Capital City, Guardhouse - Thirty Years Ago

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Capital city, Guardhouse thirty years ago

Commander Gilbert was sitting in his office and was filling some paperwork. Oh god, I didn't sign up for
this. This is not work for a guard. Just when he thought that this day was going to be boring, a young
squire ran into his office. He was breathing heavily, probably after a long run. Sir another robbery on
the road! Two guardsmen were killed and three are heavily wounded. I ran as fast as possible to
report! Commander Gilbert immediately stood from his table and ran to the squire. What?! How is it
possible? We doubled the patrols and the amount of guards! The squire answered: Sir, they appeared
out of that cursed fog! We couldnt see them before they ambushed us. We were helpless, we didnt
know from what direction arrows were coming. The commander walked out of the office and shouted to
his officer: Officer, prepare the units, rescue those who survived, and secure the place! Officer: Sir,
yes, Sir! The commander came back into his office and looked at the squire: Well done boy, you did
good a job today. What is your name? Squire: Jonas, Sir.

Later that day Kings Chambers

His majesty King, Geoffrey II walked in the conference room. Commander Gilbert had already been
there with a big map of the surroundings of the capital city. Gilbert, what matter is so urgent? I rarely
see you in this state, so it must be serious. The commander bowed before the King: My Liege, I need
to ask you for more manpower. We had another robbery on the roads. The fifth in the last month! I
cannot deal with them now, because it would require a lot of guards to go into the wild and there will not
be enough men to ensure the safety of the city. The kings face expression became serious. The
situation is bad, indeed. But what is your plan, Gilbert? Do you want to run to these cursed hills and just
kill all the bandits? You clearly know that it will cost us a lot of good men, and what will be the result?
Losses on our side and after some time, another bandit group will appear and use that advantage.
Commander Gilbert nodded Yes, my Liege, you are right... This will not put an end to our problems.
Then, Gilberts face changed to a happy expression. I know! We are going to build a military outpost
there! Those hills are a strategic path to the Capital, at the moment any enemy could sneak unnoticed
through there and attack us. And we will kill two birds with one stone! The King looked at Gilbert: Well,
this is an astounding solution. Are you sure about that? Building an outpost will be hard work. Give me
some time to think about that. Anything else you have for me? No, my Liege, nothing. The King: You
are dismissed then.

Capital city, Main town square twenty-eight years ago

The citizens of the capital city and of close villages gathered today to celebrate the eradication of the
bandit group from Ashviews. King Geoffrey II arrived with his Royal escort and stepped on stage and
calmed the citizens with a hand movement. After a few moments, everyone became quiet, waiting for
his announcement. Citizens of the Capital city! Today, we gather here to celebrate our great victory
against the bandits from Ashviews! Our brave men risked their lives to ensure our safety. Please,
applause our Military unit! The crowd enthusiastically clapped and whistled in the direction of the
guards and the Kings army. But, do not forget those, who gave their lives for us. We will never forget
their bravery. The King looked at the bishop. Please, send them our prayer. The bishop stood on the
stage and gave them a deserved prayer. The King: Thank you. Now, when I talked about bravery, I
was referring especially to one person, who showed an extraordinary devotion to our deed and saved
countless lives. Officer Jonas, please step forward and kneel before me. Jonas stepped out of the
guards unit and came slowly before the King. He nervously kneeled before him. The King: Give me
your sword. Jonas pulled his sword out of his scabbard and gave it to King Geoffrey II. Jonas, you did
a great service for the kingdom. You saved many lives and you played an important role in eradicating
those bandits. For everything you have done, I hereby dub you Knight. From this day on, everybody
shall call you Sir Jonas! The crowd wildly applauded Jonas who after this shocking turnaround was

smiling to the crowd and waving to them.

Ashview outpost twenty-four years ago

A foggy morning covers the landscape and the soldiers are waiting in formation, in the recently finished
outpost, for the Kings arrival. Sir Jonas came out in his shiny plate armor and soldiers saluted him.
Officer, is everything ready? Yes, Sir we are ready for the King's arrival! Sir Jonas nodded and stood
in front of his troops. After ten minutes, the King arrived to the outpost. The soldiers stood to attention
for him and Sir Jonas welcomed him. Welcome, my Liege, I believe you will be pleased with what you
will see. The King smiled: I was not expecting anything else, Sir Jonas After an hour of inspection, the
King stood in front of his men and spoke to them: You have done a great work here, all of you. From
this day on, this place will officially be known as the Ashview outpost! And you, Sir Jonas, will be its first
commander. This place will serve as a defensive outpost for potential attacks and as a signal tower in
case of an emergency. Besides, this place will serve as training grounds for future army recruits. I hope
Sir Jonas will lead this place smoothly Sir Jonas: I will do my best, my Liege!

