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1 Murray

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Murray-Sunset National Park Lindsay Island
2 Lock 9
3 Wallpolla Island State Forest
4 Murray River Parklands Merbein Common 4.1
5 Murray River Parklands King's Billabong Wildlife Res. 3.9
6 Murray River Parklands Bottle Bend 4.4
7 Murray River Parklands Karadoc Beaches 3.8
8 Murray River Parklands Johnson's Bend, Iraak 4.3
9 Nangiloc-Colignan State Forest Buxtons and Graces Bends 4.1
10 Murray-Kulkyne Park Northern Section 4.3
11 Hattah Rest Area 2.5
12 Hattah-Kulkyne National Park Lake Mournpall 4.0
13 Hattah-Kulkyne National Park Lake Hattah 4.3
14 Murray-Kulkyne Park Southern Section 4.1
1. Murray-Sunset National Park:- Lindsay Island
Type National Park, Bush camp 
Situated just south of the Murray River in the far north-west corner of the State, west of Mildura.
Access from Mildura [A79]: west 97.7k on the Sturt [A20] Hwy, right north 13k on the Wallawalla Track (gravel),
left north-west 2.7k on the River (Old Coach) Road, right north-east 0.8k to the Lindsay River bridge. 1k to track
junction. Left 3k to The Caravan on the Mullaroo Cr. Alternatively, right about 13k to The Mouth of the Mullaro.
VicRoads 1 D3 Hema 40 A2 Access Dry weather only Height 38
Privacy Remote and peaceful
Site description
"Bush camping, no facilities". "access tracks are good but seasonal"
"River Red Gums line the river and creeks, backed by dryer Black Box woodland, giving way to dense lignum
on clay flats. Water flow on the Mullaroo is usually maintained for irrigation purposes. The island is created by
the Lindsay River, a 32k anabranch of the Murray. Numerous creeks carry seasonal floodwater from the
Murray into flood plains, swamps and billabongs".

Warnings Tracks may be flooded, summers hot and dry with bushfire potential.
Contact Parks Vic (03) 5094 6267 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 668

2. Lock 9
Type ?Check Class, Bush camp 
Situated on the Murray , west (downstream) from Mildura.
Access from the Sturt Hwy at Cullulleraine (59k west of Mildura): North 10k on Lock 9 Rd (2k gravel) to the
VicRoads 2 B5 Hema 40 A3 Access Dry weather only Height 39
Site description
"lots of spots in the bush along the Murray"

CFA District N. West Visit not yet Ref 164

3. Wallpolla Island State Forest

Type State Forest, Bush camp 
Situated on the Murray, west of Mildura.
Access from Mildura: West 3k on the Sturt Hwy [A20], right (north-west) on the Calder Hwy [A79] 9k to Merbein,
cross the railway then left (west) 4k on Game St, at Merbein West cross back to the south side of the railway
then continue west 17.5k on the Old Mail Rd (15k gravel), right north (signposted) over Wallpolla Creek to
forest. Continue north 4.8 to the Murray near Horseshoe Lagoon where the main track turns west for 25k. Find
a site.
VicRoads 2 F4
Hema 40 A4
Access Dry weather only
Height 40
Site description
"Bush camping (no facilities) in River Red Gum and Black Box forest among freshwater billabongs.
Understory is open, mainly grasses. There are saltbush plains. Bird life is prolific - cockatoos, galahs, rosellas,
parrots and honeyeaters are common. Many aboriginal middens, although area has been grazed and forested
since European occupation".

Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact DSE Red Cliff (03) 5024 1904 CFA District N. West Visit not yet Ref 672

4. Murray River Parklands :- Merbein Common

Type Reserve, Bush camp   
Situated on the Murray Rv north-west of Mildura, south-east of Wentworth.
Access from Mildura [A20][A79]: North-west 9.5k on Rainfurly Way, right (north) at Chaffey Park to the Mildara-
Blass Winery, left (north west) 3.8k on the (Old) Wentworth Rd, right (north east) into Merbein Common, 3k on
formed tracks to river, follow river on sandy tracks.
Alternatively stay on Wentworth Rd (or travel from Mildura 16k on the Calder Hwy [A79]) almost to Redgrove,
right (north) to the Horseshoe Bend section of the Common, 4k track along the River.
VicRoads 3 B4
Hema 40 A4
Other ParksVic "Mildura's
Murray Rv Parklands"
Access Dry weather only Size
Height 40
Privacy Good: well off main

Suit: 
Facilities:  
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed riverside bush camping under immature River Red Gum backed by stunted Black Box forests and
saline scrubland. Limited number of level sites. River bank sandy, few beaches. Broad river height maintained
by locks. Bird life is prolific - waterbirds, bush fowl, cockatoos, galahs, rosellas, parrots and honeyeaters are
common. Many aboriginal middens.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 25/05/02 Ref 673

5. Murray River Parklands :- King's Billabong Wildlife Res.

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River, just upstream from Mildura.
Access from Mildura [A20]: South-east 5.5k on 11th St, left (north-east) 4k on Irymple Av, park entry on right.
Follow tracks 7k between River and Kings Billabong to Psyche Bend.
Alternative access: South-east on 11th St, right (south) 0.6k on Curton Ave past lookout and new pump house,
left down formed dry weather road to Psyche Bend Pumphouse.
Also accessible from Red Cliff: east on Fitzroy Av and Pumps Rd to its end, left about 400m, signed track
(formed, light gravel) on right.
VicRoads 3 E5 Hema 40 A5 Other ParksVic "Kings Billabong Wildlife Reserve"
Access Dry weather only Size 50+ Height 40
Privacy Reasonable: off main roads but popular, some background noise
Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush
camping in River Red
Gum and Black Box
floodplain woodland
with patches of saline
scrubland. Popular
area (sites bare,
tracks may be rutted).
Sites level and
generally shaded.
Sandy high river
banks with few
beaches. River is
broad, height being
maintained by the
lock. Bird life is
prolific - cockatoos,
galahs, rosellas,
parrots and
honeyeaters are
common - but a major
are the waterbirds
(pelicans, swans,
herons and ducks) on
the large billabong.
I Board and boat ramp
at Bruce's Bend, I
Board and pit toilets
at Psyche Pumps,
boat ramp near
A rather disappointing
worn camp, but handy
to Mildura.

Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 25/05/02 Ref 674
6. Murray River Parklands :- Bottle Bend
Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated Riverside, South of Mildura, east of Red Cliffs.
Access from Red Cliffs: east 4k on Indi Ave and Nursery Ridge Rd (Tourist Route 58) to the river, right 0.7k on
Woomera Rd, left 1k on Cottrells Rd (0.5k gravel) to park gate, 4k (formed silt) to river or 5k to Bottle Bend
VicRoads 3 F6 Hema
40 B5
Other Parks Vic
"Mildura's Murray Rv
Access Dry weather
Size 20+
Height 40
Privacy Good: well of
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed, riverside, level camping. Shade from a row of River Red Gums backed by stunted, dense Black Box
forests and dry saline scrubland. River bank sandy, sand bar beach at Bottle Bend. Broad river height
maintained by locks. Bird life is prolific - waterbirds, bush fowl, cockatoos, galahs, rosellas, parrots and
honeyeaters are common.

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 28/05/02 Ref 863

7. Murray River Parklands :- Karadoc Beaches

Type Reserve, Camp Ground  
Situated by the Murray River, south-east of Mildura, east of Red Cliffs.
Access from Mildura [A20]: South 16k on the Calder [A79] Hwy through Red Cliffs, left east 7.5k on the Coligen
[C253] Rd (Kulkyne Way), left north 3k on the Karadoc (Edeys) Rd to the river, right 0.6k (gravel) (past boat
ramp) to entry grid, 100m to camp ground (formed track extends about 5k upstream (south-east) to Lambert
Privacy Reasonable: well off main roads but popular, expect day trippers
VicRoads 3 F7
Hema 40 B5
Other ParksVic
pamphlet "Mildura's
Murray River Parkland
Access Dry weather
Size 60+
Height 40

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
A relatively narrow, riverside, level, open (worn) reserve well shaded by immature River Red Gums,
overlooking narrow, grassed beaches, backed by salt pan flood flats. Bird life is prolific - waterbirds,
cockatoos, galahs, rosellas, parrots and honeyeaters are common.
The narrow reserve extends 4k upstream (south) to the much larger Lambert Island for secluded bush

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 24/05/02 Ref 675

8. Murray River Parklands:- Johnson's Bend, Iraak

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River upstream of Mildura.
Access from Mildura: South 16k on the Calder Hwy [A79] through Red Cliffs, left (east) 22k on Colignan Rd
[C253] towards
Nangiloc, left (east)
along Rudds Rd 1.9k,
left 0.4k (gravel), right
1k to gravel end and
forest, 0.7k (formed) to
the river, unformed
track follows around
VicRoads 3 G8
Hema 40 B5
Other ParksVic
pamphlet "Mildura's
Murray River Parkland
Access Dry weather
Size 5+ Height 42
Privacy Good: well off main roads Suit:  Facilities:  
Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed riverside bush camping in immature River Red Gum and Black Box open forest with grassy or salt
bush understory. Limited level sites, narrow beaches. Bird life is prolific - waterbirds, cockatoos, galahs,
rosellas, parrots and honeyeaters are common.
See DSE pamphlet "Your Guide to the River Bends in Nangiloc-Colignan" for track details.

