NZMSA Conference - Academic Tickets

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EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 24th April 25th April


EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

Academic Programme 2016

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 24th April 25th April

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd 25th April |

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EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

The New Zealand Medical Students Association (NZMSA) are excited to invite
you to join us at this years National Conference: Evolve.

The NZMSA Conference is the premier event of the year for medical students
across the country. This year we would like to invite fellow health professional
students along to experience the academic programme with the view of
organising a multi-disciplinary health conference further down the track. With
this in mind, we have a variety of world-renowned speakers from a range of
health disciplines that we hope will engage and inspire you.

The conference takes place at St Davids Lecture Theatre Complex on Sunday

24th and Monday 25th April (ANZAC weekend). We hope that students will
be encouraged to discuss the challenges facing our healthcare system and wider
society and become enthused to be leaders of innovation and enhancement.

The following booklet will provide you with an overview of the conference
programme and will outline the process for purchasing tickets. If you have any
further questions or wish to discuss any details, please do not hesitate to contact

Kind Regards,
The 2016 Conference Team.
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Sunday 24th April
08:30 am to 08:55 am

Doors open for St Davids Lecture Theatre Complex

09:00 am to 10:00 am

Keynote 1 - Prof. Phillippa Howden-Chapman

10:00 am to 10:40 am

Trade Stand Exhibition

Morning Tea* (NOT PROVIDED)

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Keynote 2- Dr. Vyom Sharma

12:00 pm to 12:40 pm

Colonel Prof. Darryl Tong


13:40 pm to 15:10 pm

Political Debate: Jacqui Dean, Jenny Salesa, Kevin Hague, Barbara Stewart, David
Chair: Prof. Peter Crampton

15:20 pm to 16:50 pm

Euthanasia Panel: Dr. Carol Douglas, Dr. Chris Jackson, Andrew Butler, David
Chair: Dr. Simon Walker

Monday 25th April (ANZAC Day)

08:30 am to 08:55 am

Doors open for St Davids Lecture Theatre Complex

09:00 am to 10:00 am

Keynote 3 - Dr. Russell Wills

10:00 am to 10:40 am

Doug Flett
Morning Tea* (NOT PROVIDED)

11:00 am to 11:40 am

Lesley Elliott (Sophie Elliott Foundation)

11:40 am to 12:40 pm

Wellbeing Panel - Bullying and Sexual Harassment: Prof. John McCall, Assoc Prof.
Lynley Anderson, Medical Students

13:30 pm to 13:40 pm

Sponsors Address: MAS

13:40 pm to 14:40 pm

Keynote 4 - Dr. Tom Mulholland

14:40 pm to 15:00 pm

Evolve Closing Ceremony

*Note that meals are NOT included in your ticket, you will have to organise your own food and drinks.
Please be seated in the St Davids Main Lecture Theatre at least 5-minutes before the start of the
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EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide


Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman

Philippa Howden-Chapman, QSO, PhD, Dip Clin Psych, Dip
Tchng, FRSNZ is a professor of public health at the University
of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand, where she teaches public
policy. She is director of He Kainga Oranga/ Housing and
Health Research Programme and the New Zealand Centre for
Sustainable Cities. She has conducted a number of randomised
community housing trials in partnership with local communities
and sector agencies to provide an evidence base to inform
housing, health and energy policy. She has a strong interest in
reducing inequalities in the determinants of health and has
published widely in this area, receiving a number of awards for
her work including the Queens Service Order, the Liley Medal
and the Dame Joan Metge Medal. She is a fellow of the Royal
Society of New Zealand. In 2014, she and the He Kainga
Oranga team were awarded the Prime Ministers Science Prize. She was a member of the
Childrens Commissioners Expert Advisory Group on Solutions to Child Poverty and is
currently the chair of the WHO Housing and Health International Guideline Development

