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Yesterday I watched the evening news while I prepared supper for myself and my wife
Julie; I was experimenting with my mother's old quiche recipe, a long favourite of mine
that I wanted to update. It went slowly—cooking and I are like distant friends who have
only grown further apart over the years: the conversations were plain and lacked spice,
and our forced sweetness would often be punctuated by long stretches of uncertain
silence. Staring at my slowly cooking eggs, I craved distraction. Switching on the tube, I
decided to learn a little of what transpired that day.
I recall it was an uneventful day. The news was predominantly local, and the
stories were light fillers. Among some of the news featured: a pair of rising songbirds
coming into town next month, the mayor attending the opening of a new museum, the
latest downward spiral in the markets, and with more forecasts of snow, a fun weather
fact—the geometry and pattern of snowflakes depend on how cold and humid the air is.
Cool, I thought.
Jumping on the computer, I Googled it, and learned all about a Mr. Wilson Bentley,
saw a Youtube video of a snowflake forming (very neat), read discussions about the best
kind of snow for skiing on, having snowball fights, making snowmen, and so on, and
went to learn all about igloos, the muffling effect of snow in the atmosphere...

Editor's Letter
Before long, 40 minutes had passed, and suddenly the fire alarm went off, the tell-
tale smell of failed dinner was in the air, and I rushed back to the kitchen to discover
that I was more adept at making charcoal than quiche. We ate canned beans and soup
that night, instead.
MANUEL WILDE Welcome to grey, a publication of While Julie was not so amused, this experience reminded me of Future Shock, a
book I had read only a month back by Alvin Toffler. He was the sociologist that termed
current culture and media. “information overload,” and I was suddenly struck by how true this was. What started
as a bit of distraction became a whole lot of tangential research, and while I was not
entirely overloaded so to speak, all the information and its ready access completely
disabled me; I wonder how long I would have been at it if not for the quiche?
Now, I'm still fairly young, but I can only imagine what this all means to youth and
culture today. By next week, I will surely be left behind again with the introduction of
the next iGadget, and this rate of accelerated technological and social change has to be
leaving some behind feeling disconnected and disoriented. Could it be a cause of today's
youth apathy? In my mind, that set some gears in motion...
My name is Manuel Wilde and it is my pleasure to introduce Grey to you, a col-
lection of distilled insight and interest in our current media and culture. With all this
information overload, think of us as a sieve for all the good stuff.
We don't cater to extremes—we see the world in shades of grey, and hopefully we
can be a source for young people to draw thorough and considered material to inform
their lives and opinions. Made by the young and adventurous, it's made for people
like us, but we're an eclectic group; as a starting publication, I would like to invite
your feedback, encourage open discussion, and begin to build an inclusive, hip, and
thoughtful community.
In other words, rip into us, flatter us, play disinterested and hard-to-get—just make
sure we get the message. You could do that in many ways, but make sure you check out
our little corner of cyberspace as well,
Anyway, we at Grey look forward to growing with you, learning with you, and yes,
if my quiche has any sort of last lesson attached to it, failing with you. But you know,
eventually we'll find that winning recipe, together.


grey 01: taboo / editor's letter

black like me
by MALCOLM Why West Indians and American
by NICK WONG blacks are perceived differently.


time than blacks in, say, Cleveland. Lynchings in the South Is this confidence, this optimism, this equanimity all
at the turn of this century, to give another example, were that separates the poorest of American blacks from a house
1. far more common in counties where there was a large black on Argyle Avenue?
population than in areas where whites were in the majority.
Prejudice is the crudest of weapons, a reaction against blacks 2.
My cousin Rosie and her husband, in the aggregate that grows as the perception of black threat
Noel, live in a two-bedroom bunga- grows. If that is the case, however, the addition of hundreds In 1994, Philip Kasinitz, a sociologist at Manhattan's Hunter

