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A. Background

Language is necesitty that must exist in human life, because the

language is the most important toolin communicating and interact in public life.1

language Language is different, it means a language has certain rules or patterns

are similar, but the language is also used in heterogeneous (mix of different

elements) and social backgrounds and different customs, language and a variety of

closely related with the community. Because language used by society. And with

language we can find out the origins of culture, thus, language and culture is as

important in human life because it would be a method of showing a person's

identity. This is very concerning.

Culture is indigenous or habits that have been made with the results of

consultation and used by humans, as well as cultural languages, are both showing

a person's identity. Thus the language, culture and people related to each other and

need each other. Cultures also vary so much from culturally and linguistically

heterogeneous. Moreover, if the foreign culture into the culture of origin, the

foreign cultures will act as support and complement the culture2. So with the kind

of culture and the cultural mixing that occurs a variation in language. And the

theory that learning about language variation is a sociolinguistic.

.Leonard bloomfield.language.PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. Hal 01.
Tim Antropologi. Antroplogi kelas 3 SMU. Yudhistira. Jakarta hal.106.

Sociolinguistics study is the relationship between language society3.

Human beings are formed into various languages. This also happens because of

cultural factors. Like a lot of examples we see, due to cultural, language can

change. Then a lot of change and transition language. This theory is studied in

sociolinguistics called code mixing and code switching.

Code mixing is a combination of one language with another language, so

it takes two languages.4 Usually this happens because there was no expression in

the language used. Examples: “to the point aja”

... .. To the point ... is that English language and mixed Indonesian with the

aja ... .. .... The first language used is English, that is ... .. To the point ... .... Then

proceed with the Indonesian.... Aja ... . Because it does not have an expression in

language first used, namely English. So it is differ with code switching. Code

switching is the use of two slightly different languages to code mixing.

Code switching is a transitional bilingual or transitional one language to another.

Code switchingis the transition from one language toanother language. Code

switching is situation people speak to language or more and have to choose which

language will be used.5 Usually said as a phenomenon switching from one code to

another code. In this case code switching is general term for switching two

languages or more some stile from one stile.

According to mattson in Henny fransiska, “ code switching is term of linguistics

refrring to using more than one language or variety in conversation. Code

switching is the syntacrically and fhonologically appropriate use of multiple

Abdul chaer and leonie Agustina.2004 sociolinguistic.Rineka.Jakarta.P.2
Paul ohoiwutun.1997.sociolinguistic. Devisi kesaint blanc. Indonesia. Jakarta. P.71
Paul ohoiwutun Op, Cit.P 71

varieties. Code switching distisngued from other language chotact phenomena

such as loan translation calques,borrowing, pidgins and creoles and the transfer or

interferences. It impies that it is not persuasive to explant the complex

phenomenon of code switching from the persfective the user’s linguistict

competence. Fungsion code switching is that it may be used in order to built

intimate interpersonal relationship among member of bilingual community. In this

respect, it maybe claimed that it is a tool for creating linguistic solidarity

especially between individuals who share the same ethno-cultural identity. In

order to clarify the subject, the following this example, it is observed that sarah

and mere code switch from English to maori during their conversation. The

language shifts these people perfirm reflect their ethnic identity and functions as

abridge that builds solidarity among them, which is related to the high intimacy

level concerning their relationship.

According to Suwito (1985) over the code that is divided into 2:

1. Instead of external code Instead of language, from English into

Indonesian. Like the example below:

A: Yanis, tu veux du "gado-gado"?

B: Mais oui, je veux aussi du "ice dawet". quand on travaille dur, on a
toujours faim.
A: pak mar, tolong pesan es dawet dang ado-gado dua”
C:ya ya.

You can see the speakers A change her language from French to

Indonesia. The franch language is tu veux du gado-gado? The meaning is, "would

you like gado-gado"? Than switched to Javanese is "pack mar hodgepodge pesen

ne e karo es dawet loro" the meaning is "mar pack, please bring us two gado-gado

and es dawet.

2. Over the internal code if rather than a variant form of the code, such as

transfers from Indonesian into one of the other regional languages. For


A: Kenapa pak iwan tidak kelihatan beberapa hari ini?

