Multiple Application of OSDD

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MONITOR profiles

In the solid-phase SAR work, the method, in which in each round of syn- structured and systematic investigation.
caesium carboxylate (5, R 5 H) was at- thesis a small proportion (10%) of the A large or networked organization
tached to 2-chlorotrityl resin and growing compound is capped with a would usually require detailed and spe-
Mitsunobu chemistry was employed to carboxylic acid. This permits MALDI- cific criteria for evaluating software and
generate a range of aryl ethers. A total TOF mass spectrometric identification of also effective project management of
of 62 compounds were generated in the product compounds by analysis of the evaluation process. What follows,
parallel on solid-support, subsequently the unique mixture of terminated inter- however, is a general guide for evaluat-
cleaved using 10% TFA in dichloro- mediates. This method has been ex- ing ‘off-the-shelf’ bioinformatics analy-
methane and were isolated with puri- tended by the use of a range of capping sis software. Both an individual PC-user
ties ranging from 16% to 98%. Of the groups related to the monomers being or a bioinformatics/IT manager, respon-
products, six compounds demonstrated added. Specifically, instead of adding an sible for a suite of programs over a
pKi values greater than six, and these Fmoc-amino acid, the beads were also local or distributed network, may
progressed to further biological assays. capped with a small proportion of the equally use these guidelines.
similarly reactive Boc-protected amino
O COOH acid. Release of the glycopeptides from Why evaluate?
N HN the resin support using a photolytic reac- The first question that needs to be ad-
O tion generated 300,000 combinatorial li- dressed is ‘Does the software do the
brary products tested as oligosaccharide job it is supposed to do – is it fit for the
4 mimics for the Lathyrus odoratus lectin. purpose intended?’ Evaluation also
helps decisions to be made between
Nick Terrett competing products; to match software
Discovery Chemistry to the specific needs of the individual
HN Pfizer Central Research or organization; plan for integration
Sandwich, UK within an existing infrastructure; ensure
fax: 144 1304 655419 effectiveness, efficiency and quality;
e-mail: nick_terrett@sandwich. and finally to save time and money.
Who will evaluate?
The end-user is an obvious important
Bioinformatics: guide evaluator. However, when organiz-
Glycopeptide libraries for evaluating ational issues must be addressed then
Many biological processes, including bioinformatic software the information technology, bioinfor-
immune response, cellular adhesion, There are hundreds of bioinformatic matics and other appropriate depart-
inflammation and cancer cell metasta- software programs available that serve ments need to be consulted for the
sis, are controlled by the recognition of a variety of applications. For someone evaluation process. A third party can
glycoconjugates. In addition, many new to bioinformatics there is a bewil- also be consulted if necessary and this
viral, bacterial and parasitic infections dering array of freeware, shareware, may be used to provide unbiased, inde-
are also mediated by the interaction of and commercial analytical programs, pendent advice and thus help to avoid
glycoconjugates with protein receptors. and it is difficult to make a decision be- internal politics or vested interests.
As a result, compounds that mimic car- tween them. We are mainly influenced Software can also be used to evalu-
bohydrates that can ameliorate these by what our peer group uses, but we ate software – although you’ll then
interactions have the potential for treat- still need a method to assess, or evalu- have the ‘chicken and the egg’ paradox
ing a range of diseases. ate, the software to see if it fits our par- of trying to evaluate the software which
In the search for carbohydrate-based ticular purpose. Established workers in is evaluating the software!
pharmaceuticals, a novel one bead–one bioinformatics also need some way to
compound library of glycopeptides has determine how best a particular soft- How to evaluate?
been prepared by using a novel encod- ware program integrates into the exist- Evaluation can be approached from
ing method [St Hilaire, P.M. et al. (1998) ing infrastructure. Software evaluation several different perspectives encom-
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 13312–13320]. is an art, a science, and a business. It passing scientific, business or pro-
The method, named encoded ladder can be as casual as a ‘let’s have a play’ cedural issues. Invariably, however,
synthesis, is based on the ladder library approach or as formal as a rigorous, evaluation is based on a set of criteria