low on Argyle Avenue, in Uniondale, of thousands of new black immigrants to the New York area College, and Jan Rosenberg, who teaches at Long Island Uni-
should have made things worse for people like Rosie and versity, conducted a study of the Red Hook area of Brooklyn, a
on the west end of Long Island. Noel, not better. And, if racism is so indiscriminate in its neighborhood of around thirteen or fourteen thousand which
application, why is one group of blacks flourishing and the lies between the waterfront and the Gowanus Expressway.
other not? Red Hook has a large public-housing project at its center, and
We live in a basement apartment a dozen or so blocks away, they are about the same shade as Colin Powell. That’s be- The implication of West Indian success is that racism around the project, in the streets that line the waterfront,
next to their church. At the time, they were both taking cause our maternal grandfather was part Jewish, in addition does not really exist at all—at least, not in the form that we are several hundred thriving blue-collar businesses—ware-
classes at the New York Institute of Technology, which was to all kinds of other things, and Grandma, though she was have assumed it does. The implication is that the key factor houses, shipping companies, small manufacturers, and
right nearby. But after they graduated, and Rosie got a job a good deal darker than he was, had enough Scottish blood in understanding racial prejudice is not the behavior and atti- contractors. The object of the study was to resolve what Kas-
managing a fast-food place and Noel got a job in asbestos in her to have been born with straight hair. Rosie’s mother tudes of whites but the behavior and attitudes of blacks—not initz and Rosenberg saw as the paradox of Red Hook: despite
removal, they managed to save a little money and bought the married another brown Jamaican, and that makes Rosie a white discrimination but black culture. It implies that when Red Hook's seemingly fortuitous conjunction of unskilled
house on Argyle Avenue. light chocolate. As for my mother, she married an English- the conservatives in Congress say the responsibility for end- labor and blue-collar jobs, very few of the Puerto Ricans and
From the outside, their home looks fairly plain. It’s in man, making everything that much more complicated, since ing urban poverty lies not with collective action but with the African-Americans from the neighborhood ever found work
a part of Uniondale that has a lot of tract housing from just by the racial categories of my own heritage I am one thing poor themselves they are right. in the bustling economy of their own backyard.
after the war, and most of the houses are alike—squat and and by the racial categories of America I am another. Once, After dozens of interviews with local employers, the two
square, with aluminum siding, maybe a dormer window in
the attic, and a small patch of lawn out front. But there is a
when Rosie and Noel came to visit me while I was living in
Washington, D.C., Noel asked me to show him “where the
The implication of West Indian researchers uncovered a persistent pattern of what they call
positive discrimination. It was not that the employers did not
beautiful park down the street, the public schools are sup- black people lived,” and I was confused for a moment until like blacks and Hispanics. It was that they had developed an
posed to be good, and Rosie and Noel have built a new garage I realized that he was using “black” in the American sense, success is that racism does not really elaborate mechanism for distinguishing between those they
felt were "good" blacks and those they felt were "bad" blacks,
and renovated the basement. Now that Noel has started his and so was asking in the same way that someone visiting
own business, as an environmental engineer, he has his office
down there—Suite 2B, it says on his stationery—and every
Manhattan might ask where Chinatown was. That the people
he wanted to see were in many cases racially indistinguish-
exist at all—at least, not in the form between those they judged to be "good" Hispanics and those
they considered "bad" Hispanics. "Good" meant that you came
morning he puts on his tie and goes down the stairs to make able from him didn’t matter. The facts of his genealogy, of his from outside the neighborhood, because employers identified
calls and work on the computer. If Noel’s business takes off, nationality, of his status as an immigrant made him, in his that we have assumed it does. locals with the crime and dissipation they saw on the streets
around them. "Good" also meant that you were an immigrant,
Rosie says, she would like to move to a bigger house, in Gar- own eyes, different.
den City, which is one town over. She says this even though This question of who West Indians are and how they because employers felt that being an immigrant implied a
