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Volume 22 • Issue 3 • May & June 2010

Spring Break in
Student Ministry: Brad Simmons

Over Spring Break, The Mission, our student ministry at Wichita State University, took nine
students to Buena Vista, Colorado for a retreat at YoungLife's Frontier Ranch retreat center.
The students that went were from four different countries: Kenya, Kuwait, India and Malay-
sia. The retreat was organized by Christian Challenge at Kansas State University. Calendar
The main speaker for the retreat was Gordon Macdonald. On the first night of the retreat,
after spending ten hours in airplanes and airports, and nearly nine hours in a car in a snow-
storm, the seventy year old Macdonald shared his life story. He told the students about his 10 Disaster Relief Meeting, HOKSBA, 11am
greatest accomplishments, and his greatest failures. He shared what he had learned, how 13-
13-15 River Festival Outreach
God had been at work, and how important it was to have people around him during those
times. Over one hundred students sat for more than an hour listening to this man share how 15 wMu Family Picnic @ Metropolitan, 3-
God had taken him through his last seventy years. 19 S.S. Team Meeting, Ryan’s, 12:30
28-29 Special Ed. Camping Trip/VBS, Lake Afton
Over the next two days, Macdonald spoke from several passages in Paul's letter to the Co- 31 Memorial Day, HOKSBA Office Closed
lossians, and laid out for them the marks of a Christian life well lived. He also allowed lots
of time for questions, which the students took full advantage of. He spoke to them as a
grandfather, and they listened intently.
The retreat was a wonderful experience for our students. They had the opportunity to hear 12 WMU Planning Meeting, HOKSBA, 10am
the life story of a man who had walked with and served God, though far from perfectly, for 14 Disaster Relief Meeting, HOKSBA, 11am
over fifty years. They also made new friends from Kansas State, and strengthened their rela-
14-18 Kids Camp, WCC Salina
tionships with each other. I would like to extend a special thanks to four donors who gave
generously towards scholarships for the retreat. Thank you! 15-
15-16 Southern Baptist Convention, Orlando, FL

Buckets of Hope Update Weekly Prayer Emphasis for

Larry Thomas, KNCSB Disaster Relief

A total of 855 buckets from KNCSB churches were

shipped. At last count, Southern Baptists sent over May 3 Southwind • Pastor Paul White
140,000 buckets to ports in Louisiana and Florida for on- May 10 Westview • Pastor Kurtis Haynes
ward shipment to Haiti and distribution by Haitian South-
May 17 Calvary • Pastor Michael Scott
ern Baptist Churches to people in need. HOKSBA is on
record as having prepared 201 buckets. This was the most May 24 Faith • Pastor Jerry Smith
of any KNCSB association. Volunteers traveled over May 31 FBC, Haysville • Pastor Bo Graves
5,500 miles collecting and delivering the buckets to the
Garvey Public Storage Warehouse south of Wichita. A
total of 68 volunteers (28 KNCSB Disaster Relief/40 oth-
ers) were involved in the collecting, labeling, processing,
and packaging for onward movement of buckets to Haiti. June 7 FBC, Maize • Pastor Dale Kelley
June 14 FBC, Mulvane • Pastor Cody Busby
1 June 21 FSBC, Hutchinson • Pastor Ray Kempel
June 28 Immanuel • Pastor Dr. Charles Boswell
Articles By Loren Phippen
Evangelism Training Evangelism Rally
The Evangelism training is going great. Just before Easter I finished a The annual HOKSBA Evangelism Rally will be at Country Acres Baptist
class in one of our churches. This 4-6 week session is a combination church at 6:30pm on August 29th. We will also have a small mission fair
between “Share Jesus Without Fear” and the “Evangecube”. I would love before the Rally. Please contact the office if you are interested in dis-
to come to your church to help train your people on evangelism and playing your ministry and we will reserve a table for you.
would be happy to schedule time to do hands-on training in your
neighborhood. Just call or email to schedule a training class. The speaker at this year’s E-Rally will be Dr. Thom Rainer, president of
LifeWay. Formerly he was the Director of the Billy Graham School of
Evangelism at South Baptist Seminary. Dr. Rainer has written many
Set Free Ministry books on evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Please come and
As I have mentioned before, an intricate part of the Set Free ministry is to join us for this inspiring meeting.
have a discipleship “ranch” to take people to after they come in off the
street. They would stay there sixty plus days. The property needs to be a
good distance from town, but close enough for churches to help with Evangelistic Mission Trips
Bible Studies and other volunteer ministries. An ideal location would
have an old farm house and about 5 acres, either donated or have a rea- It is not too early to start praying about going on an evangelistic mission
trip next year. Each year we take a group to an evangelistic event the day
sonable long term lease. Please keep this in prayer and let us know if you
before the Rose Bowl parade. Each year we see numerous lives changed
know someone who could help with this. and many people touched by the Gospel. Also in mid-February we take a
group to New Orleans to do street evangelism during Mardi Gras. We
Over spring break there was a lot accomplished at the set free house. A hand out over 50,000 tracts each year and share the Gospel with many
mission team of about 10 skilled carpenters came from Arkansas and did people. This is a very important mission field that we need to reach.
a lot of work. We now have heat, water and operable bathrooms. Many of
the doors were hung and a lot of the trim and finishing work was done. This year, four of us from HOKSBA churches will participate in the ICE/
Also we had several of our youth groups help in cleaning both the interior Crossover event before the SBC convention which is in Orlando.
and exterior of the building.

