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The Annual Journal of
Peace, Tolerance, Truth. Salutation on all points of the Triangle. Respect to the Order.
To all whom it may concern: Greeting and Health.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars (O.T.O.) is a serious Order, dedicated to
the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in
Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power. This is accomplished through Beauty,
Courage, and Wit on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.

In its current form, the O.T.O. has existed for more than a century. Its philosophy encompasses
all branches of the Secret Wisdom of the Old Aeon as well as being the first Old Aeon Order to
accept The Book of the Law (received by E.A. Crowley in 1904ev) and reorganise in accordance
with the needs of Modern Humanity. This Document contains a message of a revolution in
thought, culture, and religion, based upon its supreme injunction, The Law of Thelema (DO
WHAT THOU WILT). This is no license for indulgence, but a command to discover one's own
unique True Will and accomplish it, leaving others to do the same.

The Order's structure is Masonic in nature, structured through ten degrees. In them, the Order
attempts to instruct the Individual, by allegory and symbol, into the Mystery, thereby assisting
each to discover their own True Will. Every Man and Woman, free, of full age, and of good
report has an indefeasible right to the first three degrees.

In Kansas City, the Order is represented by Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp, a duly chartered body of
the O.T.O. and is accepting correspondences from potential candidates for Initiation into our
growing membership, or other interested parties. Those desiring additional information may
contact the address below.

Love is the law, love under will.

Ra Heru Behutet Camp is the first and only official body of the O.T.O.
in the Greater Kansas City Area.


TRIUMPH OVER ALL HIS ENEMIES..." -The Gods of the Egyptians
"With my claws I tear out the flesh…” --AL 53
All material Copyright © 1994 e.v. Ordo Templi Orientis and the original authors.
Opening title sequence by Fr. MSNV. Music: Sands of Edfu (excerpt), the official theme music of Ra-
Heru-Behutet Camp. All illustrations by Fra. Nihil Est Omnia created from MacDrawII front cover
illustration, “The Talons of Ra-Heru-Behutet." The quotations in part III of "The Ordeal" were originally
from a poem by John Whiteside Parsons.

Volume One, Number One — Summer Solstice Anno IVii e.n.

Published Annually by Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp, O.T.O.
Editor, Fra. Nihil Est Omnia


JAF Box 7666
New York, New York

P.O. Box 32031
Kansas City, Missouri

Hellos to all of you. Welcome to Talons, the annual journal of

Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp, Ordo Templi Orientis.
We would like to show you what Thelema Means in Kansas City.
Your questions and comments are always welcome.
So pull up a chair and Do what thou wilt.
With a dose of Bahlasti and Ompehda to boot.
Within these pages are the finest poetry and prose we could dig
up in the last year, and we hope you enjoy it.
We would also like to extend a big fat 666 thank yous
to the following:
Fra. Baphomet XI°, Fra. Hymanaeus Beta X°, Bro. B.H., Bro. L.D.
Fra. Rhemis, Sor. Samantha, Sephora Sidney-Smith,
Fra. K (still at large), Fra. Anubis, Fra. Ra-Hoor-Hu-Ha,
Fra. ΑΓΑΠΕ ΠΑΝ, Bro. J.G. of C.W.H. Camp (I found my Disk,
by the way), Fra. Dragon, Sor. Valeria, Fra. O.G.K.,
Fra. Prometheus, and last but most certainly not least,
Sor. Angel
(...or, "Stuff From My Head")

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Recently, I had the pleasure of witnessing 1° Initiations when things didn't go quite as well as they
should have. One of the candidates took it upon himself to get as drunk as possible while the temple was
being set up. It came very close to being every initiator's worst nightmare, and the candidate was
forcibly removed from the site before his ceremony was fully underway. The remainder of the evenings
events were postponed until he was safely away. I must commend the security staff for working silently
and efficiently to ensure the safety of the brethren, and for ending the matter without outside
intervention (i.e. the police). This definitely supports the case for demanding sobriety from the
candidates prior to initiation. Another factor to consider is that OTO Initiations are fully packed with a
truly immense amount of information and symbolism in a relatively short amount of time. This was very
obvious to me after taking II°, and will probably be more so after taking III°. One should be clearheaded
going into any ordeal.
Which brings me to the topic of the ordeal of initiation. I have known several people who were
interested in the Order, but were afraid of the horrors (omigosh!!) they would have to endure. In the
experiences I've had through my own initiations (both in the Order and in Life), I've come to one
conclusion, and that is to fear nothing, and question everything. I realise that it's difficult to do the
former, as my personal ordeals dictate, but attempting to do so is a definite character builder, at any rate.
For those of you who do have fears regarding initiation. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magick,
by Israel Regardie offer excellent examples of similar initiation rituals that have nothing to do with the

Love is the law, love under will.

