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RE: CONFIDENTIAL status update - Yahoo! Mail

RE: CONFIDENTIAL status update Friday, July 3, 2009 9:15 AM

From: "Robert Davidson" <>

To: " Kevin (USATXS)Aiman" <>

Dear AUSA Aiman:

Thank you for the reply. The FBI was present during my interview at your office in Houston. I do not recall his
name. What was the FBI agent's name ? I disclosed the serial extortion, upcoding, unnecessary procedures,
crossover, unblinding of studies, the alleged death(s), and the surgical clip to the Assistant U.S. Attorney (Houston,
TX) and to the FBI about two years ago.

Thank you.


Robert Davidson, M.D.

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, Aiman, Kevin (USATXS) <> wrote:

From: Aiman, Kevin (USATXS) <>

Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL status update
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 3:10 PM

Dear Dr. Davidson:

As I do not represent you, I cannot provide you any legal advice concerning the advisability of
seeking to file a suit. In seeking legal advice, you may wish to contact an attorney who
concentrates in qui-tam cases. To the extent that you believe criminal activity has or is occurring
you can contact the FBI, among others, to report it.


Kevin C. Aiman
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Southern District of Texas

From: []

Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 11:41 AM
To: Aiman, Kevin (USATXS)
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL status update

Dear AUSA Aiman:

A few years ago, I filed an action (pro se) under the FCA (U.S.A., Davidson, ex rel versus Davita Inc, et
al). This action was dismissed without prejudice to refiling. I, subsequently, asked you to forward the
matter to the Criminal Division of DOJ.

1 of 2 5/3/2010 12:04 PM
RE: CONFIDENTIAL status update - Yahoo! Mail

May I ask, in confidence, what if any investigation may be underway ? Please recall that I was the
ORIGINAL SOURCE in your interview of me at your office in Houston, TX of the allegation of a certain
"surgical clip" on a chest radiographs which was represented as being the chest radiograph of six different
research subjects at Albany Medical Center in Albany, NY.

I believe that FDA, SEPRACOR, Albany Medical College, and possibly PPD Inc (in the "conduct" of the
illegal enterprise), WILLFULLY hid from the public their actual knowledge of the fabricated chest X-rays,
so as to avoid a criminal prosecution for Thomas B. Edwards, M.D., thereby allowing Xopenex,
Singulair, Accolate, and Foradil to gain EXPEDITED market approvals under the PDUFA.

Edwards was directly involved in AT LEAST two studies for Merck's MK-0476 (Montelukast), AT LEAST
one study for Novartis's formoterol (foradil), AT LEAST two studies for Zeneca's Accolate, and AT LEAST
one study for Sepracor's Xopenex. The only reason I can think of that Edwards was not convicted for
criminal fraud, was his direct involvement in the aforementioned studies. Why did FDA apparently
let the sponsor gain control over the fabricated chest X-rays ??? It doesn't pass the "smell
test". To me, at least, it wreaks of probable criminal obstruction of justice. In my non-attorney opinion,
there is ample probable cause for a criminal indictment. Why was there no mention made of the "surgical
clip" in the Albany NY FDA EIR of Thomas B. Edwards, M.D. ???

Grossman was directly involved in PROBABLY (at least) twice as many studies (compared to Edwards) in
support of New Drug Applications in both Albany, NY and Tucson, AZ. The only reason I can think of that
Grossman was not convicted for criminal fraud, was his direct involvement in the aforementioned studies.
Why did FDA do essentially NOTHING after the Tucson AZ EIR reports of April and May 1999 were
published ???

Might the United States be interested NOW, in intervening, if I refile under the FCA, possibly naming PPD
Inc, Davita Inc, Albany Medical College, Thomas B. Edwards, M.D., Jay Grossman, M.D., Merck, Novartis,
Zeneca, Sepracor, and others, for the submission of false claims to Medicare/Medicaid/Tricare for
reimbursement of fraudulently "researched" and fraudulently "approved" Singulair, Ketek, Serevent,
Symbicort, Advair, Flovent, Pulmicort, Zyflo, Foradil, Accolate, and Xopenex ?

The FDA's [current] interest in suicide comes after a 15-year-old in Queensbury, N.Y., hanged himself after
starting the drug [Singulair]. There are NOW faces (dead victims) of the crimes I have been alleging for
almost a decade. Why won't DOJ enforce the law ??? There should have been criminal indictments long
ago !!! How many more have to DIE ??? I disclosed the unblinding of studies, the alleged death(s), and the
surgical clip to the Assistant U.S. Attorney (Houston, TX) about two years ago.


Robert Davidson, M.D.

on behalf of the "endangered and dead"

2 of 2 5/3/2010 12:04 PM

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