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Pilar Castro Esta

Phrasal verbs exercises

Meaning and form of phrasal verbs

1. The meaning of some phrasal verbs is clear:
I picked up the phone.
Many phrasal verbs are idiomatic and you have to learn what they mean:
They turned up unexpectedly.
2. The form of phrasal verbs can vary.
a) Some verbs have two parts: a verb and a) an adverb or b) preposition.
b) Some verbs have three parts: a verb, and adverb and a preposition.
3. When a phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition:

It always has an object

The object (noun or pronoun) always goes after the preposition (the verb and
preposition cant be separated):

I counted on my friends/them. (Two possibilities counting on the pronoun)

4. When a phrasal verb consists of a verb and its adverb:

It doesnt always have an object (Intransitive verb):

They got together every Sunday morning.


The object (when it is a noun) can come before or after the adverb (the verb and
adverb can SOMETIMES be separated):

(Three possibilities counting on the pronoun)

They didnt back Peter up/They didnt back up Peter/ They didnt back him up.

The object (when it is a pronoun) must go between the verb and the adverb:

They backed me up

The object (when it is very long) is usually put after the adverb:

They put off the concert which had already been postponed twice.
In some cases the adverb always comes just after the verb (Boiling water gives off
steam); in other cases the adverb or adjective is always separated from the verb
(Although not completely satisfied, the committee let the report through)
5. When a phrasal verb consists of three parts (a verb, and adverb and a

It always has an object.

The object (noun or pronoun) always goes after the phrasal verb (the three parts
cant be separated):

(Two possibilities counting on the pronoun)

I came up against some problems.

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas


M. Pilar Castro Esta

Phrasal verbs exercises

Phrasal verb exercises.

In how many different can you say the following sentences?

1. I cant give up chocolate no matter how hard I try.
2. He was so angry he broke up the sculpture into small pieces.
3. The girl went over her work several times before she was satisfied.
4. Weve run out of biscuits-could you fetch some more?
5. I could tell from his expression that hed made up the excuse.
6. I cant put up with that noise any longer.
7. I looked after the children while their mother was busy.
8. Dont forget to put on the lights when you leave.
9. With her dark eyes and hair, she takes after her father.
10. That shop puts up its prices every month.
11. They didnt back up Donna when she was in trouble.
12. They called off the concert.
13. I gave in my homework on time.
14. I wont give in until they pay me what they owned me.
15. She picked up the book.
16. She went up the stairs.
17. They wanted to throw me out.
18. I always got on with the other members of the group.
19. Theyre not going to get away with it.
20. I put up with this for a while.
21. I counted on them
22. They went over their plans
23. I really cared about them.
24. The rest of the group cared about Mary.

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas


M. Pilar Castro Esta

Phrasal verbs exercises

1- 3 possibilities. (verb+ adv.+ object)
2- 3 possibilities. (verb+ adv.+ object)
3- 2 possibilities. (verb +prep+ object)
4- 2 possibilities. (verb+ adv. + preposition + object)
5- 3 possibilities. (verb+ adv.+ object)
6- 2 possibilities. (verb+ adv. + prep+ object)
7- 2 possibilities. (verb+ prep+ object)
8- 3 possibilities. (verb+ adv.+ object)
9- 2 possibilities. (verb+ prep+ object)
10- 3 possibilities. (verb+ adv.+ object)
11- 3 possibilities backed her up/ backed Donna up/ backed up Donna. (Verb +
adverb +object)
12- 3 possibilities. Called off the concert/ called the concert off/ called it off.
(Verb+ adverb +object)
13- 3 possibilities. Gave it in (Verb+ adverb+ object) = gave it to the teacher
14- 1 possibility. (no object-same combination different meaning) (Intransitive
verb + adverb +no object=surrender)
15- 3 possibilities. Picked it up/ picked up the book/ picked the book up. (verb+
adverb +object)
16- 1 possibility. (verb + adverb) A linking verb with a complement that refers to
the subject. The complement is an adverbial.
17- 2 possibilities Wanted to throw me out/ wanted to throw Peter out/ wanted to
throw out Peter. (verb + adverb+ complement)
18/19/20- 2 possibilities. (Verb + adverb+ preposition). The object always goes
after the preposition. The three parts cannot be separated.
21-24- 1 only one possibility (Verb + preposition) They always have an object.
The preposition cannot be separated from the verb.

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas


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