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Silver Jubilee Year

(August 2009 - August 2010)

The campus newspaper of SRM University

Private Circulation only Volume 3 Number 3

Posing with Senior officials of the University in front of the Auditorium

Students from Nigeria in the

Faculty of Science and Humanities
Nwafor Chi-
Welcome to the SRM family Ms Olowu
buike Mavis Anwurri
The school By A Spectrum Staff the Nigerian youngsters This school is
has a very Writer had come to is “very young “We are one of the very few Universities good and it has
environment for
and vibrant.” which is multi-faculty” good facilities.
As many as 113 young I am hoping to
learning.I want Dr.Ganesan who himself - Pro Vice Chancellor get out at least
to go out of this men and women from Ni- had lived in Nigeria in the with a first
school with a geria who have come to early 1980s as a Visiting class and fully
first class and will also carry home “good pation in sports was also
the SRM University to the Professor traced the roots equipped.
go back to my memories of this ancient picked by the Registrar,
country to make School of Computer Sci- of the SRM University country”. Dr.N.Sethuraman in his
a difference. ences in the Faculty of stressing the rapid expan-
For his part the Direc- brief address. “The Chancel-
Science and Humanities to sion that has taken place
tor of the Faculty of Sci- lor (Mr.T.R.Pachamuthu)
pursue Bachelor’s Degree since becoming a Universi-
ence and Humanities, is very much interested
in Computer Science and ty. “We are one of the very
Dr.R.Balasubramanian told in sporting activities. You
Information Technology few Universities which is should bring laurels to this
were accorded a “special multi-faculty” the senior the Nigerian students that
University in any event”
reception” as the group administrator said. they should not hesitate to
the Registrar said.
constituted the maximum ask anything and that the Nkpaah Zorbari
The students were re- India is one nation with Stephen
number of foreign students minded by Dr.Ganesan that faculty was quite ready to
Ms Lenee Mary
assist with all necessary different cultures and the A very good
Emmadeebari who have come in “one coming from a foreign land atmosphere for
strength of the SRM Uni-
I love the lot”. each and every one of them reading material. study and a first
versity is that of attracting class standard
educational In an orientation ceremo- Dr.Balasubramanian also
are Ambassadors of their students from different cul- of education. I
system. I am
impressed with ny, the Pro Vice-Chancellor country and that by the time made a special pitch to the tures remarked the Dean of am expecting
the facilities; Dr. T.P.Ganesan pointed of their departure at the end students regarding keeping the Faculty of Science and to come out of
and the school is out that the institution that of their three year stay they up with their athletic and this school with
Humanities, Dr.K.Sengotti. flying colors
well equipped.
I am expecting
sporting activities as also in “It is not enough to get a and well skilled
to go out with a
“The Chancellor is very much interested in the development of cultural in Information
mere degree. You need to
difference. sporting activities. You should bring laurels to activities should there be Technology.
get a degree with merit”,
this University in any event” such a desire. Dr.Sengotti told the Nige-
- The Registrar The theme of partici- rian students.
2 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

Internet Addiction
Addiction of a different kind
By Shiv Nadar can’t stop using the internet.
Coming online becomes
When one enters college, a necessity, an addiction
he or she is always warned without which they just can’t
about bad habits like be themselves. Also online
smoking, doing drugs and gaming like the counter strike
alcohol. We get lectures in and world of war craft gets to
school about the dangers see people sitting and playing
such substances pose and for hours and hours thereby
nowadays it’s practically neglecting everything else
drilled into every sixteen year and giving the game more
old-- that these items should importance. Their whole life
be kept at a safe distance. revolves around the internet;
But just when people are and slowly they just keep on
beginning to understand the thinking of what they will

Lifetime achievement award risks of these substances,

something new got people
hooked. It is estimated
do when they go online; and
become rude and grungy
when they don’t.
Dr. R. Shivakumar, the Pro-Vice Chancellor of SRM University and Correspondent of that a quarter of the earth’s As of today there is still
SRM Nightingale Matriculation Higher Secondary School was conferred with ‘Lifetime population uses this service discussion among doctors
Achievement Award’ by the Lions Club of Golden Friends. called ‘The Internet’. It has and psychologists around
The award presented to Dr. R. Shivakumar by social activist Sarojini Varadappan was become a very essential part the world if this is an
of our lives and slowly it is addiction or a psychological
for his dynamic approach to education and his inspiring leadership that has enabled the
going on to be something disorder. However, it is being
University to grow to such a stature; his selfless service to the cause of education, and
people cannot do without. considered a serious issue
lending a helping hand to the meritorious and the needy. With all the social as we find internet addiction
Gayathri Devi MLA Sathish Kumar, Lions Club President, Yogaraj, Secretary and LKS networking sites and with centres being opened up
Gold House proprietor, Syed Ahmed, were present on the occasion. applications like Google to help people whose lives
talk and Skype, people just revolve around the internet!

'Indian Education System needs alteration"

By Deepak Pinninty hibit the rich cultural heritage dom to explore. Considering
Menorca Chaturvedi of India, which has been re- the distance and the rules, it
ally exciting for me, as a tour- would otherwise have been a
A lovely smile, and a grace- ist. The upcoming holidays disadvantage. The city is nei-
ful reception- that’s Miss Ca- will see me traveling North, ther too fast nor sleepy, which
mille Cosnefroy for you, a to places like Delhi, Varanasi, makes it a perfect blend for
new French Faculty member Kashmir. anyone to enjoy. I feel that
in the Department of English Q. How has your expe- the climate and pollution here
and Foreign Languages. Ba- rience in SRM University are the only  hindrances to a
sically from France, she has been so far? peaceful life.
been staying in Belgium for A. SRM has given me a Q. What are your future
the past three years, where very warm welcome. It has plans?
she graduated in Arts. That is provided me with an excel- A. I intend to go back to
when India called. lent opportunity to interact Belgium after April and write
Deepak Pinninty and with people from different about my experiences in In-
Menorca Chaturvedi from parts of India at once. This dia. Travelling is of course on
Spectrum spoke to her re- would not have been possible the cards. I shall be getting
garding her experiences in in any of my trips. I also think back to my first love, Arts.
India. Excerpts…   that living on the campus is Q. What are the pros-
Question: How did you an enriching experience for pects for Indian students in
decide upon coming to In- students, they can work to- France?
dia? gether easily and they can A. France provides a
Answer: I had done my exchange their ideas. Since plethora of opportunities
Master’s in Psychology, students come from all cor- every year for International
when I got an offer from the ners of India; they can learn a students. Although educa-
French Embassy to come lot from each other. tion there is expensive, the
to India for a span of nine Q. How has your experi- Ms. Camille Cosnefroy numerous MoU’s signed be-
months and teach French. It ence as a teacher been? tween many French and In-
was an interesting opportu- A. It is the first time I have dent’s point of view, I would SRM can be the torch bearer dian universities, including
nity for me. Besides, I had entered the Teaching profes- rather say that it might be for this change.   SRM, makes it much easier
always wanted to visit India.  sion. I have got a very en- monotonous for them con- Q. How is Chennai treat- and feasible for students to
Q. Where all has the couraging response from my sidering the long tiring hours, ing you? enroll themselves there.
course of your journey in students here. It has been a and the study pressure. Also, A. Well, I was initially Q. What is your message
India taken you to?  real pleasure to teach French. I feel it would be better if stu- staying in the Staff Quar- for the students?
A. I have traveled the The other Faculty members dents were allowed to take up  ters on campus. But, lately, A. I would ask them to en-
length and breadth of South have been very cooperative French for more than a year. I have shifted out in the city, joy their college life to the
India, which comprises most and helpful. Probably, the Indian educa- as it gives me a better feel of fullest. Follow your passions
of the temple cities. They ex- Looking at it from a stu- tion system needs alteration. the city along with the free- and live your dreams.  
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 3