Garden City is mostly white. In fact, when she told one of her define themselves may seem trivial, like racial hairsplitting. I think of this sometimes when I go with Rosie and Noel loyalty and a willingness to work and learn not found among
girlfriends, a black American, about this idea, her friend said But it is not trivial. In the past twenty years, the number of to their church, which is in Hempstead, just a mile away. It the native-born. In Red Hook, the good Hispanics are Mexican
that she was crazy—that Garden City was no place for a black West Indians in America has exploded. There are now half a was once a white church, but in the past decade or so it has and South American, not Puerto Rican. And the good blacks
person. But that is just the point. Rosie and Noel are from million in the New York area alone and, despite their recent been taken over by immigrants from the Caribbean. They are West Indian.
Jamaica. They don’t consider themselves black at all. arrival, they make substantially more money than American have so swelled its membership that the church has bought The Harvard sociologist Mary C. Waters conducted
This doesn’t mean that my cousins haven’t sometimes blacks. They live in better neighborhoods. Their families are much of the surrounding property and is about to add a a similar study, in 1993, which looked at a food-service
been lumped together with American blacks. Noel had a job stronger. In the New York area, in fact, West Indians fare hundred seats to its sanctuary. The pastor, though, is white, company in Manhattan where West Indian workers have
once removing asbestos at Kennedy Airport, and his boss about as well as Chinese and Korean immigrants. That is and when the band up front is playing and the congrega- steadily displaced African-Americans in the past few years.
there called him “nigger” and cut his hours. But Noel didn’t why the Caribbean invasion and the issue of West Indian tion is in full West Indian form the pastor sometimes seems The transcripts of her interviews with the company manag-
take it personally. That boss, he says, didn’t like women or identity have become such controversial issues. What does it out of place, as if he cannot move in time with the music. ers make fascinating reading, providing an intimate view
Jews, either, or people with college degrees—or even himself, say about the nature of racism that another group of blacks, I always wonder how long the white minister at Rosie and of the perceptions that govern the urban workplace. Listen
for that matter. Another time, Noel found out that a white who have the same legacy of slavery as their American coun- Noel's church will last—whether there won't be some kind to one forty-year-old white male manager on the subject of
guy working next to him in the same job and with the same terparts and are physically indistinguishable from them, can of groundswell among the congregation to replace him with West Indians:
qualifications was making ten thousand dollars a year more come here and succeed as well as the Chinese and the Kore- one of their own. But Noel tells me the issue has never really
than he was. He quit the next day. Noel knows that racism is ans do? Is overcoming racism as simple as doing what Noel come up. Noel says, in fact, that he's happier with a white ““They tend more to shy away from doing all of the illegal
out there. It’s just that he doesn’t quite understand—or ac- does, which is to dismiss it, to hold himself above it, to brave minister, for the same reasons that he's happy with his things because they have such strict rules down in
cept—the categories on which it depends. it and move on? These are difficult questions, not merely for neighborhood, where the people across the way are Polish their countries and jails. And they're nothing like here.
To a West Indian, black is a literal description: you what they imply about American blacks but for the ways in and another neighbor is Hispanic and still another is a black So like, they're like really paranoid to do something
are black if your skin is black. Noel’s father, for example, is which they appear to contradict conventional views of what American. He doesn't want to be shut off from everyone else, wrong. They seem to be very, very self-conscious of it.
black. But his mother had a white father, and she herself was prejudice is. Racism, after all, is supposed to be indiscrimi- isolated within the narrow confines of his race. He wants to No matter what they have to do, if they have to try and
fair-skinned and could pass. As for Rosie, her mother and nate. For example, sociologists have observed that the more be part of the world, and when he says these things it is aw- work three jobs, they do. They won't go into drugs or
my mother, who are twins, thought of themselves while they blacks there are in a community the more negative the fully tempting to credit that attitude with what he and Rosie anything like that.”
were growing up as “middle-class brown,” which is to say that whites’ attitudes will be. Blacks in Denver have a far easier have accomplished.