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded CFA District N. West Visit 23/05/02 Ref 11

9. Nangiloc-Colignan State Forest :-Buxtons and Graces Bends

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray Rv south of Mildura, north of the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park
Access from Mildura [A20]: South 16k on the Calder [A79] Hwy through Red Cliffs, left (east) then south-east
30k on the Red Cliffs-Colignan Rd (Kulkyne Way) [C253]; Buxtons bend is accessed at the Kulkyne Way/Hewitts
Rd junction, Graces bend is accessed just north of Colignan. Main tracks are formed, both about 3k from the
Kulkyne Way to the river.
VicRoads 6 G3
Hema 40 B6
Other ParksVic
"Mildura's Murray Rv
Access Dry weather
Size 10+
Height 43
Privacy Good: well off
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed riverside bush camping in River Red Gum and Black Box open forest with grassy or salt bush
understory. Limited level sites at each bend. Beaches, sandy bars, rock shelves on the river. Bird life is prolific
- waterbirds, cockatoos, galahs, rosellas, parrots and honeyeaters are common.
See DSE pamphlet "Your Guide to the River Bends in Nangiloc-Colignan" for track details.

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 23/05/02 Ref 676

10. Murray-Kulkyne Park :- Northern Section

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated between the Murray River and the Hatta-Kulkyne National Park, south of Mildura.
Access from Mildura [A20]: South 16k on the Calder [A79] Hwy through Red Cliffs, left (east) then south east
40k on the Red Cliffs-Colignan Rd (Kulkyne Way) (last 2.4k gravel) to Park entrance; River Track (formed sand)
runs a further 16k before entering the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park (and emerging in the Southern Section of
the State Park), with occasional access tracks to the Murray River.
VicRoads 6 J4 Hema
40 C6
Other VicMap Hatta
Lakes 1:25,000
Access Dry weather
Size 50+
Height 44
Privacy Good: well off
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Tranquil, dispersed, riverside bush camping in River Red Gum and Black Box open forest with grassy or salt
bush understory. Bird life is prolific - waterbirds, cockatoos, galahs, rosellas, parrots and honeyeaters are
There are a couple of level, shaded, riverside sites accessible via a gravel track 300m from the park entrance,
to the left towards Emments Bend (beach). (all other access in the park is dry weather only)

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 23/05/02 Ref 677

11. Hattah :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside  
Situated by the Calder Hwy [A79] 2.6k N of Hattah,(62k south of Mildura)
Site description
A large area by the highway with stunted Mallee giving limited shade and Grevillea scrub providing some
privacy, on a red sand hill (some potential sites slope). Surrounded by State Forest and National Park (Mallee
Privacy Reasonable: formal rest area is roadside but good dry-weather tracks extend 200m through scrub to
the railway
VicRoads 6 F5 Hema
40 C5
Access Sealed Road
Size 4+
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

CFA District N.
Visit 29/05/02
Ref 194

12. Hattah-Kulkyne National Park:- Lake Mournpall

Type National Park, Camp Ground  
Situated south of Mildura, north of Ouyen, towards the centre of the Park by Lake Mournpall.
Access from Hattah (68k south of Mildura, 38k north of Ouyen on the Calder [A79] Hwy): East 2.8k on the
Hattah-Robinvale Rd, left north-east 1.7k (signposted), left north 8.9k (gravel) on Mournpall Drive, campsite
signposted on the right.
Privacy: Good: well off main roads, some sites observable from low use tourist road
VicRoads 6 G5
Hema 40 C5
Other VicMap Hattah
Lakes 1:25,000
Access Conventional
Size 30+
Height 48

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Fees $10.50 site/night
Bookings Possible

Activities and,
if there is water,

Site description
Tranquil, lakeside camping shaded by scattered River Red Gums and some Black Box. 29 sites dispersed
around the lake edge (tables & BBQs, 3 WCs), backed by red sand hills to the west, with Cypress-pine and
Kangaroos are very common. Bird life is prolific: Emus, Noisy Minors, Parrots and Choughs are common and
include water birds if the lake is full - Pelican, Black Swan, and ducks.
Lake Mournpall is the most likely of the Hattah lakes to contain water as it retains water for up to 7 years. The
lake and creek complex contrasts with the rolling sand hills to the west, covered with Mallee and porcupine
grass with some stands of Black Box and Cyprus-pine. After rain wildflowers abound.
Can be very hot and dry in summer, winter nights may be cold. Tracks through the park may be rough or
flooded after rain. Gas fires are preferred.

Warnings Very hot in summer, cold winter nights.

Contact Parks Vic (03) 5029 3253 CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 681

13. Hattah-Kulkyne National Park:- Lake Hattah

Type National Park, Camp Ground  
Situated by Lake Hattah, south of Mildura, north of Ouyen, towards the southern edge of the Park.
Access from Hattah (68k south of Mildura, 38k north of Ouyen on the Calder Hwy [A79]): East 3.5k on the
Hattah-Robinvale Rd, left north-east 2.2k to the lake.
VicRoads 6 G6
Hema 40 C5
Other VicMap Hattah Lakes
Access Sealed Road
Size 20+ Height 50
Privacy Good: A very
tranquil area but privacy
within the site depends on
the number of campers.

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities and, if
there is water,
Nature Drive, 6k
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Limited
Fees $10.50 site/night
Bookings Possible
Warnings Can be very hot
and dry in summer, winter
nights may be cold. Tracks
through the park may be
rough or flooded after rain
Site description
Tranquil, pleasant lakeside
camping shaded by
scattered River Red Gums
and some Black Box. A
large, open semi-dispersed
site backed by red sand
hills to the west, which can
provide shelter if required.
Facilities include 2 WC, 18
tables & BBQs, firewood &
water limited, gas fires are preferred.
After rain wildflowers abound. Kangaroos and emus are very common. Bird life is prolific: Noisy Minors,
Parrots Emus and Choughs are common and include water birds if the lake is full - Pelican, Black Swan, and
The lake may be dry - it depends on flooding via the Chalka Creek from the Murray River and retains water for
about 3 years.

Contact Parks Vic (03) 5029 3253 CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 680

14. Murray-Kulkyne Park :- Southern Section

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River south of Mildura, south-west of Robinvale, east of the Hatta-Kulkyne National
Access off the Hattah-Robinvalle Rd by 3 tracks with a linking track following the river. From Hattah (68k south
of Mildura on the Calder Hwy [A79]); East 23.2k to the first track (River Track, about 5k north on formed sand to
the river along the boundary with the Hatta-Kulkyne National Park), 3.1k east to the Walker Lane (about 2k
north to the river, 1k gravel through farmland), and a gate near to Swan Hill 150k post). The River Track
provides linkage through the National Park to the northern section of this Park. All tracks may be unsuitable for
conventional vehicles
if wet.
VicRoads 7 A6 Hema
40 D6
Access Dry weather
Size 20+
Height 45
Privacy Good: well of
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed riverside bush camping in River Red Gum and Black Box open forest with grassy understory.
Backed by Black Box open forest on dryer swamps. Bird life is prolific - cockatoos, galahs, rosellas, parrots,
emus and honeyeaters are common.