Dr. Vyom Sharma

As a practicing doctor and part-time expert magician, Dr
Vyom Sharma has spent the best part of a decade honing his
powers of misdirection and sleight of hand using them to
wow audiences the world over. Sharmas critically acclaimed
performances, forming part of the line-up at the Adelaide
Fringe, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the
Edinburgh Fringe, seamlessly blend storytelling and humour
with incredible illusions that leave the audience in stitches and
wondering whether they need their vision checked.
The two-time runner-up at the Australian Society of Magicians
Championship believes that the three attributes required to
succeed in the industry are ambition, a need for constant
improvement, and the ability to seek out and use feedback
qualities that are also essential to any young health
professional. Just recently, Sharma reached the gran final of
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EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

Australia's Got Talent with his group "Gentlemen of Deceit".
Prepare to be amazed by Dr Sharmas mind-boggling magic, and learn how he has managed to
simultaneously pursue and succeed in both his passions the medical and the magical.

Professor Col Dr Darryl Tong

Darryl is a Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon for
the Southern District Health Board and Associate
Professor at the University of Otago, Dunedin. Qualified
in both dentistry and medicine from the University of
Otago, he completed his specialty training in oral and
maxillofacial surgery at the University of Washington,
Seattle and holds Fellowships from the Royal College of
Surgeons of England and Ireland and from the American
College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. His clinical
and research interests include trauma medicine,
maxillofacial trauma and reconstructive surgery with a
particular interest in ballistic injuries to the face and jaws, veterans' health and military
medicine and history.
Darryl is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the NZ Army Reserve and is the Consultant
Maxillofacial surgeon for the NZ Defence Force. He has deployed to Kandahar as the sole
maxillofacial surgeon for Southern Afghanistan based at the NATO Role 3 Multinational
Medical Unit. When he was not operating on maxillofacial injuries he helped out in the trauma
bays with resuscitations and stabilisations, or assisted other surgeons with operations. These
including penetrating brain injuries, multiple orthopaedic injuries, and burns. Darryl will be
drawing on his extensive knowledge and experiences to provide a stimulating session on the
challenges of providing clinical leadership in extreme environments.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide


Chair: Professor Peter Crampton

Professor Peter Crampton (MBChB; PhD; FNZCPHM,
MRNZCGP) is Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Division of Health
Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of
Otago. Prior to taking up his current position he was Dean and
Head of Campus at the University of Otago Wellington. Peter
started his professional life as a GP at the Porirua Union and
Community Health Service, and later specialised in public health
medicine. His research is focused on social indicators and social
epidemiology, health care policy, and health care organisation and
funding. He has served on numerous government advisory panels
in a variety of policy areas related to public health, health services,
and health workforce, and has taught undergraduate and
postgraduate courses related to public health, health systems and
health services management. When not at work he is kept busy with his family, riding his
mountain bike, climbing mountains, and playing music (amongst other things).

National Jacqui Dean

Jacqui Dean, Member of Parliament for Waitaki, is a senior
Government MP who has now contested her seat on four
occasions. On each she has been returned to Parliament with an
increased majority. Mrs Dean's continued support comes from
an electorate well pleased with a representative known to travel,
meet and talk with all who reside within its boundaries. She also
enjoys a confidence within the electorate that has come with the
knowledge their MP will go the extra-mile to resolve matters of
concern to constituents. Prior to the 2008 election Mrs Dean was a Waitaki District councilor
and later, deputy mayor, position which no doubt allowed her to fully hone her now welldeveloped skills of getting to the heart of issues and their effect on people.
This term, Mrs Dean is Chair of the Justice and Electoral Select Committee: Co-Chair of Rules
Reduction Taskforce; member of the Health Select Committee; Vice President for
Parliamentarians for Global Action and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Delegate of
the 51st Parliament. Outside of her 'in-house' duties, Mrs Dean is an effective and committed
electorate MP. She knows the Waitaki and its capabilities and is often seen travelling on
highways, byways and farm tracks to maintain regular contact with rural and urban citizens
alike. She views such contact as vital to her role of ensuring the concerns of the people she
represents are heard by the nation's decision makers.
EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

