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The Annual Journal of

Peace, Tolerance, Truth. Salutation on all points of the Triangle. Respect to the Order.

To all whom it may concern: Greeting and Health.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars (O.T.O.) is a serious Order, dedicated to
the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in
Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power. This is accomplished through Beauty,
Courage, and Wit on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.

In its current form, the O.T.O. has existed for more than a century. Its philosophy encompasses
all branches of the Secret Wisdom of the Old Aeon as well as being the first Old Aeon Order to
accept The Book of the Law (received by E.A. Crowley in 1904ev) and reorganise in accordance
with the needs of Modern Humanity. This Document contains a message of a revolution in
thought, culture, and religion, based upon its supreme injunction, The Law of Thelema (DO
WHAT THOU WILT). This is no license for indulgence, but a command to discover one's own
unique True Will and accomplish it, leaving others to do the same.

The Order's structure is Masonic in nature, structured through ten degrees. In them, the Order
attempts to instruct the Individual, by allegory and symbol, into the Mystery, thereby assisting
each to discover their own True Will. Every Man and Woman, free, of full age, and of good
report has an indefeasible right to the first three degrees.

In Kansas City, the Order is represented by Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp, a duly chartered body of
the O.T.O. and is accepting correspondences from potential candidates for Initiation into our
growing membership, or other interested parties. Those desiring additional information may
contact the address below.

Love is the law, love under will.

Ra Heru Behutet Camp is the first and only official body of the O.T.O.
in the Greater Kansas City Area.
"Behold! the rituals of the old time
are black. Let the evil ones be cast away;
let the good ones be purged by the
prophet! Then shall this Knowledge
go aright."

"Now let there be a veiling of this

shrine: now let the light devour men
and eat them up with blindness."

All material Copyright © 1995 e.v. Ordo Templi Orientis and the original authors.
Opening title sequence by Fr. MSNV. Music: Sands of Edfu (excerpt), the official theme music of Ra-
Heru-Behutet Camp. Tree of Life Graphic used in opening title sequence (altered by Fr. MSNV)
courtesy of Soror A.D.N. at Free Thelemic and Magickal Clip Art.




JAF Box 7666
New York, New York

P.O. Box 32031
Kansas City, Missouri
TO ALL!!! Welcome again to Talons, the annual publication of Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp, a legally
chartered body of Ordo Templi Orientis. We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the
lateness of this issue-- it was originally slated for the Spring Equinox. But then again, we all know how
busy the new year can be.
Anyway, here we are... and here you are, apparently, as well. Thanks for stopping by, and we hope you
enjoy your stay. May we take your hat and goat? At any rate, this has been another busy year. This is our
Second Annual Report of the ongoing travails in the Midwest.
Thanks to all the following:

Fra∴ Baphomet XI° and his legal successors through Fra∴ Hymenaeus Beta X°, Bro. Bill Heidrick,
Fra∴ ΑΓΑΠΕ ΠΑΝ, Bro J.G. in Tuscon, Bro. M.C. in Phoenix, Fra∴ Dragon, Sor∴ Valeria, Fra∴
Rhemis, Sor∴ Samantha, Sor∴ Astrid, Fra∴ Ra-Hoor-Hu-Ha
Fra∴ Nihil Est Omnia, M∴, Campmaster
Fra∴ Prometheus, M.., Secretary
Fra∴ Phoenix, M., Treasurer
Sor∴ Hecate
Fra∴ Black Ulf
(...just more stuff...)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Hello again from the isolated Valley of the Midwest. Much has happened in the nine months since I
wrote this column for the last issue. People have come and gone (some have come back), rituals for the
elements, feasts for the times, you get the idea.

Though it seems we haven't done much, we've been busier than ever before. Since last summer, we've
hosted three rounds of initiations, worked with three other Midwest OTO Bodies on various projects and
problems, and gained a respect in the local Masonic community. We may be soon operating out of a
Masonic Lodge, possibly by the end of the vulgar year.