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. West Visit 13/05/02 Ref 678
2.2 (a) Swan Hill (northern)

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Robinvale State Forest Pound Bend 4.3
2 Robinvale State Forest Happy Valley Landing 4.4
3 Robinvale State Forest Margooya Lagoon 4.4
Robinvale State Forest Beggs Bend 4.3
5 Robinvale State Forest Belsar Island 4.2
6 Boundary Bend Rest Area 1.9
7 Murrumbidgee Junction State F. Passage Camp 4.2
8 Murrumbidgee Junction State F. Murrumbidgee Junction 4.2
9 Narrung State Forest 4.2
10 Nyah State Forest Wakool Junction 4.3
11 Nyah State Forest Major Mitchell Lagoons 3.5
12 Tooleybuc Macredie Island 4.2
13 Piangil North Rest Area 3.3
14 Piangil Rest Area 1.6
15 Nyah State Forest Gillicks Landing 3.4
16 Wood Wood Rest Area 3.2
17 Nyah State Forest Nyah 4.3
18 Vinifera River Reserve 4.3
1. Robinvale State Forest :- Pound Bend
Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated along the Murray River between Mildura and Robinvale, upstream of Wemen.
Access from Robinvale: south 13k on the Sea Lake Rd [C251], right (south-west)15k on the Hatta-Robinvale Rd
[C252], right at the river 100m to forest gate. Tracks follow the river upstream about 5k
VicRoads 7 C6
Hema 40 C6
Access Dry weather
Size 30+
Height 48
Privacy Good: well
off main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

Site description
Dispersed riverside bush camping over 5k. Sandy river banks, few beaches. Shade from a row of Red River
Red Gums backed by Black Box and mallee scrub. Numerous level sites, most grassed. Prolific bird life.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact DSE Robinvale (03) 5026 3023 CFA District N. West Visit 29/05/02 Ref 1000

2. Robinvale State Forest :- Happy Valley Landing

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River downstream from Robinvale.
Access from Robinvale: South 4k on the Sea Lake Rd [C251], right (south-west) 5.5k on the Happy Valley Rd,
left (south) 3.5k on Hocking Rd, right (west) 1.7k on Happy Valley Landing Rd to the forest edge, 1k on formed
road along the river. River Tk runs downstream about 8k
VicRoads 7 C4 Hema 40 C7 Access Conventional Size 50+ Height 49
Privacy Good: well of main roads

Suit: Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Pleasant dispersed riverside camping with numerous level sites shaded by a row of Red River Gums backed by
mature Black Box over grass, with wattle and scrub understory. Sandy river banks, few beaches. There is one
high level (grassed and shaded) site at the forest entrance, suit wet weather.

Warnings Tracks
may be seasonally
flooded (Except to
first site)
Contact DSE
Robinvale (03) 5026
CFA District N. West
Visit 29/05/02
Ref 1001

3. Robinvale State Forest :- Margooya Lagoon

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River just upstream of Robinvale.
Access from Robinvale: South-east 7k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (east) 7k on the Tol Tol Rd, grid on
the left (opposite Stoll Rd), 500m to lagoon.
Privacy Good: off main roads. Expect day trippers at peak periods. Some distant traffic noise.

VicRoads 7 F4 Hema
40 C7 Access
Size 40+
Height 50

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

 
Site description
The lagoons are very
attractive, usually
full, surrounded by
open, mature River
Red Gums over
broad sweeps of
level, short grass.
Very plentiful bird life
including black
swans and ducks.
High level access
track accessible in
most weather. Low
level track runs 600m
to a second lagoon
arm with views to red
cliffs. Very pleasant
bush camping handy
to Robinvale.

Warnings Lagoon
tracks may be
seasonally flooded
Contact DSE
Robinvale (03) 5026 3023 CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 998

4. Robinvale State Forest :- Beggs Bend

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River just upstream of Robinvale.
Access from Robinvale: South-east 7k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (east) 7k on the Tol Tol Rd, grid on
left (opposite Stoll Rd), 500m to lagoon, 2k (dry weather) to river, 3k to Beggs beach.
VicRoads 7 F4
Hema 40 C7
Access Dry weather
Size 8+
Height 50

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
Privacy Good: well
off main roads
Activities: 

Site description
Pleasant dispersed bush camping by a sandy beach on the Murray River, shaded by River Red Gums over short
green grass. Surrounded by flood plain forest. Prolific bird life. The river is broad with relatively low banks in
this area.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact DSE Robinvale (03) 5026 3023 CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 999

5. Robinvale State Forest :- Belsar Island

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River, north-west of Swan Hill, not far south of Robinvale.
Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy: Between the 110 and 115 kilometer posts (from Swan Hill) a well
signed gravel road heads north about 1.8k to the Narcooyia Yungera Creek and forest boundary with
wandering semi-formed tracks a further 4-5k to the Murray River.
VicRoads 7 G4 Hema 40 C7 Access Dry weather only Size 40+ Height 50
Privacy Good: well off main roads

Suit: Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed riverside camping surrounded by flood plain State Forest - River Red Gum backed by dryer Black
Box forest, mainly open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. River bank sandy, few beaches. Prolific
bird life. River Tk heads east to similar Yungera Island State Forest.

Activities: 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Robinvale (03) 5026 3023 CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 682

6. Boundary Bend :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, NO CAMPING  
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 1k east of Boundary Bend village
VicRoads 8 D5 Hema 41 C8 Access Sealed Road Size 3+ Height 60
Privacy Poor: Adjacent and exposed to the highway

Suit: Facilities:  
Site description
A small rest area with a flush WC and a few trees, squashed between the highway and the Murray River. Some
litter. Now signed "No Camping".
A more secluded and shaded car park, without facilities, is located by the boat ramp at the other (western) end
of Boundary Bend village, with a track leading north into State Forest.
CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 195

7. Murrumbidgee Junction S. F.:- Passage Camp

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River, north-west of Swan Hill, near Boundary Bend.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 3k south-east of Boundary Bend (85k north-west of Swan Hill) a gravel
road clearly indicated by a Major Mitchell Trail sign, which soon becomes a formed track, about 1k east
through the forest, keeping left at the Murrumbidge Junction turnoff, 4k to Passage Camp.
VicRoads 8 D5 Hema 41 C8 Access Dry weather only Size 5+ Height 50
Privacy Good: well off main roads

Suit:  Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available
Activities: 
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed, level bush camping in Murray River flood plain State Forest - River Red Gum backed by dryer Black
Box forest, mainly open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Prolific bird life.
Major Mitchell spent three days here crossing the Murray before heading upstream towards Swan Hill.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Ref 683

8. Murrumbidgee Junction State Forest :-

Murrumbidgee Junction
Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River, north-west of Swan Hill, opposite the junction of the Murrumbidgee Rv.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 3k south-east of Boundary Bend (85k north-west of Swan Hill), a well
signed gravel road east soon becomes the formed Murrumbidge Junction Track about 5k to Bidgee Bend
VicRoads 8 E5 Hema 41 C8 Access Dry weather only Size 40+ Height 50
Privacy Good: well off main roads

Suit: Facilities:
Site description
 Activities:  
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River opposite the Murrumbidgee Junction in flood plain State Forest -
River Red Gum backed by dryer Black Box forest, mainly open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps.
Prolific bird life.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Ref 684

9. Narrung State Forest

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River, upstream of Boundary Bend
Accessed off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] near the Swan Hill 79k post, east about 2k on formed tracks
(Centre and Sandbar Loop)
VicRoads 8 E5 Hema 41 C8 Access Dry weather only Size 20+ Height 50
Privacy Good: well of main roads
s: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

Warnings Tracks
may be seasonally
Contact DSE
Robinvale (03) 5026
CFA District N. West
Visit 30/05/02
Ref 1002

Site description
Dispersed riverside camping with numerous level sites shaded by a row of Red River Gums backed
by Black Box over grass, with wattle and scrub understory. Sandy river banks, few beaches.
10. Nyah State Forest :- Wakool Junction
Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River, north-west of Swan Hill, opposite the junction of the Wakool River.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 66k north-west of Swan Hill, 67k south-east of Robinvale: East 6.8k on
the Kenley Rd (0.7k past Major Mitchell Lagoon sign, 0.1k past start of gravel), entry grid on right, track
(formed earth) badly rutted down hill, at Y junction right 1.5k to Wakool Junction (left 0.6 to Gendarme Bend).
Also accessible via the Angle and Coghill Roads, both gravel.
VicRoads 8 G7
Hema 41 D9
Access Dry weather
Size 8+
Height 58
Privacy Good: Well of
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
controlled Firewood
Available Bookings
No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping on the Murray River opposite the Wakool River Junction. Shaded and surrounded by
immature River Red Gums and Black Box on a flood plain, partially open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and
swamps. Very prolific bird life. A Major Mitchell's "Australia Felix" camp site.
The Wakool left the Murray Rv as the Edward River some 170k upstream and wanders past Deniliquin
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded. Entry track may be rutted
Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 685

11. Nyah State Forest :- Major Mitchell Lagoons

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River, north-west of Swan Hill, near the junction of the Wakool River.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 66k north-west of Swan Hill, 67k south-east of Robinvale: East 6k on
the Kenley Rd, signed sand track, overgrown, on the right, 500m to Lagoons. Also accessible via the Angle (dry
weather) and Cohgill Roads off the Murray Valley Hwy, both gravel.
VicRoads 8 G7
Hema 41 D9
Access Conventional
Size 4+
Height 58
Privacy Good: off main

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
An easy walking track 30
min (overgrown) around the
lagoon to the Murray.

