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Country Studies

Grade six students,

• You have a clear outline for your project. Please use that outline, your class time and
this schedule of deadlines to plan ahead and budget your time.
• Remember that you must have your book review, and your three topics researched,
written and typed before you will be allowed to start anything else. (The deadline for
these 4 items is 8:45am – Thursday, May 27.)
• You will have approximately seven blocks of time each week. There is plenty of time to
get this finished in class (except the typing parts), if you use your time wisely and plan
ahead. You may also make use of lunch hours and continue working in study hall.
• There won’t be any Scribbler tests in the next few weeks. Use the time that you normally
spend on Scribbler to continue working on your project at home.
• It is very unlikely that your classroom teacher will be able to edit all three topics and book
review for each student in the class. Please ask a parent to edit your work with you once
it is complete. Make sure that you have first taken the time to read it over and self-edit.
• Parents may help their children with typing. Students must sit with their parents and read
to them what is to be typed.
• Your bibliography must follow the guidelines that are provided. Be sure to include each
source you have used for your project (e.g. atlas, encyclopedia, book, internet, brochure,
novel, etc.).
• Please avoid any penalties by getting your work done and handing it on time.

You will submit one printed copy of your three topics and book review by Thursday, May 27.
This is for Mr. Embree to assess. Ensure you have a copy of these documents for your project.
If you do not have a printer at home, you may email your documents to Mr. Embree in advance
of the due date.
All other portions of this project are due by Tuesday, June 15 at 3:00pm.

NOTE: 1. Please make sure that you come prepared to class to work and
make the best use of your time.
2. The country expo will take place in the gym on the morning of
Thursday, June 17 from 9:00am to 10:30 am. Parents, family and
friends are welcome to attend!
I have read the outline and schedule for this project with my child.

Parent Signature: _______________________

Online resources will occasionally be updated at

Agriculture Food Economy
Industry Religion Clothing
Recreation Social Customs Climate
Festivals/Holidays Rural/Urban Life Famous Sights
Transportation Politics History
Indigenous Animals Any topic approved by your teacher

Country Studies Checklist

Element Due Date Completed

Topic 1 May 27 - 8:45am

Topic 2 May 27 - 8:45am

Topic 3 Christian Witness May 27 - 8:45am

Book Review May 27 - 8:45am

Bibliography June 15 - 3:00pm

Map June 15 – 3:00pm

Graph June 15 – 3:00pm

Flag June 15 – 3:00pm

Illustration June 15 – 3:00pm

Title June 15 – 3:00pm

Border June 15 – 3:00pm

10 Interesting Facts June 15 – 3:00pm

Display Item June 17 – 8:45am

Audio Summary June 17 expo day

The writing components must be complete and checked off with Mr. Embree before beginning anything else. Boards do not go
home so planning is essential!
Element Points Description
Flag 5 The symbol for your country. This must be hand drawn and coloured.
Map 10 Including surrounding countries, bodies of water, geographical features and
major cities. This must be hand drawn or traced and must be coloured.
Graph 5 This can be a hand drawn or computer generated reproduction of any graph
you find in your research that relates to you country. Give it a clear title and
Illustration 5 Simply a hand-drawn picture relating to your country. Include a title and
Title 5 This states your country’s name in bold letters across your presentation
Border 5 Relating to your country, this attractively decorates and frames your
presentation. (All four sides, and as straight as possible.)
Facts 10 Ten interesting facts from your country. This is your chance to let us know of
those interesting tidbits your country possesses. (Your ten facts can be on
one page or separated and mounted/pasted individually on your display
board.) Include your sources in your bibliography.
Display Item 5 Choose any object that comes from or describes your country. This can
include something that can be tasted, touched or heard.
Topics 1 & 2 10 Choose a topic from the list on the next page. Additional topics may be
chosen but must be approved by your teacher. Stay away from topics that
have little information about them. Each topic must comprise three
paragraphs. Each paragraph will have the following components:
 Topic sentence
 5-6 supporting details
 Concluding sentence
Graphic organizers will be completed for each paragraph. Do not forget to
list the sources used for each topic and include them in your bibliography.
You will write in the third person.
Topic 3 10 This is a pre-determined topic. You are to do internet research about
Christianity and missionaries in your country. Find out and describe the
efforts of the Christian witness. Pick a missionary or missionary family and
describe the kinds of work that they do in your country. What difficulties do
they face? What successes have they had? What can you do to support
them? (See handout included in this package.)
Book Review 10 You are to read a novel that is about your country or the story is set in your
country. Construct an eight to ten sentence paragraph summary (not a play
by play) on the book. Be sure to include the title of your book, the author’s
name, and the number of pages. Avoid using personal pronouns in your
summary. For example, “I enjoyed…” Pay attention to the tense in which
you are writing and keep it the same throughout your summary. Full
bibliographical details must be included in your bibliography.
Audio Summary 10 As a summary, you will create a short summary of your country. Be prepared
to answer this question: “What’s ____ all about?” Plan to answer this
question in approximately thirty seconds.
COPS 5 Capitalization
5 Organization
5 Punctuation
5 Spelling
Bibliography 15 Correct format is required. Minimum of four different sources required. Time
will be spent in class reviewing correct bibliographic format.
Overall 5
Use of Class 20 It is important that you come prepared each day, and use that class time
Time appropriately. (Your country studies duotang must be handed in with your
display board on Tuesday, June 15 – no later than 3:00 pm.)
Late Points If you miss a deadline, you will be kept in for study hall to complete missed
Total 160
Missionaries Around the World
Grade 6 Country Studies Topic 3: Missionary Report

