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GNEK 1043 Basic Photography (Digital)

En. Abbas Hassan

Muhammad Izzul Izham Bin Mohammad


Basic of Photography
The word "photography" was created from the Greek roots (phtos),
genitive of (phs), "light and (graph) "representation by means of
lines" or "drawing", together meaning "drawing with light".
Photo= light and graphy=painting

Several people may have coined the same new term from these roots
independently. Hercules Florence, a French painter and inventor living in
Campinas, Brazil, used the French form of the word, photographie, in private
notes which a Brazilian photography historian believes were written in 1834.[5]
Johann von Maedler, a Berlin astronomer, is credited in a 1932 German history of
photography as having used it in an article published on 25 February 1839 in the
German newspaper Vossische Zeitung.[6] Both of these claims are now widely
reported but apparently neither has ever been independently confirmed as
beyond reasonable doubt. Credit has traditionally been given to Sir John Herschel
both for coining the word and for introducing it to the public. His uses of it in
private correspondence prior to 25 February 1839 and at his Royal Society
lecture on the subject in London on 14 March 1839 have long been amply
documented and accepted as settled facts.
Photography is the science, art and practice of creating durable images by
recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means
of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as
photographic film.[1]
Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into a
real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a timed
exposure. With an electronic image sensor, this produces an electrical charge at
each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a digital image file for
subsequent display or processing. The result with photographic emulsion is an
invisible latent image, which is later chemically "developed" into a visible image,
either negative or positive depending on the purpose of the photographic
material and the method of processing. A negative image on film is traditionally
used to photographically create a positive image on a paper base, known as a
print, either by using an enlarger or by contact printing.
Photography is employed in many fields of science, manufacturing (e.g.,
photolithography) and business, as well as its more direct uses for art, film and
video production, recreational purposes, hobby, and mass communication.


First of all we must understand different type of painting its consist painting,
sketching, and photo. Painting can be done using color and brush. Sketching can
be done using pencil/pen and contrast and photo using camera and light.
Different medium will give different perspective to human being. Painting and
sketching need a lot of creativity than photo but photo need creativity on

Tools of camera: transmission of light

There are several tools that beginner must to understands about camera. Tools
are image sensor, hole aperture and shutter. All this things will effect the
exposure value (EV)
Types of camera
Large format
Medium format
SLR camera
Pocket camera
Area in photography
Clinical-demand accuracy (investigation purpose)
Advertising-Influence people to the main object
Journalism-photography to support interest
Fine art
Sensor can be also known as ISO. ISO is the digital equivalent (or approximation)
of film speed. If you
remember buying film for a regular camera, you'd get 100 or 200 foroutdoors
and 400 or 800 for indoors. The faster the film speed themore sensitive it is to
light. All of this still applies to digital
photography, but it's called an ISO rating instead.
The advantage of a low ISO is that the light in a given exposure ismore
accurately represented. If you've seen photos at night, the lightsoften look like
they're much brighter and bleeding into other areas ofthe photo. This is the
result of a high ISOa greater sensitivity to light. High ISOs are particularly
useful for picking up more detail in a darkphotograph without reducing the
shutter speed or widening theaperture more than you want to, but it comes at a
cost. In addition tolights being overly and unrealistically bright in your photos,
high ISOsettings are the biggest contributors to photographic noise. Highendcameras will pick up less noise at higher ISOs than low-end cameras,but the

rule is always the same: the higher you increase your ISO, the more noise you

Adjustment of the speed (often expressed either as fractions of seconds or as an
angle, with mechanical shutters) of the shutter to control the amount of time
during which the imaging medium is exposed to light for each exposure. Shutter
speed may be used to control the amount of light striking the image plane;
'faster' shutter speeds (that is, those of shorter duration) decrease both the
amount of light and the amount of image blurring from motion of the subject
and/or camera. The slower shutter speeds allow for long exposure shots that are
done used to photograph images in very low light, including the images of the
night sky.
Adjustment of the lens opening, measured as f-number, which controls the
amount of light passing through the lens. Aperture also has an effect on depth of
field and diffraction the higher the f-number, the smaller the opening, the less
light, the greater the depth of field, and the more the diffraction blur. The focal
length divided by the f-number gives the effective aperture diameter.
Arrange of content in the camera frame trough lens. So to capture the good
composition type of lens also will effect. There are several types of lens. Different
types of lens have a different perspective in photography.
Types of lens
1) Fish Eye
180 degree
15-16 mm

2) Standard Lens
47 degree
18-55 mm

3) Telephoto
10-1 degree

4) Wide lens
78 degree

5) Super wide lens

100 degree

6) Normal lens
60 degree

7) Potrait

8) Supertele

9) Zoom lens

Visual exploration



photographer must do
visual exploration. Visual exploration must be done for several time to get the
best shoot for every photo. This theory was found out by En. Abbas and it call xfactor. X-factor include EV, composition and impact. This three things will bring
photographer to explore photography.






Potrait can be divide into two articstic or clinical example for identity card and
medical study. Basic principle that beginner need to understand is lighting and
subject. Different lighting will give different expression on subject.
Element of portrait
Pose-Subject style or position
Expression-Smile, angry or serious
Feature-Add on subject
Background-Contrast or less contrast
Clotch, make up formal and simple
Composition- Arrangement of subject and feature
Lighting- Hard lighting direct to the source

Soft lighting using diffuser to separate the light and decrese shadow on
Camera metering system
Average 100 %
Center weight 60 %
Spot 6-2 %

Exposure value
EV=normal=0 according to metering system that we choose




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