Site description
Rather depressing bush camping near Major Mitchell Lagoons on a gently sloping site partially shaded by
Black Box and peppercorn over short dry grass, surrounded by salt bush and wattle scrub, at the rear of an
orange orchard. Very prolific bird life. Picnic and toilet facilities, mentioned in some tourist brochures, do not
Dry weather tracks lead down to a couple of more attractive, level sites overlooking the Murray, shaded by
immature River Red Gums.
Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Visit 21/05/02 Ref 686

12. Tooleybuc :- Macredie Island

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River, opposite Tooleybuc (NSW)
Accessed from the Mallee Hwy [B12] just before the Murray Rv bridge: left (downstream) on an unsigned gravel
road which follows
the river downstream
for about 1.5k with
occasional tracks on
the right 100m to the
VicRoads 13 G2
Hema 41 D9 Access
Dry weather only
Size 3+ Height 60
Privacy Good:
generally secluded
from low use country
road by scrub

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

Site description
Dispersed bush camping on the high bank of the Murray River, well shaded by River Red Gums with an
understory of broom and wattle over grass. Small level sites, long rigs may have difficulty manouvering. Distant
traffic noise.

Activities: 
Warnings Tracks may be flooded seasonally CFA District N. West Visit 20/05/02 Ref 938

13. Piangil North :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside  
Situated by the
Murray Valley Hwy
[B400] 44k nor-west
of Swan Hill, near the
Mallee [B12] Hwy
VicRoads 13 G2
Hema 41 E9
Access Sealed Road
Size 3+
Height 60
Privacy Poor:
Observable from
highway, house

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A reasonably large area under large River Red Gums with some broom scrub understory, on the high bank of
the Murray River
CFA District N. West Visit 20/05/02 Ref 196

14. Piangil :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside  
Situated by the Mallee Hwy [B12] 10k west of Piangil (42k north-west of Swan Hill via the Murray Valley
Highway [B400]).
VicRoads 13 E2
Hema 41 E8 Access
Sealed Road Size 4+
Height 75
Privacy Poor: open to
Mallee Highway

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No:
Site description
A large gravelled
open area with only
limited shade from a
few low Mallee trees.
Situated on a low
sand hill overlooking
a salt pan. Some
CFA District N. West
Visit 20/05/02
Ref 129

15. Nyah State Forest :- Gillicks Landing

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray down stream of Wood Wood, north west of Swan Hill.
Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 400m north-west of Wood Wood, signposted, through gate 0.5k on
unformed track up lagoon (dry weather only) to the River.
VicRoads 13 G3
Hema 41 E9
Access Dry weather
Size 1+ Height 70
Privacy Reasonable:
highway traffic in the

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck


Site description
An extended reserve with a short river frontage, very open River Red Gum forest surrounded by farms.
Historical (a Major Mitchell camp) but otherwise not very impressive. Only one small level area high above the
river (overlooking pump pipes) with an information board. No facilities.
Warnings Track may be flooded at billabong. Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Visit 20/05/02 Ref

16. Wood Wood :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside   
Situated on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 36k nor-west of Swan Hill, by the Murray River.
VicRoads 13 G3 Hema
41 E9
Access Sealed Road
Size 5+
Height 50
Privacy Reasonable:
Observable from

Suit: 
Facilities:  

Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
A large semi-gravelled area with a few large River Red Gums on the high bank of the Murray River, facing
forest, opposite Wood Wood Store and caravan park.
CFA District N. West Visit 20/05/02 Ref 197

17. Nyah State Forest :- Nyah

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River upstream of Wood Wood.
Access from Wood Wood rest area, south-east (towards Swan Hill) 200m, signed entry grid on left, follow Burns
Lane (formed) 1.3k to river. Burns Lane continues about 6k along the river. Also accessible via a signed road
off the Murray Valley
Hwy about 1.3k north-
west of Nyah leads to
a car park and
walking track, with a
track on the right
leading around to
Burns Lane.
VicRoads 13 G4
Hema 41 E9 Other
Vic's Great Outdoors
pg 107
Access Dry weather
Size 30+
Height 70
Privacy Good: well off
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities:   Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush camping on the high banks of the Murray River. Situated in a flood plain State Forest - dense
River Red Gum with some broom scrub with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Prolific bird life.

Activities: 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Visit 20/05/02 Ref 687

18. Vinifera River Reserve

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray near Vinifera, north west of Swan Hill.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 26k north-west of Swan Hill (opposite Nyah West Rd), east on
Thwaites Rd (gravel) 0.4k to forest, continue on 1.7k to the river (formed track). Track continues upstream
along the river about 3k.
VicRoads 13 H5 Hema
41 E9
Access Dry weather
Size 20+
Height 70
Privacy Good: well of
main roads, distant
traffic noise

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Pleasant dispersed bush camping on the high banks of the Murray River surrounded by flood plain State Forest
- dense River Red Gum saplings with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Prolific bird life. No beaches.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Robinvale CFA District N. West Visit 20/05/02 Ref 689
2.2 (b) Swan Hill (southern)

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

19 Lake Boga 2.5
20 Kerang Lakes Lake Tutchewop 2.5
21 Kerang Lakes Beau Morton Park 3.2
22 Kerang Lakes Racecourse Lake 3.3
23 Kerang Lakes Koorangie Game Reserve 3.3
24 Kerang Lakes Lake Bael Bael 3.3
25 Kerang Lakes Middle Lake 1.5
26 Kerang Lakes Reedy Lake
27 Kerang Lakes Lake Meran 3.5
28 Leaghur State Park Lake Meran 3.7
29 Leaghur State Park Main Entrance 3.4
19. Lake Boga
Type LG Reserve, Camp Ground   
Situated on the northern shore of Lake Boga, south-east of Swan Hill.
Access from Swan Hill: South 16k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] almost to Lake Boga, left (north-east) at the
Catalina Museum sign 2.3k on Lake Side Drive to the other side of the Lake
Privacy Poor: open to the road and a few houses, but at least off the Highway
VicRoads 14 C8
Hema 41 F10
Access Sealed Road
Size 40
Height 80

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Fees $6pn pp

Site description
Lakeside camping on short (mown) grass. No shade except from a couple of stunted weeping willows. Three
designated zones each with about 15 numbered sites. Plentiful water bird life, including pelicans. Pleasant lake
with beaches backed by road and some houses.
Obtain permit (and shower key) from Lake Boga Caravan Park.
Boat Ramp near Catalina Museum.
CFA District N. West Visit 18/05/02 Ref 869

20. Kerang Lakes :- Lake Tutchewop

Type Reserve, Camp Ground  
Situated north of Kerang, on the eastern shore of Lake Tutchewop.
Access from Kerang: North-west 34k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], (8k south of Lake Boga) right (east) 4k
on Winston Rd (gravel), At 4.5k an unformed dry weather track continues south around the eastern edge of the
Privacy Poor: exposed to main country road
VicRoads 20 E2
Hema 41 F10
Access Dry weather only
Size 8+
Height 70

Suit: 
Facilities:  
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood NO-BYO
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed lakeside camping on the northern and eastern shores of Lake Tuchewop - very bare and uninspiring.
Being saline the lake attracts little bird life. No shade. Backed by saltbush sand hills and flat farmland. There
are a couple of tracks leading down over the rim, giving some seclusion from Winston Rd. The toilets, tables
and BBQs have gone.
Warnings Tracks slippery after rain.
CFA District N. West Visit 19/05/02 Ref 727

21. Kerang Lakes :- Beau Morton Park

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside   
Situated on the eastern edge of Racecourse Lake by the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], 20k nor-west of Kerang,
just north of Lake Charm village.
VicRoads 20 E3
Hema 41 G10
Access Sealed Road
Size 5+
Height 80
Privacy Poor: Visible
from the highway, just
50m away

Suit: 
 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
An elongated roadside reserve with a few weeping willows and gums providing some shade by an attractive
lake shore, backed by and open to a busy highway. Good gravel access and mown grass.
Together with other lakes in the Kerang area, the combination of warm (shallow) water, reeds and lignum
bushes plus an ample supply of insects promotes the concentration of a wide range of water birds.
CFA District N. West Visit 25/08/00 Ref 199

22. Kerang Lakes :- Racecourse Lake

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated by the southern shore of Racecourse Lake, nor-west of Kerang.
Access from Kerang: 17k nor-west on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (west) 1.6k on Kangaroo Lake Rd
(gravel), short access track on the right down to the lake shore.
VicRoads 20 E3 Hema 41 G10 Access Conventional Size 2+ Height 70
Privacy Poor - the site is squeezed between the dusty (low use rural) road and the lake.

