End Time Current Events 5-2-10

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End Time Current Events: 5-2-10

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Table of Contents:

• Psalm 37:1-9
• The Death of Sam Davis by Pastor John Weaver
• Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government
• Vatican Tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER Telescope:
Does Project Name Imply What Or Who They Are Looking For?
• Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase and Goldman Sachs
to Vaccination Contaminations and BigPharma Corruption
• Scientists Continue 'Tampering' With Humanity
• Doubt in the Bible Behind Cultural Decay
• Many Prepping For The Worst
• Nifty--Stagecoach Silver Round
• Listener Tip on How to Collect Water If None Is Available

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give
thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines:
Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a
sense of guilt.
Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard
against surprise or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices."
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I John 4:18: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because
fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
Heb 13:6: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear
what man shall do unto me."
II Timothy 1:7: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of
love, and of a sound mind."
Psalm 37: 1-9 "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious
against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
and wither as the green herb. Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou
dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD:
and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy
righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD,
and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his
way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from
anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evildoers
shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth."

Dr. Scott Johnson - Imprecatory Prayers: God's Judgment On Wickedness 1/19

The Death of Sam Davis by Pastor John

Private Sam Davis, one of Coleman's Scouts, was captured, tortured and
murdered by Union forces in 1863. He was the first Confederate Medal of Honor
recipient. The story of this young man's faith and integrity will move and inspire
you. Listen: http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=111502102516
Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government

Kurt Nimmo--Infowars.com--May 1, 2010--On Friday, radio talk show host and

former Reagan cabinet advisor Mark Levin accused the Obama administration of
a plot to nationalize the oil industry. “I think those SWAT teams are there in
coordination with the attorney general’s office, the Interior Department,
Homeland Security, maybe the EPA….to seize records at these sites and to lay
the foundation for more government takeover,” said Levin.

Obama said on Thursday he was dispatching SWAT teams to inspect oil rigs in
the Gulf, a response that struck many observers as odd.

This is a public relations stunt designed to make Americans think the federal
government is responding to the disaster; but in fact, the government has no
intention of doing anything significant. Obama’s response if purely cosmetic and
for public consumption.

Levin and many Republicans think Obama is a Marxist and wants a Soviet-like
centralized economy. Obama, however, is not surrounded by textbook Marxists
who want a revolution in the name of the proles. He is surrounded by bankers
and monopoly men. The Obama administration is a creature of the CFR, Trilateral
Commission, the Federal Reserve, and Wall Street banks.

Oil rigs are being attacked in order to shut down oil production, not nationalize it.
The name of the game is artificial scarcity designed to further cripple the

Expert: Surface area of gulf oil spill has tripled 01 May 2010 The surface area of a
catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill quickly tripled in size amid growing fears
among experts that the slick could become vastly more devastating than it
seemed just two days ago.

BP Fought Safety Measures at Deepwater Oil Rigs --Owner of Louisiana Oil Well
Objected to System That Would Have Shut Off Spill 30 Apr 2010 BP, the company
that owned the Louisiana oil rig that exploded last week, spent years battling
federal regulators over how many layers of safeguards would be needed to
prevent a deepwater well from this type of accident. One area of immediate
concern, industry experts said, was the lack of a remote system that would have
allowed workers to clamp shut Deepwater Horizon's wellhead so it would not
continue to gush oil. The rig is now spilling 210,000 gallons of oil a day into the
Gulf of Mexico. In a letter sent last year to the Department of the Interior, BP
objected to what it called "extensive, prescriptive regulations" proposed in new
rules to toughen safety standards
Gulf oil spill: The Halliburton connection 30 Apr 2010 Investigators delving into
the possible cause of the massive gulf oil spill are focusing on the role of
Houston-based Halliburton Co., the giant energy services company, which was
responsible for cementing the drill into place below the water. The company
acknowledged Friday that it had completed the final cementing of the oil well and
pipe just 20 hours before the blowout last week. In a letter to Halliburton Chief
Executive David J. Lesar on Friday, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills)
chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Rep. Bart
Stupak (D-Mich.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations,
called on Halliburton officials to provide all documents relating to "the possibility
or risk of an explosion or blowout at the Deepwater Horizon rig and the status,
adequacy, quality, monitoring, and inspection of the cementing work" by May 7.