Dr.N.Padmanaban A section of the participating students

National Conference on Research

Opportunities in Chemical Engineering
The National Confer- interdisciplinary research. Dr.MGR. Educational and re- at 9.00am with a presentation The conference con-
ence started at 10.30am on Dr.R.Karthikeyan, Prof& search Institute, Chennai ex- by Dr.C.S.Balasubramaniam, cluded with the valedic-
23rd September 2009 with Head of the Chemical En- plained the various methods Retd. Joint General Manager, tory function presided
an Invocation followed gineering Department has and means by which you can Madras Fertiliser Limited, by Mr.M.R.Kasinathan.
by Welcome address by Introduced the Chief guest select the topics of research. Chennai and he shared his Senior General Manager,
Dr.B.Karunanithi, Profes- Mr.S.Venkataramana, Gener- Mr.Mosses Manohar, Man- thoughts and experience in LNV Technology Pvt.Ltd,
sor, Department of Chemi- al Manager (Manufacturing), aging Director, M/S Dhan- research in the above field.
Chennai. He shared his ex-
cal Engineering, SRM CPCL, Manali. vantri Enterprises Pvt.Ltd. Dr.Lima Rose Mirenda,
perience in the field of ce-
University. Inaugural address was giv- Pondicherry, shared his ex- Assistant Professor, De-
ment and thrown the lights
Presidential address was en by Mr. S.Venkataramana perience with respect to food partment Of Chemical En-
given by Dr.C. Muthamizh and he explained the various and mosquito coil industry gineering, A.C.College of on different research Op-
chelvan, Associate Direc- research opportunities in Pe- and threw the different areas Technology,Anna University portunities in the cement
tor (E&T), SRM Univer- troleum Industries. that require research in the Chennai, explained the vari- plant. The conference was
sity. He emphasized the D r. N . P a d m a n a b h a n , above field. ous challenges and opportu- very useful. It helps us to
importance of research in Prof&Head, Department On 24th September nities in the field of Chemical identify the different re-
different disciplinary and of Chemical Engineering, 2009,the conference started engineering. search areas available.

By Deepak Pinninty and the form of pictures. No mat-

Ritika Agarwal ter that the sun shone with
its full glare, the participants
Continuing with the cel- groped about in each corner
ebrations of the 25th anniver- of the campus in a bid to win
sary of SRM University, the the race.

The Network Follows You…

campus hosted another quint- In the two day extrava-
essential tech symposium, ganza, not only the techni-
Tele Tarang ’09. The Depart- cal minds feasted, but also
ment of Telecommunications the foodies of the campus
lutions Pvt. Ltd. gave an opportunity for stu- Burning the midnight lamp
Engineering organized the savoured on the delicacies
The symposium gave op- dents to test their techni- to play NFS finally reaped
tech extravaganza on the 12th which were served in the main
portunity to University stu- cal acumen. While Telemag its fruits. Grabbing humun-
and 13th of October. campus. With cracky burgers,
dents to participate in a pleth- tested your knowledge in gous limelight was the event
Months of hard work by crispy pizzas, enticing ice-
ora of events which consisted the arena of communication ‘Connected’ where the level
the Department of Telecom- creams and spicy chaat, the
of both technology oriented technology, Mat-Telcode was of compatibility between the
munication Engineering cul- list of mouth-watering delica-
and gaming events. about debugging Matlab pro- participating partners was
minated in the symposium cies was seamless.
Paper Presentation on Em- grams. Giving tough compe- tested. Even the heavy rains
‘TeleTarang’ which won lau- Tele Tarang in its debut edi-
bedded Systems and Signal tition in level of popularity were not able to dampen the
rels throughout. tion was indeed a success. It
Processing witnessed partici- was the event Envision AD spirits of participants, who
The symposium inaugu- was backed by sponsors like
pation from universities like Infinitum, where the par- turned in zealously to be a
rated on the 12th witnessed CST, Reebok and Suzuki. The
Shastra University, Crescent ticipants were required to be part of the gaming events.
presence of dignitaries like hard work of the department
University. An array of tech- well-acquainted with elemen- On the final day of sympo-
Dr. Santosh Babu, MD, Elec- teachers and students was
nical events like Telemag, tary physics. sium, another mega event
tronics Corporation of Tamil well reflected in the triumph
Mat-Telcode and Envision However it was the gaming ’Pic Hunter’ was conducted
Nadu Limited (ELCOT) and of the event. At the conclu-
AD Infinitum organized in events which stole the show. by third year students of
Mr. Rajesh Rathod, Head of sion of the symposium, the
the main campus as well as X-Zone attracted participa- Telecom. It was a treasure
India Operations, Prodapt So- crescent smile on the faces of
Dr.T.P.Ganesan Auditorium tion of over 400 students. hunt where the clues were in
all and sundry said it all!!!!!!
4 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

A Sangam of languages

Dr.Kadambari, Professor of English, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai, The Cultural show that followed the Seminar

By Prashanti Ganesh  He stressed how such ini- She said that language can “Language is a necessary Through remembering
tiatives are the first steps to- only be learnt through contin- tool. We should learn to use greats like Valluvar and Vi-
Something different was
wards purifying the society uous speaking, irrespective of the dictionary, understand the vekananda, she reminisced,
attempted at the University
without clash or conflicts and the number of mistakes. She correct meaning and applica- “Language makes you an
and it may even prove to be a
increases the acceptance of laid emphasis on the levels of tion of words before using excellent vehicle in the uni-
trend setter for others to emu-
all as brothers. “Language is verse. When you speak, you
late and follow--‘Sangam’, a interest people should have them. The word and its mean-
the base of all. It is a prime survive.” 
seminar on languages was
factor for various aspects
conducted by the School of Before English Lecturer
Languages, SRM University.
in life”, he maintained even “This is a very good attempt. It is an
while stressing the impor- K.V.Geetha gave the vote of
One of the objectives was to
tance of going beyond the opportunity to interact and know thanks, Dr.Manavazhahan,
introduce the first year stu- HOD, Tamil Department in-
dents of the Faculty of Sci-
knowledge of one language. the various ideological thoughts
vited the students to contrib-
ence and Humanities to in- In introducing the Chief of the experts in the field of ute to SRM’s latest venture,
teract with experts from lan- Guest Dr.Kadambari, Pro-
Pudiya Talaimurai, a Tamil
guages of English, French, fessor of English, Ethiraj languages”... Magazine.  
Tamil and Hindi. College for Women, Chen-
nai, Dean of the Faculty of Dr.R.Balasubramanian Separate lectures in Tamil,
Dr.Bagyavati Ravi, HOS, Science and Humanities, Hindi and French were orga-
School of Languages, in Dr.Sengotti said, “She has nized for the students of the
her welcome address, spoke on not only language but oth- ing will always be together,
more than 25 years of experi- respective departments and
about how this is the first time er facets of life as well. She like Shiva and Parvati. ” she
ence, serving as teacher. She a cultural programme in the
that all the language events is also the author of 7 books.” said, “We have lost the knack said adding that we must ob- afternoon also saw the par-
have been combined in order Dr.Kadambari is widely in- of asking questions. Interest serve everything around us ticipation of the complete
to facilitate the students fare terested in gender studies and is most important for asking and communicate our obser- student body of the Faculty
well in a better way.   is an active member in vari- questions and improving.”  vations.   of Science and Humanities.
“This is a very good at- ous boards and panels- Con-

Hearty Congrats
tempt. It is an opportunity sultant in India, Pittsburgh
to interact and know the University and Consultant,
various ideological thoughts Chambers Dictionary to
of the experts in the field name a few, the Dean pointed
of languages” quipped the out. 
Director, Faculty of Sci- Dr.A.Manavazhahan, papers, in national and in-
Mrs. Vidyavati Prasad,
ence and Humanities, Head of the Department of ternational conferences.
HOD, English Department,
Dr.R.Balasubramanian, who Tamil, Faculty of Science His most recent works in-
explained the objectives of
delivered the Presidential ad- and Humanities, SRM clude “ Sanga Illakkiathil
Lingua Franca. She said that
University, has won the Melanmai “ and “ Pazhan-
dress. there is now a global demand
Young Scholar Award for thamizhar Thozhil Nut-
He believes that such sem- to be multi-lingual. Events pam “. He has also pro-
like Sangam are to spread 2007-2008 for his contri-
inars with experts will help butions to Classical Tamil. duced educational CD’s.
students understand the vary- awareness among students.
She added, “Whatever said This is one of the Presi- He graduated from the
ing and various ideologies
and done, English is far su- dential awards announced Athur Government Arts
behind thoughts and percep-
perior to other languages as by the President Prathibha Dr.A.Manavazhahan College. He did his Mas-
tions and with a larger ob-
it is important for aspect like Patil recently. ters and M.Phil at the
jective. “Such combination Lakh. National College, Tiru-
of languages will promote a employment.”  
The citation apart, the chi, and his Ph.D from
kind of integration and dif- Professor Kadambari start- honor comes with a cash An author of several books, the World Tamil Research
ferences in thinking will dis- ed off by explaining how lan- award of Rupees One he has presented 35 research Institute, Chennai.
appear.”  guages can never be taught.
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 5