-Fra. Nihil Est Omnia, Campmaster

The sky shred itself in twain
And I saw a figure plummet in flame
And as the piercing wail did wane
I knew I'd never be the same

Given for once the chance and power

To say all I needed to say
Talking to each other for hours
I begged the Angel to carry me away

I answer the call- flowing feathers

Which coax my desire to take flight
For the great wings - around me - tether
Dark eyes burning bright
And then we would fly together
forever through the night...

Now I know that one can never

Lurk always in blindness of night
With the fact that one cannot sever
A love fueled by power and might
And then we would fly forever
For eternity into the Light...

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

The first year of Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp OTO has been interesting to say the least. We officially opened
on the Feast of the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law, Anno IVi e.n. Guests from
Khensu-Ra Oasis included Frater Rhemis (Oasismaster), Soror Samantha (his second in command),
Frater K, Soror A.E.N.A., and Frater Silenus from central Kansas.
Nuit's night consisted of preparing and dedicating the temple. Hadit's night was dedicated to EGC/OTO
events, primarily the Mass. Before the Mass began, Frater K requested (and was granted by Frater
Rhemis) EGC Baptism. During the ceremony, due to poor candle placement (and poor choice of
building materials), the high altar burst into flames. One obscene exclamation and a few blasts from a
well-placed fire extinguisher later, the
ceremony resumed and went off without a hitch (NOTE: Candles covered with dry-powder chemical are
nearly impossible to relight). This was followed by the confirmation and Deaconate Ordination of our
Campmaster (thanks again, Rhemis). The Mass which followed was a learning experience for all
The night of Ra-Hoor-Khuit featured the Minerval Initiations of Frater K, Brother I.P., and Sister E.S.
The following day, Frater Rhemis explained the principles of a few rituals before departing for his

Plans were made for monthly meetings, and more work was put into our temple. Then the first of many
tragedies struck. During the flooding that devastated the midwest last summer, our temple (the basement
of a Kansas City West Bottoms warehouse) was annihilated by a backed up sewerpipe, destroying all the
furnishings. This put a damper on any real local activities for several months. The fact that our Camp
members were living in other cities didn't help, either.
In the Fall, we were contacted by Frater Prometheus, a relocated Minerval from the Pacific Northwest
seeking First Degree. He'd been out of touch with the Order for a few years, so we gladly re-oriented
him with the OTO. In January, we made an initiatory trip to Khensu-Ra Oasis where he took First
Our Campmaster was not without his strife as well, having his personal life completely torn apart and
slowly pieced back together. With the arrival of Soror A, things began to turn around. Thanks to her, we
now have a workable temple, a priestess, and a resident herbalist to boot. This Spring, our Campmaster
was afforded the opportunity to travel to Arizona and take part in First Degree Initiations at MAAT
Camp in Phoenix. It was a wonderful Night, outside in the wee hours of the morning under a full moon
in the embrace of Our Lady Nuit. It was a definite learning experience for all present (if you were there,
you KNOW why).
Plans for the future include hosting initiations, the production of the Mass, the continued publication of
Talons, continued interbody activity (as travel allows), and a potential "Gathering of the Tribes", gods,
goddesses, and ourselves willing. We'll see what happens.

