The Barking & Dagenham Sentinel

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May 1st 2010

MARGARET HODGE’S election campaign has been rocked by a Sex and Cash scandal!
It seems that the Labour MP’s controversial past has caught up with her - just before electors
go to the polls in Barking.
Hodge became MP for Barking in 1994. Before that she was a councillor in Islington, North London.
She rapidly rose through the ranks to become council leader in 1982. She held this position for ten
During this time she became notorious as a loony leftist - she sported a bust of Lenin and flew th e
red flag over the town hall.
It was also during this time that she was involved in a notorious child sex scandal.
see centre pages
Eve Hodge
Hodge was
was born IN 1968 Margaret Hodge
in Margaret
Cairo, Egypt. was one of thousands of
Oppenheimer on
She anti-war demonstrators
8 was S e pthe
t edaughter
of a multi-millionaire
1944, in Cairo, “HODGE AND "Children should be who protested outside the
Egypt.trader. CRUDDAS voted to allowed an innocent AmericanEmbassyinGrosvenor
sexualise children - childhood."Adult"
no true Christian can activities, especially Square, Central London. Dozens
She was educated
She was the support such moral strange and unnatural of policemen were injured as
at two independent poison” ones - such as
daughter of a far-left students rioted. Sent to die in someone else’s war
refugee- Bromley
multi- Hodge: Third Class degree from the LSE
Rev. Robert West homosexuality - should
not be flaunted before
m i l l i o n a i and
School re consultant for Price president of the Children as young as
privatisation tricks, pro-immigration five or six are now
the young in school Yet Mrs. Hodge dropped her anti- She claims that she believed Blair By her own account Hodge is easy
Oxford High
German steel School Waterhouse (from Asylum and classes. It is deeply
for girls. and his
the scam
1992 under
to 1994). NCCL and went on
being taught about the
d i s t re s s i n g a n d war principles when she voted for when he assured MPs that Iraq to fool even on important issues.
trader which our public to become (In
a High
'joys' of homosexuality
Tribunal. one in our schools. They
worrying to all decent Tony Blair’s illegal Iraq war. posed a danger. “He was our leader Or is the truth that she only decided
She wife.
then went onto services are turned Court judge. parents.
DIVORCED of his rulings - in have been stripped of and I trusted him.” that the war in Iraq was wrong when
the London School into private profit 2007 OFFENDER
- he decided
their right to enjoy the Jon Cruddas and Even worse, she voted against the body count and public anger
After WWII, the SEX innocence of Margaret Hodge are
of Economics. Scentres
he m fora rgreedy
ried that a sex offender demands for a full inquiry. But did she really and truly believe mounted? Is she a fool or a liar? You
family settled in childhood - thanks to not moral leaders.
Here she obtained
London. Andrew Watson
Big Business. in
Very Here
from Sierra he Leone was Labour MPs including They not only both According to the Evening Standard, all that nonsense about Weapons of decide!
a third class BSc 1New
9 6 Labour!
8. They known
w h o a dasm i t tThe ed Jon Cruddas and backed Labour's
Margaret Hodge. she now believes that the 2003 Mass Destruction?
M a r g a degree
r e t divorced in 1978 a s s a u Mr
Hon. l t i n gJustice
11 illegal and
Thisthat same
and Labour
year Both local
unjust war in invasion was wrong. It’s time to stop sending our Boys to
in 1966.
Oppenheimer was women should
Hodge. He later not I r a q ,
b a married
she c k d Henry
o o r MPs joined Let’s be honest. Most people know die in wars that have got nothing to
educated at two b e d e pPresident
became orted hundreds of
After leaving the privatisation
E g a r G a r mania
field because supported Of course, people can – and do – that the Iraq war was more about do with Britain. It’s time to vote out
i n d e p e n School
dent of the it Asylum
would others from
London Hodge (later
is the key Sir
reason s e x change their views over time. But Oil than 9/11 and WMDs. Labour’s war-mongers!
schools - Bromley breach Immigration
and his "right to all the old
of Economics, Henry). He wasofa
for the closure a family life" under m a i n why would a one-time anti-war
High School and Labour borough Tribunal. parties
f o r
she worked in so many hospitals. Article 8 of the EU Primary campaigner vote for war? Why did We all know about the 7/7 revenge
Oxford High councilor in when they
School forresearch
girls. In one of his most
Convention on voted to
Hodge vote for a war that she later bombings in London by Islamic
Margaret married
Islington, North C h i l d re n
from 1966-73. She criticised
Human Rights.) rulings a b o l i s h
claimed she opposed?
