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How to Thicken Your Arm & Leg Muscles

by Erin Coleman, R.D., L.D., Demand Media




Thickening your arm and leg muscles requires strength-training and making
dietary changes. Exercising each muscle group in your body, not just your
arms and legs, will improve your total body strength, improve muscle
definition and give your body a more symmetrical appearance. For best
results, exercise four to six days each week and watch those muscles
(Photo: Jupiterimages/Creatas
/Getty Images )

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Items you will need

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Dumbbell weights

Peroneal Strengthening

Make Dietary Changes

Peroneal Tendon Stretches

Step 1

What Physical Activities

Should People in Middle
Adulthood Be Doing?

Comfortable workout clothes

Slightly boost your calorie intake to effectively gain lean muscle in your
arms and legs. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
increasing your energy intake by about 200 calories per day can help add
muscle mass and give your arms and legs a thicker appearance. Add

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nutrient-dense, high-calorie foods, such as nuts, seeds, peanut butter,

hummus or vegetable oils to bump up your calorie intake.

Step 2
Consume 1.4 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or about 0.64 to 0.91 grams of protein per
pound of body weight each day. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that 1.4 to 1.8 grams of

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protein per kilogram is needed to build muscle; a 2010 edition of the Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition reports that strength athletes participating in intense workout programs may need up to 2
grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. High-protein foods include lean meats, seafood,
eggs, soy protein, seitan, dairy foods, nuts, seeds and peanut butter.

Step 3
Reduce the sugar and saturated fat in your diet to stay lean while building muscle mass. For best results,
eliminate sweets, sugary drinks, high-fat meats and full-fat dairy products. Instead, choose lean meats,
low-fat dairy products and vegetable oils.

Perform Resistance Exercises

Step 1
On the first day of your workout program, perform resistance exercises that work your lower body to thicken
your leg muscles. Examples include squats, lunges and calf raises. Use dumbbell weights to increase your
resistance and build muscle in your legs and butt. Perform at least three sets of 10 repetitions for each leg
exercise you complete.

Step 2
Work your back and shoulder muscles on the second day of your workout routine. Examples of exercises to
choose from include bent-over rows, reverse flies, upright rows, lateral raises, front raises and shoulder
press. Perform at least three sets of 10 repetitions for each back or shoulder exercise you complete, and
gradually start increasing the amount of weight you lift.

Step 3
On the third day of your muscle-building workout, complete chest and abdominal exercises. Most chest
exercises also work your arm muscles. Examples of exercises to choose from include bench press,
push-ups, dumbbell flies, situps, leg raises to work your lower abdominal muscles, oblique situps and holding
your body in a plank position to work your core abdominal muscles. Complete at least three sets of 10
repetitions for chest exercises, and at least three sets of 30 repetitions for each abdominal exercise you
complete. Aim to hold plank positions for at least one minute.

Step 4
Work your biceps and triceps muscles on day four of your exercise program to thicken your arm muscles. As
with most other muscle groups you work, aim to complete at least three sets of 10 repetitions for each
exercise. Examples of biceps and triceps exercises include biceps curls, triceps extensions and triceps
kickbacks. Over time, increase the amount of weight you lift.

Step 5
Rest on day five to help your muscles recover, repair and grow. Depending on your fitness level, on day six
you can rest again, perform cardiovascular exercises to help burn excess body fat or restart your resistancetraining program, beginning with your leg workout.
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Using proper form is more important than the amount of weight you lift.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Strength Building and Muscle Mass
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition: Macronutrient Intake in Collegiate Powerlifters
Participating in Off Season Training

About the Author

Erin Coleman is a registered and licensed dietitian. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and has
extensive experience working as a health writer and health educator. Her articles are published on various
health, nutrition and fitness websites.

Photo Credits
Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images

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