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Technical Machinery Documentation

State: 04.2001

Loos e tyr e w ith t yr e se c tio n

a nd t yr e fa s te nin g

BA 413-0171 en
Page 1 of 26

by correct assembly, proper operation,
careful maintenance and care

This symbol indicates all important safety

references in the present operating instructions.
Observe these references and, in these cases,
behave particularly careful. Notify these safety
instructions also to other users.
Beyond the references in these operating
instructions, the general safety- and accident
prevention regulations of your legislator must be

The copyright to these operating instructions remains with the KHD Humboldt
Wedag GmbH. The instructions are meant for the assembly-, operating- and
supervision staff. The operating instructions contain regulations of technical
nature and drawings which are not permitted to be multiplied, distributed or
used for competition purposes without authorisation, nor in whole, nor in part,
unless this has been expressly approved. The non-observance of the above will
entail claims for indemnification.

KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH
Dillenburger Str. 69
51170 Kln

Telefon: +49 (0)221 6504-1200

Telefax : +49 (0)221 6504-1209

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Description ........................................................................................................................

1.1 Tyres.......................................................................................................................................
1.1.1 Dimensioning .........................................................................................................................
1.1.2 Quality assurance ..................................................................................................................
1.2 Ovality ....................................................................................................................................
1.2.1 Measuring the ovality according to the shell test method .....................................................
1.2.2 Assessment of the ovality by measuring the relative movement ..........................................

Tyre fastening .......................................................................................................................


Cold gap KSP (= diameter difference in cold condition)........................................................

Hot gap WSP (= diameter difference in operating condition) ...............................................
Axial movement of the tyre, axial gap ...................................................................................
Radial movement of the tyre relative to the tube ..................................................................
Wobbling of the tyre ..............................................................................................................

Maintenance, measures ................................................................................................


Pre-conditions for a trouble-free operation ......................................................................




Measures for avoiding narrowings ....................................................................................


Calculation example for determining the diameter difference ........................................

2.5 Rehabilitation measures for narrowings ...........................................................................

2.5.1 Replacement or lining of the slide plates ..............................................................................
2.5.2 Repair of worn down guide strips..........................................................................................

Equalising the contact surfaces of tyres, supporting rollers and thrust rollers. . 25
Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre



The tyres have a rectangular solid-profile cross section and are mechanically worked
on either side. All forces and loads from the rotary tube are directed via the tyres into
the tyre assembly and further into the foundations.
Beyond this function as supporting elements, the tyres are meant for providing the
relatively "soft" rotary tube with the necessary circular stiffness.
Therefore, proper functioning of the tyres is of utmost importance.


Dimensioning of the tyres is based on the assembly load resulting from the statical
rotary tube calculation considering the alternating dynamical and thermal stress upon
different operating conditions. The tyres are highly resistant to deformation, rupture
and wear. Such, they are meeting all requirements regarding admissible


tension in the cross section

Hertzian stress between tyre and supporting roller/thrust roller.

The stiffness of the tyres, i.e. a small deformation under stress is of high importance
for the durability of the bricklining. This so-called ovality of the tyres is calculated acc.
to Nies and is indicated in % of the internal diameters of the sheet shell (= rated tube
For the calculated ovality of the tyres, the ovality value of max. 0.2% common in the
cement industry and recommended by the manufacturers of refractory materials has
been taken as a basis.
Calculation formula (acc. to Nies):


P = assembly load in N calculated from the tube statics assuming the

common load values for a geometrically straight rotary tube
(incl. tyre weight)
Rs = centre-of-gravity radius of the tyre (cm)
E = modulus of elasticity (N/cm).

= moment of inertia (cm4).

- = Radius change

= difference between large and small diameter of the deformed tyre


Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Quality assurance
The quality assurance is realised via extensive material tests such as

non-destructive tests with the tyres and

destructive tests with samples of identical material

Tyre materials coming into question are high-quality types of cast steel, cast
tempering steel or forged steel with matched mechanical properties.


Ovality in connection with rotary tubes generally means the change of the shape of
the shell plate during a tube rotation. The ovality is of decisive importance for the

durability of the rotary tube lining.