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Full Blown terror score
Orchastral internal war
Projected onto the film of man
Spreading, conquering the wasted land.
Full grown deathlight swelling,
Mind scorching spiritual shelling
Weaving on earth the serpent's way
Patchwork forests of Goddess's play.
Beer cans, bottles, garbage, and glass
Gardens of torn flowers in mass
Zomboid slaves in dead-eyed bliss
The Light that blinds with its fiery kiss.
Blood of soul-light cascading hot fission
Dances of the deathsickle's holy mission
Plasmoid star-nova of society's throng
Ecstatic destruction of life short and long.
Allcon stripshow bright break through
Morning-color incandescence under night-time's blue
Shining star-rays penetrating terran shells
Critical Mass soul-implosion unifying Heavens and Hells.
In wonder, in confusion, in awe
Dumbfounded under natural law
All at once, one point, global relation
Caught up in catastrophic illumination.
Brilliant in the forest of eternity
Space-faring conciousness writhing to be
At home, on the surface, in the techno-eden toy
Allsex congruety in fusion living for joy.
-Yea, living for joy!
--Fra. O.G.K
The moon is on the wane - mechanical refined in failing
Centurion has lost control - seductive siren stripped and wailing
No balance or stability - Beginning to desire this
When Life's a search for ecstacy and home is where the fire is

Silence cascades through my head and restless nights instill the meaning
Of a voice enticing discontent - the passages of lust deceiving
Corroding rationality - Maleficient sanctimony
Bound and gagged for sacrifice in frantic heathen ceremony
(and I don't know if I can take anymore...)

Visions drowning in the river

Acquisition imminent
Body kneeling at the altar
Spirit bleeding in dissent
Three hundred thirty hours go by - no one left alive to trust
Living all my fantasies and trying to abandon lust
When life's a search for ecstasy and home is where the fire is
My days are spent in agony - my night's are spent in painful bliss
(and I don't know where I'm going-
all I know is that I've been here before
and if I'd known when I came back this time
I'd wish I'd never opened up that door.)

My mind - eternal Alpha Wave

Acquisition imminent
Body kneeling at the altar
Spirit bleeding in dissent

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Viaduct playpen - three in the morning
Stiletto FLASH-FLASH at Bad (Coroner) Corner
Deadboy, Deadgirl, Deadbeat scream
Lean + Clean = Efficient Machine
I can see it all today
Down where the Shadows play
I wish I could turn away
I wish I could walk away
Streetlight acrobatix under code-blue stars
On roads decayed as gangrenous scars
Canine crimson roadside splatter
Urbanic disease of no real matter
And I can see it all today
Down where the Shadows play
I wish I could turn away
I wish I could walk away
We are the ones they begat here - we are the spawn of the dead
Bum up the city we live in - dead cities need no regrets
We are the ones who'll die here - the Shadows who never forget
The secrets are hidden in cracks on the walls - dead cities need no regrets
Bleak sunrise over riverside
Floods the shelter where we hide
Golden Dawn makes Shadows fade
Reviving darkness do we await

And I can see it all today

Down where the Shadows play
I wish I could turn away
I wish I could walk away

—Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

An auburn crystalline haze enshrouds the skyline
The decay of yet another day setting in
The shadow gautniet sits - surrounds for all time
Crimson sunset twisting the blade again
Through my hazed indoctrination
Baptised through fire
I know that though I'll burn out—
I'll burn out with style

To travel in the place of dead roads in the city of red night

I roam the levee - see and feel the lifebloods flow
And I won't extract the venom, but I know I'll be alright
If I can kill the lies that keep clawing at my soul
Through my hazed interpretations
Emotions put on trial—
I know that though I'll burn out—
I'll burn out with style
But my enemy — I know you too well
I'll see you freeze in the burning white hail
However much you twist - whatever lies you tell
I am the Derelict -1 will prevail
I am open to the best and closed to the undesirable
The Night's novatic white supplies the heat
And Nirvana is neither needed nor attainable
As the unleashed wolves lie sleeping at my feet
Through your hazed disconsolation
Face down on the tile
I know now that you've burned out
But you've burned out with style

—Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Like a jewel with fine cut line
Sparkling beauty and splendid light
Twas a quaint old castle to behold
In a dream on a dismal night

Across a vast field far away

Beyond reach - yet within sight
To admire with rapturous gaze
Across the fog of a dismal night

Nor could its royal realm be reached

Even by taking flight
Yet alluring it stood
Far away in a dismal night

Awakening with a start

With the Sun's rays everywhere in sight
Like a ruby its splendor reached through
Dispelling the darkness of a dismal night

