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Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual, hence

why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. I have a
broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law or business
orientated degree. With regards to Business, the reasoning behind my choice is the
complex and intriguing nature of the subject. I particularly enjoy the way business
so appropriately blends in with everyday issues. Since my internship in PETRONAS,
my interest has grown and matured and I am able to view many businesses
analytically and make suggestions regarding possible improvements. Law is an area
which has interested me from an early age. I enjoy extensive reading and recognise
that this is essential in studying law. I consider myself to be well suited to a career
in law as I pay much attention to detail and take pleasure in undergoing work which
raises social issues in todays society and requires the skill to manipulate evidence
and present persuasive arguments. I also believe that the Psychology A-Level I have
has aided me in observing the actions of others and how their opinions and
memories are influenced by external factors. This area of work requires much
confidence which I believe I posses and can use to my advantage in order to gain
recognition in this competitive field of work.
My work experience is very broad due to a variety of positions I have held in
differentiating working environments. My experience working for Royal Worchester
& Spode in the Debenhams department store has been the most influential. The
up-market company requires a confidant disposition from a Sales Advisor such as
myself and a proficient memory in order to ensure product knowledge is to an
optimum standard. I was also given the responsibility to train a new employee
which displays the high degree of trust my employers have for me.
My educational experiences have been of great use to me from a position of form
captain in Secondary School to aiding the organisation of mass celebrations in
College. Responsibilities such as these have helped me to mature and take my
positions seriously so that I am respected by staff. My position of English Prefect in
Year 11 required a large portion of my time as I was in charge of aiding the entire
English department. My interest in the Italian language has also led me to have an
article I wrote regarding the exploitation of women on Italian Television published in
LItaliano newspaper, to which I was very content to have my views expressed.
During Secondary School I also attended evening Italian classes where I was
presented with The Student of the Year Award due to my excellent standard of
work. The class required me to organise my time efficiently so that other schoolwork
did not suffer as a result of my extra GCSE. As a result of these classes and of my
Italian parents I now speak the language fluently.
Sport and leisure also interests me and during college I decided to use this interest
to do charity work for RNIB where I raised 250 and abseiled 120ft down
Westminster University. I played Netball for the Harrow Netball Team and competed

in the OGI UK Games for the Harrow and Wembley team where I was awarded
several trophies and a gold and bronze medal for long jump and javelin.

Jgn-Business Management personal statement

There is a rapid growth in global organisational concepts, crystallised in Japanese
business philosophy, to be as effective as possible in the most efficient way. New
technology involving networking information and automation influences the
behaviour of business and enables significant transformation. This need to
maximise efficiency and effectiveness in such a competitive age is increasingly
crucial to the success of a business. This is why it is an exciting and fascinating
period in both the commercial and economic world to study Business Management.
Adaptability, creative thinking and the application of technology are now intrinsic to
managing businesses. I have developed these principles and enjoyed the spectrum
of sixth form study that has taught me to approach problems from different political,
economical and psychological perspectives. Throughout Business Studies, to
complement what has been taught I have researched real-life business solutions
and how they have been implemented, such as the responsive marketing used by
Coca Cola to prolong their business cycle and sustain major profitability. Studying
ICT has enabled me to examine the criticality of technology in giving businesses a
competitive edge by considering issues such as organisational objectives, people
and legal implications rather than making decisions based solely on financial
factors. Furthermore, studying Psychology gives me insight into the human
influences on organisational behaviour through studying motivational theories such
as the hierarchy of needs model proposed by Maslow, whilst the coursework has
developed my skills in collecting and analysing data in order to establish trends and
draw conclusions. Studying English Language has allowed me to develop an ability
to express my ideas clearly and concisely.
I have worked for * as a Tester, assisting in the development of *, the fastest-selling
PC game ever. It was a significant learning experience and made me evaluate
myself and better understand my strengths and skills, such as the ability to easily
identify discrepancies and communicate these effectively to management so that
problems can be solved. Recent experience at * Ltd gave me a taste of working
within a larger organisation. Operating within two different, but equally successful
organisations has enabled me to see contrasting leadership styles and corporate
culture. Within college, I participated in a paired reading project where I listened to
and assessed readers lower down the school which required a relaxed, patient and
friendly approach with the younger students, as well as punctuality and dedication.
Throughout the past year, I have represented the college in district basketball and
rugby competitions.
I am a committed member of the Colts team at my local rugby side. I have
captained the team in previous seasons which required leadership, confidence and
diligence. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to a range of music, going to the gym
and socialising. I am a regular reader of the Financial Times, enjoy keeping up with
current affairs and business news. I enjoy reading a variety of books, both fiction

and non-fiction such as 'Making It Happen' (J. Harvey-Jones) where his common
sense approach complements the management theories of more staid texts. This
degree will equip me for my career in the unpredictable and fast moving world of
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Jw for application in 2004.
Comment on this personal statement
Jw's university choices
University of East Anglia
The University of Durham
Loughborough University
The University of Nottingham
University of Southampton
The University of Warwick

My decision to apply for a degree in Business is due to my desire to aim for a career
in the promotion of electronic music. This initiated from a visit to London, where I
had the opportunity to experience the deeply fascinating influences of the local club
scene to the culture of our times. This experience made my involvement with that
specific branch of the music industry a primary objective.
During the following years I succeeded in establishing a presence within a field I
knew very little about, even at the expense of other activities. In fact, I managed to
occupy myself in an independent record store, where apart from being given a
chance to be involved in the management of the business I was also given an
opportunity to test my creative skills, by creating a web page to promote the
Furthermore, the Economics and Business courses I attended during my studies in
the International Baccalaureate gave me the opportunity to utilise and put into
perspective the knowledge I had previously acquired through personal experience.
This, made me realise the effect that a university education would have upon me
both as person and as future professional.
Hence, if I were given the opportunity to continue my studies along these lines I
would be more than willing to devote myself to the hard work neccessary in order to
qualify for a degree. I am fully aware of the effort as well as the risks involved, still it
is the advice of a friend that inspires me "do what your heart says - it will bring your
greater riches".

In todays world of survival of the fittest, one has to be equipped with knowledge,
experience, as well as ambition. It has been my goal to further my knowledge and
ambition through studies at a leading UK university.
Coming from a background of a small family business, I have been inspired by my
parents. I am keen to gain the essential skills to expand our business. Todays
business requires not just balancing the books; it is about the investment and the
management of assets, people, opportunities and risk. The traditional ways of
dictatorship- the communist economy - is no longer appropriate in modern
competitive environments. China, as one of the fastest growing economies in the
world, is in great need of strong - focused and clear- thinking business leaders.
Many of the existing business practices are being forced to adapt to changes or face
extinction. I see myself contributing to the growth of good business practice in a few
years time and leading successful projects.
Since I came over to the UK for my Foundation Course. I have enjoyed learning in an
international College and experiencing the vibrant city life of the UK. The experience
has broadened my mind enormously. In times when I needed a little reflection, I
sought it in places such as the British Museum and St. James park. I am fascinated
by Chinese painting and porcelains from the Ming dynasty. I am proud of my
Chinese heritage and keen to learn about other ancient cultures.
I chose the UK for my further education because of the reputation of the university
education system. Being the only English speaking- country in Europe, also holds its
attraction. So far, my experiences have confirmed that I have made the right
Apart from studying, I believe that university life would offer me the opportunity to
interact with students and teachers from many different cultures and language
backgrounds. Each individual will enable me to learn something positive. I , in turn,
will be able to make a positive contribution to the university and its life. I will also
exchange my knowledge about China and our history with others. In the course that
I have chosen, I look forward to taking in opportunity and experiences on offer,
where I will be able to theory into practice and gain valuable fieldwork knowledge.
On my limited budget, I have travelled to various places in the UK, visiting historic
sites around south east England. I hope in the next few years, I will have the chance
to visit the rest of Europe and north Africa.
I believe that my ambition to learn new business concepts, combined with my desire
to experience new adventures, would make me a lively and useful addition to your
university. (it is too academic, so be careful if u wanna use it )

I am planning to go to university in order to obtain a bachelor degree in business

studies after my degree i want to do Masters and finally thereafter i want to work in
the business career. My ultimate goal after the degree and post graduate is to own
a lucrative business where i can help my country by providing a good service, a
good products and create jobs but in order to achieve that i might work for number

of years as a private sector employee to gain an experience and make good saving
so i will start my career working in real estate sector where i can learn the concepts,
the methods and the secrets of it. I admire this successful saudi businessman who i
consider a role model to me, who made a big fortion from investing in this sector
who's name is Saleh Kamel his success inspired me to aspire reaching his level and
in terms of investments this field tends to be low in risk and ever lasting in
maintaining wealth. The reason why i am studying business is to pursue a career
that helps me to expand my knowledge about the market and how to be able to
acquire wealth and gain an experience that will raise my value in the job market.
Why am i studying in the UK? I have noticed that studying in the UK gives me a
great opportunity to receive my business education in one of the most advanced
countries in the world in terms of being a financial world class and business
centers.I believe that my ambition to learn new business concepts because that is
what i always wanted to study and the main reason why i decided to study
marketing and mangement specifically is the dynamism displayed by the world of
business and the horizons that are covered by its studies knowing the wealth of
information and the myriad ranges of products and services offered. Moreover if we
look around we see how our current world is so commercialized which manifest the
power of commerce, economics and business. However, the income generated by
employees of business can put them in a high standard of living that no other job
can generate which makes me proud to major in Marketing and Management.

My interest in taking a University course in Business dates back to my early years,

visiting my father's wholesale shop in London. This gave me first-hand experience of
commercial life, where I often was able to engage with various aspects of the
business. I enjoy finding out how various aspects of businesses link together in an
organisation and how ICT is progressively used in companies. In order for success in
business I believe you need to have more than just the academic understanding.
But creativity, motivation, hard work, excellent social skills and even carefully
managed risks are essential. These qualities make me eager to learn more and
strengthen my desire to be professionally involved in a business career.

Early in my childhood, the Internet became more than just a luxury--it became a
necessity. My father moved from Singapore to Indonesia to start a textile company
when I was four years old, leaving me alone with my mother. To alleviate the
pressures of separation, I developed the computer skills needed for electronic
communication and was able to remain in close contact with my father. This
experience solidified my interest in information technology and exposed me to the
enormous potential of this developing field
In the summer of 1992, I exploited my knowledge of IT to help those in my
community. I volunteered at a local library, helping people with computer and
Internet-related questions. Also at that time, my father's business had launched
many technological changes that led to the automation of its production line. These
improvements had saved his company from bankruptcy. Visiting him and seeing
how the new system had increased his profits heightened my interest in IT. I now
live in Canada, where computers continue to play a large role in my daily affairs. I
use electronic mail and Internet chats to communicate with both parents, and have
chosen management information systems as my course of study. Information
technology fascinates me not only because it makes companies more competitive,
but also because it can bridge great distances to bring people together. I have much
respect for and interest in the IT industry
Personal satisfaction also plays a key role in my career decision
While monetary rewards are of practical importance, true job satisfaction springs
from the opportunity to grow and learn within an industry. I enjoy acquiring new
skills and information, which help me to adapt to the fast-changing world, as well as
pique my interest in innovation. In addition, a career with open prospects would
give me constant incentive to improve myself and to gain more knowledge. I
currently volunteer for an on-campus organization, Job Web, in which I am
responsible for posting employment opportunities on the World Wide Web,
answering questions and preparing informative handouts. This position has
broadened my computing abilities and has improved my interpersonal skills, which
are crucial to any business endeavor. I enjoy the sense of productivity and
usefulness I gain from the work, and feel it is a valuable experience for future
Given the confluence of my personal and professional interests, my goal is to obtain
a master's degree and then to work in an IT-related industry, either with a
consulting firm or as a systems analyst with a financial institution. In addition to
this, I plan to use my private time to attend computer programming courses in order
to maintain a competitive knowledge of technology. When I have gathered enough
experience and skills, I plan to launch a consulting company of my own
Attending a Master's of Science program will smooth the path to these goals. Such a
program will deepen my expertise and broaden my perspectives. Moreover, the MIS

option will help me to hone my skills in IT areas that I have not yet encountered. As
I have attended the University of Toronto for four years, I am familiar with and have
confidence in the faculty professors whom I believe can help me become an IT

I have chosen a business related course as I have been interested in this field from
GCSE level & I believe that I have the qualities to forge a successful career in this
area. I have been inspired to fulfil this path by my Uncle, a director at a successful
company in England
I feel I am a good motivator and I enjoy travelling which I believe are integral factors
of business at the highest level
I participated in work experience at Haldane Fisher Ltd, a local building supplies firm
that not only operates in my home town but also has key branches throughout
Northern Ireland, and they also deliver goods throughout Ireland. I spent a very
interesting week there where I gained valuable experience. I was fortunate to be
present while the company were preparing for their annual stock take, a key point in
the year for such a business. While there I gained an insight into departments such
as Personnel, General Operations, Finance and Transport, I also was permitted to sit
in on two separate meetings. I feel privileged that the firm was able to
accommodate me in such a way and I feel I gained as much as possible from this
experience. I have also worked part-time, in a local butchers where I operated as a
shop assistant and in a local Hotel where I was a bar waiter at weekends
These were both demanding workplaces where one has to deal with the general
public and always offer good customer service. Also in the summer of 2002 I worked
full-time for the month of July in a warehouse in. This really taught me the value of a
day and what can be achieved in 8 working hours. My overall experience in the
workplace has taught me the value of earning your own money and it has driven me
to study hard now while I'm young so that I may reap the rewards in later life
I have an avid interest in sports although I am mainly interested in two. I have
played Gaelic football for Newry Mitchels G.F.C from I was 9 years old. Although I
have not experienced much success I have made many friends and learned a lot
about teamwork and self-discipline. I also play Basketball for my school team. This
has proved rewarding as we won the All-Ireland schools Basketball league last year.
We trained very hard for this and it taught us that those who work hard are
rewarded eventually
I have also attended the Donegal Gaeltacht for four years where I studied Irish at a
summer college for three weeks at a time. Last year I achieved "Gold Fainne" status
in the spoken language. I have also met people from all around the country with
whom I still keep in contact. I hope to return next year to supervise a course of
younger students. I am currently studying Economics, French and Irish at A level. I
hope to continue my studies to become a successful manager of a successful

Ever since I can remember, I recall always wanting to organise everyone and give
them certain tasks to do. In fact, even when I was just playing with my friends. I
remember how I used to organise all the plays and concerts that we did, and that
was pretty often, and to want to have everything close to perfection. From then until
now the situation hasn't change very much. I still have the tendency to be on top of
things and keep everything organised and scheduled. Therefore, I have decided that
Business Administration and Management studies are exactly what I want to do. I
strongly believe that such a course will satisfy this need of mine and at the same
time develop it and make it better as well. With the appropriate studies I believe
that I am capable of becoming a very successful employee- and customer-oriented
An other part of myself is ballet and modern dance. I have been doing ballet for the
last ten years and modern dance for the last three
These activities have helped very much, in order to get to know myself better,
realise my limits and true capabilities. I think that these experiences will prove to be
very important in my university years, since I have learned to be patient and
perform well under pressure in order to get the best results. Most importantly, I
have learned to be critical with myself and take failures with successes
As far as education is concerned, after careful research and consideration I chose to
attend the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for my last school
years. This is a unique programme in terms of the skills, abilities and opportunities
for further development that it offers. Through it, I have had the chance to study in
depth subjects from all fields: Languages (English, Modern Greek), Social Sciences
(Business and Management, Psychology), Natural Sciences (Physics), as well as
Mathematics. Having so different classes has helped me to be more openminded
and able to understand better the latest news, discoveries and literature. Through
the IB programme I have also gained the skills and abilities to manage my time,
prioritise and be able to cope well with deadlines. I've had also the chance to
conduct research or even experiments when that was needed for my assignments.
Finally, through the Theory Of Knowledge lesson, that is unique of its kind and exists
only in IB schools, I learned how to form valid arguments and not take everything
for granted
I have also learned what volunteering really is and how that pays off when you can
actually see the changes you have made and smiles on some people's faces, who
had given up hope. That happened through the Creativity, Action and Service
programme, which is a part of the IB diploma. I liked the CAS programme so much,
that I took the initiative to join many ecologic, animal protecting and philanthropic
organisations (WWF Hellas, Arktouros, Giatroi xoris sinora). In fact I worked so hard
that am now a council member in an organisation that wants to provide the stray
animals a better future. These activities, and what I have seen through them, made
me realize that I have to be more than grateful to be in a good health and have a

secure background and always try to help the people in need and never do anything
to worsen their situation
Along with school I always try to do some kind of sport. Since I like playing volleyball
very much I have joined my local team and in fact had the chance to participate in
three championships, where in one of them we went to another city for the final
matches. Playing volleyball and doing other sports in general have provided me with
the skill to perform well when anxious and under pressure. Also, I have gained an
idea of what hard competition really is like and realising that in order to win you
have to prioritise effectively and do your best
Moreover, I would like to say that I already have some working experience that in
my point of view is very important. For the last four summers I've had the chance to
work at Kitchen Gallery, a kitchen furniture selling company. There, I had the chance
to closely see and understand how the different departments work inside a big
Specially last summer, when I had some business and management knowledge, I
had the opportunity to apply everything that I had learned in class, in real life
conditions. This enabled me to practice management and motivational theories,
marketing directions and accounting issues. The most important aspect that I
learned from that experience though is that it is not always possible to apply exactly
the theories as they are in the book on the company and also the fact that you
always have to wait for the unexpected
Finally, I chose UK as the country that I want to study because it can offer very
many important and useful thinks to students. First of all, there are the extracurriculum activities that exist in all UK universities. From my point of view, these
activities are very important because they enable the students to discover new
interests, work together as a team and of course make new friends that share the
same interests with you. Another very important feature of the universities in UK is
that they have students from all nationalities
This is very positive because the students learn and understand the different
religions and cultures and at the same time overcome prejudices. Studying in UK
because of its universities high standard and quality would certainly benefit me.

Have you ever climbed a mountain 1474 meters high? By your own limbs without
any help from any vehicle? Well, this was one of the most unforgettable and
valuable experiences I have ever had, and I will cherish it all my life. Of course, I'm
not a professional mountain-climber, nor even particularly good at mountaineering,
but I'm an energetic person who enjoys meeting challenges. I still remember,
standing at the top of that mountain, appreciating the breathtaking view around
me, I came to realize that climbing a mountain is hard work, but one step after
another finally brings a person to the top. I have adopted this experience into my
method of studying---continuing and determined steps, which steadily and
assuredly, improve my knowledge and skills
When I entered the college, my father told me that competition is getting more and
more fierce, and the best way to stay ahead is to be learning all the time. In Jiangxi
Normal University, I majored in Business English and studied hard on my major
courses. During those four years, I learned English, International Finance,
International Marketing, Essentials of Import and Export Practice, and I made full
use of my spare time by reading English novels and attending lectures on various
business-related subjects. I always did well in my academic studies and won
scholarships every semester. In TEM4, a national test for English-major students, I
ranked fifth in my department of 230 students in 2001
During my campus life, I didn't just focus on my academic work. I took part in many
extracurricular activities and contests to broaden my knowledge and improve my
social skills. I was the Third Prize Winner in the English Newspaper Designing
Contest and the Third Prize Winner in the Singing Contest. Meanwhile, as a member
of my Class Committee responsible for organizing class activities, I acquired some
essential social skills of leadership and management
Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key, so I spent my summer and winter
vacations doing sales promotions, which offered a chance to demonstrate my
abilities and to apply what I had learned in school
Through negotiation with clients, I also made a lot of progress in interpersonal
communication skills
As the saying goes, "real ongoing, lifelong education doesn't answer questions; it
provokes them." I think this is quite true. After my four-year study in university, I
find that my knowledge is not sufficient for business, and it will be necessary for me
to undertake a more advanced business program. With China hosting the 2008
Olympics, I believe there will be more and more business opportunities springing up.
To get myself well prepared for those opportunities, I have made up my mind to
study in another country to gain more advanced knowledge
The Lancaster University is a very well regarded British university

Its International Business course is recognized worldwide. I am confident that I will

be successful in my academic studies, and that, when I return home, I can put my
talent to good use for the benefit of China. I would really like to study in your
university and hope that you will approve my application.

Management has always been my ultimate goal and a desire to master new
concepts and techniques has influenced my choice to involve maths, computing and
business as my A-Levels. A combined degree in both Maths and Management would
provide me the skills and knowledge to fulfil my long-term ambition of managing a
business in the computer related sector
After growing up in a local convenience store, my interest and involvement with
business has been high and by studying business at both GCSE and A-Level this
hands on experience has been reinforced by learning new concepts and theories
During my summer break between school and college I travelled to Birmingham and
did some voluntary work in a small but growing computer course company that
used ILA (Individual Learning Accounts) as its main source of income. Although I was
only there for three weeks it was of great use because it gave me an insight into the
operations of a growing partnership. This helped me with my business studies
course and computing course because it was my job to input data and I was
involved in some of the development of the company's database. Working in the
same office as the manager I observed the way decisions were made and risks were
taken in a business thus reinforcing my interest in business management and
business studies as a whole
On commencing my AS course in Mathematics, it was extremely challenging, and
demoralising when certain theories and methods weren't grasped quickly, however,
after hard work and dedication my knowledge and skills in mathematics have
improved profoundly. I now find mathematics a very rewarding subject and look
forward to studying it at an even higher level
In my spare time I enjoy socialising and participating in sports activities. After
leaving junior school I played badminton once or twice a week at the local club for
about four years. I also played tennis during the summer and football too. Being
selected as captain for a football team at the local football club developed my team
leadership skills and was very rewarding. Although I spent a great deal of my time
socialising, however, education has remained my main focus
My committed nature has made me a very hard working and conscientious student.
My main strength in business studies is my ability to make decisions and apply
appropriate strategies to certain situations, including methods of raising finance,
motivation strategies and promotional techniques all of which contribute to the
qualities required to be an effective manager. An interest of mine within the AS
course was the variation in managing methods from different parts of the world
including America and Japan. I felt a great fascination for the production submodule. Techniques such as kaizen and other laws using motivation on the
production line were very intriguing. I am looking forward enthusiastically to
studying Management Science with Mathematics

I very much look forward to the challenge and rewards of university life and am
confident it will enable me to fulfil my ambitions and lead to a rewarding career.

I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as well as being
fascinated by other languages and cultural differences
My passion for the subject increased when I chose business studies as part of my
main education at school. In addition to the general subjects such as mathematics,
literature, history it also included marketing, accounting and economics. Although
these subjects are somewhat demanding, I find them extremely interesting. After
secondary school I decided to continue my education at Kazakh National University
founded by Al Farabi, it is one of the best and oldest universities in Central Asia, in
the faculty of the International Economic Relations. I believe that the degree I have
obtained, is the best choice for me. I will be looking forward to learning about the
international business world and I am relishing the thought of learning to integrate
with people from different countries and cultures. The idea of learning to
communicate with other people across the world is something that has always
appealed greatly to me
My speciality that I have got after graduating from the Kazakh National State
University is in the International Economic Relations
I have studied financial management, macro- micro- economics, accounting,
international currency-credit relations and other subjects. More profoundly I have
studied international economic relations, international organisations, their function
around the world and my diploma work "The analysis of economic aspects of
Kazakhstan oil transportation abroad" was written on the basis of the research of
the economics relations between Caspian countries: Russia, Azerbaizhan, Iran,
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
Not all my work experience has been as a paid employee. Furthermore I began to
take part time jobs when I was at the University; I worked for different financial
institutions one of them was National Bank of Kazakhstan in the Credit Department
as an Assistant of the Head Manager and in the Currency Department. My work in
this Bank taught me to be self-organised, how to make analyses of credit rating and
commentaries, function of the currency policy, which is one of the essential part of
any bank's activities, and how to work out complex approaches in settlement of
different issues and tasks. After this time I have changed my field of work and
continued it in the Close Stock Company "KazTransOil" as an Accountant, which is
analysing and developing the plan of transportation oil into different countries
Having important previous experience I have applied my knowledge and skills at the
position of an Assistant of Head Accountant in the Financial Department. The main
goals of the Department - to provide necessary structure of transportation for
joining the main oil field with the processing factories and export it abroad. My
responsibility included calculating the budget of the Company, making up balance
sheet, and analysing a project plan. However I realised that to work as a

professional specialist in a business area for the broader and deeper understanding
finance, accounting and international environment are needed
For me as a young specialist it is very important to try an opportunity to continue
my education in the University that has proved itself as one of the best among the
other recognised universities focusing on business studies, promoting and
facilitating research in such significant period when integration is outgrowing to
globalisation and countries becoming more dependent on each other. I think that
my interest in accounting and finance, educational background and professional
experience will open new perspectives for me if I will study at this University. Now I
feel that I have potential for realisation myself in the area of finance and my
constant interest to this science, to study more deeply this subject, ability to
distinguish main economic trends will assist me to transmit my knowledge to other

I come from a background where my family has been in the retail trade for the last
hundred years. Whist I was growing up I have been actively taking part in the
running of the business. My family has given me the opportunity to further myself in
achieving my goals. I believe studying at university will give me the opportunity to
progress in the understanding I currently have in Business Studies and ICT. I believe
that I can combine my interest in Business Studies and Accounts to excel in
Business Management
At my secondary school I was handed the privilege and the responsibility of being
head prefect. My responsibilities included attending meetings with the school
principal and school staff. I believe these installed essential characteristics such as
I was also the school football captain and represented the school at many interschools sports activities. Furthermore I represented the Wildlife Conservation
Society of Zambia, which is a charitable organisationfor the protection of wildlife in
Zambian Game Parks. Part of my duties included giving talks to other students
concerning conservation and wildlife. I thoroughly enjoyed this particular segment
of my work because conservation is an issue close to my heart
I am presently enrolled at Redbridge College in Romford where I am studying three
A2 courses in Mathematics, ICT and Business Studies, and one AS-Level in Accounts.
I do take part in several sports activities not only to remain in good physical shape
but also meet new people. I did not achieve all my targets but I am confident that
with extra effort and help from my tutors I will push past my predicted grades. I
have drawn up a plan of what needs to be done over the next few months in

achieving this. Over the last year I have developed at a personnel level. I
understand that the onus is on me to push myself to achieve my ambitions
Outside of college I have a passion for sports both for enjoyment purposes and
maintaining fitness. Football is at the centre of my love for sport, but I also enjoy
and participate in other sporting activities such as cricket, squash, badminton,
tennis, table tennis and long distance running. I am hoping to carry on these
activities whilst conducting my studies at university. I believe sports play an
important role in providing a balance between education and physical wellbeing
It has long been my ambition to complete my studies at a British university. As it is
well established Britain has the finest reputation for higher education around the
world. A degree from a British university will assist me in my future career. I am very
much looking forward to educational challenges that university has in store for me. I
am also looking forward to meeting the different cultures and backgrounds that will
exist of any university. But most importantly I believe I have the prerequisites not
only to achieve a good degree but to progress at a personal level. This would act as
a foundation for any future success in the business world.

