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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

March 27, 2016

Our Vision
To challenge and encourage everyone in our
congregation to know and follow Christ by:
Growing as disciples through Christs
Connecting with one another in Christian
Serving Christ by serving others
Praising God as we worship Christ

Sunday Services and Studies

Traditional 8:30 am
Contemporary 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Discipleship Groups 9:45 am

Pastors Corner
This is Holy Week, the most important week of the year related to our salvation in Jesus
Christ. On Thursday of Holy Week, we remember the Lord's Last Supper with his
disciples. The service which includes Holy Communion is called the Maundy Thursday
Service. We sometimes substitute "Holy" for "Maundy" but they are not exactly
interchangeable. "Maundy" comes from the Latin "Mandatum" or "Mandate." The
mandate Jesus gave to his disciples was to love one another, and at the Last Supper,
Jesus demonstrated this sacrificial love by washing the feet of his disciples. Jesus said, "I
give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you
also should love one another" (John 13:34). The act of foot washing itself was not unusual, because after
walking in sandals on the dusty trails of Palestine, foot washing was essential. It was the fact that the
master washed the feet of the disciples, not the other way around, which made the example of Jesus so
special, wonderful, and unique.
Of course, Jesus' mandate was not just for one special night but for all time and in all places. Christians'
first responsibility is to love. Jesus also made it clear that we are not just to love those who are easy to love
like our family and church friends, but ALL people. Not only that, but we are to humble ourselves before
one another as Jesus humbled himself to wash the feet of the disciples. We know how radical an act this
was because Peter was appalled that Jesus would lower himself to wash his feet (Peter: "You will never
wash my feet!" John 13:8). What can each of us do this Holy Week to demonstrate the love and humility of
Christ to one another?
I look forward to welcoming our congregation and community to Easter services as we celebrate the
Resurrection of Christ. I invite those of us who are "regulars" to show the love of Christ in special ways to
(Continued on page 2)

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those who are visiting with us or those who only come at Christmas and
Easter. Our job is to help people feel right at home and part of our church
family. It is our mandate!
Two Sundays ago, a "reverse offering" was done in both services,
whereby $20 was given to each family unit so that individuals and
families could demonstrate the parable of the talents. I've heard some
amazing testimonies so far, and many more are to come. The idea is to
use that $20 as seed money for a family project, then bring back all the
proceeds on Pentecost Sunday, May 15, and to celebrate what God has
done among us. We still have a few envelopes containing all the
information and the $20 if you were not there that Sunday and would like
to participate. We are operating on the honor system, and please
remember this is God's money, not our own. Please see me on Sunday if
you'd like to receive an envelope. For everyone else, I hope you're
prayerfully considering and beginning to act on your plan to use your $20
for the Kingdom and to fulfill Jesus' mandate.
I will not be here the week after Easter, but will be on vacation with my
whole family. Another pastor in the community will be on call for our
congregation, and Peggy Strack will be available for pastoral visitation
and other concerns. I know you will look forward to hearing Rich Poole
preach on April 3 at both services, and Linda Kissel (an ordained elder)
will be presiding at Holy Communion at both services. May God bless
you and your family this Easter!
Pastor Jim
The OKs will meet April 13, at 11:30 a.m. to have
our annual Indoor Picnic. Hot Dogs and buns will
be provided. Please bring a Picnic type of food to
After lunch, Mike Corey will present a talk on various aspects of the use of computers, including providers, e-Mail, programs, games, printing etc. If you have any questions or advice, this is a
chance to get help. If you are not interested in computers, we will have
games in another room.
Please come and enjoy the meeting. Thank you, Erma Powell.