London. Watson Section 28, the
and both militants.
was alsowent
She then a senior
onto - in 2007 - he voted against
in 1968. They Child Protection
consultant for Price Section 28.
l s o Margaret Hodge
the London School decided that a sex clause in the Local
Waterhouse from
H e w a sin a1978
of Economics. Chairman of year was elected from
the offender as a Government Act As our Lord Jesus
and that same which used to stop the
Here to 1994.
she obtained National Council c o u n cLeone
Sierra i l l o r who
in promotion of
she married Henry
a third class BSc for Islington,
admitted North
EgarCivil Liberties
homosexuality in “And whosoever shall
While there she was Garfield London, in 1973.
Economics degree and to 11 women should schools. The new law offend one of these
heavily involved in
in 1966. Hodgewent on Sir
(later She rapidly rose they supported has little ones that believe EVEN Margaret involved in what and Dagenham is responsible for the accommodation
become a High not be deported been condemned as
the development Henry). He was through the ranks in me, it is better for Hodge has local people feel the Circle Anglia ‘part buy part rent’ – such as The
of Private Finance
Court judge. because it would
a Labour borough to become council
"the pedophiles' him that a millstone acknowledged is the preferential housing group. The Waterfront housing Vineries in
After leaving the breach his “right to charter" by some were hanged about his
that immigration treatment given to largest partner of development on Dagenham. Locals
London School (PFI)
of councillor
SEX OFFENDER aleaderin in 1982. parents' groups and neck, and he were cast
family life” under religious leaders. is the ‘hot’ subject immigrants in the Circle Anglia is the Abbey Road, at say it’s packed with
Economics, she Islington, North S h e h e l d t h i s into the sea.” (Mark
Article 8 of the 10.42, King James Version). in this election! allocation of social Circle 33 housing which it’s claimed homeless Africans.
worked in market London.
H e r e h e w a s EU position for ten The Rev. Robert West,
housing in Barking. association. (Circle that local people Guess who was
SCAM Convention on spokesman for the No Christian should
research from known as The Hon. years. She became But what is she 33 owns well over have been put at the Chair – and then
He was also Human Rights.) Christian Council of support the anti-
PFI is She
one wasof Mr Justice Hodge. MP for Barking in Britain denounced Christian message of doing to help A major provider of 15,000 homes in and back of the queue. Patron - of Circle
Chairman of the
a l s o main
the a s estealth
nior He later became 1994. Hodge and Cruddas. Hodge and Cruddas." ordinary British social housing and around London). Circle Anglia/ 33? Step forward
working families? short-term property Circle 33 also Margaret Hodge!
She appears to be lettings in Barking Circle Anglia is also runs support
2 3
A LEADING trade Labour Party aim. This IMMIGRATION
union official has asked shocking fact came out UK truly multicultural’.
if Margaret Hodge was Mr. Neather admitted
aware of plans to flood that mass immigration Adam Walker told the Sentinel:-
Britain and the labour “didn’t just happen:
market with immigrants. the deliberate policy of “It didn’t seem to occur to the
Ministers from late 2000 New Labour plotters to ask what
Mr. Adam Walker, … was to open up the UK the social, economic or cultural
the President of to mass immigration”. implications – or results – might
Solidarity Trade Union - be. It would have been obvious
MARGARET HODGE has seen her election that poor, working-class areas
www.solidaritytrade He confirmed that – in
campaign rocked by Sex and Cash scandals. 2000 - he helped to write would be the worst affected by this – said:
Her controversial past has well and truly a Government policy policy. Barking and Dagenham
caught up with her. “For years, ordinary document. is a shocking example.
British working folk in October last year when
The Sentinel is not going to tell you who to have believed that the Mr. Andrew Neather (a Mr. Neather also noted OBSESSED
vote for. However, we’re asking you to think Labour Party was the spin doctor for Labour that this policy document
long and hard about Margaret Hodge. party for them. It was a bosses Tony Blair, ‘included a driving “New Labour still seems to be
‘socialist’ party – a party David Blunkett and Jack political purpose: that obsessed with multiculturalism
Is she the right person to represent you? Does for ‘the working class.’ Straw) admitted that mass immigration was the and social engineering. The
she deserve your vote? Are other alternative They’ve held their noses mass immigration was a way that the Government ignore the worries of the people
candidates like the anti-racist Left Green or the and voted for the likes deliberate Labour policy. was going to make the who traditionally vote them into
Christian Party more deserving of your vote? of Margaret Hodge to office.
represent their interests.