My motivation to study Accounting /Information Business at degree level develops

from my enjoyment from the single Business Studies at AS, currently converted into
a double award at A2. For me, Business Studies has proved to be a fascinating
subject, one that offers unlimited professional opportunities. My coursework case
studies of both Norwich Union and Zenith Conservatories have given me an insight
into complexities involved in operating such varied businesses, which I have found
most intriguing, particularly those which relate to any financial considerations.
Studying these business subjects at degree level will allow me to explore, in depth,
a range of stimulating and interdisciplinary topics which I feel will give me a broader
understanding towards the theories and practices of management in different
organisations in relation to a Financial/Information environment
At school, I have participated in many fund raising events, open days and further
education fairs. I regularly collect for Save the Children charity and have
subsequently become a member. Extra curricular activities have incorporated
drama productions of Grease, the promotion of the School production of West Side
Story as part of my Marketing unit and a heavy involvement in the preparation and
publishing of our year 11 yearbook. These were demanding tasks, which included
budgeting our costs and materials to keep within a specific price limit. Although it
was tough, I found it extremely satisfying, especially after seeing the final results.
My AS Business course has given me an understanding of organisations as a whole,
but experiences such as working on the Year book and duties in my part time job
has allowed me to expand my knowledge and consciousness of such financial
topics. My ICT skills have developed highly through doing Vocational A levels, which

I feel is invaluable in the Business field. The main thing I have learnt is that for all
businesses, financial matters are imperative; it is the core of any organisation and
being knowledgeable in such issues attracts me
My communication skills have been enhanced through my part time employment
with River Island. My promotion to weekend footwear manager is developing
knowledge of financial record keeping, problem solving, meeting weekly sales
targets and teamwork awareness, which I feel can be used and put into practice
whilst studying my preferred degree course
From the age of seven I attended a Bury St Edmunds Gymnastics club and
competed at County, Regional and National levels. The feeling that I got when I
played a role within the team to gain the gold medal was amazing, equal to the
feeling when I achieved an individual gold medal as the top National around
competitor. The realisation of how important managing school work with a hobby
which was not only physically demanding, but emotionally challenging has given me
a understanding of how to be realistic, a skill which is valuable when planning
certain business strategies
I believe that during my sixth form studies I have grown in both confidence and
maturity, preparing me for the opportunity to study at university. My choice of AS
and A levels, along with other academic and personal achievements have helped to
consolidate and support my desire to study Business at degree level. I believe that I
will be fully committed to successfully completing Accountancy /Information
Business related degree and relish in any opportunities which are given to help me
achieve my aspirations in a business related career.

Aquent was in a perilous condition. The 1,800 sales representatives at the company
had contracted far too many high-risk, low-profit project orders related to network
construction. The resultant deficit at Aquent, one of the world's biggest
communications companies, had swollen to nearly USD150 million and threatened
to bring the company down. To combat this problem, I joined a sales reform
taskforce that implemented "Project Forward," a new oversight committee that
would investigate the profitability of project orders and decide whether or not to
accept them. It was a huge responsibility, and I was given the task of formulating
the procedures that Project Forward would recommend to all sales divisions
Despite a flurry of activity, two months went by with no results. The sales divisions
failed to enact the new procedures I had designed, and the company amassed an
alarming number of high-risk project orders
With implementation problems mounting, I knew it was up to me to find a solution

One executive manager, angry over the lack of sales cooperation, proposed putting
Project Forward into operation by force. Believing that we needed to grasp the
cause of Project Forward's failure before we could implement an adequate solution, I
proposed a different approach. I suggested that we simply ask the sales
representatives why they neglected to carry out the new measures. After
interviewing thirty-six sales representatives from all sales departments, I discovered
that, broadly speaking, sales representatives did not understand the goal of Project
Forward. Two other Business Process Reengineering (BPR) projects were competing
for their attention, and the sales representatives did not know which projects
pertained to their work. Moreover, since the members administering Project Forward
each had their own existing posts and roles, they were too busy to manage Project
Forward effectively
Having identified the problem, I designed a solution. I created a task list that
assigned roles to the project members. Then, I assimilated the other two BPR
projects into our own, integrating all three into one, centrally-administered program.
After creating an integrated process flow that was easy for sales representatives to
understand, I held joint meetings to introduce the new measures to the sales people
In addition, resource managers were directed to assign two people to manage
Project Forward full-time in each sales division
Finally, I used motivational techniques to ensure that Project Forward was executed
with vigor. Since I observed that we could not successfully implement the measure
without changing the sales representatives' minds about the council's usability, I
enthusiastically discussed the purpose of Project Forward at the joint meetings and
through our mailing list. I showed the sales division that they owned Project Forward
and should share in its establishment
As a result, the motivation exhibited by these representatives grew more and more
Solving this problem taught me several essential traits that a leader must exhibit. A
leader must clearly identify the problems that are hindering a project's success, and
then he must address those issues by making every team member a stakeholder in
the project's success. By raising awareness of a project's goals and purposes, a
leader can then motivate his teammates to contribute. Leadership is centrally
interactive, and only by working in harmony with an organization can a leader
guarantee long-term success.

"We don't need to take this analysis any further, especially since the client isn't
paying for additional work." I was dumbfounded. An idealistic graduate of

Dartmouth College, I had imagined that the business world would provide an
excellent learning environment in which to explore and apply my theoretical
training. I was wrong. Working as a consultant in BCG's Mergers and Acquisitions
Transaction Advisory Group, I constantly had to keep my anger and disappointment
in check when my manager vetoed my attempts to conduct an intricate or more
appropriate project analysis. Finding BCG to be an intellectual hinterland obsessed
with churning out mediocre evaluations at a blistering pace, I constantly asked
myself, "Is this really what I want to be doing?" The answer to that question--and my
deep commitment to intellectual inquiry--led me to make an important decision in
my life
With the learning potential of my consulting position exhausted, I began considering
the advantages of a return to academia. I was still interested in finance and
economics, and I wanted to pursue a program in which I could apply my real-world
experience. Unlike other colleagues who had returned to business school, however, I
was uninterested in pursuing wealth at the expense of the other passions in my life.
After careful examination, I realized that my passions lay in experimentation, in
using complex analyses to test and refine theories. At BCG, this was impossible
because of impediments such as frequent deadlines, incessant client demands, and
stifling management
Since working as a consultant was becoming tedious and uninteresting, I resolved to
move on and seek a more engaging opportunity
The day I left BCG, I was ecstatic. I felt as if I were finally free to pursue my
intellectual interests. Although some may consider unemployment to be a
depressing period, I relished my newfound freedom, exploring opportunities I hoped
would satisfy my interests and goals. Through the Ameritech Corporation, I started
my own business distributing discounted dental and vision plans. Running every
phase of a new business was thoroughly engrossing and exciting
I developed financial business models tailored specifically to my personal business,
and I studied the strategies of other successful business owners. Poring over books
and magazines in bookstores and libraries, I taught myself the fundamentals of
entrepreneurship and the nuances of financial planning. Realizing that I was
enjoying my new endeavor because it combined elements of both the academic and
professional worlds, I decided that the next logical move for me would be to attain
higher education in business practices. Researching several graduate programs, I
concluded that XXX's Ph.D. program in Business Economics was my best option
because it provided intense academic study within the parameters of applicable
business theory
My revived interest in academic study recalled the enriching experience I had had
as an undergraduate at Dartmouth. Surrounded by intellectually engaging
individuals from diverse backgrounds, I had developed an intense love of academic

pursuits, especially finance and economics. Each semester, I hunted down

professors, seeking to discuss economics and how the theories we were learning in
class applied to the realities of the financial world. My passion for research grew out
of my senior honors thesis entitled, "Picking Stocks Using Fundamental and
Technical Analysis." I sought to prove that playing the stock market through
technical analysis could substantially increase portfolio returns, even during
turbulent economic periods. As I read through numerous case studies, including
those from XXX Business School, I began to see how modern business practices
adapt to and transform new economic theories in a synergistic, symbiotic process
By the time I concluded my thesis research in April 2001, I had achieved a fifty
percent return on my portfolio despite the precipitous drop of the stock market.
Exuberant over the success of my first major research project, I knew that I would
pursue research interests in the not-so-distant future. At the age of nineteen, after
only two and a half years of college, I became the youngest student in my class to
graduate, and I did so with honors
I also experienced the joys of teaching and spreading my love of research to others
at Dartmouth. During my junior and senior years, I tutored fellow students while
juggling a schedule that included two internships. To build on this experience, I
conducted numerous broker-training courses in my recent role at the Ameritech
Corporation. The goal of my course was to show my colleagues how to incorporate
the financial model I created for my business into their own strategic business
plans. A number of my students have increased their sales volumes by over fifty
percent as a result of implementing my strategies. Whenever I teach, I experience a
close feeling of kinship with my students and enthusiastically convey my material in
a manner that allows them to experience my love of learning
XXX's combination of superior faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and diverse student
body makes it the ideal environment in which to broaden my knowledge of business
economics. The Business Economics Ph.D. program will give me the training to
perform research in financial modeling and valuation methodologies, including
complex topics such as the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. Of particular
interest to me is Professor Vousden's project, "The Impact of EPS Accretion and
Dilution on Stock Prices." Armed with an undergraduate degree in economics and
significant professional experience, I have the background and commitment to
succeed in XXX's rigorous Business Economics program.

Hello! I'm a student of Production Engineering: Marketing and Management and

Production Management. During tha last 3 years I gained a lot of experience in the
field of production. I was taking part in many presentations made by older students
at our University. It would be a good opportunity to learn some new information
about Total Quality Control, Quality Measurement Methodologies. I've a background
in the vocabulary-I was preparing a presentation(Quality Management) for foreign
students, who visited our University last year. I'm able to talk fluently not only about
production but also about other more interesting things:) Last summer I met in the
USA a Greek family, those people were fantastic! Visiting Greece will give the
opportunity to meet more Greeks! I've never been to Greece and I really want to get
to that country to learn more about their great culture, to taste the original Greek
food (my favourite olives nad the Greek salad...), to see the beautiful beaches at the
Mediterranean island of Crete, which I know only from Dicovery channel and books.
It would be a pleasure for me to represent Poland in front of other students
I'm an easy-going person, I do really enjoy making new international friends (I have
already made few during my last summer in the USA)
I'm talkative (but when it is necessary I can be quiet), open-minded, I'm not afraid
of new challenges. I like travelling, visiting new places, I'm keen in politics, cultures,
psychology. I'm open for every kind of music and I love dancing. I'm a remarkably
tolerant person. I can easily find my feet in a new situation, it's not a problem for
me to establish new contacts with foreign people.

My interest in economics, business, finance and banking has been long standing as I
am interested in how important decisions within these fields have everyday affects.
I feel I have a sound and enthusiastic response to this aspect. I am currently
studying Economics at 'A' level, in which I have learnt in theory and through
demand and supply analysis, how the economy works. This has encouraged me to
use these theories in practical application. Sociology has sharpened my ability to
analyse information in depth, as well as my interpersonal skills, both of which are
vital for management. Sociology has also helped me appreciate people's differing
needs, which I see as an important feature of business. The content of the courses I
have studied at 'A' level such as Mathematics, I feel, complement my choice of
As part of a Work Experience programme, I have been fortunate to have the
opportunity of shadowing the Finance Director of a growing fashion company and
was given a virtual tour on the financial aspects of the company. I attended
seminars and Board meetings and gained insight into decision making. I also helped
to organise an exhibition at Earl's Court. I also attended a placement at the Head

Office of Norwood Ravenswood, a large Charitable Trust. My time had been divided
between various departments from Fund Raising to Finance
Active participation in extra-curricular activities has taken up further time. I helped
to organise and promote various events at some of London's most regarded venues,
which involved raising capital through investment and planning advertisement
strategies. Through this I was able to acquaint with a range of different people. I
find great satisfaction in helping others that has led me to contribute to many
charity events, as well as working at The Cancer Research Campaign charity shop
on a voluntary basis
I have also travelled to many countries, including America, India and Kenya, which
has broadened my knowledge and awareness of other cultures. I have a strong
passion for music. Furthermore, the presentation of a radio show gave me a chance
to interact with the whole of London, which enhanced my communication skills. In
my spare time I enjoy keeping fit and much of my spare time is spent at the gym. I
also enjoy playing football and play on a regular basis for a 5-a-side team.

Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual, hence
why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. I have a
broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law or business
orientated degree. With regards to Business, the reasoning behind my choice is the
complex and intriguing nature of the subject. I particularly enjoy the way business
so appropriately blends in with everyday issues. Since taking the subject at A-Level
my interest has grown and matured and I am able to view many businesses
analytically and make suggestions regarding possible improvements. Law is an area
which has interested me from an early age. I enjoy extensive reading and recognise
that this is essential in studying law. I consider myself to be well suited to a career
in law as I pay much attention to detail and take pleasure in undergoing work which
raises social issues in today's society and requires the skill to manipulate evidence
and present persuasive arguments. I also believe that the Psychology A-Level I have
has aided me in observing the actions of others and how their opinions and
memories are influenced by external factors. This area of work requires much
confidence which I believe I posses and can use to my advantage in order to gain
recognition in this competitive field of work
My work experience is very broad due to a variety of positions I have held in
differentiating working environments. My experience working for Royal Worchester
& Spode in the Debenhams' department store has been the most influential. The upmarket company requires a confidant disposition from a Sales Advisor such as
myself and a proficient memory in order to ensure product knowledge is to an
optimum standard

I was also given the responsibility to train a new employee which displays the high
degree of trust my employers have for me
My educational experiences have been of great use to me from a position of form
captain in Secondary School to aiding the organisation of mass celebrations in
College. Responsibilities such as these have helped me to mature and take my
positions seriously so that I am respected by staff. My position of English Prefect in
Year 11 required a large portion of my time as I was in charge of aiding the entire
English department. My interest in the Italian language has also led me to have an
article I wrote regarding the exploitation of women on Italian Television published in
'L'Italiano' newspaper, to which I was very content to have my views expressed
During Secondary School I also attended evening Italian classes where I was
presented with 'The Student of the Year Award' due to my excellent standard of
work. The class required me to organise my time efficiently so that other schoolwork
did not suffer as a result of my extra GCSE. As a result of these classes and of my
Italian parents I now speak the language fluently
Sport and leisure also interests me and during college I decided to use this interest
to do charity work for RNIB where I raised GBP250 and abseiled 120ft down
Westminster University. I played Netball for the Harrow Netball Team and competed
in the OGI UK Games for the Harrow and Wembley team where I was awarded
several trophies and a gold and bronze medal for long jump and javelin.

I have always wanted to go to university young because feel that going to university
will give me a good sense of direction and help me to define who I can be, and what
career I will pursue in the future. The courses which I hope to do at university are
business management or marketing. This is because I feel that these are the
courses that have career paths which most interest me, and after studying a little of
both of these at AS and A2 I feel that these are my strongest and favourite areas of
the business studies syllabus
I feel that I would do well in business management as it incorporates many
interesting features of business studies such as marketing management, human
resource management and financial management. These features would be useful
in any career I decide to enter after I have obtained my degree. Marketing
fascinates me because I am interested in why and how people buy things, is it down
to impulse or due to psychological and attractive advertising?
I feel that my creative skills gained in media studies will come in useful when
studying marketing, as there is a strong role for media in marketing , especially as
marketing can incorporate advertising whether its on television, radio or print. I feel

that I am imaginative as I am currently making a film for media studies, which

needs to be planned carefully and very original. I made a Sunday supplement
magazine in AS which meant a lot of creative and attention grabbing writing, which I
feel will come in useful for a course in marketing
I have a part time job in ASDA which I started in December 2003 , which I feel has
enabled me to use my communication skills in a more challenging environment, as
every customer is different. Through working for ASDA I have learnt there are many
hierarchal levels in supermarket management and how in the workplace you have
to be both a team player and an individual to succeed
My main leisure activities and interests are playing football .I have played for
various Sunday league teams , which is very hard at times due to the fact that
sometimes I was playing with new team members so I had to make friends quickly.
Also I enjoy listening to music especially rap and RnB although I do keep an open
mind and tend to listen to other genres
Also I have a NHS modernisation certificate which I obtained in May last year. This
certificate was giving to me by the organisation known as Brooke and I achieved it
by retraining NHS professionals on how to help young people in a better and more
understanding way
I am really excited about proceeding to university, as I would be the first in my
immediate family to do so and feel I could accomplish a lot once I get there.

I would like to study Business Management at university, as I am interested in

current affairs and am curious about the real world
Business management will teach and help me how to manage people; how to make
and carry out decisions; and how to assess markets. It is a broad subject, which will
develop my ability to think logically and creatively
The subjects I am studying at A-level will be relevant to Business Management as
Economics is mainly a written subject where accurate use of English is essential.
Memorizing economic concepts are crucial in understanding the environment in
which businesses operate; it also helps to improve your memory. Learning different
market structures such as monopoly and perfect competition is important and in
Business Management my knowledge will be further broadened. Economics is a
strong A-level subject- most professional careers demand a course in economics as
part of training. To run a business we must be aware of the economy
I enjoy studying law as it has widened my scope on problems in our society. It has
taught me how the law is made, enforced and how it affects us. I have developed

skills of research, analytical and problem solving skills, I also have the ability to
select relevant legal authority and evidence, for example, relevant cases and
statutes. Law is crucial for businesses as it guides you on what you can and cannot
do. E.U Law is crucial as in 1989, a 'Charter of Fundamental Social Rights for
Workers' was adopted by 11 of the then 12 Member States of the European Union.
Many initiatives on improving the working conditions of E.U citizens were out
forward. Employment rights such as health and safety protection; protection of
pregnant women; the right to annual paid holidays and improved social and
professional integration for the disabled are essential if a business is to succeed
From sociology, I have learnt the theories and views of well-known sociologists such
as Karl Marx and many others. I carried out a research report on a piece of
sociological research and have written a challenging essay of two thousand words.
Sociology has helped me to develop skills of research, analysing evidence and
theory, dealing with competing arguments in written and oral reports. Sociology is
relevant to many areas of management such as Personnel Management, which
deals with issues of unfair dismissal that could be due to gender or race, for
I am interested in reading, films and music. I have been to the theatre and I enjoyed
the experience. I like to keep in touch with what news is making the headlines and
therefore try to read newspapers when I can
I like to show creativity by cooking and designing decorative henna patterns for use
on the hands
I hope to gain knowledge of Business Management and for studying at university to
provide me with a starting point in my career.

My aim is to study management in two possible fields, events and sport. This is
because my career goal is to work as part of a company organising events
Taking part in a vocational course in the 6th form has enabled me to develop my
organisational skills. I planned a Christmas event for younger children, which
involved researching various activities and focusing on time management
I have also been involved in three school productions, which allowed me to develop
my confidence and independence. Being part of a cast has let me experience being
part of a team and how important my communication skills are
Playing in a successful netball team at school has taught me self-discipline and the
ability to work with a diverse range of people. I am an enthusiastic member of the

school netball team having gained an award for my achievement in being a runner
up in the Black Prince Cup
Work experience as a teaching assistant in a lively classroom enabled me to
develop a number of important skills. Working along side other members of staff
ensured that I was able to listen carefully to others and work co-operatively with a
variety of people. In addition, at certain times I had to work independently with the
children, which allowed me to use my own initiative
I also spent time in a paediatric school assisting unwell children's redevelopment in
many areas some being academic and social skills related
Working part-time as customer contact representative for HSBC has enabled me to
experience what it is like to cope under strict targets and high pressure. My work
entails communication with colleagues, and constant interaction with the general
public in the day-to-day running of personal and business bank accounts, loans and
other banking products
Having my own Internet facility at home has allowed me to search a range of
sources to broaden my knowledge of events management. I intend to continue to
use and learn more about the World Wide Web at university
Attending events such as the cricket World Cup and various concerts has provided
me with the opportunity to experience events management on a large scale, from
safety to refreshments
I feel my current experience with event organisations will enable me to achieve
success as a student on an events management degree/HND

I have a firm belief that the secrets of the modern society are based on basic
practical, logical and lateral principles. This not only intrigues me, but also is driving
me forward in my life. From barter systems to modern day stock markets all are
based on the basic principles and such business has had huge impact in the growing
of the society. Being an optimistic, hardworking and dedicated person I back my self
to become an outstanding and a complete man and contribute to the society.
I come from a background where I have always been in business environments.
Although I have learned a lot, the skills needs fine tuning and this course is a
perfect balance of theoretical and practical aspects. The course is adaptable with
growing market demands. I have learned to take up a challenge and the failures on
the way never remained failures. The course will bring up new challenges and with
my abilities and motivation I would be able to commit myself. The achievement
would give pleasure but most of all it would uphold and open the gates of success.
At present I am studying an access course of travel and tourism. This is due to the

fact that the access course of business was full and travel and tourism is a world
wide industry. I am also doing GCSE Maths and English equivalence. I have learned
a lot about the basic of business environment and have developed a sound interest
in economics and law parts. Furthermore as English is not my mother tongue so I
am doing IELTS to improve my language skills.
I have enough practical knowledge of business as I have worked through it most of
my working life. Form 2001 to 2004 I worked as a floor manager in ****. Through my
work I developed excellent communication skills with staff and customers. I also
learned about human resource management and development. After that I took up
a part time position as a manager at **** and there I was able to incorporate the
knowledge of business to business interactions and learned financial and accounting
aspects of business. I have also learned to work in target based environment and
working under pressure.
Apart from this I hold a tiny winy interest in sports. I love to play football and volley
ball while indoor games like table tennis and chess. Although I havent played any
sport at serious level but I have learned lessons of team work and concentration.
The most important lesson while playing I have learned is to do the right thing at
the right time.
In my spare time, most of it during late nights I love to read books and do research
by myself. Books like Whoops! I am in business by Richard Stim and Why every
inventor should know about business and taxes are very interesting and
informative. I love to analyse a company with SWOT and Porters five forces analysis.
These have pulled me into studying business because not only I am interested but
also have fun doing it.
At the end of the degree I would like to start up my own company. I have a dream to
become an entrepreneur and this is my first step towards it. As it is said A journey
of a thousand miles begin with one step