Brief history of the evolution of the Ashview outpost twenty-three to ten years ago
The outpost became an important part of the defense of the Capital city, it successfully put an end to all
local bandit groups and only a few lone wolves survived. Getting into the Ashview outpost as a unit was
received as an honor. But nothing lasts forever, every place will someday turn back to dust, even the
Ashview Outpost.

Ashview outpost nine years ago

It was a rainy, cold night and Guard Thomas was sitting in the guard tower, on watch duty with Guard
Willy. Hey Willy, what do you think about Sir Jonas? I am pretty worried about his health. Guard Willy:
Oh, dont worry, it's Sir Jonas after all, he will be ok, as always. Guard Thomas: But he has not shown
himself on the training grounds for weeks. And the only thing we heard is his coughing, I am worried
about him.
In the meanwhile, Sir Jonas was laying in his bed coughing with a high fever. He thought: Damn old
man, you killed so many bandits, overcame so many enemies! This little fever will not put me down,
tomorrow I will return to the field and show my soldiers that I am still able of leading them. This will
boost their morale!

Next morning
It was a normal morning at the Ashview outpost, soldiers were doing their usual training and nothing
shown anything uncommon. Jonas officer took his duties as always since the past weeks and was
about to begin the morning inspection. But, as he was about to start, Sir Jonas appeared in his armor
and came in front of the soldiers. My Soldiers, I know, last weeks I was weak and was not showing you
true leadership. But this disease is over and I am back! All soldiers cheered: Welcome back, Sir! Sir
Jonas began inspecting his soldiers while coughing sometimes. Every time he said: Oh this is nothing,

Ashview outpost eight to four years ago

In the next few years, the influence of the Outpost began to decrease. The Kings son, Thomas,
inherited the crown and focused on his royal guards, who became the most important military unit in the
Capital and its surroundings. Donations to the Ashview outpost were lower and his former prestige
reduced to dust. Also, Sir Jonas grew older in age and its effects were showing. Some of the soldiers
were moved away some of them died because of what they called The Black Jonas. But Sir Jonas
denied everything, it was just a little fever.

Guardhouse, Capital city - three years ago

It has been a while since we last received a report from the Ashview outpost said the Royal guard
Captain Adam to his officer. Send a scout on reconnaissance, Officer, and do it fast! Officer: Yes,

Ashview outpost
When the scout arrived, he could only see disaster. Half of the remaining soldiers were laying dead on
the ground and the rest were walking around, looking for something to eat or too weak to stand, just
sitting on the ground. He swiftly turned away and ran as fast as possible to report what he saw before
someone would notice him.

Guardhouse, Capital city

The Guard captain was sitting in his chair, shocked from what he heard from the scout. No, this cannot
happen! Not to Sir Jonas! He was one of the best, I personally fought with him, he was a brave good
man and a fantastic leader. You, come with me! We will report this to the King immediately!

Kings Chambers, Capital city

The King carefully listened to what Commander Gilbert said. These are terrible news, my father would
be sad if he heard that. The Ashview outpost was a good division, we will miss them. Commander
Gilbert: Miss them, my King? asked the commander. Yes, we will miss them. Unfortunately, I have no
other choice but to burn this village, before plague spreads. Now, begin the preparations to burn the
Ashview outpost.
Yes, my Liege said Gilbert dull, heading for the Guardhouse.

One mile away from the Ashview outpost twenty-three months ago
The Guard captain was sitting on his saddle, looking out for the arrival of the scout. What did you see,
scout? Scout: No one is alive, only corpses on the ground. The outpost is lost. The guard captain
nodded and yelled: Begin the preparations to burn the Outpost!
All the guards began to move. When they reached the outpost, they saw it from far away, full of dead
bodies on the ground and crows feasting on them.
They began to search for highly flammable spots near the wooden houses. After work had been done,
archers prepared fire arrows, including the Commander Gilbert. He was going to fire first. Suddenly a
person in a rusty armor appeared at the entrance of the main tower. A feeble echo spread through the
guards: Sir Jonas. He looked into the eyes of Commander Gilbert who saw, behind the pure insanity in
his eyes, deep sadness and suffering. Gilbert understood his old friend was begging to be released
from this curse.
Goodbye, my dear friend. said Commander Gilbert as he gave him his last respect. Fire ten arrows for
Sir Jonas! was followed by his first shot on the roof of a wooden hut. The archers then shot their
arrows nine more times. Commander Gilbert watched as the first hut caught fire, and the fire jumped on
all the other wooden buildings. In the middle of Hell was standing Sir Jonas, accepting this fire as his
salvation. His soul was finally purged from his poisoned body and he could finally leave peacefully.
Goodbye, Sir Jonas.
Ashview outpost present

For most citizens the Ashview outpost just stands for burning outpost But there is a whole story
behind it and many dedicated their lives to this place... To never forget .

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