grey 01: taboo / features

Average year-end
income of Black* 60,000
American citizens




* west indian american
$0 african amercian

trina / age 27
city: Cleveland, Ohio

emmanuel / age 22 occupation: Nanny

income: 25,000
city: New York, NY ethnicity: South African
occupation: Graphic designer
income: 40,000
kinsley / age 30
ethnicity: Nigerian
city: Chigaco, Illinois
occupation: Web developer
income: 70,000
diella / age 29 ethnicity: Haitian

city: Seattle, Wahington

occupation: Nurse
income: 55,000
ethnicity: Jamaican
Or listen to this, from a fifty-three-year-old caucasian acteristics . . . the negro would appear to stand on a lower
female manager: evolutionary plane than the white man," she read. And the
Signs for the Five Groups of Men
entry continued: The mental constitution of the negro is very
““I work closely with this one girl who's from Trinidad. similar to that of a child, normally good-natured and cheer-
And she told me when she first came here to live with her ful, but subject to sudden fits of emotion and passion during
sister and cousin, she had two children. And she said I'm which he is capable of performing acts of singular atrocity,
here four years and we've reached our goals. And what impressionable, vain, but often exhibiting in the capacity of
was your goal? For her two children to each have their servant a dog-like fidelity which has stood the supreme test.
own bedroom. Now she has a three bedroom apartment All black people of my mother's generation—and of gen-
and she said that's one of the goals she was shooting for... erations before and since—have necessarily faced a moment
If that was an American, they would say, I reached my like this, when they are confronted for the first time with
goal. I bought a Cadillac.”“ the allegation of their inferiority. But, at least in my mother's
case, her school was integrated, and that meant she knew
This idea of the West Indian as a kind of superior black black girls who were more intelligent than white girls, and
is not a new one. When the first wave of Caribbean im- she knew how she measured against the world around her.
migrants came to New York and Boston, in the early At least she lived in a country that had blacks and browns in
nineteen-hundreds, other blacks dubbed them Jewmaicans, every position of authority, so her personal experience gave
in derisive reference to the emphasis they placed on hard the lie to what she read in the encyclopedia. This, I think, is
work and education. In the nineteen-eighties, the econo- what Noel means when he says that he cannot quite appreci-
mist Thomas Sowell gave the idea a serious intellectual ate what it is that weighs black Americans down, because he
imprimatur by arguing that the West Indian advantage was encountered the debilitating effects of racism late, when he
a historical legacy of Caribbean slave culture. According to was much stronger. He came of age in a country where he
Sowell, in the American South slave owners tended to hire belonged to the majority.
managers who were married, in order to limit the problems
created by sexual relations between overseers and slaves.
But the West Indies were a hardship post, without a large
and settled white population. There the overseers tended to

All black people of my mother's but fe har risk is t're poun'“ far from Red Hook. The reason for this was not, the research-
fi me onle five shillin'” ers argue, that the employers had any great familiarity with
be bachelors, and, with white women scarce, there was far
more commingling of the races. The resulting large group of generation have faced a moment when In the nineteen-twenties, the garment trade in New York was
the cultures of those immigrants. They had none, and that
was the point. They were drawn to the unfamiliar because
coloreds soon formed a kind of proto-middle class, perform-
they are confronted for the first time
first integrated by West Indian women, because, the legend what was familiar to them—the projects of Red Hook—was
ing various kinds of skilled and sophisticated tasks that
goes, they would see the sign on the door saying "No blacks anathema. The Columbia University anthropologist Kather-
there were not enough whites around to do, as there were in
need apply" and simply walk on in. When I look back on Ben- ine Newman makes the same observation in a recent study
the American South. They were carpenters, masons, plumb-
ers, and small businessmen, many years in advance of their

