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Media Studies Foundation Portfolio Evaluation Script

Slide One: Getting Started

To begin with, we were all asked to create a front cover and a basic mock-up/sketch for a brand
new student magazine. Then, using the website, we had to document our progress as
our covers and contents pages developed.

Slide Two: Final Product

I am really pleased with how my cover turned out overall and, although it is a very basic guideline,
I think that if I had had enough time to complete it, my contents page could have also been very
good. On my cover, I edited the image on photo shop using the sharpen and contrast and
brightness tools. The image was really sharp when I originally uploaded it but the edits I made
enhanced the image and made Domsi look even better.

 Text colour choice – school colours

 Title – Sheldon Union (student union)
 Banner – page looks less flat (images could have been enhanced)
 Why does it appeal? – Bright and attractive to any viewer, informative, exciting

Slide Three: Main Task

Elaborate what is on the slide

Slide Four: Questionnaire and USP

USP: Live music only, combination between rock and indie. Q magazine for younger readers,
elements taken from Q magazine itself.

Questionnaire: helped establish audience, 14-17 yr olds who enjoy going to concerts and hearing
where to find new, great live bands. Will be able to afford £2.95

Slide Five: Front Cover

 Cut out Andy – dominate cover to show importance – took a long time
 Plain grey background
 Brightness and Contrast
 Slight sharpness increase
 Banner addition
 Audience appeal – simple, minimalistic, readers will want to know more.

Slide Six: Front cover continued

 Masthead – degrading morals font – editing using blending options. Gradient
overlay, colour overlay.
 Tagline – Trajan Pro font bold very readable
 Callout – Trajan Pro again, connotes with the remainder of the text on the page and
traditional style that the text on the contents page and double page spread has.
 Lower banner – smaller image with introduction of brand new band – exactly what readers
want to see, new bands.
 Tagline – explain – degrading morals also
 Blue cover option 7/15 Red cover option 8/15
 Red cover looked better, brightness increase

Slide Seven: Final Front Cover

 Lighting effects on background – added depth to cover overall

 Very final cover
 New font Astonished – used for both sell lines
 Font changed to Paladino Linotype. – more readable
 Layer style effects added to title – gradient removed and slightly embossed.
 Black on grey text, easier to read than red on grey

Slide Eight: Contents Page

 Simple grey background with banner with masthead – copied from cover, text with outer
 Added images, again with outer glow just to emphasize.
 Editors note, simple red text in top corner of contents – script text format.

Slide Nine: Contents Page continued

After finishing my cover, I thought it was far too scattered and didn’t show any coherence
across the page or fluidity. I therefore changed the layout of the text to surround a box for
the images whilst still keeping the text above the fold. Paladino Linotype used. Image of
myself taken at home – edited on photo shop simple auto tone and greyscale feature.
Astonished font used on section headlines. Credits clearly placed in bottom right corner.

Slide Ten: Final Contents Page

Pictures added, with outer glow. Tried with rotations and scattered layout to see what looked
best. Banner added to emphasize DONT FORGET! Draw attention to readers eyes. On final page,
all images straightened to give a sense of alignment – Neatly cluttered. Lighting effects – 3 streaks
from each corner - again added depth to the page. Complete contrast to the minimalistic cover –
exactly what i wanted.

Slide Eleven: Double Page spread article

Elaborate what is on slide

Slide Twelve: Double Page spread images

Unsharp mask, brightness, contrast and exposure altered. Humerous setting, suggests band that
gets along really well – positive atmosphere for page.
Slide Thirteen: Double Page spread image page

Disjointed banner of remaining three images.

Why did i choose main image – appealing to audience? Smaller images had outer glow applied

Small callout taken from article placed at top of page in black text – stood out, filled a blank space
(elaborate) Paladino Linotype – like article itself.

Slide Fourteen: Double Page Spread Final

Bars coloured and plain black – Adds sophistication connotes with the style of articles within Q
magazine well.

Different colour scheme – add change to the magazine – still fits in with general style but quite
unique. Colourful and attractive – appealing to audience?

Quote in centre of page attracts audience attention to article.

Slide Fifteen: Representation

Elaborate on points made – mention contents page and article if possible.

Slide Sixteen: Institutions

Elaborate points made.

Slide Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen: What have I learned

Elaborate all points – personal experiences

Slide Twenty: Final Thoughts

I am really pleased with the turnout of my magazine – why?

How did i attract my audience – bright colours that related to popular mag


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