Narvik Readme

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ADC2 module for

Assault on Narvik
This module will only work in HPS Simulations Aide de Camp 2. Ownership of both
games is required to use this module.
Published by Against the Odd Magazine, 2005
Designed by Andrew Mulholland
ADC2 published by HPS Simulations
Module creators: Dave Jones -
Getting Started
Copy the folder and all included files into your ADC2 directory. It is suggested that the
folder be kept in ADC2's 'Game Sets' folder. You must know how to use the ADC2
program, and own a copy of Assault on Narvik. The module takes up about 10Mbs of
storage space.
Make sure that you are your ADC2 program is the most current version available. Updates
may be obtained from or by calling HPS directly. This module was
created with Version 2.15.
The Map
The map is identical to the map provided in the game. invisible terrain has been defined;
i.e., if you hold your cursor above a hex, the primary and secondary terrain will be
displayed in the bottom window.
The counters are reproduced exactly as they exist in the game.
There are two piece values:
1. Fatigued? (Yes/No) - For infantry units only
2. Interdict Used? (Yes/No) - For artillery units only
3. Damaged? (Yes/No) For naval units only; players may either use the damaged
markers or this piece value to track damaged.
Class Names and Values
Additionally ground and naval units have the following class values set as class data.

Ground Units
Combat Strength
Movement Allowance
Stacking Value

Naval Units
Bombardment Strength
Bombardment Range

All markers begin with Mkr in their class name. This helps players find the class names
should new pieces be needed.
Flip Definitions
All units flip as they do in the actual game; this means only the naval units flip to Interdict
Complete side
There is no facing in the actual game nor in ADC.
A stack symbol has been created for 2 or more units in a hex.
Defined pools include eliminated units, markers and reinforcements. All of these are very
intuitive and should need no explanation.
Two OPS files are included:
1) Assault on Narvik Game
2) Sample Game
Info Pages & Status Dots
No info pages are defined; however, status dots have 2 important roles.
1) When a units Piece Value #1 Fatigued? is toggled to Yes, a large red dot will
appear on the left-center of the counter, and will go away when the value is toggled
back to No. This replaces the system in the game for showing fatigued units.
2) When an artillery unit fires to Interdict enemy units, they can do this only once a
turn. When a units Piece Value #2 Interdict Used? is toggled to Yes, a large
yellow dot will appear on the right-center of the counter, and will go away when the
value is toggled back to No. Players could always track Naval Interdiction this
way, rather than flipping the naval unit.

Hidden Units:
Both players have been assigned hidden unit status. If the player wishes to not to use the
optional Allied concealment rules, go into Edit Player and remove all the hidden unit
checked boxes. If playing solitaire, remove the same for BOTH players.
If you have questions about this ADC2 gameset, please contact Dave Jones
Enjoy the game. Feel free to contact me for comments or errata.
Dave Jones,, soon to be
December 16, 2005

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