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Regent Airways observes 3rd Anniversary: offers 50% discount in all routes

Dhaka, November 09, 2013: Country's leading private carrier, Regent Airways is offering special discount up to 50% in all domestic and international routes from
Regent is offering this mega discount to mark the 3rd year of operation of the leading private aviation company on 10 November 2013.
After mega discount the ticket price will be return Dhaka-Bangkok-Dhaka 12999 BDT, Dhaka-Kualalumpur-Dhaka 14999 BDT, Dhaka-Calcutta-Dhaka 6999 BDT,
Chittagong-Calcutta-Chittagong 7999 BDT, Dhaka-Singapore-Dhaka 21999 BDT.
one way inland flight ticket price will be Dhaka-Chittagong 2499 BDT, Dhaka- Coxs Bazar 2999 BDT, Dhaka Sylhet 1999 BDT, Dhaka- Jessore 1999 BDT.
Inland Return ticket price will be 4998 BDT, Dhaka-Coxs Bazar 5998 BDT, Dhaka-Sylhet 3998 BDT, Dhaka-Jessore 3998 BDT.
In International flight after discount return ticket price will be Bangkok-Dhaka-Bangkok 5210 THB, Kualalumpur-Dhaka-Kualalumpur 607 M YR, Calcutta-DhakaCalcutta5769 INR, Calcutta-Chittagong-Calcutta 6640 INR, Singapore-Dhaka-Singapore 349 SGD.
Regent passed three remarkable years beginning with domestic operations and stepping into international within a short span of time.
The journey began with two Bombardier Dash-8-Q300 aircraft reaching domestic destinations of Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, Sylhet and Jessore.
The first two years of on-time and reliable flight operations brought about the Regent brand to the forefront and made it a household name to the domestic travelers and
other stake-holders in civil aviation.
Regents operates five flights to Chittagong daily while two flights to Jessore and one each to Cox's Bazar and Sylhet everyday round the year. The resounding success in
domestic operation remains a stimulant for Regent to go regional and global.
Regent acquired two Boeing 737-700 Next Generation aircraft at the advent of its international operations. From 15 July 2013 Regent started Dhaka-Kuala Lumpur-Dhaka
service everyday that also achieved wide response home and abroad. In its effort to reach neighbouring aviation market and serve Bangladeshi passengers, Regent started its
Chittagong-Calcutta-Chittagong flight on 9 October and Dhaka-Bangkok-Dhaka from 11 October 2013.
Regent comes up with a series of good news- opening its Dhaka-Calcutta-Dhaka routes on 18 November and Dhaka-Singapore-Dhaka on 14 December 2013. Regent will
soon fly to Hong Kong, M uscat, Abu Dhabi, Kathmandu and Guangzhou.
Regent Airways meanwhile set a benchmark standard for airline safety and passenger's comfort.
On the 3rd Anniversary Regent wishes its passengers, Corporate customers, GSA, Travel Agents and other stakeholders.

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