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Effective Corporate Governance

Programme aim
Corporate governance is a set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way an
organisation is directed, administered or controlled. Effective corporate governance ensures that
organisations objectives are achieved through the formulation of the right strategies and the performance
management arrangements to ensure their delivery. Effective corporate governance, whether in private or
public sectors, also requires appropriate transparency and scrutiny.
Regulators and external auditors increasingly comment on the standards of corporate governance in terms
of translating the strategic framework (vision, mission and values) into a coherent set of strategic objectives
supported by a business planning environment. The Head of Internal Audit often now has responsibility to
report on corporate governance and this provides a new stimulus to developing the mechanisms of
accountability, responsibility and integrity which is underpinned by positive behaviours, transparency and
openness in decision-making and the introduction of overview and scrutiny arrangements which support this
The aim of this programme is to assist participants to understand and apply the principles of effective
corporate governance and to target and achieve their objectives more effectively. The following key areas of
corporate governance will be explored in depth: governance structures, performance management and risk
What you will learn:
How to apply effective corporate governance when directing and controlling public and private
sector organisations
Put the principles into practice and access relevant examples to draw applicable lessons from
Understand the role of political leadership and boards in establishing and maintaining good
Identify links between corporate governance, risk management and performance management
Implement strong internal controls, checks and balances
Measure quality and performance in relation to monitoring processes to cement accountability
Recognise how organisations without robust corporate governance risk poor performance and
accountability issues
Benefits of attending You will be able to:
Identify attributes of organisations with effective corporate governance, the obstacles to
implementing strong corporate governance measures and where reform might be needed
Appreciate the practical, operational benefits and how the principles can be applied specifically to
your organisation
Apply modern techniques to measure and manage the efficiency and effectiveness of services and
the performance of projects and the delivery of organisational value
Duration: 1 week
Fees: 2,300
24 Aug 28 Aug

+44 (0)20 7470 9100

All materials for open programmes in London are provided on advanced e-readers

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