Trendy ‘SIM’ municators

BY Navneet Iyengar on being questioned about end models. And with the in-
the logic behind maintaining troduction of 3G services like
Stay connected…that’s the multiple sims came up with a live T.V, video streaming,
bottom-line of today’s life- plethora of reasons. GPS, video conferencing,
style. In an ever expanding Says Rohan, a B.Tech super quick GPRS and direct
world, one’s contacts cannot 2nd year student,  “Vodafone links to Facebook , Youtube,
be expected to remain stag- is a better service provider Orkut  etc. multitasking is the
nant and hence the need for order of the day. But there’s a
in my home state whereas I
an adequately and properly
find Airtel better here”. An- catch as all service providers
nurtured network.
other chemical engineering don’t offer 3G services and
Social networking, is a
student Gokul says “its fun to hence users have to go in for
phenomenon that has taken
maintain multiple sims” who multiple sims. 
the world head over heels. In
has five of them and plans to There are a few drawbacks
case of a trendy youngster,
get more.   of maintaining multiple sims
it gets multiplied by eons of
While the community is di- too. Sometimes the phones
times to manifest itself into
vided over the ‘which is bet- don’t stop ringing and end up
a huge social network and
ter CDMA or GSM’ debate, consuming too much time off
in such a scenario, to be in-
users continue to use both the one’s daily schedule.

IT puts Railways
formed of everything taking
shape around you, comes technologies without much Moreover handling more
into the picture the need of fuss. While CDMA (code than a handset can be a

on the right track

maintaining multiple SIM division multiple access) hassle. Dual sim mobiles
(subscriber identity mod- provides its customers with are a convenient solution to
ule) cards. And speaking of a clear network, the GSM this problem, which help to
trendy youngsters, SRM is (global system or mobile toggle between GSM and
By A Spectrum Reporter CONCERT, a key project of communications) technology CDMA sims. With efforts
in no dearth, as it is a com-
CRIS, gave the students the covers a larger area thereby on to merge the GSM and
The role of Information mon sight watching students
knowledge of the application providing a better roaming CDMA technologies, in due
System in Railway Industry in our college juggling with
side of IT, going beyond service. Although CDMA course, customers would
was the theme of a seminar different SIM cards with rela-
the theoretical knowledge RUIM’S along with its hand- be able to enjoy the best of
organized by the Computer tive ease and finesse.  
of Networks. It helped sets cost a lot lesser, it is ac- both. The future holds great
Science Department of SRM To each his own-- reasons
the students get an off site counted for by GSM through promise and the communica-
Arts and Science College on vary with different outlooks.
experience of computer its wide array of tech-support tion boom which has already
its campus recently. Money matters— call charg-
networks in Railways. The software along with a larger started could be taken to diz-
Laying emphasis on es figure at the top of this
chief guest urged them to bandwidth.     zy heights.   
the indispensable role of list in the case of students and
come to the Railways on an For the techno geek with a P.S Who knows-- SRM
information technology, the more so if they are hosteliers.
industrial visit. penchant for gizmos, options group may join the mobile
chief guest of the seminar, It is quite convenient to have
Explaining how the are no less. With mobiles no launch pad and turn the cam-
Mr. T. Venkata Subramanian, a different SIM card for your
organization works, he longer remaining a tool just pus into a seamless commu-
General Manager, CRIS home state as it helps to cut
said that the major parts of nication hub for students and
(Center for Railway down on S.T.D and also the for communication there’s a
the Railway Network was
Information System), said roaming charges. Students lot on offer in terms of high faculty alike.  
provided and maintained by

Emerging business models

that IT was an enabler in RAILTEL Corporation of
the various organizations Railways. In some remote
of Railway industry such areas it is not feasible to
as CRIS, IRCTC (Indian provide the network facility,
Railway Catering and so BSNL provides the same  The world keeps changing ity of each partner is limited cleanliness of the environ-
Tourism Corporation) and in those areas. He also listed every second and in the same only to the extent of his ment to lead a healthier life.
RITES (Rail India Technical the hardware required and way even the business scenar- contribution,and where the It was pointed out that
Economic Services). He the role of the router in the io keeps changing every now partner’s personal assets are “THARAM” was put togeth-
also spoke about CONCERT network. and then. So it is our pleasure excluded and not considered er by the Third Year students
(Country-Wide Network for To a question about the to update you readers with a as a part of his liability. of B.Com;and the seminar
Enhanced Reservation and Vysarpadi train hijack incident new concept LLP (Limited Mr. Ravi inaugurated the came to an end with the vote
Ticketing), which provides and the preventive measures, Liability Partnership). quality club “THARAM”with of thanks by Joseph Anto
a complete architecture for he said biometric technology Participants in a seminar or- the motto being to promote Jofel.
development of passenger would soon replace the ganized by the Department of
reservation system and conventional method of Commerce of the Faculty of
related applications. using keys to operate electric Science and Humanities were
A recipient of several trains. The driver’s thumb briefed on this topic by FCS
awards, including the GM’s impression would be taken as Corporate Law Consultant
award for meritorious the biometric identification. Mr.B.Ravi with the H.O.D of
service during 2001 and CCTV cameras have been the Commerce Department
the Prime Minister’s Award installed at Chennai Central Mrs.Padma Shankar deliver-
for Excellence in Public Railway Station at a cost of ing the welcome address.
Administration for year 2006- Rs. five crores. In the next   Mr.B.Ravi shared his
07, he made the audience stage, Railway stations would views and real experiences
comprising of computer and be provided with CCTVs and with the students and was
IT students think, interact other security systems at a very focused on the concept
and learn a few useful things cost of Rs. 55 crores through “sharing knowledge is adding
about the various aspects of which the stations would be knowledge”.
IT. connected and monitored, he   LLP is a new concept in- The Dean of the Faculty of Science and Humanities,
The presentation about added. troduced where the liabil- Dr. K.Sengotti greeting Mr. B.Ravi before the start of the seminar
6 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

Festival Time at SRM

Durga Pooja... at SRM Engineering College, Kattankulathur Campus

Ayutha Pooja... at Faculty of Science and

Navaratri... Humanities Office, Kattankulathur

Ayutha Pooja... at Transport Office, Kattankulathur Ayutha Pooja... at Kattankulathur

2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 7

“Shuru”, the beginning

of new hopes
and Ankita from Biomedical
Engineering as Ms. Fresher.
Ishan impressed the audience
by emphasizing to connect
with the tradition and moral
values. Ankita is a shooter at
national level.
Sorovi Nandi and Phanni
bagged the 1st and 2nd prizes

