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I need to take leadership, no game plan this time- think broadly and
not enough time and stuff:
Visibility and field stuff needs to be done:
List of 24 candidates on the slate, we need them to win on the ballotAs many as these ppl talk to as many dem voters as possible
These candidates need to talk to as many ppl as possible
Need to build a day to day plan
I am lead right now

info on dccc rn
DCCC: Shadow govt
SFDemParty- think of them as a club, they have a board of directors,
the dem party also has a board- its the DCCC
They are the governing board of the DCCC
They raise membership for the club, raise funds for the club, decide
the positions of the club- endorsements (80% of the city dems, they
are a member of your club, your endorsements matter a lot, this is why
ppl care about becoming board member of the club), farm team for
next srs of supervisors, 20-25% of reg dems vote in this- down ticket
24 seats are open, 60 ppl are running
10 on west side, 14 spots on the east side
39 ppl/14 spots, 21pp/10spots
2 slates, the progressives and moderates
complication: bc its so influential- powerful ppl running for non
powerful position- famous ppl win easy, Tom Amiano, John Party, Aaron
Peskin, Jane Kim, Tom Hsieh etc. all famous ppl
Progrresives have more electeds: if all the powerful ppl win- 4 spots on
west, east side- WE NEED TO WIN 6/8 SPOTS

details on race
Peskin created a reform slate- wants to focus on affordable housing
etc. (Political Machine) to take over the party
Peskin uses Jungs ties with SFAR as political ammo against Jung and
real estate lobby
Jung claims the reform slate is stupid- they supported Prop I (defeated)
SQUO party not following will of voters (e.g. is prop B) DCCC opposed,
but it passed 59-41%- in litigation rn


Some on both sides think it's not a good thing to allow candidates to
run for DCCC and other seats simultaneously. McCoy, of the Castro,
who is a Public Service Aide for the city and county, said candidates
shouldn't be allowed to raise money for the race and funnel it to other
campaigns. "It's not good ethical government to be able to collect
unlimited amounts of funds in your DC3 race and use it for your
supervisor race or your school board race," he said.


get shit done
The only thing that seeps in bc DCCC is such a small election, only 1/3
of the ppl vote on this, only 1/3 of those vote for all 14

visibility and canvassing

High concentration of ppl- taking candidate there, and passing out
flyers (visibility)- GOOGLE FARMERS MARKETS- always high
concentration of ppl, high traffic MUNI and BART stations, bus
stops at west side bus stops
Canvassing- lit drops instead of lit dropping, we knock, and speak
to them. knocking on doors is how to talk to voters, ideal
world: candidates will be door knocking by themselves- u can
help them knock doors= 90% of ppl wont know about the DCCC
setting metrics

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