She’s a multi-millionaire Socialist. Her “Margaret Hodge is only making
family money comes from her late father – the “However, it’s been concerned noises now because
German steel trader, Hans Oppenheimer. Two clear for a long time that she knows that immigration is
years ago the family wealth was estimated to Labour has been working the issue in this election. Is she
be around £178 million. to another agenda. New really worried about the impact
Labour has lost all of immigration – or just keeping
interest in the British her job?
Once you’ve read about these Child Sex and
Cash scandals you’ll be able to make up your working people. They’ve
mind about Mrs. Hodge. actively promoted mass
immigration and stabbed
Just read the facts. Picture what it was like to ordinary workers in
be one of those abused children. Imagine what the back. Not just with
it’s like to be a millionaire fifty times over – privatisation and cuts,
but also immigration”
yet still have the cheek to make tax-payers buy
your carrier bags and biscuits!
Mr. Walker was
responding to the fact
Then just ask yourself one question – are you
that encouraging mass
happy that she represents you? immigration was a key

HODGE submitted this receipt for YOU to pay!

“IN 2004, Privacy our hard-won civil liberties. declaring, “some may call it and tastes, including support • voted to force us all to carry Margaret Hodge MP Here’s just one of the Not just paying for the garden plants? Hodge
International, a civil liberties the ‘nanny state’, but I call it for the smoking ban. ID cards – the richest woman huge wodge of receipts offices and staff that all
claimed for invoices
campaign group based in NANNY STATE a force for good”. in Parliament with a used by Hodge to MPs and MEPs need to from Homebase on 8th
London, awarded Margaret Of course, Margaret Hodge She:- Kevin Scott of the campaign
Hodge the ‘Big Brother’ In 2004, she strongly would be ‘Super Nanny’ in • opposed making the group Civil Liberty said:
£50 million personal claim a small fortune do their jobs, but buyingNovember 2005. You
Award for “Worst Public defended the idea of that State! Freedom of Information Act fortune makes from taxpayers every things like toilet rolls paid for her Pansies,
Servant” after she backed greater state regulation stronger “From ID cards to the rights YOU pay for her year in Parliament. and biscuits! Lavender and Thyme.
controversial government of individuals’ choices AGAINST FREEDOM • voted to limit your rights of suspects, Hodge has voted organic coffee She gobbled up It’s not a sweet smell –
measures that trespassed and supported more state to judicial review against freedom time and
and biscuits, £133,255 in expenses How do you feel about in fact it stinks!
upon personal privacy, added interference in family life, She has also strongly backed • voted against allowing time again”
to the power of database particularly in the way we the power of the state to legitimate protest outside and even a 25p in the year 2007-2008 being made to pay for
state and helped undermine bring up our children, by regulate our personal choices Parliament carrier bag. alone. a multi-millionaire’s
4 5
MARGARET HODGE’S election campaign has been rocked
by Sex and Expenses scandals! Her controversial past has
MR. ADAM WALKER, the President of Solidarity Trade Union has
caught up with her just before electors go to the polls in attacked Barking MP Margaret Hodge, for her part in the Islington sex
A trade union leader has sexual abuse. Hodge was 1979, but no other children dared LEGAL ACTION Barking. abuse scandal.
joined the chorus condemning Leader of Islington Council to talk. The case was dropped.
Margaret Hodge, for her part from 1982 till 1992. Islington Council was off the But Hodge’s comments so In particular, he singled out her treatment of Mr. Demetrious Panton, as
Before Hodge became MP for Barking she was a councillor “outrageous” and questioned her suitability as an MP.
in the Islington sex abuse hook. In 1985 Demetrious - just enraged Mr. Panton that he
scandal. ABUSED turned 18 - wrote to Islington brought a legal action against in Islington, North London. By 1982 she was council leader Hodge, was born in Egypt as Margaret Oppenheimer, the daughter of a
Social Services. This time he her. In late 2003 she agreed to millionaire steel trader.
Adam Walker, President of the Among the many children wanted to go to the police with fork out £20,000.
– a position she held for ten years.
Solidarity union is particularly abused was Demetrious Panton. the backing of the council. Her family later settled in London.
critical of her treatment of In 1978, Mr. Panton was just At the time it was seen as a move In 1973 she was elected as a Hodge was leader of the council.