The ovality is a function of the transverse force and depends on the stability (circular
stability) of the tyre, the tube plate thickness in the tyre area and the diameter
difference d (see Fig. 5).
With the frequency of the tube rotation, the size of the transverse force can be
subjected to heavy deviations. The cause is a distortion of the tube axis by local or
linear exceeding of the normal shell temperature. Moreover, the transverse force can
permanently change due to lowering of the foundation, different narrowings of the tyre
sections or by wrong positioning of the tyres.

The deformation of the tube (ovality) is generally dependent on two parameters:

ovality of the tyre

deformation of the tube in its upper vertex (flattening)

The stiffness of the tyres can be evidenced by calculation as already mentioned under
1.1.1 and, at the indicated limit value of max. 0.2% ovality related to the rated rotary
tube diameter, it offers the required safety.
The tube plate thickness near the tyre influences the ovality only to a minor degree
which could be confirmed by numerous practical measurements in the last years. The
reason is that the rotary tube - irrespective of its plate thickness - is always the clearly
softer' component compared with tyre and, in its lower section, adapts itself to the
bore of the stiffer tyre (see fig. 7, picture C).

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

Differences regarding the deformation can only occur in the relatively small area of the
upper flattening (see Fig. . 1.1, 1.2).

Deformation of the tyre section

with normal plate thickness

Deformation of the tyre section

at insufficient plate thickness

Fig. 1.1

Fig. 1.2

The diameter difference d between tyre and tube is of considerably higher

importance. It is dimensioned such that, during normal operation, a small gap width S
is establishing between tyre and tube and, consequently, a relative movement.
Relative movement is the dimensional displacement of a point of the rotary tube
shell against the tyre during one rotation. Depending on the rotary tube size, in warm
operating condition, up to max. 25 mm/rev. are admissible.
During heating up of the rotary tube - but also during production operation, if the
accretions fall down in the area of the tyre - the shell temperature rises more rapidly
than the temperature of the tyre. Normally, the tyre gap is sufficient to balance this
temperature difference. Nevertheless, the kiln shell temperature must be monitored
since, in the extreme case, if there is no tyre gap, compressive strain can occur in the
tube shell which exceeds the proportionality limit of the material. This means lasting
narrowing of the tube and, as a result, an increased ovality when the normal
temperature difference between tyre and tube section is restored.

In our chapter "Commissioning" of the operating
instructions, the "particular features during the drying
and heating up phase" are described. They must
absolutely be observed!
In the following text, measuring methods for the determination of the tube ovality are
described and limit values indicated.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Measuring the ovality according to the shell test method

One option to directly measure the ovality during normal production operation is the
shell test method. An instrument was developed (see Fig. 3) to scan the curvature
change of the rotary tube shell during one rotation. The instrument comprises a
measuring bar, a scanning pin and a recording unit. From the data recorded, the
ovality can be determined using a calculation formula.
According to bricklining companies, an ovality (%) of up to 1/10 of the rated tube
diameter in metres (m) is considered not critical but normal. Higher ovality values are
mostly critical (see Fig. 2).
For an internal tube diameter of 4.6 m, the approximate upper limit for the tube
ovality is 0.1 x 4.6 (m) = 0.46%.
A negative influence of higher ovality values on the service life of the lining can mostly
be clearly noticed. Rehabilitation methods are described under 2.5.
Inter-relation between admissible ovality and kiln diameter.

Fig. 2

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

The measuring instruments can be obtained from the following manufacturers:

Management and
Consulting Ltd. CH 5113 Holderbank AG

RudolfWinkelStrae 1 D 37079

Fig. 3

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Assessment of the ovality by measuring the relative

movement During normal production operation

a. If a shell test measuring instrument should not be available, conclusions regarding the
ovality can be drawn on the basis of the relative movement between kiln tube and tyre.
The most simple method is a to apply a marking with a chalk line on rotary tube
shell and tyre. In case of large relative movements, one tube rotation is
sufficient. In case of smaller relative movements, it is recommended, to
measure the displacement of the two markings after 10 rotations (also see Fig.
4) and to divide them by 10.
Depending on the rotary tube size, in warm operating condition, a relative
movement of max. 25 mm/rotation can be considered normal.
If, despite a straight kiln axis, near the tyres lining defects should repeatedly
occur and the relative movement for smaller rotary tubes should be more than 15
mm and for larger ones more than 25 mm, the increased walking work of the
rotary kiln (ovality) can be the cause of frequently occurring defects.
a. A more exact method for measuring the relative movement than that described above is
to have the relative movement recorded by a circulating recorder (see Fig. 6). This
method has become generally known in the meantime.
A pen fastened with magnets on the tube shell presses against a recording
plate also fastened with magnets on the tyre. The recorded curve indicates the
degree of ovality.