Labour Jenny Salesa

Jenny Latu Salesa was sworn in as the new Member of Parliament
for the Manukau East electorate in New Zealands 51st
Parliament on 20 October 2014. At the end of 2015, Jenny was
promoted to Shadow Cabinet and is Spokesperson for Skills and
Training, Associate Education, Associate Health and Associate
Jenny has a strong interest in ensuring positive health and
educational outcomes and ensuring equal opportunities and better
outcomes for all. Before entering Parliament, Jenny was the
Principal Advisor Pacific at the Tertiary Education Commission.
She graduated from the University of Auckland with a BA/LLB
in 1996 and has had 20 years experience working in policy and
funding, having worked as a health specialist and as a senior official in the Health and
Education sectors.
Jenny spent her early years in Tonga and is the first Tongan speaking MP to enter the New
Zealand Parliament. For much of her childhood her father was the only pharmacist in the
Kingdom. They moved to New Zealand when she was 16 because her parents wanted her and
her younger brother to have better access to university education.

Greens Kevin Hague

Kevin has held senior positions in the health sector, including as
Director of the AIDS Foundation and Chief Executive of the
West Coast District Health Board. His early political work
included leadership in the anti-apartheid movement and
championing our Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations.
Acknowledging the significance of government policy to good
health, social and environmental outcomes, Kevin turned his
attention to national politics and was elected as a Green MP in
He is recognised as a highly effective MP, using cooperation as a
tool for change while outside of government. After promoting his framework for
improvements he has played a key role in achieving cultural changes at ACC. His close work
with the Minister and the organisation has demonstrated his success in working across party
boundaries. Kevin is acutely aware of how much change is required in the health sector.
Preventative measures are cost-effective he knows that many health issues can and should be
tackled before they become serious problems. Kevins vision is for a health system that saves
money, keeps people healthy and provides the right care from the start.
EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

NZ First Barbara Stewart

Barbara is the NZ First spokesperson for Health, Tourism and
Associate Spokesperson for Senior Citizens. Being a member of
the Health Select Committee has given her an understanding of
the challenges involved in running a complex public health
system that is subject to ever-increasing demands.
Barbara has always been inextricably bound to the Waikato area.
She has had a very successful career in teaching, business,
personnel management and Training and Development.
Graduating from Waikato University with a Bachelor of
Education and a Diploma in Teaching, she set off on a career in
teaching. She has taught at both the primary (Waikato) and
secondary level (Otara). After approximately five years of
teaching, a change of direction into small business in Cambridge
was her focus.
Experience on a local primary school Board of Trustees and a PTA committee sparked her
interest in politics at a national level. After reviewing the policies of the two major parties and
listening to various political leaders speak on a variety of issues, Barbara believed that Rt Hon
Winston Peters and New Zealand First was the only political party who was committed, had
the policies and who would and could deliver on their election promises to ensure that New
Zealanders and New Zealand interests were first on any agenda. She became actively involved
at both a local and regional level.

Act David Seymour

David Seymour is the MP for Epsom, Leader of the ACT Party,
and Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Education
and the Minister of Regulatory Reform. Before entering
Parliament David built a successful career in researching, talking,
and writing about economic and public policy concepts while
working in Canada and New Zealand. He has published
numerous op-eds in major dailies, appeared on radio and TV, and
published a book on public policy. David has a passion for public
policy and champions a greater role for business and community,
and a smaller role for government in public affairs. David holds a
Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Auckland.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide


Dr Carol Douglas
Carol Douglas graduated from the University of Otago in 1983.
After working for a significant period in General Practice in
Adelaide and Brisbane, Dr Douglas moved to Asia (Taiwan, China
and Sabah) where her husband managed large scale construction
projects. While in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (1996-1998), Dr Douglas
worked as an Honorary Medical Officer at the Palliative Care Unit
Queen Elizabeth Government Hospital. After returning to
Australia, Dr Douglas gained Fellowship in the Chapter of
Palliative Medicine (FAChPM) in 2000. Dr Douglas worked at
The Prince Charles Hospital from 1998- 2005 as a Staff Specialist
and Acting Director Palliative Care Service and has been the
Clinical Director, Palliative Care Service Royal Brisbane and
Womens Hospital since November 2005. Dr Douglas is the
President of Australia New Zealand Society Palliative Medicine

