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The Crusades Chart- To reconquer the holy land from the Moslems

First Crusade

Second Crusade

Third Crusade

Fourth Crusade


1096 1099 AD


1189- 1192


(name and

Alexius Comnenus Byzantine Emperor

Pope Urban II started the first Crusade
Peter the Hermit a monk from Amiens in
France who recruited peasants as Crusaders
Godfrey of Bouillon leader of Crusaders;
king of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
Baldwin leader of Crusaders; ruler of the
County of Edessa
Raymond of Toulouse leader of
Crusaders; ruler of the County of Tripoli
Bohemond of Italy ruler of the
Principality of Antioch
Christian Crusaders

Pope Eugenius III

Bernard of Clairvaux
King Louis VII (France)
Roman Emperor Conrad

Frederick Barbarossa of the

Holy Roman Empire
Philip Augustus of France
Richard the Lion-Hearted of
England Pope
Innocent the third

Pope Innocent III-called for

a new crusade to regain the
Holy Land
The Doge-venetian duke; told
the Crusaders to attack Zara
(Christian city), a Venetian
Greek Church
Latin Church

(include an

1. From Clermont, the call for a crusade

spread throughout Europe
2. Peter the Hermit lead his peasant
Crusaders through the Rhineland, stopping
in present-day Bulgaria
3. Remaining peasant Crusaders traveled to
Constantinople, across the Bosporus, and
landed in Asia Minor
4. First city the Crusaders reached was
5. After marching through Asia Minor, the
Crusaders laid siege to Antioch, in northern
6. From Syria, they moved south and
attacked Jerusalem, gaining the Holy Land.

In 1144, the Muslims

recaptured Edessa from the
King Louis VII and
Emperor Conrad III
attacked Damascus, but the
siege failed.
Louis and Conrad returned
to Europe.

FREDERICK BarbarossaThrough Zara to

Marched Through Hungary and
the Byzantine Empire, but his
expedition failed when he
drowned in an Asia Minor River
Philip- Went from France to
Sicily to Palestine then retreat
back to France
Richard-Went from England to
Sicily to Palestine to fight


Urban II wanted to reunite the Eastern

Orthodox Church with the Roman Catholic
Church. The purpose of the crusade was to
aid the Christians of the East and to liberate
the Holy Land from the Moslem infidels.
After the First Crusade, the Crusaders now
had 500 miles of land along the eastern
Mediterranean coast, which was split up
into four empires.

Reconquest of Edessa

Recapture Jerusalem
Philip got tired, so he went

Regaining the Holy Land


Richard gained control of Acre,

but could not recapture
Richard was sick, so he and
Saladin agreed to a treaty that
allowed Christians into


Peter the Hermit recruited poor peasants

as Crusaders. After assembling over 30,000
townspeople, Peter led his group to the
Holy Land, massacring the Jews whom they
encountered. The peasant Crusaders were
attacked by the Bulgars; the remnants of the
army reached Constantinople and
transported across the Bosporus. After

In 1146, Bernard of
Clairvaux offered a large
group of knights protection
under the Church, freedom
from debt, and forgiveness
of sins and absolution in
exchange for volunteering.

Saladin tithe- taxes Philip and

Richard put on there people in
order to raise money for the
Richard sieged Acre, but could
not recapture Jerusalem. In 1192
Richard and Saladin agreed to a

The Venetian doge bargained

with the Crusaders by
allowing them passage if they,
in return would capture the
Venetian enemy city of Zara.
This attack complicated things
because it was a Christian city

landing in Asia Minor, the Turks who

attacked them sold the Crusaders into
slavery and massacred them.

treaty allowing Christians

pilgrims access to Jerusalem.
Fracture between England and
France that started here is what
caused an almost 100 year war

and the confusion led to an

attack on Constantinople.
Constantinople fell for the first
time in history and the
Crusaders gained tons of
wealth. Even after the
Byzantines reclaimed
Constantinople they could not
uphold the huge city and in
1453 the Ottoman Turks took
over the city. Lastly, the effects
of the fourth crusade were
more issues between the Greek
and Latin churches.
Changes from the idea to
regain the holy land to reunite
both churches-instead they just
overpower and weaken each
other n
Sets eventual fall of
Constantinople in motion

Throughout the four crusades there were positive outcomes in the first, third, and fourth. After the first crusade they developed better relations
with the Moslems and regained the Holy land.There was no positive outcome from the second crusade. The result of the third crusade was
Christian pilgrims were granted access to the city of Jerusalem, and the port of Acre was under Christian control. Lastly, after the fourth crusade,
the crusaders gained Constantinople and wealth.

NegativeThere were many negative outcomes in every crusade except for the first crusade. At the end of the Second Crusade the crusaders failed to
reconquer Edessa from the Moslems. The third Accomplished little (no Jerusalem) and continued the divide between the strongest Christian
Rulers ( they didn't stick together). There were three major negative outcomes after the Fourth Crusade. First, the Pope was angered when the

Crusaders captured Zara because it was a Catholic city. Secondly, after the Byzantines regained Constantinople they could not uphold the city
because of the Crusades. Thirdly, the relationship between the Greek and Latin Churches deteriorated.

Argument: Crusaders were motivated by the emergence of national pride.

Most of the Crusaders were from England and France, and were motivated by national pride. They felt that the Muslims had taken what belonged
to them - the Holy Land and the lands surrounding it. They thought that they should control what rightfully belonged to them, and each country
wanted to be the one to take back the territory - which would be a triumph for the nation. The land was taken by the Muslims, and the countries
that supported the Crusader cause sought international acclaim for their victory.

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