respectively in solo dance
category. For group dance,
troupe of dancers called

launch report
‘Delzag’ and held the first
position while ‘Coordinated
Chaos’ held the second
By : Spectrum Staff Writers graced by the Chief Guest position. In the solo singing
Dr. Sharmilla, a versatile TV category, Jainik K. and
Shuru is the beginning artiste,Mrs. Maya Shyam Harini N. came 1st and 2nd Finally we gifted ourselves always pay back’, she em-
or the starting point of the Sunder, a famous dancer  respectively. ‘Rookies’ and something we were missing phasized.  
life and students are the who runs a dance school & ‘Acoustica’ claimed 1st and so badly! An Entrepreneur- Two alumni teams (YOGI-
milestones for the SRM Ms. Subhiksha Rangarajan, a 2nd prizes in the Music Band ship Cell, E-cell, that was KI INC and YIPEE INC)
University ! The event was budding singer. categories. Sagar Varjaita and launched at SRM University.  from Incubation Centre were
specially conducted for the The event started off with Gautam R. stood 1st and 2nd The formal inauguration also present to speak on the
freshers to encourage and a welcome address by the respectively in mimicry. For saw many dignitaries includ- occasion. They shared help-
give them strength by saying Cultural Secretary, Mr. Johney instrumental solo, Nimesh ing Mr. Raj Krishnan Shan- ful tips over bringing out a
life is a full of problem and Pandian. He gave a warm and Pradeep Kumar were kar, Principal Strategist, Ich- new venture. 
challenges. At the same time welcome to the new brigade given 1st and 2nd prizes.  iban Consultants as the Chief Yipee was cofounded by
it also shows us the right path; emphasizing the importance The university had kept Guest. Mr Jude Anand, CEO- Mr.Vineet Kumar Neeraj and
never get discouraged in your and benefits of joining the an online contest called ‘My Black and White Web Solu- Mr.Vikas Kumar, both alum-
life and never ignore it is the clubs under SRM Cultural family contest’ in which tions and Ms. Vishnupriya, ni of Faculty of Engineering
simple but forceful message. Association. Starting off with the families of students had Consultant, NEN [National and Technology, SRM. Yipee
“It’s time of the year the lighting of  kuthuvillakku to post feedbacks on how Entrepreneurship Network] is into the business of Events
when a constellation meets a by the cultural secretary, Mr. SRM had changed life of were present to grace the oc- Management primarily. 
galaxy”,the cultural secretary Mahesh, the treasurer for  their children. Twenty family casion stressing the impor-
However, they also look after
put it in his welcome address SRM Cultural Association and winners for this contest under tance as students are getting
web page designing, compa-
on the eve of Shuru’09, an some first year students,the ‘The Parents Club’were also ready to take the “plunge” in
ny picnics, product launches
event to mark the welcome of grand programme consisted honoured with momentos by the world of entrepreneur-
and fests for colleges and
over 3000 freshers who have of seven events,all performed the Director, Registrar and ship. 
schools. Yipee has had il-
joined the SRM family this by freshers.   Mrs. Anuradha.  Mr. Jude Anand shared
lustrious clients that include
academic year. The Ramp walk was Towards the end, Dr. his experience and kindled a
ray of hope among the young Jaipur Murti Kala Kendra,
A cultural event to popular and it was here Sharmilla  addressed the
technologists. Ms. Vishnu- Biomedical Instrumentation
welcome freshers, Shuru Mr. and Ms. Fresher were audience and appreciating
priya gave a lengthy address company etc. 
is held every year and this chosen. Ishan from IT Dept. the brimming talent in
which was lapped up by the Yogiki, another entrepre-
time around the event was was chosen as Mr. Fresher students as also paying
handsome compliments audience--she gave many neurial venture by alumni
to the encouraging and crucial details, beneficial to was cofounded by  Mr Anir-
enthusiastic audience. She the student community. She ban Chawdhury and Mr Ra-
rendered a warm touch to her informed them about the jiv Ranjan. Robotics is their
words when she ended up NEN resources and ways to primary focus. They take up
with saying “SRM ROCKS!” start a venture and sustain it. workshops and have taken
Ms .Subhiksha Rangarajan, a She gave many examples of up the construction of some
very talented artiste delighted successful businessmen who innovative robots including
the audience by singing a started from scratch. She in- ‘limbless locomotion’ and a
commendable song and the sisted that everyone must unbelievable Glider”. Yogiki
function came to an end with have a mentor/advisor. ‘One is shortly going to take up a
the vote of thanks given by must trust one’s instincts. workshop at SRM, Modina-
Mr E Mahesh, Treasurer of Genuineness and hard work gar.
the Cultural Association.
8 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

“Record” a way for peace

Meet… Suresh Joachim
Aditya Panja and people suffering every day,
Chinmayee Mishra. so I wanted to bring peace
  in world”, “then I saw the
“Around the world for Guinness book of world
peace” is what Suresh records and had the idea of
Joachim said when asked breaking records for peace”,
about his next major said Mr. Joachim when
record. For the people who asked about his beginning. 
don’t know him, the Tamil He began his record breaking
Canadian is the current record career by running consecutive
holder of the world’s highest for 1,000 hours. From then
records in the Guinness on he has broken over 50
Books. world records since 1996. He
Among his closely lined dreams of a world of peace
up events, a movie in Tamil and would go to any extent to The Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Guest interacting with students
which recorded fastest script fulfil it. Most of his records
to screen time and a 150 hour
DJ night in “SRM University”
were based on athletic and
fitness abilities like, running
Biotechnology Students’ Association
for long hours, dancing for
100 hours, crawling the
at the SRM University inaugurated
fastest mile etc. So when
asked about his health he said, By: Mark Nathan would be introduced to the US it was 50-50.
“My doctors say that though opportunities in the world ‘‘In India, the government
my body is getting old, my Biotechnology Students’ of biotechnology research alone is shouldering the
organs show the functioning Association was formed and inculcate entrepreneurial research initiative…India
of a youth, they are magically and inaugurated at the SRM skills in the biotech industry. has the third largest scientific
strong and healthy”. University at its campus in Speaking after inaugurating manpower in the world with
To create awareness for suburban Kattankulathur. the Biotechnology 300-plus universities and
world peace he will be running Welcoming the guests Students’ Association Mr. 10,000 colleges, but research
around the world in “World Prof. P. Sathyanarayanan G J Samathanam, Advisor in private sector is very low,’’
Peace Marathon” which will Vice-Chancellor, advocated and Head, Technology he added.
be a 182 day journey starting the importance of University Development and Transfer, Mr. Samathanam said
from 12:00 am of 25th Industry interaction in the Department of Science and the government was taking
December 2010, in Jerusalem field of Biotechnology Technology, pointed to the all steps to increase private
has been seen. The plans for
and end on June 24th, 2011 and said the formation fact that as far as R and D investment in research to 35
the DJ night are under final
detailing and the release of in Toronto. He hopes to raise of the Biotech Students’ is concerned in the country per cent with it bearing the
his movie “Sivappu Mazhai” one billion dollars for charity Association would help because all the investments balance 65 per cent. Quoting
is awaited in South India.” through this marathon. Also students interact with the are from the government statistics, he said just 0.9 per
“I was growing in a time he will submit a petition to industry and the scientific side. cent of India’s Gross National
when war could be found make June 24 a “worldwide world. ‘‘Of the total investments, Product went into Science
everywhere and I saw cease fire day”.   ‘‘It will help you to interact 80 per cent is borne by the and Technology research as
Talking about his other with your own peers and government and the balance against 4.5 per cent in a small
records he says “I don’t those from the Industry,’’ 20 per cent is from private country like Israel. It was
want to have any limits and he said adding that the main sector,’’ he said stressing around one per cent in China,
so I have planned to walk aim of the association was to that it was very low when he said.
on space for 100 hours in generate interest in the field compared to other countries. Pro Vice chancellor Dr.
the near future. For this he of Life Science Research by In countries like Japan and T. P. Ganesan and other
has also sent in proposals to inviting experts to deliver South Korea investments in University officials along
NASA and is awaiting their guest lectures to inspire R and D by private sector was with industry delegates were
reply. the students. The students 60 to 65 per cent whereas in present on the occasion.

Sir, Please may I have
By Abin Biswas TER ON MY BED because you ask....simple two word working site. He too isn’t that it of delaying things we just
of constantly sitting at one explanation for it.....PRAC- much worried about his pracs continue doing it for even the
Hello again....
WHACK here and hon- position!!!! Im actually at the TICAL RECORDS!!!! and seems to have finished smallest of things...(THAT
estly right now i am in brink of breaking C.R.A.C.K. on the other his records. In the past week EXPLAINS THE UNCON-
a miserable condition. I if you hear rumours about a hand has gone off to sleep, it has been reaffirmed in my TROLLABLE OVER-
still have one record to guy with a goatee and short so has most of the hos- mind that most humans are GROWTH OF FACIAL
write, i have a semester hair running around like tel. Crazy he might be, but nothing but a lazy bunch of HAIR ON MY CHIN....just
practical exam tomorrow, mad screaming “MY LIFE the fellow always manage evolved monkeys who love don’t get my hands to pick up
my hands are going to file STINKS” at the top of his to finish all his records on to procrastinate......includ- the scissor and trim it)..
a lawsuit against me if lungs.....ummm....well ya time.....W.H.A.C.K. is busy ing yours truly. WE ARE Seriously though, its not
i write another sentence that would be me!! Why am flirting with some random CREATURES OF HABIT just us students who end up
AND THERE IS A CRA- I in such a pitiful condition girl he met on a social net- and once we get into the hab- doing things at the last mo-
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 9

The Road less travelled...

Are you ready for a challenge? 
By Shruti Iyer  communication, problem-
solving, and organization – to
Are you interested in succeed in any sector. Try
leadership at the highest keeping a class of 40- odd
levels?  Do you have a seven year old engaged and
track record of academic interested and a boardroom
achievement?  Is the unjust of suited professionals is a
achievement gap in our piece of cake!
country appalling to you? Teach For India’s career
Well then, take a step towards center helps Fellows connect
bridging the educational with our corporate and post-
inequity. Don’t just sit back graduate partners, including The Pro-Chancellor, The Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar at the event
and complain. Go out and ISB, SP Jain, McKinsey,
change them. Inspire. Teach.