240 1359-6446/99/$ – see front matter © Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. PII: S1359-6446(99)01352-5 DDT Vol. 4, No. 5 May 1999
profiles MONITOR

Box 1. Databases and lists of Box 2. Commercial ‘off-the-shelf’ bioinformatic

bioinformatics software software packages
• EBI BioCatalog (searchable Company (Web address) Software producta
database): ApoCom ( Grail Toolkit, Gene Hound
biocat.html Biosoft
• Steven Salzberg’s links at ( GeneJockey II
Johns Hopkins: Compugen ( GenCore
~salzberg/appendixa.html DNASTAR
• CAOS/CAMM: ( Lasergene GeneCodes
• Base4: ( Sequencher GeneData
html/jacks_software.html ( WorkBench
• Molecular Biology Notebook: Hitachi Software ( MacDNASIS, DNASIS
molbio/soft.html Incyte Pharmaceuticals
• Phylogenetic software:http:// ( LifeTools 2.0, LifeSeq 3D,
evolution.genetics.washing- Life Array, GEM Tools
ton. Informax
edu/phylip/software.html ( Vector NTI, SSBM
• Weizmann Institute of Science: Molecular Biology Insights
http://bioinformatics.weiz- ( Oligo 6
mann. Molecular Applications Group ( Discovery Base, Gene Mine,
• The Hospital for Sick Children: Look, MacLook
http://www.genet.sickkids.on. Molecular Simulations Inc.
ca/bioinfo_resources/soft- ( Gene Explorer
ware. Oxford Molecular Group
html ( Omiga, MacVector,
• Viviene’s Bookmarks: http:// AssemblyLIGN, GCG Wisconsin Package,
VivsBioinformatics.html SeqWeb, SeqLab,
• Pedro’s BioMolecular SPS Cross Match,
SPS Phrap, SPS Swat,
AbM, Chameleon
and the software is assessed based on Pangea Systems
its ability to meet that criteria. The fol- ( GeneMill, GeneWorld
Premier Biosoft International
lowing criteria can be used for scientific
( Primer Premier 4,
evaluation and is subdivided into the Plasmid Premier 2
four general areas of needs analysis, SeqSearch
presentation, technical and perfor- ( SeqSearch
mance sections. Textco Inc.
( Gene Construction Kit,
Gene Inspector
Needs analysis
Probably the most important first step is a The majority of these software products are stand-alone packages involved in sequence analysis.
to decide what you want to do and
from this develop your criteria. What
features do you want? What do you their competency? What do the users to gather the necessary background
want to achieve? What benefits do you need to perform their duties? How do information. Where do you find candi-
want from the software? What feel and your requirements compare with the date programs to help you solve your
aesthetics do you want? How does it fit vendors’ advertised solution? particular needs? Well, you can check
within your existing infrastructure? How The next step is to search for candi- out software databases or lists (Box 1),
many users will there be and what is date software for your evaluation and vendors (Box 2), colleagues, journal