This is a unique opportunity for you to focus on an entirely different aspect

of your country. Our hope is that you will gain a greater understanding of
what God is doing in your chosen country. This will involved some guided
and independent internet research as we want you to get a sense of God’s
actions in real time.

While you are free to choose any search engine (Google works well), a list
of good sites to begin your search has been organized over the past few
years. You may access these sites at and
look for the missionary bookmark link. Within some of the respective sites,
you will see a search box. You can then type in your country name to see
if that particular site contains any information about your country.
Additionally, if you find any sites that would benefit your classmates, please
let your teacher know. Remember that not all sites will be useful to you. If
one contains no information on your country, simply try another one. We
will spend time searching for missionary sites during class.

Your topic is to have three sub-topics which may include, but are not limited
to, the following subjects:
• What does this missionary organization do in your country?
• Focus on a missionary family in your country.
• How is your mission organization winning people to Jesus Christ?

• What are some key strategies of your mission organization?

• How are the missionaries in your country witnessing for Jesus?

Finally, do not forget to include any used websites in your bibliography.

If you have any questions, talk to your teacher.


Score Out of
1. Flag 5
2. Map 10
3. Graph 5
4. Illustration 5
5. Title 5
6. Border 5
7. 10 Interesting Facts 10
8. Display Item 5
9. Topic 1 10
10. Topic 2 10
11. Missionary Report 10
12. Book Report 10
13. COPS
Capitalization 5
Organization 5
Punctuation 5
Spelling 5
14. Bibliography 15
15. Overall attractiveness 5
16. Use of time 20
17. Audio summary 10
Total 160
What is Plagiarism?

Chris just found some good information for his country studies
research. He highlights a paragraph that explains some of the
festivals in Nigeria. Chris copies it and pastes it into his report. He
quickly changes the font so it matches the rest of the report and
continues his research.

Uh-oh. Chris just made a big mistake. Do you know what he did? He
committed plagiarism (say: play-juh-rih-zem). Plagiarism is when you
use someone else's words or ideas and pass them off as your own.
It's not allowed in school, college, or beyond, so it's a good idea to
learn the proper way to use resources, such as websites, books, and
magazines. Your teacher will be giving you specific instructions on
how to document your sources.

Plagiarism is a form of cheating, but it's a little complicated so a

student might do it without understanding that it's wrong. Chris should
have given the author and the website credit for the information.
Why? Because Chris didn't know this information before he came to
the website. These aren't his thoughts or ideas. Also, he should have
paraphrased the information instead of copying it.

The Importance of Taking Good Notes

Here’s a technique you can use:

1. Read the section of research you want to use.

2. Put the text aside and summarize it in your own words. Leave
out unnecessary small words like the and a.
3. If you can’t do this, you need to reread the text for better
understanding before you try again.

Make sure that you keep track of all the reference sources you use as
you go. Do this on the reference sheet your teacher has given you.
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Place published (city): Volume:
URL: Date accessed:
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