Office Manager management in collaboration Software maintained the House and programs KNH is recognized as KNH is a leader
Volunteer with Central Services being fiscally with useful well
Coordinator Staff Hiring and Orientation 100% of forms received KNH and the new staff have responsible and managed
Youth \Work with staff to ensure hiring and monitored the information they need to accountable. resources to
Coordinator process follows ANH policies support new staff in their contribute to safe,
Family roles KNH is responsive to healthy and vibrant
Coordinator Building Maintenance 52 weekly inspections Staff are aware of building community needs for community where
Office supplies Conduct regular inspections 12 building reports issues and address them in meeting space. everyone thrives
Communications and facilitate maintenance a timely way
equipment activities KNH physical
Office equipment Vehicle Maintenance 52 weekly inspections KNH programs have a safe infrastructure is safe,
Recreation Conduct regular inspections 12 maintenance reports vehicle for program use. functioning, and
supplies and facilitate maintenance accessible as needed
Workshop activities for community
materials. Membership 100% of members in KNH has the information it programming.
Maintain membership database needs to communicate with
database. members
Volunteer 100% of members in KNH has the information it
Maintain volunteer database. database needs to communicate with
Space Rental 4 + rental agreement The community has the
Coordinate public use of KNH per month information it needs to
1 advertising plan access space for community

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 24


OSC Program Design & 12 monthly calendars Program staff have direction, Children have School-aged
coordinator Implementation Worked on with staff and ownership and feel supported tolerance, children are safe,
Program Develop & implement quality licensing feedback including to do the work, children have understand social healthy and
Staff program that meets licensing all holidays and professional fun and feel welcomed, and roles, age- thriving in the
Executive requirements and school days. parents feel confident in the appropriate skills. community.
Director needs. 52 weekly snack list program approach.
Volunteer 8 staff meetings Families feel
Coordinator 2 staff evaluations per year confident in
Office Space Outreach & Promotion 3 meeting each year with Parents and community groups child’s wellbeing
Program Promote program through school principals/vice / services are aware of the and appreciate
Space schools, connect with service principals program, its benefits, and how the role of after-
Supplies hubs and health 2 meeting with service groups to get involved. school care in
organizations. per year child’s
Program Quality 2 program audits each year Kits House management and development.
Assurance to ensure all aspects of licensing authorities are
Conduct program audit to program are up to specs. confident program meets Parents have a
review ratios, space, staff standards. voice.
qualifications to maintain
quality programs. The community
Parent Input 8 to 10 parents meeting 4 Parents see themselves as has the capacity
Facilitate parent involvement times a year. having a voice in the program. to meet needs of
in program and/or special families
Registration & Referral Keeping track of referral Staff understand the needs of
Coordinate registrations and requests from parents each registered children and parents
referrals that support month, with follow up. have information to support
participant needs. children to access community
resources as needed.
Program Integration 1 cross programming activity Children have an appreciation
Work with colleagues to a month(10 yearly) of other age groups, cultural
connect after school program 1 guest speaker/instructor groups
with other NH activities. per month(12 months)

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 25


• Seniors Needs Assessment 30 surveys Kits House understand the Seniors feel a sense
Coordinator Survey seniors to identify needs of seniors and use of connectedness and The Westside is an
• Seniors their needs and interests that information to develop belonging; inclusive,
Activity programs supportive and
Leader Health and Wellness Weekly lunch/bingo/ Seniors feel supported to Seniors use the skills welcoming
• Volunteers Programs speakers/entertainment/ participate regularly in and knowledge in community for
• Office Provide programs that foster discussions community programs and their daily lives, seniors;
equipment & independent living with a Monthly out-trips have the information making informed and
supplies focus on health and wellness, Weekly knitting group available to make lifestyle healthy lifestyle
• Program social interaction and 4 Osteofit Classes/wk changes. decisions;
equipment & education. 5 workshops on health
supplies issues Seniors and
• Vancouver 75 participants community have a
Coastal Community Development Bi-monthly information table Seniors have the information voice and feel
Health and Outreach 25 new participants they need to access empowered to work
• Quest – out- Provide information about community services and together to have their
trips opportunities for seniors to resources; needs met
engage in community and Seniors know how to get
knowledge of community involved in the program; Community
resources. organizations work
Volunteer Recruitment and 30 new volunteers Volunteers understand their together to create an
Training 300 volunteer hours role and feel connected with inclusive community;
Recruit, orient, and 2 orientation/training the neighbourhood house
coordinate volunteers to sessions
support House activities Job descriptions
Partnership Development 15 agencies Community organizations
Maintain and further develop 2 Monthly meetings understand the needs of
community partnerships with 2 Advocacy meeting seniors and begin working
local community members, together to address them.
organizations and private
businesses to advocate on
behalf of seniors and develop
appropriate services;

