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Many of my students struggle with how to read informational text (such as their Social
Studies books) and express the main concepts in their own words. The tend to copy
sentences out of the textbook instead of writing them more personally, and thus do not
demonstrate any real understanding of the text or concept. My own students, certainly,
are guilty of this both when completing small tasks like answering questions on
worksheets, and on larger writing tasks such as summarizing articles or constructing
arguments. I would like to help them move beyond copying the textbook and into
showing they actually understand ideas be putting them in their own words. To that end,
I would like to teach them a process to help them learn to paraphrase. In addition, I am
aiming to teach this process in social studies early in the year so that when they reach
the research unit in English later in the year (I have the same students for two different
classes), they will be able apply their note-taking and paraphrasing skills to their
research projects in order to better understand and use their sources and avoid
My basic framework here is one of modeling followed by scaffolded attempts that
will lead (I hope) to students being able to complete the task independently. I want to
provide an exemplar as well as guided practice. Over the course of the year, I actually
hope to provide a great deal of practice for them on this skillas Vince Lombardi would
say, Dont practice until you get it right. Practice until you cant get it wrong.

Standards Addressed:

Grade 8 Reading Standards for Information Text

2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the
text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the

4.Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word
choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.

Grade 8 Writing Standards

4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Grade 8 Literacy Standards for Social Studies2. Determine the central ideas or
information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the
source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.

-Students will take notes on non-fiction text, preserving meaning while changing original
-Students will paraphrase selections, preserving meaning but avoiding copying.
-Students will demonstrate understanding of texts by putting information in their own

Materials Needed:
-Skit or video for hook (in this case: The Loathsome Lady by Jim and Jane Jeffries,
Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.)
-Nonfiction text (in this case: Chapter 1 of North Dakota Legendary, 8th grade ND
Studies textbook)
-Whiteboard/Active board, notebooks, pencils, etc.

Have pre-selected students act out the short scene from The Loathsome Lady, or
other skit, or show video, as planned by teacher, giving sufficient background
information as introduction to the skit. If having students act, give them the script ahead
of time. Provide appropriate props and/or costume as available.


After scene, lead students in discussion. Have actors repeat lines as necessary.

While Arthur was telling his story, how were the Jesters comments related to
Arthurs words?

Were the Jester and Arthur telling the same story?

Ask students for the meaning of the word paraphraseconstruct definition based
on their responses

Was the Jester doing a very good job of paraphrasing Arthur?

Point outyes, he was putting things in his own words; no, he wasnt preserving
meaning very well.
Explain that in order to paraphrase correctly, a writer needs to both use his or her
own words AND give the same information the original text does.
In discussion, come to a class consensus on why paraphrasing is important and
when they would need to use it.

Open to text. Read together selected paragraphs.

Explain the first step well take in paraphrasing is taking notes. Together, pick out
main ideas of selected paragraphs. Write main ideas in bullet form, taking out of original
language, and taking out of complete sentences

Most recent glacier = Wisconsinan


Here for 28,000 years


receded around 10,000 BC


didnt cover SW part of state


-SW formed by wind/water erosion


called badlands

Have student double-check notes to make sure the language they used isnt too
similar and the meaning is the same.
Have student cover or close books, removing original language from their sight.
Then, together, construct a new paragraph that paraphrases the original using only their
bulleted notes.

The most recent glacier to cover ND was the Wisnconsinan. It was here for
28,000 before it receded around 10,000 BC. It didnt cover the southwest part of the
state. That part was formed by wind and water erosion instead, and is called the
Again, double check the new paragraph against the original to make sure that we
havent borrowed too heavily from the original language.
**Make sure to stress to students that even if they paraphrase, when theyre
working from a source, they still need to cite their sources in order to avoid
Read the next paragraph together. Give student time to independently write their
bullet list of main ideas.
Have students compare notes with a partner to make sure that they have taken
the notes out of the original language but still say the same thing.
Have students cover the original and use their notes to create a short
paraphrase of the 2nd selection.
Again, have student compare paraphrases with a partner to check for meaning
and that original language hasnt been copied.
Have students read paraphrases out loud. Instruct other students to listen
carefully to see if our two paraphrase criteriaoriginal language and same meaning
have been met. In a small class, have all students read. In a larger class, there may
only be time to hear a selection. If you or the class flag problems in their writing, have
them make corrections. The goal is learning how to do it right, not to produce a grade.
Ask students to, in writing, explain what theyve learned about paraphrasing-what it is, how to do it, and why they need that skill and when they should use it.
Assign another short reading selection for students to take notes on and
paraphrase independently. If possible, have student read paraphrase out loud the next
day in class to hear the variety of how it can be done and to find problems and make

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