Mr. Demetrious Panton, as 11 when he was abused by Despite the seriousness of Mr. to save her job – of all things, as
During her time as leader of Islington that she became councillor in the London Borough She should have ensured that
of Islington. action was taken. She should have
“outrageous” and questions her paedophile Bernie Bain, the Panton’s claims, Hodge twice Labour’s Children’s Minister. involved in a child sex abuse scandal that rocked the borough. done everything possible to protect
suitability as an MP as a result former head of an Islington rebuffed approaches from him From the 70s – 90s, many children the children
children’s home. to discuss the sexual abuse he So on 17th November 2003, Adam Walker
In 1990 senior social workers raised serious concerns about who were in Islington council care
From the 70s – 90s, many suffered. Margaret Hodge, after suffered serious sexual abuse. Hodge
children who were in Islington Demetrious Panton first made consultation with her and Mr. the sexual abuse of children in Islington Council Care. was Leader of the Council from 1982 till 1992.
council care suffered serious allegations against Mr. Bain in She wrongly labelled Mr. Panton’s solicitors, said:
Panton “an extremely disturbed ABUSED
person”. Her comments were to “I can now confirm that we have But Hodge declined a request for extra resources to
One of those who were abused was Demetrious Panton. In 1978, Mr. Panton
get her in hot water. agreed the following: investigate. She ignored the views of these experienced was just 11 when he was abused by paedophile Bernie Bain, the former
these front-line workers. Hodge went on to declare that head of an Islington children's home.
“Hodge smeared an innocent Solidarity’s President notes that One, a statement in court will
this wasn’t a view shared by be made shortly reiterating the "Sexual abuse does not exist in Islington." Demetrious Panton first made allegations against Mr. Bain in 1979, but no
victim of sexual abuse Detective Superintendent John apology made on 14 November. other children would talk. The case was dropped. Islington Council was
off the hook. In 1985 Demetrious - just turned 18 - wrote to Islington Social
Sweeney. Two, I will make a donation of
as mentally disturbed. £10,000 to NACRO. Three, I
Unfortunately it did exist. And some of the victims of that Services. This time he wanted to go to the police with the backing of the
He was the man tasked with have agreed to pay Mr Panton’s abuse were as young as nine.
How heartless is that?” launching a full and thorough legal costs.”
Instead Nu Labour stuck two fingers
Despite the seriousness of Mr.
investigation into the allegations. Panton’s claims, Hodge twice
Indeed, DS Sweeney found Mr. At the time it was suggested that This Barking & Dagenham Sentinel special centre page up to the ordinary working folk of
Britain. Incredibly, they made Hodge
rebuffed approaches from him to
Panton “to be very articulate the legal costs to be paid by Mrs feature tells the horrific story of how Hodge failed those the first ever Minister for Children discuss the sexual abuse he suffered.
and very measured”. Hodge were going to be more Young People & Families, where she
than £20,000. For the fabulously
children. served between 2003 and 2005 She wrongly labelled Mr. Panton
Adam Walker "an extremely disturbed person".
rich Hodge, this seemed to be Her comments were to get her in hot
a small price to pay. Turn to page 8 to see how Hodge is implicated in the expenses water.
scandal which rocked Westminster last year. The Solidarity President noted that this wasn’t a view shared by Detective
Superintendent John Sweeney.
He was the man tasked with launching a full and thorough investigation into
the allegations. Indeed, DS Sweeney found Mr. Panton “to be very articulate
and very measured”.
FOR YEARS Margaret Hodge which was called by Hodge. At proved that she was told about According to the Standard, some To this day, Hodge has never
has argued that she was the time she was council leader. it two and a half years earlier. of the abused children included: come clean about her part in the LEGAL ACTION
“misled” about the serious “Demetrious Panton, 35, suffered Islington sex scandal.
sexual abuse that went on in AGENDA This memo was on the council his abuse at Elwood Street.
These comments so enraged Mr. Panton that he sought legal action against
Hodge. In late 2003 she agreed to fork out £20,000.
Islington. However, the leader's letterhead. In it Hodge Douglas and Michael Fitch, 28 Why did she deny any
Barking & Dagenham Sentinel Hodge actually set the agenda rebuked Mr. Cofie for requesting and 35, were abused while in At the time it was seen as a move to save her job – of all things, as Labour’s
knowledge of the abuse? Why
can reveal that she was briefed on how children who reported extra staff to investigate “sexual Islington's care at Shepall Manor children’s minister.
on the matter – and did sexual abuse should be handled abuse among eight to 16-year- Special School in Stevenage. Ann didn’t she act? And, when the
nothing. by social workers old children”. Hodge also Belcher, 28, was preyed on at 80 abuse came to light, why did she So on 17th November 2003, Margaret
reminded him that the budget Highbury New Park, and Liam attack the social workers who Hodge, after consultation with her
Indeed, she failed to confront Despite all of their concerns, she was overspent. Lucas, 26, was sodomised as a reported the abuse? and Mr. Panton’s solicitors, said: After paying the £20,000, Hodge
one of Britain's worst child abuse told them: “Sexual abuse does nine-year-old at Grosvenor should have done the decent
scandals when she was leader of not exist in Islington.” EXPLOITATION Avenue. As well as attacking the social "I can now confirm that we have thing and have resigned.
