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Manas Varma

1427 Dandelion Way Petaluma, California 94954


Manas Varma
I am applying for the position of general surgeon at Stanford Hospital.

I will fit this position well as my experience and knowledge have been developed through many vigorous programs
throughout my schooling and the internships I have taken.

Surgeon Assistant/Residency, Stanford Hospital
Stanford, California 2013-2016
This job allowed me to get a closer look at the life and daily occurrences as I worked alongside Dr. Martin Bronk. I was
able to experience his work in the field, and assist him through my residency.
Assisted in a kidney transplant.
Reached #1 in all other surgical residents.
Assisted in a pancreatic transplant.

Assistant, Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices-Petaluma

Petaluma, California 2009-2013
This job allowed to me to get closer to patients as I was allowed to shadow a doctor as they went about their daily
business. Here I also learned other facets or this job, such as the paperwork, and patient contact.
Diagnosed a patient for his cardiomyopathy.
Filed medical records.
Offered a permanent position after my residency.

Pre-Med volunteer, Petaluma Valley Hospital

Petaluma, California 2008-2009
As a volunteer here, I helped do many jobs around the hospital, and was given the opportunity to observe the doctors in
all fields.

1427 Dandelion Way Petaluma, California 94954


Manas Varma
Manas Varma
Ms. Gardner
English 10H, period 4
26 February, 2016

I-Search Reflection
Throughout my life, science has always been my forte. I have been captivated by the complexity of the
human body, and hope to be able to go into a field relating to this. Through this project, I was able to research all
the positions that would be viable for me, and I finally decided on a general or transplant surgeon. It seemed like
the dream job for me, as it combined many of my interests and skills.
Because I had researched this many times before, none of the information came as too much of a surprise
to me, but I was able to look into many other extensions and specialities in this career path. For example, I saw
that neurology and anesthesiology were similar to general surgery. This expanded my school of thought, and
didnt allow for me to limit myself to only what I knew. Even though I know that the schooling process was
rigorous, the prospect of 9+ years of education after high school is daunting, but also strangely exciting at the
same time. What I learned through researching many medical schools was that if the school has a hospital on
campus, they will allow you to do your residency there. This is very important as it allows you to maintain
connections with other people through your entire process to become a medical professional. This is why I would
chose Stanford University for my undergraduate degree, my medical degree, and also my residency. By doing
1427 Dandelion
Way Petaluma,
this, I would be able to maintain connections
with people
the 4 94954
years of undergraduate school, 4 years

Manas Varma

1427 Dandelion Way Petaluma, California 94954


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