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Volume 8, Number 2, April2010

Issue # 48 5500+ Active Subscriber

Kahr Real Estate Group

Kahr Notes

1. S&L Redux
In this month issue:
So maybe it’s just Spring, but I’m feeling a lot better about the economy.
1. S&L Redux The endless New York Winter has finally come to an end, and it looks as
though the market indicators are looking up. It’s not just me. I’ve heard
2. Kahr Real Estate many people say in the last month that they sense things have turned a
There is, of course, an alternate explanation. It could be that we’ve all
3. Consulting and Class been beaten down so much for so long that we feel better only because
the beatings have stopped.
On that happy note, I present two bits of data that have been haunting
my thoughts and have me concerned that while the beatings may have
stopped, the bleeding will continue for a while.

The first table is from a white paper that the FDIC put out back in 2000.
It shows the number of S&Ls (Savings and Loans) that failed. The two
columns are for FSLIC (the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora-
tion which was sort of like the FDIC for the S&Ls) and the Resolution Trust
Corporation (which was the quasi-government entity that was set up to
liquidate the remaining S&Ls that were insolvent).

99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor

New York, New York 10013
Volume 8, Number 2, April 2010

Class Schedule The second chart is of my own creation. It’s a chart that shows the num-
We continue to offer Argus ber of banks that have failed every month since January 2001.
and Excel for Real
Estate Analysis classes in
New York City and other
select locations. All classes
are offered on the week-

New York City
• June 12 & 13
• August 14 & 15

Excel for Real Estate

What I find most disturbing about this second graph is not the num-
New York City
ber of banks that are failing every month, but rather that the overall
• June 5 & 6 trend seems to be increasing. How high can it go? While I hate to com-
• July 24 & 25 pare different crises as every crisis is unique, when we went through our
last one we had 318 fail in a single year. In March alone, we had 19
banks fail. Are we on track for a similarly outstanding 2010 (or 2011)?

The other issue here, and a point that the first graph makes very well, is that
bank crises last far longer than most people think even when there is substan-
tial government intervention. With the last one, it took about 8 years from start
to finish and the creation of the RTC took place half way through the crisis.

By anyone’s measure, we’re only two years into this one, and the
S&L crisis is almost trivial in comparison. To put it in perspective, the
cost to the Federal government on the last one was $100 billion.
The cost of just TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) was $750 bil-
lion. In short, we could be dealing with this monster for a very long time.
Volume 8, Number 2, April 2010

By the way, as of early April, there were only 7,948 banks in the United
Real Estate
Negotiations States. A failure rate of 20 per month (240 per year) is a little over 3%
Call or email for per year. The good news for those of you in real estate acquisitions is that
availabilty. there should be a lot of distressed sellers in the coming year or so. It could be
that the distressed debt business is finally going to kick into a higher gear.
Group Classes
For custom training 2. Kahr Real Estate Investment
solultions, or for group
enrollment, please Kahr Real Estate Services has launched a real estate investment platform,
contact us directly. Kahr Real Estate Investment (KREI), to take advantage of current market
conditions and Kahr’s deep relationships throughout the real estate indus-
try. Relying on core competencies of sourcing and underwriting assets, KREI
will identify both value-add and core-plus acquisition opportunities in the
northeastern U.S. region. KREI intends to purchase assets that yield stable
annual returns to investors, and that have solid fundamentals with long-term

For more information on Kahr Real Estate Investments, please contact:

Joshua Kahr Gregory Easton

(212) 566-4085 ext. 111 (212) 566-4085 ext. 121

3. Kahr Group Information: Consulting and Training

Financial Modeling
Regardless of deal size or type, our key objective is always to build highly
functional and optimal models for our client. We can also review and ana-
lyze a client’s existing financial models for inefficiencies.
Capital Advisory

By delivering presentations to capital sources or making introductions, we

support clients in their capital raising efforts with lenders and equity provid-
ers. We also lend our extensive knowledge of capital markets, deal structur-
ing, and real estate finance to help negotiate better terms on equity and

Offering Memoranda
We design and write graphically appealing institutional-quality offering
memoranda and RFP responses for our clients. When raising capital, a high
quality document will get the project in front of the right capital sources.


Volume 8, Number 2, April 2010

Market Analysis and Feasibility
Our reports take a multi-layered “hands on” approach that goes beyond identi-
fying current market conditions; we seek to enhance the overall profitability and
market acceptance of the project by identifying hidden opportunities

Excel for Real Estate, Negotiations, and Argus

Our Excel for Real Estate Analysis class draws students from across the coun-
try. It provides what many attendees say they never learned in business school:
learning how to model complex real estate transactions and use Excel to its
fullest. All attendees will develop an understanding of how to use the power of
Excel to analyze cash flow, leverage, partnerships and joint ventures, and con-
struction projects.

The Argus course consists of lecture, case studies, and classroom discussion in a
collaborative environment. By the end of the class, attendees will have a firm
understanding of how to use the software and will be well prepared to analyze
real estate in a high volume production environment.

The Real Estate Negotiation course provides a broad introduction to skills and
techniques of negotiation. Some of the categories covered include: preparation
tactics, identification of goals and means, evaluation of the other party’s posi-
tion and goals, and possible points of dispute. Furthermore, we encourage cre-
ative solutions that maximize value by considering factors beyond simple price
or cost.

Contact Kahr Notes

Direct feedback to

About the Publisher:

Kahr Real Estate Services LLC is a consulting company that provides financial training, mar-
ket and feasibility studies, financial modeling, and capital advisory services for the real
estate industry. “Kahr Notes” is the company’s newsletter.

Kahr Real Estate Services LLC, 99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013. Tel:
(212) 566-4085; Fax: (646) 290-7264; E-mail:; Web site:

Copyright 2010 Kahr Real Estate Services LLC. Material may not be reproduced in whole
or in part without the express written permission of the publisher.

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