My Grandfather ran a successful shipping company and my parents; uncles and

aunts all have their own businesses or work in the field of commerce. You could say
it is in my blood and I have certainly absorbed the interest and fascination of how
business and commerce works. I have always been keen on pursuing ideas of
making money and I have put on many small music events at my local sports club
to help me do this. I believe this was an extremely useful and a hugely insightful
experience into the world of business and from then on I knew I wanted to take my
interest further.
Does the environment make the man or the man make the environment? I believe
that the environment indeed makes the man, but the man draws upon his
experience from this and uses this in new environments. It's important that you
embrace new experiences and learn from them to help and guide you in the future.
This is one of the reasons why I have chosen to take a gap year, to gain vital
experience and find my own feet before moving on to my next challenge. I have

chosen to work for most of the year at the Royal Bank of Scotland, which is giving
me invaluable experience into the world of banking and finance before gaining a
great opportunity to discover more of an insight into the world by travelling around
Europe next summer.
16 months ago I was diagnosed with Crones Disease and was critically ill. Since then
my main focus has been on recovery, coming to terms with the condition and
working towards my future. I discharged myself early from hospital in order to
complete my last year of 6th form studies and be able to take my A levels. This year
I am re sitting some modules to improve my grades also to continue to improve my
health and fitness and to travel. I believe that it is helping me to gain invaluable
experience of the world and help to give me improved self-confidence and a greater
sense of independence that I feel will help me when starting university. Working has
instilled a great amount of confidence, focus and maturity in me and taught me how
to think independently, communicate effectively and work well with others as part
of a team.
I have a great love for music and I am an enthusiastic DJ and have played at many
parties and music events over the past four years. I also like to read the Financial
Times and keeping up with business news and current affairs. I am a committed
member of my Sunday league football team and also my 5-as-side team in which I
often organise games as my peers see me as reliable individual. I also enjoy
keeping fit and I am a member of my local gym, which I attend at least three times
every week. I have also completed the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award in which I
endured a two-day walk. This I found to be extremely challenging but it taught me
that when confronted with a challenge I have a determination to see it through to
the end and I believe that this is something that has always been within me and
something that I believe will be with me when throughout my university

My interest in Business Studies developed when I first studied it at GCSE which I

enjoyed immensely. This was proved when I was awarded Student of the Year in
Business Studies. Studying Business Studies, Accounting and Communication
Studies at A level is enjoyable and I have developed skills from all three of these
subjects that will help me succeed at university, I also have completed an AS Level
in Information and Communication Technology. My main interest is in international
business and would like to work in the marketing sector.
I have gained extensive business understanding within the retail environment due
to my part time job for the high street store, . One of the most important skills I
have learned is communication and its importance to the success of the business. I
have learnt to communicate effectively while working as a Sales Advisor and

understanding the importance of communication, having gained important skills

such as working in a group. Team work is an important aspect of business however,
individual performance is just as important. I can work effectively in a team, but I
also am motivated when it comes to individual performance. This has resulted in me
being Star employee, twice. One of my many tasks that I complete at work is
merchandising the shop floor and mannequins which is a challenging task. However
I have gained the knowledge to merchandise which is one of the reasons why I have
an interest in marketing.
I feel that my inspiration to work for an international business is partly due to my
part time job which I enjoy and also my passion of culture. Therefore, in
combination with my chosen Business subject I hope to combine it with a language.
At the moment in my spare time I am using CD ROMS and books to understand
As part of my enrichment and interest in business studies, I gave assistance to a
year 10 class who were studying Business at GCSE. I helped by explaining the
concepts of business and giving them information on how to answer exam
questions. In the classes that I attended I was able to offer business information
that I leaned, to those students and this helped me explain business studies in a
more logical way. I feel that younger students look up to older students as role
models, and therefore I applied to be a Prefect. I found this responsibility a start to
being well organised and committed. It was a valuable experience as my main
duties were to help younger students feel secure from their transmission from
Primary School to Secondary school.
Since before Secondary School I had always enjoyed Physical Education and I
particularly enjoyed Tennis which has always been an interest of mine. I attended
some after school Tennis activities in high school and still play Tennis to keep
healthy and active in my spare time. One of my keen interests at the moment is
reading the newspapers regularly and checking the finance sections where I keep
track of the latest businesses that are doing well on the FTSE 100. I have recently
gained an interest in shares due to my Accounts course studies.
I am determined and ambitious to succeed at university. In my opinion University is
not just about getting a degree, it is about learning and doing what you love. What I
love is Business studies and therefore I hope to be able to fulfil my ambition to
study the subject at a higher level at university and work in the commercial sector.

To start with I shall point out that I have always been interested in Business and
Legal studies. Even during my teenage years, I have seen myself as a person who is
willing to prosper in the knowledge of modern Business and Legal studies. This path
to higher knowledge as seen from my prospective fits best at an UK University.
Famous for their long tradition, unquestionable methods and millions of qualified
students that were visiting these centers in pursue of knowledge, have destined the
future plans for my higher education. I would like to add one more reason that is
connected with my familys education. The majority of my closer relatives
have a Master Degree in certain areas and they have proven themselves as both
educational and experienced in a fashion that inspired me to continue with their
Personally, my interests lie in the areas mentioned before and have become more
interested in them when I attended the Austrian School of Budapest. A good choice,
if I may add, since it helped me greatly in improving my language skills, as well as
receiving greater knowledge in Mathematics and History. Still, I have always looked
forward to learning more about the basics of Business and the foundations of Law,
since those two subjects provided the information and knowledge I was seeking to
carry on with my studies in the future.
Considering the fact that my native tongue is Hungarian, I do not have the luck of
some other Europeans whose language is widely spoken, but this doesnt
mean that I am not eager to learn and compete to achieve my goal. As a backup I
would point out that I am bilingual, because of my mother being half German.
During the years of High School I developed a strong desire to study English. In
order to try myself out in native environment I spent three weeks on Malta and took
part in two courses. This period was of major importance, due to the fact that I
encountered different challenging situations, which really tested my English oral
After this, my aim was to learn more and develop my skills in written and spoken
English even higher. When I visited my father, who was working as a manager near
London, I became more determined to top my knowledge. I signed up for the IELTS
Academic test at the British Council, which offered a consistent overview and
concessive measurement of my language skills. My overall score was 7.5, a fine
accomplishment by some, but I think I can pursue myself higher than that.
In order to expand my language attainments, I am planning to learn Italian, since I
have learned it for a year, and have some basic knowledge in it.
I think my approach to languages, provides me with the basis which are needed for
International Business, with the ability to communicate with people coming from
different countries. When speaking about business, the first thing that comes to my
mind is its complex and knotty nature. It fascinates me, how close complicated
economical phenomenons are bound to everyday issues.
With regards to Law, the reason behind my choice is that I enjoy researching and
the process of persistent reading, which is necessary for Law. Apart from that, I
consider myself as a person who has the ability of winning a discussion with his
persuasive arguments even when it comes to disputable cases.

My work experience provided me with an interesting insight into the world of

business, when I spent more than a month at the German Bauhaus AG in Hungary
as a translator due to my knowledge in German. Here I had the opportunity to see
how a big company is managed behind the scenes. I think this influenced my
approach to teamwork greatly as it introduced and thought me how to work efficient
and effective with my colleges.
In the end just to point out that my future engagements are bound to the successful
continuum of my studies, which can be acquired best at your University.

Business is very interesting to me. My love for business came from watching TV
from an early age, specially the Apprentice and sometimes the Simpsons. It is Bart's
pioneering money making schemes that I find reverting and have inspired me to
enter the world of business. My ultimate dream is to be the chief executive of a
global organisation such as Microsoft, McDonalds (although I am a passionate non
beef eater) or the Bank of England. I am currently studying General Studies (which I
find generally interesting learning about general aspects of life ;)), Child
Development which is useful in helping me to acquire skills in dealing with the sorts
of people I will be dealing with in Business Land, and Business Studies which I think
will definitely be valuable. I like school because I like socialising whilst learning but I
like going on holiday more, it is these experiences which I feel shape me as a
person. Last summer, as well as attending my annual family caravan holiday to the
Lake District in the south of the British Isles, I went to Gibraltar, which although is
the only English speaking area of Spain, I felt it really broadened my international
horizons, especially when on discovered that the name Gibralter derives from the
Arabic name Jabal Tariq (meaning mountain of Tariq), for those of you which are less
globalised. This relates to business because when I was there I met a real life
Business man, named Alan. Just like me, he was passionate about the subject. Alan
owns his very own chain of souvenir market stalls, where I bought an extensive
range of British flags, something which I am very passionate about collecting along
with postage stamps, bottle caps and Tesco vouches, showing dedication to
improving my school.
I am five foot five and three quarters with browny blonde hair and hazel eyes, I am
fun friendly and feisty and very controversial as I am never ever motivated by
money (unlike Taylors motivational theory)
Whilst on my first ever plane journey, I walked past the Business Class section,
which confirmed my passion for the subject because it was so much nicer than
where I sat.
I believe I could definitely be an asset to any university because they are really
really nice, and I am a nice person. I think you will agree that the laws of physicism,
maths and business (of course) make us a match made in heaven!

Ever since an early stage in my life, I have always worked hard to overcome
challenges. This in turn influenced my passion for business. Business can be a risky
and competitive industry, but having considered my most desired skills and
interests, I know that I am ready to step into the world of business.
My passion for business has reinforced my decision and motivation to study
business at a degree level. I am a creative, alert and hard working individual who
can work intuitively with a pragmatic approach to studying, and for this reason I
believe I can succeed in this course. I am keen to develop my knowledge in
marketing as this is an interesting area of work for me. I also like to carry out my
own research, and find out new points about business that I havent come
across yet.
I understand that marketing demands a fair degree of scientific thinking. And that it
is a complex profession, requiring a broad understanding of technology, an
awareness of how to analyse and understand data, plus a good grounding in a
variety of other scientific and mathematical principles which I personally believe I
have and this would enable me to progress and establish a good understanding.
Some of the modules that I have covered include Finance, Human Resources,
Strategic Management and Marketing. With excellent understanding in these
subjects that I have covered and an enthusiasm for knowledge, I am confident in my
ability to progress further in business as I am keen to further my own skills in
I undertook a school-led work experience scheme at a business firm called Bridge
Park in Wembley. Being an office-based job, I was able to further my organisational
and interpersonal skills as I learnt the importance of professionalism in the work
area and the day-to-day pressures of deadlines. During my time at Bridge Park, I
recognised how businesses work with one another to gain profit.
During my secondary school life, I captained my football team from year 7-11. This
improved my leadership abilities as I learnt how to organise the team, and
understood the importance of teamwork, encouraging the players and improving
team morale and spirit. Being a successful captain, I always believed in a
democratic team who could interact with each other, giving individual input from
each of the members, and my role was to bring their ideas together and make final
decisions. Being captain made me gain the understanding of commitment to the
team and helping the team to a winning form.
I have been on various trips, one of which was a school trip to Egypt. It was an
amazing experience, where I interacted with people from a different background. I
was able to acknowledge and understand the values and norms of other cultures.
This was thoroughly rewarding and I now have a deeper appreciation of diversity.
I am a believer of pro-actively trying to make a difference to world poverty and even
in the current climates of recession I strongly believe that the developed countries

have a duty to developing countries today. I'm currently donating monthly to Oxfam
and have previously undertaken some volunteer work for the charity organisation,
which provides domestic aid to developing countries. During this time, I was able to
help raise money to give aid to the children in Somalia. I found this experience very
rewarding as I know that however little my efforts may seen, they have surely
provided at least one child a better life. These efforts only strengthened my
determination to work hard and achieve to the highest of my ability.
Making full use of the facilities we have in London, I am a regular attendee at my
local gym and am a fanatic of sport, from hockey to basketball, but favouring
football. Having read a lot of media reviews on health and fitness and assessed the
new approaches to health over the last few years, I am much more aware of the
need to be positive about my health and understand the physical importance of
taking care of your body and its effect on the mind, than ever before.
I intend to study at university and achieve a high class degree that will greatly help
me to pursue my career plans in Business.

Some people consider business studies uninteresting; they think everything is just
about numbers and money. However, after closer view business is about perfect
balance. Balance between demand and supply, resources and merchandises.
Economy is everywhere, though noticeable just for devoted ones. I am glad I have
chosen this specialization, so I can prove everyone that economy means more, how
it seems.
My decision to study Business management comes from several reasons. As far
back as I was a child I always wanted to be someone independent, in charge. Ease,
with which I deal with another people, is one of my abilities. I never enforce my will
at any price; my ambition is always compromise convenient for both sides. I
inherited leadership abilities and self-assertion from my parents. My mom is an
entrepreneur, so that I'm in business environment 24 hours a day.
Further study of business management gives me great opportunity to expand
knowledge, which I've obtained at business academy in my homeland country.
Moreover, I can improve my English language in native environment and meet
another open-minded people with the same passion for business studies. It's great
to know, so there are people such as me around the entire world.
I participate in nation-wide business projects "I think economically" and "Training
Company". Those projects' sponsors provide us equipments free and specialized
literature as well. Training Company is keeping spirit of enterprise around whole
class - one of my favorite lessons. Here I taught myself to be responsible for my
products - as a member of marketing group and later as a personnel clerk. Now we
are able to solve problems quickly and effectively.

In my free time I can appreciate good book or sometimes I create my own design
pictures. Also I have a great passion for horse-riding and enjoy play the piano. I
hope I will proceed to study at this university and gain more experiences in order to
become successful in business branch.

As a French student on the starting block of my university life, my aim is to combine

a high level of studies coupled with the opportunity to become perfectly bilingual
with the English language.
It was obvious for me the choice of the United Kingdom and your esteemed
establishment to be the reference and the mean to reach my target.
The interest I bear for the economics, the finance and in general the business world,
occurred and grew year after year from my close approach to my father and
grandfather's active life in this field.
I enjoy reading economic pages in the newspapers and analysing the mechanisms
which rule the economic world. As an example, during this year I have accessed a
virtual portfolio to better understand the different functionalities of the stockexchange market.
My ambition is to reach all the necessary skills which will give me access to an
interesting professional career. Your reputation comforts and ensures me for a
reliable support to achieve my goal with your guidance.
During my studies, I felt at ease with no particular efforts to succeed in the courses
that are basically similar or needed to pursue the choice I made.
I speak many languages: English, German, Spanish and Arabic. The knowledge of
several languages is the base of sociability. I am deeply convinced that a cultural
diversity is a social and intellectual treasure.
All the above built my decision to study abroad and particularly in the United
Furthermore, my travels to Belgium, Netherlands, United-Kingdom, Austria, Greece ,
Italy and Lebanon were unforgettable and unique experiences that allowed me to
have a global vision of the World where I will become an active actor at the end of
my studies.
In my spare time, for the last four years, I am practicing rowing at a competition
level.It is a team sport in which the group must think as one.
I Love music, and I play guitar. I was a member of a band and participated in some
I am also attending since three years theatre courses. This activity is a good way to
reinforce self confidence in public while spending relaxing and enjoyable moments.
Cultural and sports activities form an important part of my personal development.
I follow and agree thoroughly the expression which states that we must have a fit
body for a fit mind.

Hoping that my application attracted your attention, I'm looking forward to receive a
positive reply from you

I would like to study business/logistics and/or supply chain management as I am

excited by the prospects involving imaginative thinking and the solving of complex
business problems. My aim is to work with business managers, showing them the
newest and most effective organisational and co-ordinating techniques as well as
using up-to-date technologies to make a company successful. I hope in the future to
take part in making the next UPS, McDonald's or British Airways.
Business logistics is certainly the most interesting section of the logistics science to
me. It is not simply about figuring out the most ideal and the most economical route
for vehicles but instead a more complex science. It can show a company how to
optimise its sources of power and can offer business managers the most effective
tools in order to suit business owners' increasing requirements.
During my current job and previous jobs I have come across such problems that
caused unnecessary extra work, creating dissatisfied, angry and complaining
customers day after day. Perhaps it is because their business systems have not
been able to encourage isolated departments to work effectively together. This is
why I am very interested in studying the most efficient business systems; business
operation management and planning technique topics found within logistics.
My interest in business logistics and supply chain management began 7 years ago
when I worked for Hungary's most successful McDonald's restaurant as a shift
manager and I had the opportunity to observe how a world famous business was
built and co-ordinated to achieve its ambitious goals.
In the last few years I have also read many books by T. Harv Eker, Bodo Schafer and
John C. Maxwell as well as others that have contained useful and interesting
information in connection with operating and co-ordinating a business. This has only
steeled my resolve to study business/logistics and/or supply chain management.
Thanks to the above-mentioned experiences and despite the fact that my native
language is Hungarian I still feel I am able to achieve my goal of becoming a useful
member of a team that faces new challenges every day and helps businesses to
achieve their goals within the shortest time and in the most effective way. I also
want to build my career within either a consultancy and strategy firm or an
ambitious enterprise that wants to lead the market one day.

Throughout my life there has been this reoccurring scene in which my father
convenes a family meeting, usually on a Sunday evening. By the next morning, we
always find ourselves busily packing for yet another international move. I am not
complaining though. Far from it! In addition to having acquired five languages and a
broad world-view of various cultural traditions, I developed a keen interest in the
financial and managerial aspect of our daily lives, as I began developing
relationships with various family members and professional in the field who held
important positions in various respectable companies.
Being young, dreams of one day running a business were frequently replaced by the
prospect of becoming a professional athlete in tennis, rugby or volleyball; as I
played competitively and was highly motivated by my personal trainers in each
sport. However, I was never able to forget business, as studying the course could be
my best chance to utilize all that I had learnt throughout my growing and diverse
experiences around the world.
As I made my way through middle school, and entered ninth grade, I was given the
opportunity to come in contact with the subject in Business Studies class. In this
course, I found myself fascinated by the many economical aspects of business, the
managerial portion of businesses, and my personal favorite, the bases of
entrepreneurship. In this section of the course, the class took part in simulation
websites that replicate the stock market and was required to create our own inschool business to raise money for charity; the business I created, not only sold the
most popsicles, but achieved a net profit of 350 Euros in one month, due to my very
low overhead costs that derived from the application of managerial and economical
economies of scale.
I proceeded with the course until I began the IB programme, which allowed me to
further specialize in the subject by taking IB Business at Higher Level.
As a result of my very time costly IB schedule, I found myself with very little to no
free time, as I consumed every available hour with extracurricular activities;
activities such as a BP Oil internship in business; a Global Young Leaders
conference; the student council presidency at my high school; a service trip to
Ghana, where we built homes for the less fortunate; business chats with various
entrepreneurs and CEOs/FEOs such Carlos Brito, the Chief Executive Officer of
Anheuser-Busch (InBEV/ AmBEV); undergraduate preparatory courses for university;
and of course, feeding the old business news-junky habit. These were all activities of
which I am very proud of having accomplished and which I believe allowed my freetime to be used very in a wise and enjoyable way.
In spite of the tight schedule that I keep, being well-rounded is important to me, so I
persuade myself to relax by competing in National or International tennis
tournaments, participating in the school's varsity teams, and following a fitness

programme in order to maintain peak fitness levels. I value my social, as I very

much enjoy my friends who allow me to express myself and otherwise decompress.
Frankly, there is nothing like a Sunday barbecue with friends to prepare one for the
academic challenges of the coming week.
After completing university, I hope to have acquired the necessary knowledge base
and wisdom to first acquire a top-notch MBA degree and then take part in a
respectable company where I will continue to evolve personally and as a
businessman. In time, I hope to be behind the unraveling of the crisis that is
currently relapsing our economy, and I hope to one day be the owner of my own
successful business, where I will have the opportunity to provide my family with a
secure and prospering home environment, similar to or better than that of my own.

From an early age I have always been interested in the way the business world
operates among our everyday lives. Since starting my A levels, the complexities of
the business industry have become more clear, the way it is forever changing and
adapting to create more paths to success is a feature I can also apply to my own
life. I realise that not just academic understanding is needed but motivation,
creativity, hard work and calculated risks are what is needed to flourish.
Being able to study Business at A-level has allowed me to perceive the way
companies operate to a much higher standard of understanding. I was highly
interested throughout the whole of my A-level, but in particular I enjoyed the
financial management unit, it allowed me to use my mathematical skills then use
the data to evaluate a business situation. My keen interest and enjoyment in this
unit has furthered me to pursue a career in the Business industry, possibly in a
financial sector.
Being educated in Psychology has always been a major benefit in the business
world whether it's working with customers or marketing a new product. Psychology
has given me a greater understanding of how people influence organisations, as
well as helping me understand business theories to a different level, such as
Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I find that Psychology and Business compliment each
other when both are fully understood and applied to real situations and companies.
Having worked with various companies it has been interesting to observe how a
company operates from the inside and how they deal with both customers and staff.
I took every opportunity to learn from the experience and feel it has given me a
much more practical understanding of how a business functions. While I was at sixth
form I participated in various activities and kept myself active. I have an open mind
to many sports but I particularly love to play Basketball at any level. I also took part
in sixth form coaching sessions for younger school players; this required me to
provide structure, organisation and leadership whilst training them.

Through my gap year I'm planning to do some volunteer work abroad, I aim to gain
a more open-minded view of other cultures and environments which could prove
useful to my future ambitions and relationships. It has also given me time to
thoroughly consider my goals and aspirations whilst keeping in mind what Ill
enjoy studying the most. An Engineering degree was recommended as a good route
to a career in the financial industry. However, I felt that Business Studies has always
been a high interest of mine and I believe it's vital to enjoy a subject in order to
achieve your full potential.
For a long time it has been an ambition of mine to have a Business related career,
and to study at a University. Additionally, I look forward to the educational
challenges I may come across as well as offering my various talents to the
community. I will not only progress at a personal level but also become one step
closer to laying the foundation for a successful business future.
Ever since I remember I was very keen on geography and different countries always
fascinated me. I always wanted to work in international spheres where I can see
how different cultures combined together can work as one team. One of my biggest
interests is languages. I have studied English since my childhood, and I started to
learn German six years ago. I attended many after school language classes to
improve my language level. An interest in a business related subjects has appeared
as I began to study at school specialized for math and physics. Studying math and
physics at a higher level has broadened my knowledge in different areas. By
learning physics, I have better understood the basic principles of the world around
us, and solving math problems has taught me to be determined and persevered
when I want to reach my goals. In math class it was to solve the problem, in a real
life it is to achieve any goal by working hard and not giving up. Those were the
theoretical studies I have completed, but the reason why I want to study
international business is to put the theoretical knowledge into the practice, and
become aware of daily life of business world.
A life changing lesson for me was a year spent in United States as an exchange
student. This experience has taught me a lot about myself. I learned how to exist in
an unfamiliar environment where I had to rely on myself and cope with difficulties
on my own. I also experienced a rather different school system from what I was
used to. Coming from a school where I was with the same classmates for six years
to a new, bigger, and much more culturally diverse school where I had met new
people every day. This helped me to develop my socializing skills and because of
such a cultural diversity, I had an opportunity to come across a variety of points of
view, which have influenced me in many ways.
In United States I was a member of a cross country ski team. This was a very
physically demanding sport and I was in a position of a beginner next to the people
who have done this sport for a several years. Because of this I learned to set goals
which I am capable of fulfilling. For example in a race my goal was not to win, but to

finish the race. It helped me to learn that I cannot give up no matter how hard the
task at the moment seems to be. Reaching the finish line has always given me a
feeling of success and satisfaction.
I have studied German for six years, and I have spent a summer in Germany at a
summer language course. The course I am applying for interests me also because of
an integrated year on a partner institution in Germany. I think that next to the
greater understanding of business, this is a great opportunity to improve my
language skills and hopefully become fluent.
My inspiration for studying international business was also a visit of a European
parliament in Brussels a year ago where I had a chance to see how the parliament
works and talk to Slovak members of this parliament. As I read in newspaper and
heard from the members themselves, it is hard to find Slovak employees sufficiently
qualified for this work and I believe that with studying international business, one
day I could represent people in my country by being on one of the positions in
European Parliament.
I feel that studying at a University in United Kingdom will give me a best chance to
prepare myself for future work in international business spheres.