DDT Vol. 4, No. 5 May 1999 241

MONITOR profiles

articles and advertisements, trade Program features or functions • Does it have the ability to interface
shows, conferences, industry associ- The questions relating to a software’s with the Internet and download
ations, user groups, Internet news- features and functions are numerous, data?
groups, and Web sites, such as but some general questions (in no par- • How does it report results – in
BioMedNet (http://www.biomednet. ticular order) include: postscript files, text files or pro-
com/). Some of the background infor- prietary files? Can you edit the results?
mation for the software will have to be • What platform does it use: Unix, • What is its printing ability – can it
provided by the vendor or manufac- Windows NT, Windows, Mac, or handle postscript, graphics and
turer or programmer, provided that other? specialized text?
their inherent vested interest is recog- • What is the size of software and what • What is the cost (initial and ongoing)?
nized. Additional third party infor- is the minimum configuration required Does the cost cover a single user,
mation can come from any literature in terms of memory (hard disk and multiple users, site licence, cost of
reviews and testimonials from previous RAM) and central processing unit upgrades, support and maintenance?
and existing users. (CPU)? Is it CPU intensive and does it • How old is the technology it uses and
Finally, you need to have some way tend to ‘hog’ the CPU? Is a graphics has it been recently surpassed? Does
of scoring the evaluation. For example, card needed? it have a lineage and version history?
a yes/no answer or a quantitative num- • Is the software networkable and what Has it been recently upgraded?
bering scale for each of the selected cri- kind of interface does it have for • Have all the bugs been worked out
teria. This is to set a standard for evalu- distributed systems? and does it conflict with any other
ation, to enable fair comparison of • Does it support multiuser, multi- program?
proposed benefits and features of the tasking and background operations? • How much time and effort is required
program, and to help discriminate be- • What is the level of content and ex- for installation and backup?
tween competing products. pertise within the program – is it for • Once installed, how long does it take
beginners, intermediate or advanced to load and begin to work?
Presentation users? • Are there any benchmark
In terms of presentation, is the software • Is training or tutorials available for the performance data for the software –
intuitive and user-friendly? Is the inter- software? If so, what form does it take time required to open and read a
face a command line, web-based, X-win- – books, on-line or personal? How particular file, draw a graphic, and
dows, or other graphical user interface long does it take to learn and to export or import files? Is the
(GUI)? How effectively does it use the become reasonably competent? benchmarking performance data
monitor screen space – is it uncluttered, • Is it robust and reliable – does it have independent and can it be validated
easily read, and does it make appropri- an ability to handle inappropriate calls by a third party?
ate use of colour, graphics and sound? or directions without crashing? Can • Is customization available and can the
the program be applied under vary- user set preferences?
Technical ing conditions (adjusting parameters) • Are there any security measures
Technical detail can be further sub- and continue to give reliable and available – password protection and
divided into Method, Features and trustworthy results without crashing? prevention of online access with
Programming. • Is it powerful – is it quick and can it proprietary sequences?
do what you want it to do? • Is help available and what form does
Method • Is it scaleable – does it have the this help take – for example,
What algorithm is used and is it appro- ability to handle different sizes of documentation, on-line, context
priate – is it based on old or new data sets? What is the maximum data sensitive, menus and balloon help?
knowledge; what are the assumptions size it can handle? • How long has the vendor (if
inherent in the algorithm, how good is • What file formats are used? Propri- commercial), manufacturer or
it; is it fast enough; does it do what you etary or non-standard file formats programmer been in existence? What
expect? Are there any better algorithms? make it difficult to use elsewhere and experience and qualifications do they
What sort of testing has been done and limit flexibility. have? How likely is it that they will
is this supported in the literature? Is it a • Does it have the ability to export and be operating in the future? What
‘black box’ system using proprietary al- import different file formats? This support systems are in place – such
gorithms, or is it an auditable system affects its ability to share data and as a personal representative, e-mail,
open to inspection and assessment? information with other programs. fax-back, toll-free number, support