Fig. 4

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

c) A further method for determining the relative movement is the comparison of the
speeds of tyre and rotary tube (RELATYREX method). The rotations of the
motor shaft counted by the instrument, divided by the overall transmission ratio
(gear and girth gear - pinion trans-mission) indicate the number of tube
rotations. At the same time, the rotations of the tyre are counted (also see ZKG
No. 12/1 976 and tyre section cooling, page 17).
For a tightly seating tyre, the following results:
counted motor shaft rotations
= rotations of the tube = rotations
of the tyre i-totally

Below, an example for the calculation of the relative movement with

loose tyre. Outer diameter slide plate:5200 mm
Counted motor shaft rotations:
i-totally (i1 x i2 ist):

700 : 1

Counted tyre rotations:


Number of tube rotations:

14020- = 20, 028


On that basis, the relative movement per tube rotation is calculated:

If the control centre comprises a computer system, counting and calculating of the
value can also be realised via the computer so that the relative movement can be
determined at any time.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Tyre fastening
The tyre fastening (Fig. 5) comprises the following:

loosely inserted slide plates

Item 1

lateral guide strips

Item 2

lateral fixing cams

Item 3

welded slide plate fixing

Item 4

The thickness of the replaceable slide plates depends on the tyre width and the
selected diameter difference d between tyre bore A and slide plate outer diameter B.

Abb. 5

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Cold gap KSP (= diameter difference in cold condition)

The specified diameter difference d between tyre bore and external slide plate
diameter is, with cold rotary tube, between 3 and 15 mm depending on the size (see
Item 1.1.3).


Hot gap WSP (= diameter difference in operating condition)

In operating condition, the rotary tube has a higher temperature than the tyre. From
the different thermal expansion, the hot gap is resulting which is smaller than the cold
gap (see Item 1.1.3).
The terms "tyre gap", "cold gap" and "warm gap" are frequently used such that
misunderstandings result.
Therefore, the terms should always be clearly used as described in these

instructions, e.g.:
Diameter difference d

Relative movement 'U

Gap width in the vertex S.

When indicating measured values, always indicate to which kiln condition the data
refer: cold kiln or kiln at operating temperature (see Fig. 6).

Schematic representation of the

theoretical diameter difference d in
manufacturing condition
(without load)

Schematic representation of the

actual gap S in the upper vertex in
operating condition (with load),
deformation of the tyre not considered

Fig. 6

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Axial movement of the tyre, axial gap

The lateral guide strips are mounted such that, in horizontal direction, the tyre has an
axial gap of about 5 mm, i.e. in the central position of the tyre, about 2.5 mm on either
side, see Fig. 5, Item X. This gap ensures the unhindered movement of the tyre and
prevents it from being jammed.
During kiln operation, it may be noticed that the tyre, due to its axial gap, is moving
between the lateral guide strips. This means that it is contact with the upper or lower
strips or takes an inter-mediate position. In any case, the respective contact surface
must be lubricated as described in the maintenance reference.
One reason for the movement of the tyre from one side to the other can be that the
axial movement (hydraulic displacement) of the kiln tube influences the ring. This will
be the case, if very constant temperatures are prevailing in the entire tyre fastening
system and the supporting rollers remain largely thrust-free.
However, it is frequently noticed that, for a longer time or even predominantly, the
tyre is in con-tact with the guide strip only on one side and stress is acting only on
this side. This condition is not critical (here again: lubrication of the axial contact
surface is required).
The reasons for this are the different temperatures in the tyre, in the supporting roller
and in the kiln shell.
Differences in the tyre width lead to different diameters from one to the other side, i.e.

the tyre becomes somewhat conical.

The same applies to the supporting roller(s).
Temperature differences in the kiln tube on both tyre sides also lead to it that the tube
becomes conical. The larger tube diameter is on the side with the higher
All mentioned influences can occur alone or in combination. By temperature
measurements, it was determined that normally the greatest influence results from
different tube temperatures, e.g. caused by different accretion situations or bricklining
conditions. But also outer influences can be of importance such as wind and rain.
It was observed that the tyre is always tending to move axially towards the highest shell
temperature (= largest kiln shell diameter). Following the course of the movement,
this is a logical procedure which can also be observed during other applications, e.g.
in case of a flat belt drive where the belt is always running in the direction of the
largest disc diameter.
To get a clear impression of the situation, it is recommended to measure all
temperatures and to evaluate their effects.