Youthful Panacea
Thermax and more. 
Lead. Transform. Join the In June 2009, Teach For
movement that’s called India placed its first class
Teach For India.  of 87 Fellows in English-
Teach For India is a medium, primary schools in

2009 at SRM
nationwide movement to Mumbai and Pune. Fellows
end educational inequity come from leading colleges
and is seeking the world’s such as IIT, St. Xavier’s, St.
most outstanding final-year Stephen’s and Symbiosis and
students for its selective top corporates such as ICICI
2010 Fellowship. It is based By: Mark Nathan its sprawling massive audi- wreck, fashion show, light
Bank, Godrej Industries,
on the highly influential and Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata torium and congratulated the music, solo singing, rangoli,
The second edition of Pan- organizers for providing a glass painting together with
selective Teach For America Power and others.  By its acea 2009 an Inter-Medical,
movement, which is now 20 fifth year, Teach For India vibrant show. He emphasized events like quiz debate and
years old and boasts 17,000 Dental and Paramedical Cul-
aims to place hundreds of on participation than winning creative writing.
alumni in powerful positions Fellows in the country’s top tural Fiesta organized by the
or loosing. The Pro-Chancellor of the
all over the United States and metropolitan cities and their SRM Institute of Medical and
The ever youthful music di- University Mr. P. Ravi said
throughout the world.  surrounding rural areas.  Health Sciences, SRM Uni-
rector Devi Sri Prasad in his the Cultural are meant for
Teach For India believes “The challenges are versity was organized with
that all children deserve much fanfare at the SRM special musical and dancing bringing out the inherent tal-
immense but there is not
access to a quality education. an iota of regret.   This is a University Campus in the address appreciated the orga- ents among the participants.
The Teach For India job where I get to innovate, suburban Kattankulathur. nizers for their precision tim- SRM’s Pro-Vice Chancellor
Fellowship creates a create and build all at the Popular film actor Vishal ing of the events. Dr. T. P. Ganesan, University
movement of leaders in all same time. Every day is and every youthful music Over 26 Medical, Den- Registrar Prof. N Sethura-
sectors who understand the different. Every child is maestro and music director tal and Para Medical Col- man, Director SRM Medical
problems behind educational different. I love being in my leges participated at the four Health Sciences Dr. Vinod
Devi Shri Prasad of ‘Kandas-
inequity and who can fight class with all its flaws and
wamy’ fame were the guests day Cultural Extravaganza Kochupillai, Dr. James Pan-
for change.  The two- chaos. I can’t wait to meet
year, full-time leadership and inaugurated the festival. that showcased events like dian Dean, SRM Medical
my children every morning
Fellowship selects the best and see their beaming faces. I Inaugurating the cultural ac- western group dance, Indian College and other Univer-
college graduates and young have to be both spontaneous tor Vishal showered encomi- group dance, duet dance, sity officials participated and
professionals worldwide to and well-planned at the ums on the University and adaptune, variety show, ship- spoke on the occasion.
teach full-time in India’s low- same time. I have to expect
income schools.  Fellows the unexpected in the “There is immense ,she adds. As Robert Frost to apply or
are trained in teaching and classroom and plan for it!
responsibility resting on our recom mended, take the
leadership skills and network Therein lies the challenge e-mail Campus Ambassador
with leaders in government, and the opportunity”, says shoulders and we recognize road less travelled. Join the
business and entertainment.    Madhumita Subramanian, a that. You may not achieve all movement. Be the change Shruti Iyer at shrutiiyer90@
Teach For India Fellows TFI Fellow. Madhumita has that you set out to change but you wish to see. for more
emerge with the leadership a BSc Economics Hons from at least try, for a spark is all Interested in applying? 
and soft skills – such as University Of Warwick, UK. that’s needed to start a fire” Visit our web site at www. information. 

some more... time!!!

whatever part of the re-
cord was left....NO i am
not going to cry like a
baby and get all emotional
but it really feels good to
ment.....many a times we for a particular task is just a got to award some marks to us as well enjoy our lives till we see that someone out there
get the printouts for the mangled piece of thought in a humans for at least finishing get wiped out by the swarm ACTUALLY CARES
practicals late, sometimes dark corner of our oversized everything....HOW MANY of flesh eating HELLO-KIT- for you!!! I guess i un-
the sheets take time to print, brains. SMART AND INTELLI- TY lookalikes from outer derstand why OLIVER
sometimes there is a delay in Its times like these when GENT RACES ARE THERE space!! TWIST asked for another
checking, policies are imple- you wish for an extra day in IN THE UNIVERSE WHO Its also during crunch bowl of soup and why that
mented later than required..... the week or even an extra FINISH THINGS EONS BE- time when your friends ac- scene is etched clearly in
The basic point is that we hour in the day....IRONI- FORE THEY NEED TO BE tually help out the most. history.........BACK TO
are all FLAWED somehow CALLY enough we finish IMPLEMENTED....None W.H.A.C.K. left his anony- FILLING IN MY INDEX
or the other and that is what everything. EVERY SINGLE yet, right! So its our little mous female friend to get now....oh GOD i don’t
makes us human. The con- THING is done a little LATE old lazy selves in this mas- me something to eat and have the dates for the ex-
cept of doing things IN TIME but hey, its done right!! You sive universe and we might C.R.A.C.K. offered to write periments.........
10 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

Public Health and Focusing

on Micronutrient Malnutrition
By Chinmayee Mishra workshop. Pointing the ma-
jor issues for the seminar,
Health is the primary con- he added the causes and the
cern of all human beings. In whole concept of life cycle
order to assess the current approach as the sustainable
status of Micronutrient Sup- method to advance in malnu-
plementation and other Child trition.
Survival Issues in Tamil Nadu Ms. M.P Nirmala, IAS,
among the Public Health Pro- Commissioner Social Wel-
fessionals. The School of fare, Government of Tamil
Public Health of SRM Uni- Nadu humorously described
versity organized a national the Pizza syndrome and
Dr.Rodney Jones at the Chennai lecture level seminar on Micronutri- Fair and Lovely Syndrome
ent Malnutrition with special as the two main causes of
VIEWS... Emphasis on USI, Universal Malnutrition in case of rich

New Trends in the

Standard Iodization and poor respectively.. She
With collaboration with talked about the different
UNICEF, the two day semi- supplementary meal plans by

Obama Administration
nar witnessed many learned Government for children of
speakers from all over In- different age groups and the
dia. Prof Ch. Satish Ku- need to focus special impor-
mar, Dean, School of Public tance on Hygiene.
By Anuj Srivas, Prashanti has had sharp policy differ-   “Not only do citizens of Health, SRM University in Dr T P Ganesan, Pro Vice
Ganesh and Harish Murali  ences during the course of the America trust him, but the his welcome address gave an chancellor, SRM University
2008 campaign. rest of the world looks to him overview of the recently es- described the vast spread of
It can be seen as a refresh- A person who has had as a symbol of hope. Though tablished Public Health De- the University and the impor-
ing break from the unilateral- his share of experience in this is a big burden, President partment. “We create public tance given to extra curricu-
ism of the Bush administra- the U.S.government in the Obama has bold ideas wheth- health leaders and not work- lar activities in it. He talked
tion but the U.S.President, Arms Control and Disarma- er it is on nuclear non prolif- ers”, is the main aim of the of the proposal for the estab-
President Barack Obama has ment Agency and with solid eration or engaging talks with Department he said. lishment of Agricultural En-
given his touch not only to background and experience Iran and North Korea,” said “Malnutrition has multi gineering and Law courses in
critical issues of foreign pol- in regional and nuclear se- Dr. Geeta Madhavan of The factorial origins and can only near future.
icy but also in bringing about curity issues in the Middle Centre for Security Analysis be tackled by joint ventures Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan,
that much needed reconcili- East, South Asia, and East in her opening remarks. with other departments”, Associate Director (E&T),
ation within the Democratic Asia,Jones told an invited au- . “India’s national interest is quipped Dr. Satish Kumar, also gave an overview of the
Party and with the Republi- dience that included a group always supreme in my mind. Chief UNICEF Field office factors to eliminate malnutri-
cans maintains a top foreign of Journalism students from Though many aspects of the for Tamil Nadu and Kerala tion and how to achieve and
policy specialist. the SRM University that the new US administration are giving the objectives of the sustain USI.
In a Public Lecture orga- composition of the Obama heartening, I firmly believe
nized by the American Con- administration reflect a mix of that US is devoting more
sulate and the Centre for former Clintonites,a former thought and time to Pakistan
Security Analysis in Chen- military General overseeing at the expense of India. ” said
nai on “The New Trends in the National Security Council Mr. R.Swaminathan a former
the Obama Administration”, and keeping Robert Gates,an top Intelligence official of
Dr.Rodney Jones,the Presi- expert on Russia and who India, currently the President
dent of Policy Architects was the Defence Secretary in and DG of the International
International—a consulting the Bush administration as a Institute of Security and Safe-
firm that deals with interna- way of emphasizing his bi- ty Management (New Delhi)
tional security,energy secu- partisanship with the Grand Comparing the Obama ad-
rity and Asian development Old Party. ministration to that of John. F.
issues—argued that President “… Obama has now hit Kennedy’s, Mr Swaminathan
Obama is not worried about the reset button on the US’s maintained that the United
competition as can be seen in relationship to the world as a States is now replacing war
his bringing Hillary Rodham whole. This is crucial to the with diplomacy and is slowly
Clinton as the Secretary of new face of Obama’s foreign coming out of the “bullying” Ms. M.P Nirmala, IAS, Commissioner Social Welfare,
State,a person with whom he policy” Dr. Jones maintained. business. Government of Tamil Nadu lighting on Kuthuvizhku