.—Fra. Prometheus
Kicked me out onto the streets
Extrapolation or arrest
Told me that I
Had to hide
Everyone knows the
Choices still await their making
Heads are clutching
Old Mysteries
Knowing nothing
Makes it faking
And you get there in time to see the
Hysteria unleashed
Beating down the concealed lies
In your quest for truth
No one sees the simple solution
All you need to do is
Hear my voice
Chances still await their taking
Hearts are pounding
Ever still
Streetwise sorrow - indiscreet
Empathised your
Deserted Will
Gearing up for the last streetfight
Everybody says the
Beast has won
Ultimate victory is all
And you've got to
Hit it head on

To my Sister Minuet
I worship your countenance
Persephone couldn't even try to
Hold a candle to your glance
Every game is such a drag
Rhythm always fighting rhyme
Even then I'd
Try to send a kiss - if I -
Had the time

No need for you to

Even try
To cheat me with your scam
Zero is the Hidden One—
And I know who I am
'Cause I hit it
Head on

Held with splendour in the night

Over the river - burning bright - I
Damn the tormentors

Yeah - the steel has been implanted

Everything starts with the
Switches all electrified
Only please don't let me
Damn the tormented

Made it through the final race

All the stories told
Living in a city of blood and
Kneeling's getting old
Undermine the misdirected
Till I can find the time to
Heal my wounds

—Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Matters into your own hands
Like throwing poorly aimed
Kisses to the skies
Underneath her veil of blue lies
The lone pair of set eyes

Interrupting the heralds of

Sleep— Standing Erect
When the Lights first come on
Down to the last defect

Horus holding his head high

Vast expance of blue and gold
Do I dare behold?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained while the

Tsar topples them all
Chosen for the fall
The sun fills my soul as the
Phoenix flame consumes me
As the face of Our Lady
Radiates through the fire- taste the
Thirst of desire

Generating Light Of Within- let us

With Force and Fire- ABRAHADABRA!
Reward of Ra-Hoor-Khuit whilst
Had is enshrouded by Nuit

Charity giving of herself

Satiating afflicted cries
Desire of desire of desire dies

Blessed bliss of being and

Introverted peace of mind
Now is the time for the
Holy and divine

Choosing the light fantastic

Kindred thoughts enlisting
Myriad images Hood the brain
Hiding the reasons for existing
Kissed by the Gods
Through fire and air
Royal blessing and no despair

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

It starts with a pleasure beyond any measure
And ends with a pain - you lose your soul and your name
You pay the price for your paradise
I scream the creed - To kneel is to bleed
No more hired assassins
No more teenboy lustgames
No more Jack the Ripper warfare
...and I just want to fucking die...
Screaming through the glass at shattered visions
Grey night calling down from the air
Slanted platform cleanses and purifies
At the cold. Vein-cracked grey walls I stand and stare
This is my Kingdom - my Elysium
And this is where the Triad will remain
I hide down in the Shadows - Playing out the game
The center of the web - My Domain
So how does it feel when you're out of time
Because you bleed when you kneel - and the paper's signed
And you smash the wall praying for release
'Cause you can do nothing at all to feel the real disease
Cold silence awaits at every turn
The fire is out but the soul still bums
Chemical life - death down under
Natural death - life like thunder
But I will find myself tomorrow...
...if tomorrow ever comes
Smash my fists against the cold, vein-cracked grey walls
I'm screaming, sister, can you hear me call
Screaming through the glass at shades of grey in the blue room
I await your reply - can you hear me at all
Yesterday is dead and gone -- tomorrow comes again
On your mind the situation twists in
Unrelenting strain

All the youth disquiet -- too painful to ignore .

Regardless of the timing.
Everyman knows the score

The punishment for desire

And the penalty for the need
Indiscretion for the
New-found wisdom
To kneel is to bleed
Everyman would never dare
Defy the Derelict creed
So how does it feel when you're out of time
Because you bleed when you kneel and the paper's signed
And you smash the walls praying for release
'Cause you can do nothing at all to feel the real disease

No more hired assassins'

No more teenboy lustgames
No more Jack the Ripper warfare
...and I just want to fucking die...
--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia
(or, "How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Cross")

One thing about being an O.T.O. body is you have a tendency to get some strange mail.
Recently, we at R.H.B. received a flyer from a Satanic organisation on the East Coast
dedicated to eradicating Christianity. This got me thinking about the whole "Galilean
Equation". Let me start by saying that I was raised to be a good Catholic, taking their
sacraments through Confirmation, bible classes, and even serving as an altar boy on a few
occasions. I abandoned the Osirian demiurge when I discovered the totality of the
enslavement commanded by its dogmas and moralities. But this is neither here nor there-
just providing the reader with my origins regarding the subject matter.

