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MONITOR profiles

phase known to permit ready access to 250–256]. Chronic nicotine administra- medical and biological sciences) can be
enzymes. Following completion of the tion has been shown to reduce neu- included as ‘biological data’. Of course,
synthesis, incubation with a lipase al- ropeptide Y protein levels in the rat DNA, RNA and protein sequence data
lowed enzyme-induced fragmentation hypothalamus [Frankish, H.M. et al. has considerably increased this pool of
that released the library compounds. Brain Res. (1995) 694, 139–146] and to data. It is this sequence data, and its
The quinone methide intermediate (6) increase norepinephrine turnover, a subsequent analysis by bioinformatics,
was conveniently left attached to the measure for sympathetic activity, in that attracts most attention because it
resin beads where it could be trapped brown adipose tissue of obese mice promises a considerable reduction in
by water or another nucleophile. [Yoshida, T. et al. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. both time and cost for drug discovery.
This method has been used for the (1990) 36, 123–130]. All these nicotinic Consequently, trained research and sci-
cleavage under very mild conditions of effects have been correlated with weight entific staff are needed to extract mean-
tetrahydro-b-carbolines, prepared via loss, without affecting food intake. The ing from this complex and growing
the Pictet-Spengler reaction, and pro- nicotine-stimulated sympathetic activity mountain of biomedical and sequence
tected thymidine derivatives. on adipose tissue is also illustrated by its data.
capacity to elevate plasma free fatty
Nick Terrett acids levels [Batt, R.A. and Topping D.L. Aims of training
Discovery Chemistry (1979) Int. J. Obes. 3, 7–13]. The aims of training in bioinformatics
Pfizer Central Research It thus appears that with respect to are to enable the scientist to understand
Sandwich, Kent, UK weight control, nicotine might deliver what bioinformatics can achieve and to
fax: 144 1304 658422 the same effects as both neuropeptide use (or develop) bioinformatics tools ef-
e-mail: nick_terrett@sandwich. Y antagonists and b3-adrenergic agon- fectively. These aims enhance commu- ists. However, nicotine possesses cer- nication and promote effective problem
tain undesired side effects, such as in- solving skills. Communication is particu-
duction of T cell anergy [Sopori, M.L. larly important between a computer sci-
Emerging therapeutic and Kozak, W. J. Neuroimmunol. entist (who designs the computer appli-
targets (1998) 83, 148–156]. More studies are cations) and a biological scientist (who
therefore required to elucidate which needs to extract biologically relevant in-
Molecular targets for specific nAChR subtype(s) are involved formation). Consequently, much of in-
weight control in nicotinic body weight control, so that dustry bioinformatics training is really
Smoking cessation is well known to be subtype-selective nicotinic agonists cross training of existing professionals –
associated with weight gain, which may might be developed for fighting obesity, training computer scientists in biology
be relieved by nicotine patches or possibly alongside neuropeptide Y and biologists in computer science.
gum during the withdrawal period. antagonists and b3-adrenergic agonists.
Activation of nicotinic acetylcholine re- Courses available
ceptors (nAChR) may modulate several David Gurwitz Mainstream bioinformatics courses are
neurotransmitter signalling pathways National Laboratory for the offered mainly for undergraduates and
implicated in the control of body Genetics of Israeli Populations postgraduates at university. Most under-
weight, including leptin, neuropeptide Sackler Faculty of Medicine graduate courses in disciplines such as
Y and biogenic amines. For example, a Tel-Aviv University chemistry, molecular biology, biochem-
recent study demonstrated that serum Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel istry and computer science now offer
leptin concentrations in smokers were fax: 1972 3 640 7611 units in bioinformatics, but very few (as
significantly lower than in non-smokers e-mail: yet) offer a full degree. Some academic
– an association which was indepen- and industry practitioners think it’s ‘too
dent of diabetes status [Hodge, A.M. et early’ for institutions to develop a
al. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord. Bioinformatics full degree course in bioinformatics,
(1997) 21, 50–53]. This suggests that because the science is advancing so
nicotinic signalling may modify the sen- Learning bioinformatics rapidly that it would be difficult for a
sitivity of hypothalamic leptin receptors Bioinformatics is a science that essen- degree course to keep up to date.
and consequently modulate leptin syn- tially uses a combination of computer Presently, it seems that the preferred
thesis, thereby reducing body weight. technology, information science and option for training is through either a
Selective neuropeptide Y antagonists biological knowledge to collect, store, professional (non-degree) course, a
and b3-adrenergic agonists are being retrieve, analyse, relate and model bio- graduate course (i.e. as a ‘unit’ contribut-
developed as weight control drugs [re- logical data. Virtually any fact, concept ing to a higher degree), or a postgradu-
viewed recently by Strader, C.D. et al. or principle concerned with the bio- ate degree such as an MSc or PhD in
Drug Discovery Today (1998) 3, medical sciences (this includes health, bioinformatics. Staff can be trained by

426 Copyright © Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1359-6446/98/$19.00. DDT Vol. 3, No. 9 September 1998
profiles MONITOR
Table 1. Professional and on-line courses in bioinformaticsa

Name or contents of course Location Web address (URL)

(Course notes on Web site?b)

