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LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138

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Microestructure, texture and colour of gluten-free pasta made with

amaranth our, cassava starch and cassava bagasse
Fernanda A. Fiorda a, *, Manoel S. Soares Jr. a, Flvio A. da Silva a, Maria V.E. Grosmann b,
Luciana R.F. Souto a

Universidade Federal de Gois, Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Campus Samambaia, Rod. Goinia/Nova Veneza, KM 0, 74690-900
Goinia, GO, Brazil
Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Centro de Cincias Agrrias, Rod. Celso Garcia, KM 380, 86051-990 Londrina, PR, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 19 October 2012
Received in revised form
12 April 2013
Accepted 23 April 2013

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality (color, texture and nutritional value) of gluten-free
pasta formulated with pre-gelatinized our made from cassava starch and cassava bagasse (70:30),
cassava starch and amaranth our. The nutritional value of the product showing the best texture characteristics was compared with those of commercial pastas made with semolina and with whole wheat
our. The use of the pre-gelatinized our, native cassava starch and amaranth our (10:60:30), respectively, allowed for the development of a product with adequate color, texture and nutritional value to
similar quality as commercial wheat products. In other words, light yellowish color, ber rich [9.37 g
(100 g)1], source of protein [10.41 g (100 g)1], adequate rmness (43.6 N) and low stickiness (3.2 N).
The use of cassava bagasse increased the ber content of the product and could be used as ingredient in
the formulation of pasta. The obtained pasta could contribute to increase the availability of healthier,
gluten-free products on the market.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Manihot esculenta Cranz
Amaranthus cruentus L.
Food pasta

1. Introduction
Celiac disease is a well known type of food intolerance specifically associated with gluten-containing foods (wheat, rye, barley,
oats). Thus studies are justied to evaluate foods with the potential
to totally or partially substitute the so-called conventional foods,
due to the need to obtain diets that are productive and economically feasible alternatives (Menegassi & Leonel, 2005).
The use of alternative ours in pasta formulations could confer
interesting quality characteristics, providing modications in the
nutritional quality of the various formulations (Inglett, Peterson,
Carriere & Maneepun, 2005). The addition of amaranth our, cassava starch and of an extruded mixture of cassava starch and
bagasse, could be of interest in the elaboration of different types of
instant gluten-free pasta.
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranz) is characterized as a high
energy food, rich in starch. In Brazil, our and starch are the principal industrial products obtained from cassava, creating large
amounts of solid residues which are destined for animal feed or

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 55 43 3371 4080.

E-mail addresses:, (F.A. Fiorda), (M.V.E. Grosmann).
0023-6438/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

deposited in the environment. The bagasse is composed of brous

matter from the root plus part of the starch that could not be
extracted during processing. On the other hand, food bers are
being recognized as important components of food diets, exerting
different positive physiological effects on human health (Figuerola,
Hurtado, Estevez, Chifelle & Asenjo, 2005; Nawirsk & Kwasniewska,
2005; Rehman & Shah, 2004; Sangnark & Noomhorm, 2004).
Cassava starch shows characteristics of great industrial interest,
and for this reason is being directly employed in its native form in
the formulation of foods such as bread, cakes, biscuits and food
pasta (El-Dash, Mazzari & Germiani, 1994; Menegassi & Leonel,
2005; Shittu, Dixon, Awonorin, Sanni & Maziya-Dixon, 2008), or
is being modied by physical, chemical or enzymatic processes to
widen its applications, due to changes occurring in its technological
properties, for example, extrusion causes gelatinization of the
starch (Chillo, Laverse, Falcone, Del Nobile, 2008; Onyango,
Undehend & Lindhauer, 2009; Sannil, Bamgbose, Babajidej &
Sannis, 2007). Extrusion is an alternative technology used to take
advantage of a large amount of products and by-products, favoring
human feeding and contributing to an improvement in the nutritional value of the foods.
Due to the possibility of introducing extruded cassava starch and
bagasse (pre-gelatinized our), native cassava starch and amaranth
our as substitutes for wheat our in the elaboration of pastas, the