Read the Bible in a Year

This morning as I reflect back on the scriptures that weve been

reading over these past three months, I wonder What words do we need
in order to gain direction and meaning in our lives and our walks of faith?
There are so many things that can weigh us down: our jobs, the state
of our health, the wellbeing of friends and family, the economy, human
injustices and environmental issues (just to name a few). But heres what
I would like to say to people who believe in the Easter Resurrection. We
support one another through our struggles and actually become stronger
and more resilient for having walked through them. Easter has changed
us. Life has new meaning that brings about changes in values and
priorities. The old is gone and our lives take on new normal.
I believe the Biblical narratives of Jesus birth, ministry, death and
resurrection are guideposts for us. They are the words God uses in the
continuing story of life. We are part of that story. To discover and hold
firm to Gods path we need keep reading His Word and praying for
discernment. We need one another in order to use the words of Easter in
ways that will make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of
So my friends Read on! Pastor Bob Hachtman

Stephen Ministry

Christ is Alive!
Yes, Christ is alive! Today we
celebrate His resurrection from
the dead! Over two thousand
years later, His Spirit is still alive
in our world, leading us,
teaching us, helping us in the
midst of all that life brings our
way! If you are going through a
time of trial, perhaps Gods gift
to you would be to have a
Stephen Minister to offer
Christian support! For more
information about Stephen
Ministry, contact Peggy Strack at
570-421-3280, ext. 1023.

Members of ESUMC who are unable

to attend church, always enjoy
hearing from you! Cards and notes of
encouragement may be sent to:
Brad Stoddard
Pleasant Valley Manor #217
4227 Manor Drive
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Hearing Assistance
Devices are Here!

ESUMC now owns several hearing

assistance devices which can be worn to
improve your ability to hear our worship
services. Please contact an usher to pick
up your hearing assistance device and
return to an usher after use.
Healthcare Equipment available:
Canes, crutches, walkers, adult potty
chairs, shower stools, Depends and more!
Contact Peggy, 570-421-3280, ext. 1023.


Wellness Fair and Expo

A wellness fair and expo will be held

Sunday, April 17, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
in Fellowship Hall.
Wellness professionals and fitness
enthusiasts will provide free
information to promote good health.
For information about the possibility of
being a vendor, contact Darleen, 570460-9160 or
CATCH Continues

The CATCH Study offered us the

opportunity to evaluate what ESUMC

does well and to set goals for where
our church may improve in the
mandate to go and make disciples of
all nations. In response to the
evaluations, our church is forming two
new ministry teams: Marketing/
Communications and Evangelism. If
you have a talent, interest or spiritual
gift for serving on one or both of these
teams, please contact Peggy Strack at
the church office (570) 421-3280 Ext.
1023 An organizational meeting for
each area will take place once all
volunteers are identified.
Its fitting that now is the opening of
fishing season so we are reminded to
cast our nets to catch souls for Christ.

The Promise given to ESUMCs Partners

in Mission was paid in full because of
your generous giving through 2015. You
also met the challenge for Imagine No
Malaria which is a global effort of the
United Methodist Church to end preventable death from malaria in
Africa. This effort began with Nothing But Nets, and has expanded to
include funding for prevention, education, treatment and
The Promise for our Partners now moves into 2016. The Team has
approved supporting the same Partners plus one new one. The team
met with Chris and Kelly Kulp to hear about their Call to serve with 100
Fold Studio. We learned about this unique ministry that is a nonprofit
architecture firm providing affordable and innovative design services to
charitable organizations around the world. The firm serves by
partnering with established organizations in developing countries.
Chris has a Masters Degree in architecture and Kelly (Malefyt) has
worked for many years with Mission organizations. They have
committed to serve for at least two years beginning their training at the
100 Fold Studio home office on the YWAM campus in Montana.
A higher Goal for FAITH PROMISE is set for 2016. A reason that the
Goal is increased is that a commitment to missions is a foundational
belief of faith as stated in our Faith Promise Mission Statement: to
bring the Good News of Jesus Christ. . . through our support of
individuals and organizations who are motivated by the love of God to
serve in Missions. We have a great challenge to raise our support in
these times when there is such a need for Gods Kingdom work to be
Join today in supporting the FAITH PROMISE financial and prayer
commitment. Use the envelopes in the Bulletin today or anytime with a
note that your gift is for FAITH PROMISE or MISSIONS. May our Faith
be added to the faith of other individuals and organizations to share
Gods desire and love for salvation for all.