A second oil rig has overturned on the Gulf coast. It is not being widely reported.
The Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch reports: The U.S. Coast Guard said Friday
it is responding to a second oil-rig accident. A “mobile inland drilling unit” with a
20,000-gallon diesel fuel capacity overturned in the Charenton navigational
channel south of U.S. Highway 90 near Morgan City, La. No fuel leak or injuries
have been reported but 500 feet of containment boom has been deployed around
the rig, the Coast Guard said.

On Friday, Obama promised that no new offshore oil drilling leases will be issued
unless rigs have new safeguards to prevent a repeat of the explosion that
unleashed the massive spill threatening the Gulf Coast, according to the
Associated Press.

The number of structures in the Gulf is roughly 4,000, with 819 manned
platforms. How long do you think it will take an bloated, bureaucratic, federal
government to install these safeguards?

As Lindsey Williams has many times noted, the global elite are manipulating oil
in order to create a world-wide economic depression. “America will see a
financial collapse so great that it will take years to come out of it”.

“Publicly available CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from 30 years ago
say that a global government needs to control the world population through neo-
feudalism by creating artificial scarcity,” Steve Watson and Paul Watson wrote in
2005. “Now that the social architects have de-industrialized the United States,
they are going to blame our economic disintegration on lack of energy

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” asked Maurice Strong, the founder
of the UN Environment Program, during his opening speech at the Rio Earth
Summit in 1992.

During an interview conducted in 1972, Strong talked about the concept of zero
growth put forward by the Club of Rome in the late 1960s which called for the
control of population and economic growth. The Club of Rome is a neo-
Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with the European
banking elite such as the Committee of 300 and the Bilderberg Group.

“Federal authorities have shut down two offshore platforms and evacuated one
of them near a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico,” reports the Associated
Press today. “The Coast Guard said Saturday that the shutdowns were a safety

More offshore platforms will likely be shut down in the days ahead.

Meanwhile, members of Congress are calling for expanded oil exploration plans
to be dropped. “I’ve said to the White House, ‘Don’t you dare think about your
five-year plans [for offshore oil leases] … We’re just not going to let you,’” said
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson on Friday. “Nelson said the state’s multibillion-dollar
tourist industry and fisheries shouldn’t be imperiled for oil’s sake. He said the
spill may ultimately serve as a lesson that the country needs to develop cleaner
energy sources,” reports The Florida Times-Union.

As if on cue, the Soros foundation MoveOn has called on its members to

telephone the White House and demand that Obama reinstate the ban on offshore
oil drilling. “The MoveOn campaign is just one of a series of pleas from
lawmakers and environmental groups for the administration to reverse its policy
in the wake of the explosion and spill,” reports The Washington Post.

The explosion and massive oil spill will be used to make sure artificial oil scarcity
continues. The ultimate goal is not clean energy or so-called energy
independence but delivering the once great United States into the maw of the
bankers who are determined to consolidate power and convert the world into a
sprawling high-tech prison planet.

Vatican Tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER Telescope: Does

Project Name Imply What Or Who They Are Looking For?

NEWS BRIEF: "Vatican-Tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER

Telescope", Raiders News Network, April 25, 2010

"New instrument for the world's largest optical telescope, the Large Binocular Telescope
on Mount Graham in Arizona, allows astronomers to observe the faintest and most
distant objects in the universe ..."
"After more than a decade of design, manufacturing and testing, the new instrument –
dubbed LUCIFER 1 – provides a powerful tool to gain spectacular insights into the
universe – from the Milky Way to extremely distant galaxies. LUCIFER, built by a
consortium of German institutes, will be followed by an identical twin instrument that will
be delivered to the telescope in early 2011."

What, exactly, do the letters of "L.U.C.I.F.E.R." stand for?

"LUCIFER is an acronym for: Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with

Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research".

The Illuminati has always dreamed of finding other planets in the galaxies somewhere
which could support human life. Space activity has always secretly sought after such
discovery; in New Age literature, this effort is known as "Star Seed".