F.A. Fiorda et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138

present study aimed to evaluate the effect of each of these components on the instrumental color parameters, verify the texture
properties (rmness and stickiness) of some of the formulations,
and compare the nutritional value of the best formulation with that
of commercial products formulated with regular and whole wheat
our, in order to obtain subsidies for the use of these ingredients by
the pasta industry to attend groups of people with special needs
2. Material and methods
2.1. Raw materials
The cassava starch (CS) and cassava bagasse (CB) obtained from
processing roots of the cultivar IAC-20, were donated by the Bela
Vista Ltda. starch factory in Bela Vista do Paraso e GO, Brazil. The
amaranth our (AF), obtained from grains of the cultivar BRS Alegria was acquired on the local market.
2.2. Preparation of the raw materials
The cassava bagasse was collected from the exit of the conveyer
belt to the storage silo and packed into low density polyethylene
(LDPE) sacks which were immediately transported to the laboratory, where the material was dried in an oven with air circulation
(Tecnal, TE-394/3, Piracicaba, Brazil) at 55  C to a nal moisture
content of 11 g (100 g)1.
The pre-gelatinized our (PGF) made from dehydrated cassava
starch and bagasse (70:30) was processed in a single screw
extruder (Inbramaq, PQ 30, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil), with a screw
compression rate of 3:1, a feed rate of 350 g min1, circular die with
a mesh of 4 mm in diameter, temperatures of the rst, second and
third heating sections of 57, 50 and 90  C, respectively, and screw
rotation of 250 rpm. The moisture content of the mixture was
maintained constant at 16 g (100 g)1, being moistened with the aid
of a spray and manually homogenized.
2.3. Pasta formulation and processing
In addition to the experimental mixtures of PGF, CS and AF
(Table 1), 2 g of urucu dye powder, 10 g of water and 48 g of egg
were added to each 100 g of dry mixture, and the ingredients mixed
in a Y-type homogenizer (Tecnal, TE 201/05, Piracicaba, Brazil) for
15 min. The dough was mixed manually and molded in a pasta
molder (Imperia, Lusso-SP150, Pescara, Italy) with a dye for long
pasta of the vermicelli type. The pasta was dried in an oven with air
circulation at 40  C (Tecnal, TE-394/3, Piracicaba, Brazil) for 60 min,
Table 1
The experimental design used to study the effect of pre-gelatinized our (PGF),
cassava starch (CS) and amaranth our (AF) on the cooking properties of experimental pastas. The values are in real concentrations (g of component per 100 g of
mixture) and in pseudo-components.

Proportions of the ingredients in ternary mixture

Real concentrations



PGF (c1)

CS (c2)

AF (c3)

PGF (X1)

CS (X2)

AF (X3)







X1 X2 X3 1 or 100%.
Source: STATSOFT (2007).


such that it reached a nal moisture content of approximately 10 g

(100 g)1.
2.4. Proximate composition of the farinaceous raw materials
The samples of PGF, CS and AF were evaluated with respect to
their moisture, ash and total, soluble and insoluble dietary ber
contents using methods 925.09, 923.03 and 985.29, respectively,
(AOAC, 1997); for protein using method 960.52 (AOAC, 1990) and
lipids by method 920.39C (AACC, 2000). The carbohydrate content
was calculated by difference and the total energy value estimated
according to the Atwater conversion values: 9 kcal per g of lipids,
4 kcal per g of proteins 4 kcal per g of carbohydrates, not considering the insoluble dietary ber (EC (1990) apud Wilson; Santos;
Vieira, 1982).
2.5. Instrumental color parameters of the farinaceous raw materials
and pastas
In order to determine the instrumental color parameters (L*, a*
and b*) digital photos were taken of the raw materials and broken
pasta as described by Romo, Yamashita & Benassi (2006). The D65
two-source illumination system was used with an angle of incidence
of 45 on the product, which was placed on a white background. The
digital images of the samples were processed using the Microsoft
Photo Editor 3.01program, selecting 20 regions of approximately
5  5 cm in each photo. The images were converted into RGB values
with the aid of the Bitmap mean color convertor (BMP) (Sachs,
Portugual, Prudencio-Ferreira & Felinto, 2010) using the pixel to
pixel color reading applicative. Subsequently the data were converted to the Cielab system using the Munsell Conversion program,
version 4.01 (Colorpro, 2010), obtaining the values L* (luminosity),
a* (red-green component) and b* (yellow-blue component).
2.6. Texture
The texture parameters (rmness and stickiness) were determined for the samples obtained in experiments 1, 2, 4 and 5 using
the texturometer TA.XT2 (Stable Micro Systems, Halesmere, England) according to method 16.50 of AACC (2000). The pasta were
cooked (10 g sample in 140 mL) for their previously determined
optimum cooking times, drained, washed with approximately
50 mL distilled water, maintained for 1 min in 300 mL cold water,
Table 2
The values obtained for moisture (dwb), ash, lipid, protein, total, soluble and
insoluble dietary bers and others and carbohydrate (dwb) contents, total energy
value and the instrumental color parameters L*, a* and b* of the cassava starch (CS),
amaranth our (AF) and pre-gelatinized our (PGF)a.