Read the Bible in a Year

87Numbers 23:27-30, Numbers 24,

Numbers 25, Luke 7:11-35,
Psalm 38:1-11
88Numbers 26, Numbers 27:1-11,
Luke 7:36-50, Proverbs 8:12-21
89Numbers 27:12-23, Numbers 28,
Numbers 29:1-11, Luke 8:1-18,
Psalm 38:12-22
90Numbers 29:12-40, Numbers 30,
Numbers 31:1-24, Luke 8:19-39,
Psalm 39:1-13
91Numbers 31:25-54, Numbers 32,
Luke 8:40-56, Luke 9:1-9,
Psalm 40:1-8
92Numbers 33, Numbers 34,
Luke 9:10-27, Proverbs 8:22-31
93Numbers 35, Numbers 36:1-12,
Luke 9:28-56, Psalm 40:9-17
94Deuteronomy 1,
Deuteronomy 2:1-23, Luke 9:57-62,
Luke 10:1-24, Psalm 41:1-6.

Save the date for VBS

Coming June 20-24 from 9-12
To register go to link below:




S tory

April 10 Cantata 8:30/10:45

Needing Readers Actors Costumers
Rehearsal options for teen and adult singers, all dates at 6:30-8:00:
Thursday March 31, plus Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
April 4, 6, and 7
Final for everyone, Saturday April 9 10:00 a.m.-noon.
Contact Pauline at or 570-223-9889.


Contact Us

Adult Mission Trip

We will be doing Hurricane Sandy home repairs in Brooklyn. All skill levels
are welcome. Scholarship help is available.
We are offering two exciting choices Two day trip from Thursday night, April 7 through Saturday, April 9 or...
Week long trip from Sunday, April 3 through Saturday, April 9
For information or to register contact Pat Braun 570-269-5043.


Fridays in Fellowship Hall at 11 a.m. For Silver Sneaker members this

class is FREE!!!
Bring a friend and enjoy great music and movement while getting a
workout in your chair.

MS Walk Pray Pledge - Sunday, May 1st at 12:20 pm

MS Alternative Walk We will walk from the church to and through

the ESU Campus and return to the church in one hour. Your prayer
support is critical for the success of this endeavor. Please join Toms
Trekies and get a Team T shirt to wear on the walk. Pledge checks should
be made out to NMSS and given to Tom or Kathy Hinkey (570.426.1623)

Family Night at The MoviesSunday

April 3rd, 2016 4:50 p.m. Show
Purchase tickets and meet in front of Cinemark
Theaters in the Stroud Mall. We will go in as a
group. Invite your friends.

events: Saturday April 16-District Day Apart in Quakertown-church

MiniVan transportation at 7:30 a.m.

Dollar Challenge - Next month, April,

spend your dollar on single

serve food items to place in backpacks. Pick your monthly check-off list
on table in narthex or welcome table Contact Linda Drake for more info:
Recovery Meetings Available in The Community Room of Office
Building Basement
Just for Today

Wednesday 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Womens Group)

Keep It Simple

Scan QR to ESUMC Website

East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
Ext. 1023
Youth Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013

Sue Mertz
Ext. 1015

United Methodist Women-All women are invited to the following

AA: Thursday & Saturday 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Maria Ragonese
Ext. 1010

Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017

"Gods not Dead2

NA: Monday through Saturday 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Church Office
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri
Jim Todd
Ext. 1014

Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
Ext. 1025
William Mack
Ext. 1018
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
Joe Dorsch
Technology Support
Michael Corey
Ext. 1012

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