JGN- rom a very young age, I have been interested in the way businesses are run:
how shops are laid out, how they sell themselves to the customer, asking myself
why are video games so differently priced? My enthusiasm for Business Studies and
Management grew from a visit in my youth to my father's newspaper office at
Canary Wharf. I was intrigued by the amount of work and effort that was put into
running a daily newspaper, wondering how it was possible to manage so many
people and run a business that involved such careful delegation and use of time.
Studying Business Studies at A level strengthened these early interests. I am
particularly interested in the human behaviour side of business, and have been
keen to explore motivation What makes people tick? What drives them forward? The
world in which we live is increasingly dominated by businesses, so what could be
more captivating than studying the most powerful collections of people on the
planet? These dynamic organisations not only reflect but create the values of
contemporary societies, shaping our beliefs and lifestyle choices. Psychology at A
level has taught me all about human interaction and how our minds work. On a
larger scale, Economics A level has shown me the structural role Economics plays in
our lives. It explains how goods are priced, how markets ebb and flow, how the laws
of demand and supply determine so much of what we do, and condition the
environment around us. Economics also supplies knowledge of how business
developments work and their impacts which are likely to succeed and those that will
almost certainly fail. All three of these A levels have also made practical use of my
mathematical skills gained at AS level and IGCSE, in which I achieved an A*.
My voluntary work experience at Google headquarters in London really reinforced
my desire to study Business. It gave me a fascinating insight into how one of the
most rapidly growing, successful global businesses operates. The highlight was
organising a YouTube press meeting, and I gained valuable skills in communication
and interaction with others in a working environment. I was particularly intrigued to
know more about the connections between different teams. I am currently working
at ******** department store in ******, as a "mobile" sales assistant, moving around
the departments and getting a wide range of views on how the company gels
together. Again, it is interesting being on the inside, seeing and hearing how the
company behaves and thinks.
I am a competitive chess player. I see chess as an exercise of infinite possibilities for
the mind; one which develops mental abilities used throughout life: concentration,
thinking ahead, problem solving, strategic planning and creativity. I was primary
school chess champion, going the whole season undefeated when I was 10 years
old. More recently, I was competent enough to receive a school service tie for my
skills and I regularly play in the 1st team.
Tennis is another major passion. I have played since I was six and play for my school
and for my club. In tennis, mastery of the mind is the crucial factor to win; every

time I play I encounter a wide range of psychological problems. I was the School
Captain when I was 15 years old, reached the final of the ******** open tournament
and also play for ******* Club's tennis academy. This improved my leadership
abilities as I learnt how to organise the team, motivate players and improve spirit
and team morale. These skills would be highly transferable to a business
I am also a keen footballer, having played for various school teams at all ages, and
was my school's social league top scorer last season with 21 goals in 12 games.
I am looking forward to continuing these past times alongside my degree, and think
my natural business inquisition and drive for success, in any task I set myself, would
make me ideally suited to studying Business or Management at university.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by demshy for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
demshy's university choices
The University of Manchester
The University of Sheffield
University of Leeds
The University of Nottingham
The University of Liverpool

JGN-With the international and local business market expansion in Nigeria and the
large structural changes ongoing in the various states, an astute businessman
would become relevant in this changing times. The investment by state
governments into the transportation sector, with regards to the various
transportation modes as is valid in the developed worlds, has birthed an upshot of
jobs for purchasing and supply chain experts.
Having worked for the last decade as a logistics supervisor and vehicle fleet
administrator in an oil and gas company, the desire to get a masters degree in the
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management course has never been stronger.
Acquisition of this qualification would positively enhance my career and secure the
foundation for my long term goal as an Purchasing and Supply Chain Consultant in
the next 10 years. Having a bachelors degree in statistics has aided me immensely
with regards to data analysis and management during my working years.
My work experience has given me an edge, exposure and advantage to be
applicable at this era of change in my country. The importance of team work,
constant change in work process with regards to safety, effective business
communication skills as an in-house trainer for specially designed programmes for
drivers and their immediate supervisors in an international business environment
has contributed immensely to the choice of my course and university for the much
needed masters qualification. I received several awards during my stay with the
company as a testament of my stellar performance and benefit to the companys
growth and attainment of its policies and standards.
Some of my great attributes is that I am smart, hard working, inquisitive, willing to
learn, sensitive and generally interested in the welfare of others. I enjoy reading,
meeting people, solving quizzes and puzzles, baking, singing and organizing events
like parties, trainings, caterings, when necessary. I'm subscribed to related supply
chain groups to keep myself appraised of current developments in the industry.
My choice of school for Robert Gordon University was based on research, reputation,
ranking, graduates impact on the society and economy, affordability and the
course itself. I believe with this degree, I can work in an international company that
emphasizes professionalism and aid it attain its goal through use of knowledge
gained and work experience. I firmly believe that gaining new and applicable
marketable set of skills from this course would not only aid me in my career path
but also aid my countrys future.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by taa2s for application in 2011.
Comment on this personal statement

taa2s's university choices

University of Westminster
The Robert Gordon University
The University of Aberdeen
University of Glamorgan
The University of Salford
MACAM AKU-To me being an ordinary employee is not satisfying. I believe I can get
my hands fully into the projects and have a major influence on how they are
implemented. Although I have a short but rewarding period of work experience,
from the beginning I had my mind set to reach higher positions within industry and
to be able to pursue this dream I am applying for the MSc Management course.
Please accept this letter and the accompanying CV as an expression of my interest
in MSc Management course.
As my CV indicates, in June 2007, I was graduated with MEng in Mechanical
Engineering. I was initially introduced to mechanical engineering by working in my
fathers Engineering and Construction Company involved with
projects in Oil and Gas fields in south Iran. I demonstrated a commitment to
continued education and improvement by applying for a degree in mechanical
engineering in the following year. My father is the managing director of his own
company and I was always encouraged by him to run his business alongside him at
some point after I completed my studies. Recently, from various discussions with
my father regarding his business I realized that the global economy plays a
significant role in businesses failure/success in Iran. With
regards to the current political and economical sanctions, proper leadership and
management can prevent any company from going bankrupt and failing in this
country. This has convinced me to confirm my decision to study management in
addition to my previous degree.
I also took a summer job in the Sales Department of a Stone Manufacturing
Company and I was privileged to have the chance to take up some of the marketing
and sales strategy tasks. I learnt the necessity of having efficient communication
skills and dealing with different people.
I am currently working in M & E sector of Jacobs Engineering. During this time I have
acquired a sound overall knowledge of leading edge engineering principle, tools and
practices with emphasis on designing mechanical systems. However I feel the need
to supplement my engineering skills with managerial expertise in order to achieve
higher positions through out my career path.
Working on different projects such as being involved with design of a Baggage
Transfer facility within Heathrow Airport (London) has given me the insight to how
projects are executed. This particular project consists of different design teams from
various sectors and companies incorporating different aspects of the project and

liaising with each other. I worked very closely with the Project Lead, and in fact, I
was challenged with some project management tasks. This has proven to me that I
have managerial skills, although training and direction is essential in order to apply
them appropriately.
My personal attributes include leadership and creativity as well as analytical and
problem solving skills. I interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.
Through out my degree and employment I have always managed to achieve project
goals and I have brought quality work into timely and productive completion both in
individual and teamwork assignments.
Determined to obtain recognition as a Chartered Professional Engineer, I am also
very keen to express my interest in the Management (CEMS) Program. Being
employed in a multi disciplinary company I have always wanted to be involved with
the work within the Project Management sector. I am amazed that how easy some
projects can lead into failure by dreadful project management. I learned from
experience that project managers require having both technical knowledge and
managerial skills to implement projects with high standards. I am confident that I
could make significant contribution to any organization following my studies. I would
bring preparation and experience as well as commitment in this course.

Pursuing a masters degree is a responsibility I owe to myself as well as a
commitment I have to others. I refer to it as a responsibility because I have a
proactive outlook on life, which makes me actively seek and go after the things that
I want to accomplish in life. I refer to it as a commitment because I want to be an
to others of the attainments and contribution to society that women can make.
My first introduction to human resource management came as a result of an
encounter with Victor Banjo, General Manager Human Resources Oceanic Bank Plc.
It was as a result of this encounter that I was able to get detailed understanding of
the roles played by human resource in tackling human issues and consequently in
organizational success.
In light of this, I have decided to take up the masters program in Human Resource
Management because I am interested in the role it plays in achieving organizations
goals and objectives, key among them being hiring and training the best
employees, and dealing with performance issues.
I am a graduate of Mass Communications from Bowen University. My Mass
Communications degree has provided me with a strong foundation as well as
fortified me with good communications skills, personal communications as well as
organizational communications skills, bearing in mind that the importance of proper
communication in the business environment cannot be over-emphasized. In the

same vein, professionals of communication recognize the importance of good

business practices.
My career goal is to work in a leading firm that places priority on professionalism
and lead such organization towards attainment of set goals by making use of
knowledge garnered as well as experience. Ten years from now I see myself as a
human resource consultant, providing professional advice so that others can make
the best decisions. I believe a masters degree in Human Resource Management is
all I need to make this dream come true. It fits the profile of this goal.
Perhaps some of my greatest attributes is that I am smart, hardworking, and
inquisitive. I am always willing to learn and I appreciate every opportunity to learn
new things or old ones differently. I am sensitive and genuinely interested in others,
which makes me confident that HRM is the path I want to tread. Human resources
are vital to any organization: without people the organization would not function.
I chose this university because of its great reputation, its renowned academic
excellence, and good industry links as well as flexible postgraduate schemes. I look
forward to being a part of a renowned institution as your institution. I firmly believe
that the right education in the right school will open doors of advancement in my
chosen field of study.

Mechanical engineering personal statement

JGN-From a very young age, I had aspirations of becoming an engineer, because I
wanted to build machines that did not require direct human energy inputs to
operate. I achieved this for the first time a few weeks later, designing a vehicle that
carried it's energy stored in rubber-bands; it wasn't a roaring success, but the fact
that it wasn't perfect only increased my desire to learn more about engineering.
Soon afterwards, I became a serious motor sport enthusiast, and to understand the
sport more, I began assisting my dad and his mechanic in the maintenance of our
family cars and electricity generator. I quickly learnt and understood the function of
every part of the generator and before long, my dad ran out of answers to my
questions, like: 'Why do high performance engines often have up to six valves per
cylinder when two would do the job?'. He therefore encouraged me to read further
about engineering, and a few books later, I knew what
I was devoting my life to.
The more I learn about mechanical engineering, the more assured I become that a
career as a mechanical engineer is suited to me. A few years ago whilst researching
for a physics assignment, I discovered that most cars are 20 to 30 percent efficient
at best. This statistic is unacceptable, and it had a big influence on my decision to
study mechanical engineering, with my focus being engine design. In addition,
learning subsequently of the rotary engine, continuously variable transmission (cvt),

pneumatic and desmodromic valve

control, hydraulics and many other interesting concepts has further trengthened my
decision to study mechanical engineering, and it is my belief that I really can make
a mark in the automobile industry.
After deciding to become an engineer, I set out to find the qualities necessary for
success. In the process, I read about Heinrich Maybach, Thomas Edison, Isambard
Brunel, Ernst von Siemens, and a host of others. Of all the great engineers I have
learnt about, the one that inspires me the most is Thomas Edison. This is because
unlike all the others, he not only was talented as an engineer; he was also a brilliant
I believe that success, as an engineer in this day and age, requires technical
competence and a combination of management, leadership, communication and
business skills. Leadership is something that I have naturally and my school
recognised this by appointing me a senior prefect, which I believe has further
improved my leadership and communication skills. In addition, I recently set up a
maths club in my school where sixth-formers who are good at maths help
pupils from the junior school with their study and homework. This has improved my
communication and presentation skills tremendously.
Reading Robert Kiyosaki's book, 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', taught me the importance of
having financial and business skills. To improve these skills, I volunteered at my
local British Heart Foundation shop for a few months, to understand how charities
make money. This turned out to be a very valuable educational experience.
When I have time outside my curricular and club activities, I am a very enthusiastic
sportsperson. My main sporting interests are football and the high jump. Presently, I
am in the process of starting up a football team for the sixth-formers in my school,
to improve general physical fitness and to foster a sense of belonging among the
new sixth-formers in my school. I am also working towards a sports leadership
award. In addition, I am involved in Greenwich council's Gifted and Talented
program called 'xtrahot', and I have attended a
number of seminars and workshops as part of the program.
It is my hope that a degree from your university would serve as a solid base for a
successful career in engineering, where hopefully, I would be involved in the
development of new technology for cleaner and more efficient transportation
Profile info
This personal statement was written by mailforabu for application in 2005.
Comment on this personal statement

mailforabu's university choices

Brunel University
University of Bath
Imperial College London
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Oxford University
University College London
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made
Mechanical Engineering at University of Bath
mailforabu's Comments
It's not fantastic but it got me an interview at Oxford, so it can't be completely
rubbish either. My interviewers seemed to be particularly pleased with the question
in paragraph two about engine valves, so I'll advice you guys to put something
personal like that. In addition, engineers like nothing better than talking about other
great engineers. So if you can, include a few names your familiar with. Finally, put
some effort into your conclusion, and resist the temptation to drop it completely.

Engineering Personal Statement

JGN-Like all young children, I often asked the question What's that? However
where I apparently differed from others, was in my inquisitiveness to probe further.
How does it work? being a common phrase of mine and thus, although I
didnt realise it, my fascination with Engineering was born. Engineering has had
a profound effect on the way we live and in shaping the world we know today. I am
intrigued by all aspects of the subject ranging from the utilisation of scientific
knowledge to solve practical problems, through to political, environmental and
economic considerations.
Maths and Physics at A-level have been challenging, stimulating and exceedingly
enjoyable. Not only did I select these subjects in order to pursue engineering at
degree level but also because they continue to be my strongest. My curiosity in the
operation, design and dynamics of objects, naturally influences my choice of
degree, leading me towards Mechanical Engineering.
In 2005 I was fortunate to secure two invaluable weeks of work experience with
Arup, working on the King's Cross St. Pancras redevelopment and CTRL
which was most interesting due to its multidisciplinary nature. This enabled me to
experience a range of disciplines such as Electrical, Civil and Mechanical
Engineering, while strengthening my teamwork, organisational and ICT skills.
Studying A-level physics also enabled me to visit a local waste plant where turbines
converted thermal energy into electricity and see first hand the benefits of
Mechanical Engineering to the community as a whole.
Throughout my education I have participated in a range of initiatives and activities,
along with assuming many positions of responsibility, such as form representative,
house captain, college representative on the school council and coaching the school
hockey team.
Communicating with people of various ages and enabling them to further their skills
or their ideas is extremely rewarding and provides a real sense of achievement. This
has encouraged me to widen my involvement and I now act as a peer mentor and
provide classroom support in maths lessons. In addition, as a member of my
school's gifted and talented group, I participated in a residential weekend and many
one-day activities where I enhanced my analytical skills. These initiatives have
helped me to develop into an imaginative, caring and involved individual. I have
also represented my school in a variety of sports such as Football, Athletics and
Hockey. Furthermore I played for my Hockey club, men's 1st XI and Captained the
U18 team last season, along with representing Essex for the last 5 years. It is
through commitment to my club I have achieved this. In addition I spent 4 years
with the Sea cadets and Marine cadets. As a Marine cadet I reached the rank of
Lance Corporal and in the process gained qualifications in many activities and
specialisations. My experiences developed my interpersonal skills and provided me
with an ambition to achieve in all that I do. In December 2004 I applied to gain a

scholarship from the Royal Marines, which leads to entry as an officer if I choose to
do so. After two tough residential selection processes, at Lympstone and Gosport, I
was awarded the scholarship.
I believe I have the qualities required to further my studies as a university student
and would cherish the opportunity to build on my existing experience both
academically and socially. I feel I would excel in Mechanical Engineering and look
forward to the prospect of a challenge. I see myself as an individual who would not
only take from university but also give by contributing to all aspects of university
Profile info
This personal statement was written by arriddick1 for application in 2007.
Comment on this personal statement
arriddick1's Comments
From this personal statement. I recived offers from Cambridge, Imperial College,
Southampton, Bath, Surrey and Exeter. I hope u enoy it :)

Mature Student career change to Engineering personal statement

Having had a successful 11 year career in the travel industry, it may seem a little
peculiar that I am now applying to study engineering. When I was younger, I had
planned to become an engineer and at 16 I took an apprenticeship with the Royal
Navy. Not liking the military lifestyle, I left the Navy a little disheartened and found a
job working in a travel agency. After a relatively rapid career progression, I was
fortunate enough to have a superb position as a Promotions Manager for British
Airways in New York. Within a few years though, I realised that my career was not
where I wanted it to be and decided to finally train to be an engineer.
The thought of becoming an engineer excites me as I long to have a career that
makes an impact. The idea of using physics to improve people's lives is thrilling.
When I was a 'normal age' student, my passion for engineering was born from a
love of finding out how things work under the hood. Being analytical, I was never
satisfied with just using an object. I needed to know what was going on inside it.
More recently, I have become increasingly intrigued by the new wave of technology
that is becoming more integrated into our daily lives. I am particularly interested in
nanotechnology and how it will shape our future. As the effect of nanotubes in
electronics is still being researched, I very much look forward to studying them to
create a new generation of super-technology. My goal is to be at the forefront of this

technology, developing new solutions and making a real difference.

To ensure I have experience and understanding of the industry, I have become a
student member of The IET. Their fortnightly magazine is filled with breakthroughs
in research, real-world engineering problems and has been a great insight into the
work of both commercial and academic engineers. Over the summer, I was also
fortunate to receive an internship with EDF Energy. This experience has been
extremely useful as I have had the opportunity to work first hand with electrical
engineers to discover what their day to day activities are, learn how engineering is
used in the industry and attend some exciting visits to substations. I have also tried
to increase my academic knowledge of the subject by reading such books as
"Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down" and "Invention by Design: How
Engineers Get from Thought to Thing". I particularly enjoyed the latter as it
discussed the evolution of design for everyday objects such as paperclips and
pencils. I had not previously thought of how much work goes into these seemingly
insignificant items.
Returning to education has been an exhilarating experience. Although a little
apprehensive prior to the start of my course, I have thoroughly enjoyed studying
Maths, Further Maths and Physics. Whilst researching how to return to education, I
discovered early on that the engineering course is very rigorous. It became clear
that an Access course would not provide me with enough skills to successfully begin
the engineering degree. I have therefore chosen to complete two-year A level
courses in these subjects. This has certainly been the right decision as I find myself
challenged sufficiently and feel I will be fully prepared for higher education.
Outside of academics and my career, I enjoy several hobbies. I am a keen
snowboarder and enjoyed spending an entire winter season in Vermont. I also enjoy
taking part in amateur dramatics and have been involved in many productions. In
2006, I completed a musical that I wrote and scored and was privileged to be given
the opportunity to direct it for performance. After a successful first show I have
continued to write and look forward to having the opportunity to stage another
musical whilst at university.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by sjh101 for application in 2011.
Comment on this personal statement
sjh101's university choices
Cambridge University
University College London
Imperial College London

University of Surrey
University of Southampton

Engineering personal statement

The art of engineering is applying scientific theories to design. The fundamental
principles that are applied to products and structures are paramount and by
studying engineering I am hoping to learn how engineers use these principles and
then integrate them into designs. A design that has inspired me is the Falkirk wheel
boat lift as it shows how solutions to engineering problems can be imaginative and
Engineering will allow me to see how principles are applied to design. This was
highlighted in a lecture I attended on the mechanics of roller coasters. I was
fascinated to learn about some of the design constraints which were applied to
balance speed with safety. For example if a bend is too tight then excessive g-force
would cause participants to blackout. I then applied the idea of using maths in order
to ensure the safety of Formula 1 drivers. I used this to assist in preparing and
delivering of a number of workshops run at my school for local primary school
children, one of which involved the design of Formula 1 cars and calculating the
speed at which they can be safely driven and the chance of them crashing.
Attending a Headstart course at Swansea University showed me how the theory that
is learnt in the lecture theatres can be easily transferred to a practical application in
the labs. A particular highlight was the civil engineering task where we designed
and built an inflatable structure with a team. This is an area of engineering that I am
looking forward to studying as there were many different solutions suggested to
solve the same problem. This course was a useful experience as it allowed me to
see the different teaching styles at university by attending lectures and doing lab
work. I found this enjoyable because of its hands on nature.
I have already started to further my knowledge by reading "How Things Work: The
Physics of Everyday Life" by Louis A. Bloomfield, and I have enjoyed learning the
basic theory behind wings creating lift by creating a difference in pressure. I am
very much looking forward to studying this area in greater detail. I have also read
"Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing" by Henry Petroski
which has shown me that to an engineer, every design can be improved upon and it
is this potential to improve and progress things via engineering which strongly
appeals to me.
Outside the classroom I have taken part in the UKMT individual maths challenges
where I have achieved 3 gold awards, twice scoring highest in my year. This

resulted in me representing my school in a team maths challenge. Additionally I

have attended events run by the Gifted and Talented Program including a week long
summer school and lectures to help further my maths knowledge.
My main hobby is mountain biking and I have been riding regularly for 4 years.
During this time I have had to carry out a lot of maintenance on my bike which has
led to my interest in how they work and all the aspects of bike development. For
example carbon fibre is replacing aluminum as the material of choice for most
components due to its ability to improve strength while reducing weight. This
interest has led me to taking a course on advanced mountain bike maintenance in
I have taken part in many activities that have helped to build my teamwork,
leadership and time management skills. I finished the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Award where strong teamwork is essential in order to succeed, especially at the
expedition. I have also represented my year on the school council where I had to
demonstrate good time management and organisation skills which I used when I
helped to organize an event to help other schools improve their councils. I have
played cricket for my school and local team which has taught me to cope well with
I believe that I have the academic ability, interest and personal attributes that are
well suited to studying engineering at university and to pursue a career in this field.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by davies for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
davies's university choices
University of Bath
Cambridge University
The University of Durham

Economics Personal Statement

Having been born in the UK, with parents from Delhi and Kenya, I feel my
background has given me an internationally diverse outlook. In my travels, I have
met with both the affluence of Europe and the poverty existing in India. Such
contrasts have compelled me to seek an understanding of the forces that drive the
world economy, and why after centuries of economic theory such inequalities
continue to exist.
Over the summer, I have been researching India's economic development, partly
stimulated by the issues above. The Indian economy is a fascinating topic for me,
not just due to my heritage, but because of the juxtaposition between rapid
increases in wealth on the one hand and the Sub-Saharan African levels of poverty
on the other. Another part of economics I find appealing is the use of theories. I
have been introduced to the Tragedy of the Commons and the Coase Theorem's
take on externalities. My interest in strategic decision-making has been boosted by
Game Theory, which has developed an understanding of the situations faced by
oligopolies and the implications of Nash equilibrium. Such theoretical models have
led me to Experimental Economics and Charles Holt's 'Markets, Games and
Strategic Behaviour', in an attempt to see if people actually behave in the way
theory predicts.
Being awarded the 2007 Kirk Cup for Mathematics at school, encouraged me to take
A-level Further Maths. My problem solving skills and ability to manipulate algebraic
variables have since been enhanced, which is beneficial considering the numerical
analysis involved in economics. Given the problematic nature in conducting
controlled experiments, I am eager to explore the range of statistical tools available
to economists.
Presently, I offer tutoring for GCSE Maths students, and have taught an adult how to
use various PC applications in the past. Such an experience has stressed the need
for planning, patience and presenting work coherently for others to follow. I have
also used graphical design software to produce adverts for my Mother's beauty
business, and have assisted with book-keeping for annual tax returns. It has been
noticeable how economic factors affect such a business; for example how demand
for different treatments has changed with the credit crunch.
My internet browser's homepage is set to prompt me with the latest headlines from
the BBC Business website, as it is a priority for me to keep up-to-date with the world
around me. In addition, for different opinions, I also frequently read articles on
economics in various newspapers. Reading books by economists, such as John Kay,
has led me to appreciate better how concepts have developed over time. These
include 'The Penguin History of Economics' by Backhouse and Levitt's
'Freakonomics', which I found entertaining, but thought lacked true economic
substance. Besides reading, my other hobbies include remixing music on the

computer and using, on which I have a virtual portfolio of shares.

As a representative of my college's debating team, my communication skills have
greatly improved. At our next debate, I will be arguing for the wider use of
congestion charges.
The recent economic turmoil has reinforced my belief in how economics is truly an
integral part of our lives. University will provide the ideal environment in which to
strengthen and test my understanding of such a discipline, whilst being a place
where I can formulate and contribute my own theories to the subject. After receiving
full marks in AS-level Economics, I have set myself a high standard, and I wish to
continue my ambitions in the finance industry. However, I recognise that my passion
for economics will lead me to many more career horizons.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Mopac for application in 2009.
Comment on this personal statement
Mopac's university choices
Oxford University
London School of Economics
University College London
The University of Warwick
University of Bristol
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made
Economics & Management at Oxford University
Mopac's Comments
When writing this personal statement there were a few key points (about myself)
that I wanted to get across. I wanted the let the university know that I have a
genuine (not just an academic) interest in economics. I wanted to stress my
knowledge of the subject (by bringing up various theories, and mentioning books I
have read). And of course, I also wanted to emphasise my academic success. I have
to admit, writing this personal statement was one of the hardest things I've ever
done, but I guess its all worth it in the end.