Dr Christopher Jackson
Chris Jackson is a Consultant Medical Oncologist with the
Southern Blood and Cancer Service (Southern DHB) and Senior
Lecturer in Medicine with the University of Otago. After
undertaking his initial training in New Zealand, he was appointed
as a clinical research fellow at the Royal Marsden Hospital in
London, the worlds first specialist cancer hospital. There he
trained in gastrointestinal cancers, lymphoma, and urological
cancers, and was later appointed to Locum Consultant at the
Trust. He returned to his present post in 2008.
Since returning to New Zealand he has been active in clinical
research and in cancer policy. He was clinical lead for NZs
largest colorectal cancer study, the PIPER project; is deputy
director of Cancer Trials NZ, leads clinical research at Southern
DHB, and is a lead investigator in the Centre for Translational Cancer Research and for the
National Science Challenges Healthier Lives.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

In the policy area he is chair of the colorectal cancer tumour standards group, and serves on
the National Bowel Cancer Group and Medical Oncology Work Group. In 2015 he was
appointed as Medical Director of the Cancer Society of NZ.
Currently he coordinates undergraduate and postgraduate teaching for oncology at the
Dunedin School of Medicine, is principal investigator developing an oral anti-cancer drug
called Oraxol, and continues with his bowel cancer outcomes work with the PIPER project.
In his spare time he likes watching crappy super hero movies, playing back yard cricket with
his kids, and loves cooking.

Andrew Butler
Andrew is a litigator with extensive experience at trial and
appellate level, in both public and commercial law, much of it high
profile. He has appeared frequently in the High Court, Court of
Appeal and the Supreme Court and is a leading authority in public
law, human rights protection, judicial review and trusts and equity.
Andrew has published extensively in New Zealand and overseas
on a range of commercial and public law issues and is much in
demand as a presenter of professional seminars and conferences.
In 2015, Andrew Butler represented Lecretia Seales in a High
Court case to ask for a ruling to ensure that Ms. Seales doctor
would not be charged if she helps her to die.

David Seymour
David Seymour is the MP for Epsom, Leader of the ACT Party, and Parliamentary UnderSecretary to the Minister of Education and the Minister of Regulatory Reform. He has also
introduced a bill into Parliament that will legalise assisted dying.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide


Dr. Russell Wills

Russell is a general and community paediatrician working in
Hastings and has been Childrens Commissioner since July
2011. After training at the University of Otago Medical
School, Russell studied paediatrics overseas and gained a
Master of Public Health degree in Brisbane. He then returned
to New Zealand and worked as national paediatrician for
Plunket, a senior lecturer at the Wellington School of
Medicine and community paediatrician at Wellington
Hospital before moving to Hawkes Bay in 2001.
In his various roles he has led several projects locally and
nationally in areas as diverse as early identification and
intervention in conduct disorder, family violence, child abuse
and autism. In this talk Russell will describe some of the lessons from these experiences and
describe the role of the health professional as servant leader.

Otago Rescue Helicopters and Dunedin Intensive Care

The Otago Rescue Helicopters is an essential service for the
lower South Island providing an emergency retrieval for
critically ill patients in our rural communities and paramedic
care to remote and challenging locations. Doug Flett joined the
Rescue Helicopter Service at its inception in February 1994,
Doug is an experienced paramedic crewman and winch
operator. A St John Ambulance Service volunteer officer in
Milton since 1983, Doug became part of St John's permanent
Dunedin staff in 1985, undertaking fulltime duties as a
helicopter crewman and flight paramedic in 2000. Doug will
co-host this session with an intensive care unit doctor to
explain what happens when the patient arrives at Dunedin
Hospital and how everyone from the helicopter pilots, paramedics and ICU staff work as an
effective team that is able to deliver quality care in medical emergencies and serious accidents.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