We still need work groups from our churches to finish up the drywall and
Juvenile Detention Ministry
painting. Over 95% of the drywall is hung and the second floor has been God continues to bless
painted. Once we finish hanging the drywall and painting, we can start us in this ministry. We
the flooring, cabinets and finish carpentry. Please contact Loren Phippen see many lives changed
at HOKSBA. at JDF and at the Boy’s
ranch. One of our
church members is
River Fest ministering at the Spar-
tan Lake Side academy
The HOKSBA outreach at River Fest is coming on us quickly... Our out- where he is able to
reach will be from May 13th to 15th. We will have street evangelists here touch lives with the
to work with you and to help train our church members. Walking with Gospel. The ranch has
Power will return this year for our main event and will be with us on the allowed me for the last
street to share the Gospel. We also plan on having a booth that will stamp year or so to sign out 2
horse shoes with John 3:16 and personalize it for each person while they boys every Saturday
share the Gospel. Our Cowboy church and our Equestrian ministries will morning at 5a.m. and take them fishing. For some of them this has been
be involved in this outreach. We also need face painters and other help their first time fishing or going to the lake. It has helped to deepen the
with the block party equipment. We also have praise and worship teams relationships to the point that some of them stay in contact with me after
and bands from our churches that will provide music before the main getting released. I am able to disciple them and get them connected with
event. one of our churches.

As I mentioned last month, we would like to have more participation this Please continue to pray for this ministry and your involvement in it by
year from our churches and would like to see all of our church members donating your time or providing funds for Bibles and other needs. In
get involved with the block party and/or street witnessing. I have sent out particular, we need youth pastors and workers who could give a Friday
an information/signup sheet to every church. Please pick a time that you night every few months or so to help in JDF. This would give a connec-
can help. For River Fest 2009, we had the best participation from our tion for them to continue being discipled after they are released. Some of
churches that we have ever had and our prayer is to have even more par- these kids have never really had someone who loved and cared for them
ticipate this year. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you and they desperately need that.
have any ideas that would help make this event a great success.
Good Neighbor Centers
Loren Phippen, Evangelism Director

Our Good Neighbor Centers are still touching lives in our community through benevolent ministries. We have seen many of the people coming to our cen-
ters give their lives to Christ. Our GNC’s are in need of funds and food to meet the many needs. The needs in Wichita are continually growing and all of
our centers need your assistance. Many laid off workers in Wichita are running out of unemployment and we have seen a large increase of new families
coming to our centers. At 16 cents per pound, we can purchase food at the Food Bank which makes our dollars go so much farther. I would love to come
and speak to your church or SS class on the needs of the GNC’s and how we can help.

