RMAIL Overview

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Frama can look back upon 40 years of expertise in the

development and manufacture of solutions in the mail-processing sector. Mechanical masterpieces made up the foundation of the success. Today, Frama offers integrated system
solutions which are targeted at the needs of customers and
the conditions of the market, and this without any compromises. The strategic strengths of Frama AG arise from the efforts
to take full advantage of the technological expertise of its
team and partners.
Expertise for your communications
Frama supports your written communication with pioneering
technology. For instance, Frama developed the rst franking
machine with integrated postage rate calculations and was the
rst supplier to introduce touchscreen operation.

Frama AG Switzerland R02.00 / 09.15

Frama Made in Switzerland

International quality standards

Frama exports its products to more than 50 countries around
the world. All products and services full international
standards. Our guarantee of this consists of the corresponding
certicates, whose issuance is veried through regular audits
by independent testing organisations.

When it matters most e-communication services in co-operation with RPost have been designed to provide security
and condence when you exchange important information digitally.

ISO 9001:
Quality Management System





ISO 14001:

Framas customers value these innovations very highly.

Focusing user operations on the essentials guarantees simple
operation and high efciency in daily use.

Environmental Management System

OHSAS 18001:
Occupational and Health Protection
Management System

ISO 27001:

Certied information security

During the development of future-oriented solutions, Frama
relies on specic expertise in technology and systems. The
intelligent synchronisation of sensitive and nancial data
between customers, the Post Ofces, banks and additional
institutions demands efcient and highly available data-management solutions where only the highest standards of
security are adequate. For this purpose, Frama developed its
own solutions.

Information Security Management System (ISMS)

FIPS 140-2:
Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules

Seal for international quality standard for Legal

Proof authentication technologies inside

Frama AG
Dorfstrasse 6
CH-3438 Lauperswil

Tel. +41 34 496 98 98

Fax +41 34 496 98 00


RPost, RMail, LargeMail and Registerd Email are registered services and / or trademarks of RPost Communication Ltd.
Post and Regisered Email technology is patented. Patent numbers may be found at www.rpost.com in the About Company section.

Now Frama makes the next step: It transforms the legal

strengths of physical communication into the digital universe.
With this, Frama has become the solution provider for all
aspects of local and international B2B communication: letters
and direct mail for qualied and valued customer communication or digital services, when time and efciency counts.

Security. Integrity. Efciency.

Frama e-communications. The all-inone solution for an efcient and legally

veriable digital communication.
Sending a standard email is like sending a postcard writ-

Benets for your electronic communication

This solution includes many features giving you the
condence to send legally veriable documents in a fast and
efcient manner.

ten in pencil. Message content can be easily intercepted

or edited with a few clicks of the mouse without

The RMail solution does not require the recipient to install any
unwanted software or to register an account. However,
recipient responses are still processed within the secure

detection. Eliminate these risks with Frama

e-communication: Rmail services!
The e-communication services run in co-operation with RPost, which is the
global standard for email proof, message encryption and electronic signature
All services of the e-communication platform are designed for industries such as
insurance, nancial, legal, property management, telecommunications, NHS and
manufacturing where the speed of contract execution, encryption and court
admissible electronic communication is of critical importance.
The service enables both sender and recipient to prove, sign, encrypt, archive
and collaborate across desktop, mobile and online email platforms. Running
from your IT infrastructure, the services do not require the recipient to install or
to use third party software or web platforms.

Registered Receipt email

Authenticated E-Signatures

Compliant Encryption

Every Registered Email returns a

The Registered Email service

Integrated email encryption

Registered Receipt email for each

authenticates e-signature, content,

combined with the Registered

message transaction, document

timestamp and signoff audit trail

Receipt protects the sender from

signoff and encrypted delivery.

using the Registered Receipt email.

nes associated with data breaches

These receipts provide you with the

This provides the highest evidential

by transmitting encrypted

records you will need to prevail in

record of each electronic signature.

messages and proving encrypted

any challenge regarding who knew

Simply organise the sign off of

delivery; proof that any accusations

what and when, with email or

attachments within seconds!

of such data breach must have

e-signatures, locally and internatio-

occurred after the recipient took


control of the message.

The Registered Receipt contains all

relevant information to allow the

One of the main e-communication services is RMail (Registered Email), the

global standard for legal, third-party authenticated records of who said what to
whom and when by email. This means proactive protection in case of any
(unforeseen) dispute!

reconstruction of the electronic

original content when authenticated. Therefore Frama does not
store copies of any Registered

Further integrated services that reduce paper, fax, time, risk and cost are for
instance LargeMail, electronic signature and Digital Seal timestamp and message
authentication: Signatures are water-marked with a unique timestamp and an
attached document is additionally PKI digitally signed for content integrity

The Registered Receipt is a

Frama e-communications is the perfect suite to add quality, security, integrity

and efciency to your electronic communication.

third-party veriable record that

LargeMail and attachment tools

reconstructs the authenticated

Transform attachments while en

original content, times, delivery

route to the recipient into secure

meta-data and forensics. Get the

PDF formats with options for

upper hand!

meta-data le cleansing, removal

of le history and compression.
The most useful feature, however,
is the ability to send large emails
up to 200MB per message.





+ Mitigates risk by ensuring your email records are admissible
into evidence if ever challenged
+ Gives sender the upper hand in any dispute involving the
content or delivery status of email
+ Provides confidence that your electronic documents have
been sent by providing registered receipts and audit trails
+ Simplifies record-keeping as all registered receipts are
sorted automatically
+ In case of any dispute simply reconstruct a verified
electronic original
+ Increases efficiency of your document handling processes,
saving you time & money
+ Eliminates uneccessary follow-up calls and emails to
confirm message delivery
+ Improves speed of response due to the enhanced
appearance of the communication

Legal opinions describe the Registered Email Receipt as

providing the sender with delivery proof, content proof, ofcial
time stamp (and depending on service features, fact of
encryption, signatures, and reply content), packaged as court
admissible record with high evidential weight, providing the
functional equivalence of records returned through Certied
Email, Registered Email, return receipt mail, private express
mail services, fax logs and similar types of paper mail services
while also proving message content.

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