Weekly Theme: "Mandarin Ministry": CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

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CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

Scripture: " And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one
another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Weekly Theme: “Mandarin Ministry”

1. We are thankful for the leadership of Pastor and Mrs. Tim Chen; Pray that God would help
them to know their sheep more deeply, and send Holy wisdom and ability to them for His
use in His work.
2. Pray for the fellowship leaders, cell group leaders, Sunday school teachers, and coworkers.
3. Pray for more faithful, spirit-filled, humble brothers and sisters to serve Him.
4. Pray for more brothers and sisters to build God’s altar in their families, to worship Him
earnestly, and to set good examples for their children.
5. Pray for the Mission organizations﹕ Taiwan Grass Root Mission; Missionaries﹕Rev.
Lieow Meng Kuang, and Seminary student﹕ Janas Caruncho (Westminster); also pray for
the peace and safety of those brothers and sisters who are on overseas short-term missions.

--- Ministry: Please pray for

1. Pastor David Koo and Paul Shen as they preach and chair respectively this coming Sunday.
2. Taiwan mission trip : spiritual growth and unity among team members.
3. Child dedication preparation & parents.
4. Preparations for Memorial Day Retreat, speakers Rev Currie, Rev Han, and Trip Lee.
5. Board meetings this Saturday. Wisdom, unity, and greater faith for church leaders.
6. Next round of leaders for following year (mentoring, discipling, training)
--- Children Ministry: Please pray for
1. Please pray for first grade Sunday School teacher: Amy Huang and second grade Sunday school
teacher: Esther Chandra. Pray that the Lord give them strength as they plant the seeds in children’s
2. Please pray for all parents as they build good characters in their children, the Lord will give them
wisdom and patience.
--- People: Please pray for
1. Healing for: Kent (Elfie’s friend), Mauro Mordini, Tim Chia
2. Shannon: Praise God for her hukou, next step: getting China passport.
3. People in stressful jobs: may they have the right focus in the midst of the stress/pressures.
4. People still looking for jobs: Rob, Jill, Steve
5. Revival in our congregation: focus on God, not on our own small circumstances.
6. High school seniors as they decide which college to attend in the fall; finals exam in colleges.
7. David, Jenny, Allen Wu
8. Daniel, Shuchen, Brian, Alex Voo
--- National: Please pray for
1. Rebuiding and restoring after Mississippi tornado that killed 10 people.
2. Thailand’s women and girls, increase of sex trade (prostitution) b/c of recession
3. May 6 is National Day of Prayer

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