FamilyFest ~ July 10-16, 2010 WMU

An Opportunity for a Family Mission Trip Ellen Noeller, WMU Director

FamilyFest is a partnership with the national Woman’s Missionary Union, the And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been
Kansas/Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists, and the Heart of Kansas given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples
Southern Baptist Association. It is designed to give families (age six and up) a of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
prepackaged missions experience. Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I
have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end
How You Can Participate of the age.” Matthew 28:18, 19 & 20. (The Woman’s Study Bible)
Think about the needs in the community around your church. How could
FamilyFest volunteers assist you and your church members in meeting some of This is going to be a great year to do missions in our association.
these needs? These volunteers could work on anything you have a vision for: First, we have the Riverfest, you can come and help with evangelism
Vacation Bible School, Backyard Bible Clubs, light construction, sport camps, by going out and telling people about Jesus. Also, the Family Picnic
survey work, etc. Perhaps some families in your church would like to travel is on May 15th. If you would like to help with the picnic, contact
across town to help another church. Loren Pippen or Ellen Noeller.

Work Projects Needed You don’t have to leave Wichita to be involved in missions this sum-
We are looking for work projects for these mission teams to work on. This could mer. The whole family can be involved. We have the FamilyFest
include almost anything: building repairs, VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs, block coming to Wichita on July 10-16th. This is sponsored by the National
parties, health fairs, canvassing, prayer walks, etc. Please contact the Heart of wMu, KNCSB and HOKSBA. We will have PRAYER WALKING,
Kansas for a request form. CONSTRUCTION, VBS, HEALTH CLINICS and much more. There
will be something for all ages. You can contact Mark Jackson, Mari
Jaquith or Ellen Noeller for more information 316.215.0135.

Hispanic Work
Abraham Arevalo, Hispanic Church Planter Strategist

Recently a study was released by NAMB called “21st Century Hispanic Realities”. This study was coordinated by Dr. Daniel Sanchez and Rev. Bobby Sena.
These are three of the studies most key findings.

• The First Generation (the immigrants) has become the largest segment of the Hispanic population in America today.
– In mid 20th century, the 3rd generation and beyond was dominant and had the deepest roots in U.S. culture. ....By 1990, however, the 1st generation
(least assimilated and Spanish dominant) became the largest segment of Hispanic population.

• Hispanics are showing more receptiveness to the evangelical message than ever before in the history of this country.
– Never in the history of this nation have Hispanics been more receptive to the evangelical message than they are now. A study done by Priest/
Sociologist Andrew Greeley indicates that 23% of the Hispanic population now identifies with non-Catholic denominations, mainly Evangelicals.

• Hispanics are typically very conservative regarding social values.

– A 2003 survey of U.S. Latinos by the Pew Hispanic Center of the Kaiser Family Foundation found that immigrants from Latin America were over-
whelmingly committed to strong family ties, religious beliefs, education, and hard workers and were actually worried that the coming to the United
States would have a negative impact on the moral values of their children.

What does this mean for the Churches of HOKSBA? The Hispanic presence and influence in our community is a growing reality and every church in Wichita
has seen the need to reach out to this segment of our population. Traditionally, when we think about reaching to Hispanics, our first though is about the Span-
ish language, but the time has come to see also beyond Spanish to hundreds of young Kansans with strong Hispanic roots and English as their first language.
Every church in Kansas needs to open the dialogue about this challenge. We are not talking about a distant future, but a present and urgent need. We need to
be intentional about addressing it today.
Teaching & Learning Homeless Ministry
From the Sunday School Team By: Deborah Long

What does learning look like? When you walk past a Bible study class- On Memorial Day, the Baptist Homeless Ministry will be passing out
room on Sunday morning can you tell by the activity of the students that meal kits. Also, they will be having a 4th of July event and need people to
learning is taking place? If you have a well-versed teacher and the class- help serve as well as bring potato salad. Some needs of the ministry in-
room appears to be calm - is this an indication that knowledge is being clude sleeping bags and back packs. The BHM will be closed from June
shared and lives are being transformed? Unfortunately not. Teaching and 17-June 30 while Deborah and Johnny are on their honeymoon. Contact
learning are not so simple. However, we do know that engaging learners Deborah at 316.204.9517 with any questions.
in specific activities results in a higher level of retention. Consider these
strategies and how you can implement one or more of them in your les-
son each week to enhance learning.