Total dietary bersb
Soluble dietary bersb
Insoluble dietary bersb
Total energy valuec




12.65a  0.19
0.12c  0.01
1.56b  0.00
0.14b  0.01
0.61c  0.10
0.20c  0.07
0.40c  0.12
85.52b  0.18
355.05b  0.79
82.22a  1.74
2.37c  0.14
6.64c  0.45

4.27c  0.22
2.49a  0.05
7.09a  0.55
15.32a  0.55
12.2b  1.23
1.48b  0.78
10.43b  1.43
70.83c  1.09
365.49a  2.16
70.03b  1.79
5.30b  0.34
19.90a  0.60

9.90b  0.15
0.67b  0.01
0.41c  0.02
0.75b  0.03
18.93a  2.04
4.74a  1.25
14.19a  1.52
88.27a  0.17
303.01c  0.64
44.49c  1.33
7.43a  0.67
17.93b  0.39

Means followed by the same letter in the same row do not differ statistically
according to Tukeys test with 5% of probability of error e values expressed as the
means followed by the standard deviations.
g (100 g)1.
kcal (100 g)1.


F.A. Fiorda et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138

Fig. 1. Colors of the vermicelli-type pastas elaborated with pre-gelatinized our made from cassava starch and dehydrated cassava bagasse (70:30), cassava starch and amaranth
our, according to the experimental design for mixtures.

and then left to rest for approximately 15 min as described by

Ormenese and Chang (2002). The A/LKB-F probe and cell with a
capacity for 5 kg were used to determine rmness, the xed parameters being a pre-test speed (NA), test speed (0.17 mm s1),
post-test speed (10 mm s1) and distance (4.5 mm) as described by
Ormenese and Chang (2002). The HDP/PFS probe and cell with a
capacity for 5 kg were used to determine stickiness, the xed parameters being the measurement of compression force (1000 g),
compression time (2 s), pre-test speed (1 mm s1), test speed
(0.5 mm s1), post-test speed (10 mm s1), distance (10 mm) and
trigger (auto e 20 g). Ten readings were made for both the texture
parameters evaluated.
2.7. Scanning electronic microscopy
Fracture micrographs were made of the samples using a scanning electronic microscope (Sputter Coater, SCD 050, Scotia, USA)
with magnication of 200 and 800.
2.8. Comparison of the values obtained for the proximate
composition and total energy with those obtained for the
commercial pasta
The selected experimental pasta (SEP), and the commercial
whole wheat our pasta (WWFP) and traditional semolina pasta
(TSP) were evaluated with respect to their moisture, ash, protein,
lipid and carbohydrate contents, their total, soluble and insoluble
dietary ber contents and their total energy values by the methods
cited above.

2.9. Statistical analysis

The experimental design for mixtures (Box, Hunter & Hunter,
2005) was used to elaborate the experimental vermicelli type
pasta (Table 1). The results obtained in the characterization of the
pasta were evaluated by variance analyses, and regression mathematical models elaborated which expressed the relationship between the pseudo-components in each experiment and the values
obtained for L*, a* and b* for the experimental pasta samples. The
responses can be visualized in triangular graphs of level curves for
each dependent variable, based on the tted models, using Statistica 7.0 program (Statsoft, 2007). An entirely random experimental
design was used for both the proximate composition and texture
analyses, with three and four treatments, respectively, plus three
original repetitions, the means being compared using Tukeys test
at 5% of probability.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Proximate composition and instrumental color parameters
obtained for the farinaceous raw materials
The AF was capable of substituting the proteins of the wheat
our, with the advantage of containing no gluten. The highest
protein content was found for the AF (Table 2), showing a range
between 8 and 15 g (100 g)1, a range recommended for wheat
our when used as an ingredient in food pasta (Brasil, 2000). It can
be seen that the moisture content of each raw material was below
the limit demanded by Brazilian legislation, maximum of 15 g

Table 3
Multiple regression models, levels of signicance (p), lack of t (LF) and determination coefcients (R2) for the instrumental color parameters of the pastas as a function of the
levels of pre-gelatinized our (X1), cassava starch (X2) and amaranth our (X3).





y1 52.51X1 71.33X2 56.93X3 e 32.80x1x2 11.11x1x3a

y2 15.64X1 8.12X2 15.20X3 23.88X1X2 16.30x2x3
y3 32.23X1 45.97X2 45.51X3 e 4.68x1x3 8.63x2x3




The effects in italic were not signicant, but were maintained to improve the t of the model.