Islington council. workers, s he cal l ed t he agreed the following: Adam Walker
However, sexual abuse did exist The newspaper investigation also Today, the horrific goings-on at Standard’s investigation “gutter
Hodge was told by Senior Social in Islington. And Hodge had unearthed another document. Gisburne House, yet another One, a statement in court will be
journalism”. And when she made shortly reiterating the apology
Workers that children - some as known about it - but did nothing. Produced by Islington social Islington controlled home, is
heard that the BBC were looking made on 14 November. Two, I will make a donation of £10,000 to NACRO.
young as nine - were being workers – and dated April 1990 added to this list of shame. Three, I have agreed to pay Mr Panton’s legal costs."
sexually abused in Islington. The truth only came to light it warned Hodge that “14 Yvonne Williams, 40, was in care into Demetrious Panton’s claims
during an investigation by the children” - some as young as at Gisburne from the age of 10 she called him “an extremely
At the time it was suggested that the legal costs to be paid by Mrs Hodge
Both David Cofie, his deputy, London Evening Standard. nine - were “at risk of sexual to 17, where she was abused by disturbed person”. As our article were going to be more than £20,000. For the fabulously rich Hodge, this
Liz Davies and other social This investigation uncovered a exploitation”. the home's superintendent, (right) notes, her comments were seemed to be a small price to pay for her transgressions.
workers attended a meeting memo, dated April 1990, which G e o f f re y Wy l d e - J o n e s . ” to get her into hot water.
and more expenses fiddling
Dozens of MPs were found MPs willtoget
amount compared whattheir collars– have
Jim Devine felt!already
to be fiddling the books by some MPs were fiddling. appeared in court. They
WE’RE ALL forangry
to hear from
about However,
Because it doesn’t
all the parties hadmatter
MPs his extensive experience in the HODGE
H O D Gwas E unpopularwas controlling
the expenses the council”.
scandal did and quoted
shows Cllr in
them Denyer at
a very
have been charged with unpopular
as a Council as aleader
in not add to the tally of her length:
poor light.
MPs fiddling
trouser their expenses.
presses, And
pouffes, with their
if the snoutswas
figure in the
£2 trough,
or £2 Metropolitan Police to compile the leader in Islington Asadmirers,
one bloggerand commented:-
she was
claiming a combined total Islington among Labour
moats, furious to learnand
that they all agreed
Million. behindare
Rules the scenes
rules. files of evidence and the formal amongstwho some Labour widely disliked, seen as “And the factthe
“Exactly they havething
same used
activists accused her “Hodge’s performance in
the three Labour MPs - Elliot
houses. to say the
And nothing
MPsagainst each other,
shouldn’t have o f a l m othat
complaints s t kicked
£ 6 0 , 0off
0 0 thein activists who
of being domineering andaccused an Islington millionairess myhas disability
happenedas an excuse
to Fredto
Morley, David Chaytor and Jim in the hopethem.
that all of their crooks entire her of being thewho expenses
rarely scandal
visited thedid
broken Any alleged f r a upolice
d u l einvestigation.
nt expenses. dictatorial.
domineering and notconstituency.”
add to the tally of her
Barns who
de-select has been
me shows themanin
Devine -Hodge
who havehasalready been would a excellent
very poor light.Thames Ward
And been theft get off free. of taxpayers
or misuse dictatorial. In Barking
In admirers, and she was councillor.
hauled up of
accused at spending
Southwark £2000
Crown money should be In addition, his complaints to the a nBarking
d D a and g e nDagenham
ham a “To cut
widely a long
disliked, story
seen as “Exactly the same thing has
Court are getting full Legal Aid, This Barking
Parliamentary & Dagenham
authorities forced anumber
number of of prominent
top Labour short, Hodge had long
for “PR Support”. This is investigated. councillors
councillorshave have been de-
been anago Islington
fallen millionairess
out with a “They aretogetting
happened Fred rid of
despite all being extremely them to deal with
Sentinel other MPs.
special These
feature who rarely part visitedof her
the ward
who hascouncillors who
been an excellent
against the rules. de-selected,
selected, including
including Val substantial
wealthy men. Together they are included
l o o k s the
a t Conservative’s
w h a t H o dMr
ge Va l Rcabinet
Rush, u s h , c amember
binet constituency.”