Lecture: While this may be the preferred teaching technique, especially

Local Mission Trips 2010
for adult teachers of adult learners, only 10% of the lesson content is Mark Jackson, Church Planting Strategist
retained by the learner in a lecture-driven lesson. While some amount of
lecture may be necessary in every lesson, the teacher must also learn
other techniques for sharing the content of the study. This next year promises to be a financially challenging one for many of
our families. Have you considered a local mission trip to avoid travel
and motel costs? Working within your local association can be effec-
Reading: Those students who are asked to read or read-along will retain tive in terms of the impact on the Kingdom of God. We have opportu-
up to 20% of the content of the lesson. While this may be better than nities that can involve hours or days and the need is great.
lecture, it still falls far short of complete retention!
By utilizing these short term opportunities along with a longer trip, all
of your folks could have an opportunity to be on mission for the Lord.
Audio-Visual: We live in a society of sight and sound. The use of pic-
tures, graphics, overheads, computer-generated visuals, and music can
increase retention to 30%. If you don’t have the latest in technology, One Day or Less
don’t be hesitant to pull out the flannel-board. Even the use of a marker- • Prayer Walks/Drives (RiverFest, Good Neighbor Centers,
board or chalk-board can add a necessary visual dimension to the lesson. churches, church plants)
Demonstration: Seeing a lesson demonstrated can increase retention up • Pass out fliers for outreach events
to 50%. Don’t be surprised if students remember the demonstration far • Minor repairs at Good Neighbor Centers, churches, or in your
longer than the teaching aim of the lesson. neighborhood
• Aluminum can drive
• Clean up, paint, repairs needed in local schools or neighbor-
Discussion: Allowing students to talk about the topic will increase reten-
tion of content up to 75%. While we do not want the entire lesson to be
group-talk, it certainly has its place in the teaching process, especially as • RiverFest outreach, workers
the teacher comes to the application of the teaching aim. • Work at Set Free house
• Food drives/funds, clothing, school supplies for the Good
Neighbor Centers
Guided Practice: As students practice doing something as a result of the
lesson, their retention of content will increase to 90%. Unfortunately, we
• Block parties
often run out of time by the time we get to the practice portion of the • Juvenile Detention Center ministries
lesson. Plan for practice, it will make an incredible impact on learning. • Collect funds to support repair projects at churches

Teaching Others: If you really want students to retain what you have
Multiple Days
instructed, give them opportunity to teach someone else. Over 90% of • VBS/backyard Bible clubs
content will be retained when the teacher utilizes this teaching strategy. • Creative arts camp (voice, instrument, acting, dance, etc.)
• Sports camps
Though time will greatly limit your ability to use all of these teaching • Construction projects
strategies in every lesson, make an effort to move further down the list. • Surveys
As you do, you will find that your learners will be more engaged and • Door-to-door evangelism
better able to demonstrate that they have retained what you had planned • Revivals/outreach/block parties
for them to learn. • House a mission team
• Work at Set Free or Ranch
• Be a part of the FamilyFest July 10-16, 2010 (see accompa-
nying article)
Heart of Kansas SBA
Non-Designated Income
CHURCHES Mar 10 Jan - Mar 10
Celebrate Recovery AVIATOR 200.00 900.00
BELIEVERS 1,646.39 3,467.22
Tom Melton CALVARY 1,299.28 4,155.89
CEDAR POINTE 406.40 1,086.84
On April 6th we celebrated our 2nd birthday with cake and ice cream. We had a
great crowd and a great spirit of celebration. Celebrate Recovery is a place where CELEBRATION 386.38 854.79
we celebrate victories, not defeats. We talk about our defeats because there is heal- COUNTRY ACRES 1,300.00 3,300.00
ing in sharing. Karol Truman said, “feelings buried alive never die.” We share our CROSSPOINTE 0.00 0.00
defeats and celebrate what God has done with our defeats. John Baker said, “God
never wastes a hurt.” No matter what your hurt, God can use your it to help some- CROSSROADS 0.00 49.97
one else heal. FAITH, ANDOVER 200.00 600.00
FIRST, HAYSVILLE 699.53 2,101.69
In our large group, we have a testimony one week and a lesson the next. Last week
we heard about victories over alcohol and gambling. One week we heard about FIRST, MAIZE 0.00 86.00
victories over sexual abuse and sexual addiction. Most of our hurts come out of FIRST, MULVANE 1,269.49 2,414.15
needs that were never met in our childhood. Dysfunctional parents raise dysfunc-
tional children. The lady above was raised by a mother who lived a prostitute life- FSBC, HUTCHINSON 867.33 1,336.61
style and she learned to act out with men starting around age 12. My bout with GETSEMANI 0.00 201.49
alcohol started when my dad taught me how to drink and make home brew at age
HARMONY 203.97 203.97
Many will say that they don’t have those problems, but what about issues like an- IMMANUEL, NEWTON 582.52 582.52
ger, bitterness, over eating, depression, trust, low self-esteem, fear of rejection,
IMMANUEL, WICHITA 1,551.18 5,304.11
fear of failure, abandonment, guilt and shame, love and affection.
In CR we call these issues hurts, habits and hang-ups. Maybe you need Celebrate LAO BAPTIST 50.00 100.00
METROEAST 1,795.77 5,927.10
METROPOLITAN 759.17 3,702.22