Lesley Elliot
Lesley Elliott describes herself as nurse and mother. Lesley lives
in Dunedin and is the mother of two adult sons who both live in
Australia. Her only daughter Sophie died at the hands of a
former boyfriend in 2008 in the safety of her own home. She
was only 22 years old. Since then Lesley has committed herself
to ensuring young people in particular can recognise the signs in
an abusive relationship that she and Sophie missed. To do this
Lesley set up the Sophie Elliott Foundation and, through a
partnership with New Zealand Police, developed the one day
workshop for year 12 students, Loves Me Not
A long serving nurse in Dunedin Hospitals Neo-Natal Intensive
Care Unit Lesley has been recognised for her work to help curb
New Zealands statistics around family violence. Awards include
a Paul Harris Rotary Fellowship, the Next Woman of the Year title, Supreme Award at the
Westpac/Fairfax Media Woman of Influence Awards and in 2015 was made a Member of the
New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in the Queens Birthday Honours. Lesley has coauthored two books, Sophies Legacy and Loves Me Not- How to keep Relationships Safe.

Dr. Tom Mulholland

Dr Tom Mulholland has evolved in a number of ways since
being President of the NZMSA in 1988 and 1989.
Orthopaedic and Surgical Registrar, Dr for the Taranaki and
Fijian Rugby Teams; Emergency Department Doctor at
Auckland, Taranaki, Southland, Kaitaia, Grey Base and Chatham
Island Hospitals, Internet Start-up entrepreneur, Rural and
Urban GP, Founder of White Cross Taranaki, Doctor Global,
The Healthy Thinking Institute, Health Innovation Centre and
currently Chairman of NZMA Auckland council. Dr Tom on a
mission is touring NZ in a retro
chevy V8 Ambulance doing House calls. International bestselling author, TV2 and Radio Live Talk show host and regular
media commentator, Dr Tom has used his 1st class honours degree in Molecular Genetics to
Evolve his eclectic career and help thousands of people. His books are in 12 countries, he is an
honorary lecturer in Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, in demand as an
International Corporate Speaker and has had competition success as a Stand Up Comedian.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

He has just returned from working as a ships Doctor to the Falklands, South Georgia and the
Antarctic and founded which combines his love of adventure,
exploration, medicine and the environment. He survived a tidal wave in Java in 1994 and was
awarded the NZ Defence force medal for his medical relief work in the Boxing Day Tsunami.
He is an ambassador for the Melanoma Foundation and Farmstrong.


Date and Time

Academic Day 1

Academic Day 2

Academic Multi-Pass (Day 1 + 2)

Sunday 24th April

09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Monday 25th April (ANZAC day)
09:00 am - 15:00 pm

Sunday 24th April and Monday 25th April




Tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Note that the tickets are nonrefundable once purchased.

Please note that this ticket does NOT include social events, meals, transport or

Please arrive at speaker sessions at least 5-minutes before the indicated time and dress in
smart attire.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

EVOLVE | 2016 | Delegate Guide

Website Purchases
Students from any of: Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory
Science, Dental Technology and Oral Health and Radiation Therapy may apply for academic
conference tickets at From the OUMSA webpage click on the 'login' tab and then
click on the 'Tuakiri logo', follow the link and select University of Otago. Then login with
your student username and password. Click on 'online store' to bring up the Evolve academic
ticket options and select your conference ticket.

We are interested to hear your experience of the conference and whether you believe there is
scope to hold a multi-disciplinary conference in the future. We will be providing an online
survey for you to complete at the end of the conference to collect your ideas and thoughts.
This will be sent out to your e-mail, 1-2 weeks after the conference ends.

EVOLVE | NZMSA Conference 2016 | Dunedin | 23rd April 25th April |

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