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The Massage

We are lying naked in the center of a grassy clearing under the full
moon enjoying the cool touch of the wind. As the calmness of the
night filles your soul and relaxes your mind, I start rubbing you feet.
Starting at your heel working through the center of your foot over the
ball allowing all tension to bleed out your toes. I then start rubbing
your ankles slowly climbing your legs gently but firmly kneading and
carassing away every last knot of tension.

At your thighs, I turn you onto your stomach and continue kneading
away all traces of pent up stress. Climbing ever higher, I caress your
butt cheeks ensuring all tauntness is gone. Upon reaching your lower
back, I slow my pace kneading and caressing every last square inch
assuring complete contentedness.
Ever higher, the pressure encompassing your ribs is subdued to
dormancy. Under you shoulder blades the core of all tension is
pummelled into submission until it is replaced by calmness. The base
of you neck is coiled with dismay and you feel it steadily ease into a
slack sense of peace.
Over your forehead and down behind you ears you can feel the rigid
fear of daily life reduce to inconsequencial nothingness. With a slow
sensual kiss, I reverse the process and start again heading down your body
rubbing and caressing every inch. Each caressing rub is followed by a
lingering kiss replacing all your tension and fear with calm and love.

Again you are on your back as I finish your feet for the second time and start
up the front of your legs kneading away your stress and replacing it with my
loving kisses.
At you knees I spread your legs and continue massaging and kissing your
thighs one after the other. At your core I stop and give you one single kiss to
the tip of your hood as a promise to the future. Over your belly my hands
travel like possessed animals crushing all constriction and anxiety in your
body again followed by my loving kisses.

I have now reach the base of the mountains where I split my forces and start
massaging each breast one in each hand working out all of your knots of
tension. All the while I follow every rub and touch with a soft loving kiss.
Your nipples are erect with excitement as I trace your areolas with soft
lingering kisses. Moving downhill, I spend extra time on your deltoid muscles
since they bear the brunt of your gorgeously massive top load. Onward from
your deltoids I reach your neck and its sleek line and curves. Working out all
signs of anxiety and distress in your neck I again smother your body in kisses
with special attention to the curves of your jaw line up to your ears and of
course those full luscious lips.

Upon finally parting from the heavenly embrace of your kisses I take my
mouth to your ear lobes and with sucking kisses I orally massage.
Continueing down and around your jawbone I arrive at the other ear lobe.
Trailing south from your ear lobes, I trace your neck and shoulders on my
ever southerly journey. At the north base of your volumptous breasts, I mix
my mouth massage with slow soothing kisses and flicking licks of my tongue
as I trace a spiraling figure eight around and up your breasts. At the summit,
I pause and then latch on to your nipples each individually thourghly sucking
and massaging your nipples.

Ever southward I continue feeling your body shudder in anticipation as I drag

my throbbing manhood across your abdomen and over your twitching pussy.
Always massaging with my sucking kisses and flicking tongue, my journey
south continues. Down over and around your belly with a traced circle for
your belly button, I reach the center of your womenhood.

As I again spread your legs wider your swollen pussy; already moist with the
built up excitement, jerks at the first brush from my tongue across your outer
labias. I trace your virgina with my tongue dragging a slow purposeful line
around the entirety. With slow precise movements, I rub the tip of my tongue
through the center of your opening with slight flicks to make you jump in
excitement. Following your opening upward I reach your hood and circle it in
slow, soft flicks and ending in a final suck completly engulfing you clit.
Staying latched on to your clit, I rub the edge of my teeth ever so gently
across the tip of your clit forcing an orgasim that you may not had even been
aware of that you were ready for.

As your shuddering gasps subside, I release your clit to fresh air once again.
Softly licking your delightful juices, I spread them around seasoning the entire
area with your tasty deliciousness. Now that your breathing has returned to
normal use my hands to spread your opening wide using my tongue to
thourghly massage the entirety of your inner labias ending in a sudden
forceful plunge of tongue deep into your wet pussy. After your exclaim of
surprise is calmed, I twirl my tongue in circular motions slowly working my
way back out. With a ending stroke of my tongue directly up into the base of
your clit, I smile as I listen to your scream of pleasure.

Now with seeming random abandon, I start licking, flicking, and sucking until
you again scream out with the pleasure of another orgasm; each orgasm
growing in intensity I continue virtually non-stop until you plead and beg me
to stop because you cannot take it any longer. After I play hard to get about
stopping, I again run a line of kisses north over your body, up and across your
breast and north to your neck, ears, and lips again. All the while rubbing my
rock hard cock over and across your soaking wet pussy teasing it more.

After releasing your lips, sit up and position myself squarely over your clit and
rub it lightly with the head of my dick. Again with the head of my dick, I rub
an outline of your wet opening soaking up your juices. With a rolled eyes look
from you at being continuely teased, I take oppurtunity to catch you unaware
and plunge gently in while smiling at your gasping scream of delight. With
long slow strokes, I bring myself fully into you and back again and again
elicting ragged gasps of pleasure as your breathing treatens to over take your
sensibilities. Reaching a new climax, brings out a final scream of pleasure as
you practially pass out from the adreneline of the moment.

Laying beside you, cuddling you in my arms; I hope you are satisfied and
mostly happy. I continue you hold you in my arms will into the morning.

I place myself as your lover entirely out of my dream and vision of heaven. I
want you to know that I am in absolutely no way trying to get you to leave

Cory or any such similar thing. I know that this story actually being written
and distributed to you is as far as my passion for you will ever be able to go,
but I am ok with that because the greatest gift at all is the enormous
priviledge I have just to know you and for you to consider me a friend. That
is my greatest joy. I always seek you happiness. Please remember me
kindly and not as some creepy guy with a sex crush. You mean so much
more to me that, I can never hope to be able to put into words or describe in
any way the extent of my care and concern for you. I love you and want only
the best for you, that is why I never said anything all these years. I am not
good for anyone on a long-term basis and I know this, that is why I do not
inflict myself on people that much.
Forever yours,

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