I suppose the question should be "what is a satanist?" A literal definition would indicate
it as one who exalts Satan over Christ and the Jehovah-god of the Osirian Aeon. I realise
this is a generalised statement. But it is the same response (albeit worded differently) you
would receive from a "religious authority" of the Galilean persuasion.

It is at this point, the point of definitions (comparitively in historic and modem contexts),
that things begin to break down. For example, in the modem Galilean system, in most
instances "fallen angels" such as Lucifer, Beelzebub, and the like, are all heaped together
under the umbrella name of "Satan". Satan is a conglomeration of any number of Greek,
Roman, Egyptian, Babylonian, et cetera dieties which were not necessarily evil, but were
perceived as such by the newly formed Xtian cults of the early vulgar centuries. The
name itself can be traced through Set and Saturn, amongst others. Satan's visage and form
are that of a horribly tortured and badly burned image of the Greek God PAN. Even Hell,
Gehenna, takes its name from the middle-eastern valley Gi-Hinnom, a desert waste
region. When they told someone to go to Hell, they had a definite place in mind. The
Galilean perception of the Christ figure as the "Son of God" crucified and resurrected is
nothing new. The legend of Osiris holds similar elements. The relationship of Madonna
to Christchild is almost directly lifted from similar tales of Isis and Horus. There are
researchers who claim that the Christ worshipped by millions today is a fabrication by the
Council of Nice, supporting the notion that leheshuah is nothing more than a shin to the
crotch of Tetragrammaton. Others, like Gerald Massey, posit that the physical "Christ"
was borrowed from the legend of another man and altered to suit the needs of the Nicene
Council. Many also worship the Christ figure over the Jehovah figure, while deeming the
Holy Spirit more of a mysterious entity than anything else.While this is commonplace, it
approaches another point. Anglo-Xtianity portrays Christ as white with blond hair and
blue eyes. Not bad for a man of Middle-Eastern descent. They are also appalled to find
other cultures depicting him as another color. This paints Xtianity with racist overtones.
Not only this, but Galileans have more physical representations of their diety than any
other "religion" of today. In ancient times, these would have been direct violations of
their own first commandment, punishable by death.

This essay could go on for many more pages, but it would begin to degenerate into slams
on subjects rendered invalid by the inauguration of the Aeon of Horus. To conclude. In
this day and age, being a satanist is like supporting Trotsky in the next Russian Election.
It is following a defeated rebel leader in a system that has crashed. To worship Satan is
ineffectual in the New Aeon. It means accepting the Galilean Trinity as the ultimate,
good, then being evil for evil's sake. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, but
get a clue. There is much greater evil to be found than the proverbial Satan, and many
easier ways to go about it. But as it is written in the book of the Balance, "... blaspheme
not the name by which another knoweth his god; for if thou do this thing in Jupiter thou
wilt blaspheme IHVH and in Osiris IHShH."

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia


Give me the time and I'll say it all

But the words would not suffice
For the splendour unseen to fully unfold
You'd have to look more than once or twice

I know a great number of stories

And none of them have an end
The infinite characters amount to nothing
Like these notes cast into the wind

And if the mind should slow enough

To recognise the will
The love for all being absolute—
Not some romantic chill

The Night - she calls my name once more -

I cry Her's to the air
And the Serpent Flame - it fills my heart
As I accept the dare

So give me the time and I'll say it all

But now is not the time
So my silence stands alone to reveal
The MYSTERIES twisted into rhyme

And if the words come on too strong -

You know you've been hiding out too long -
Now "love's" definition seems so strange - -
And when the dreams are broken -
And all the words are spoken -
A shell of dignity is all that remains...

So late in the desert I will build my fire

And I'll fan the flames - burning to inspire
The passion in my soul and I'll be ready to give
Everything - including my desire to live
Just for the chance to behold her face
And feel the glory of her embrace
For her Kiss of flame that fills my heart
Yet also shreds my soul apart
And the only question that remains
Is the test of one who would be ordained - -
Would the Damson Crown assume her throne -
Or would the Hireophant prpetually be alone?
The Mystery of Time is only halfway solved
But that kind of information gets too involved
So the only words that inspire me still
Are, "Love is the law, love under will."