Philosophy, Politics & Economics personal statement

I am very interested in the upcoming election and how the different parties'
attitudes to business and welfare will affect the vote and the eventual success of
the country. I wish to study a course that will provide me with a thorough insight
into the political and economic impact of our national decisions.
Books such as Tim Harfords The Undercover Economist have further revealed how
the economy and the real world interact. This has made me query how much a
number like the GDP matters when it fails to take into account elements as
important (albeit nearly immeasurable) as a populations happiness. I am interested
that Nicolas Sarkozy is raising these issues in France. I keep up with current affairs
through reading newspaper articles and watching programs such as Question Time.
To further my understanding of the financial world, I arranged work experience with
Tideway Investment in London. At first sight this appeared to be a surreal world
where moving money around creates more money. I began to learn more about the
realities of valuing companies and stock. This raised questions related to the
generation of wealth and how this is affected by economics and politics.
One way I have personally attempted to explore these issues is to write a novel
manuscript, the two lead characters being a student and a criminal outcast. It is an
exploration of the two characters status and integrity, tracing their economic class
and comparing how much the government values each individual. I learnt much
from this personally motivated project. I did considerable research covering issues
such as Megan's Law, and was influenced by political writers such as George
Orwell and Truman Capote. I enjoyed exploring issues such as how a criminal record
changes job prospects, and yet how a class of lesser paid citizens may be required
for society to function. It raised my concern about the philosophy and ethics of
political systems, and has motivated me to study these issues further. By writing
this novel during my college studies I demonstrated rigorous time management
skills and dedication.
In 2008 I submitted a short story and won a place at Atlantic Center For The Arts,
Florida, on a creative writing residency. This boosted my ability and self confidence
in my work.
I have spent time discussing political issues as a member of Truro College's
Academic Academy, including debates on how to deal with illegal music
downloading, and what can count as 'art'.
In 2009 I worked as a Junior Mentor at an International Gateway for Gifted Youth
summer camp at Warwick University. I managed two groups of teenage students. I
enjoyed this position of responsibility and developed my skills in teamwork,
motivating young people, and leadership.

Last year I formed a band for which I play guitar, sing, and compose songs. I hope I
will be able to push my musical limits with other talented musicians at the
My A level subjects reflect my strengths in both sciences and arts. I appreciate the
logical rigour in Mathematics, and the practical empirical nature of the sciences. In
the arts, I have developed critical and analytical skills and creativity. I want to utilise
this combination of my abilities in my degree course. I am keen to gain insight into
the complex relationship between political, economic, and scientific thought, and
how this is integral to our society.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by helloearthling for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
helloearthling's university choices
Oxford University
University College London
University of Bristol
University of Bath
The University of Manchester
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made
helloearthling's Comments
I applied for a mess of subjects - my two favoured choices being PPE at Oxford, and
Science/Communications at UCL. On the back of some not-so-stunning GCSE
grades, I did well out of it.

Government/Politics Personal Statement

The power and influence of Governments around the world has always intrigued me.
That the decisions of a handful of people should have such enormous effects across
the globe is a concept by which I am both excited and terrified. It is a desire to
better appreciate this power that has instilled me with an ambition to study Politics.
One particular aspect of Politics that is of interest to me is international relations.
My involvement in European Youth Parliament provides me with a deeper
understanding of international diplomacy and I relish the opportunity to debate
important issues such as the economic turmoil in Greece. Having come first in the
national competition, I am thrilled to have been selected to represent the UK at the
international session in Athens this April. Attending the World Scout Jamboree in
2007 was another contributor to my passion for international affairs. This in turn
steered me toward Huntington's 'Clash of Civilisations'. The situations envisaged by
Huntington made me reflect upon the absolute necessity of international cooperation in the resolution of conflict, and the retention of peace.
The relationship between people and the state is also interesting to me. Through
studying 'The Great Gatsby' for my English AS Course, I came to better understand
the 'American Dream' of individual success and prosperity without the need for
state intervention. This raised questions about the contrary state of human nature
which Rousseau argues for in 'The Social Contract'. Human rights and government's
role in securing and protecting them are also a source of interest to me. Assessing
the social implications of France's ban of the Burka during my AS French course
imbued me with a better understanding of individual conflicts of interest. The clash
between the right to wear a Burka and the right to feel safe and secure highlighted
the problems faced by politicians today on sensitive issues such as these. It was my
appreciation of the enormity of these problems that led me to join the Liberal
Democrat party, which has been a leading voice in Parliament for the securing of
universal human rights. Since joining, I have acquired a better understanding of UK
party politics, as well as the intricacies of promoting a liberal agenda in coalition. A2
Theatre Studies has provided me with an insight into how theatre has been used as
a forum for political ideas. Socialist and pacifist ideals are present throughout the
work of Brecht, and through studying 'Mother Courage', I have come to appreciate
the power of theatre in influencing political thought.
I manage a demanding schedule at school, balancing my studies with numerous
extra-curricular activities including organising the school's annual Mencap Funday
and various events for the Politics society. Furthermore, I have been heavily
involved in the school's various drama productions as well as the Rugby team.
Debating and public speaking are two hobbies of mine, and I have represented the
school in both. Outside of school, I am a passionate supporter of Stonewall and the
Electoral Reform society, having attended a number of marches and rallies over the

past year. Within my own Party, I worked closely with Cllr Jack Cohen in the run-up
to the 2010 General Election, which provided me with an intriguing insight into UK
voting behaviour. Additionally, I have trained as a youth leader, and am currently
working towards my gold Duke of Edinburgh award.
I want to further my study of Politics and its extraordinary ability to change people's
lives for the better, ultimately acting as a force for good in the world. With my
interests and skills, I want to contribute to university life in every way that I can,
continuing the lively debate that has shaped and will continue to shape Politics for
Profile info
This personal statement was written by gausie_jr for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
gausie_jr's university choices
London School of Economics
University College London
University of Leeds
King's College London
University of Bristol
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

Accounting and Finance personal statement

It was when I earned my first pound at the age of ten washing my mother's car that
I became interested in the power of money. Over time it became clear to me that
the people who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of
understanding the decisions made by governments and the future of society. I want
to be one of those people.
To broaden my knowledge of different areas of finance, I have read a number of
different books on the subject - from "How the City of London Works" to "Rich Dad
Poor Dad". I am also a regular reader of the Economist magazine. I believe that
reading such books and magazines has given me insight into topics not covered at
school, for example how Japanese management in Chinese factories caused unrest
among the workforce due to the Chinese workers' dislike of the Japanese
management style, and how this affected the share price of companies such as
Honda. Reading about such things has made me realise how the subject of Finance
and the economy affects everybody's lives, and has strengthened my desire to
further study the subject. The A-level subjects I am studying give me a firm
foundation for studying Finance at University. Business Studies at A-level has greatly
improved my analytical and writing skills. I have particularly enjoyed the part of the
course which concerns how a firm selects financial strategies and how managers
choose which aspect of a firm needs the most investment. German has improved
my communication skills and self-confidence and has also made me more
appreciative and open to other cultures. Alongside the logical method of thinking
that I have developed from Mathematics at A-level, I believe that I am well prepared
to take on a degree course in Finance at University.
My part-time job as a receptionist at a sports and leisure club has given me some
insight into the demands of working life. Having worked there since May, I now feel I
am an able employee and because of the nature of the job. I have learned how to
communicate with colleagues, my employer and of course, customers. I often have
to work alone so I have learned to use my own initiative and how to be independent
- skills which are of paramount importance if I want to work in the financial industry.
Since the age of eleven, a hobby and a major interest of mine is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
This year I won the Welsh Open under 18 absolute division and in 2010 I won a
silver medal in the under 18 lightweight division in the European Championships.
My previous successes include being the team captain for the Indonesian National
Children's team, where we won the Pan Asian team Championships, beating The
Philippines in the final. Balancing my academic life with the rigours of playing a
sport at such a level has been very challenging at times. The weeks and months
leading up to a major competition are usually pretty stressful, but, as I have now
been through the experience many times, I have learned how to deal with immense
pressure - and how to enjoy the success which comes afterwards! In addition to this,
I have learned about commitment and dedication as well as honour and how to

handle a major loss, and also how to remain humble in victory. The things I have
learned from Jiu-Jitsu will help me throughout my life; not only during University, but
during my career and long afterwards.
I am taking a gap year so I can earn some money in order to travel and to pay for
some of the costs of University. I intend to keep my job as a receptionist and also to
take on some teaching at the sports and leisure club and, when I have enough
money, I am planning to travel around Europe and South America. I believe this
experience will be worthwhile as I will come to University with greater maturity after
experiencing other cultures.
A possible career option is to do something involved in banking or investments - I
certainly hope I will never have to wash another car again!
Profile info
This personal statement was written by oioi for application in 2013.
Comment on this personal statement
oioi's university choices
University of Bristol
Brunel University
Cardiff University
City University
The University of Manchester
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

Since I was a little girl, I view the world differently. Instead of realistic, I would
picture things in their aesthetic form. For me leaves are not just greens. If you look
properly, they sway delightfully following the rhythm of winds. I believe we are
living in a visually beautiful milieu and I enjoy capturing every single moment
through painting. Subsequent to high school graduation, it seemed only logical that
I continue my study in the finest Art school. Yet, it was never happened. Instead, I
enrolled in psychology course merely to fulfill my parents wish. Three
years down the line, I found myself drifting apart from creative activities and I am
not happy. Then, it was Margaret Naumburg who brought me back to artistry.
Inspired by her art therapy movement, I wrote a dissertation research titled
Reflecting the Quality of Human Figure Drawing in Cognitive and Social
Development of Children Diagnosed with Down syndrome. The paper was
a big hit. I successfully scored 14/16 and the intervention was complimented as an
innovative approach that may improve childrens quality of life.
Today, glancing at my progression from adolescent trough adulthood, I am thankful
to my parents that they encourage me to change direction. Following the
completion of my undergraduate degree, I feel that I have developed my
idiosyncratic style of working by applying both creative nature and scientific schema
to meet a specific goal. I finally found my niche and I would like to take it to the next
level. That being stated, I have decided to undertake postgraduate Innovation
Management program in Central Saint Martins and reasons are twofold.
First and foremost, I am aspired to pursue a creative career that has a scientific flair
to it. Having worked professionally in diverse environment as such publishing
company, special school for learning disabilities and retail industry has taught me to
be versatile. Nevertheless, I do not want to get carried away and end up being the
Jack of all trades, master of none. Therefore, present Innovation Management
program is definitely the best foundation for me to embark on a dual-discipline
career path, as the structure constantly stimulates our mind to master the
equilibrium between methodical and ingenuous approach to solve bewildering
problems. Second, I have been dreaming of attending Central Saint Martins since I
was in high school. I am highly aware of their outstanding reputation and it will be a
privilege for me to acquire more knowledge within the program as I still have so
much to learn.
All in all, I am hoping that at the end of the program, I have obtained adeptness to
survive in ever changing world. Future wise, I am planning to take part in a more
advance innovation research and apply the mastery that I have earned with full

My decision to get a Masters Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, at

this point in my career, is precisely based on a question Where I would be the in
next five years'. Though a five year of professional work experience in the field of
Logistics and Operations has given me the vast knowledge and command to cope
with modern business challenges as a manager, yet I feel that current fast growing
and competitive business world need vital strategic thinking and an adept to
change. Globalization has brought new challenges for economies; hence today's
manager must equip himself with the tools and techniques provided by research
and development in logistics sector.
The immense amount of my work experience is due to variety of positions I have
held during my career growth. Beginning form Logistics Planning and Controlling of
Custom and Import/Export Documentation to management of entire operations,
warehouse management and all trading matters of organization. I discovered within
me, a thirst for knowledge and quick learning, resulting in achieving challenging
tasks within deadlines. Employee of the Year Award is one of the many
proofs in recognition of my managerial & team player skills.
My Bachelors in Commerce has given me the fundamentals of Business Law and
Management. I learnt the importance of effective business communication
especially working in the international business environment. Whereas, MA
International Relations enhanced my knowledge about different cultures &
economies as well as potential markets for commodities. My MA provided me
essential knowledge of International Business that helped me in understanding
historical backgrounds, policies and political influence of other countries and their
business environment.
The mounting international demand of Information Technology and escalating usage
and importance of business solution tools pushed me to cover this deficiency, so I
opted for one year diploma in I.T. This helped me to further strengthen my base in
e-commerce & data base systems, which has become extensive part of modern day
Supply Chain Management.
Some of my personal interests include politics, movies and motor racing. I enjoy
reading, swimming, solving puzzles and logic problems. I play football and
badminton off and on. I'm very sociable and have friends in all over the world
through face book. I'm also subscribed to my field related groups and communities,
in order to keep myself updated about the developments and issues related to
For me, there are couple of reasons for choosing University of Derby. First of all, it's
growing reputation and ranking in Britain's Education sector, secondly, its
affordability, and finally the course itself. I firmly believe in gaining highly
marketable set of skills from a reputable postgraduate course like MBA Logistics'
from University of Derby.

I am a clear headed, ambitious individual who has taken the time to think about my
future and my goals. I have undertook and completed my first degree in two years
as opposed to the normal three or four year programmes. Doing a two year course
instead of a three year course has required me to continually focus, and focus more
and more as the course has developed. Doing an accelerated degree has given me
the advantage of continuing on to a further education, as if I had undertaken a
conventional three or four year degree, I may not have considered continuing on to
a masters course as seriously I have done now
I did my degree as I am the only member of my family to go to university and
complete a degree, which motivated me to work harder and made me proud. I
chose Business Management as a general degree, which gave me the opportunity
to learn and test all aspects of Management and Business so I knew what I wanted
to specialise in
Information Systems was one of my modules which I thoroughly enjoyed and found
very interesting and I saw it as a subject which I want to learn more about and to a
much higher level. One of the reasons that I want to move to a further degree is
that I have enjoyed the whole learning aspect of my current degree, it has helped
me see that learning is a never ending activity. Wherever I may be, in an institute of
education or in my workplace, I will be continually learning. My degree has opened
me up to so many aspects of learning, not just being taught, but carrying out
research myself has given me a sense of responsibility as I have been teaching
myself and learning
Since beginning university I have been exposed to, and pleasantly surprised by the
amount of different cultures there are. This has broadened my academic scope and
given me new ways of thinking and dealing with situations as I can see things from
other perspectives that were not present in my life before university. I have met
people from all over the world and they have had a positive impact on me
I knew I wanted to learn more about the world of business before beginning my
business management degree. As today's graduate job market is more and more
competitive, gaining a postgraduate degree will further enhance my chances of
employability in the future
In my life I have given myself certain goals, some relating to my personal life and
some to my life in the business world, which I will do my best to complete. One such
goal is to manage people effectively and efficiently. I believe that in any line of
work, the key to a business is how well that business is managed from a personal
development perspective. Employees of any company must be given pertinent
direction, sound training, and proper feedback from their managers to be more
productive in their defined job roles and responsibilities. In order to provide
employees with this development, a further academic education is very important in
order to understand the needs of employees. I feel that a masters course will help

me attain this knowledge and provide me with the essentials of being a successful
manager on the various engagements I encounter throughout my career. The
business world is an environment which is full of opportunities in a vast array of
sectors in which one can specialize and has global implications that are constantly
changing, and therefore may leave a business leader feeling lost without a
formulated plan of action
Academically I believe that I have a solid foundation from a young age, which I can
build upon with this masters programme. Since a young age I have attended private
school and sixth form college, and I am presently studying at a recognised
management school. In my time at school and sixth form college, I achieved eleven
GCSE's and passed three A level subjects to a very high standard. Also during my
last year of school and during sixth form college I was entered into the UK
Intermediate Maths Championships and I won a silver award each year, which
placed me in the top one third of mathematicians in the country who entered the
championship. During my A level Spanish Course, as group leader, I organised a trip
for my class to the University of Salamanca to attend a course in Spanish. I had to
organise flights, accommodation and travel around the city and I arranged meetings
with all the students to brief them. With this and other group activities I have always
assumed the role of team leader as I have always had the respect and trust of my
peers, and I have very much enjoyed being in a position of responsibility. As well as
my academic achievements, I took part in many activities which helped me shape
my idea of what I want to achieve in the future and my goals, not just in my
personal life but in the workplace also
One of the biggest aspects of my life has been my involvement in cricket. For the
seven years I was there, I represented my school on the cricket field as one of the
senior members of the team. I was often handed the responsibility of captain or
vice-captain in the team and was an established opening batsmen, so I was never
short of any pressure on my shoulders. Despite being difficult tasks these were the
aspects which I enjoyed most and I always perform best when under pressure. Away
from school, I played cricket for local club. Here I progressed through the age groups
very quickly, I was playing for the adult teams when I was supposed to be with the
youth teams. This was a point where I had to grow up and mature very quickly as I
was playing with serious cricketers at a high level. It was with my local club where I
trained with and played against professionals, some of whom perform at an
international level. I still train with my local club and assist in the coaching of the
youth squads. Another one of my hobbies aside from cricket is reading. I recently
finished a book called Digital Fortress written by Dan Brown who is a very
accomplished writer and is the author of the world famous Da Vinci Code which is
my current read. I found Digital Fortress very interesting as it was about security
issues with the information systems within the NSA in the USA
I believe I have the intellectual ability to complete a Masters Degree and I have
illustrated my drive, ambition and dedication to do this is many ways. I am capable

of working as part of a team as I have developed the initiative and ability to follow
instructions and have the capacity of working with others. I have good group
leadership skills which I want to turn into excellent and distinctive leadership skills
through a Masters programme. I am the only member of my family to continue to
such a high level of education, and one of the very few of my local community,
these factors contribute largely to my motivation and commitment to undertaking
and completing a Masters Degree.

After graduated from the college, I plan go onto postgraduate studies and work on
an MBA. A strong performance in Business and Marketing study will allow me to
move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied
From 2001 to 2003 I was working at an International trade company. The working
experience was both inspiring and educational. I realize the importance of a strong
leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others.
These ideas were further enforced by my year position at marketing and
I attended the Chinese Commodities Import & Export Fair in Guangzhou last year.
And I played a vital role in meeting foreign customers and Chinese customers. I
discussed business with customer as a translator
Because I am good at speaking English, Putonghua and Cantonese which were used
by a large number of people in the world. One skill in particular that contributed to
this transaction accomplishment was my confident public speaking
The last 10 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and
economics. I made a business report and set out to prove the development
potentiality of the automatic electrical home appliances market in China. In this
effort, my suggestion was used by my company and made a great profit for my
company. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of market I have
developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of
business works
The purpose of my attending a Business Management course is that the program
will not only improve my management skills but also help me understand the
relationship between English and Chinese culture
Studying in UK allowed me recognize and appreciate different culture
With the experience I have and strong motivation to craft a bright future, I feel I can
justify my decision to pursue a career in Business Management
Since the introduction of reform programs and the open-door policy in China,
international trade has been playing an important role in the economy. Thus
learning Business Management has been very popular throughout the country.
However many people do not have special training and cannot use the knowledge
into actuality. I've selected the course as my major in the hope that the knowledge
acquired in the field will enable to develop effective methods for manage and
develop my former company which gave me a great financial support to my study
After completing my master's program, I will return to my country to wok for my
former company

I am a Human Resource Co-ordinator. My long-term goal is to practice as a Human

Resource Manager. In order to pursue this goal, I would like to enrol in a university
that emphasises putting theoretical concepts learned in the classroom into practice
with a work-placement
My career goals were shaped by my experience at British Airways during my break
from university in the summer of 1990. At British Airways, I was part of the HR team
that processed, reviewed and interviewed applications for pilot recruitment. These
skills proved very useful to me when I accepted employment in the HR department
at Metro Services while continuing my full time university studies in America. At
Metro, I played an integral role in shaping the internal business model and practices
to accommodate expansion during period of rapid growth of a multimillion-dollar
firm, personally supervised 150 direct staff members, defined job duties and hired
all staff. I consider this to be my most significant personal accomplishment.
Moreover, my work experiences have led me to recognise the numerable
opportunities arising from the favourable HR environment and thus have helped to
shape my goals and aspirations. My professional experiences so far have been
diverse yet relevant to my ambitions
Graduating university with a Psychology degree, I developed excellent analytical
skills and improved my problem-solving ability. Shortly after, I joined GEO
Corporation where I became responsible for teaching English classes. Primarily, I
had taken the overseas position for only a year but I fell in love with the job,
company, country and the language so much so that I decided I would stay on a
further year
After 48 months there, I seriously confronted the thought of returning back home to
Australia when I was invited to join and shape up a very new prestigious school, in
the infamous district of Tokyo, that was encountering some staff problems. I
accepted the senior teaching position and it allowed me to pursue more
responsibilities in regards to the business operations side of the company. Once
again, I progressed rapidly in this position. I provided advice on dealing with
complex business problems, marketing and staff disputes and customer satisfaction.
Within one year of my tenure at the school, the school achieved a top five status of
over 400 schools around Japan and was voted as the friendliest school by the
corporation. I was personally awarded with the best teacher award for my
accomplishments and contributions to the school. Over the period of three years, I
worked with students and peers and learned the art of both listening and explaining
ideas. As a teacher, I stayed attuned to the latest theories in the industry and have
developed in-depth analytical and communicational skills. I enjoyed the challenge of
adapting to different environments and the opportunity to work with a diverse,
incredibly intelligent group of people. However, this job was devoid of my true
interest: the HR field

In my current position at work, I am now a human resource co-ordinator evaluating

issues related to development, recruitment, training. This has given me a solid
understanding of the various quantitative tools used in valuation by HR managers.
In the process, I have sharpened my quantitative skills and critical thinking abilities
-- not to mention the all-important ability to work efficiently with very few hours of
sleep. Hasten to add I have never had the opportunity to take courses exploring
Core Management, Managing People, Personnel and Learning development and so
on. To realise my ultimate career goal, I clearly must enhance my abilities in these
as well as other areas. I believe that the Postgraduate HR Management programme
will provide me with the necessary knowledge to enhance and develop my
capabilities. Also, in order to become a successful HR manager, it is imperative that
I gain a more thorough education
In the past several years, my career goals have been defined and refined as my
professional responsibilities have changed. I have gained managerial experience
and have learned to work within a team environment in the HR field. While I have
excelled in my work, I have also begun to understand the value of further education
at this time in my career. My career thus far has been somewhat educational and
practical but limited-- I have learned different things in my positions as a HR
Manager, Co-ordinator and Teacher. This knowledge base has helped me establish
professional goals for myself within the HR industry and strengthened my desire to
obtain a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. Obtaining further
education is therefore imperative if I wish to pursue my career goals. To this end, I
have used my work experience to help me prepare for the academic rigors of.
Gaining a diploma is not the only reason I want to attend the university. It will better
equip me to run a management team through my new found theoretical knowledge.
It will provide me information on all modes of management development
operations, hr strategies, case studies, areas in which I have little experience
Besides giving me theoretical, work placement training and the much-needed CIPD
qualification, a Management education will strengthen the foundation of my HR
knowledge. Also, as businesses in this industry downsize, a greater emphasis is
being placed on cross-functional abilities of HR managers. Though I have
encountered many ideas through my experiences in hr roles, I feel I have had little
contact with the major operations side of the role. The studies would expose me to
management and operating concepts with which I am unfamiliar. In short, I desire
the holistic view of the 'business' that a postgraduate diploma education would
As I have stated, my experience in both university and the various work
environments I have been in, have been rewarding to me both educationally and
professionally. Yet I realise I have only scratched the surface, and I would like to
continue my education so that I can fulfil my ultimate goal of becoming an
invaluable asset to a management team. I have the tools, and now I just need the
resources of (Uni) to jump-start my career

While I can continue to advance in my career without a Diploma, I need at least the
CIPD qualification so that the pace of my career advancement can quicken. I am
confident that I have the potential to succeed as a HR manager. I have accumulated
useful knowledge, managerial ability, analytical skills, and communication skills
through my various experiences. I am responsible, inquisitive and aggressive. I have
the ability to deal with complex technical issues in an analytical yet professional
approach. I'm interested in acquiring the skill set and knowledge necessary to
become a HR Manager; the program will prove central to my future success.

At school I became interested in current affairs and global issues through studying
geography and economics A Levels. At university, I chose to study politics to
develop this interest. My degree has covered the study of domestic and world
politics, development studies and foreign policy. For the past two summers, I have
worked as a volunteer on international development projects, which have given me
a valuable insight into the application of aid and the mechanics of infrastructure
projects and development work overseas. I have also worked as a volunteer for
Oxfam during the course of my studies, which has raised my awareness of the
campaigns and fundraising activities with which they are involved. I am an active
member of the Bristol Volunteer for Development Abroad (BVDA) Society and the
International Affairs Society, which has allowed me to meet and listen to a number
of high profile speakers explaining the nature of their work and has further
stimulated my interest in international affairs. I would now like to build upon this
experience and study for the MSc in International Relations to further develop my
knowledge of the relationships between trade, finance, environment, foreign policy
and cultural and ethical issues that operate at a global level.
In particular, I like the course offered at X University as it offers a good mixture of
core subjects alongside an interesting range of optional units. The course will
develop my understanding of the theory and strategies used to address global
issues and to learn how these have been applied in real-life case studies. I am a
motivated and enthusiastic student, as demonstrated by my role as Course
Representative on my Politics degree course and my involvement with the BVDA
and International Affairs Societies. In summary, the MSc at X will provide me with a
broad background of knowledge that will help me to pursue my aim of entering a
career in this field."

