Treasury Information System: Flexible Drilldown Reporting

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Chapter 11

Treasury Information System

Treasury Information System

Access to central Treasury information and the possibility to structure and edit
this information are core requirements for efficient reporting.
With the Treasury Information System you can run reports for individual areas as
well as cross-area analyses and evaluations of the datasets in SAP Treasury. Here
the main focus is on the position and flow data for effected transactions and on
acquiring detailed information on the business partners involved in business processes.

Flexible Drilldown Reporting

By selecting reports in the Treasury Information System you can evaluate transactions and positions across all the areas in SAP Treasury. You can use the drilldown
reporting tool to individually design and interactively process reports. Functions
enabling the graphical evaluation of results and the transferal of data to PC applications, plus functions for linking reports and organizing them into reporting tree
hierarchies, make SAPs drilldown reporting into a highly flexible reporting instrument.
You can create an individual drilldown report by using a predefined report as a
template and adding to or changing it until it precisely meets your requirements.
To take account of formal reporting requirements relating to the layout of reports,
you can also define and store your own report templates in the system.

Structure of Drilldown Reporting

Forms and reports are central elements in the drilldown reporting concept. Forms
provide the basic material for the reports they underlie, being largely responsible
for the layout or content and structure of the report. You choose a form variant to
match the complexity of the report you want to produce.
Defining a form involves selecting key figures and characteristics. Key figures are
values and quantities (such as book values) which can also be linked using mathematical equations (such as the write-off requirement as the negative difference
between the NPV and the book value). Characteristics, on the other hand, represent the criteria used to evaluate the dataset (such as business partner, portfolio).

Key figures and




Treasury Information System

Fig. 11-1: Architecture of drilldown reporting


When you create a form, you first select a report type to which you assign the
form and the reports it underlies. Report types can include the position or flow
values of individual areas or the entire Treasury area. With the report type you
determine the selection of key figures and characteristics which can be used. After
selecting the report type, you define the basic structure of the form by specifying
whether key figures and characteristics are managed in the columns or rows. You
then label the individual columns or rows and assign the parameters you require.
Using the formula generator you can link key figures in any combination you
require, allowing you to represent even the most extensive key figure systems in
drilldown reporting.
You also have the possibility of assigning the forms variables (either global variables, which are valid for all forms, or local variables which are valid for individual
forms). Variables are queried when you call up a report. With complex, often used
reports, this gives you the flexibility to define criteria such as the company code or
key date just before the report is executed.



Reports have their base in the forms you have created. One form can be used for
several reports. If you make a change in a form, the related reports are automatically adjusted as well. The R/3 System will not allow you to delete an existing
form if associated reports still exist. When you create a report you can include
further key figures and characteristics in the evaluation. With the report to report
interface you can link reports from different areas, for example.

Treasury Information System


Data Analysis
When you call a report it has a preliminary layout which you can change with the
help of interactive navigation tools. The following example demonstrates the possibilities you have when using the drilldown reporting tool:

Fig. 11-2: Example of drilldown report

This report selects the positions of three portfolios (BOND, FXPORT and MM)
and displays their book and net present values. The third column of the report
contains the resulting write-off requirement which is calculated on single transaction level as the difference between the NPV and the book value (provided this is
a negative value). The navigation field lists the characteristics you can use to further analyze the displayed data.
Drilldown reporting works on the principle of a multidimensional data cube. The
cube represents your dataset. You can either look specifically at individual cubes
within the cube or at cross-sections of the cube. By swapping around characteristics you can view the selected dataset from different perspectives.

Principle of drilldown



Treasury Information System

Fig. 11-3: Drilldown reporting structures

Imagine you want to analyze the composition of the BOND portfolio in terms
of product types. To do so, you choose the characteristic product types in the
navigation header and assign it to the BOND portfolio.

Fig. 11-4: Breakdown of Bond portfolio according to product types

Alternatively you could replace the characteristic Portfolio with the characteristic Product type to display how the position is made up in terms of the individual instruments used, across all portfolios.