Radial movement of the tyre relative to the tube

In Fig. 7, picture C, the course of the movement during one tube rotation is
In the shaded area, the rotary tube is in tight contact with the tyre; at point 'a', the tyre
and the tube are drifting apart and at point 'b', both parts are in tight contact again, i.e.
nearly no friction wear occurs. The movement of the tube in the tyre is more of rolling
nature. An internal lubrication of the tyre to support the rolling movement is normally
not necessary.
If, nevertheless, material break-outs are noticed at the slide plates, the cause is a
sudden over-heating of the shell plate in a restricted area with the tyre still remaining
relatively cold. The pressure forces in the contact area are such large that a partial
cold set results. As soon as the temperatures of tyre and tube become nearly identical,
a relative movement takes place. This will first be only a few centimetres so that the
welding point is displaced only to a minor degree during the tube rotation. The folded
up material becomes larger with every rotation and breaks off as chip when reaching
the external edge of the slide plate.

If such a case should occur, the inner surfaces of the tyre and also the lateral contact
surfaces of the guide elements should be lubricated. This slows down the formation
of chips and completely stops it after a certain time.

To largely prevent the chip-forming effect, upon the new installation of slide plates,
the surface showing towards the tyre bore must be lubricated. The lubricant "Anti
Seize Nickel" proved well here. However, it should b aimed at avoiding such a cold
set just from the beginning, i.e. tube section and tyre must be heated up such
uniformly that always a small tyre gap is existing.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Wobbling of the tyre

By the bending-free fastening of the tyre on the kiln tube, during normal kiln
operation, the free movement of the tyre in axial and radial direction is ensured (see
Item 1.2.3 and 1.2.4). If all operating directions are observed - e.g. the starting and
shutting down procedures, behaviour upon failures - the different thermal expansions
are balanced by the tyre fastening.

The position on the kiln tube is determined by:

the lateral fixings which are mounted exactly rectangularly to the kiln axis,

the cylindrical seal between tyre and slide plate/kiln tube,

the cylindrical contact surface of the tyre and of the supporting rollers,

the contact of the tyre with the thrust roller.

Due to the operating stress acting onto the kiln, the kiln tube is subject to a flexible
deformation which is calculated as bending line of the kiln axis. The inclined position
of the kiln tube resulting from the bending line is only a few tenth millimetres over the
tyre width which is accepted by the kiln shell as deformation and does not lead to
wobbling of the tyre.

If, however, bending of the tube has occurred due to partially more heated up tube
areas and the tyre gap is very small or = 0 and possibly heavy temperature
differences in longitudinal direction and/or over the circumference are existing,
wobbling of the tyre during one kiln rotation can occur.
Wobbling of the tyre can only be eliminated by eliminating the causes; e.g. the
increase of the tyre gap can most simply be remedied by direct cooling of the tyre
section. In view of the existing axial gap of about 5-10 mm, tyre and supporting roller
will largely come into contact despite the still existing tube bending.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre


Ma inte na nc e , m e as ur e s


Pre-conditions for a trouble-free operation

In operating condition, the tyres can only fulfil heir function, if they are really sound
and mechanical and thermal overloads are avoided. Below you will find some useful

Avoiding of damage to the surface

Lubrication of the contact surfaces tyre/supporting rollers

Lubrication of the contact surfaces tyre/thrust rollers

Lubrication of the lateral guide strips

No entrance of foreign bodies between the contact surfaces

Do not lead welding current over the tyres

Do not ignite electrodes at the tyre

Remove burrs and build-ups

Defects at the tyres result in increased notch tensions which are low at smooth
tyres. As the notch impact strength of the tyre material is strongly reduced at
low temperatures, it is recommended to preheat damaged tyres prior to
starting the kiln at temperatures of below 0 C as it is also suggested for
internally geared tyres.
Preheating should always take place over an extended period of time prior to
turning the kiln (about 1 day), uniformly distributed over the circumference
using hot gases and a gas burner with soft flame or similar. The surfaces
should be heated up to about 20C.
b) Avoiding of overloads

Maintaining the geometrically straight tube axis (correct position of the supporting rollers
also after the foundation has lowered, installation of new tube sections and bearing


Avoiding/eliminating lasting tube distortions as they can occur after a sectional

overheating of the tube.