with the allegation of their inferiority. nett's poem, I think I understand how they found the courage
to do that.
of two fast-food restaurants in Harlem. She compared the
hundreds of people who applied for jobs at those restaurants
American counterparts, developing skills that required
with the few people who were actually hired, and found,
education and initiative.
3. among other things, that how far an applicant lived from
My mother and Rosie's mother came from this colored When I was growing up, my mother sometimes read to
the job site made a huge difference. Of those applicants who
class. Their parents were schoolteachers in a tiny village my brothers and me from the work of Louise Bennett, the
It is tempting to use the West Indian story as evidence that lived less than two miles from the restaurant, ten per cent
buried in the hills of central Jamaica. My grandmother's and great Jamaican poet of my mother's generation. The poem
discrimination doesn't really exist—as proof that the only were hired. Of those who lived more than two miles from
grandfather's salaries combined put them, at best, on the I remember best is about two women—one black and one
thing inner-city African-Americans have to do to be wel- the restaurant, nearly forty per cent were hired. As Newman
lower rungs of the middle class. But their expectations went white—in a hair salon, the black woman getting her hair
comed as warmly as West Indians in places like Red Hook is puts it, employers preferred the ghetto they didn't know to
well beyond that. In my grandfather's library were Dickens straightened and, next to her, the white woman getting her
to make the necessary cultural adjustments. If West Indians the ghetto they did.
and Maupassant. My mother and her sister were pushed to hair curled:
are different, as they clearly are, then it is easy to imagine Neither study describes a workplace where individual
win scholarships to a proper English- style boarding school
that those differences are the reason for their success—that attitudes make a big difference, or where the clunky and
at the other end of the island; and later, when my mother ““same time me mind start 'tink“
their refusal to be bowed is what lets them walk on by the impersonal prejudices that characterize traditional racism
graduated, it was taken for granted that she would attend 'bout me and de white woman“
signs that prohibit them or move to neighborhoods that black have been discarded. They sound like places where old-style
university in England, even though the cost of tuition and how me tek out me natural perm“
Americans would shy away from. It also seems hard to see racism and appreciation of immigrant values are somehow
passage meant that my grandmother had to borrow a small and she put in false one.”
how the West Indian story is in any way consistent with the bound up together. Listen to another white manager who was
fortune from the Chinese grocer down the road.
idea of racism as an indiscriminate, pernicious threat aimed interviewed by Mary Waters:
My grandparents had ambitions for their children, but There is no anger or resentment here, only irony and playful-
at all black people.
it was a special kind of ambition, born of a certainty that ness—the two races captured in a shared moment of absur-
But here is where things become more difficult, and ““Island blacks who come over, they're immigrant. They
American blacks did not have—that their values were the dity. Then comes the twist. The black woman is paying less to
where what seems obvious about West Indian achievement may not have such a good life where they are so they gon-
same as those of society as a whole, and that hard work and look white than the white woman is to look black:
turns out not to be obvious at all. One of the striking things na try to strive to better themselves and I think there's a
talent could actually be rewarded. In my mother's first year
in the Red Hook study, for example, is the emphasis that the lot of American blacks out there who feel we owe them.
at boarding school, she looked up "Negro" in the eleventh ““de two a we da tek a risk“
employers appeared to place on hiring outsiders—Irish or And enough is enough already. You know, this is some-
edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. "In certain . . . char- what rain or shine will bring“
Russian or Mexican or West Indian immigrants from places thing that happened to their ancestors, not now. I mean,

grey 01: taboo / features


0 3 6 9 12 15%
english frequency %

A 8.167
The autocracy of qwerty B 1.492

and the dvorak resistance. C 2.782

The better keyboard layout that nobody's heard of.

D 4.253

E 12.702

F 2.228

timothy goudy
Who knew there was an alternative? I'm speak-
rise to the plague of Carpal tunnel syndrome
dogging twenty-first century white collar work-
digitally remap the qwerty keys; users must
either rearrange the physical keys themselves,
G 2.015
ing of course of the standard keyboard layout,
commonly referred to as "qwerty" for the first
ers. Through the study of the physiology of
people's hands, and the frequency of letters as
or buy a dvorak keyboard if they want to see
a physical representation of where letters are.
H 6.094
six letters that appear in it. How it is universal
and remains so pervasive is surprising, given
they appear in English, August Dvorak created
his layout to follow a set of sensible criteria:
Interestingly, working back and forth between a
qwerty keyboard digitally remapped to dvorak I 6.966

its development and history. instantly creates a simple substitution cipher
The facts, quick and dirty: with the first 1 Letters should be typed by alternating between (think Decodaquote puzzles)—but I'm guessing DVORAK Home Row
commercially-successful typewriter released in the hands. there aren't a lot of people who need to send
the 1860s under his belt, inventor Christopher 2 For maximum speed and efficiency, the most com- messages in code. K 0.772 Common Home Row
Sholes however encountered an unexpected mon letters and letter pairs should be the easiest to So why hasn't it been adopted worldwide?
problem. Logically, early typewriters had keys type. This means that they should be on the home Resistance to the dvorak layout is not only L 4.025
in an alphabetical layout, A to Z. A telltale sign row, which is where the fingers rest, and under the strong, but admittedly logical. Beyond the fact
of our keyboard's alphabetic past? The middle
row's consonant sequence of dfghjkl, where
strongest fingers (index and middle).
3 The least common letters should be on the bottom
that most people are not even aware that there
is an alternate keyboard layout, the cost to
M 2.406

only the vowels e and i have been removed.