Suit:  Facilities: 

Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Bush camping on the southern shore of attractive Racecourse Lake shaded by a few weeping willows and
gums over short grass on sand.
Camping on the
western shore of
Kangaroo Lake is now
Together with other
lakes in the Kerang
area, the combination
of warm (shallow)
water, reeds and
bushes plus an ample
supply of insects
promotes the
concentration of a
wide range of water
Contact Gannawarra
Shire (03) 5450 9333
CFA District N. West
Visit 24/08/00 Ref 198

23. Kerang Lakes :- Koorangie Game Reserve

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated west of Kerang on the south-east edge of The Marsh.
Access from Kerang: North-west 17k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] almost to Lake Charm, left (west) 1k on
Lake Rd (gravel), left (south) 8k on the Lake Charm-Quambatook Road (gravel) to Lake Bael Bael, right (east)
1.5k to the signposted entry on the right. Follow unformed Dwyers Track and select a site.
VicRoads 20 D4
Hema 41 G10
Access Conventional Size 50+
Height 70
Privacy Good: Able to get well off
the Lake Charm-Quambatook Road

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact DSE
CFA District N. West
Visit 25/08/00
Ref 728

Site description
Situated on a sand ridge overlooking The Marsh, with stunted Black Box providing thin shade. Surrounded by
semi-arid flat farmland. Not particularly attractive but can be quiet and peaceful. It is possible to get well off the
Lake Charm-Quambatook Road. May be hot and dusty in summer. As a State Game Reserve it is popular in the
duck shooting season.
Activities Duck hunting
24. Kerang Lakes :- Lake Bael Bael
Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated west of Kerang.
Access from Kerang: North-west 17k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] almost to Lake Charm, left 1k on Lake
Rd (gravel), left 8k on the Lake Charm-Quambatook Road (gravel) to the lake, either right around the north end
of the lake or left on Mcdonald Rd on the west of the lake to find sandy access tracks down to the lake flats.
Access is also possible off [C262] via the Lalbert-Kerang and Charleson Roads but the gate may be difficult to
access (angle, slope and eroded road) for anything longer than a car.
VicRoads 20 D5
Hema 41 G10
Access Conventional
Size 80+
Height 70
Privacy Good: It is
possible to get well off
the little used Lake

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping around the north-west and south-west edges of the Lake. Open shade from a fringe of
River Red Gum and stunted Yellow Gum situated in semi-arid flat country. Access to many potential, secluded
sites may be difficult on unformed sandy tracks.
Lake Bael Bael is not as attractive as Lake Meran and, consequently, is not as popular or crowded
Together with other lakes in the Kerang area, the combination of warm (shallow) water, reeds and lignum
bushes plus an ample supply of insects promotes the concentration of a wide range of water birds.
Activities: Bird watching, canoeing, fishing
Contact Gannawarra Shire (03) 5450 9333 CFA District N. West Visit 24/08/00 Ref 642

25. Kerang Lakes :- Middle Lake

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated north of Kerang.
Access from Kerang: North-west 8.5k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], right (east) past the bird observatory,
over bridge, left (north) on Pratt Rd (gravel) about 1k to the north-east shore of Middle Lake.
Site description
Dispersed camping around lake. Although on a little used dead-end road the sites are very open, situated on a
clay flood plain covered with salt bush. A single line of gums fringing the lake provide limited shade. Unless
bird watching there is little to commend this site.
Together with other lakes in the Kerang area, the combination of warm (shallow) water, reeds and lignum
bushes plus an ample supply of insects promotes the concentration of a wide range of water birds.
Privacy Poor - although on a little used dead end road the sites are very open
Warnings Bring own drinking water and firewood
VicRoads 20 G4
Hema 41 G10
Access Conventional
Size 50+
Height 70

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Activities: Bird
watching, canoeing
Contact Gannawarra
Shire (03) 5450 9333
CFA District N. West
Visit 24/08/00
Ref 643

26. Kerang Lakes :- Reedy Lake

Type Reserve, NO CAMPING
250m off Murray Valley Hwy [B400] Hwy 8.5k nor-west of Kerang, at Middle & Reedy Lakes Recreation
Reserve/Bird observatory.
VicRoads 20 F4 Hema 41 G10 Access Sealed Road Size 40
Privacy Reasonable: 250m off highway but popular when ibis are nesting

Suit:  Facilities: 

Site description
Large sealed car park signed "No Camping" (June 2002). Shrubs, little shade.
Contact Gannawarra Shire (03) 5450 9333 CFA District N. West Visit 30/06/02 Ref 201

27. Kerang Lakes :- Lake Meran

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
Situated south of Kerang.
Access from Kerang: West 1k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], continue west 0.7k on the Quambatook Rd
[C262], left (south) 19k on the Bort Rd [C266], left 300m on a signposted, sealed road to the day area. Access
on sandy tracks east or west around the lake.
Access is also possible off the Bort Rd [C266] east 0.8k on Condel Lane (gravel). Camping further south to
Leaghur State Park is prohibited and track gates may be locked.
Site description
Dispersed camping around an attractive lake. Features wide white sandy beaches with scattered mature River
Red Gum providing some shade. Limited privacy due to the lack of shrubs. Can be very popular in peak periods
and speed boats may be noisy, but is quite pleasant out of season.
Fees of $2 per site/day charged for rubbish removal in peak periods. Portable toilets are mandatory. Bring
firewood and drinking water. Play ground and septic toilets (locked out of season) in the day area.
Together with other lakes in the Kerang area, the combination of warm (shallow) water, reeds and lignum
bushes plus an ample supply of insects promotes the concentration of a wide range of water birds.
Privacy Reasonable: Off the main road but sites are very open
Warnings Bring firewood, drinking water and portable toilets.
VicRoads 20 E8
Hema 41 H10
Access Conventional
Size 60+
Height 80

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood NO-BYO
Fees $2 site/night, at
peak times
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact Gannawarra
Shire (03) 5450 9333
CFA District N. West
Visit 24/08/00
Ref 644

28. Leaghur State Park :- Lake Meran

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated south of Kerang, north of Bort, on the southern edge of Lake Meran.
Access from Kerang: West 1k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], continue west 0.7k on the Quambatook Rd
[C262], left (south) 26k on the Bort Rd [C266], left (east) 300m into the Park (gravel) (signposted). Then
generally north for 8-9k on any of the sandy tracks (which are signposted except near the camp).
Access is also possible via Forest Lane from the Bort [C266] Rd and the Loddon Valley [B260] Hwy.
VicRoads 20 E8
Hema 41 H10
Access Dry weather
Size 2+
Height 80
Privacy Very good:
Well inside a quiet,
little known park in
open woodland.

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot
Site description
A small level site
shaded by open
Black Box forest on
the southern shallow
shore of Lake Meran.
Well off main roads.
Could be quite pretty if the lake was full. River Red Gums ring the lake edge. Kangaroos and rabbits are
common There is 1 table and 1 fireplace with two isolated bush camps to the east.
Caravans and big rigs
could access the site
but take care of
Although situated in a
semi-arid area, the
Park is on the Loddon
River flood plain
which encourages
wetland vegetation
and habitats, but
Black Box forest is
rather gray and

Activities:  &, if

the lake is full

Warnings Roads flood
in wet. No fires
permitted over
summer. Can be hot in summer, flooded in winter.
Contact Parks Vic Kerang (03) 5452 1237 CFA District N. East Visit 23/08/00 Ref 646

29. Leaghur State Park :- Main Entrance

Type State Park, Camp Ground  
Situated south of Kerang, 24k north of Bort.

VicRoads 20 E8
Hema 41 H10
Access Conventional
Size 5+
Height 80
Privacy Reasonable:
In open woodland with
glimpses of distant
passing traffic.