242 DDT Vol. 4, No. 5 May 1999

profiles MONITOR

for a fee, bulletin board, on-line chat Nitric oxide disbalance induce the changes. Moreover, pressure
and newsgroup? and structural elevation itself probably also affects
alterations of the metabolic and proliferation processes
Programming cardiovascular system in the vessel wall. Because NO may
Further questions relating to program- Nearly two decades have passed since have an antiproliferative effect, NO syn-
ming include: Furchgott and Zawadzki revealed the thase blockade would be expected to
obligatory role of endothelium for arte- act in the opposite way. In NO-defi-
• Is the source code provided and is it rial relaxation to acetylcholine cient hypertension, both stimuli – a de-
hackable? That is, is it possible to [Furchgott, R.F. and Zawadzki, J.V. crease of NO level and an increase in
change and modify the program? (1980) Nature 288, 373–376]. More blood pressure – seem to operate syn-
• Does it have the facility to accept than ten years have passed since endo- ergistically, and thus we suppose that
plug ins/modules/sub-routines? thelium-derived relaxing factor was the two factors could enhance the con-
• Which programming language is identified as a nitric oxide (NO). At tribution of smooth muscle to the in-
used? present, it is generally accepted that crease in arterial-wall mass.
• What standards are incorporated into NO, one of the simplest molecules in From both the pathophysiological
the software? nature, is actively engaged in many bio- and mechanistical point of view, an
• For bundled programs (in which two logical processes in the organism. The important issue is whether the cellular-
or more programs are packaged findings that NO is a potent vasodila- or the non-cellular component of the
together in one application) how tory molecule, continuously produced arterial wall is responsible for the de-
good is the integration? Is it easy to by endothelial cells, gave rise to the scribed increase. Morphometric analy-
move data from one program to the question of whether its decreased pro- sis of the arterial wall (tunica intima
other, and what interim storage is duction might be one of the main fac- and tunica media) revealed that all of
necessary when moving between tors contributing to the development of these components of the arterial wall
programs? How are the programs some types of hypertension. An experi- (endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells,
integrated – what language ‘glues’ mental model of NO deficiency has and extracellular matrix) increase their
the components together? been developed. The pathogenic back- volume. Nevertheless, our findings in-
ground of NO deficiency consists of in- dicated that the extracellular matrix sig-
Performance hibition of NO synthase, an enzyme nificantly increased its volume and
The crucial test of any bioinformatic of crucial importance in the virtually thus became the main contributor to
‘off-the-shelf’ software is if it makes ubiquitous arginine–citrulline pathway the wall thickness [Kristek, F. et al.
biological sense. For example, a pro- with concomitant coproduction of NO. (1996) Physiol. Res. 45, 329–333]. Long-
gram may be designed to find patterns, Blockade of NO synthase disturbs the term NO deficiency was found to result
but do the patterns have any biological balance between vasodilatory and in hypertrophic remodelling of the ar-
significance? Does the software do the vasoconstrictory agents, resulting in a terial wall. Moreover, the increased
job you thought it could do? Is it fit for pronounced increase in blood pressure. smooth-muscle contractility induced by
the purpose you intended? Does it give Long-term NO synthase inhibition in inhibition of NO production appears to
you error-free, accurate and precise re- rats resulted not only in increased cause damage to the areas supplied by
sults? Can you trust the results – es- blood pressure but also in cardiac hy- the arteries.
pecially if it is a ‘black box’ system? pertrophy and an increase in arterial-
What sort of quality control has been wall thickness. We found that in con- NO deficiency
performed and does it adhere to your duit arteries – thoracic aorta, carotid Does supplementation of NO in the
own company’s quality control stand- artery and coronary artery – the arterial- form of exogenous NO donors correct
ards? Finally, is a test data set available wall thickness (tunica intima and tunica NO deficiency after NO-synthase block-
to determine a software’s performance media) was increased by more than ade? It is well documented that exogen-
and is it validated by a third party or 70% [Kristek, F. and Gerová, M. (1996) ous donors of NO initiate a chain of
from the literature? Physiol. Res. 45, 361–367]. events leading to vascular relaxation.
Steve Bottomley The question remains open as to However, NO donors may also be a
School of Biomedical Sciences whether these pathological changes are source of superoxide radicals, and this
Curtin University of Technology primary consequences of NO defi- may affect their therapeutic profile.
Perth, Australia ciency or whether NO deficiency only Molsidomine, an NO donor, is fre-
e-mail: triggers the underlying processes that quently used to provide prophylaxis

DDT Vol. 4, No. 5 May 1999 1359-6446/99/$ – see front matter © Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. PII: S1359-6446(99)01353-7 243

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