CLP, and her supporters have served their
Thames Ward councillor. party
accused of swindling taxpayers
Three Labour MPs - Elliot & Mrs Winterton and Labour’s m e m b e r f o r the swung into action earlier and their community
We for the environment,
out ofknow
£60,000.that’s a small Morley, David Chaytor and claimed
Harry Cohen,for.
who lost the ‘right’ e n v iplanning
and r o n m e nchair
t , aJohn
nd “Tothiscut a long
year, story short,
identifying and well. are getting rid of
planning chair John Hodge had long dissidents.
marginalising ago fallen ward councillors who have
to a ‘golden goodbye’ of £60,000 Denyer. “In their
Denyer. outAswiththis included
a substantial part ofa served theirhaste
On top of that, twelve MPs, Labour in taxpayers’ money as a direct number of local
her CLP, and her supporters Labour things the
community well. Labour Party
More and more
The Labour decent
Left paper councillors, it ledearlier
to the has lost a lot of
and Tory alike, have now been result. swung into action
TribuneLabour councillors
stated:- deselection of several experience.
“In their haste to change
forcedCONTROVERSY repay have to tighten minister. Chilli and Spice of the British Labour Party
to stand down or workers are being replaced by this year, identifying and

“An Islington
sitting councillors” things the Labour Party has
over the MPs gains.
their ill-gotten expenses
Whiletheir belts, MPs seem to was paid the money
it was The for were patriotic
Metropolitan Police socialists.
are now ”Asked what linked the
outsiders. marginalising dissidents.
“I athink
scandal has reignited that
just exposed lost lot of this will come
the Daily Telegraph be spending money like
Fortunately this four
itscosy months
stitch-up wasPRworking
work. on I’m talking
evidenceabout people
files on councillors together, one AsSeveral
this included
of thea purged
number back to bite them.” told

the wholethe election.expenses
Westminster going out of fashion.”
broken by retired police officer another half likeaKeir Hardie
dozen Labourandand
Bob activist
Even thesaid:
Labour Left paper
“They’re all ofclocal
o u nLabour
c i l l o rcouncillors,
s have “It hthink
e PthisO Swill
T: come
“ I fback
scandal, nothing would have MichaelBarnbrook.,Hodge claimed that
BNPcandidate ToryCoull
MPs Blatchford. They must
that Mr. Barnbrook be
has people was
Tribune whoshocked:-
didn’t like it announced that they will
led to the deselection of disappointed and
to bite them.” told the POST: let
Margaret”. Another several sitting councillors”s
b e s t a n d i n g a
And one trade union The tradeinunion
the man said was paid for "articles,
passed to spinning in recently.
their graves “Idown by the Labour
who rarely
happened if formal complaints Dagenham parliamentary them more declared:
“Asked what“Shelinkedis the
a Independent candidates feel disappointed and let
had nothas again
been spoken that he couldn’t
made. understand
election. Mr Barnbrook a n d s p e e c h when they see how their
re p o r t s used control freak and
councillors together, oneshe in the local
Several of elections.
the purged The Party.”
down by the Labour Party.”
out against Margaret why Hodge had hired her writing". However, socialist ideals have been wants totalsaid:control…
“They’reI Barking have & Dagenham

visited the
activist councillors announced Even former
former colleagues
Hodge, Labour MP for former press officer for receipts from Chilli and distorted by MPs like can see the BNP Post reported on the split
Even colleagues
Barking. ‘PR’ support. Spice submitted to the
all people the
controlling who didn’t
council”. andthey
quoted willCllrbeDenyer
standingat think Hodge
think Hodge is a Littleis a Little
He has criticized her CONTRAVENTION
Commons fees office by
Mrs Hodge specify that

He expressed outrage that

like Margaret”. Another
A s o n“She
e bis laocontrol
and she wants total
Independent candidates
in the local elections. The
”And the&fact Dagenhamthey have
s o c i a l
s k
and question her social skills
i l l
and leadership. Many say
leadership ability. Many
Union man slams Hodge
expenses, accused her of
betraying the founders of
This was in direct
on expenses they provided "PR
half of all MPs have been
ordered to pay back more
control… I can see the BNP
“Hodge’s performance in
Post reported on theassplit
used my disability
excuse to de-select me
she treats people like dirt.
say she treats people like
the Labour Hodge
Margaret Party andbroke
has contravention
cover of House
up her breach of
of the furious response from the bethan £1million
ashamed in dodgy
of herself and
questioned her socialism.
House of Commons rules Commons
rules. She rules.
claimedThesethat Mr. Walkerof
President saidSolidarity
that many expense
the actions claims.
of her fellow Mr.
