A3 Nurfarah Shahirah Rosli 1424988

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Each man would want a happy life in this world and in the heaven someday. It is
included in the family life. No one wants the broken family. Nobody ever had a dream to see
their family destroyed with the divorce. Everyone imagines the beauty when entering married
life. But, not all have dreams to build their family that follow Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad
SAW that may contribute to the society later on. Thus, there are few steps to establish the
family which has values of sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah. And of His signs is that He
created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them and He
placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give
thought. ( Surah ar-Rum 30 : 21 )
The first step to being taken is by choosing the right spouse that have same views and
aims which want to establish a family in accordance with Islamic rule. Prophet Muhammad
SAW has already told us the criteria of the spouse where we need to focus on. Prophet
Muhammad SAW said,A woman is married for four things; her wealth, noble descent,
beauty and religion. So, marry a woman for her religion or you will be a loser. When
someone wants to choose a spouse, the first aspect needs to be focused on is his religion. Is he
pray 5 times a day? Does he follow Quran and Sunnah in his daily life? Before we accept
someone to be a part of our life, we need to have taaruf session. During taaruf session, we can
know about his vision, mission and goals in his life. After that, we can make decisions.
To establish a family that committed in religion is by following the laws of Allah
among the family members. Before guiding the children, the parents need to strengthen their
relationship with the Creator and increase their knowledge in many areas. It is because with
the knowledge, they can recognize the problems and create many different solutions later.
Thus, children can be raised in a home that was built with basic devotion to Allah, obedience
to the law of Allah, and desire to uphold the laws of Allah. Children will imitate the behavior
of parents and they implement it in their daily lives. And when they were grown up, they will
feel the satisfaction of the faith.
Next, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW should be implemented in the daily life.
When the parents follow the Sunnah, they will influence their children and generations to
follow Sunnah too. Narrated by Ibn Majah from Aisha r.a, the Prophet SAW said,
Marriage is my Sunnah. So, anyone who does not practice the Sunnah, then he is not

among my lineage. Marry you guys, because I hope to have a lot of people through you
among the other nations on the Day of Judgment. At this time, the disbelievers from the
West and the East is persistently promoting the family planning program to the Muslims,
while at the same time they encourage the non-Muslims to have many children. It was done so
that the number of Muslims may decreasing and the number of non-Muslims is increasing.
Therefore, the Prophet SAW encourages all Muslims having many children as the glory and
strength for the Muslims.
Each parent must intend to have children of righteousness, makes children born as a
new generation that is ready for jihad in Allah's way, as the keeper of the peace in the midst of
humanity, enforcement of truth, honesty guard, and beneficial to humanity. It is because
family serves as a place of learning for its members, especially the education that parents do
to their children. O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a
Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and
severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are

( Surah at-Tahrim 66 : 6 ) The meaning of this verse is, especially for

parents, to provide learning and education for family members to become scholars and
Muttaqien. Children are not just smart intellectually, but also being personally pious and
people feel pleasure with them.
Fatima Heeren in his book titled Women in Islam (1993), mentions four terms in
building the Muslim family. First, the Muslim family must make the family as the primary
formation of a strong generation by providing the family as a safe, healthy and comfortable
for the interaction between parents and children. Secondly, family life should be a means to
keep the sexual appetite of men and women. After that, the Muslim families must make the
family as the first place in instilling the values of our common humanity such as love and
affection. Last but not least, the Muslim family is used to be as a place for each of its
members to take shelter and a place to solve all the problems faced by its members.
As a conclusion, education or in Arabic term written as tarbiyah is a basic need of
every human being. The husband who has been active in the field of dawah usually will
easily get it. However, the wife also has the same rights. Its management is the responsibility
of the husband in particular; Muslim men in general. That is why the Prophet permitted
during informal requests of teaching among the Muslim woman who came to him. He gave a
special opportunity for the development of women and mothers. Marriage is not only the


unity of two bodies or genders ; a man and a woman, but the marriage also is the unity
between two loves, ideals and different souls.

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