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Semester January 2016

Each project group is required to submit a report on the study of heat exchange
equipment using COMSOL. The geometry of the mixing system is described in
Figure 1.
Tout T2

0.1 + X

0.2 m


0.1 m

0.2 m

0.12 m

Figure 1. Geometry and mesh of heat exchange equipment in 2-D axisymmetric.

The dimensions of X and Y and required outlet temperature T2 for each student
are given in Appendix, or can be calculated as the following formulae
A = matrix no.

T2 (oC) = depends on group no.

X (m) = 0.06 + 0.025 * A mod 8 [m]

Y (m) = 0.1 + 0.014 * A mod 7 [m]

The fluid for this system could be water. The properties for water have to be
obtained from COMSOL library. Students are allowed to choose different fluid
other than water. The list of fluid is available in the COMSOL library.
Information of inlet and outlet are given below:
Inlet: v = v1 meter/min; T1 = 298 K; R = 6 cm; Fluid in system = water (database)
Outlet: R = 6 cm. Average temperature, T out = need to be determined.
Heating coil: R = 0.045 m; Distance between coils in a column is 0.2 m; Distance
between two column is 0.11m. Parameter X depends on matrix no.
Heating flux can be defined as q0 = h (Text - T)
where Text is external temperature = 325 oC
Baffle width = 0.015 m
Main Question: Determine Flow Regime and Heat transfer coefficient of heat
flux from heating coils so that the average outlet temperature (Tout) equals to the
required temperature (T2 - provided in appendix 1 for each students).
Fulfillment of the main question is a requirement prior to mark the report.
The project report should consist:

Introduction about heat exchanger (2 Marks)

Governing Equations and Simulation Method (5 Marks)
Determine Flow Regime in heat exchanger (5 Marks)
Determine Heat Transfer Coefficient (5 Marks)
Results & Discussion - geometry, velocity and temperature contours, profile and
other relevant plots (5 marks individual)
6. Conclusions (3 Marks)
7. References (2 Marks)
8. Report format- Title, neatness, number page, table of content (3 marks)
Students are expected to produce a good technical report. Each group has to submit a
hardcopy of the report. The limit of the total pages is between 8 -15 pages (for each
student). Softcopy (in word or pdf) and the simulation files must be uploaded properly
following the instruction at Project Instruction.
If you need assistance, GAs will be available during the laboratory sessions from 28th
March to 6th April 2016.
The date of submission is by 5pm on Friday, 8th April 2016. Submit to the submission
box at Chemical Engineering Office, Level 3, Block 4.

1/ Specific parameters for individual student

Available at Assigned Parameters.

2/ Example of some simulation post-processing activities should be

Figure 2. Temperature profile and velocity field streamline in 2D

Figure 3. Temperature and Velocity profile in revolve-3D (225o)

Figure 4. Outlet temperature surface

Figure 5. Isosurface plot for temperature

Figure 6. An example of relationship between heat transfer coefficient and T2

Optimum point

Figure 7. Trial and error process to determine heat transfer coefficient

Figure 8. Temperature distribution at different z position (inlet, 0.02, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 and

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