NASA has always been controlled by Freemasons, so that the silent objective is always
to find new planets which could support human life. But, I find it highly significant that, at
this moment in world history, scientists would dub their new cutting edge telescope
"L.U.C.I.F.E.R.". Dr. Scott Johnson - Vatican Easing Humanity
Toward Alien Disclosure 1/17

Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase and Goldman Sachs to

Vaccination Contaminations and BigPharma Corruption

April 30, 2010 · Tetrahedron, LLC

A medical investigation into suspicious outbreaks and propaganda used to sell drugs
and vaccines has exposed investment bankers at JP Morgan-Chase (JPMC) and
Goldman Sachs (GS) for plotting to shock/stress, frighten, poison, and kill billions of
people most profitably–pharmaceutically–according to the Editor-in-Chief of Medical
Veritas journal.
While researching PFNYC--Partnership for New York City), Wall Street’s wealthiest
industrialists, Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and
investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, discovered shocking evidence of a conspiracy to
commit global genocide by generating diseases and death to advance profitable
pharmaceutical depopulation.

Population planners at the highest levels of government and industry conspired to

spread diseases, vaccines, drugs, and death most profitably, according to research
published in the latest issue of Medical Veritas.

In a related Special Report posted on YouTube, Dr. Horowitz urged humanitarian

organizations and activist groups worldwide to issue investigations, alerts, civil
complaints, and criminal charges to stop the pharmaceutical depopulation plot because
it risks genetic inheritance, new pandemics, and the possible extinction of the human

“Corruption in the drug industry is rampant and transparent,” Dr. Horowitz explains,
“Investment bankers at JPMC and GS, who acquired controlling interests in the largest
drug firms during mergers and acquisitions, have placed ‘depopulation’ near the top of
their list of geopolitical priorites. Their depopulation agents are now in top positions of
government, finance, and industry.

The depopulation plan is supported by the world’s wealthiest people, including Bill
Gates, who admittedly funds vaccinations to reduce global populations by 10-15%.
Leading population planners and economic developers advance identical plans to cull
the world’s population to 1 billion.

“Killing 6-out-of-7 people globally, most profitably, requires planning and an

unprecedented conspiracy to commit genocide by applying advances in genetic
biotechnologies exclusively available and affordable to drug companies controlled by
the investment bankers,” Dr. Horowitz adds.

The doctor points to the fact that US Treasury Department officials previously operated
JPMC and GS on behalf of majority stock holders and their partners in pharmaceutical
companies heavily represented in the PFNYC and the trade organizations that negotiate
multi-billion dollar government purchases of drugs and vaccines.

Researchers, including vaccination contamination expert Dr. Viera Scheibner, reports in

the current issue of Medical Veritas that polio virus vaccines are produced in African
green monkey kidney cell cultures routinely contaminated with transmissible cancer

By reviewing drug company patents, Dr. Horowitz learned that the makers of H1N1
swine flu and rotavirus vaccines use the same cultures risking recombinations, genetic
mutations, and unstoppable transmissions of deadly agents threatening new

“This best explains why public health officials are preparing for vaccine-transmitted
H1N1s cloned in monkey cells to recombine with bird H5N1s currently circulating. This
threatening and most deadly recombination of flu viruses, officials herald may happen in
the Fall,” Dr. Horowitz warned.

Besides the inadequacies of safety testing new vaccines without using placebo controls,
it is this issue of reliability of information that concerns more than half of the medical
physicians polled since they became aware that the entire medical industry has been
hijacked by Wall Street’s pharmaceutical profiteers. Now they are learning from famous
people, like Gates, that the world’s wealthiest people are administering vaccinations for
“I love vaccines,” Gates stated at a TED conference in February, 2010, while lecturing
on ways to reduce global populations to stem environmental pollution.

The links between the directors of major drug companies, mainstream media moguls,
and investment bankers at JPMC and GS are so obvious and incriminating, and the
dispersion of unsafe vaccines so common and disturbing, only profitable depopulation
as a planned outcome of pharmaceutical investments can explain the current situation.

“Complete censorship was the only option officials have had to prevent a meltdown in
public opinion about medicine and the pharmaceutical industry,” said Ingri Cassel, a
leading vaccine risk awareness activist. “This explains why news of this vaccination
depopulation plan has been neglected by the special-interest-influenced media.”