B: Pak iwan memang tidak masuk berapa hari ini.
A: Memang ada apa dengan beliau?
B: Kabar- kabarnya dia sakit.
A: irahak hentek damang nahk?
B: tikamari-tikamari te damang nahk…
A: heem…. husadayana di do’a ken mugi-mugi cepet damang6…

His sample is switching from Indonesian language to his local language

is bandung language. Its caused the change situation from formal situation to

informal situation.

Based on the phenomenon that is attracted to the authors examined over

the tribal code in which the child has many examples that the interest of children

in using language codes in over conversation everyday. This is because many

cultures that comes in and affects the child's interest in. And in this study the

researchers chose the title “An analysis of code switching in suku anak

dalam conversation”

B. The research question

1. What type of code switching used in suku anak dalam conversation ?

2. What are the reasons of code switching in suku anak dalam conversation ?


C. The objective of Research

The objective of this Research are to investigate :

1. To find out type of code switching used in suku anak dalam conversation

2. To find out the reasons of code switching used in suku anak dalam


D. The limitation of the research

1. In this research, researcher has search the code switching in suku anak dalam

conversation, and The conversation of teacher and student expecially suku

anak dalam in SD Negeri 01 Desa pedalaman Sungai Jernih.

2. This reaserch will analyze code switching inter-ential, intra-sential, and intra-

word switching in suku anak dalam conversation.

The Significance of the research

Hope fully the result of this research

1.For lecture

this research will become an example so lecture can teach their students by

not only opening and reading book but also they can give instrumen to apply

their addition, this method can make them creative.

2. For student

It will be useful for student who are interested in conducting research in

code switching in suku anak dalam conversation. They will can aplly in

learning language by more practices so that they can learn more meaning then


3. For researcher

In this research can hopefully increase my knowledge about code

switching. The important significance of this research for me, I can improve

my understanding about code switching.

4. For stain curup

To conduct this research, the researcher hopes it will be available for the

all of English study program in order to get better understanding in using code

switching in conversation. And can to improve their skills like listening an

analyzing the word of sentences in conversation.

F. The Operational definition

1. Code switching is one kind of intra-speaker variation. It occurs when a speaker

change from one variety or language to another variety or language

accordance with situational or purely personal factor. Code switching thus far

with the notion that it occurs where speakers change from one language to

another in conversation.

a. Inter-sential switching : this is the type of switch happens between


b. intra-sential switching : this type of code switching happens within a

single sentence even a single phrase.

c. intra-word switching is switching within a word itself, such as at a

morpheme boundry.

2. Suku anak dalam are the people who were ancient (primitive) that customary

not the same as the indigenous people. As we both know the tribe has not

known children in languages other than their language. but the authors find

different things than usual, which is a group of children who have approached

the modern-day vernacular is almost the same and are recognizable by the

surrounding community. Even the kids had a lot of tribal the school. And

understand the national language.

The example of suku anak dalam conversation:

Teacher: pagi anak-anak la sapai dimano palajaran kitok saghetang?

Student: la sapai disiko buk
You can see in this conversation for the first the teacher use local language

is pedalaman and switch to indonesian language.

G. Organization of the research

The systematic of this research is as follow;

Chapter I introduction, in this chapter the researcher describes about :

background of the research, problem of the research, the objectives of the

research, the limitation of the research, the significance of the research, the

operational definition, and the organization of the thesis.

Chapter II review of related literature as follow ; review of related theory,

in this chapter the researcher explanation about definition code and code mixing,

type of code mixing, reasons of code mixing, different between code mixing and

code switching. So, review of related finding.

Chapter III Methodology of the research includes kind of the research,

object the research, the technique of collecting data research procedure, and

technique of analyzing data.

Chapter IV in finding and discussions includes the finding from questioner

and discussion.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.



A. Review of related theory

According to chaer and agustina that a person who can use both languages is

called bilingual. Bilinguality is ability to use both languages7. And bilingualisme is

connected with the using of both languages or codes. So, in many of the world is

biligual community8.

The definition of bilingualism it self is a person who has some functional

ability in the secong language. Since the members of a bilingual community vary in

the capacity of mastering the languages used in the community, they have to be able

to set a condition where they can communicate effectively. The condition leads them

to do code switching and code mixing.