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 26

Executive Mama and Papa Goose • 12 parents and 12 infants Participants understood infant
Director Coordinate and develop plans participate parenting roles and start to Families provide Vancouver’s
Family and to address isolation of new • 3 sets of 10 parent develop parenting support healthy, safe Westside is a
Youth parents connect them with education sessions systems environments for safe, healthy
Coordinator other parents living on the • 3 sets of 10 one hour children to grow. and vibrant
Program staff Westside drop in sessions community
Volunteer Coordinate Parent and tot • Kits program 35 families Community members begin to Community members where
Coordinator drop in 2 hours sessions once feel less isolated, access support each other everyone
Space for Connect new parents to per week community resources and and are connected thrives
programs community resources and • UBC program 56 families mutual support through a broad
Office space provide opportunities for 1.5 hrs 3X week range of community
Office supplies parents to provide peer • 12 child development events
support and volunteer in the workshops
Youth are valued as
program • 10 parents as volunteers
leaders in the
Licensing Childminding • 8 – 24 families Families will know where to get
Provide parent respite, parent support and feel supported in
education and to parenting
opportunities for low cost
organizations are
quality care
collaborative in
Information and Resource • 30 referrals by type Families know about resources
maximizing resources
Provide families with • 30 resources available and begin using them
for the community.
community referrals, family • 30 parents
networking and support
Outdoor recreation • 13 teens, 10 week Youth and families have fun
Coordinate youth leadership session 3X per year together in an outdoor
and family camps • 25 families environment and begin
• 2.5 day weekend learning new skills
• 15 different activities
Partnership Development • 2-3 partnerships Community groups work
Develop community • Meet 1x a month together to meet community
partnerships to support • Meet with 15 community needs.
integrated community partners
services and resources

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 27

Community Events • 2 major events: family Community members feel
Coordinate volunteers to garage sale and autumn involved and begin to develop
organize community fair a sense of community
celebrations and events • 2 committees
Youth Leadership • 13 participants Youth begin to develop
Provide youth leadership and • 10 week session confidence and positive social
social support programs to • Runs on Tuesdays from support networks
enhance youth involvement in 6-8pm and 4 weekend
Kits House and the trips
neighbourhood. • 1x a year

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 28

Staff and KNH have the capacity Extent to which KH fulfills ANH Office manager Cover audit Danielle and Once a year
to fiscally manage the House finance policies January each year Catherine
and programs

KNH and the new staff have the % of staff for whom KNH has full Staff Staff feedback form Danielle Once a year
information they need to support paperwork
new staff in their roles % of new staff who feel that their
hiring process was clear and their
questions were answered.
Staff are aware of building % of staff who express confidence Staff Staff feedback form Danielle Once a year
issues and address them in a that building issues are dealt with
timely way appropriately
Examples of changes in the way Staff feedback form
building issues are addressed
KNH programs have a safe Average time between report of Staff Staff feedback form Danielle or Monthly?
vehicle for program use. issue and resolution of issue Van
Examples of issues resolved Committee?
KNH has the information it needs % of staff who express confidence Staff Staff feedback form EMily Once a year
to communicate with members that they can easily access
membership lists as required
KNH has the information it needs % of staff who express confidence Staff Staff feedback form Emily Once a year
to communicate with volunteers that they can easily access
volunteer lists as required
The community has the % of survey respondents who Residents House survey Catherine Annually
information it needs to access indicate that they can access
space for community activities space
% of phone calls inquiries where People who Phone log Danielle Monthly
people access space inquire
Examples of space use
KNH is recognized as being Extent to which ANH and funders Central staff Survey Catherine
fiscally responsible and acknowledge fiscal management

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 29

KNH is responsive to community % of survey respondents who renters Survey Catherine
needs for meeting space. indicate that they can access
KNH physical infrastructure is Extent to which community board Board Focus group Catherine
safe, functioning, and accessible perceives the space to be meeting members
as needed for community community needs

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 30

I am going to act and

believe that if we all work together and do our best,

that something can happen.

Not because I see it happening, except in small ways,

but because I know it can.

Patch Adams

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan 1/24/2008 Page 31

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