The first issue of Talons was well received, so here we are again. There are also some differences in this
issue. Number one was hastily thrown together to meet a deadline, so certain things were not taken into
consideration, mainly price per issue. You may have noticed a full dollar increase in price. The original
price didn't cover postage, let alone production. You may have also noticed there isn't as much poetry in
this issue (none from me, anyway-- I've been concentrating mainly on writing music in the last year. I
may throw some in the next issue.). There has been more influence put on the research end this time, in
areas more pertinent to the members in this locality.

At any rate, we again extend the invitation to pull up a chair and Do what thou wilt. The articles, poetry,
features, and reviews are the finest we could create in the last year. We welcome any questions,
comments, even submissions. Just write us if there's anything about which you would like further

Bahlasti! Ompehda! ΑΓΑΠΕ! ΘΕΛΗΜΑ!

Love is the law, love under will.

--Fra∴ Nihil Est Omnia, M∴

Year two has been a busy one. It began with the creation of the first issue of Talons, released last
summer solstice.

That same weekend, we hosted initiations for members of Khensu-Ra Oasis, Starry Arch Camp, Leaping
Laughter Camp, and Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp. It totaled out to four II° ceremonies, and three (including
our Campmaster's) III° ceremonies. A splendid time was had by all. Many friends were made, and we
would like to thank Bro. R. of Starry Arch Camp for his donation of a Stélé of Revealing. Thanks also to
the Masters and Officers of the afforementioned bodies for their help and participation in pulling off yet
another beautiful initiation marathon.

At that point, our Campmaster decided to embark on a journey down the yellow brick road of Mystery
Schools and has joined the ranks of Freemasonry. The reason was to reasearch the historical orders from
which the OTO sprang. The fact that many original members of our Order were also Freemasons was
also an inspiration. The results of his research are published in the new feature "Academia Masonica",
elsewhere in this issue.

Through his Masonic connection, he discovered our new Camp Treasurer, Fra∴ Phoenix, a 32° Scottish
Rite Mason. Though both had known one another for nearly a decade, they had no idea of their similar
interests until a chance meeting at a bookstore. They spent the next few months having study sessions
(along with Camp Secretary, Fra∴ Prometheus) on the topics of Basic Magick, Rosicrucianism (along
with various esoteric orders, i.e.; The A∴A∴, Golden Dawn, AMORC, BOTA, etc.), and the Gnostic

This was all leading up to the next round of initiations which took place in November. This time it was
two Minervals, two I° ceremonies (both being taken by our new Treasurer and our "brother at large",
Fra∴ Sol Veniré Est), and two II° (our Secretary and Khensu-Ra's Fra∴ Kay), all in one day (we're
good like that). At any rate, membership is up.

At this point, we are now all just about over the ravages of the cold and flu season (we have all been hit
by different odd illnesses this winter) and are back to our regular business meetings.

During the first part of the spring, our Campmaster once again followed the sun west to visit with
brethren in the Phoenix area. We extend our gratitude once again to Fra∴ ΑΓΑΠΕ ΠΑΝ, Bro. J.G., Bro.
M. C. Sr., Fra∴ Dragon and Sor∴ Valeria, for their extended hospitality, insights, and refreshment.
Their aid has also been a source of reference for some of the articles in this issue.

Well, some of you may be wondering what happened to that idea we shared with another Camp to our
North. Well, after knocking on doors till our knuckles bled and receiving no answer (along with
minimum public response due to our locale), we decided to postpone the gathering at the Gaia Retreat
Center for another year so more active steps can be taken at an earlier time.

We also welcome two new members, Frater Black Ulf and Soror Hecate, into our Camp. They both
bring us information from their own fields of Magickal Study. We congratulate them, and wish them
well upon their paths.
We closed out the year with our Campmaster going through more Masonic rites, including Scottish Rite
and into the Shrine (my god-- he's a Shriner!!). He wishes to make clear that he will NOT ride around in
one of those little cars wearing a fez, so the blackmailin' paparazzi can just back off! This will of course
provide more information for next issue's Academia Masonica feature. We'll see what happens.