However, arranged alphabetically the
row, which is the hardest row to reach.
4 The right hand should do more of the typing,
retrain everyone who types fairly regularly in a
job would be staggering, as would the week or
N 6.749
A 8.167% F 2.228%
machine would often jam when keys close to
each other were struck in quick succession,
because most people are right-handed (although
there is also a left-handed variation of dvorak).
so of inefficiency when employees struggle to
get used to it. The gains in switching over to the
O 7.507 O 7.507% G 2.015%
I 6.966% Y 1.974%
and typists were getting reasonably fast. Sholes
solved the problem by developing the qwerty
5 Common letter pairs should not be typed with
adjacent fingers.
dvorak layout is not likely to offset the costs.
It seems dvorak will never get its day in P 1.929
N 6.749% P 1.929%
S 6.327% B 1.492%
6 Stroking should generally move from the edges the spotlight, but it is not without its celebrities
layout, which separated common letter pairs a
H 6.094% V 0.978%
good distance away from each other. Jamming of the board to the middle. An observation of this and proponents; famous dvorak users include 0.095
R 5.987% K 0.772%
typewriters occurred less frequently, but wait principle is that, for many people, when tapping speedy world-record typist Barbara Blackburn,
a second: at its core, the reasoning behind fingers on a table, it is easier going from little inventor of BitTorrent Bram Cohen, American R 5.987
qwerty is to slow down typing! finger to index than vice versa. This motion on a and British fantasy authors Terry Goodkind and
In the age of digital word processing, keyboard is called inboard stroke flow. Piers Anthony, and Apple Computer co-founder S 6.327
jams can never occur, but the world has long Steve Wozniak. And myself—and until the day
since gotten accustomed to the qwerty layout;
from grade school where children first begin
The result is a keyboard layout that is more
intuitive, types faster when mastered by most,
arrives when I become an all-powerful overlord
and enact qwerty-abolishing laws, us dvorak
T 9.056

learning how to type, the qwerty dominance

remains unchallenged and becomes almost
is more easily taught to people without any prior
typing experience, more easily touch-typed than
users are content to remain self-titled resistance
fighters against an evil qwerty collective.
U 2.758
irreversibly ingrained.
So what's dvorak? Contrary to popular
qwerty (typing without the need to look at any
keys), and reduces hand stress and fatigue over
V 0.978
The dvorak Decodaquote!
misconception, it is not named for the first six long periods, because more words can be typed
letters that appear in the layout like qwerty on or near home row. The fact below is dvorak typed on a qwerty 2.360
describes. It actually is named for its inventor, By 1982, the dvorak keyboard layout was keyboard. Each letter has a substitution with
August Dvorak, a former professor of educa- recognized officially as an "Alternate Keyboard another. Hint: qwerty L is dvorak N. X 0.150
tion at the University of Washington in Seattle. Arrangement for Alphanumeric Machines"
Patented in 1936, dvorak was developed to by ansi, the American National Standards Jgkpdo jah Raovgl;slq; hg;da;d ,jgij ua.d jgm a Y 1.974
address significant shortcomings in the qwerty Institute, and is now an option available to all ;gulgygialk kodmso gl jg; pdyk jalhw nfk gk ,a;
layout: inefficiency and fatigue, the last giving computers across all platforms. Still, these only idl;sodh gl kjd Udomal mdhgae Z 0.074
english frequency %
0 3 6 9 12 15%