One more feather added to the Crown of Information Technology…!

The sun radiated the Launching XPLOITS2K9, “Integration of Information the Department, Prof. L. The valediction ceremony
cosmos on the glorious the Principal Dr. M. Technology and its National Nalini Joseph had made a witnessed the participation
end of September’ 09 and Bala subramanian gave Objectives” Dr.Vincent also meticulous arrangements of Mr.Kannan Srinivasan,
entry of October’ 09. It a very warm welcome to he focused on the topics for the splendid occasion- Assistant Manager, Project-
was the blooming opening Dr. S.Vincent, Member like integration of IT & -a total of 14 technical and CTS and Mr.RamaChandran,
of a spectacular excITing Secretary, Tamil Nadu Biology besides releasing the non-technical events were Human Resources/Campus
XPLOITS-2K9, a two day State Council of Science “XPLOITS 2K9 Souvenir” conducted. Significantly of CTS, Chennai presiding
National Level Technical XploITs2K9 was a as Chief Guest and Guest
and Technology who also and the “XPLOITS 2K9
Symposium initiated by the student filled celebration of Honour respectively. All
presided over the function as Souvenir CD”. 
Department of Information with many participants victorious winners were
the Chief Guest.
Technology, SRM Valli The Mentor of Information enrolling themselves for the lauded with prestigious prizes
ammai Engineering College. In his inaugural speech on Technology, the Head of competition. that marked their excellence.
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 11

SRM goes green!

Pavithra Rajagopal &
Trisha Anand

The causes, types and solu-

tion to global warming were
some of the many issues dis- enthusiasm the university and
cussed by Dr. M B Nirmal students have shown over the
during the launch of the En- years. 
viro Club and Green Brigade Mr. Prem, who came as
in Kattankulathur campus. a representative of the e-
Green Brigade, an initia- LAWN(energy, land, air,
tive of CII [Confederation of water and noise) project of
Indian Industry] aims at con- CII brought about a sense of
necting academic institutions awareness and a will to take
with the corporate sector in care of Mother Earth who has
order to attain sustainable been taking care of us since
development. Ms. Kareena eternity through a presenta-
Mathew and Ms. Sharon Re- tion and pledge. More infor-
mation on e-LAWN can be
acquired on www.ciielawn. He emphasized on
the immediate need to look
into the deteriorating condi-
tion of ecological balance and
handed over the responsibil-
ity to the young shoulders
here. Mr. Ram Nitesh, a stu-
dent showcased a compelling
presentation to conclude the
Mrs. Anuradha Parakkat,
becca, executives from CII dience that burning of fossil bring about a change through waste could not only be used Director, Campus Affairs and
and Mr.Prem Kumar Pandu- fuels, forest fire, and volca- organic farming, waste seg- but utilized if some creative Students Mentoring also ad-
rangan, Director – Sustain- noes (to mention a few) are regation, building walls and techniques like gutter guard, dressed the function.
ability, Cognizant Technol- some of the natural causes of terrace gardens. Also par- pipe farming, terrace farm- The guests enthusiasti-
ogy Solutions were also pres- global warming and hence ticipants were told about the ing and foldable lawn etc. cally planted saplings with
ent to grace the function.  cannot be avoided. He also ways of controlling environ- were used. Towards the end, the students in the end before
Dr. Nirmal from ExNoRa, gave a detailed explanation mental degradation through he became nostalgic and the photo session. The ex-
an organization working on on the four kinds of global reduction, mitigation and ad- fondly remembered the day pectations soar high with the
environmental problems, warming--atmosphere, soil, aptation techniques. he planted the first sapling launch of Enviro Club and
gave a gripping presentation, sea and wind.  He showed in- “Waste is not waste until on the grounds of SRM Uni- we look forward to the bid
on the current environmental spiring pictures of the places wasted”, Dr. Nirmal empha- versity and was particularly of making SRM cleaner and
problems reminding the au- where ExNoRa had help d sized while maintaining that happy over the progress and greener.

National Conference on well as an  immense source

of knowledge on the current
of the workshop on VLSI and
Embedded Systems proved

VLSI and Embedded Systems

trends in Embedded Systems that the gamut of education in
and VLSI for all those who college comprises more than
attended it-faculty members, just the prescribed curricu-
By Siddharth Panicker listeners taking a keen inter- period, these sessions and students  and the technical lum, and that all such value-
est in what the distinguished added  courses will be met
Technical  knowledge in seminars were highly effec- team from CEERI, Chennai. 
speakers had to say. The ob- with high levels of  enthusi-
the field of electronics was tive motivating factors, as The successful conclusion asm from a keen audience. 
jective of this workshop, at-
served on a platter on the 8th
tended by teachers, PG stu-
and the 9th of October as the
dents as well as a technical
Department of Electronics &
team from CEERI (Chennai),
Communications Engineer-
was to impart knowledge on
ing organised a two-day na-
real time application of em-
tional conference on VLSI
bedded systems and VLSI to
(Very Large Scale Integra-
design socially relevant proj-
tion) and Embedded Systems, ects. 
in collaboration with CEERI.
Technical experts from
The inauguration took CEERI, CG-Corel India Ltd.,
place in the New Seminar L&T Infotech, Intel Corpora-
Hall, with the welcome ad- tion and Synopsis (India) Pvt.
dress delivered by the Head Ltd. addressed various semi-
of the Department, Dr. nars and provided hands-on
S.Malavizhi; the presidential experience on various topics
address was delivered by Dr. that were a part of the work-
S.Ponnusamy, the Controller shop. Dr. G. Lakshmi Naray-
of Examinations. The chief anan (Asst.Professor, NIT-
guest, Dr.A.S.V Sarma (Di- Trichy), delivered a lecture
rector-CEERI, Chennai), de- on USB wireless systems and
livered the keynote address. the Asynchronous pipeline
The inaugural session was technique.
highly interactive, with the Spread over a two-day
12 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

Elsewhere at SRM ... Scholarly

work at Ramapuram...
Honoring SRM NCC Cadets...
Novel Schiff Bases” in UGC
Paper Presentation
Sponsored National Confer-
in Conferences
ence on Recent Advances
in Chemistry Organized by
1. S. Sathish Kumar, Helen
PG & Research Department
P. Kavitha, R. Kavipriya
of Chemistry Bishop Heber
presented a paper entitled
College (Autonomous) , Ti-
“Synthesis and Characteriza-
ruchirappalli on 18th Septem-
tion of Novel Tetrazolo Diaz-
epam Derivatives” in UGC ber 2009.
Sponsored National Confer- 3. Helen P. Kavitha, S.
ence on Recent Advances Sathish Kumar and S. Arul-
in Chemistry Organized by murugan presented a paper
PG & Research Department entitled on “Synthesis, Char-
of Chemistry Bishop Heber acterization and Study of
College (Autonomous) , Ti- Analgesic and Anti-inflam-
ruchirappalli on 18th Septem- matory Activities of Novel-
ber 2009. 1,2,3,4-Tetrazoles” Spon-
2. S. Arulmurugan, Helen P. sored by CSIR, DRDO and
Kavitha, R. Thilagavathi, R. TNSCST National Seminor
Arulmozhi presented a paper on Modern Trends in Chem-
entitled on “Synthesis, Char- istry Thiyagarajar College
acterization and Study of (Autonomous), Madurai on Inspring Moment: General Deepak Kapoor PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC, the Chief of Army Staff
Crystal Structure of Some of 24th & 25th September 2009. interacting with our NCC students during their visit to the OTA on 19 September for the passing out
Achievements of the students
of the MBA Department of
SRM Ramapuram
Rohit Kamalasan
Rachit Kanna
Name Meenakshi R.
Pavithra R
Mithra S
Year I MBA B
Organizing Institution VELS University
Date 8,9 and 10th October 2009
Name of the Event Ad-Zap
Prize won I