Ensure correct position of tyre to supporting rollers in axial direction.

Ensure correct position of the thrust roller to the tyre, check pressure.

Avoiding an extreme increase of the assembly loads as they would result from heavy
bricklining, heavy inner assemblies or a heavy satellite cooler.

Avoiding thermal overload of the tyres as they can occur upon overheating of the tube
underneath the tyre in case of defective bricklining.
Tyre overloads can never be caused by the pressure of the tube in the tyre
bore at an excessively small tyre gap. After the limit of proportionality of the
tube material has been exceeded, such cases always lead to narrowing of the
softer" rotary tube compared with the tyre.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening


Between the lateral surfaces of the tyre and the lateral guide strips (Fig. 7), a relative
movement takes place. To minimise the wear at these surfaces, they must be
lubricated on a daily basis. Here, a lubricant with a high solids portion on graphite- or
copper basis should be used, e.g. the following products:


Weidling GmbH + Co. KG

Postfach 84 60
Knigsberger Str. 255
D - 48157 Mnster

WEICON Anti-Seize
(Urgently recommended for the
first lubrication)

Carl Bechem GmbH

Weststr. 120
D - 58089 Hage

Berulub FCC

K.S. Paul GmbH

Ronsdorferstr. 53
D - 40233 Dsseldorf


Klber Lubrication Mnchen KG

Geisenhausenerstr. 7
D - 81379 Mnchen

Wolfracoat C Fluid
Wolfracoat C Paste

Fuchs Lubritech GmbH

Hans-Reiner-Str. 7-13
D - 67685 Weilerbach

Ceplattyn HT

At high temperatures, the carrier oil of the lubricant evaporates after the application.
The solids portion, however, adheres to the surface and fulfils the lubricating function
in the application area. It is recommended to apply the lubricant with a spatula or brush
or to use portable spraying devices (can be obtained from the above companies).
In view of the high temperatures, an automatic lubrication is difficult.

Observe safety references in the "Technical Machine Documentation".

In practice, despite a thorough lubrication, material break-outs occurred at the guide
strips and the tyre surfaces. This means that forces were acting whose size was far
beyond the admissible limit values. The following example gives an explanation.
If the shell temperatures besides the tyre are higher than underneath it, the rotary
tube expands and the lateral guide strips are jamming against the lateral tyre surface
(Fig. 8, picture B). By the punctual loads occurring here, material erosion can result.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre


Measures for avoiding narrowings

As already mentioned under 1.1.3, narrowings are the consequence of an excessive
irregular heating up of tube and tyre.
In particular upon heating up the plant or in case of defective brickwork in the tyre
area, the risk of narrowings is high as the rotary tube shell is heated up relatively
rapid and the tyre takes the heat considerably slower.

Observe that not the shell temperature proper is the cause of the narrowing, but the
temperature difference between tyre and tube.

Also at a relative low shell temperature, narrowings can occur.

At a diameter difference of 10 mm, the admissible temperature difference is 't :

At 't = 160 C, the diameter difference between tyre and tube would be zero. if the
temperature difference increases by further 50C, the limit of proportionality of the
shell plate is reached.
Upon heating up, it is difficult to assess, whether a gap is still existing between tyre
and tube as the tube cannot be continuously turned. Here, it is recommended to
monitor the temperature at tyre and tube with the aid of an adhesion thermometer.
It is important that the tyre section and the tyre are heated up and operated at an as
small temperature difference as possible. Of course, the heating up instructions of the
brick suppliers must also be observed. Possibly, blowers must be used to cool the
tube shell. The same applies, if during production operation narrowing must be
expected due to sudden partial heating up of the tyre section.
Information on tyre section cooling and its control:
In case that the rotary kiln has already been equipped with a tyre section cooling
system, axial blowers are rigidly installed at both outlet-side bearing assemblies.
The blowers must be positioned such that the emerging cooling air flow is acting
onto the tyre section on either side of the tyre, but not the tyre proper.
In addition, the blowers approximately positioned in the kiln centre must be
aligned such that the air flow can escape over the kiln, i.e. upwards. If the heated
up air would be pressed underneath the kiln, an undesired temperature increase
at the bearings etc. would result.
The tyre section cooling can be made manually, if the tyre gap becomes too small
and jamming of the tyre shall be avoided; if a RELATYREX system is installed,
the tyre section cooling can be controlled automatically.
By no means, the tyre section cooling should be
permanently operated! An unnecessary increase of the tyre gap
would result.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