Professional courses
The ANGIS Bioinformatics Course University of Sydney, Australia (Yes)
Bioinformatics with various topics CAOS/CAMM Centre,
(also interactive on line by subscription) University of Nijmegen, teaching.html (Yes)
The Netherlands
The Biocomputing Course Norwegian EMBnet,
University of Oslo, Norway (No)
Bioinformatics Course CyberGene AB, Huddinge, Sweden (No)
Various bioinformatics courses UK HGMP Resource Centre,
Hinxton, UK About/Courses/ (No)
Various bioinformatics courses Graduate School in Computational
(also a graduate course) Biology, Bioinformatics, and Biometry program_spring_1998.html (Yes)
(COMBI) University of Helsinki, Finland
Course in informatics Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
infobio-uk.html (No)
Bioinformatics: Computer Methods International Centre for Genetic (No)
in Molecular Biology Engineering and Biotechnology
(ICGEB), Trieste, Italy
Using Computers for Molecular New York University School of
Biology Medicine, USA syllabus-98.html (Yes)
Bioinformatics Oxford University, UK
biosciences.html (No)
Bioinformatics Karolinska Institute, Huddinge,
Sweden index.html (Yes)
On-line (Web-based)
Bioinformatics Tools Virtual School of Molecular
(professional course) Sciences (VSMS) at the University catalog.html (Yes)
of Nottingham, UK
Molecular Biology Quiz (tutorial) Göteborg University, Sweden (Yes)
Virtual School of Natural Sciences University of Bielefeld, Germany
BioComputing Division (VSNS-BCD) (Yes)
(interactive course)
Protein Sequence Alignment and EBI, Hinxton, UK
Database Scanning (hypertextbook) rev93_1/rev93_1.html (Yes)
Sequence Analysis Harvard University, Cambridge, (Yes)
(tutorial) MA, USA
Representations and Algorithms Stanford University, CA, USA
for Computational Molecular Biology projects/helix/mis214/ (Yes)
(graduate course)
Practical Biocomputing for the University of California, Irvine, USA
Bench Scientist (hypertext notes) hjm/projects/biocomp/biocomp.html (Yes)
A Taste of Bioinformatics University College London, UK
(tutorial and part of a certificate bsm/dbbrowser/c32/ (Yes)
course at UCL)
This list and a list of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate courses can be found at
bCourse notes vary from being brief to very comprehensive. A list of recent courses, workshops and meetings on bioinformatics can be found at

DDT Vol. 3, No. 9 September 1998 427

MONITOR profiles
Table 2. Continuing Professional Development Course in Bioinformatics at the University of Oxforda

Day Theory Practical

1 Computing, bioinformatics and discovery Unix, GCG and database interrogations

Databases and resources
2 Analysis methods and algorithms Analysis of sequences and databases
Sequence comparison methods
3 Multiple sequence analysis Multiple sequences
Evolutionary analysis
Protein domains
Analysing multiple sequences
4 Codon usage Prediction from sequence
Finding genes
Secondary structure prediction
Finding patterns

aFurther details can be found at

allowing them to take a graduate or oped (Table 1). Unfortunately, on-line

postgraduate course part time, but this is training is a lonely activity and may not In the October issue of
a relatively long-term option and may produce the necessary skills quick Drug Discovery Today...
not develop the necessary knowledge or enough. Also, companies may not have
skills quickly enough. This aspect, and the necessary resources to allow staff Update – latest news and views
the industry’s need for cross training, constant access to the Internet.
has led to training courses in bioinfor- Influenza virus neuraminidase –
matics at the professional level. These Professional courses a target for antiviral therapy
professional development courses are The professional courses seem to fulfil John Oxford and
increasingly popular with industry. the requirements for quick, intensive and Robert Lambkin
comprehensive training by skilled instruc-
In-house training tors. For example, the bioinformatics Validation of a rapid microtiter
Of course, staff can also be trained in- course at the University of Oxford is or- plate assay to conduct
house by using existing experienced ganized by the Department for cytochrome P450 2D6 enzyme
and qualified staff, computer-based Continuing Education and is one inhibition studies
learning [Moss, S.H., Redfern, P.H. and of several professional development Jairam R. Palamanda,
Brown, K.N. Pharm. Sci. Tech. Today courses offered in the biomedical sci-
Leonard Favreau,
Chin-chung Lin and
(1998) 1, 54–61], or a combination of ences. The course content is com-
Amin A. Nomeir
both approaches. Unfortunately, the prehensive with the emphasis on
bioinformatic staff needed to conduct understanding the basics and using bioin-
Fluorescence correlation
these in-house training courses are also formatics as a tool to solve biological spectroscopy – a single
in high demand for existing company questions (Table 2). It does not deal with molecule detection technology
projects and may not have the time to the mathematics or programming aspects suited for lead discovery by
develop or deliver appropriate training of bioinformatics and is designed to be miniaturized HTS
courses. Moreover, it is questionable understood by both biologists and com- Manfred Auer et al.
whether this would be an appropriate puter scientists alike. Although there
use of their skills given the highly com- seem to be only a few of these courses Prospects for anxiolytic
petitive nature of the industry and the offered at present, judging from the pop- therapies – a reflection from
rapid progress of bioinformatics. ularity of the one which was run recently different viewpoints
Taking a computer-based learning at the University of Oxford there will B. Millet, F.J. Bayle and J.P. Olié
approach could overcome this prob- probably be more in the future.
lem, although at present, there is no Monitor –
specific computer software dealing with Steve Bottomley new bioactive molecules,
the teaching of bioinformatics. Another School of Biomedical Sciences combinatorial chemistry,
computer-based learning approach is to Curtin University of Technology emerging therapeutic targets,
use an on-line (Web-based) course and Perth, Western Australia discovery technologies
there are more of these being devel- e-mail:

428 DDT Vol. 3, No. 9 September 1998

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