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Part I.

A Private Place

A secret, wooded, private place

Where dreams come to be

Away from city rat-race

There, to be completely free

No-one watches, though shadows pass

From sunny day, to moonlite night

For there in shade of mighty tree

Imagination, on wings, takes flight

Anything thought can come true

If the thought is real to you

Without limits of folk convention

Anything can hold your attention

Part II.

The Magi Way

Think as we, folk folly doth say

By convention spend your day

Never let a thought reside

Different from we - we will deride

If you want- amoung the Magi to dwell

To be magical and cast your spell

Boldness, you must embrace

To face oft conferred disgrace

Go to private, wooded place

Far separate from city rat-race

There in trees shadow dwell

Alone- you must never tell

There to think thoughts, never thought

To gain knowledge never taught

It's yours and yours alone

You are the king of your throne

--Fra. Prometheus
(...or, you say you want a revelatio-o-on, we-e-ell you kno-o-ow)
This issue's "Notes" column is strictly an opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views on the subject held by the OTO.

To preface I will begin by saying that this is based on my own personal conception of the Old Aeon
milieu. I also realise that there are also other opinions on this subject of which I do not claim to be an
expert. The main topic here is Parousia, or the "return of the Messiah".

I had a Sociology teacher in high school who was a rather devout Christian but open-minded enough to
accept alternative religio-philosophical theory. He had once made a comment to me that the "second
coming" would occur during the reign of the next vulgar pope (i.e. the one after John Paul II). He cited
Nostradamus as a source for this information. I remembered our conversation when reviewing certain
Gnostic ideals of which I am certain. I then did some reading, and this is what I came up with.

I am a supporter of the theory on "Christ" put forth by Gerald Massey, that the original concept of the
"saviour" was an ideal for living. "Christ - the only living son of God" was a creation of the church as a
physical being, a human incarnation who embodied the ideals of universal love and brotherhood. This
was to present a visible object of worship to the masses. This was also used to depict (as a model way of
life) suffering, sacrifice, and enslavement to the church as the path to salvation. Thus, a reward in the
afterlife was promised to those who would bow to the visible monarch to the church, i.e. the Pope.

From there we move to the final book of the principal Old Aeon book of law, the Revelation of St. John.
It presents the apocalypse/holocaust/end of the world view with fire and brimstone and the number of a
man. From a New Aeon perspective, this becomes the equivalent of the passing of the Equinox of the
Gods, when the Crowned and Conquering Child has taken his seat in the East. I personally see this as
the fall of the Roman Catholic Church, not the end of all life on earth as we know it.

According to the prophecies of Nostradamus (I believe it's alluded to in the fifth century, quatrain
ninety-two, among other places), the final High Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church will be the one
who succeeds Johannes Paulus II. This is owing to the line of succession from Pope Pius XII, as noted in
the quatrain. It is at this moment that the great "tribulation" is supposed to take place.

The scenario that would be the most pleasing to me is as follows. The general enslaved masses, owing to
abortion rights groups, as well as other human rights organisations create enough noise to cause a
schism between the US and Rome. This would be a few years from now, allowing time for the
progressives of today to age enough to hold appropriate positions of power. The Xtians of the other
major countries of the world take whichever side their religious leaders choose. The schism will reach
its climax when Rome, realising the perilous state into which their "membership" has plunged, will play
its trump card.

The core of power within the Vatican, in a last-ditch effort to save its flock, reveals all of its secret texts
to modern-day scholars and translators for a new interpretation of the "Mysteries." The masses discover,
among other things, that Molinos was right. The traditionalists among them will denounce the new
findings as a conspiracy plot by the "Satanic Humanist Liberals" to destroy "Christ" (again?), who has
now "come again", truly revealed by this "Gnosis" for the first time in two millennia.
The Galileans are rent into two groups, one vehemently adhering to their "traditional" beliefs, the other
in a state of panic trying to compensate and readjust to their newfound freedom. The traditionalists will
probably have an advantage over the rest. Those who broke off would be split regarding a belief system,
not knowing where to draw the new lines. There could be mass conversion to Judaism, Islam,
Bhuddism... even Atheism. There would almost certainly be overspill into Alternative Religion (i.e.
"New Age"), as well as a renewed interest in Mysticism/Magick/Paganism/Etc.

