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Because of Winn-Dixie by

Kate DiCamillo

Process task 1

Where is the closest Winn-Dixie store near you? ___________________

Write adjectives describing Winn-Dixie, the dog, in the character chart

Process Task 2


What is a Constellation?




In your reading about constellations, you discovered that most constellations tell their own

stories. In the space provided, draw a constellation of your own and write a brief story

about your constellation.







Process: Task 3
Why do you think Franny mistook Winn-Dixie as a bear, based on your research about





Character Chart: Franny

Write Franny’s name in the star, and in each box, write one characteristic you know about

Franny. You can come back and add more characteristics’ that you learn as you read the

Process: Task 4
What is an installment plan?



What is the cost of an average dog collar? ______________

What is the cost of an average dog leash? ______________

What is the total cost of a leash and a collar? ___________

In the space provided below, divide the total cost of the collar and leash into 20 days in

order to make an installment plan for Opal to pay them off:

Process: Task 5

What do you think it means to have a “green thumb?”

What do all plants need in order to grow?





In the space provided below, draw a picture of a plant with all of the

things that it needs in order to grow:

Process: Task 6

What is a pathological fear?



Name some silly sounding pathological fears listed in the Website

provided in your Webquest.

1. 3.

2. 4.

Do you have any pathological fears? (Spiders, thunderstorms, heights,

water, etc..)




Process: Task 7

1. After listening to Miss Franny's story about her great-grandfather, Opal says, "It was

important to me to hear how Littmus survived after losing everything he loved." Why do

you think that was important to Opal? What can we learn about ourselves when we listen

to stories about other people's lives?




2. What did Littmus W. Block do after the war was over and he moved to Florida?

3. What does a Littmus Lozenge taste like?


4. In the story, Frannie compares life to a Littmus Lozenge, because the sweet and sad are often

mixed up together. Do you agree with this point of view? Explain your answer.



Process: Task 8

What are the ingredients of Dump Punch and the cost of each?




What is the cost of bread? _________________

What is the cost of peanut butter? ________________

What is the cost of egg salad? ________________

How much would it cost to host your own dog party? ________________

Who all was invited to the dog party?



If you were to host your own dog party, what kind of food would you make? Who would you

invite? How would you decorate for your dog party?





Process: Task 9

What is the weather like in your town today? _______________________________________

When Winn-Dixie is missing after the thunderstorm, Gloria Dump says to Opal, "There ain't no

way you can hold on to something that wants to go, you understand? You can only love what

you got while you got it." What do you think Gloria means? Do you agree with her thought?

Why or why not?




Have you ever lost a pet that you loved? How did you feel? Were you scared? In the space

provided, write about how you felt, or how you would feel, if you lost a pet that you loved and

how you would feel after you found them, like Opal did:






You have finished the Because of Winn-Dixie


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