Name R. Rohini Sarmi

Organizing Institution VELS University CUO(then L/CPL) Hemanta Sharma, 3rd yr Mechatronics student of SRM University
Date 8,9 and 10 October 2009
th Receiving Gold medal and shield from Group Commander Madras Group A Col. Umar Farook
A. in an inter State Competition held at DG Vaishnav College,Nugambakkam.
Name of the Event Paper Presentation
Prize won III BRIEFLY... calities of stock market op- tions for environmental
erations and throwing light sustainability’ held at VIT
The Department of on the rights, duties and University from 21st-23rd
Name N. Parvathy & Rohini Sharmi responsibilities of the market October. 18 International
Management Studies,
Year II MBA C SRM University, Ra- participants. The workshop speakers from 12 differ-
Sathyabama University mapuram organized a had an enthusiastic partici- ent countries, eminent
Organizing Institution
Workshop on Finance on pation of the students and scientists presented pa-
Date 7th September 2009 30th September, 2009 in Faculty members of MBA of pers and she was the only
Name of the Event Paper Presentation which two eminent speak- SRM University and Easwari U.G.student to present a
ers, Mr. Balasubramanian, Engineering College. paper at the conference.
Prize won I The chairperson Dr. Hei-
The Company Secretary, ........................................
Madras Stock Ex- zenmeyer, University of
Name R. Nirmal kumar change and Mr.Anush, Akanksha Singh, 2nd Hanover, Germany was
Executive Member, B.Tech (Biotechnology) pre- highly appreciative of
National Stock Exchange, sented a paper titled “Extrac- the work and encouraged
Sri Venkateswara College of addressed two consecu- tion of biopesticides from her to continue further.
Organizing Institution
Engineering tive technical sessions agricultural weeds; A miracle Mr.R.Balaji Raja, Assis-
Date 31st August 2009 focusing on the basics for the farmer” at the presti- tant Professor, Department
Name of the Event Wall Street Calling of stock market, types of gious International confer- of Biotechnology guided
Prize won II trading and the techni- ence ‘Biotechnological solu- the work.
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 13

SRM Triumphs
SRM University won the which allowed the 3rd seeds
South-West Inter University Madras University to jump
Chess Tournament held at into lead at the end of the
MGR College, Hosur from 3rd round. In the crucial 5th
29th September to 04th Octo- round encounter between the
ber 2009 with the defending
leaders and the top seeds,the
champions leaving a stamp
later won the game 2.5-
of authority over the event-
1.5,by which SRM gained
successfully defending the
title by scoring 27 points out a slender half point lead
of possible 36. which they widened in the
SRM University was the next round when they beat
top seed in the event in VTU,Belgaum 3.5-0.5.
which 69 universities from At the end SRM scored 27
the south-west region of the points ,a clear one point ahead
The Chancellor and other dignitaries at the prize distribution ceremony country competed for the of the 2nd placed Anna Uni-

IOB on top of the heap

high top honours. The SRM versity which scored 26pts.
University team comprised Third seeded Madras univer-
of Grand Master J.Deepan
sity finished 3rd with 25 pts
Chakravarthy, IM Norm
By Prashanti Ganesh  attempt to see Indian names certificates to all teams, cash and VTU,Belgaum finished
Holder R.Arun Karthik,
in the Olympics in the future” prizes were presented to the fourth with 24.5pts. The top
With an objective of seeing R.Premnath, N.Aravind Sub-
the Chancellor said in an ex- winning teams. The IOB, ramaniam, Mohinder Yadav 4 teams from this event will
Indian names in the Olympics clusive comment to Spec- qualify for the All India Inter-
Customs and SDAT teams and Aswin Balaji.
in the future,SRM University trum. won Rs. 25000, 15000 and SRM drew its Third round University Chess Champion-
identifies students from all Mr.Pachamuthu  participat- 12000 respectively.   encounter against the 2nd ship which is likely to be held
over Tamil Nadu who are ed in the A Division league In the women’s category, seeded Anna University in the month of January.
keen on sporting activities (Volleyball), Chennai dis- the Southern Railways team
and provides scholarships to trict Valedictory function was on top of the table with
improve their capabilities and on 23rd October at the Mayor St.Josephs close behind.   
physical strength,according Radhakrishnan Stadium,
to the Chancellor The valedictory func-
Chennai.Being a sportsman
Mr.T.R.Pachamuthu. tion was also attended by
himself the Chancellor has
“I encourage all our stu- Mr. W.I.Davaram, I.P.S, Se-
taken interest to fund these
dents to participate in sports nior Vice President, Tamil
matches for the past three
and games. We identify years, among his other sports Nadu Olympic Association,
school students from all over initiatives. M r. S . M a c h e n d r a n a t h a n ,
Tamil Nadu, especially in ru- In the final showdown at I.A.S, Principal Secre-
ral areas and from poor fami- Egmore Indian Overseas tary, Transport Com-
lies to offer scholarships. We Bank beat Sothern Railways missioner, Chennai,
select 50 students every year (25-23, 25-22, 25-14) to gain Mr.V.Krishnaswamy, Gen-
and provide them with 5000 number one position.A total eral Manager, IOB, Chennai
Rupees to help them improve of nine teams participated, and Mr.G.N.S Vasudevan,
their capabilities and physi- each team playing 9 match- Managing Director, K A L S
cal strength. This is only an es. Apart from participation Distilleries Pvt Ltd.. The winning team

A Budding Chess Queen! 

By Ratnika Sharma  really tough. I had to face working in Indian Bank. I
  some really challenging op- surely want to make chess
Harini of SRM Arts and ponents but it was a great my profession and become a
Science was declared the learning experience for me.  professional player. My ideal
Best Player in the chess tour- Q: Approximately how is Vishwanathan Anand. 
naments held in the Nether- many hours do you give for Q: tell me something about
lands. She shares her experi- chess practice? Do you find it your association with the
ences…  difficult to manage the game game. 
Question: what were your along with your studies?   A: well, initially, I was
achievements in the Nether- A: Well, it all depends. not interested in the game
lands? Were the tournaments On an average, I practice for but once my brother took me
tough?  around 2-3 hours a day and I along to his coach where he
Answer: actually there don’t really find it difficult to was learning chess. I picked
were three tournaments and I manage my studies because I up the game slowly and used
was declared the best player usually get on duty permis- to often get confused with the
under 2000 grading category sion and attendance and ex- moves of various pieces. The
in the first and third tourna- emption from assignments confusion strengthened my
ment where I scored 5 and 6 etc.  urge to master the game and
points respectively out of 9 Q: who is your coach? now I love the game. 
points. I managed to increase Would you make chess your Q: what do you think are
my points by 123 and now profession?  your strengths and weak- middle game rather than the ponent than defending so I
my current rating is 2109. A:  I am coached by Mr nesses?  beginning or the end game. I hope to improve my defense
Yes, the tournaments were Hariharan. He is currently A: well.. I am better in the am good at attacking my op- techniques.
14 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

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2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3 15

Coming Up...
‘Coming up’ is the new regular section included in Spectrum
from this issue onwards. This section aims to give you a low
down on all the activities going to take place in the campus no
matter which corner of SRM’s 240 acres it’ll be held in. Yes,
we intend to give you deadlines, dates and all details pertaining
to the various upcoming events, conferences, seminars and
occasions to be held in our campus in the following month. So
go ahead, take a peek into SRM’s crystal ball and know what
the future holds with COMING UP...
Event: Teach For India 2ndDeadline: 22nd November 2009
Details: Teach For India is a nationwide movement that aims to
eliminate educational inequity In India By placing the country’s
most outstanding College graduates and young professionals in
low-income schools to teach For two years. In its second year of
recruiting, TFI is looking for yet another batch of young bright
leaders to help them Teach.Lead.Transform
Contact Details: Campus Ambassador: Shruti Iyer: 9962095791
Also check the website:  