I discussed this whole idea with a friend who's good at arguing things a mile into to ground to present all
contrary points (he wants to do a movie about it now). He said that the only problem with this entire
scenario is the fact that I'm assuming that the Vatican Vaults hold the key to this Mystery. If I'm wrong,
I'm wrong, and we'll just chalk it all up to wishful thinking on my part.

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia


This is a new feature in Talons. Due to the fact that half of the current membership of Ra-Heru-Behutet Camp are also
brethren of Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry (as well as bodies lying beyond), we felt it necessary to present system
comparisons to our brethren in the OTO that they might understand a little the origins from which we sprang. Any
similarities between Masonic and OTO Ritual are left to the inference of the reader for security purposes.

As most of us are aware, our Order, the OTO, had its origins in Freemasonry. However, the majority of
brethren I have come in contact with don't have any idea what Freemasonry is about. It is the purpose of
this column to shed some light on the influences that Freemasonry has had upon the origins of the OTO.
Keep in mind that no actual secrets of AF&AM will be revealed here. My colleagues and I value our
Masonic Oaths as much as those of the OTO. I will further add that the information in this column is
true under the constitution and by-laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri AF&AM, Southern Jurisdiction,

To begin with, the main difference between Freemasonry and the OTO is who may join. The OTO is
open to all over age eighteen. Freemasonry is open only to males over age twenty-one. Women are
allowed only into the Order of the Eastern Star (also Rainbow Girls and Job's Daughters-- sort of a
Masonic "Camp Fire Girls". There is also the "Boy Scout" Order of DeMolay for teenage boys.) but this
was created more recently to give Masons' wives (and children) some involvement with the lodge.

Racism is unfortunately still inherent with some of the older members. Many feel that Afro-Americans
belong only in the Prince Hall Lodges, which are still considered "clandestine" by AF&AM. My opinion
is that the racism and sexism involved with the older echelons of the Masonic world is due to an
unfortunate literal acceptance of the definition of the Great White Brotherhood. I do, however, feel this
will disappear with the many new liberal minded Masons currently joining that organisation.. At the
Lodge of which I am a member, I know several men who are not opposed to the idea of opening
Freemasonry up to both sexes and all races. The acceptance of this idea could be order-wide by the turn
of the century.

It is also interesting to note that the racism/sexism issue was a factor in the creation and reformation of
the OTO. Crowley himself could not understand why a Woman or Negro should be denied initiation to
the degree of Master Mason. Finally on this point, the only non-white Mason I've encountered was an
Asian man who serves as the Deputy Grand Master, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Missouri
(York Rite), and usually presides over their initiation rituals, which are held each spring and fall (as are
the Scottish Rite degrees and the Shrine initiations).

There are also many who are unfamiliar with the degree structure of Freemasonry. The following is a
listing of the Masonic Bodies honored as authentic under AF&AM Grand Lodge of Missouri, Southern

Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry degrees:

Entered Apprentice (1°)

Fellowcraft (2°)

Master Mason (3°)

York Rite Masonry degrees: Scottish Rite Masonry degrees:

(Chapter of Royal Arch Masons) (Lodge of Perfection)

Mark Master Mason (4°) Secret Master (4°)

Past Master (Virtual) (5°) Perfect Master (5°)

Most Excellent Master (6°) Intimate Secretary (6°)

Royal Arch Mason (7°) Provost and Judge (7°)

Intendant of the Buildings (8°)

(Council of Cryptic Masons) Master Elect of Nine (9°)