grey 01: taboo / articles

etyphilia 95
Sour Apple hides the rot.
damn were both uncensored, and their "profane"
uses were discussed as well. Blasphemy, the most
irreligious word in the list, remained.
Some of the entries in this category were a bit
Dictionary definitions of the obscene and profane. more surprising. Bitch and bastard were fully present,
even discussing derogatory meanings. Boob, refer-
ring to the female breast (although not profane, still
viewed negatively) was there. Slut and whore were no longer anti-gay slurs, just terms for a bundle of
both present as well, unedited. sticks, and a dyke isn't an offensive term for a lesbian,
Much to my relief, cum was present and but instead an alternate spelling for a large, water-
unchanged, both in Latin and in English, even the blocking structure.
Here's how Apple defines profanity: reference to it being an alternate spelling of come,
fuck |fək| vulgar slang verb [trans.] Even if little Jimmy stumbles across a profane whose orgasmic meaning is still present in its entry. category three: disappeared entries
1 have sexual intercourse with (someone). word online, perhaps it's better that he looks it up im- profanity |prə fønədi| |pro fønədi| noun [pl. -ties] Some words were evidently too obscene to include
[intrans.] (of two people) to have sexual intercourse. mediately and gets the relatively tame information from 1 blasphemous and obscene language : an outburst category two: redacted entries at all (or lacked non-profane meanings). These
2 ruin or damage (something). the, rather than asking his third grade of profanity. These are a little surprising, but there were a number entries were just taken out altogether, and a search
3 noun an act of sexual intercourse. teacher what it means. 2 a swear word; an oath. of words still present in the dictionary but redacted redirects you to the closest word (asshole goes to
[with adj.] a sexual partner. Either way, profanity is a fact of life, and no matter 3 irreligious or irreverent behavior. such that the "profane" uses were missing. ashore, for instance).
4 exclamation used alone, as a noun ("the fuck") or how badly some people don't want to hear it, it exists. origin: mid 16th c., from late Latin profanitas, from One example of this is the word pussy. Here's the Some of these aren't surprising. The F-Bomb and
a verb in various phrases to express annoyance, Blocking objective, academic analysis of it won't make Latin profanus: ‘not sacred’ (see profane). normal entry: its derivatives (fuck, fucker, motherfucker) were all
anger, contempt, impatience, surprise, or simply the "problem" go away, and really, it'll only make the removed by the Parental Controls option. Vulgar terms
for emphasis. word more tantalizing. According to Apple, all irreligious, irreverent, pussy |pu-si| noun [pl. -sies] for bodily functions and areas (shit, asshole, piss,
So, don't censor the Dictionary application. In the swear and obscene words should be removed from 1 [informal] a cat (also pussycat). cunt, twat, bollocks) all disappeared as well. Highly
There's much, much more about this fascinating age of the Internet, little Jimmy will always be able to the dictionary. Gathered from my own young male 2 [vulgar slang] a woman's genitals; obscene sexually charged terms (like poontang and
word, and although it definitely contains the word and find out what a given word means, no matter how hard adult corruption and other sources, a list of these [offensive] women in general, considered sexually; cocksucker) disappeared with the censorship as well.
examples of the usage, one could hardly argue that it's you try to censor him. Let Jimmy use the dictionary to obscene, irreligious, offensive, and swear-ish words [offensive] sexual intercourse with a woman; Finally, perhaps the most tabooed word in Ameri-
truly wanton and profanely using them. find out what words mean in an educational sense. was assembled in a list and then slowly plugged [informal] a weak, cowardly, or effeminate man. can society, nigger, is taken out completely, even
The Dictionary application contains uses of Unless, of course, you'd prefer he just type into Surprisingly, only one word though the original entry explains its taboo nature
As most OS X users know, Apple includes a wonderful profanity, but these uses are all academic, and used in "fucking" into a Google Image Search and start wasn't in the dictionary—"asshat." It's not shocking The censored, redacted version: as well as its contemporary, self-referential usage by
program called "" with every copy of OS X the context of describing the profanity itself. So, this browsing. No? Didn't think so... given its relatively recent birth online. Everything those within the African-American community.
10.4. This program lets you access an electronic copy of raises the obvious question of why one would bother else was included and defined quite academically. A pussy |pu-si| noun (pl. -sies) All in all, Apple’s technology and their restraint
the Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus. There, censoring the dictionary at all. few words that aren't really obscene, but describe a 1 [informal] a cat (also pussycat). is impressive. Although they did a very good job of
you can find good definitions, etymologies, and pronun- Perhaps a parent might be afraid that little taboo act or subject such as fellatio and penis were censoring patently offensive words (category three)
ciations. You can even have it give pronunciation in the Jimmy will learn those horrid, horrid terms. However, also included. Not only is the sexual meaning taken out, but the that have little value except as swear words, they also
IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) if you tell it to do in order for little Jimmy to find them, he'd have to After the dictionary was checked to see what pejorative "coward" meaning is removed as well. dealt with double meanings (cock or pussy) very well
so in the application's Preferences dialog. seach for them. was included within the dictionary, parental controls There are other examples of redacted entries by redacting entries. Their censorship was neither too
The beautiful part of this is that it's an entire Once little Jimmy knows the terms well enough were enabled. This was a royal pain, and requires OS in the censored version. When parental controls are zealous nor too lax, and frankly, if they insist on allow-
dictionary. It may not be the full, unabridged version, to search for them, chances are, his mind is already X server maintenance software along with technical enabled, cock refers only to roosters, crap is a dice ing this, they did it well.
but it's very good for free software. You can find nearly "corrupted" and he's heard or seen the terms knowledge, but eventually it happened. game, tits are little grey birds, a prick comes only from However, it still stands that the dictionary
any word you'd like in there, ranging from phone to elsewhere in media. No matter how much fundamen- Finally, all the words from the list were input a needle, and wang was a Chinese-American inventor. shouldn't be censored. Kids will find the words sooner
phoneme to allophone. However, you can also find all talist parents desire to do so, you can't make him again; the results are fascinating, and words broke Interestingly, some slurs were redacted to only or later, and it's better they find out what they mean
sorts of profanity, defined in academic terms. unlearn what a word means, so there's not a lot of down into three categories. include their normal meanings, so fag and faggot are from an academic source than from a Google search.
Take, for example, the treatment of one of the point to keeping the largely academic discussion of The experiment complete, the Dictionary has
more vulgar words in the English language, "fuck": the words away from him. category one: unchanged been set back to normal mode, and this must be
Some of the words were present in the censored encouraged. Parents should be attentive to their
dictionary in exactly the same form as in the normal children's language development, and explain what
DESCRIPTION WHAT'S DIFFERENT EXAMPLES VERDICT dictionary. There was no change at all to the diction- swearing is, why those words are a problem, and what
Category One: Innocent but taboo Nothing penis, vagina, dildo, Apple understands that naughty and profane are not ary entries for these words, and they were just as is not appropriate to say at grandma's house. What
unchanged words damn, blasphemy, bitch, always inherently linked, and proves lenient with what easily found as before. you consider to be obscene may be very different than
bastard, boob, slut, cum many consider "mild" derogatory terms and profanity. To Apple's credit, all the "innocent but taboo" what Apple's engineers do, so there's no sense in hav-
Category Two: Profane definitions and Suspect words present, pussy is strictly a cat; A little surprising that some of today's more pejorative terms (penis, vagina, fellatio, cunnilingus, dildo) were ing them tell you what you can look up.
redacted entries usages removed but rendered inoffensive cocks are roosters; and terms remain at all, especially if crass but otherwise in this category, showing that they seem to have a Oh, and for the curious, Windows does show up
fags are sticks harmless slang have been dumbed down. healthy idea of the difference between discussing in the censored version. That goes to show that it's not
Category Three: Considered too obscene Words gone altogether fuck and its derivations, Generally what the general public would deem the naughty things and using profanity. Steve Jobs making the call, after all!
disappeared entries shit, asshole, piss, cunt, most vulgar and offensive words have been censored; Apple also struck a good balance with religious
cocksucker, nigger minus a few words, Apple reacts mostly fairly. terms considered to be swears by some. Hell and

grey 01: taboo / departments

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