1. Code switching

People who are bilingualism or multilingualism (that is the ability to

use two languages or more) will often awitch from one code to another. And

people switch language or variety of language it depends on situation or

purpose of the language activity. This situation, where speaker shifts from one

code to another can be called code switching.

Code switching will involve situating code switching within the set of a

linguistic varietis which show either morphemes from two or more languages

or effect of one language on another.

Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sociolinguistic. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.P.84
Florian coulmas. The handbook of sociolinguistic. 1997. Publisher. Cambridge.p.

According to Suwandi, code switching is any one aspect about language

dependence each other in bilingual or multilingual society9. It is a fact that is in

that society almost impossible if a speaker uses language without use a bit of

other language. A phenomenon of switch in using of language because of shift

the situation and codeswitching has become a common term for alternate us of

two or more language, or even speech styles. Based on najmah in thesis Heni

Fransiska, code switching is term in linguistics reffering to using more the one

language or dialect in conversations10. In this case, code switching is generally

term for switching two languages or more or some style from one style.

Code switching is usually said as phenomenon switching from one to

another code . Thealander in Chaer explained that code switching occur when

in conversation happen the transition from one clause of one language to other

clause language11. So, inthis case code switching is generally term for

switching two languages or more or some style from one style.

In our life the speaker often change their language depend on condition

and situation, in this situation the speaker will choose the variety of language

would be used. It influenced by social factors of the spealer such as age,

education, family background and society.

From the description above, it is know that peple often switch from one

code to another code. Code switching is situation whenever people speak two

language varietis within or single the same utterance or during the same

Sarwiji Suwandi.2008. Serbalinguistik Mengupas Pelbagai Praktik Berbahasa.
Surakarta.: LPP UNS dan UNS Press. P. 86
Heni Fransiska. Thesis title an analysis of code switching in indonesian films. STAIN
CURUP. P. 11
Abdul Chaer. Linguistik Umum. 1994. Renika Cipta. P.

conversation. Therefore, code switching is an indication for shift of language

use because of changing situation.

2. Type of code switching

From the structural point of view, past researchers identified two main

types of code switching, intrasential and intersential, basing the distinction on

wheter switching took place within the boundaries of a sentence12. However,

most current structural theories of code switchingargue that relevantunit for

analysis is not the sentence but rather the complement phrase or the maximal


According to Wardaught describe two kind of code switching are

situational and methaporical. Situational code switching happens when the

speaker change their language according to the situtional in which the

conversant find themselves, for example they speak one language in one

situation in another in different one and there is no topic change. Methaporical

code switching happen when speaker change their language and the same time

the topic that they talk is change. In methaporical code switching the speakers’

change the code as they redefine the situation. Formal to informal, official ti

personal, serious the code to humorous and politness to solidarity.

According tom merthur gu zamin khan thesis, shows many type in

code switching

a. inter-sential switching is outside the sentence or level in which a

change of language occurs at a clause or sentence is one language or

Florian coulmas. Op. Cit

the other. This type of code switching which happens between


Example: “ sometimes I’ll star a sentence in English y terminoen

espanyol” (English-Spanish)

b. Inter-sential switching is within a sentence or clause in which a switch

occurs within a clause or sentence boundary. This type of code

switching happens within a single sentence or even a single phrase.

Example :”you have to find a kalo pedi and marry him”

c. Intra-word switching is switch with in a word itself, such as at a

morpheme boundary. In which a change occurs within a word


Example : “ such as in shoppa(English shop with the panjabi plural

ending) or Kuenjoy (English enjoy with the swahili prefix ku, meaning


5.Reasons of code switching

According to hoffman in Najmah wahdani explained there are seven

reasons for bilingual to switch their language. A reason finds that talking about a

particular topic because people sometimes prefer to talk a particular topic in one

language rather in another. Sometimes, a speaker feels free and more comfortable

to express their emotional fillings in a language that is their everyday language.

Gul zamin khan.code switching and code mixing.2009. university of malakand. 5

Quoting somebody else, people sometimes like to quite a famous

expression or saying of some well-know figures. In Indonesian, those well-know

figures are mostly from some English speaking countries. Then because many of

the Indonesian people nowadays are good at English, those famous expression or

saying can be quoted intact in their original language.