Royal Master (8°) Master Elect of Fifteen (10°)

Select Master (9°) Sublime Master Elected (11°)

Super Excellent Master Grand Master Architect (12°)

Master of the Ninth Arch (13°)

(Commandery of Knights Templar) Grand Elect Mason (14°)

Order of the Red Cross

Order of the Knights of Malta (Chapter of Rose Croix)

Order of Knights Templar Knight of the East or Sword (15°)

Prince of Jerusalem (16°)

Pendant Bodies/Orders to these Rites; Knights of the East and West (17°)

Knight of the Rose Croix (18°)

Ancient Arabic Order; Nobles

of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners) (Council of Kadosh)

Grand Pontiff (19°)

Order of the Red Cross Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges (20°)

of Constantine Noachite or Prussian Knight (21°)

Knight of the Royal Axe (22°)

Royal Order of the Chief of the Tabernacle (23°)

Jesters Prince of the Tabernacle (24°)

Knight of the Brazen Serpent (25°)

Pendant Order to Scottish Prince of Mercy (26°)

Rite (exclusively): Knight Commander of the Temple (27°)

Knight of the Sun (28°)

Royal Order of Knight of St. Andrew (29°)

Scotland Knight Kadosh (30°)


Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander (31°)

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (32°)

Knight Commander of the Court of Honor

Honorary 33°

Active 33°

And to think we accomplish all this and more in ten degrees.

Beginning with AF&AM, the candidate is taken through each degree individually. The York and
Scottish Rites are presented in the form of a pageant. A group (or "class") of candidates enters a theater.
Individual classmates are selected to "exemplify" the class and is initiated while the class watches the
procdeedings. Some degrees of these two Rites are merely explained by an Officer of that order and are
merely "conferred" upon the class. Usually, these "festivals" and "reunions" (the Spring and Fall classes
of these Rites) as they are called do not feature all the degrees of the orders. The required degrees are
always performed. The lesser ones are performed in a rotation, i.e.; if the 4°, 5°, and 6° of Scottish Rite
are not at the Spring Reunion, they will be done at the Fall Reunion.

An Abbreviated History of Freemasonry

There are many theories about the origin of the Masonic Institution. Here is a mixture of several. The
official books state Freemasonry did not exist in its current form until 1717, when four English Lodges
united to form the Grand Lodge of England. However, it must have existed for a time before that to have
had the independent lodges. So let us go back to the beginning.

The Order of Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple (Knights Templar) were formed at the end of the
eleventh century for the purpuse of protecting Christian pilgrimages and traveling dignitaries in the Holy
Lands. They developed a reputation as valiant worriors. Zealous, chaste, and pious, they were loyal only
to the pope. They also had amassed a great amount of wealth, operating as a international banking
service to many monarhcies of the day. One source claims they were powerful enough that they were
preparing to form their own country in Southern Europe.

Being centered near the Mediterranian, they had exposure to an enormous cross-culture of different
belief systems. The belief is widely held that the Templars studied the various mysteries at length, and
found core truths common to all of them. They were rumored to have developed a more Gnostic
approach to Christianity than the black-and-white rewrite composed by the Nicene Council and enforced
by Rome.

Philip the Fair (King of France), jealous that the Templars were so wealthy (and that they rejected his
petition to join them), bullied a weak Pope Clement V into issuing an edict that the Templars were
blasphemous and sodomite, and ordered them all arrested. Their Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay
(Iacobus Burgundius Molensis) maintained silence upon interrogation, and was burned at the stake for

A good number of Templars were murdered, arrested, tortured, and executed in the ensuing years. Many
escaped into countries that were not so loyal to Rome (i.e. Germany, England, Scotland, France). They
continued passing on the mysteries through metaphor, allegory, and symbol to generation after
generation by way of secret societies to avoid detection (some sources claim that this is how
Rosicrucianism developed).

One of these was the Royal Order of Scotland, founded by Robert the Bruce. It is this order, with
influences drawn from French and German Rites, which evolved into Freemasonry as we know it today.