F.A. Fiorda et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138


(100 g)1 for ours and 18 g (100 g)1 for cassava starch (Brasil,
2005). The values found for AF were similar to those reported by
Camargo, Leonel & Mischan (2008). The differences can be
explained as a function of the cassava cultivar used, the season
when planted, the type of soil or manuring process used, and the
climatic conditions to which the culture was submitted during its
development cycle, apart from the drying conditions to which each
product was submitted.
There was a reduction in the lipid content of the PGF (Table 2) as
compared to the raw our [2.47 g (100 g)1] due to the extrusion
process, resulting in the formation of molecular interactions
involving the lipids. Both the AF and PGF can be said to show high
ber contents (Brasil, 2009). In the case of the PGF this was due to
the ber content of the cassava bagasse, and also to the formation of
complexes by the starch caused by retrogradation of the amylose
during extrusion, resulting in the formation of resistant starch, a
polymer resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis during the digestive
process and hence determined as ber in the enzymaticgravimetric analysis.
There was a difference (p > 0.05) between the raw materials
with respect to the carbohydrate content, that of the PGF being the
highest, followed by the CS and then the AF. The highest total energy value was found in the AF, followed by the CS and then the
The CS was the lightest in color, less reddish and less yellowish
(Table 2). According to Ilo, Liu & Berghofer (1999), during the
extrusion of the PGF, the component L* decreased while the components a* and b* increased due to non-enzymatic browning
(Maillard reaction and caramelization) and degradation of the
pigments, which affected the color.
3.2. Instrumental color parameters of the pasta
The colors of the experimental pastas can be seen in Fig. 1,
showing that M1 was the darkest and M2 the lightest, followed by
M5. M5 also showed a more yellowish color, inuenced both by the
low PGF concentration and maximum AF concentration [30 g
(100 g)1]. The models tted for the color parameters of L* and b*
were signicant (p 0.002 and p 0.001, respectively), but not for
the hue a* (p 0.11) (Table 3). Nevertheless the latter was presented in this study since it showed some signicant effects, but
could not be used for predictive ends, just to verify the tendency of
the response.
The effects of the amounts of PGF, CS and AF were signicant
(p  0.05) for all the models analyzed. The effect of the interaction
between PGF and CS was signicant (p  005) for the hue a*, but the
other interactions were not signicant for the models analyzed
(Table 3), but it was decided to maintain them in the model for the
hues a* and b* (p 0.06 and p 0.17, respectively), since the

Table 4
Firmness and stickiness of the pastas formulated with different concentrations of
pre-gelatinized our, cassava starch and amaranth our.

Firmness (N)
Stickiness (N)
Fig. 2. Luminosity (A), hue a* (B) and hue b* (C) as a function of the proportions of pregelatinized our, cassava starch and amaranth our, in pseudo-components. The area
delimited between the experimental points demonstrates the area of the graph passive
to analysis. ** The vertexes of each extremity of the marked area represent the
maximum value of the pseudo-component of each component in the mixture.





4.5a  0.2
11.9b  0.6

3.0b  0.5
15.1  0.9

4.4a  0.1
6.4c  0.7

4.4a  0.1
3.2d  0.3

M1: 40 g (100 g)1 of PGF, 50 g (100 g)1CS and 10 g (100 g)1of AF.
M2: 10 g (100 g)1 of PGF, 70 g (100 g)1 CS and 20 g (100 g)1 of AF.
M4: 20 g (100 g)1 of PGF, 50 g (100 g)1 CS and 30 g (100 g)1 of AF.
M5: 10 g (100 g)1of PGF, 60 g (100 g)1 CS and 30 g (100 g)1 of AF.
Means followed by the same letter in the same row do not differ statistically
according to Tukeys test with 5% of probability of error e values expressed as the
means followed by the standard deviations.