Being emphatic about something usually, when someone who is talking

using a language that is not native tongue suddenly wants to be emphatic about

something, he/she, either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his

second language to his firs language. On the other hand, there are some cases

where people feel more convenient tube emphatic in their second language rather

than in their firs language.

Interjection ( Inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors). Language

switching between bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes mark an

interjection or sentence connector. It may happen unintentionally or intentionally.

Repetition used for clarification when a bilingual wants to clarify his/her

speech so that it will be understood more by the listener, he/she can sometime use

bothof the languages that the masters saying the same utterance ( the utteranceis

said repeatedly)

Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor when bilingual

talk to another bilingual, there will be lots of code switching occurs, it means to

make the contents of his/ her speech runs smoothly and can be understood by the


Expressing group identity, code switching can also be use to express group

identity. As it has been mentioned peevishly, the way of communication of

academic people in their disciplinary groupings, are of piously different from

other groups. In other words, the way of communication of one community is

different for the people who are out of the community.14

Beside the reasons suggested by hoffman, Saville-Troike gives dditional


to softening and straightening request of command. For Indonesian

people, code switching Indonesian language into English can also soften a request

because English is not their native tongue so is does not sound is direct as

Indonesian language. However, code switching can also strengthen command

since the speaker can feel more powerful then the listener can because he/she can

use language that not everybody can.

Because of real lexical need, the most common reasons for bilingual to

switch their language is due to the lack of equivalent lexicon in the languages.

When an English Indonesian has a word that is lacking in English, he will find it

easier to say it in Indonesian language. In addition, vice versa, when he/she has a

word that a lacking in Indonesian language, they will use the English term.

To exclude other people when a comment is attend for only a limited

audience. Sometimes people want to communicate only to certain people or

community they belong. To avoid the other community or people interfering their

Najmah analysis of code switching and code mixing in the novel macarin anjing. available in

communication, they may try to exclude those people by using the language that

not everybody knows or masters.

1. Different of code switching and code mixing

Code switching is the transition from one language to another

language15. Code switching is usually said as phenomenon switching from one

code to another code. And according to maksan, Code switching is situation

whenever people speak two languages or more and have to use the varian

language each other16. And according to fasold, code switching occurs if one

clause with use gramatical one language, and continue by next clause with use

gramatical one language itself17.

Wardaugh said in His book of the title is An Introduction to

sociolinguistics, that Code mixing occurs when conversant use both languages

or more together to the extents that they change from one language to the other

in the course of a single utterance18. Fasold in chaer offered some gramatical

kriteria to differ of code mixing from code switching 19. If the people use one

word or phrase from one language is happens code mixing. So, code mixing is

occur when two or more language is use in one gramatical.

Differ with code switching, based on Holmes in Fentaria states that the

mix of one or more words of a language with other code is called code mixing.

Barman (2007) states that when two languages are mixed in somebody's

speech under some psychological and sociological constraints, it is technically

Paul Ohoiwutun. 1997. Sosiolinguistik. Devisi kesaint balance. Indonesia. Jakarta. P.71
Nita Martiana. Op. Cit. P. 5
Abdul Chaer. Loc. Cit
Nita Martiana. Op. Cit.
Abdul Chaer. Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal. PT. Rineka cipta. Jakarta. 2004. P. 115

called 'code-mixing'20. The feature of code mixing is casual situation of

informal situation. In informal situation, where people use one code, there is no

code mixing (it would be rare in this situation). It might be caused no right

expression, phrase or word in the language used. So that they need to use word

or phrase of another language. So, that code mixing is using to refer to all cases

where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in

one sentence. People sometimes use code mixing because they want to show

their intellectuality or status.

3. Suku anak dalam

Suku anak dalam are the people who were ancient (primitive) that

customary not the same as the indigenous people. As we both know the tribe

has not known children in languages other than their language. but the authors

find different things than usual, which is a group of children who have

approached the modern-day vernacular is almost the same and are recognizable

by the surrounding community. Even the kids had a lot of tribal the school.

And understand the national language.

The example of suku anak dalam conversation:

Teacher: pagi anak-anak la sapai dimano palajaran kitok saghetang?

Student: la sapai disiko buk
You can see in this conversation for the first the teacher use local
language is pedalaman and switch to indonesian language.