He also contrasted the
by hiring her former press
state that MPs are barred
people would be Walker also pointed out Labour’s Favourite Lays Off Brits
lives of ordinary working fromcompany
claiming was paid
expenses trade
astonished union, Adam
that Hodge MPs,
that threeincluding
of Mrs. Hodge’s Mr.
olk w toi tprovide
h t h a Public
t of for “articles, reports
for "self-promotion and
or PR" Walker:
could abuse the system of Cruddas. At a time
fellow Labour MPswhenhave
u n a c c oadvice.
u n t a bShe
le speech writing.”
for individuals But the
or political parliamentary allowances: working
been chargedclass with
false LIAM
You can’tSMITH the missed
have leader region, and
values andare favourites
live the same to home inhave
Alstom Islington!
a truly shocking
politicians” like Hodge. parties. from Chilli and “Margaret Hodge has accounting over their
their theBarking
of signs onandbuilding
Dagenham site win the
lives £350do”.
as they Million B&D record for laying off British
made the taxpayer fork receipts are having to tighten hoardings for Bouygues. Schools contract. workers and importing cheap
“The rulesthe stateideals of expenses council needs to take care.
that MPs In his defence we should say
out £2,000 to Chelmsford- Spice she submitted as belts, seem to be He foreign labour to drive down
Mr. Adam Walker is the Hodge – who featured in socialism
can’t claim andfor
the founders
PR – yet The has made construction
French statements Liam
They left
wereschool at 15on
also odds withto that Liam wisely made no
based PR company
President Chilli
of Solidarity proof of her Telegraph’s
the Daily expenses set spending
“These money like it’s
are so-called to the has
locala press
very which no qualifications and lives
ofHodge has done
the good this!”
old Labour giant close get the Labour government’s comment about MPs. He
and Spice.
Trade Union. ButSolidarity
MPs are out that they
expose of MPswereexpenses
for “PR going out ofMPs.
‘socialist’ fashion.”
Yet they some have taken to
relationship with B&D’s be an in a council
Super Prisonhousecontract
in the They’ve
didn’tit comment
at the power
Party. It’s disgusting to implied criticism
Labour council. So close, of buntil
o r o uLabour
g h . Hrealised
e t h i njust
ks station site on the Isle of
banned from
describes itself asclaiming
‘a free, support.”
– claimed over £2000 for BETRAYED are almost on a par with whether millionaire Hodge
autonomous Nationalist “PR Support” from a see so-called ‘socialist’ “Meanwhile,
the greedy bankersalreadyand fat that
Barking Bouygues
MP Margaret have how many votes
Councillors shouldit would
have Grain, and at the Olympics
expenses “for self- opened an office in the cost them and organised shared
site, the same
where life as her
it’s unusual to
trade union’. The facts called
company are very simple:
Chilli and MPs
In a behaving
wide ranging like greedy
attack hard-up communities
cats. They all seem to face
be Hodge. things in common with
promotion or PR.” borough, and it’s rare for athose
‘campaign’ against
they represent. their constituents. He
hear anyone even speaking was
The rules insist that MPs on Mrs.
bankers Hodge,
or PFI the
fat cats. tying to
savage outdo
cuts, andeach other
working a PFI contract around own plan. English.
speaking only of
p e a kmore
i n g sleazy,
a b o u t Chilli
the Solidarity President also in who He told the East London
can’t use taxpayers’ They all seem to be trying people arecan
beingrake in the
taxed to here to go to anyone else.
Enquirer that one reason Sadly course,
his sensiblesome
comments councillors! Perhaps he will
expenses scandal he said: Chilli and Spice is based reiterated his claim that most. Of big Why is the Labour Party
and Spice run by Hodge’s money for their
in Chelmsford, Public
Essex. It toshe
outdo each other in who
had “betrayed the
death. Is it fair? Is it just? the ‘far-right’ (he means the provoked has
company finger-pointing
to get this avoid the
giving so fate
much of those
moneywho to
former government
“Margaret Hodge shouldpress Relations costs, but Mrs.
is run by Ms. Janet Coull. can rake in of
founders thethemost”.
Labour OfAtcourse
the samenot,time
isn’t it Bouygues
British got Party)
National the was
£17 work. But we have to ask –
towards the millionaire ahave riled ‘Enver’
foreign company Hodge.
Million support
contractis thatfor why Bouygues? treats British workers so
be ashamed Most damaging
of herself and Hodge
She washas done
a press exactly
officer for Party.” allBritish
so very New Labour?
working folks have gaining Hodge. A cloud of suspicion
the actions of her tried
fellow Hodge when thebrought
MP wasa “Margaret Hodge should to get by on very little. Is
Heathway don’t
“residents Library, have
feel local and anger was said to be shabbily?