F.A. Fiorda et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138

Fig. 3. Micrographs referring to the fracture of pastas from the trials M1 (a), M2 (b), M4 (c) and M5 (d) with magnications of 200 and 800.

F.A. Fiorda et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138

models showed greater tted determination coefcients (R2f ) when

these effects were maintained.
Pastas with the highest values for luminosity, above 66, were
found in the regions between the points A, B and C on the graph,
with maximum amounts of PGF [27e39 g (100 g)1], minimum
amounts of AF [10e13 g (100 g)1], and intermediate amounts of
CS [50e64 g (100 g)1]. The lowest value for luminosity (54) was
found between the points C, D and F, where the pastas contained
AF contents between 18 and 25 g (100 g)1, CS between 65
and 70 g (100 g)1 and PGF between 10 and 13 g (100 g)1
(Fig. 2A).
It can be seen that in the experimental area studied (Fig. 2B), the
formulations showed values for a* between 15 and 18, the lowest
value (15) being found in the pasta containing 10e14 g (100 g)1
PGF, 17e22 g (100 g)1 AF and maximum amounts [68e70 g
(100 g)1] of CS. The highest value for hue a* (18) was found for the
pasta between the points C, D and E with formulations containing
between 26 and 34 g (100 g)1 PGF, between 56 and 64 g (100 g)1
CS and between 10 and 15 g (100 g)1 AF.
A tendency was found for lower values for the hue b* with lower
CS [50e52 g (100 g)1] and AF [10e13 g (100 g)1] contents and
larger amounts of PGF [37e40 g (100 g)1] in the pasta samples
between points A, B and 1, the samples tending to be less yellow.
The highest values for b* (46), between the points C, D and E, were
found for the pastas with minimum amounts of PGF [10e12 g
(100 g)1], AF between 19 and 30 g (100 g)1 and CS contents between 60 and 70 g (100 g)1 (Fig. 2C).
Limroongreungrat & Huang (2007) evaluated the color of
gluten-free pastas made with mixtures of sweet potato with soy
protein concentrate, and obtained lower values for L* varying between 42 and 47.9, with similar values for a* (15.2e19.5) and for b*
(35.6e38.4). Manthey & Schorno (2001) analyzed the color of
pastas elaborated with whole wheat our and semolina and obtained darker, less yellow pastas than those formulated with PGF,
CS and AF. The differences observed in the colors of the samples
evaluated by the authors cited above and those evaluated in the
present study are due to differences in the quantities and qualities
of the pigments present in the raw materials used in the different
3.3. Texture
Four experimental pastas were chosen for the analysis of texture
(M1, M2, M4 and M5). The extreme values (maximum and minimum)
of PGF, CS and AF and also those with different values for L*, a* and b*
(Table 4), were used as the criteria. The raw pasta (M1), which contained 40 g (100 g)1 PGF, showed elevated rmness, probably
because the characteristics of the pre-gelatinized our predominated,
such as high water retention, which is also caused by high ber
content, in this case coming from the cassava bagasse in the PGF.
However, M1 did not differ from M5, which contained the smallest
amount of PGF [10 g (100 g)1], probably because this contained a
larger amount of AF, which has a high protein content and, together
with the egg albumin, which exerts an emulsifying function, aiding in
the formation of a protein network (different from the gluten
network), indicated by the arrows in Fig. 3c and d. This network
possibly caused involvement of the starch, limiting the access of water
to the starch grains present in the raw ours when submitted to
gelatinization during cooking, restricting swelling of the granules and
consequently decreasing the solubility of the amylose, resulting in the
formation of a more resistant lm on the surface of the pastas (Lai,
2001), thus increasing the rmness of the pasta.
The pasta M2, in addition to containing a larger amount of CS,
also contained the minimum amount of PGF, which could have
negatively affected the rmness. An analysis of the micrographs of