Suit: 
Facilities:  
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Activities 
Access from Kerang: West 1k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], continue west 0.7k on the Quambatook [C262]
Rd, left (south) 26k on the Bort Rd [C266], left (east) 300m into the Park (gravel) (signposted).
Site description
A small level site in broad, open Black Box forest with good gravel access. Proximity to the main road suggests
it as a good road rest area or as a standby if the remainder of the Park is flooded.
Thin Black Box shade to two fireplaces and three tables on grassed gilgai (crab-hole) clay. Nearby dam is
usually dry. Black Box forest can be rather gray and depressing. Can be hot in summer, flooded in winter.
Warnings Tracks flood in wet. No fires permitted over summer.
Contact Parks Vic Kerang (03) 5452 1237 CFA District N. East Visit 23/08/00 Ref 645
2.2 Golden Rivers

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Murrabit Recreation Reserve 3.7
2 Guttrum & Benwell State Forest 4.1
3 Gunbower Island State Forest 4.4
4 Gunbower Creek Rest Area 3.3
5 Kow Swamp Picnic Reserve 3.8
6 Torrumbarry Weir Caravan Park 3.9
1. Murrabit Recreation Reserve
Type LG Reserve, Caravan Park  
Situated behind the recreation reserve club rooms, Browning Av, Murrabit, 300m off the C263, 28k north of
VicRoads 20 H2
Hema 41 G11
Access Sealed Road
Size 24+
Height 70
Privacy Reasonable:
secluded and quiet,
except on sports

Suit: 
Boundary Specific
Fees ?$10 per site

Site description
A level, grassed (mown) area behind the football oval, afternoon shade from a line of gums, with rows of new
plantings separating camping sites, designated by 6 dispersed power outlets and taps. Donation to football
club - enquire at Murrabit store/PO/hotel.
Murrabit Country Market 1st Saturday each month.
CFA District N. West Visit 19/05/02 Ref 997

2. Guttrum & Benwell State Forest

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the
Murray between
Koondrook [C264]
and Murrabit [C263],
30k north-east of
Kerang [B400].
Access from
Koondrook: nor-east
1.2k on Murray
Parade, right (nor-
east) 1k on Cassidy
Lane (0.5 gravel),
right (nor-east) 200m
on River Tk, cross
grid into Guttrum
Forest, follow river
downstream for about
5k (formed, rutted
track) selecting a site.

Access to Benwell SF
is limited to a short
riverside track at the
end of Hall Lane (1k
gravel 1k formed), 2k off the Koondrook-Murrabit Rd about 1k east of Myall.
VicRoads 21 C3 Hema 41 G11 Access Dry weather only Size 27+ Height 60 Privacy Good: off main roads

Suit: Facilities:  Activities

Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping on the high banks of the Murray River surrounded by flood plain State Forest - River
Red Gum and some Black Box forest, mainly open with grasses, and swamps.
27 sites with fireplaces dispersed along the river, all level, some open, some secluded by wattle scrub, no
beaches, facing forest across the river. Prolific bird life.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Cohuna (03) 5456 2266 CFA District N. West Visit 18/05/02 Ref 690

3. Gunbower Island State Forest

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Extends over 40k by the Murray River between Echuca and Koondrook (Barham).
There are 30 access points, principally:
Koondrook Weir and Condidorios Bridge near Koondrook at the north-west end of the Forest
Off Island Road and Five Sleeper Track out of Cohuna [B400] (Gunbower Forest Drive)
Off Gunbower and Brereton Rds out of Gunbower [B400]
Lock Torrumbarry Weir (Lock) Rd off the Murray Valley [B400] (29k from Echuca) at the southern end of
the Forest.
VicRoads 21 F6
Hema 41 H12
Other FCV "Gunbower
Access Dry weather
Size 138+
Height 60
Privacy Good: well off
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck


Site description

Dispersed bush camping on the high, level banks of the Murray River surrounded by flood plain State Forest -
River Red Gum and some Black Box forest, mainly open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Many
sites are popular, can be dusty when dry. Few beaches. Prolific bird life. Some cattle grazing.
The Island is 40k long, situated between the Murray River and Gunbower Creek. There are 114 river and 25
creek sites (each with at least 1 fire place) and innumerable tracks. Main tracks are formed with some gravel.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact DSE Cohuna (03) 5456 2266 CFA The northern half of the Forest is in the North Western CFA District,
the southern in the North Eastern: observe restrictions of either.
Visit 17/05/02 Ref 691

4. Gunbower Creek :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, NO CAMPING  
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] Hwy 8k sou-east of Cohuna
VicRoads 21 F7 Hema 41 H12 Access Sealed Road Size 3+ Height 70
Privacy Poor: Just off highway, partially secluded by terrain and shrubs

Suit:  Facilities:  

Site description
An attractive reserve across the irrigation channel from the Hwy, beside the Gunbower Creek. Shaded by River
Red Gum and Black Box. A Major Mitchell camp. Farm access road goes through the reserve. Now (May 2002)
signed "No Camping"
Activities CFA District N. West Visit 18/05/02 Ref 202

5. Kow Swamp Picnic Reserve

Type Reserve, Picnic Ground  
Situated by the nor-eastern edge of Kow swamp, north east of Echuca, just west of Gunbower.
Access from Leitchville [C257]: south 6k on the Leitchville South Rd (2.2k gravel), on the right 300m past the
weir and bridge.
Alternatively, from Gunbower [B400], south then west 6.4k on the Pyramid Rd (gravel), right 1.3k beside the
VicRoads 21 F9
Hema 41 H12
Access Conventional
Size 2+
Height 75
Privacy Reasonable:
observable from a
low use country road

Suit: 
Facilities: 
 
Boundary Parking
Bookings No: pot

Site description
A level, gravel parking area and a well grassed (mown) picnic area (4 tables) by the Kow Swamp lake. Thin
shade from a few immature River Red Gums and willows.
An irrigation holding reservoir, this large lake has a network of supply and feeder channels and is home to
many waterbirds, animals and fish. A renown archaeological area.
Activities CFA District N. West Visit 18/05/02 Ref 787

6. Torrumbarry Weir :- Caravan Park

Type Private land, Caravan Park  
By the Murray, northwest of Echuca, southeast of Cohuna, within the Gunbower State Forest.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 29.4k northwest of Echuca; north 9k on the Torrumbarry Weir Rd to
the river
VicRoads 21 J9
Hema 41 H12
Other FCV
"Gunbower Island"
Access Sealed Road
Size 50+
Height 70
Privacy Good:
surrounded by State

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Specific
Fees $14~$20
Bookings Possible


Site description
Fishermans caravan park by the Torrumbarry Weir. Thin shade from Black Box and other trees.
Rates (powered) vary from $14 (winter) to $20 (peak) per night, minimum booking 2 nights.
Contact Torrumbarry Weir Holiday Park (03) 5487 7277
CFA District N. East Visit 18/05/02 Ref 753
2.4 Echuca

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Wharparilla Flora Reserve 1.6
2 Echuca Regional Park Christies Beach 4.0
3 Echuca State Forest 4.0
4 Goulburn Rv McCoy Bridge
5 Barmah State Forest Barmah Lakes 4.5
6 Barmah State Park Western (Dharnya) Section
7 Barmah State Forest
8 Barmah State Park Eastern Section 4.1
9 Morgans Beach 2.2
10 Barmah State Park Ulupna Island
11 Ulupna Island Carters Beach 4.3
12 Tocumwal Regional Park Pumps Bend - Bottom Beach 3.4
13 Tocumwal Regional Park Pumps Bend - Hunts Beach 4.2
14 Tocumwal Regional Park Pumps Bend - Top Beach 3.2
15 Tocumwal Regional Park Pumps Bend - Grassy Beach 4.3
16 Tocumwal Regional Park Apex Beach 3.9
1. Wharparilla Flora Reserve
Type Road Rest Area, Roadside   
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 2k north of the Murray Valley & Northern Highway [B75] junction, near
VicRoads 31 D4 Hema 41 J13 Access Sealed Road Size 4+ Height 98
Privacy Very poor: Just off highway

Suit:  Facilities: 

Boundary Not controlled Firewood Limited Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A relatively large, open area with few shade trees and some shrubs, backed by the flora reserve, facing flat
The sealed Wharparilla Drive 700m to the north leads 2k north to the Murray Rv potentially for bush camping.

Activities CFA District N. East Visit 17/05/02 Ref 203

2. Echuca Regional Park :- Christies Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River, just east of Echuca
Access from Echuca [B75, B400]: east 6k on the Bangerang Rd (starts as Pakenham St, then Goulburn Rd), left
1.1k on Simmie Rd (gravel) to entry grid, right 0.4k on Boileau Tk, left 1k on Christies Tk (tracks formed, some
VicRoads 31 F3
Hema 41 J13
Access Dry weather
Size 14+ Height 95
Privacy Good: well off
main roads

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Semi-dispersed bush camp ground on the high banks of the Murray River, well shaded by tall River Red Gums
and Box with some wattle scrub. Small beach. Facing flood plain forest across the river. Popular, being handy
to Echuca. A little tired and worn. Can be dry and dusty. Also known as Banyule Park.