Investigating conflicting pharmaceutical interests influencing news coverage, Sherri

Kane, previously a writer for FOX News in Los Angeles, learned that the majority
shareholders in FOX, TimeWarner, News Corp., and the Wall Street Journal, are
heavily invested in GlaxoSmithKlein and Merck’s CSL Laboratories, both makers of
risky drugs and vaccines.

Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, became a major shareholder in

AstraZeneca following his direction of the company’s acquisition of the H1N1 FluMist
maker, MedImmune. Blankfein has also leveraged ABC-Disney following their merger
with money he raised through GS investors. This resulted in Dr. Oz’s heavy promotion
of H1N1 vaccines on ABC last year, when officials learned that the vast majority of
Americans were unwilling to risk the exposure.

Rupert Murdoch and Lloyd Blankfein co-chair the PFNYC, founded by CHASE principal,
World Bank ambassador, and America’s leading energy industrialist and medical
monopolist, David Rockefeller. The PFNYC was chartered by the Royal Family of
England–a majority share holder in General Electric–the world’s largest company–that
controls NBC/Universal/Comcast, and MSNBC with Bill Gates.

The PFNYC is co-directed by Jeffrey B. Kindler, the Chairman and CEO of Pfizer–the
world’s largest drug company. Kindler stewards Pfizer through multi-billion dollar
acquisitions also involving JPMC and GS financing.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the drug

industry’s main trade organization, is also directed by Kindler. PhRMA officials engage
White House and Pentagon officials in private negotiations determining pricing for
stockpiles of drugs and vaccines.

Dr. Horowitz views this covert administration of multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical

contracts as symptomatic of the industry’s corruption. The “corporate shell game” is
played using mergers and acquisitions directed by the same people. Their creation of
the PhRMA trade organization provides the illusion of their legitimacy and fair
competition. Price fixing occurs behind closed doors, explaining why prices vary so
widely internationally.

Another gross example of corrupt government is Congressman Henry Waxman’s (D-

CA) treason against the American people for sneaking dietary supplement regulation
language into ‘The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009,’ (H.R.

For years, Waxman has attempted to pass legislation restricting consumer access to
nutritional supplements on behalf of BigPharma. The FDA, largely controlled by
BigPharma, contends regulating vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, oils, colloidal
silvers, and more natural products protects consumers.

Dr. Scott Johnson - Pharmaceuticals As Pharmakeia/Sorcery - Roots of Modern

Day Drug Industry 1/26

Scientists Continue 'Tampering' With Humanity

British scientists have used a new cloning method to create three-parent human
embryos. The process involves destroying two human embryos and taking parts from
each for a third embryo. Dr. David Prentice, senior fellow for life sciences at the Family
Research Council (FRC), tells OneNewsNow it is really a process of cloning and genetic
engineering. "It's always phrased [in] the traditional way: that they're 'going to cure all of
these diseases with this new technology,'" he reports. "But bottom line, we're
manipulating young human life, destroying a lot of young human life in the process, and
it's a eugenics technique to manufacture children." He predicts that this method could
perhaps lead to designer babies at some point in the future. British scientists are
seeking a license to proceed, and Prentice notes that American scientists have used the
same technique with monkeys and are seeking federal approval for further research. In
this case, only 18 of the 80 cloning experiments showed any development, and only
three of the recombined embryos made it to the blastocyst stage. The FRC fellow
suggests sticking with God's system. Dr. Scott Johnson - Cloning,
DNA Manipulation, & Corrupting The Seed 1/11

Doubt in the Bible Behind Cultural Decay

Issue Date: March/April 2010--For Bible believers who are looking for a reason for the
current cultural crisis, they need look no further than the modern Bible versions.

A recent study indicates that there is a growing number of people who call themselves
Christians yet don’t really believe the Bible to be God’s Word. News makers have
labeled them the “Christian left,” or “progressives.” Research indicates that they are
very short on beliefs that match the biblical doctrines. Over 82 percent of those who
identified themselves as conservative or the “Christian right” opposed same-sex
marriage; 59 percent of the progressives were in favor of it.