Ancient, Free and Accepted Masonry

All of Freemasonry begins with these three degrees, which correspond with the Man of Earth Triad of
OTO. One cannot proceed into either York or Scottish Rite without maintaining current dues status
(likewise, one may not enter the Shrine without being in good standing with AF&AM as well as York
and/or Scottish Rite). There are many who never go beyond the first three "Blue Lodge" degrees.
However, the deepest of the esoteric "secrets" are not really taught (and even then, only hinted at) in the
higher degrees. Most of those I have come in contact with in the organisation are unaware of the
"magickal" portions of their own Rite, taking all the words at face value as a moral code to live by.
The setting for this Rite is the Temple of King Solomon. The members of the Lodge represent
stonemasons of that era, gathered for the purpose of erecting the Temple. The principal officers
represent the three Grand Masters; King Solomon (right pillar), Hiram- King of Tyre (left pillar), and
Hiram Abiff (middle pillar). The three degrees of this rite are representative of the three ranks of
Operative Masonry, which are Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.

Entered Aprentice

When one was first brought into a guild, it was called being "entered" as an "apprentice". They usually
were trained for a period of seven years, all the time being engaged in the "dirty" work, moving large
stones and other heavy burdens.

The ceremony itself is very basic. In it, the candidate is questioned as to his faith in a supreme being.
The sun is introduced as an important influence over life. The significance of the Bible (the principal
book of law in the Osirian Aeon), Square (symbolic of femininity), and Compass (symbol of
masculinity) are explained.


When an apprentice had become adept at whatever task he had been trained in, he became a "fellow of
the craft", Masonically abbreviated to Fellowcraft.

In this ceremony, the candidate is shown the significance of geometry (homage to Pythagoras) in
architechture. Keep in mind that the lessons of each degree are communicated in terms of stone craft
masonry, easily open to a deeper interpretation.

Master Mason

When a fellow of the craft had "mastered" all the aspects of masonry, he was raised to the level of
"master" mason. He was granted all the secret tricks of his trade to ensure the quality of his work and a
pass to travel and work abroad as he willed.

The first part of this ceremony is a short reiteration of the lessons in the two which precede it. Just when
the candidate feels he has crossed the last threshold, he is informed the ceremony has only begun. What
follows is a rite very similar to one presented by Crowley in "The Ship" (Equinox vol I, no 10). It would
be improper to comment further on this ritual.

The only real requirement for advancement in these degrees (beyond the initiatory fees which are paid
up front and in full) is memorisation of a catechism for each degree before proceeding. The catechisms,
or "memory work", are very detailed, and recount every detail of the degree they pertain to (including
full recitation of the oaths, and the secret steps, signs, grips, and words). If the candidate does not have
the 3° catechism memorised within one year after initiation, he may be suspended.

Recommended Reading

Of the books on AF&AM available to the public, there are two which provide excellent ritual reference
material. The first is Duncan's Ritual, by Malcolm Duncan. It includes a written transcript of Webb-form
Rite (Blue Lodge through 7° York Rite, Royal Arch Mason). The second is Deadly Deception, by Jim
Shaw and Tom McKenney. This book is a personal (and for the most part, unexaggerated) account of a
man (Shaw) who went through the Blue Lodge, became a 33° Scottish Rite Mason, and a Shriner. He
then went on to abandon all his Masonic ties because it did not recognise Jesus Christ as the Supreme
Deity. So he decided to write a tell all book. It includes descriptions of the majority of the Blue
Lodge/Scottish Rite degrees, as well as an interesting analysis of the Hiramic Legend to the Isis/Osiris
mysteries. Its only defect is the editor's (McKenney) propensity to stretch the truth when quoting sources
and to quote things out of context to prove his points. If you can wade through the b.s., it's a good source
of information.