Event: Short Term Training Program on .NET Technologies

Date of event: 23rd - 25th November 2009
Organised by : Department of Information Technology

Art of Living Workshop In Association with   MICROSOFT INDIA 

Deadline for registration: Last Date for receiving completed
registration form is 11.11.2009. 
By Moen Sen and a profound effect on the them. Her approachable and Details: The .NET Framework is Microsoft’s application
Varun Krishnan mind and body. Dr Vinoda cheerful nature made the development platform that enables developers to easily create
Kochupillai, director of SRM Windows applications, web applications, and web services using
workshop an enjoyable and
Bringing the grace of Shri a myriad of different programming languages, without having
Medical college has been unforgettable experience for to worry about low-level details like memory management and
Shri Ravishankar into the associated with YES!+ since everyone. processor-specific instructions. The program is designed for the staff
lives of several SRM students, 1997 and has been researching members willing to learn from the basics to advanced level of .NET.
YES!+ (Youth empowerment on the benefits of breathing “I had a lot of fun at the
Faculty members from Engineering Colleges with specialization
and skills ) , a voluntary techniques like Sudarshan YES+ course. The exercises in IT/CSE/MCA, affiliated to any university shall attend this
organisation conducted a six Kriya and Pranayam. Her and breathing techniques STTP. Experts from Microsoft India, L&T, and faculty from 
day Art of Living workshop tests, performed on AIIMS that were taught to me SRM will be handling the sessions. All participants will get a book
with the help of Dr Vinoda students, patients and police have helped me relieve my on .NET from Microsoft India.
trainees, have proven the mind of all kinds of stress,” The course comprises of: .Net Framework, C#, VB.NET, ADO.
and Dr Gayathri. Students
NET, ASP.NET. Practical sessions are included for all topics. 
from different engineering miraculous effects these says Rupanshi, a third year
techniques have on the body Contact Details: Mrs. G. Vadivu , Course Co-ordinator  
departments attended the engineering student.
Phone: 044 - 27452270, 27453901  
workshop where they were and mind.
The next YES!+ workshop Mobile: 9841217971 Fax: 044-27453903  
taught various physical Ms Anjana Vivek of in January ’10 promises to be For further details : E-Mail:
exercises and breathing WAYE(World Alliance for bigger and better. All those For further details:
techniques which help Youth Empowerment) was php?page=sttp-net
interested in having their lives
in achieving confidence, the faculty who presided over
concentration, clarity of mind transformed for the better can
the workshop and the students  If you are involved with, attending or conducting any event/
and focus. These techniques greatly benefited from her contact the following
conference and want it to feature in 'Coming Up' then do
have been scientifically talks on various situations Mayank-9884848450, mail us with your event and contact details at : comingup.
tested and proven to have in life and how to handle Tulika- 9884779482 .

Blood Donation Camp

The SRM College of ordinated the camp enthusi-
Pharmacy, Kattankulathur astically.
organized a one day blood Student who participated
donation camp at SRM in the Camp were told about
Medical College Hospital the rationale behind blood
and Research Centre as a reprocessing and storage
part of silver jubilee cel- conditions for future utiliza-
ebrations of the University. tion.
The camp was successful The camp was initiated by
for as many as 103 students Dr. N. Chandra Prabha, As-
from various disciplines sociate Director, Paramedi-
voluntarily participated cals, SRM University, Dr.
and donated blood. Dr. N. K.S. Lakshmi, Dean and Dr.
Damodharan and Mr. M. K. Ilango, Vice-Principal,
Mothilal structured and co- SRM College of Pharmacy.
16 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 3

HOTSPOT by the students and faculty members of the medical cam-

pus. In addition, an increasing number of students from the
By Priyanka Prasad disciplines of engineering, humanities, MBA etc who love
to explore and try out new places within the campus also
As the monsoon and
visit the canteen. It is understood that the quantity of fruit
that mounting pressure
juice served per glass is slightly larger here, promising a
of exams slowly set in,
better turnout.
Title : Midnight's Children students increasingly find
Author : Salman Rushdie themselves turning to- The peak hour for business for this little outlet seems to
Publisher : Vintage Books London wards fresh and invigorat- be the lunch hour. With everyone meeting up during this
ing fruit juices instead of time for luncheons or to spend time together over a glass
Pages : 647
the usually preferred fizzy of juice, business blooms out here. The attendant almost
Rs. : 295 drinks. Catering to these single-handedly manages the crowd at the counter and has
whims is the SRM Pazha- so far managed to produce satisfactory results.
muthir Cholai, located in Inter-disciplinary interaction is an enjoyable experience,
the medical campus can- and with students from various departments and branches
teen.   gathering here, Pazhamuthir Cholai proves to be a socializing
spot one cannot ignore. Apart from being a refreshing joint,
Run by Mr Shrieker, this place has proven to be an effective socializing venue,
who also manages the su- bringing together and fostering interaction among students
permarket, this fruit bev- belonging to various courses and departments of SRM
erage shop is frequented University.


The Fast and the Fury

By Shobhit Srivastava and some others who could By R. Krishnan the best brake manufacturers- takes pride in the one stand-
craftily multiply fishes- Brembo, and the front fork ing next to him.
1001...the number of night, a multitude of gifted ones Hotwheels is a column
manufactured by Italian com-
of magic, a number beloved where we choose to highlight Akshay prefers working
forming a ghetto),and the pany Paioli are some of the
of poets; which has always the automobiles on our cam- on his own bike than giving
progress of India through features which make it stand
been associated with the pus which make their own it to a service centre;does all
the shackles of post- out in a crowd.
auspicious commencement of mark, which have the per- the restorations and modifi-
independence partition to the It is a winner of many pres-
any event in an Indian’s life sonal touch of their owners cations on his own.A motor-
(our superstitious beliefs die agony of the Indo-Pak war ‘65 and catch the eye wherever tigious rallying awards and cycle freak that he is, he has
hard). It is this very number and ‘71,culminating into the they go. some even believe that, even undertaken many long trips
that becomes significant at emergency of ‘75-magically though it came 2 decades ear- on his Fury and has had his
the first stroke of midnight and ominously, Saleem was       Akshay Ramachandran lier, it can give the Bajaj Pul- own fair share of accidents.
on the 15th of August,1947. present at every historical of 3rd year Automobile Engi- sar 180 cc a run for its money. All said, the Fury, though
At the precise moment that milestone that India achieved. neer owns the vintage Royal The advanced technology manufactured in the ‘80s is
India freed herself of the Saleem himself transformed Enfield ‘Fury’- DX175 which used by the vehicle meant generations ahead of its pres-
British Raj, infant Saleem from an omnipotent child(he is most definitely a head turn- procurement of spares was a ent counterparts.
Sinai was to inextricably could read people’s mind) er. The Fury is a product of the hindrance and the usage of a
linked to his nation along to a sniffer of bombs in the German company Zundapp. constant mesh kind of gear Want your ride to be fea-
with the 1000 other children Pakistan army-a saga that It came out in the year 1987. box meant a lot of wear and tured in hotwheels? Send in
born between 12 to 1 that redefines the amalgamation An air cooled 163cc engine, tear. Due to these problems an email with your contacts
night. In Saleem’s biography, of facts with fiction.   a horse power of 15.2 bhp, a very few Furys stand in the to srmteamspectrum@gmail.
the “Midnight’s Children”-     Find out the connection that disc brake manufactured by country today and Akshay com
the course of modern Indira Gandhi’s coiffure of
India has been portrayed.  uniform pigment-white hair
  According to the New York on one side and black on the
review, this is one of the most other had with the emergency
important books to come
of 1975.
out of the English speaking
Coming from the already
world in this generation.
controversial Mr.Rushdie,
This Salman Rushdie
the part played by Indira
creation is in every sense a
masterpiece. The legacy of Gandhi-who is called the
the Sinai clan, the telepathic Widow-did raise more than
communications (its more just a few eyebrows. On a
than just telepathy) between personal note, the “best of
the Midnights Children(all the booker” tag that this
of them possessed magical book carries is alluring. And
credibilities- some who could I finally got it right with this
step into mirrors,some with book.... a reader’s delight in
powers of transformation its true essence.

Published by : The Department of Journalism and Mass

Communication, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University,
Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu. Ph : 044-27452270.
Printed by : SRM Publications (P) Ltd., 9, V.V. Kovil Street, Chinmaya Source : Internet
Nagar, Chennai.

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