To avoid excessive temperature differences between ring and tube, also an external
heating up device for the tyre can be mounted. This not very expensive method (heat
supply into a housing arranged around the tyre) was little used in practice as its
reliably is not yet proven.
If, in the tyre area, a lining defect is noticed (red spot), the plant must be put out of
For rotary kilns, it is disadvantageous, if a damage occurs underneath or adjacent to
a tyre seat. As it is known, the beginning of the sintering zone is a critical area for the
brickwork (changing accretion conditions). For statical reasons, often just here a tyre
assembly is arranged.
In particular for this zone, the operator and the brick supplier must co-operated to
optimally protect the mechanical parts of this zone.

Here, it must be kept in mind that a change of the burning process (short flame or
long flame) as well as changes in the raw meal composition immediately entail a
change of the accretion behaviour in the kiln. These plant-related requirements must
be considered when selecting the brick quality and the determination of the zones.
As soon as defects on the rotary tube become noticeable, the required rehabilitation
should be made to its full extent and without delay. In this way, longer operating
phases become possible and consequential damage to the mechanical parts is


Calculation example for determining the diameter difference

The plant section "tyre seat" requires particular attention.
Therefore, for every tyre assembly of the rotary tube, a measuring log should be
prepared. It is recommended to determine at least twice per week the existing
relative movement between tyre and tube and to enter the readings into the log. Such,
changes can be recorded and used for the comparison with recordings on lining
defects. At least twice per year, also the lateral surfaces should be checked and the
gap widths between tyre and guide strip entered in a log.
If rehabilitation measures become necessary, first the diameter difference must be
determined. To that end, the method described below has proven well.
This proven measuring method refers to the cold rotary tube as well as to the
operated warm rotary tube. While, upon the cold measurement, the cold gap
specified for the assembly must be considered, upon the warm measurement in
normal operating condition, a measurement to be repeated on several days is
required. The smallest value determined during the measurement is considered when
newly determining the slide plate thickness D. Here, it is necessary to have the rotary
tube perform at least one rotation and to measure the relative movement 'U with the
aid of the curve recorder (see Fig. 4) or using the markings on tyre and tube. 'U
divided by 3.14 () is the actually existing diameter difference d.
Relative movement

Gap widthS

Slide plate thickness

D (exist.)

Assy. I
Assy. II
Assy. III

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre


Rehabilitation measures for narrowings

If, due to a narrowing, a rehabilitation or slide plate thickness measurement is

indispensable, the replacement of the slide plates can be a rapid remedy.


Replacement or lining of the slide plates

The following cases can occur

Case I:
The tyre gap is too large and the rehabilitation is realised by installing new

slide plates. This is done as follows:

Determine the actually existing diameter difference (see Item 2.4).
Determine the new slide plate thickness considering the desired gap and the current
slide plate thickness.

D1 = new slide plate thickness

= current thickness of the slide plate (e.g. 25 mm)


= calculated actually existing diameter

difference (e.g. 16 mm) between
tyre and tube


= desired diameter difference for the cold tube (e.g. 10 mm,

as a function of tube diameter and assembly, e.g. inlet, centre, outlet).

In this example, instead of the currently existing 25 mm thick plates, now 28 mm thick
plates must be installed.
The length of the plates depends on the tyre width; the width must re-measured at
the existing plate.
The bending radius must be matched to the outer tube
diameter "C". The material for the plates can be normal
construction steel. New slide plates can also be welded

together of two plates, i.e.

one plate already kept on stock or base plate manufactured previously and a lining plate
to achieve the total thickness

the lining plate should not be thinner than 3 mm and be of material St 52-3N.
The thinner lining plate is welded underneath the slide plate (see Fig. 10, Item 1
and 2).

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

Case II:
The tyre gap is too large and the rehabilitation is made by placing lining plates
underneath the still used slide plates; e.g. the lining plates must be 3 mm thick (28-25
= 3 mm). See Fig. 8, 9. 10, lining plates of material St 52-3N.
This temporary solution should be substituted soon by 28 mm thick plates.
In case II, the slide plates are lifted and the lining plates slid between slide plate and
The somewhat protruding head sides of the lining plates are tack-welded to the slide
plate (see Fig. 10, Item 1, 3)..

