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Reflection Paper

Dream Team
Balagtas, Joseph Christopher C.

Prof. Jennifer T. Ramos, DMS, CPME, FBE

Barretto, Alberto Luis VII

Magnaye, Isaiah Athriene

Prior to taking up this subject, we had only a broad understanding on Marketing

Management. For us, (at first) it was simply just a reiteration of our first Marketing
subjectdefinition of terms, understanding the basic concept of marketing, etc.
However, it wasnt.
At first, we found the teaching strategy of Doc Jen rather odd; the class was
referred to as ALM Company, our groups were called teams, and the president and
the secretary of the class were identified as General Manager and Corporation
Secretary, respectively. However, as time passed by, we realized its importance. The
more we were called as such, the more we felt like we were professionals, like as if we
were already in the industry; with minutes being announced every last meeting of the
week, business news, a prayer with its corresponding music and powerpoint to start
every meeting, etc., and as such, we were motivated to work harder than usual due to
our new and innovative environment.
Then came the topics we discussed about; the topics, compared to the topics we
talked about in our first marketing subject, were now more detailed and specific, such as
Business Development, Product Development, Market Development, Market Research,
Competitor Analysis, Pricing Strategy, Public Relations, Customer Service, Promotions,
Brand Development, and Company/Corporate Identity. These are but a few of the
detailed topics we discussed during the semester, and due to the accurate tackling of

these topics (plus the interesting approach of the professor to the subject, such as
referring to us as junior marketers), we were able to understand and grasp the topics as
a marketer wouldunderstanding not only the topic per se but also how to and how it is
applied in the industry.
After the midterms, the biggest challenge to the team was yet to come. The
entire final term was basically devoted to the understanding, preparing and completion
of our marketing plan. Throughout this period, we were able to understand and trust
each other more and even more rewarding, the entire team was able to understand how
to prepare and technically how a marketing plan works. Even after the completion of our
marketing plan, we were still faced with our impending oral defense, which required us
to review and fully understand our paper. Fortunately, our hard work bore good fruit as
we received an acceptable grade from our professor and our DAs.
As clich as it may sound, we could definitely identify this semester a fruitful one
as we have learned a lot of things; things not only limited to their description but to their
application as well, and we believe that this kind of learning, wherein as early as this
stage the students are already dubbed as part of the industry, should be instigated
upon all subjects, as this kind of learning prepares us for what we are to transpire in the

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