Chaplain Marvin Daniels OLD TIME GOSPEL 44.50 117.50
OLIVET 828.39 2,257.95
The ministry of SAMARITAN’S ROAD continually is being blessed in surpris-
PARKVIEW 279.32 850.21
ing ways. Over and over the Lord has met our needs in the most unexpected
ways. When people we are unacquainted with help meet our financial needs out PLANEVIEW 100.00 100.00
of the blue, it is truly a God thing. I like to call these moments “Who’d a thought PLEASANTVIEW, DERBY 1,491.94 3,585.01
it.” It humbles us and reminds us that we serve a great and mighty God; a God
who cares and will not leave us in barren fields. PRAIRIE TRAIL 0.00 743.52
REDENCION 0.00 200.00
Because of the sacrifices of others, we are able to continue with the mission of 1,651.68 3,078.18
reaching America’s truckers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without your sup-
port, we would not be able to keep the Trucker’s Chapel available and on site. It RIVERVIEW 316.18 986.73
means so much to these drivers, to see and know they have a place to come and ROLLING HILLS 0.00 459.00
unwind. A Chapel provides a place for them to refresh spiritually, to come to
SHARON 1,474.35 3,304.13
Christ, to find fellowship and to pray. We are so glad to be there for them.
Sometimes, it means just for that one special individual the Lord brought our SOUTHSIDE 143.00 243.00
way. Many times we are the recipients of the blessings, as we reach out to them. SOUTHWEST 96.60 306.23

Though the Lord has met our needs financially, we still have a great need for SOUTHWIND FELLOWSHIP 203.60 483.90
volunteers to help staff the Chapel. If you have time to give and believe the Lord TRINITY 191.40 393.21
would like for you to be a part of this unique ministry, contact me via e-mail at TRUE LIFE CHURCH 0.00 0.00 or 316-519-5602. Currently we need help with both TYLER ROAD 522.47 1,121.32
Sunday morning and evening services. The Lord told us that the fields were
VICTORY 100.00 100.00
white for harvest. This is true for our truck stops. We see many drivers come
and go without ever knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. May God bless and WESTVIEW 0.00 0.00
keep you. WICHITA KOREAN 0.00 300.00
WOODLAND 112.00 421.00
TOTAL 21,668.55 58,000.63
*Contributions received after the last day of the
month will be recorded into the following month.
Non-Profit Org.
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Free Men’s Ministry

Midway Baptist Church has the following items to give to
anyone who could use them: Reminder! October 15th and 16th at Webster Conference Center
in Salina our men will gather for our annual men’s retreat.
1 - 8 ft x 3.5 ft changeable sign (letters included) The men’s Fraternity class at Parkview has now been com-
1 - set of accordion doors (fits 94" x 166" opening) pleted and was an excellent study. There are a lot of opportuni-
75-100 - Upholstered stacking chairs ties to serve in the coming weeks, one is Vacation Bible
School. Several of our people attended the VBS Jumpstart on
Please contact the church office at 316.524.4237 or March 6th in Salina. Men are needed to reach out to our kids. if interested. There is still work to be done at the Set Free house. Your time
and talent can be used and very much appreciated. Contact
HOK office for details. This is an excellent project for our
men’s ministry teams.

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