Fig. 8
The replacement or lining of the slide plates is always made at the vertex of the
rotary tube. The lateral fixings (Fig. 5, Item 4) are unfixed, the old plates (Case II)
withdrawn and replaced by new ones and, in Case II, lined with lining plates.
If sliding in should be difficult due to an insufficient correspondence of the tube- and
slide plate radii, the slide plates must be matched.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

The previously chamfered slide plate fixings are welded to the cams again as illustrated
in Fig. 5, Detail "X".

During the works on the tyre fastenings, all parts

loosely placed on the rotary tube must be secured

against slipping.
For the works, all necessary safety measures must be
taken (safe climbing, secured standing surface and

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

Fig. 10

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre


Repair of worn down guide strips

If guide strips are worn down by 15 mm and more, the original axial gap of 5 mm
should be restored.
Such repair works are relatively simple. The tyre must be pressed off the worn down
contact surface and an accordingly thick lining plate welded to the guide strip (see
Fig. 9, item 1).
The ends of the lining plates should be slightly inclined, see Fig. 9.


Rehabilitation measures for tube bulges underneath the tyre

If underneath the tyre a lining defect has lead to local overheating, at this point, the
tube shell will be bulged inwards. Depending on its size, this bulge can entail further
Due to the wedge shape of the bricks, particular difficulties result for the bricklining,
see Fig. 11.

Regarding suitable measurements for the refractory lining, we refer to the information
given by the suppliers of the refractory material.
Upon every tube rotation, moreover, a shock-like load will occur when the flattened
tube area is entering the tyre bore.
In such a case, the loosely placed slide plates between tyre and tube permit a rapid
remedy against these shock-like loads.
First, the defective area is moved to the vertex of the tube and the slide plate in this
area is with-drawn.

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre fastening

The tube is then turned by 180 so that this area is positioned at the bottom and
there, the gap between tyre bore and tyre section can be measured. Upon measuring,
it must be checked, whether the bulge is located centrally or laterally displaced to the
tyre (see Fig. 12).

Depending on the situation, the slide plate must be lined with plates of identical or
different thickness or with flat steel (see Fig. 13). The lining must not be thicker than
the measured gap.

Fig. 13
(for a clear representation, not true to scale)
Although this work is taking a lot of time and requires skill, the expenditure will be worth
while as the plant can be further operated up to a final rehabilitation of the damaged

Loose tyre with tyre section and tyre

Depending on the extent and serious nature of the defects, the following final
rehabilitation measures are coming into question:

Inserting of a plate patch

(disadvantage: under the tyre, welding is only possible from the inside, if the tyre
is not axially displaced)

Installation of a new tyre section with fastening.


Equalising the contact surfaces of tyres, supporting

rollers and thrust rollers
In the case of plants without hydraulic system for that purpose, the longitudinal
movement of the rotary tube is initiated by setting the supporting roller axles into an
oblique position. In this way, the contact surface of the tyres gets a slightly convex
shape, while the shape of the supporting rollers becomes concave. This can
essentially affect the tube movement. It is recommended to make a correction by
overturning or grinding the surfaces. A turning device is schematically represented in
Fig. 14, picture A.
If required, the works can be made with temporary facilities. Companies active in this
field (e.g. DIW Indumont) are availing on equipment and experienced staff.
For tubes with a hydraulic system for the longitudinal movement of the tube, the
surface of the tyre is stressed by supporting- and thrust roller at two contact surfaces
arranged at an angle of 90 towards each other (see Fig. 14). Within the course of
time, the rounded edge becomes sharp-edged by the consolidation of the surface.
Chamfer the surface by grinding as, otherwise, the surface would be damaged or
would crack. Cracks in the sharp-edged bur - if the bur is not ground off - can develop
to cracks in the tyre. The works can be performed during operation.
Due to the same cause, above the thrust roller contact surface, a slight build-up can
form on the tyre front face (see picture B). This build-up must also be removed by
grinding - in particular directly after the new alignment of the supporting roller
bearings - to avoid that from there uncontrolled forces are vertically introduced into
the thrust roller assembly.

Fig. 14
To counter-act the formation of build-ups, the tyres are provided with a turned-in circular groove at
the tyre front face, see Fig. 14.

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