In future installments of Academia Masonica, we will examine these and other rites. We have aquired
the texts to the Swedenborgian Rite, as well as the Rite of Memphis and Cagliostro's Egyptian Rite. We
will eventually examine the Prince Hall, the Antient and Primitive Rite, and the Adoniramite or Co-
operative (i.e. open to both sexes) Rites also.

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Rather than being some esoteric mystery, the Occult to me is just viewing everyday life in infinitely
more depth. For example, when studying Tarot, the cards can relate to one's everyday life, or
experiences of one's self or others. An example would be a card that relates to someone who has a
tendency to build up good financial security - then impetuously leave it to travel around would be the
eight of cups.

Hopefully, more people will begin to realise that everyone does rituals. If ritual is a pattern of actions
that prepares one for certain situations in life - people have their own individual agendas. Could it be
everyone is involved in the Occult in one way or another - yet many won't admit to it?

-- Fra. Prometheus
Gazing toward the star-filled sky

Feeling the infinite within one's breast

Indications of what will lie

In wait, entering endless rest

From mundane life to retire

Within the boundless soul

A mere reflection of sky's starry attire

What more worthy may one aspire?

To be a star within endless hosts

More sublime than man's greatest boasts

To feel part of infinity

There is no greater serenity

--Fra. Prometheus
A new feature in Talons, a light dissection of the official ceremony of our Order (both public and private), section by
section. We begin in this issue with Section I; Of the Furnishings of the Temple.

The EGC/OTO Gnostic Mass is the finest, most beautiful ceremonial magick ritual I have had the
honour to witness, let alone serve as an officer. It restores Woman as a spiritual entity, rather than
servant. It also satiates a primordial urge by coaxing the divine opposites to merge with each other, as
well as the officers and communicants ({-1} + {+1} = 0 , or π + κ = 0). My purpose in this column is to
analyze our Mass to possibly show correlation not previously discussed in other articles dealing with
this subject matter. Keep in mind that this analysis is based solely upon the information I have
researched. If anyone out there cares to share their own interpretations of this ceremony, please feel free
to write. The version of the Mass I am using for references is the one printed in The Equinox, vol. III no.

The text begins with the words "IN THE EAST..." The "Ancient Mystery Schools" saluted the East for
two main reasons. First, because it is where the sun (symbolic of the phallus) rises from every morning.
Second, the East, or "Orient" (both middle-east and far-east countries) was viewed as the "wellspring" of
occult knowledge for Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Boleskine holds this location
in terms of the NEW AEON, the place Crowley deemed as the suitable fountainhead thereof, owing to
correlation in Liber AL). This is why the High Altar is situated there. Its dimensions are those of most
sarcophagi (touching on the womb/tomb association, incorporating also Malkuth in Kether after another
manner), 44 also being "DM" the Hebrew word for blood. It is qabalistically situated at Kether. Crimson
is associated (via 777) with Binah, the Queens of TARO, Nephthys, Woman, the Yoni, even the Virgin

The Columns/Pillars/Obelisks are emblematic of several things. They represent Jachin and Boaz (the
pillars of King Solomon's Temple), the sepherotic columns of mercy and strength, as well as the
positions of Chokmah and Binah on the Tree of Life itself, among other things. (For all intents and
practical purposes, the three examples cited are all one and the same.) Because of their male/female
aspect, it is well suited that their colours be negatives of each other.

The "dais of three steps" is a Masonic adaptation. This is where the Worshipful Master of a Lodge of
Freemasons is seated. The squares are an allusion to the Trestle-Board, or the center-floor of a Lodge
Hall surrounding the Masonic Altar. It is situated on the dais in the Mass, denoting the sanctity of the
High Altar, as well as the equality of the divine opposing forces.