M2 showed the presence of small cracks (indicated in Fig. 3b),

suggesting a certain lack of continuity probably due to the smaller
amount of PGF and smaller amount of AF (protein), as demonstrated by the porosity (indicated in Fig. 3b), that is, little molten
pasta, resulting in a pasta with limited rmness when compared
with the other experimental pasta.
The pastas showing the lowest values for stickiness, that is,
more desirable, were formulated with the largest amounts of AF
[30 g (100 g)1], whereas the highest mean was obtained for M2,
followed by M1 (Table 4). The PGF and CS were the components
that most interfered with the stickiness of the pastas, since in the
PGF the starch was gelatinized, and the CS consisted almost entirely
of native starch. Cassava starch has a high amylopectin content,
which directly affects the texture of the products elaborated with a
higher content of this component, conferring greater stickiness
(Soares Jnior, Grossmann, Silva, Caliari & Spinosa, 1999). Caperuto,
Amaya-Farfan and Camargo (2000) elaborated gluten-free pasta
from corn and quinoa, and obtained values for stickiness varying
between 28 and 14 N, elevated values when compared with those
obtained in the present study.
As a function of the characteristics studied, M5 was considered
to be the experimental pasta with the greatest commercial potential, since it was less sticky, showed a desirable rmness of the
cooked pasta and elevated values for L* and b*, that is, light and
yellowish, and therefore this product was selected for the evaluation of its chemical composition. In a previous paper (Fiorda,
Soares, Silva, Grossmann, Souto, 2013) the results of sensory analysis of this formulation was presented. It obtained the score of 7.2
on a 9 point scale, corresponding to a classication between liked
moderately and liked a lot.
3.4. Proximate composition and total energy value
The selected M5 pasta (SEP) was compared with commercial
samples of pastas made with semolina (TSP) and whole wheat our
(WWFP), with respect to their proximate composition and total
energy value (Table 5). All the samples had moisture contents
below the maximum permitted value [13 g (100 g)1] but lipid
contents that were not within the expected range [0.8e1.1 g
(100 g)1] for food pastas (Brasil, 2000). The samples SEP and TSP
showed protein values within the range of 8e15 g (100 g)1
established for wheat based food pasta (Brasil, 2000).
The sample SEP was a ber-rich food (Brasil, 2009), showing
818, 529 and 907% more total, soluble and insoluble bers,
respectively, than TSP, and 504, 228 and 621% more of the same
fractions, respectively, than WWFP. Since they are produced from
Table 5
Proximate composition and total energy value of the selected experimental pasta
(SEP), regular wheat our pasta (TSP) and whole wheat our pasta (WWFP)a.

Total dietary bersb
Soluble dietary bersb
Insoluble dietary bersb
Total energy valuec




12.64a  0.65
1.39a  0.01
5.26a  0.31
10.40c  0.05
9.37a  1.36
1.51a  0.08
7.86a  0.52
70.31b  0.53
338.72b  3.63

11.29ab  0.27
0.99b  0.06
0.55b  0.06
13.38b  0.10
1.02c  0.07
0.24c  0.04
0.78c  0.09
73.79a  0.29
350.51a  1.26

10.60b  0.61
0.63c  0.01
0.69b  0.10
16.73a  0.25
1.55b  0.09
0.46b  0.08
1.09b  0.10
71.35b  0.79
354.15a  2.82

Means followed by the same letter in the same row do not differ statistically
according to Tukeys test with 5% of probability of error e values expressed as the
means followed by the standard deviations.
g (100 g)1.
kcal (100 g)1.


F.A. Fiorda et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 132e138

basically amylaceous materials, pasta generally show a high carbohydrate composition, being higher for TSP and less for SEP and
WWFP, which did not differ from each other (p  0.05). TSP and
WWFP showed the highest total energy values, which did not differ
from each other (p  0.05). Pasta formulated with wheat our were
also analyzed by Rocha et al. (2008), who obtained values of 16.43 g
(100 g)1 protein, 0.46 g (100 g)1 total dietary ber, 0.79 g
(100 g)1 lipids, 2.88 g (100 g)1 ash and 69.76 g (100 g)1 carbohydrate, similar to the values found in the present study for TSP.
4. Conclusions
The application of cassava bagasse in the production of pregelatinized our for use as an ingredient in human foods was
shown to be feasible, allying consumer interest in healthier food
products and gluten-free foods for the celiac category with sustainability of the cassava starch factories. The combined use of a
pre-gelatinized our made from cassava starch and dehydrated
cassava bagasse (70:30), cassava starch and amaranth our, in the
proportion of 10:60:30, respectively, allowed for the development
of a non-conventional pasta formulation with improved nutritional
value as compared to pasta elaborated with regular or whole wheat
our, allied to the maintenance of good technological texture
characteristics, obtaining pasta that was not very sticky and with
adequate rmness, as well as presenting a light yellowish color.
The authors are grateful to CAPES for nancial support and
scholarship, to FAPEG for nancial support, and to FEBELA cassava
industry and State University of Londrina as partnerships.
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