Just watch your words
of all, Mrs Hodge to that. This news built two PFI schools in the
councillors share the same
They and their subsidiary
gathering over her lovely Liam!
MPs. At a time when a junior employment “In my view, the founders that fair? Is that just?” 9
Labour MP for now deeply regret
T O S AY t h a t Dagenham, got the voting the way I did.
Margaret Hodge is not WHAT IS IT probably worth do you think that
biggest issue of the If I knew then what I
stuck for a bob or two last decade wrong - know now, I would
would be the about Barking and around £180,000 Cruddas has been he voted for the have voted
understatement of the Dagenham that by now. claiming his second- disastrous war in differently, and I hold
year! the Labour Party home expenses on? Iraq. He now says my hands up on that
treats us with such It’s only about that it was a one."
It’s hard to put a precise contempt? 13 miles from Yes, you’ve "mistake" and a
figure on what she’s Westminster. And guessed it – the flat "wrong decision". Of course saying this
worth. It’s been said Barking has as thousands of in Notting Hill! will not bring one
that that she owns assets Cruddas says:-
to suffer with commuters know, British serviceman or
and shares worth tens of
millions of pounds. Margaret ‘Loads the centre of London Cruddas has innocent Iraqi
"I voted with the
of Money’ Hodge. is not exactly in hovered up more civilian back to life.
Government for the
What we do know for And Dagenham is Outer Space. It’s notthan £86,000 His self-serving
war. We were asked
sure, however, is that stuck with Jon ‘Two that hard to get to. in the so-called to vote for the Iraq
excuses now do
she’ll hardly need to go Homes’ Cruddas! Additional Costs war on the basis of
nothing for those
to the Credit Union for His other home is Allowance (ACA) WMDs and to bring
who have suffered or
a loan. (Although, for died as a result of his
This issue of an upmarket flat since 2004. democracy to a
some strange reason, vote and the vote of
she still submitted the Barking and in a Notting Hill country used to
dictatorship. Clearly the other
Expenses to Parliament Dagenham Sentinel mansion-block. Thousands of
t h e p re m i s e o n warmongers. Their
for organic coffee and takes a good hard families in Barking
WMDs was wrong, blood is on his hands.
biscuits, a 25p carrier look at Hodge. And He lives just and Dagenham He can't wash it off
bag and garden plants as we haven't found
you can’t blame us around the corner have to live in so easily.
like Pansies, Lavender any, and at the
for that – her record from mega-rich private rent slums, moment there is a
and Tyme.) is truly awful. Tory leader, David but Cruddas rakes
itself as “the world’s probably due to the class families have to bloody conflict rather Remember too that
Her father was the largest independent global economic Cameron. in a fortune in than a stable he still supports the
tighten their belts,
multi-millionaire steel trader.” downturn.) However, Cruddas Cruddas bought his equity and tax democracy. Its turns occupation of
survive on the minimum
German steel trader, deserves a mention Notting Hill flat in hand-outs. out the case for war Afghanistan - what
Hans Oppenheimer. Stemcor ’s services And if Stemcor is doing wage or try to get by on as well. 2004. It cost him was flawed, and I has he learnt?
“span every step in the well, so is Hodge. The the dole and benefits. He’s another MP £375,000. Flats in
When he died in 1985, steel supply chain and firm is now the third who’s been caught the area are now
his 50% stake in the include finance, wealthiest private Meanwhile, Hodge is up in the Expenses worth nearly a
company passed to his p ro v i s i o n o f r a w company in the whole living the high life.
four daughters – one of materials, steel trading, of the UK. In 2008, The scandal. £Million.
She’s probably the
whom is Margaret distribution and Sunday Times valued
Hodge - and his son, stockholding.” Hodge’s family wealth richest woman in While we have a Trendy Notting
Ralph Oppenheimer. By at a cool £178 million. Parliament. housing waiting Hill is just
last year, Hodge and her Stemcor seems to be list of more than four miles
family owned 71% of doing ok. It has an We at the Barking and Hodge is supposed to 10,000, Cruddas from the
the company. The annual turnover in 2008 Dagenham Sentinel are be a Socialist but she has TWO homes. Commons.
family firm in which she of more than £6.28 not opposed people
holds a large stake is billion. (Turnover having money. has zero in common One is in
called Stemcor exceeded £3.5 billion in with decent working Dagenham. He Now, what
Holdings. It describes 2009 – the drop But ordinary working people. bought it in 2002 property
for £105,000. It’s
Promoted, published and printed by Sentinel Publications Ltd, Room 407, 12 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1DD. (100% T.U.)

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