The super-altar's base representation is that of the three outer veils of the Tree of Life. The top shelf
(Nothing) holds the Stèle of Revealing (the Kiblah, or visible object of worship as per AL III;10,22), the
middle shelf (No Limit) holds the Book of the Law, and the bottom shelf (Limitless LVX) holds the cup
and paten for hosts (the communicative masculine and feminine offerings). The nearest I have been able
to discern, the shelves of candles are indicative of the ten sephira, one set for each of the opposing forces
involved, dividing the four from the six by the Veil of Paroketh. The two large candles could also be fire
offerings to the masculine force, while the roses are a nature offering to the feminine force, an allusion
to Igni Natura Renovatur Integra (one of the numerous interpretations of I.N.R.I.)
The veil, as in most cases, is emblematic of mystery. In this instance I believe it refers to the mystery of
"the Miracle of the Mass" and of what lies beyond the "Abyss". The small, or fire altar rests at Tiphereth
(the Sun), the font sits at Yesod, and the tomb stands at Malkuth (the Earth).

This concludes my analysis of Section I. Section II will be the focus of this column in the next issue.

--Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

Ed. Note: The "rating system" as presented in our last issue was entirely arbitrary. So, in this issue, we get down to basics by
stating clearly that any item in this column is recommended by the reviewer.


New Aeon Magick - Thelema Without Tears, by Gerald del Campo. Published by Llewellen. An
excellent work for beginning magickal students which covers a broad spectrum of topics in a relatively
short amount of space. It isn't necessarily a ritual guide, but more of a guide as to an appropriate
Magickal lifestyle. It's presented in an almost Q & A format. It covers the various aspects of Magick
from qabalah to ritual to yoga to magickal tools to you name it. It also includes contact addresses for
various Orders, bookstores, and accessory houses as well. There is also the Star Ruby and the Unicursal
variant of the Lesser Hexagram Ritual, as well as an interesting twist, a Latin translation of the Lesser
Pentagram Ritual . It accurately claims to be a travel assistant for aspirants on the path.

Magick (Book 4, parts 1-4), by Aleister Crowley. Published by Weiser. No ifs, ands, or buts. Two
words-- GET IT!

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Trans. by Drs. Raymond Faulkner and Ogden Goelet, preface by
Carol Andrews, conceived by James Wasserman. Published by Chronicle Books. This book is to
Budge's edition what Magick (vide supra) is to MTP. This is a wonderful edition which lays out each
strip of the Papyrus of Ani on every page with the translations written out below for chapter by chapter
comparison. Each strip is reproduced in full color and in order with a map key to each plate at the end of
the book for easy reference. A second section of the book features the balance of the Theban Recension
not found in the Papyrus of Ani, so the reader is presented with the full cache of "Book of the Dead"
texts discovered thus far. While Budge's translation is as convoluted and as difficult to follow as the
Warren Report, here is a book that presents this invaluable ancient document in a manner easily
interpretable by the common reader.


The Library of Sound - Edition 1 - Metaphysical and The Library of Sound - Edition 2 -
Chronomanic, by Creative Technology Institute. Conspiracy International Records. Chris and Cosey
have released these two discs over the last year. While their earlier work is more of a "sexmuzik" style,
these two discs are focused in more of a magickal direction, somewhat like their classic Elemental 7 a
decade ago. Metaphysical is suited for nearly any practice. Chronomanic is a series of pieces dedicated
to specific annual occurrences. There are aural celebrations of the New Year (Vernal Equinox), Beltaine,
Mid-Summer, Lammas, Samhain, -- you get the idea. All in all, these are excellent additions to any
audio library.

Toward the Within, by Dead Can Dance. 4AD Records and Video. As you may have noticed in our
last issue, I highly praised this group's last release. This one is in the same category. Normally, I'm not a
fan of live recordings, but this one was a refreshing change. Recorded from a string of performances in a
now defunct California theater, this disc features mostly previously unreleased songs, with a few of their
better known cuts thrown in for good measure. Of the new material, "Rakim", "I Can See Now", and
"American Dreaming" are the most moving. There is also a very dynamic rendition of "Cantara", in
which Lisa Gerrard's voice exceeds the song to the point of ecstasy. The entire project is also available
on video tape.

-- Fra. Nihil Est Omnia

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