Economics personal statement

Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the
headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and
relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want
to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level. I am particularly interested in
the behaviour of firms and organisations from an economic point of view and I have
based my A-level coursework in this field. During my study, I have come across
many real life complexities and while attempting to explain these theories, I have
developed a keen interest in analysing and understanding how the world of
business is influenced by economics.
I have created an economics revision website for A-level and GCSE students. It is
primarily intended to help younger students gain an understanding of core
economic principles but has also helped me improve my own computer and
presentational skills. I regularly read newspapers and economic publications to keep
up to date with economic developments and I am able to use my mathematical and
analytical skills to apply different economic theories to a range of real-life economic
Last year, I took part in an economics and business project called Young Enterprise
in which I set up a small company and sold products to students at our school. I
enjoyed the chance to put some of my business economic theory into practice and
was able to enhance my management and communication skills. I also gained a
distinction in the associated exam.
To gain practical experience in the workplace, I worked for two weeks at a small
software company specialising in financial software. I currently have a part time job
and this has taught me much about teamwork, responsibility and time management
in the workplace.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, swimming, sketching and solving puzzles and
logic problems. I have redesigned and been responsible for the maintenance of my
schools website.
I believe that I will gain a highly marketable set of skills from the study of economics
at university. I have found economics to be a challenging and diverse discipline and
I am interested in both macro and micro economics. It is this variation of
perspective, combined with its real world importance, that makes economics an
appealing subject to study at university.

Management personal statement

I would like to apply to do a Management degree. Having acted as Managing
Director on a Young Enterprise Team whilst doing my AS levels, I came up with
innovative ideas that made a very successful company. Having held management
positions within Human Resources, Operations, and Finance, I quickly realised that
pursuing a management degree at university would be ideal for me.
After my GCSEs, I held a temporary job as a junior in an Insolvency practice, in
order to gain work experience. Having to work to tight deadlines taught me how to
work independently as part of a professional team. I learnt that in business, if one
person lacks productivity, then everyone else can suffer, and also how to motivate
others as a means of preventing such issues. I used the skills learnt to enhance my
role as the Managing Director of my young Enterprise company, particularly
methods of motivation and delegation, and the significance of being accountable for
others. Having spent nearly three years working part time in a Health food shop
alongside my studies, I developed my communication skills, with both colleagues
and customers, and proved to be a trustworthy employee.
Being appointed as Deputy Head Boy in the sixth form was a great honour to me.
My skills were greatly enhanced by holding this position, as I would often have to
listen, and respond to issues brought up by fellow prefects, and students lower
down the school. Through activities such as Lunch duty, I learnt the worth of
different leadership skills, and that it is important to treat everyone as an individual
in order to get results. I was always keen to stay into the evening to help out at
school events.
Socialising is very important to me, and I am always keen to meet new people. I
enjoy trying new foods to increase my knowledge of different cultures, and my
culinary skills will prove very useful in independent university life. I enjoy travelling,
and learning about modern history. Having recently returned from Prague, I visited a
concentration camp. This was a moving experience for me, and something I will
never forget. Music is one of my biggest hobbies, and I use music to help me
unwind and reflect on things. I use the internet to keep up with current affairs and
sports news.
I have always been a keen sportsman, representing my school in many sporting
activities. I enjoy running, particularly competing in sprint races, but also long
distance running as a means of keeping fit. I always try to go for a run every
evening, during breaks between my A Level studies. I represented my school as a
keen member of the district and Maccabi Great Britain athletics teams, particularly
in the relay. I formally played tennis and table tennis in national competitions, and
more recently I have played in football, rugby, and cricket leagues outside of school.

I believe that my experiences have prepared me for independent university life. My

social skills together with my ambition to succeed in life prove me to be good
candidate for a Management Degree.

Business Management personal statement

There is a rapid growth in global organisational concepts, crystallised in Japanese
business philosophy, to be as effective as possible in the most efficient way. New
technology involving networking information and automation influences the
behaviour of business and enables significant transformation. This need to
maximise efficiency and effectiveness in such a competitive age is increasingly
crucial to the success of a business. This is why it is an exciting and fascinating
period in both the commercial and economic world to study Business Management.
Adaptability, creative thinking and the application of technology are now intrinsic to
managing businesses. I have developed these principles and enjoyed the spectrum
of sixth form study that has taught me to approach problems from different political,
economical and psychological perspectives. Throughout Business Studies, to
complement what has been taught I have researched real-life business solutions
and how they have been implemented, such as the responsive marketing used by
Coca Cola to prolong their business cycle and sustain major profitability. Studying
ICT has enabled me to examine the criticality of technology in giving businesses a
competitive edge by considering issues such as organisational objectives, people
and legal implications rather than making decisions based solely on financial
factors. Furthermore, studying Psychology gives me insight into the human
influences on organisational behaviour through studying motivational theories such
as the hierarchy of needs model proposed by Maslow, whilst the coursework has
developed my skills in collecting and analysing data in order to establish trends and
draw conclusions. Studying English Language has allowed me to develop an ability
to express my ideas clearly and concisely.
I have worked for * as a Tester, assisting in the development of *, the fastest-selling
PC game ever. It was a significant learning experience and made me evaluate
myself and better understand my strengths and skills, such as the ability to easily
identify discrepancies and communicate these effectively to management so that
problems can be solved. Recent experience at * Ltd gave me a taste of working
within a larger organisation. Operating within two different, but equally successful
organisations has enabled me to see contrasting leadership styles and corporate
culture. Within college, I participated in a paired reading project where I listened to
and assessed readers lower down the school which required a relaxed, patient and
friendly approach with the younger students, as well as punctuality and dedication.
Throughout the past year, I have represented the college in district basketball and
rugby competitions.
I am a committed member of the Colts team at my local rugby side. I have
captained the team in previous seasons which required leadership, confidence and
diligence. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to a range of music, going to the gym
and socialising. I am a regular reader of the Financial Times, enjoy keeping up with
current affairs and business news. I enjoy reading a variety of books, both fiction

and non-fiction such as 'Making It Happen' (J. Harvey-Jones) where his common
sense approach complements the management theories of more staid texts. This
degree will equip me for my career in the unpredictable and fast moving world of

To me, management is a game of control. In front of the game, management

becomes interesting. I always tell myself there are only two choices in this game: to
believe that I will win and put in the effort which is needed to achieve the victory or
not to join this game in the very beginning. Among these two choices, I have chosen
the former and I am ready for it now.
I am confident that I have the ability to learn how to manage. I graduated from
Enterprise CoachingTechnology 1 & 2 last summer and built up friendships with
different sorts of enterprises' executives and managers. More importantly we
competed and we shared our life experiences. Though I was the youngest among
the courses, I gained their recognition through different tasks and competitions, a
few of them even offered me posts in their enterprises. At school in China, I had
been active in the student union and League Branch Secretary. For 12 consecutive
years, I earned the Outstanding Student Leader Award and I gained the prize of
Youth League Leader for 6 consecutive years. I obtained confidence, independence
and problem solving abilities at school.
In order to have experiences of management as soon as possible, I have been
working in the HR department of my father's company during holidays. The
company concentrates on solar energy relative products. My colleagues and I have
developed a series of enterprise cultures and I was lucky to have chances to take up
some of the marketing and sales strategy tasks. While I am in the UK doing my HND
courses I sometimes write news scripts for the company. Through practical work
experience, I believe better management could have greatly enhanced the
company's efficiency and the knowledge in the university will help in modifying the
company's system. So trust me! I am very passionate in management and I have a
strong desire and responsibility in it.
Back in China, when I was in high school, I wrote articles for newspapers and
magazines and took part as an editor for a national literature web site. My
performance was spotted by the New Orient English School and was hired as a short
term project assistant. I took part in a documentary this summer for the Beijing
Science Channel about solar energy and use and it helped me to know more about
the future of the industry. For the sake of better management skills, I took a course
of Enneagram with 60 professionals and it allowed me to understand what kind of
person I am and what kind of persons the others are. I was found to be type 3:
achiever who is enthusiastic in achieving what I want.
For leisure, I play the piano and write articles for Chinese magazines but most of the
time I plan for what I want to achieve next in the short term and achieve it. I am
curious in and find it interesting how businessmen used the theories on the books
flexibly in the real world. So, I have been reading some MBA suggested books in my
leisure time.

University is a path to realize my interest and profession. I have been chasing my

aims with all strength. To achieve my long-term aims, obtaining a degree is one of
the most crucial short-term aims in the coming future. Give me a chance to
complete this. I promise I definitely will not let you down.

My passion for health, safety and environment has been the driving force for my
application of the MSc Risk Management (Environmental Management Practice)
course. I did my bachelors degree in Health and Environment (Health and Safety
Pathway) because after reading and learning more about it from experienced
professionals, I found it to be an interesting subject and I am happy that I did not
make the mistake of choosing anything else. At the time I did my
bachelors degree my choices were limited to one module and chose health and
safety, however if I could I would have done both, because environment was
something I was equally passionate about. This masters degree will allow me to
get more knowledge on another subject that Im very much interested in. It will
complete the pillars that support a successful company and work environment.
I am someone who tries to make a difference even in the smallest way and I believe
that a health, safety and environment career will allow me to do that in any
organisation I work for. I realise I need the necessary qualifications for me to
achieve this hence my application for the course.
The course I am applying for will equip me with the capacity to carry out
independent and critical thought and better problem solving and decision making.
These are all qualities I already possess but the degree will build on this on a more
professional level. My experience from the work placement I am currently on will
have a significant impact on my performance and my ability to support other
students on the course. I will bring the knowledge and experiences attained from
this industry and other health, safety and environment professionals.
My time at Nottingham Trent University was the best time of my life. I didnt only
enjoy the environment and the people, but also the experiences I gained during the
four years and how they have contributed to whom and where I am today. I want to
come back to NTU to learn more and to have new memories from my time at NTU. I
hope I have demonstrated my love for health, safety and environment as a career
and what I aim to achieve with the knowledge I will get on this degree. I may have
some modules missing from my previous degree but I am willing to work extra hard
to achieve all the necessary requirements for this degree and my ultimate dream
to make a difference in health, safety and environment.

JANGAN-Politics and Sociology personal statement

Everyone wants to 'change the world' when they are young. I was no exception, but
it is only as I have matured and watched events unfold that I realised the
importance of politics and sociology within society. I realised that to change
something you have to be in the centre and that centre is politics. Politics influences
sociology and sociology influences politics, they are interdependent, and need to
coexist for society to run smoothly, which is why this course was a natural choice
for me.
In the lead up to the 2010 General Election I became more involved in politics and
this continued when I saw the effects of education cuts, my local Barnados centre
closing down and cuts in the Youth Offending Service where I did some work
shadowing. I became passionate about doing something about it; determined to
prevent anything like that happening again or to fully understand why decisions like
these are made.
In response to these Government actions I decided to join the Labour Party. I have
been working voluntarily at the St Helens constituency offices for Shaun Woodward
MP and was fortunate enough to go to Westminster to work shadow him. I observed
Question Time and sat in on meetings, resulting in me feeling truly involved. I
attended the 2011 Labour Conference and participated in the first Young Labour
Conference. I took part in policy workshops with Liam Byrne, debates with Ed Balls,
Baroness Jan Royall and two Ed Miliband Q&A sessions where I seized the
opportunity to ask a question on tuition fees.
My study of Sociology has allowed me to understand what is needed for society to
function successfully and has given me an insight into Politics. I enjoy studying
social policy and how policies affect society. Within the Conference workshops I
gained a greater understanding of the policy making process. There is a clear
overlap between Sociology and Politics. While Karl Marx is regarded by many as a
sociologist, he was in fact first and foremost a political philosopher and sociological
research today influences Government policy. My passion for Literature has helped
me to perfect my essay writing skills and has developed my love of reading, in
particular novels which are very political and sociological in context and content for
example George Orwell; whose writing on both extremes, fascism and communism,
has impacted on society ever since. Religious Studies has contributed to my
understanding of other cultures which I believe to be important in contemporary
A work shadow placement at a special needs school inspired me to get involved
with a Barnados after school club where I worked for three years. I realised that I
wanted to represent those who are overlooked by some and discriminated against
by others. In 2011 I was selected to travel to Kenya and Uganda with World
Challenge and raised 4000 to go. I spent a month camping, trekking and visiting

poverty stricken villages, a truly humbling experience. As a team we helped build a

school's roof, plastered walls and taught children English. To see poverty at this
level made me realise how much I took for granted. It was fascinating to see the
culture of a developing country and have the opportunity to help people less
fortunate than me. I was fortunate enough to be selected to take part in the Lessons
from Auschwitz Project this year. Trying to learn from humanity's mistakes in order
to stop such an atrocity from happening again has further fuelled my desire to enter
Uncertain of what the future may bring in such a fragile economic climate, I am
fortunate to be able to study subjects which are so relevant in today's society. At a
time when Politics and Sociology are so vital, many people still do not take an active
role with some not even exercising their right to vote. I intend to change this and
hope to show the importance of these topics and will regard my degree as being the
start of this process rather than the end of my education.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Latherton for application in 2012.
Comment on this personal statement
Latherton's university choices
University of Bristol
University of Exeter
The University of Sheffield
The University of Warwick
The University of York
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made
Latherton's Comments
I recieved conditional offers from all 5 Universities that I applied to. University of
Bristol (AAB) University of Exeter (BBB) University of Sheffield (ABB) University of
Warwick (AAB) University of York (social and political sciences) (AAB)

JANGAN- Poltics and international studies personal statement

According to Aristotle If liberty and equality, are chiefly thought to be found in
democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to
the utmost. Reflection on the disparity between the philosophers idealised maxim
of democracy and my own dissatisfaction with the actual, gave cause to my
decision to become an academic in political science.
My interest in the perpetual conflict between the state and the individual began out
of concerns that the government were sacrificing our ideals under the justification
of national security. Accusations of Britains complicity in torture and the
encroachment of anti terror legislation on civil liberties motivated me to go beyond
the syllabus and read extensively into political theory. Through reading Frederick
Hayeks didactic The Road to Serfdom, I was introduced to the potential role of
the free market in inhibiting governments use of coercion. In order to make an
informed judgment, I also scrutinised Karl Marxs criticisms of the bourgeois society
in the Communist Manifesto. Two Concepts of Liberty by Isaiah Berlin, neither
advocated positive or negative freedom but rather acknowledged that the paradox
of both concepts was beneficial in any society. The seminal political essay was
significant in re-evaluating my political views in support of value pluralism. It was
primarily through engaging in such meticulous analysis that encouraged me to join
the Labour party, following the emergence of the global financial crisis. Active
participation within the party has required that I be well informed on the former New
Labour government, as a result I have read Anthony Croslands influential The
Future of Socialism and gained Chris Mullins perspective as a junior minister in A
View from the Foothills, both of which have been constructive in expanding my
knowledge of the ideology of social democracy. Party membership has also allowed
me to experience my first taste of political activism, having recently represented
the Berkshire constituency at the partys South East conference. Although economic
policy dominated the conferences agenda, my pragmatic contributions on
neglected issues notably constitutional reform, has led senior party administrators
to nominate me as a regional representative on the young Labour national
My supposition that the conflict between the state and individual is perpetual is
not an unjustified cynicism, but rather gains recognition from history. While all roads
no longer lead to Rome, studying the collapse of the Roman Republic in Ancient
history has shown the detrimental consequences of an overambitious general
utilising too much autonomy. My decision to study A level Economics alongside A
level Government and Politics has provided me with a broader understanding of
pragmatic government. Returning to college for a third year has allowed me to
perform a foray into A level Philosophy. In anticipation of starting the origin of rights
module, I have read various existentialist works by Sartre and John Rawls abstract
A theory of justice and have since become interested in the different conceptual
schemes of Continental and Anglo-American philosophers.

Working as a partner within the John Lewis partnership provided a rare opportunity
of analysing a business with a perceived direct democratic doctrine. I write
perceived because after my curiosity into the decision making process I reached
the conclusion that the company was an indirect democracy at best. This self
governing faade became evident after I discerned that all proposals have to be
endorsed by the chief executives before being put before the ordinary employee.
This pattern parallels that of UK referenda and contains characteristics of an
Following higher education, my aspiration is to become directly engaged in the
process of government and I see a Politics degree at university as a invaluable
stepping stone on the steep gradient of a political career.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Bajaj_politics for application in 2011.
Comment on this personal statement
Bajaj_politics's university choices
University of Exeter
The University of Hull
The University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
The University of Warwick
JANGAN- Deficits, wars and scandal: this seems to be the current interpretation of
Politics today. The global media appear to enjoy taking a destructive stance to
economic and political policy. Have we lost our sense of balance and composure? It
is this debate that I found both embracing as well as frustrating, with editorials and
columns devoted to the more sensational negative news stories. For instance, take
the recent story of the allegedly incompetent Greek government to manage its own
fiscal policy, and its complacent attitude to tax collection. This has overshadowed
news about the pioneering, yet potentially damaging, public spending reforms
issued by the Irish government in what appears to be similar circumstances to that
of Greece. Why is Ireland less significant in news agendas? It is these contrasts that
have increased my fascination in the world of politics and economics, two
disciplines that appear to have a symbiotic relationship.
I am particularly interested in reading and researching current affairs at both a
national and international level, and then applying some original ideas to these.
Several recent articles in 'The Economist' about the momentum of China's economic
growth, and its likely displacement of the USA as the world's largest economy is an
area I find especially stimulating. Can China's economic and political model sustain
the country's meteoric rise? The political repression and tight controls, ranging from
workers rights to currency manipulation, all seem to be contributing to China's

success. However, is the model sustainable in the long term? Will social frustration
and political suppression gradually emerge as the architects of China's fall from
grace? A truly fascinating conundrum, one that will only play out in the following
decades. It is these types of debates that have made me passionate in pursuing
further studies of both Economics and Politics.
Studying for the International Baccalaureate has helped me with these passions by
showing me that subjects which seem so unrelated are actually deeply integrated.
For instance Biology has opened up to me in a whole new way as I began to
examine the economical, political and moral consequences of areas such as stem
cell research. English has also allowed me to look at literature from alternative
viewpoints, such as Wilfred Owen's painful war poetry showed me the sacrifice
made by people as a result of unnecessary disputes or mindless greed.
Leadership is something that I believe is extremely important: as a result I have
started and continue to lead an award winning enterprise group, became a student
governor and a councillor of my college and rose from a member of the business
team to become editor-in-chief of my college's magazine. All of these enterprises
have advanced since I have joined: my enterprise group has become the advertising
team for a government project dealing with marketing and public relations across
Through these enterprises I learned a lot about life skills such as leadership and
teamwork and the delicate balance between these, while also learning time
management. I have also experienced first hand the politics that affects everyday
society and the economics that come with such policies, while also showing me how
to face the moral implications of taking on such leadership. This applies especially
to my term as Governor where I am dealing with changing education boards, budget
cuts and improving achievement in the face of uncertainty. Also, as editor of the
magazine I have written numerous articles on current political and economic issues
and how they affect students, allowing me to research these fascinating topics in
greater depth.
In my time at college I have learned more about the workings of the world outside
of the one I am used to than I ever thought imaginable and I saw the horror and
beauty lying within it, now all I want to do is learn and see more.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by michaelkimber28 for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
michaelkimber28's university choices
Oxford University
The University of Warwick
University of St Andrews

University of Exeter
Lancaster University

Politics Personal Statement

World History has shown, mankinds pursuit of a utopian society has led to its
experimentation with various forms of government. The ingrained desire in man to
have a social system where a select few rule over the majority, makes politics one
of the most essential areas of study. My obsession with the subject began when as a
young boy I heard the tale of the partition of India from my grandfather. His outright
condemnation of Congress leaders had a profound impact on my intellectual
thought, and I began to grapple with questions I did not have the answers to.
It was not until a few years later, after having read extensively on political theory,
that I began forming my own views on politics. Hailing originally from Pakistan, a
country which has for so long been its own bane, it was natural that the trials and
tribulations of this nation would hold special interest for me. Having also lived for
most of my life in the UAE, a sheikhdom, I could not help but compare the political
situations of both countries, in many ways similar yet at the same time, worlds
apart. What is the relationship between the elected and the electors in these
political systems? Of particular interest to me is the shifting of political clout to the
east where the Chinese behemoth is gearing to become a superpower. What role
will religion play in the rise of the east and how will the traditional western powers
react to this change. Thus, as often seen throughout history, will foreign policy
remain an extension of domestic policy? Reading into Confucianism and texts by
western philosophers, I have deduced that both share fundamental pillars of
politics, quite apart from the worldwide revolution that the communisms of old
encouraged. Yet will this mean that any probability of future tension between the
Orient and the Occident can be ruled out? It is these questions which I hope to
answer to better understand the intricacies of political science.
Coming from a family where nobody has before entered further education, my
motivation to become the first to do so is very strong. To this end I have strived hard
to achieve both academically and in the field of sports as I firmly believe that a
persons character is built not only by mental stimulation but also by participation in
extra-curricular activities. Most notably I have captained the school hockey team to
two inter-school golds and led the state U-19 cricket squad to regional
championship success, and have learnt that I perform best under pressure.
Encouragement from peers and colleagues has led me to many positions of
leadership, including leading the school debate team in various countrywide
debates, and election to the student council. These positions of responsibility have
complemented my grades, as I have acquired the top academic award for four years
running. A productive internship with the World Bank last year allowed me to gain
invaluable experience and I thoroughly enjoyed conversing with experts on the
response by various governments to the economic downturn. A love for the arts has
fostered in me a keen interest in literature and I marvel in the works of the Russian
masters such as Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Turgenev. This interest in Russian History

has shown me the diverse cultural influences that passing peoples have left on the
region and how this has made Russia a true east-west bridge.
Currently I am taking a gap year to further pursue my studies of French and
German, to add to my existing language base of English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindko and
Punjabi, as I believe knowledge of multiple dialects will enable me to gain a much
better understanding of the world.
As a student of politics I hope that this provides enough evidence of my
commitment and passion for the subject and if you so choose to accept in me in
your prestigious institution, to the university. I look forward to my undergraduate
degree which I believe will go some way in helping me to answer the great political
questions of our time.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by bane310 for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
bane310's university choices
London School of Economics
The University of Warwick
University College London
The University of Essex
University of Exeter
King's College London

JANGANHistory/Sociology Personal Statement

History enables me to see how actions and events have shaped our current society
and to understand the present, one must understand the past. The broad topic
areas that are involved in History and Sociology allow me to understand different
perspectives on a diverse range of subjects. One subject that particularly interests
me in History are the English Witch Hunts of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries.
This particular subject allows me to see how society has evolved since the years
when moral standards were extremely poor. I have been studying this topic for my
personal study in History and the diversity of the views on the subject is fascinating.
I particularly enjoy James Sharpe's views on Witchcraft: "The Hopkins trials are of
massive significance to the history of English witchcraft, because they offer a major
challenge to those interpretations which present witchcraft in England as a low key
affair." Matthew Hopkins, also known as the Witch finder General, was a key figure
in the Witch Hunts and James Sharpe uses him to back up his argument that the

Witch Hunts are significant to English history. The diverse range of arguments that
are put forward by historians make researching different topics all the more
This is also the case with Sociology, as it enables me to understand our current
society from different Sociological perspectives, such as Marxism and Functionalism.
Marxism is one of my preferred theories to study, as it was created in the 19th
century, and thus it enables me to compare views on society from different time
periods. Marx summarized his approach in the first line of chapter one of The
Communist Manifesto: published in 1848: "The history of all hitherto existing society
is the history of class struggles." Marxism views our current society in a negative
way saying that we are ruled by the 'Bourgeoisie'. However Functionalism views
society positively, referring to it as an organic analogy, functional like the human
body. Seeing theories that contradict each other so greatly makes the diversity both
appealing and fascinating. History and Sociology are both extremely diverse
subjects, making the study of these areas an extremely exciting prospect.
I have been studying History, Sociology and Psychology at A2 Level, together with
English Literature at AS Level. Psychology and History in particular have improved
my analytical skills, as they both require focus on sources, case studies and
methodologies. This will help me with the different perspectives and topics involved
with History and Sociology.
I have a passion for working within the Police. During Year 12, I shadowed BurnhamOn-Sea Police Force, and this included a personal tour of the station and shadowing
a PCSO. This confirmed that Sociology and History are the topics I wish to study. I
have also been involved with looking after the children at the local church on a
Sunday, and with their Summer Holiday Club for three years. This has enabled me
to improve my observational skills by watching the children and seeing how they
interact. I used this experience to relate the childrens' behaviour to what I learnt
about Interactionism in my first year of Sociology. These observational skills may be
useful when looking at cultures and the differences between them. I also enjoy visits
to the Natural History Museum and I am going to the Imperial War Museum in
February 2011, which will give me a better understanding of the many topics that
are involved in History. Also, I am in the process of completing the ASDAN CoPE
Level 3 Qualification, which has developed my important key skills, especially
independent study.
University will help me reach my full potential and I intend to work hard, directing all
my effort into reaching my intellectual potential. I will use all of the skills I have
acquired throughout my schooling to be a diligent and conscientious student.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by rgmail1 for application in 2010.

