62nd IPSF World Congress Call For Abstracts

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62nd IPSF World Congress Call for Abstracts

The IPSF Reception Committee and Pharmacy Education Committee cordially invite all World
Congress participants to submit their abstracts for the Scientific and Education Poster
Exhibitions at the 62nd IPSF World Congress in Harare, Zimbabwe. The themes of this years
poster exhibitions are:
July 31, 2016

Aug 1st, 2016

Educational Poster Competition

Scientific Poster Competition

Mapping new visions in education and practice

Emerging Technologies for pharmaceutical excellence

Do not miss this exclusive opportunity to present your work to students from all over the
world. Abstracts may be submitted on any research topic within the fields of pharmaceutical
sciences, pharmacy practice, or pharmacy education.
Competition details:
The winner of each competition will receive a certificate of recognition. In addition, the FIP
Industrial Pharmacy Section (IPS) is partnering with IPSF for a special competition. Any poster
related to the topic of Industrial Pharmacy that meets the IPS competition criteria will have the
chance to win the opportunity to present their poster at FIP World Congress and will receive
1,000 to go towards travel and FIP registration costs. For more details on the criteria, please
contact education@ipsf.org.
Submission requirements;
All abstracts must be written in English
Word limit: 300
Required components:
o Title
o Author(s): The presenting author should be underlined in case of multiple authors
o Institutional affiliation of each author
o Presenting authors contact information
o Background
o Objectives
o Methods
o Results
o Discussion
Abstracts are to be sent to education@ipsf.org with the subject line: WC Poster Abstract
2016 [Education or Scientific] [Name], [Country]"
Abstracts must be submitted no later than Monday, July 4th at 23:59 GMT+0
Upon evaluation, successful applicants will be notified by email. Please note that abstracts will be
evaluated when they are received, so earlier submission will provide students the highest chance
of a successful application due to limited number of places
Viva la Pharmacie!

Whitley Yi
Pharmacy Education Chairperson 2015-2016

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