Activities 
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. East Visit 17/05/02 Ref 692

3. Echuca State Forest

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated by the Murray River upstream of Echuca.
Access from Echuca [B75, B400]: east 11k on the Bangerang Rd (starts as Pakenham St, then Goulburn Rd).
Left on the Nathalia Road (good gravel) over Stewarts Bridge. State Forest, mainly on the left, over the next 14k
VicRoads 31 G3
Hema 41 J41
Access Conventional
Size 60+
Height 90
Privacy Good: able to
well off main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot


Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River in River Red Gum and Brown Box forest. There are occasional
formed tracks on the left of the Nathalia Road leading to and along the river, permitting secluded camping,
some with small beaches. Over the last 3k the Nathalia Rd runs close to the river with some level sites 50-200m
off the road, offering high level sites above the river - useful for wet weather camping.
Bird life is plentiful, especially white cockatoos.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact DSE CFA District N. East Visit 16/05/02 Ref 996

4. Goulburn Rv :- McCoy Bridge

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside 
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 38k east of Echuca by the Goulburn Rv bridge
VicRoads 32 C4 Hema 42 B2 Access Sealed Road Height 90 Privacy Just off highway
Facilities: 
Site description
"large area with limited shade from a few large trees"
"Dispersed bush camp sites up and downstream along the west bank of the Goulburn River"
CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 204

5. Barmah State Forest :- Barmah Lakes

Type State Forest, Camp ground  
Situated on the Murray between Echuca and Tocumwal, near Barmah.
Access from Barmah [C358] north-east 6.5k on the Moira Lakes Road (to about 800m after crossing Rices Weir
Bridge), left 0.8k (gravel).
VicRoads 22 A8
Hema 42 A2
Access Conventional
Size 22+
Height 80
Privacy Good: well off
roads, popular at
peak periods

Suit: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
A very pleasant, quiet, level camp by the Murray River just as it leaves Barmah Lakes.
The camp ground consists of two circuit loops, each with a pit WC, a total of 22 semi-designated and dispersed
sites (most with a bench and BBQ). Shaded by stands of River Red Gum saplings. Surrounded by flood plain
forest - River Red Gum and some Black Box forest - mainly open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps.
Prolific bird life, including water-birds and migratory birds.
Together with the Barmah State Park and Moira SF (NSW) this is the worlds largest Red Gum forest.
Boat ramp at the nearby day area. Daharnya Visitor Centre a further 800 m on Sand Ridge Track (gravel,

Activities Walking tracks (easy) (pamphlet) Barmah Forest drive (pamphlet) (60k )
Contact Parks Vic (03) 5866 2702 CFA District N. East Visit 15/05/02 Ref 694

6. Barmah State Park :- Western (Dharnya) Section
Type State Park, Bush camp 
Situated on the Murray between Echuca and Tocumwal, near Barmah.
Access from Barmah [C358] north-east 6.5k on the Moira Lakes Road, cross Rices Weir Bridge west and north
13k on Sandridge Track (gravel, corduroyed), left 4k on Forcing Yards Track (formed) to the river. Wander
along the river and select a site, downstream about 4k or upstream about 8k (to rejoin Sandridge Track).
VicRoads 22 A8 Hema 42 A2 Access Dry weather only Height 80
Privacy Good: well of main roads

Suit: Facilities:  Activities

Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by River Red Gum flood plain forest, generally open
with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Prolific bird life and kangaroos.
Tracks formed, some gravel, some ruts. Boat ramp near the "Boat Regulator", by the boundary with the
Barmah State Forest
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic Nathalia (03) 5866 2702 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 995

7. Barmah State Forest

Type State Forest, Bush camp 
Situated on the Murray between Echuca and Tocumwal, extending some 20k between the two sections of the
Barmah State Park.
Access is possible from Barmah but probably best north from Picola: North 6k on the Picola North Road, 1k
north-east on the Picola-Lancaster Rd, left (north) 1.5k on Murrays Mill Rd (gravel) then continue on 12k up the
Gulf Track to the river and then left or right on the River Track, select a site.
VicRoads 22 C7 Hema 42 A2 Access Dry weather only Height 80 Privacy Good: well of main roads

Suit:  Facilities:   Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush camping on the Murray River surrounded by flood plain State Forest - River Red Gum and some
Black Box forest, mainly open with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Prolific bird life, including water-
birds and migratory birds. Cattle grazing.
Together with the Barmah State Park and Moira SF (NSW) this is the worlds largest Red Gum forest. Despite
forestry, some trees are over 300 years old. Very good stands just downstream of Green Engine.
Boat ramp near the Boals Regulator, near the boundary with the Barmah State Park (Western Section) and The
Rubbish collection bins at Murrays Mill, Thorpes and Tipperary gates/grids.

Activities Barmah Forest drive (60k) (pamphlet)

Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded

Contact DSE Nathalia (03) 5866 2702 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 693

8. Barmah State Park :- Eastern Section

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated in forest by the Murray River west of Tocumwal, north of Strathmerton.
Access from Strathmerton: West 10k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], right (north) 7k north via Frog Lane &
Morgans Mill Rd (gravel), left (west) through Morgans Gate, 1.1k to Sharps Gate, 0.6k on River Rd, right (north)
0.4 to first beach. Tracks formed, some gravel, some rutted sections.
3 other access gates north off Mannions Rd
VicRoads 22 F7
Hema 42 A3
Access Dry weather
only Size 40+
Height 80
Privacy Good: well
off main roads, most
sites small.

Suit: 

 small
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot


Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by River Red Gum flood plain forest, generally open
with grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Beaches are backed by narrow grassed and shaded banks with
few level sites. Prolific bird life and kangaroos.
Tracks formed, some gravel, some ruts. Small boat ramp near Clarkes Camp.
Waste collection bin at Suttons gate/grid.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic Nathalia (03) 5866 2702 CFA District N. East Visit 15/05/02 Ref 994

9. Morgans Beach
Type LG Reserve, Camp ground   
Situated in a narrow strip of forest by the Murray River west of Tocumwal, north of Strathmerton.
Access from Strathmerton: West 10k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], right (north) 7k north via Frog Lane &
Morgans Mill Rd
(gravel), right 600m,
access tracks on
VicRoads 22 G7
Hema 42 A3 Access
Dry weather only
Size 35+ Height 80
Privacy Poor: just off
a country road,
houses opposite, a
popular (crowded)
picnic/camping spot.



Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings Advised

Site description
An attractive sandy beach backed by a grassed (long) flat shaded by tall River Red Gums. A very scruffy camp
ground with many discarded caravans. Apparently an un-maintained bush caravan park. The kiosk/caretaker
shed has fallen down. Most site roads are rutted, boggy if wet. Prolific bird life. A very disappointing camp.
Warnings Access tracks may be closed by seasonally flooding, boggy if wet
CFA District N. East Visit 15/05/02 Ref 205

10. Barmah State Park :- Ulupna Island

Type State Park, Bush camp 
Situated on the Murray upstream of Echuca downstream of Tocumwal, north of Strathmerton.
Access from Stratmerton[B400][A39]: north 5.2k on Bourchiers Rd, left (west) 1.2k on Mywee Rd, right (north)
on Ulupna Bridge Rd (gravel) 3k to Ulupna Bridge, left 1.5k(west) on Reserve Tk (gravel) to the Park proper,
about 3-4k on formed tracks to the river.
VicRoads 22 H7 Hema 42 A3 Access Dry weather only Size 40+ Height 80
Privacy Good: well off main roads.

