Condensed Notes On Election 1828, Jackson, Manifest Destiny, Indian Removal, Expanding Borders, Mexican-American War

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* Political Parties in this time period are NOT the same as they are today

Election 1828

J.Q. Adams and Richard Rush-- rich, didn’t relate well- National Republicans

Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun- poor, war hero, rose through hardship-Democrats


Andrew Jackson (president 1829-1837)

(Jackson’s VP: John Calhoun- 1st term

Martin van Buren- 2nd term)

During Jackson’s presidency, the Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress (1830), which
authorized the removal of Native Americans, to western land. Congress established set Indian
Territory which Native Americans were moved to. Many died in the long trips westward to
these assigned territories.

When gold was found on Cherokee land in Georgia, their rights were ignored by Georgian
leaders. They commanded the Cherokee to leave the land, and when the Cherokee refused,
the Georgian militia attacked Cherokee towns. The Cherokee sued the state. Worcester v.
Georgia stated that the Cherokee were a distinct community and Georgia must not interfere
with their rights. Georgia ignored the Court’s ruling, and Jackson took no action to stop
Georgians from terrorizing the Cherokee.

The Native Americans were no match for the American forces, but one group- the Seminole-
had a successful resistance to removal at the hands of the white man. They, led by their leader
Osceola, resisted with force.

The Trail of Tears was the relocation and movement of Native Americans, including many
members of the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, and Choctaw nations among others in the United
States, from their homelands to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) in the Western United
States. Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while en route
to their destinations, and many died.
Jackson’s Presidency

 Spoils System
o ‘to the victor belong the spoils’
o Rewarding supporters of winning candidate with government jobs
 Kitchen Cabinet
o Informal group of advisors who don’t have to be approved by Senate

A fiery a man with a famous temper, Andrew Jackson believed in a strong central
government. During his time in office, he opposed southern sectionalism and financial
elitism while favoring westward expansion…As president, Jackson supported a strong
central government and prevented state officials from nullifying national laws. Preventing
nullification was especially difficult for Jackson during his first term because VP John C.
Calhoun opposed this effort from within the White House. Jackson also ended presidential
support of the Bank of the United States, which he believed undermined the central
government and neglected the common people. Jackson also encouraged westward
expansion and supported the forced removal of several Native American tribes from their
traditional homes. END OF PARAGRAPH FROM BOOK.


 Belief by many Americans that they should own and settle from Atlantic to Pacific.
 Some even felt that this should apply to all of North American
 Groups of people who would benefit from manifest destiny:
o Farmers- more and cheap land
o Merchants- ports on Pacific open up trade with Asia
o Immigrants- more land to settle
o Hunters/fur trappers- fur traders

President VP Years

Martin van Buren (Democrat) Richard M. Johnson 1837-1841

William Henry Harrison John Tyler March-April 1841
John Tyler (Whig) Although N/A 1841-1845
Tyler had been nominated on a
Whig ticket, his policies had
alienated the Whigs and they
actually kicked him out of the
party on September 13, 1841.
He was an Independent for a
while, then joined Democratic

Oregon Territory

 Location:
o Rocky Mountains to Pacific Ocean
o 42 degree line of latitude (border between Oregon and California today) and 54
40 degree line of latitude.
o Land includes Oregon Washington Idaho and pieces of other states in the area
 Both Britain and U.S. claim ownership
o Both had sent explorers there
o Both had fur trading companies there
 John Jacob Astor (a.k.a. John Jacob Jingle-Heimer Schmidt)- started biggest fur trading
company- the A.F.C.- American Fur Company. He established Astoria, the territory
around A.F.C.
 Election 1844- James K. Polk- “54 40 or fight!”- campaign slogan
o Polk wins presidency

James K. Polk (President 1845-1849) - Democrat

 Backs off campaign slogan, and makes

 Treaty of 1846
o Between U.S. and Britain
o Decision: above 49 degree line of latitude- BRITAIN
Below 49 degree line latitude- U.S.
(Below 42 degree line latitude- SPAIN)
 Annexation of Texas
 Mexico becomes independent from Spain (they declare themselves independent
in 1810, not recognized by Spain until 1821)
 Mexico offers cheap land to white settlers who
o Become Mexican citizens
o Obey Mexican law
o Convert to Catholicism
 Mexican officials wanted settlers to move to Texas because they wanted to
populate the land. At that point, Texas was mostly inhabited by natives and the
Mexican government wanted people to move there so that they would become
citizen. As a result, these new Texans would pay taxes to Mexico, increase the
population, and better the economy.
 Stephen Austin- one of 1st settlers
 Many Americans move to Texas but bring slaves which is against Mexican law
 Texans become dissatisfied with Mexican rule and rebel
 Battle of Alamo (1836)- Texans are defeated by Mexicans
 Battle of San Jacinto (1836)- using slogan “Remember the Alamo” as
encouragement, Texans, lead by Sam Houston, defeat Mexicans. General Santa
Anna (Mexican president/dictator) led Mexicans.
 Texans declare independence (1836) = Republic of Texas or Lone Star Republic
 The Republic of Texas offered land grants to settlers to come there for the same
reason Mexico offered land to American settlers in Texas: to increase population.
With an increased population, Texas would be able to collect high taxes, and
even build up an army, in case Mexico or natives decided to attack them. In
addition, having an increased population would give them a chance of possibly
being annexed by the U.S.
 Texans apply for statehood in U.S.
 Opposition in Congress from
o Northerners- don’t want another slave state
o People who fear war with Mexico
 Texas becomes state (1845)

Obtaining Mexican Cession

 California and New Mexico Territories- not just states, but whole territory.)
 Mexican-American War
o Causes of war:
 Mexico angry with U.S. for annexing Texas- they had intended to
recapture it
 U.S. angry that Mexico refused offer to buy Mexican Cession for $30
 Border dispute:
 U.S.- Rio Grande is Texas/Mexico border
 Mexico- Nueces River is Texas/Mexico border
 Clash between U.S. and Mexico in disputed territory- 11 U.S.
soldiers killed
 Polk declares war
o Events of War:
 General Zachary Taylor wins many victories in Northern Mexico
 General Winfield Scott captures Mexico City, the capitol of Mexico
 Colonel Stephen Kearny occupies New Mexico and declares it U.S.
 Captain John Frémont forces Mexicans out of California and establishes
California Republic or Bear Flag Republic. (The Republic lasts 26 days
before being annexed by the United States.)
 Mexico is defeated
 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
o Ends the war
o Rio Grande is declared border between Texas and Mexico
o Mexico gives up California and New Mexico TERRITORIES (Mexican Cession)
o U.S. pays Mexico $15 million (1/2 the original price offer)
 Gadsden Purchase
o Narrow strip of land in southern Arizona and New Mexico
o Reason: southern businessmen want to build cross-country railroad from
Charleston to Sand Diego
o Bought from: Mexico
o Price: $10 million

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