While the conservative Christians believe that the cause

of America’s problems is moral decay, progressive
Christians consider poverty and discrimination to be the

Sixty-seven percent of conservatives agreed that: “If

enough people were brought to Christ, social ills would
take care of themselves.” Only 15 percent disagreed.
Progressives were almost exactly opposite with 61
percent disagreeing and only 13 percent agreeing. The
heart of the matter came out in their views on the Bible.
Eighty-four percent of conservatives and only 22 percent
of progressives viewed the Bible as the “Word of God.”
Twenty-one percent of progressives viewed the Bible as
simply “one important source of wisdom,”.

Linguist David W. Daniels, author of Look What’s

Missing and several other books on Bible versions, sees
a direct connection between the modern versions and
this loss of faith in the Bible.

For instance, he was amazed to find that the very

doctrines that are being systematically removed from the
modern Bibles are the same ones progressives are
ignoring. For example, “sodomites” no longer appears in
modem versions, replaced by “shrine or temple
prostitutes” or even “immoral persons.” It is no
coincidence that people have started disbelieving in
the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit after the removal
of crucial words from 1 John 5:7. In Look What’s Missing, Daniels details over 250
scripture verses in 40 modern Bible versions where words, phrases or whole verses are

He draws comparisons that show that some versions even contradict each other. He
shows how footnotes and bracketed verses only raise more doubt in the reader. If the
translators couldn’t decide what God really wanted to say, how is the reader going to
figure out what is truth?

In Matthew 24:35, Jesus promised His words would remain even if heaven and earth
passed away. Daniels asks, “If Jesus made this promise, then where should we look to
find them?” So-called “textual scholars” try to tell us that only the original manuscripts
were true. If so, then Jesus did not keep His word. If we are not sure we have God’s
preserved words, then we can pick and choose what we like from the flawed copies of
the Bible. From that we get the “Christian left,” who believe our salvation is in the
government, not in God.

Daniels finishes by pointing the reader to the one version that comes from over 5,000
manuscripts that substantially agree and were faithfully copied and translated. “Jesus
did keep His promise,” says Daniels. “Honest research points to the King James Bible
as God’s preserved words for the English speaking world.”

More Articles from Current Issue

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Dr. Scott Johnson - The KJV Defended as God's Preserved Word 1/8

Many Prepping For The Worst

"Candles and wood." It's Deb Giffin's theme. The Manor Township woman doesn't want
to give up her dishwasher or her fridge. But, she said, disaster could strike. Civilization
shouldn't count on always having those cushy things. So she's laying away supplies for
a rainy day. She's started to fill the pantry of her suburban home with canned pineapple
juice, beans and high-energy snacks. She has fastened a large kerosene lamp to the
wall of her living room. She has hand tools galore, a fireplace and bundles of wood from
a home-improvement store. She has an emergency pack in case she needs to clear
out. "I have flashlights that are the crank style" and don't need batteries, said Giffin, 54.
She also has plenty of company. Emergency preparedness is growing into an American
subculture that some adherants claim is bigger than the tea party movement. People
who become preppers often already have a self-sufficiency mindset, said Art Markman,
a University of Texas cognitive psychologist who tracks the preparedness movement.
Calamities such as Hurricane Katrina and the Wall Street meltdown stoke that impulse
because they stir doubt about whether government can handle the mess, Markman
wrote in an e-mail. "When trust erodes," according to Markman, "people want to take
over more ... basic responsibilities for themselves. People who feel like they are taking
care of their own needs are decreasing the anxiety caused by mistrust."

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Nifty--Stagecoach Silver Round

Protect and prepare for any oncoming crisis when you own “divisible” 1-oz. Stagecoach
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Each Stagecoach Silver round indicates where to cut for equal quarters, thus giving you
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displays a “1/4 ounce” symbol in each “divisible” section of the bar.


Listener Tip on How to Collect Water If None Is Available

----- Original Message -----
From: David S
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Just one more tip

Hey here is a way of getting water when it's hard to find.

Tie towels around your shins and walk thru tall grass when it is wet from the dew in the
morning. When the towels get wet from the dew on the grass, you can wring them out
and drink the water. Or you can just suck on the towels to get the water. You may want
to strain the water thru a coffee filter or a clean rag, as the towels will also collect bugs
and some plant matter as you're walking. But otherwise this is good clean water
perfectly distilled by God.

Under Bill s. 1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter Cannot be
considered Spam as long as the sender includes contact information & a method of
"removal." To be removed just type REMOVE in the Subject line and hit Reply.

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