For unless the words have meaning

There is no point in dreaming
It wouldn't make a difference, anyway
And to you, my reality
Would appear deluded fantasy
And the irrelevance of the time would rend the day.

So give me the time and I'll say it all

But the words would not suffice
For the splendour unseen to fully unfold
You'd have to look more than once or twice


"Flame is Our Lady -

Flame is Her hair -
I am flame" and passion is my weapon
And I'll take on any dare

A glow of rose radiates the heat

From the twin volcanic peaks under moonlight
Blinded by its reflection in the snow
Slowly summoned East by the distant firelight -

I long to die for an hour in your arms

To lie shredded beneath the violet veil
At peace in the flaming garden
Captivated by the Siren's wail

Led by the fire and bled by desire

Pulled into the forest - the inferno rages
All about me - asking "Do I Dissolve?'
The ecstasy apparent on our faces

I slipped into the musky cave

And watched the lights grow dim
As the walls sang their charms unto me
My soul became a part of their hymn

I awoke in a pool of black sweat

And screamed into solitude's eyes
Consumed by the flames of the scorpion's sting-song
The brother of Love's disguise


So there they were

sitting ‘round the table
Discussing things both sacred and profane
Chasing 'round the circle
The words - frenzied - frought with tension and pain
The hours drag by slowly
Until A2=B2 but C2 drifted off to sleep
Leaving two to talk
Chance of misinterpretation tries to keep
Me from saying everything that needs to be said
So I hint around about the idea instead
Just trying to contain my head
So tired of seeing Red - that's what I said...

"I hight Don Quixote -1 live on Peyote,

Marijuana, Morphine, Cocaine -
I never know sadness, but only a madness
that burns at the heart and the brain"
Time to start playing by my own rules
Because I know there's nothing left to lose

No excuses necessary to give to anyone

But when my eyes roll back -
And the Serpent strikes -
I know what must be done

Let's celebrate this communion of consummation

For this time of truth and exploration
Methodic scientific experimentation
The taste of fear lost in implementation
All the pain, the rage, the anger -
Focused, contained and controlled
In a fierce act of passion (as is my fashion)
Intense (or so I'm told)

For her gaze would pierce the core of my soul

When she perfectly played the role
And I can't remember the rest of the dream
But if I could, I'd love to make her scream

And for the first time - I understood

But I don't know if that does any good
Because there's still some psychosis cruisin' the hood

No matter what I do - No matter what I say -

But that's okay
I'd still be out cruising anyway.

And I'll bum through the haze

In a brilliant blaze
Till the end of days

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia



The Magick Of Thelema. by Lon Milo Duquette. Published by Weiser.

Many of you may have already read this book. Many of you upon the reading
of this book may have said, "Finally" a book which explains what made no
sense!!" This was my reaction, anyway. Mr. Duquette went to great lenghts to
clarify everything down to the last detail to effectively work Thelemic
Magick. Each chapter begins with an explanation surrounding the creation
and evolution of each ritual, and goes on to explain special details, tools,
symbolism, and gestures among other things. It contains a practical run
through of Liber Samekh, which up to now I was unable to make much sense
of. Certain rituals, which from the directions given by Crowley appeared to
be bizarre variations on the game Twister, are now easily performed. Also,
helpful hints on how to safely celebrate the Mass of the Phoenix without
calling 911 are included. There are also actual photos of someone performing
the signs of the grades, LVX and NOX signs for those who hadn't seen them
before. Lon has outdone himself on this one.
RATING-- 93 stars

—Fra. Nihil Est Omnia


Into The Labyrinth, by Dead Can Dance. 4AD Records. Yet again, they
produce a wonderfully hypnotic work. It includes "How Fortunate the Man
With None" a.k.a. "Solomon Song" from the Threepenny Opera, but to a
different melody. Lisa Gerrard continues to issue pieces of beautiful
harmony and ecstasy, while Brendan Perry coolly delivers songs like "Tell
Me About the Forest" and "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove". Someone
should commission these two to compose music for the Gnostic Mass.
RATING-- 44 talons

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

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