Illegal Refugees Should Not Be Welcomed To Australia. Proper Harsh Policies Will Reduce The Number of Prospective Illegal Asylum Seekers. To What Extent Is This Statement Agreeable To You?

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Illegal refugees should not be welcomed to Australia.

Proper harsh policies will

reduce the number of prospective illegal asylum seekers. To what extent is this
statement agreeable to you?
In general, refugees are forced to leave their homeland to flee violence, natural
disasters, repression and other harsh living conditions. Although the very
existence of refugees reflects the evidence of the worlds economic and political
disparities, the Australian government has introduced a strict legislation to limit
the number of illegal immigrants. Weighing the merits and drawbacks of such
policies, I assume the former one offers more valid arguments to support.
The refugee crisis is a serious concern which is affecting numerous developed
countries, like Australia. According to some statistical reports, 90 % of the
refugees who are present onto the Australian soil receive food stamps, cash
assistance and are granted with free health insurance. As a result, these illegal
asylum seekers not only have the most generous access to welfare programs of
any population in Australia, but also become targets of envy from those who are
struggling to obtain the Australian citizenship, as they are perceived as having
far more rights and concessions than them. On a practical level, it would be more
convenient for refugees to receive aid from the Australian government in their
native land, rather than seeing them begging on the streets in a country where
they cannot even speak the language.
The multi-cultural experiments in Europe have clearly shown a total failure of the
so-called immigration policy and this must be taken as an example worldwide. In
fact, there are several measures that might help Australia to address this
problem strategically. Stronger border protection laws should be introduced with
the aim of reducing illegal entrants in Australia and prevent any major boat
deaths from repeat occurrences. Asylum seekers and those that are not
Australian citizens who do not have the current visa should then leave the
country immediately. Another valid alternative could be moving refugees from
urban housing to camps outside cities, an initiative that would shift the focus of
government immigration policy to repatriation rather than integration.
As a matter of humanity, and in accord with international obligations, each
nation should accept the responsibility to contribute towards the solution of
world refugees problems. Nevertheless, I contend that hosting all these illegal
refugees will not help to solve the worlds disparities.

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