Comment on this personal statement

rgmail1's university choices
The University of Gloucestershire
University of Leeds
Cardiff University
The University of Warwick
University of Exeter

Psychology personal statement

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" (Sigmund Freud)
To what extent should we humans accept things the way they are? When should we
seek deep meanings and what are the circumstances that convert simple
unambiguous certainties into complex facts? These and many other questions have
aroused in me a keen interest in Psychology. I regard Psychology as an intricate
puzzle that tries to unravel an understanding of human thought, emotion and
behaviour. My desire is to collect the puzzle pieces together so that we are able to
comprehend the complexity of the human mind. My fledging career in Psychology
has taught me that everything I have dreamt of can be turned into a profession: a
profession that helps people to help themselves, searching together with them for
the vital pieces of the puzzle.
The A levels I have studied have aided to the augmentation of the Psychology
experience. Biology permitted me to consider how the brain and mind works from a
medical perspective. It tightly integrates with Psychology as the brain is the location
of thought and mind. But as the brain is governed by electrochemical properties,
another subject that homogenized rightly was Chemistry. Some approaches to
Psychology that focus on the organic causes of psychological phenomena use
various aspects of chemistry in order to explain behaviours in humans. Studying
these subjects revolved around the implementation of vital relevant skills such as
persistence, concentration, discipline, patience, analytical and critical skills and
practical skills. English literature as an A level subject has facilitated my ability to
embody the complexities of the human mind and behaviour in imaginative ways. My
creative and spontaneous nature has been unleashed by studying this subject and
the outcome has been a demonstrated ability to analyse and interpret text,
accurately communicate information and also the ability to write detailed critical
During my stay in the sixth form I have been awarded the position of a senior
prefect in charge of co-ordinating Key Stage4. This has allowed me to collaborate
with younger students, constantly being called upon to respond to their educational
and social needs. The duties of a senior prefect also included presenting material
with confidence and finding effective solutions to issues that may arise. Education in
a sixth form has also granted me free periods where I had the possibility to help out
with the KS4 science lessons. This meant that I could help students improve their
academic achievements and also improve my practical laboratory skills. I have also
helped students for whom English is an additional language, adapt to a foreign
language and system. This is central to me because as I moved to the UK in the
latter stage of my school career, I experienced how my improving English could lead
to outstanding academic success. Being sensitive to the needs of others and
providing solutions to their issues emphasised my belief that Psychology is a
profession I would love to practice. In April 2009 I attended a one training day at
The Medical Stimulation Centre, Barts and the London NHS Trust where I completed

the NHS "Hands on Training.

In my spare time, I have an eager passion for both fictional and non fictional
literature, considering Emile Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" history's best romance
novel. The internal emotional turmoil that the main antagonist, Heathcliff, has
experienced raised a specific interest in the plot of the novel. Psychodynamic
theories would explain that his gratification through seeking revenge is a result of
the repressed anger accumulated during his oppressed childhood.
I am aware that a degree is not a fast-track pass to my dream career. However, it is
a qualification and an important step towards achieving my goal- becoming a
Psychologist. Psychology can be seen equally a science and an art, but most
important it is a source of inspiration- I aspire to live a life devoted to Psychology.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by smart_jojo for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
smart_jojo's university choices
Oxford University
University of Bristol
University of Exeter
The University of Warwick
The University of York

JANGAN-Politics&Law personal statement

Human rights infringements, widespread poverty, economic dependence on
advanced states,
unstable governments, high rates of illiteracy, disease, population growth, but still
ruling elites. All these are the common traits of the Third World Countries. Going
through the pages of "Newsweek", "The Economist"and "Toward Freedom" I
convinced myself that
their only hope of restoration is the way of Politics. Unconditional cooperation with
non-governmental organizations, with United Nations, European Parliament and
Commission, change of governmental attitude and commitment towards such
problems, and firmly
establishing a legal frame are part of what I like to call the fascinating game of
Politics. A
game that, by high education level, intense motivation and determination I can
surely win.
As an active member of the Student Council, where often similar procedures as in
Court are
used, I learned these years that in order to succeed in defending, attacking or just
presenting an idea you need to remain impartial, give pertinent arguments and
above all you
need to acquire a logical reasoning competence. And so I did. Interested in
improving my
skills, I regularly began to visit the Public Gallery and attended various local
sessions in
Court under the direct guidance of a judge, Mrs. Cristina Todiresei.
In my quest of understanding the way politics operates in current affairs, I joined
European Youth Parliament. Attending more than 10 sessions and acting as a
representative of
my country for international sessions increased my ability to formulate and
arguments and made me realize that the art of handling sensitive affairs consists in
diplomacy. All this naturally led to my taking the floor within the European
Parliament in
Brussels in front of an audience including Heads of European Commissions and
of the European Parliament. Working in these challenging international
environments made me
wish for more. This is why I began my activity within Model United Nations and next
summer I

will join Presidential Classroom.

I have always considered school a real challenge. Strongly believing that
information gives me
the free-pass to be active in transforming the society, I chose to study a wide range
subjects. Having my high-school curricula based on Exact Sciences, I gained a good
mathematical thinking ability and a greater self-management of time.
Hard study has always been a priority for me, but I became aware that direct
living among others, is maybe more important. Considering it, two years ago I
organized two
camps for mentally disabled children and for orphans as a Red Cross volunteer in
with the Swiss Red Cross. Last year I was involved in a Red Cross emergency
situation: helping
flood victims and co-organizing a massive and successful fund raising. Besides the
organizational skills trained, the social challenges I had to face increased my
experience in
dealing with difficult situations.
Considering lecture a real gateway to new inspiring horizons I discovered Gandhi's
writings, I
became interested in his political thought and fascinated by Oriental cultures.
Sports also
have a special role in my life. Practicing basket for the last three years and getting
touch with strong opponents, trained not only my ambition and endurance capacity
but also
taught me that it is up to me how much time, energy and effort I want to invest in
order to
meet the summit. Languages are also in my area of great interest, having good
command at
English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and, recently, Hindi.
Mahatma Gandhi said "I have the belief that I can do it; I will surely acquire the
capacity to
do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning." Highly motivated to pursue my
career in
Politics and Law I sincerely believe that your excellent teachers will rigorously
my academic training being pleased with my stubborn determination to learn more
and more.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Monroe for application in 2010.

Comment on this personal statement

Monroe's university choices
The University of Salford
University of Exeter
School of Oriental and African Studies

JANGAN-Mathematics and economy personal statement

In Mathematics there is no good, no evil, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no reality. I
have always been attracted to Mathematics by the unquestionable symmetry that
surrounds us everything being based on means of geometry. I am truly convinced
that the solution of a difficult problem is as important as the knowledge and the
strength we gain in finding it.
Why Mathematics-Economics at university level abroad? The top ranking of your
university and the high level of the course can offer me the strong academic
background I need, the clear-cut nature of the subjects, and the environment in
which precise propositions can lead to elegant arguments, to far-reaching
consequences including surprising applications.
I developed my strength in problem solving and I enlarged my comprehension in
maths concepts by training my maths skills on the basis of a strict daily schedule,
by submitting solutions for maths reviews and by attending maths competitions.
Due to my constant work and dedication, in 5 years I attended 28 math
competitions, I got 28 diplomas and I was awarded 26 prizes. The
opportunity of working in the National Olympic selection lot was a great experience
for me, as I had the chance of working with the best Maths teachers in my country.
The Mathematics-Informatics profile attended at my high school enables me to
easily tackle mathematical challenges and cope with the high level academic
curriculum offered by you.
Mathematics surrounds us. Being interested and totally fascinated about
Mathematics I enlarged my background by reading books based on the role of
maths in nature. I have found out that numbers explain the mysteries of life
including cosmology, fractals and even the human evolution; the Golden Number
being present in elements, objects, events in connection with everything around.
" Mathematics may be defined as the economy of counting" as Ernest Mach says.
Mathematical models do very well in economics. I would like to follow Economics
together with Mathematics for the practical use of it as I am convinced that financial
crises effects could be diminished or even avoided if more competent specialists
worked in this field.
I am certain that maths constitutes an endless research field ("You could not step
twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you"-Heraclites),
as there can always be found new innovative solutions for the existing problems. I
once received a special prize for the most ingenious solution at a regional contest,
being the only participant that proposed a different solution form the one proposed
by the organizers.

The voluntary work performed within the European Youth Parliament and the Model
United Nations sessions attended enlarged my horizon. As part of the committee in
charge with Gender Equality, my desire to affirm myself in Maths -a field where men
are considered better- became even stronger. The four-year activity performed in
my high school's drama club and the regular gymnastics classes taken help me
develop my imagination, my creativity potential and
strengthen my self-control.
The ambition I posses added to the international reputation for your excellence in
Mathematics amplified by the high-level mathematical skills acquired at your
university and multiplied by the square root of my desire to follow Mathematics
equals an outstanding visiting card for me in the future and my aim to succeed
forward in Mathematics, Quod erat demonstrandum.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by b3e for application in 2010.
Comment on this personal statement
b3e's university choices
Imperial College London
King's College London
University College London
The University of Liverpool
University of Exeter

JANGAN- Philosophy and theology personal statement

Philosophy is an integral part of my being. As a whole, I envisage that the
metaphoric study of this ancient discipline characterizes the views of Satan and
believe that it is essentially an evil study. However, I still wish to study the subject.
Why? Because I am a very clever person. I volunteer at a wildlife rescue centre. I go
to Russian club. I am treasurer of the politics society. What more could you ask for?
I am sensible yet still able to have an inspirational sense of humour. This is
obviously vital for philosophy, where crazy questions will be asked of me, and I will
be required to laugh them off like a madwoman.
I have read the texts of Humprey Willionain Thomas, Jonah Plarynthius Commons,
Freida Harshbishop and countless others. In fact, I've read pretty much every
philosophy related book out there.
At the age of three I tackled the deeply inspiring Plato's Republic. I found it a little
simplistic for my tastes at the time, but with hindsight, I realize that it was of a
greater value than I had originally anticipated.
Another of my motives for studying philosophy is that I know that it will motivate
me into studying hard, as I enjoy it. In the future I hope very much that I will
become a Professional Philosopher (hopefully employed by an international
company eg. Microsoft or KFC) and grow a large beard. I realize that philosophy can
be a demanding subject, but this is what attracts me to it - also the glamour of
knowing that I will be allowed entry to INBODSTUPHIL (the international body of
student philosophers) which I know for a fact supplies a 'Beginning Philosophy'
membership kit, apparently containing both a badge and a personalised fountain
The age-old study of theology also fascinates and empowers me. I find that I have a
lot in common with Jesus, and indeed God;
No, I may be unable to walk on water.
No, I am not immortal.
No, I may be unable to feed 5000 with a few loaves: but people respect me.
My own family worship and leave presents on an alter for me, and believe that I am
part of the 'Second Coming of God'. I hope you'll agree that this will certainly benefit
my studies of theology and also the other students on the course. Think how useful
it will be to have a real-life divine being for them to make case studies on!
In the end, it all comes down to my exellent sense of style, my extra-curricular
activities (boating, swimming, tennis, hockey, badminton, canoeing, high-jump,
church going, singing, grade 9 accordion and grade 8 piano, film making,
professional table-tennis, song writing, watching X Factor (rather common but good

for insights into the 'average' person) and my commitment to being a great
member of a great University such as your own.
Let the admissions begin, and let the best candidate win!
Profile info
This personal statement was written by tigerlily for application in 2008.
Comment on this personal statement
tigerlily's university choices
Oxford University
University of Exeter
London School of Economics
University of Bath
Green: offer made
Red: no offer made
Theology & Philosophy at Oxford University
JGN- Government personal statement
On a vacation to the Krak des Chevaliers and Palmyra in the Syrian Desert, I
witnessed the rich culture of the Middle Eastern people. This region is generally
perceived by western democracies as a constant source of political and social
turmoil. This may be true for the most part; however, many areas in the region are
as modern and peaceful as any western nation. Further to being raised in a multicultural family with a Beirut-born father of Palestinian, Syrian and Armenian heritage
and a Maltese mother, I have developed a strong interest in foreign cultures.
Therefore, I believe that Political Science will be the most appropriate and applicable
course to pursue given both my personal background and interests.
As one of Canadas most cosmopolitan cities, my native Toronto attracts many
foreigners: some are looking for better living conditions and job opportunities;
others are on exchange to learn English and benefit from higher education. As a
child growing up in this vibrant city, I would look forward to my family housing
exchange students. This rewarding experience prompted me to volunteer at
summer camps, where I taught ESL to students from 6 to 18 years of age.My many
encounters and experiences with foreign cultures have nourished my passion for
travel. This was fostered by my parents who, three years ago, decided to move our
family to the Turks and Caicos Islands, a small but rapidly developing country in the
Northern Caribbean. Many deprived nations in the region, such as Haiti, have seen
their people immigrate to the TCI, whose economic stability has been underpinned
by many of these immigrants who have undertaken most of the menial work

necessary for a flourishing economy. However, I have too often witnessed many of
these workers being the victims of exploitation and discrimination. During an
internship at the Magistrates Court in the summer of 2008, I personally marshalled
the Court Magistrate and took a particular interest in Immigration Law and the
consequences of working in a country illegally. Further to working at the courts, I
interned at a law firm, where I was given the opportunity to shadow lawyers at the
Labour Tribunal and see, first-hand, the exploitation of workers, and their employers'
disregard for labour laws.
After successfully completing my IGCSE's, I have enjoyed the challenge of Advanced
level studies in Geography, History, Business Studies and English Literature. As a
young Geographer, I have attended local conferences, such as the symposium,
Fostering a Green Culture, with former US vice-president, Al Gore, as the main
speaker on the contentious topic of climate change. My perception of how
environmental issues affect all aspects of human welfare was reinforced when I was
selected to spend a day with the Minister of Natural Resources. Last September, I
was able to further develop my knowledge of local environmental issues, as I
witnessed the impact of hurricane Ike on the welfare of residents and the economy.
At school, I eagerly participate in many social activities. I particularly enjoy being a
mentor to younger students, whom I advise and tutor whenever needed. I have
been able to further develop both my leadership and communication skills, as I was
selected as Deputy Head Boy by the Principal and elected House Captain by my
peers. Being a team player is vital to me. I have tried to do so by being an active
member of the Yorkland swim team, trumpeter in the school orchestral band, Senior
Editor of the yearbook and the Current Events Editor of the school newspaper. As a
result, my enthusiasm and dependability within the school were rewarded when I
received the "Top Student in Year 12" award, an achievement that I hope to repeat
in my final year of A-Levels.
I hope this presents to you a well-rounded student, equipped with the skills
necessary to succeed at university. I look forward to being introduced to new
academic and social challenges as well as experiencing European culture.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Matt for application in 2009.
Comment on this personal statement
Matt's university choices
London School of Economics
School of Oriental and African Studies
The University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

Green: offer made

Red: no offer made

JGN-Engineering Personal Statement

I have always had an interest in the way things work, and since I was young,
science has been one of my favourite subjects. My interest in sciences, particularly
physics, has developed throughout my time at school, and I enjoy the challenge of
using scientific and mathematical ideas when solving everyday problems. Last year
I took part in the Engineering Education Scheme, working alongside three other
students, with the local water company, to work on a project involving the removal
of sludge from a drinking water clarification tank. This helped me to develop time
management, problem-solving and teamwork skills, as we encountered several
problems along the way (mostly involving the sludge), as well as having to cope
with each other for long hours in order to meet deadlines. I found this both
challenging and rewarding, and achieved a Gold Crest Award as well as being able
to take part in the regional final of the Young Engineers for Britain competition. The
scheme gave me a useful insight into the types of problems that engineers have to
solve, and convinced me that engineering is the career path I want to follow. I aim
to secure sponsorship for my course with a local company, as this will provide me
with experience of industrial work during the holidays, as well as helping me
financially through my time at university.
I believe that good links between engineers and businesses are essential for an
efficient and profitable future for British industry. Studying Economics to AS-level,
along with sciences and maths, has helped me to understand some of the scientific
principles behind production and management techniques. Physics has taught me
about how things behave, and how these properties can be used in solving both
practical and theoretical situations. Studying biology has helped me to appreciate
the role that engineers can play in helping to balance industry and natural
environment. My favourite part of the course is the environment module, as I enjoy
learning about how different species can adapt to their surroundings. Mathematics
gives me the opportunity to apply familiar concepts to unfamiliar situations, and I
enjoy the challenge of solving mathematical problems. I also find further maths
enjoyable, as I find it more challenging than my normal maths lessons.
Alongside my school work, I have been studying an Open University science short
course entitled Food and Health: A Chemical Story. I enjoy working on the course,
as it helps to broaden my scientific reading, and covers interesting topics in more
depth than my school studies. It also helps me with my independent study and time
management skills. I am due to complete the course at the end of October.
I like to be involved in other aspects of school life, for example I took part in the
junior mock trial competition lower down the school. Last year I was assistant house
captain, helping to encourage younger members of my house in competitions. I
helped backstage in the sixth form show, which I intend to do again this year. I am a
year eight buddy, which involves helping an able younger student with extra
schoolwork. I take drama lessons out of school, and recently passed Guildhall Grade

6 solo acting with honours. I have been involved in five musicals since starting at
this school, and am currently rehearsing for my first principal role in the schools
production of Les Miserables. I have also taken part in several productions with
local youth theatre and amateur dramatics societies, ranging from William
Shakespeare to Willy Russell. I play the violin in the school orchestra, and enjoy
singing in the school choir. I also take part in music activities outside of school, and
am involved in groups such as Burton Sinfonia and Staffordshire Youth Choir.
Although at the moment I intend to complete a degree in manufacturing
engineering, I do not feel that I am in the best position to make any final decisions
about my career yet, and have chosen courses with the first year (and in some
cases the second year) common to degree programmes in many disciplines of
engineering. My experiences of engineering so far have been both challenging and
rewarding, and I hope that my future career will be too.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Nicola for application in 2004.
Comment on this personal statement
Nicola's university choices
Cambridge University
The University of Durham
The University of Warwick
The University of Nottingham
University of Exeter

JGN- English personal statement

I have always been fascinated by the way writers can influence, and even
manipulate readers emotions by their expression of thoughts, and by their ability to
encourage the expansion of our imaginations and understanding. My favourite
authors include Phillip Pullman, Caroline B. Cooney and also Ian McEwan, whose
novels are inspiring because of their enviable lucidity and innovative character
development. It is my love of literature that has stimulated me to write creatively
for pleasure. I therefore want to study English further as a catalyst for my own
writing and to extend my knowledge of a subject for which I have developed a
My love of drama inspired me from a young age to take part in school productions
by competing with over a hundred girls in auditions and successfully securing parts.
I performed in the production of Othello at the Greenwich theatre two years ago,
which was not only a privilege but also an exhilarating experience in communicating
my interpretation to a large audience.

I am enthusiastic about all my studies and have therefore decided to continue with
four A Levels. My subjects have enabled me to enhance and develop many skills.
English Literature has furthered my knowledge of the stylistic devices employed by
a variety of writers. In addition I have developed the skill of arguing cogently and
effectively through my own writing. Biology and Psychology have primarily helped
me to acquire the skill of interpreting and learning complex factual information.
Both subjects have developed my understanding of ethical and contemporary
issues, and have thus complemented my study of English.
My study of History has allowed me to pursue my passion for investigating the past
by retracing the steps that have led to our present circumstances. The subject
offers me opportunities in abundance to formulate my own explanations, whilst
emphasising the importance of open-mindedness in appraising the perspectives of
other historians. I pursued my interest in history this summer by applying to the
UCL/British Library summer school of Revolutions, and was selected, together with
thirty-five other sixth formers across the UK. There I was given the inspiring
opportunity to attend lectures given by recognised experts who were at the cutting
edge of their field of study. Furthermore I was given the rare opportunity of handling
primary material, which I found overwhelming given that many of the documents I
studied were over four hundred years old.
I play an active part in my school and have consequently been involved in many
extra-curricular activities. I was appointed a prefect, and discharged my
responsibilities with sensitivity. I am currently on the schools sixth form committee.
My role here is developing my confidence, leadership skills and capacity to work cooperatively as part of a team. By participating in a debate as part of the University
Access Programme I have become more articulate in expressing my views. I have
mentored a younger student, an experience that proved to be particularly rewarding
when she acquired greater confidence in her reading. In addition I am a Millennium
Volunteer and look forward to the prospect of teaching IT to a variety of people with
physical or learning disabilities in my vacation period. I am a conscientious,
sensitive and committed student and am confident that I have the qualities and
skills to succeed at university. I look forward to the challenge of a demanding
degree course, and to the opportunity to play a significant role in university life.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by naima for application in 2004.
Comment on this personal statement
naima's university choices
University of Exeter
The University of York
University of St Andrews
University College London

The University of Warwick

University of East Anglia

JGN-Law personal statement

The subject of law fascinates me extensively. I am intrigued by developments in the
law and the way that it adapts to an ever-changing society. I feel I would be suited
to a law degree as I am at my best when challenged, relish the opportunity of lateral
thinking and enjoy evaluating the microcosm of human relations.
I have improved my understanding of the law by spending 8 weeks in a Solicitors
Office. I benefited from this vastly, as I was able to attend both Basingstoke's
County and Magistrates Courts on frequent occasions, to take notes and observe
cases that my employer was accountable for. The experience was enthralling as I
learnt about the work undertaken at a small high-street firm, the ambience of a
courtroom, and more about the officials that occupy it.
Recently, I attended Winchester Crown Court to gain first-hand experience of a
complex and serious murder case. The defendant used the partial defence of
provocation on the grounds of an affair, which was later dismissed. I had strong
feelings about the handling and outcome of the case, which confirmed my thoughts
of law as a career. I am looking forward to attending a conference in London next
month where Chris Clarkson is lecturing.
At my secondary school I had the privilege of becoming Head Boy. As part of this
role I gave many speeches to my contemporaries from different schools, as well as
parents and professionals. I also chaired the Student Council where I had an active
input into my school's welfare, delegated workloads and took expeditions with
teachers representing the school as an ambassador. I also helped with the bid for
my school's conversion to 'Technology College Status'. And was awarded the 'Harriet
Costello Award' for achieving the highest
GCSE results in the academic year 2001-2002.
I enjoy English because I am able to express myself creatively through essays and
discussion. I am reading Dickens' 'Great Expectations' as part of my English
Literature course, and have found the depiction of the Victorian legal system of
particular interest.
Outside of my compulsory activities, I have taken part in Karate for 10 years;
achieving the highest standard of black belt. This experience has taught me about
dedication and focus. I am an avid reader, and enjoyed reading G. Williams'
'Learning the Law' which addresses many issues facing a law student. Helena
Kennedy's 'Eve was
Framed' opened my eyes to the problems facing women encountering the legal
system, and I am currently reading J.A.G Griffiths' 'The Politics of the Judiciary'. I
keep abreast of legal issues by doing background research and reading The Times'
weekly legal supplement.

