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The postural system uses different elements for its functioning:



These sensory entries get information from the environment and transmit them to
the brain:
Temporo mandibular joints (TMJ),
Inner ear,
Somaesthetic sensors.



They inform the brain about what happens within the body: exact position and state
of limbs, muscles, tendons, ligaments or organs linked to the balance system.
These sensors then inform about exosensors positions compared to the



The antagonist of tight muscle will be inhibited through impaired reciprocal

inhibition. Synergist dominance results from sustained inhibition of a muscle that
becomes overactive in an effort to maintain balance throughout the biomechanics of
the system.
Any nervous impulse sent to a muscle inhibits its antagonist muscle.



Herings law of equal innervation is used to explain the conjugacy of saccadic eye
movement in stereoptic animals. The law proposes that conjugacy of saccades is
due to innate connections in which the eye muscles responsible for each eye's
movements are innervated equally.
Any nervous impulse sent to a muscle is identically sent to its agonist muscle.

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.



Gamma motor neurons are in charge of motor innervations of muscular fibers.

They depend on the central nervous system: a stimulation of one of the sensory
entries will lead to a muscular stimulation and then a modification of posture
thanks to an immediate response of the brain.
It is easy then to understand that a proper stimulation, of the plantar sole for
example, modifies the patients posture.
Of course, any organic trouble is to be diagnosed in the first place as we only deal
with functional trouble. When specialists cant diagnose pathology, the general
practitioners label these patients as lame, bow-legged or pour-sighted.
These patients have been classified under the deficient postural syndrome
because this is not a disease. It is then unnecessary to search for any central
nervous trouble. Postural troubles are not of organic origin, the practitioner has to
balance his patient.
When a good, accurate and fine clinical examination is performed, we often note that
a restored postural balance leads to the decrease or disappearance of the
symptoms. If it isnt the case, then an organic pathology could very much exist.
Patients who could benefit from a postural treatment are classified in three
categories. The first and second are the ones who would benefit most from it; the
third category could be dealt with by postural treatment, by osteopathic
manipulation, or medically.
1. Total postural deficiency,
2. Lateralized postural syndrome,
3. Localized postural syndrome.
Clinical evidences will be studied further.

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.


Postural check-up gives the general attitude and bearing of the patient.
There are four exosensors:

Ocular sensors,
Labyrinthic sensor,
Somaesthetic sensors:
a. Cutaneous feet,
b. Cervical spine,
c. Scartissue.

Posture could seem unbalanced at first sight with tiltings of the scapular and pelvic
girdles, abnormal position of head and neck, dynamic or static spinal anomalies,
unbalanced limbs, amyotrophia, functional disability for example, in a frontal or
sagittal plane.
Posture could seem balanced at first sight, not matching the patients complaints.
Well study later how to uncover hidden troubles.
Anamnesis is the main clinical point and should get into details about axial, cephalic,
spinal and appendicular pains. It has to evaluate their psychological impacts too.
Each and every sensor is to be assessed separately and then within the entire
postural system.
We should always remind ourselves every organ, sensor, function etc is part of a
whole, they inter adapt to trouble that could be far-located or with no obvious link
between them.
The corrections of these sensory entries dysfunctions can only be global and the
treatment of a sensor as a precautionary measure is essential.
Well study all those different sensors according to their importance within the
postural system and their disorder frequency

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.

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