Fentaria Op. Cit. P. 21

B. Review of related finding

There are researchers have already studied code mixing were Jeane Maghdalena,

2001. Code switching and code mixing by Broadcaster of Hit Chart of the Lessita

Weekly Top 40 Count Down’ Program At Radio Lesitta Bengkulu. Maghdalena

showed that the broadcaster did mixing more than switching.the forms of code

switching applied by the broadcaster were clause switching (4,3%), sentence

switching (80%), and discourse switching (15,21%). The forms of code mixing

applied by the broadcaster were word mixing 937,5%), and phrase mixing


Nita martiana,2004. A Study of Code Mixing by Intructors in Level Two

MKU Classes of University of Bengkulu.Martiana showed that introctors that has

mixing. The form of code mixing applied by intructors were sentence mixing

(35,74%), discourse mixing (5,95%), clause mixing (33,61%), phrase mixing

(17,45%) and word mixing (7,23%). The function of code mixing applied by

intructors were asking student to repeat, giving translation of unfamiliar word or

sentence, gving signal that she has finished mentioning the items, talking to

herself or himself,giving clues to help students toa nswer question, asking for help

to borrow something, telling what to do, regulating interaction, telling what part to

explain, conjuction, giving question to the students, asking the student’s

argument, giving example, giving explanation, asking student to make example,

reading the exercise, giving chance to students to ask, asking about students,

giving instruction to the students, telling what page the material of lesson, and

helping students answer the question.

Iming Fentaria 2009, Forms and Functions of Code-Mixing in the

Speaking iv class of the English Department of Bengkulu University. He result

showed that the students did mixing. The forms of code mixing applied by the

students were phrase mixing (44, 79 %), clause mixing (23, 92%), sentence

mixing (15, 95 %), word mixing (12, 88%), and discourse mixing (2, 45%). The

function of code mixing applied by the students were ; asking to repeat, asking for

translation, giving signal that she or he has finished mentioning items, talking to

herself or himself, giving clues to help say her or his part, asking for help,

signalling to start, telling someone what to do, telling someone what part to

explain, asking for borrow something, asking friend’s argument, giving question

to their friend, giving example, giving explanation, asking friend to make

example, giving chance to student to ask, asking question to lecturer, asking

explanation, and answering question.



A. Kind of the research.

This research is a language research in field of sociolinguistic which is

presented in qualitative way. This research is described utterance is used code

switching in every conversations of suku anak dalam. Arikunto said” descriptive

study purpose to collect information about an indication is real condition tendency

when the research done.this research is concluded sociolinguistic object learning. In

learn about language with the related the eksternal factor of language such as using

language by person. In this case will discuses or analyzed of code switching in suku

anak dalam conversation.

B. Population and sample.

1. Population

The population in this research is all students of SDN 01 Suku Anak


2. Sample

And the sample of this research is to analyze conversations all students

and the teachers of SDN 01 Suku Anak Dalam that uses code-switching

C. Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected by observation, checklist and recorder, the researcher

recorded the utterances of the student and data from audio recording was ut in the

form of transcript. Then data transcript was put into checklist before being to

analyzed. and data retrieval is code-switching in it.

D. Instrument of the research

The instruments used by researchers are the checklist and recorder. Checklist

is a sample list will to search and also use recorder to get more valid data. Both

instruments were used to determine what type of control code is often used in

suku anak dalam conversation. The recorder was used for recording the utterances

of the student. And then it used to fill out the checklist. And also the checklist was

constructed based on the theory of code switching.

E. data analysis

After the data are collected, the next step is data analysis which the data

from the conversation will be analyzed using the following steps:

a. collect the data by using recorder

b. The data of audio recording is put in the form of transcription.

Transcription of audio recording is selected in order to get the

transcription of the speech of the student

c. Analyzing and identifyng form of code switching usedby student.

• Intra sential code switching

• Intersentialcode switching

• Intra word coe switching

d. Calculating

Tabulating each kind of code mixing by using the following

formula. The formula that used by description research21. And in

this formula here is:

P = ----- x 100%

P : percentage

F : Frequency

N : total of frequency

e. Arranging to concept analysis.

f. Making conclusion.

Nana Sudjana. 1989. Penelitian dan Penilaian Pendidikan. Bandung. Sinar baru. P.


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