I was Managing Director of my Young Enterprise's (YE) Company entitled 'Starz'. YE

is a national charity which educates young people through enterprise and business
simulation. As Director, I wrote a report which consequently won 'Best Company
Report 2001'. I was also the Managing Director of my school's team at the Business
2000. Having copious amounts of practice in managerial positions has helped boost
my confidence, and improve my time-management skills.
From my experiences thus far, I feel that I would be greatly suited to university life. I
am confident the social and academic lifestyle at university would allow me to
develop as a person. I would like to become a solicitor and believe that a law degree
will significantly aid me to achieve this goal.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by jumahumour.
Comment on this personal statement
jumahumour's university choices
Oxford University
The University of Warwick
University of Bristol
The University of Nottingham
University of Exeter
The University of Reading

History Personal Statment personal statement

My decision to study History was never a difficult one. Having always been
captivated by the past and its relationship to the present, study at Advanced Level
has served only to strengthen my interest. Last year I especially enjoyed reading
Gash's biography of Robert Peel. In comparing his approach to history with that of
other historians, I found myself profoundly interested in Gash's conviction that Peel
was an individual who shaped not only his time, but the rest of the century. Seeking
to read more widely than the syllabus allowed, Christopher Hill's 'God's Englishman'
provided me with a historical perspective which, although very different, appealed
to me perhaps as much as Gash's. Indeed, the comparison between interpretations
is one of the most exciting parts of the study of history; but far from being
persuaded by a single perspective, I strive to understand and appreciate the
differences. Also of particular appeal to me was reading Hague's biography of Pitt
the Younger. Although not a professional historian, Hague's expertise in today's
politics and the politics of previous centuries helped me to bridge the gap between
the two. The world of ideas also fascinates me, which began with my reading about
Marxism after studying Russian history. With the help of my school's "Intellectual
Development Extending Able Students" program I expanded my interest in
philosophy, which was most helpful in comparing Gash and Hill's respective views of
history. Through the program I took specific interest in Nietzsche, whose appeal to
me is owed partly to the emphasis he places upon interpretation, and partly to the
satisfaction I found in finishing "Beyond Good and Evil" with more questions posed
than answered!
Similarly my Advanced Level studies have also helped stimulate my historical
interest. Law has brought me closer to politics and current affairs, and there were
times when studying factory legislation of the nineteenth century obscured the
divisions between History and Law. Post-graduation, I aspire to train as a legal
professional, and hope to take with me a better understanding of legal history.
Moreover, my interest in Geography has always leant toward the socio-political/
economic aspects of the subject, which are closely linked to the study of history.
Learning German and spending time in Germany has brought not just a life skill, but
also a better understanding of German culture. Much more than a life enhancing
and simple pleasure, it became of great use in my study of nineteenth century
German history and in appreciating Marx, Nietzsche and even Luther to a greater
extent. Although this historical awareness may be considered narrow, one of my
main motivations for studying history at degree level is to broaden my horizons.
This will certainly include extending my, already well cemented, love of the
Believing the old adage about a healthy mind in a healthy body, I have long been a
member of a lifesaving club. This has allowed me to qualify as a pool lifeguard thus
improving my medical awareness and sense of responsibility. Above all, the role has
helped my confidence to respond in an emergency which, as a practical person, I

would wish always to be able to do. I strive to complete all tasks to a high standard
and with great enthusiasm and have developed a fierce determination to achieve.
Additionally, regularly competing as a lead speaker in my School's Debating Society
is not only greatly enjoyable, but has also helped to stimulate my competitive
nature. In order to unwind, I often write creatively; which is frequently not just a
matter of pen and paper, but one which involves guitar and piano (both of which I
have some fluency in). If successful in my application I will capitalise on the
opportunity to learn from leading practitioners in their fields. Furthermore, I will
offer the utmost of my abilities in both the curricular and extra-curricular aspects of
university life.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by benjball2009 for application in 2009.
Comment on this personal statement
benjball2009's university choices
Oxford University
University College London
London School of Economics
Cardiff University
The University of Birmingham

European Studies and ab initio Modern Language personal statement

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Although Wittgenstein was
in this case expounding his deterministic philosophy, one can change the context
and his statement is a reminder that reaching out to a different language also opens
up a different culture, a different history, a different way of thinking about things. As
an avid historian, I am fascinated by the European machine, the political
manoeuvrings, and the ways in which its turbulent past shape the modern-day
boundaries of language, culture and commerce. From this point of view I am also
acutely aware that no study of language is complete without knowledge of the
events that shaped it, from the wars that ripped Renaissance Italy apart, to the
Risorgimento, to Berlusconi era - and everything in between.
Having studied French and German, I have developed a love of language, and feel
that learning Italian would be the key to unlocking the rich culture and history of the
country. I have already visited many of Italy's treasures from Giotto's legendary
frescoes in Assisi, to the time capsule that is Venice and relish the challenge of
immersing myself in this and more at university.
I believe I have the ability to take on a language as an ab initio candidate: in
September I received the Sixth Form Modern Foreign Language award, reflecting my
talent and my affinity for languages. I am keen to communicate with people of my
age (and others) across Europe and the world, and subscribe to a website through
which I have meet several students with whom I can practise speaking other
languages. Technology has been invaluable in developing my awareness of the
European landscape, allowing me to subscribe to newspaper websites such as Le
Monde, download content from the BBC's Italian Steps site, and regularly take in
other German media in relation to schoolwork.
Learning Italian ab initio would, of course, take dedication, and in my school career,
I have demonstrated diligence and commitment. This includes being part of the
Senior Prefect Team, involved in supporting the running of the school, and planning
and organising events. I am also a polished performer, from being MC for last year's
school talent show, to leading the string section for school productions and concerts
with my violin. In addition, I have engaged in a number of Sixth Form Pantomimes,
most recently taking the role of Scrooge in last year's adaptation of A Christmas
I have a love of music, both in terms of performance and of theoretical study. As
well as playing the violin for the past eight years, I have taught myself to play the
guitar, mandolin, ukulele, and cello. I am a strong musical composer and have
written songs as part of my musical study as well as for pleasure, once combining
my love of stand-up comedy with music by winning a school talent show in 2008 as
part of a guitar/mandolin double-act. Last year, I entered the composers' class of
the local Mary Wakefield music festival, and won with a string orchestra piece. While
in Venice I was also able to make a day trip out of my interest in Vivaldi at the
Museo della Musica. The city (and the country as a whole) has, on top of everything
else, a strong musical tradition, which only makes the prospect more attractive to

Given this success, I originally applied to university to study music last year, despite
my comparatively modest performance ability, and the need to achieve Grade 5
piano within a year. This was not entirely realistic and the time commitment it
required, as well as a number of personal issues, meant that I did not achieve as
highly in June as I or my teachers feel I should have. After much reflection, I have refocused on languages and cultures, an area where I have a lot to offer, and where I
am keen to learn. I hope that the seriousness of my intent is clear now that my
goals are better-founded, and I am determined to achieve my fullest potential this
Profile info
This personal statement was written by FrankyBabes for application in 2011.
Comment on this personal statement
FrankyBabes's university choices
University of Leeds
The University of Birmingham
The University of Kent
The University of Manchester
The University of Reading

History Personal Statement

I have always read widely and, due to my English Exhibition at Woodbridge School
and my enjoyment of writing, at one point I had hoped to read English at university.
However, whilst studying World War One poetry for my English Literature GCSE, I
found that I was most interested in the times and conditions in which the author
was writing.
The study of history evokes great curiosity in me; during my study of 19th Century
Germany last year I found the debate concerning Bismarcks role in German
unification fascinating. A.J.P. Taylors examination of Bismarck's character in "The
Man and the Statesman was particularly illuminating because its challenge to the
previously accepted great man theory shows the impact an individual can have
upon a situation.
In my view, past and present are inseparable, in that what we are today has been
formed by past events and, therefore, the study of the past illuminates the present.
For example, my independent coursework study of the decline of the Liberal Party
has demonstrated to me the effects of war on all aspects of society and the need for
political parties to adapt to the current electorate subjects still very relevant today.
As Arthur Marwick writes, because everything has a history, history as a body of
knowledge and as a discipline covers everything, and history is indeed the most
inclusive of all intellectual pursuits its wide range of subject matter is a definite
factor in its favour. History also can be a challenging and totally absorbing
intellectual exercise, which develops valuable skills in synthesising and presenting
Although at this early stage, I feel unable to predict a career path, I could envisage
becoming a journalist. This stems from a work experience placement shadowing the
journalist Dominic Kennedy, the crime writer for The Times, last year. This
experience encouraged me to write five articles for the schools award-winning
Times Educational Supplement newspaper day competition submission in my role
as Home Affairs Correspondent. History, like journalism, involves selecting relevant
facts to create either narrative or a persuasive argument, and consequently it is
both useful and informative.
Moving to a boarding school for my Sixth Form Studies has afforded me increased
opportunities to contribute to the school community. I am a member of House
Council - a committee which liaises with the Head of House on academic and
boarding-related issues and participated in a paired reading scheme last year. I
played Benjamin in the schools production of Joseph and the Technicolour
Dreamcoat last year, despite breaking my ankle playing for the school football
team the week before. I attempted the complex dance routines on crutches

I enjoy most team sports, and have played for school cricket and rugby teams
throughout my school career; however, I find myself most suited to football and
hockey. I received junior full colours for Woodbridge School hockey team, and play
for the Wymondham College Second Eleven football team. I play the tuba to Grade
6 standard, and have recently toured Italy and Austria whilst representing the
county as a member of the Suffolk Youth Wind Band. Outside school, my home close
to the sea provides an ideal location for my hobbies of surfing and sailing. I have a
part-time job at Lowestoft Public Library, which improves my communication skills
and self-confidence.
I am taking a gap year in order to broaden my horizons, and to this end I have made
plans to teach English in a Tibetan community in India in conjunction with GAP
Activity Projects.
I look forward to extending my knowledge of the many aspects of history available
for study, and believe that university will enhance these opportunities.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by walks.
Comment on this personal statement
walks's university choices
The University of Birmingham
Cambridge University
The University of Durham
The University of York
The University of Warwick
The University of Edinburgh
Green: offer made

Government/Politics Personal Statement

I have realised how powerful the influence of Government and Politics is across the
world, and as a subject it has captured my attention. I have learnt that there are
very few places that are untouched by political power. Through witnessing events
such as September 11th, I have come to believe that politics is far too significant to
One aspect of politics that intrigues me is international relations, because of its
global implications. I am particularly fascinated by the relationships that exist
between governments, for example the position that the USA adopts on foreign
policy. I am interested in the role of the UN as a global authority, the process of
conflict resolution and the alliances that governments form to take international
measures. My own political ideology is based on the notion that the world can be
made stronger through international co-operation, and that our main concern
should not be with domestic interests but international ones.
I enjoy absorbing a wide variety of political opinions, and I follow current affairs in
the UK and internationally with great interest. I am enthusiastic to extend my
political understanding; I find reading the works of Anthony Giddens provides a
strong indicator of the ideological future of politics. I also enjoy novels by Robert
Harris, whose combination of political fact and fiction produces a gripping plot and
an insight into the reactions of everyday individuals to their political surroundings.
By taking part in work experience at the Labour Party HQ of Ben Bradshaw MP I was
able to see how politics functions in practice, and experience all the daily operations
that take place inside a political centre. This included meeting many of the
constituents as well as reading through some of the MP's cases that dealt with
topical issues such as asylum and discontent with the current government.
Last year I participated in Young Enterprise as the Finance Director and Company
Secretary of @Last; we surpassed 4000 other companies to reach the Young
Enterprise National Final. Managing the finances of the company was a valuable
experience, learning how money should be dealt with carefully and allocated
precisely where it is needed. I learnt how to present a product in the professional
world by partaking in many crucial meetings with major South West businesses, 28
of whom we convinced to invest 8,600 into our project through advertising. I look
forward to using the communication skills I have gained to help present my
arguments at university in an effective and confident manner. I am continuing to
learn new skills in the business world, as a few team members and I have now have
taken on running the company ourselves, as a private business enterprise.
Through studying politics I want to continue to learn in a friendly environment,
contributing to university life in every way that I can; engaging myself in debate,
discussion and an active social life.

Profile info
This personal statement was written by tomhitchings for application in 2004.
Comment on this personal statement
tomhitchings's university choices
London School of Economics
The University of Warwick
University of Bath
The University of Sheffield
The University of Essex
The University of York

Law Personal Statement
A responsible, hard working and good-humoured person deeply committed to a
career in the legal profession. Particular areas of interest within the law degree
include Business Law and International Law as they incorporate my love for
economics and foreign culture respectively. Having studied mainly arts subjects
during the sixth form, I look forward to branching out into more diverse fields,
particularly medical law, as it allows the opportunity for in-depth ethical discussion,
something I have found especially interesting during my time as a member of the
school debating society.
I have recently immersed myself in the likes of Learning The Law by Williams,
The Law Machine by Berlins and Dyer, Eve was Framed by Kennedy and John
Grishams legal thrillers. These have given me a better understanding of the
workings of both the UK and US legal systems and have raised important legal
issues, the ethics surrounding the death penalty being one particular area of
interest. This interest spurred me on to look at the case of Aileen Wuornos, who was
executed despite questionable mental health.
I have spent time in the public galleries of both the local County Court and High
Court. I particularly enjoyed the courtroom banter that occurs between lawyers and
judges and, upon witnessing a sentencing, was immediately struck by the judges
power to dramatically change the course of somebodys life in an instant. In
December I am due to shadow a district judge for a week, giving valuable insight
into the ins and outs of the career.

Politics and International Studies personal statement

"In our age there is no such thing as keeping out of politics, all issues are political
issues." Politics for me is the power to effect change, to make a difference whether
that is to the detriment or advantage to society as a whole. Politics enforces all that
we hold dear; social justice, equality, tolerance. My specific interest in politics is
broadly based upon Orwell's principle of the universal nature of politics, together
with not only the politics of today but rather the steady progression of democracy in
the UK. Drawing comparisons with political and civil unrest in the Middle East, the
insurmountable power of the West and balancing the use of democracy and war
especially with the unraveling of recent global political crises.
Politics is an ever changing subject, which requires skills in analysis, debate and
research, whilst also possessing an open mind to be empathetic to the views of
society as a whole. A Level Politics has allowed me to look further into the dynamics
of British and American Politics, considering the effect of these two nations' power
on the world stage, encompassed with trips to Parliament and the Senate. I have
also attended conferences on American Politics entitled 'Congress to Campus' and
have been involved in a student question time, having entered a question for our
incumbent MP. An emphasis on further research fuelled my decision to complete an
EPQ, looking at the history of American foreign policy.
Studying Economics has given me an interest in domestic and overseas fiscal policy
and understanding of the tumultuous legacy of previous governments when
considering the nations finances. English Literature has developed my essay writing
skills, having particularly enjoyed critical analysis of poetry, both past and present.
The study of Miller's 'Broken Glass' questioned the perception of the American
Dream and the consequences of fascism in 1938 Germany to an economically and
socially unstable America. The study of Sociology encourages research of new and
differing theoretical views of all of society's institutions. I have particularly enjoyed
further research into the sociological and political ideology of Marx. Though his
views could be deemed much too radical to interpret British society, his
interpretations of society still resonate all over the world. The rich exploit the poor
with little constriction by society's institutions such as the government and legal
My upbringing has given me a strong working class ethic, constantly reminding me
that success cannot be achieved without commitment, sacrifice and hard work.
Opportunities at school allowed me to stand as a candidate to represent my county
in an election to become a member of the National Youth Parliament, allowing me to
participate actively in school activities and acting as an advocate for my fellow
pupils. Rewarding activities included establishing an after school Food and Nutrition
Club for Year 7 pupils and membership of the school debating society. Tasks
included lobbying town officials for fair trade status for my hometown, allowing me
to develop and debate my own ideas along with those of my peers. Amongst my

proudest achievements is being awarded a place in the National Academy of Gifted

and Talented Youth. I have also enjoyed fundraising activities for Help for Heroes
and an expedition to Tanzania, as well as membership of Amnesty International.
When asked why I want to further my political education to degree level the answer
is simple. I want to be a participant, not an observer, in the molding of an ever
changing, diverse society through politics. I want to learn about the world from the
grass roots up. I want to make a difference.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by sjcooper91 for application in 2011.
Comment on this personal statement
sjcooper91's university choices
The University of Warwick
The University of Warwick
London School of Economics
The University of Nottingham
University of St Andrews

Law Personal Statement

I cannot remember a person in my life who has had a more significant influence on
me than my father. Everything I have achieved with regard to academics, sports, or
life in general, I am indebted to him for. His professional career, as a Pakistani and
later an international civil servant has been one of the main sources of inspiration
for me to become a lawyer. After serving as a senior police officer for many years,
he received a law degree and then a masters in human rights law from London,
after which he joined the United Nations as Legal Officer. He has always advocated
protection and respect of human rights of all without discrimination and it has been
his guidance and mentoring that helped me decide to pursue further education in
the legal field.
As much as I would like to disagree, it is a sad fact that there is little regard for an
understanding and application of the rule of law and human rights in Pakistan.
Incidents like the Sialkot mob killings and a sharp increase in reports of rape and
honour killings illustrate the insensitivities of our society and disrespect for the
judicial system. Ironically, the apathy of successive governments towards
strengthening the judicial systems has been deplorable. In the past, the judiciary
has been criticized for its failure to ensure impartiality, and this has remained a
major bone of contention because of the age-old power struggle between the
democratic and non-democratic forces in Pakistan. However, the resistance
movement against the illegal dismissal of the Chief Justice and his eventual
reinstatement has restored the faith of the people in the judiciary and in the due
process of law. Its resurgence has instilled in me the desire to be a part of the
fraternity and become an element of change in my country.
Along with my preference for legal studies, I can cope with the pressure of being a
law graduate, as I have studied both the social and applied sciences which have
improved my articulation, analytical presentation and interpersonal skills. Apart
from academics, I have completed an internship with an implementing partner of
the UNHCR where I was part of the internally displaced persons (IDP) registration
and verification team. The conflict induced IDPs had been displaced due to the army
operation against the Taliban / militants in northern Pakistan. It provided me with a
quasi-legal experience as the registration is a protection tool aimed at safeguarding
the legal and constitutional rights of the IDPs. In addition, I also interned at a locally
renowned English newspaper as a sub editor that helped me improve my writing
skills from an analytical and journalistic perspective. Previously during my O-levels,
with the help of a few like-minded friends, we created a welfare group through
which we sensitized fellow students, generated considerable charity, in the form of
cash and edible goods, and used it for the special children of our school.
Additionally, for the last three years, I have been playing tennis at an amateur level,
which helps me relax mentally and works as a coping mechanism for stress.

Undoubtedly, higher education in UK is second to none in the world, particularly in

the field of law. It is equally important to acknowledge that Pakistan still follows the
legacy of the English legal system and hence the criminal justice system here is
compatible with the one in the UK. In the next 4 years, I see myself as a law
graduate choosing either to be a practicing lawyer, a prosecutor, an associate with
the socio-legal sector (NGO) or an academic. In any case the first step, an
undergraduate degree, will be the most crucial.
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This personal statement was written by askdurrani1 for application in 2011.
Comment on this personal statement
askdurrani1's university choices
Oxford University
Queen Mary, University of London
School of Oriental and African Studies
The University of Warwick
King's College London

Politics and International Relations

My great grandfather volunteered in the 1948 War of Independence and became the
first Inspector General of the Israeli Navy, ensuring I was brought up in a strongly
political family. However I am broad minded, as I attend a conservative school yet
am part of a liberal youth movement so I have been exposed to many diverse
opinions, encouraging me to be an informed decision-maker. My desire to keep an
open mind has meant that I read newspapers and periodicals from across the
political spectrum to gain different viewpoints on the Middle East and global current
affairs. I seek out public political debates, such as a Q and A with Melanie Phillips
and a foreign policy dialogue with David Miliband. I am also head of my school's
Debating Society, where global issues are regularly discussed. For these reasons I
wish to study Politics and International Relations.
In wider reading I found Francis Fukuyama's book 'The Origins of Political Order'
particularly stimulating as he contends that Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau may be
wrong in stating that life in the state of nature was solitary. He demonstrates that if
we understand human nature as well as man's sociological and political
development then we can organise society more successfully. While I struggle to
agree with Machiavelli's thesis in 'The Prince' that humans are selfish and deceitful,
especially in light of Fukuyama's findings, I recognise the value of some of his
doctrines which politicians regularly employ, such as the importance of one's image
to the people. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Africa' by Richard Dowden,
exploring whether Africa will ever escape the legacy of colonialism.
While working for Lord Janner, Mike Freer MP and John Bercow MP I was hugely
excited to see parliamentary democracy in action. I gathered information for Lord
Janner's website, replied directly to constituents and compiled arguments against
the HS2 development. I also worked for Marinna Yannakoudakis MEP,writing
parliamentary questions to the European Commission, based on letters from
constituents. Such experiences reinforced my love for politics, especially going
to parliamentary debates where my class essays came alive. I thoroughly enjoy
attending political events which help to shape my political opinions, the highlights
having been Ed Balls' keynote speech at the LSE, my local candidates' debate
before the 2010 election, and attending the BBC's 'Question Time' twice where I was
able to ask a question on if we should 'rejoice or be fearful at the death of Osama
Bin Laden'.
My desire to study politics was enhanced when I won the Borough of Brent final of
the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge in 2008
where I spoke on the 'Meaning of Life'. The public speaking skills I acquired
contributed to my election as Head Boy by my peers and staff. As part of the role of
Head Boy I interviewed and chose 120 Student Officers from 230
applicants, I run the student council and make many public appearances. I have
learnt a huge amount including time-management and diplomatic skills which have

all increased my desire to participate in student politics. They have helped me to

run three summer camps and teach three classes on Israel at Sunday School since
2009. During the camp this summer I ran sessions on British Politics with thirty
participants, culminating in a mock election involving the whole camp. Such was the
thrill that debates raged on long after the sessions ended! I am also Head of Youth
at my synagogue where I plan, organise and run camps as well as the leadership
course to train new youth leaders. Having responsible roles in my school, youth
movement and community has taught me the value of integrity, planning,
teamwork, and a good night's sleep.
It is hard not to marvel at the grandeur of the British Parliament, yet it is easy to
take for granted that it is the anchor of our liberal democracy. With that thought in
mind I hope one day to enter it not as a spectator, but as a participant.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by Joel for application in 2012.
Comment on this personal statement
Joel's university choices
University of St Andrews
Cambridge University
The University of Warwick
The University of Nottingham
The University of Sheffield

JANGAN SESEKALI TIRUEconomics&Politics personal statement

My perception of economics and politics changed when in 2008 I became involved
in the city councils budgetary committee as a student representative, which gave
me an insight how a political decision can have an impact on the whole citys future
on both social and economic scales. Since then I have become aware of the
significance of past economic events on future policy-making. Unfortunately, I do
not have the opportunity to study economics in my secondary school, but I have
always exploited as much as possible from my opportunities.
Apart from attending a bilingual class of English, I study Mathematics on an
advanced level and I have been taking part in a preparatory course at Mathias
Corvinus Collegium for two years. Along with two other modules I accomplished
international studies and economics. While learning about macroeconomics we had
to compare the different strategies and financial tools that a government has at its
disposal to control its economy. Reading from Paul Samuelson, John Stuart Mill,
Adam Smith and Keynes throughout the course gave me a wide perspective of
economics. Currently the financial crisis and the crisis of the Eurozone are the topics
that significantly concern me and I try to keep myself up to date through broadsheet
newspapers and online media.
The subject of politics has played a great role in my life for four years as I have been
a member of the schools Model European Parliament team. A hundred students
gather annually for one week to simulate the European Unions legislative body
whilst developing our debating and reasoning skills on current issues. Over the
sessions I was dealing with problems such as the EU Russian relations, the
Copenhagen Climate Conference, the intelligent energy network and the common
energy policy. Two years ago, for my outstanding performance I was selected as a
member of the Hungarian delegation for the international session in Tallinn,
discussing the problem of growing nationalist tendencies in the EU. For the next
national session I was chosen as the leader of the delegation. Through these
experiences I learned how to be successful in taking responsibility for a whole team,
and proved how committed I am, while perfecting my leadership skills.
The work experience I gained at iGuidU World Ltd., a newly born iPhone application
embraced me with such skills that always keep me on track and motivate me. While
creating the company I further developed my team working skills as well as learned
how to manage my time after school. Now, that the project succeeded I am the
member of the team responsible for the social media campaign. The experience of
the process of trying to sell our product to the costumers successfully, taught me
that nothing is impossible and strengthened the pursuit of my dreams in me.
I am passionate about the future of the world, and the challenges we have to face
nowadays have made me feel concerned. My firm belief is that the following
decades have an important role in shaping the futures stable economy and political
life to tide over the current crisis and even solve or at least slacken global warming.

I want to be part of this process. Having read Al Gores book An Inconvenient Truth
and David JC MacKays Sustainable Energy-Without Hot Air has demonstrated to me
that we have to act now to preserve a liveable environment for future generations.
Economics and the question of sustainable development have a strong connection. I
have high ambitions considering my future. In ten years time I see myself as one of
the politicians trying to solve climate change with financial tools, strategies and the
skills acquired at university.
I believe that studying in the United Kingdom will equip me with the necessary
knowledge base to achieve my goals. Furthermore, studying in a native
environment not only would develop my language skill but as well as me as a
person. I look forward to getting involved in both academic and social aspects of
university life.
Profile info
This personal statement was written by kdlinda for application in 2012.
Comment on this personal statement
kdlinda's university choices
University of St Andrews
University of Glasgow
The University of Warwick
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Aberdeen

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