Treasury Information System


You now want to look at the composition of an individual product type (currency
option) in terms of currencies. To do so, you select the characteristic Currency
and link it to the product type Currency option:

Fig. 11-5: Breakdown of the product type Currency option according to currencies.

By branching into the detailed information you can access further navigation options within the report. You could use the arrow keys to select data based on product types and/or portfolios, while retaining the other settings. If you use the
arrow keys to swap from the BOND portfolio to the FXPORT portfolio, for
example, the report displays the currency options of the FXPORT portfolio in
the respective currencies.
In addition to allowing you to navigate through report data by swapping around
characteristics, the drilldown reporting tool provides numerous classification and
sorting functions. For each column you can select a certain number of maximum
or minimum values (expressed as percentage values or absolute values); the remaining items are then displayed as a total. You can also select to display subtotals
and totals, sort the data in ascending or descending order and create conditions
which have to be fulfilled for an item of data to be listed individually (allowing
you to ensure that certain items are only displayed in summarized form).

Grouping the report data

By defining exceptions you can highlight characteristic values which are unusually high or low. You do so by defining a lower and/or an upper limit value. If
report values exceed or fall short of these limit values they are highlighted in red




Treasury Information System

or green. Exceptions can relate to both absolute values (such as the nominal value)
and relative values (such as percentage variances).

Fig. 11-6: Exceptions

Graphical analysis

With the drilldown reporting tool you can also display data in graphic form using
two- and three-dimensional diagrams and line diagrams.

Fig. 11-7: Graphical representation of drilldown reports

Moreover, you can individually redesign the report layout by masking and deleting columns, varying the column sequence, changing the number formats or switching currencies. You can enter notes for each report and store these with the report so that they are displayed when the report is called next time. When it comes


Treasury Information System


to printing and printing layout, you can adjust the column formats, add headers
and footers, insert title pages and use other editing options to achieve just the
style of presentation you require.
The link to PC applications (Microsoft Word or Excel) allows you to use additional word processing and spreadsheet functions to tailor the design of your reporting data.

Desktop integration

You can also export reports you have created as lists and send them via E-mail.

Business Partner Analysis

Business partners are organizations or natural persons in whom you have a business interest. The central position of the business partner throughout the Treasury
application is reflected in the information system which offers numerous reporting possibilities. Both the data stored for individual business partners and the
relationships between business partners are taken into account.
The partner roles report shows you the relationship types maintained with your
business partners. Each business partner is assigned a role such as issuer, counterparty or paying bank. With this report you can group and arrange the roles of
your business partners according to various criteria.

Partner roles

Fig. 11-8: Overview of business partners example

The partner data comprises all the information stored for the business partner.
The partner data report first lists all partners according to the entered selection
criteria. You can then call up detailed information such as the address data, credit
standing data or bank data for each partner. This report gives you an overview of
your business relationships and the opportunity for individual analysis.
You can create a link between different business partners. This is particularly important in cases where the connections between partners have an effect on the
nature and volume of the transactions undertaken. If there is a parent subsidiary
connection between group companies which have both been created as business
partners, for example, a different view of the credit standing data or counterparty

Partner data

Partner relationships



Treasury Information System

limits might be necessary. The partner relationships report displays all connections which exist on a certain date. You can individually determine the number of
relationship hierarchy levels displayed (the level of detail shown).

Standing instructions

In the standing instructions of a business partner you can store data which repeats
itself and which you want to be automatically proposed in transactions which
you undertake with this partner. The instructions can include payment details,
correspondence and derived flows (such as capital gains tax which is automatically generated based on the product type/transaction type). The authorizations evaluation gives you an overview of the product types/transaction types you have
defined as permitted transactions in conjunction with a certain business partner.
You can adjust the respective evaluations to your individual requirements with
the SAP list tools. These tools allow you to determine the criteria used to display
the selected data and also have a bearing on the report layout and navigation
From within the list of selected business partners you can branch to a detailed
view of an individual partner in order to gain additional information and make
any changes or additions which are necessary.


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