Suit: Facilities:  Activities

Boundary Not controlled Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by River Red Gum flood plain forest, generally open
with some Black Box, grasses, billabongs, creeks and swamps. Prolific bird life and kangaroos.
Three beaches - Little Beach, Faraway Beach (road opposite in NSW) and Ulupna Beach (WC and bench).
Tracks formed, some gravel, some ruts.
Ulupna Island is formed by Ulupna Creek, an anabranch of the Murray.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Nathalia (03) 5866 2702 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 1004

11. Ulupna Island :- Carters Beach

Type State Forest, Camp Ground  
Situated on the Murray upstream of Echuca downstream of Tocumwal, north of Strathmerton.
Access from Stratmerton[B400][A39]: north 5.2k on Bourchiers Rd, left (west 1.2k on Mywee Rd, right (north)
Ulupna Bridge Rd (gravel) 3k to Ulupna Bridge, north 1.9k (gravel, corduroyed) to grid, right then left along the
river 1.3k (formed track).
VicRoads 22 J7
Hema 42 A4
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
booklet, Ulupna
Access Dry weather
Size 20+
Height 80
Privacy Good: Well off
main roads, popular
at peak periods

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck


Site description

A broad, extended beach fringed by a row of mature River Red Gums over short grass, backed by dense flood
plain forest with some wattle understory. A pleasant camp. Prolific bird life, kangaroos and koalas. Two pit
toilets, 3 benches.
There are similar beaches to the east on Labbetts Track (gravel for 1.6k): Labbett 0.7k (over the road from
Ulupna Station), Doctors 1.7k (with pit WC & informal boat ramp), Point 2.2k, Wide 2.7k, Pump 3.2k.
Waste Collection Point about 1k north of Ulupna Bridge.
Ulupna Island is formed by Ulupna Creek, an anabranch of the Murray.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact DSE Tocumwal (03) 5881 1266 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 695

12. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Pumps Bend - Bottom Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just downstream of Tocumwal.
Access west off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] just south of the Murray Rv bridge; West 3k on Pump Bend
Track (almost to Timeout Holiday Camp) (gravel), right 2.5k on Pump Bend Track (formed, worn), keep left for
about 1k (past Holiday Camp boat ramp), through gate 0.6k (formed but rutted), sites on the right.
VicRoads 23 A6
Hema 42 A4 Other
"River Beaches of
Central Murray"
Access Dry weather
Size 15+
Height 80
Privacy Good: well off
main roads, but open

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck


Site description

A very broad, extended sandy beach with little grass or shaded level areas. Backed by a grassy lagoon and
flood plain River Red Gum forest. Scruffy and dusty with some rubbish.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 993

13. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Pumps Bend - Hunts Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just downstream of Tocumwal.
Access west off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] just south of the Murray Rv bridge; West 3k on Pump Bend
Track (almost to Timeout Holiday Camp) (gravel), right 2.5k on Pump Bend Track (formed, worn), keep left 0.5k
then right 100m after the grid/gate (also accessible 500m further on).
VicRoads 23 A6
Hema 42 A4 Other
"River Beaches of
Central Murray"
Access Conventional
Size 15+ Height 80
Privacy Good: off
main roads, but large
holiday camp nearby
use this beach.

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot

Site description
A very broad, extended beach backed by a low, narrow bank shaded by a row of mature River Red Gums (low
branches) with some short grass. Tap and boat ramp at downstream end, opposite holiday camp. Backed by a
scrubby depression and holiday camp. Popular and worn.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 992

14. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Pumps Bend - Top Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just downstream of Tocumwal.
Access west off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] just south of the Murray Rv bridge; West 3k on Pump Bend
Track (almost to Timeout Holiday Camp) (gravel), right 2.5k on Pump Bend Track (formed, worn) past high level
sites and Grassy Beach, right 0.5k.
VicRoads 23 A6
Hema 42 A4 Other
"River Beaches of
Central Murray"
Access Dry weather
Size 4+ Height 80
Privacy Poor: facing
houses and sealed
road across the river.

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A relatively small beach with only a few level, shaded sites on a narrow grassy bank, backed by open, tall River
Red Gum forest. A disappointing, rather scruffy site.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 696

15. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Pumps Bend - Grassy Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just downstream of Tocumwal.
Access west off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] just south of the Murray Rv bridge; West 3k on Pump Bend
Track (almost to Timeout Holiday Camp) (gravel), right 1.3k on Pump Bend Track (formed, worn) past high level
sites, short track on the right.
Privacy Good: well of main roads
Site description
Dispersed bush camping by an extended beach with grassy sites at the far end well shaded by immature River
Red Gums. Backed by River Red Gum flood plain forest. Prolific bird life. Farm house on opposite bank.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Size 5+
Height 80
VicRoads 23 A6 Hema
42 A4
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
Access Dry weather

Suit: 

Activities 

Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 991

16. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Apex Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just downstream from the Tocumwal bridge.
Access west off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] just south of the Murray Rv bridge; West 0.4 on Pump Bend
Track (signed Timeout Holiday Camp) across railway line (gravel), pass high level sites, right 0.4 on Apex Track
(formed). Privacy Good: well off main roads, some distant traffic noise
VicRoads 23 A7
Hema 42 H4
Other "River Beaches of
Central Murray" booklet
Size 8+ Height 80

Suit: 
Facilities:  
Activities 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush camping on
a grassy sand bank by a
broad beach on the Murray
River surrounded by flood
plain forest - River Red Gum
with some wattle
undergrowth.. Prolific bird
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 703
2.5 Yarrawonga

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1-6 Tocumwal
7 Cobram State Forest Dead River Beach 4.3
8 Cobram Regional Park Toms Beach 4.0
9 Cobram Regional Park Scotts Beach 4.2
10 Cobram Regional Park Horseshoe Beach 4.0
11 Murray River Reserves Dicks Bend 4.3
12 Murray River Reserves Cobrawonga Island 4.1
13 Murray River Reserves Bourkes Bend 4.2
14 Murray River Reserves Duffys Bend 4.2
15 Murray River Reserves Nevins Bend 4.2
16 Murray River Reserves Bruces Bend 4.2
17 Murray River Reserves Forges Beaches 4.2
18 Yarrawonga Regional Park Chinamans Bend 3.7
19 Yarrawonga Regional Park Green Bank 4.1
20 Bundalong Rest Area 2.3
21 Lower Ovens Regional Park Parolos 4.3
1 to 6 Tocumwal camps

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Pebbly Beach 3.5

2 Tocumwal Finley Beach 3.8

3 Gillmartins Beach 3.2

4 Bourchiers Beach 3.3

5 State Green Beach 4.5
6 Brentnalls Beach 4.2

1. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Pebbly Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just upstream (east) from the Tocumwal bridge.
Access east off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] just south of the Murray Rv bridge, a few metres to Mulberry
Beach, about 0.4k to Pebbly Beach.
Privacy Reasonable, secluded but with constant background traffic noise and popular.
VicRoads 23 A7
Hema 42 A4
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
booklet, Tocumwal
Access Dry weather
Size 8+
Height 80

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Bush camping by the Murray River by a relatively small beach with a few grassed, level, shaded sites
surrounded by flood plain forest. Facing boat ramp and buildings. Popular, being close to the road and
Toilet in nearby day area (Mulberry Beach - no beach, within view of bridge).
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 697
2. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Finley Beach
Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just upstream from Tocumwal.
Access east off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] about 0.8k south of the Murray Rv bridge, east 0.2k past
information board on Finley Track.
VicRoads 23 A7
Hema 42 A4
Other "River Beaches of
Central Murray" booklet,
Access Dry weather only
Size 8+
Height 80
Privacy Secluded from
highway but constant
background traffic noise.

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by River Red Gum flood plain forest. A broad beach backed by
mature River Red Gums giving thin shade. Popular. One Bench. Prolific bird life.
There is a high level area behind the information board partially secluded from the highway - suite a wet
weather overnight stop.

Activities Tocumwal Regional Park walking track, 4.5k 1.5hr easy 

Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 704

3. Tocumwal Regional Park :- Gillmartins Beach

Type State Park, Bush
camp   
VicRoads 23 B7 Hema
42 A4 Other "River
Beaches of Central
Murray" booklet,
Access Dry weather
only Size 10+ Height

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Situated on the Murray upstream from Tocumwal.
Access east off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] about 3k south of the Murray Rv bridge, north-east 0.6k on
Gillmartins Track (formed, some gravel)
Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River. A broad, extended beach with little shade or grass, although
there are a couple of semi-secluded, shaded, grassed, level sites. Backed by River Red Gum flood plain forest.
Prolific bird life.
Privacy Good: secluded from main roads but with constant background noise
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 14/05/02 Ref 705

4. Cobram State Forest :- Tocumwal - Bourchiers Beach

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just upstream of Tocumwal, downstream from Cobram
Access off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] 4.3k south of the Murray Rv bridge, east 1.4k on Green Lane (gravel)
to the grid and information board. Left 1k on Boomagong Track along and over the flood embankment (formed,
partial gravel, with a couple of rutted dips).
VicRoads 23 B7
Hema 42 A4
Other "River
Beaches of Central
Murray" booklet,
Access Dry weather
Size 15+ Height 60
Privacy Good: well
off main roads, but
site is very open

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
Site description
A very broad, extended beach with some thin shade from an open row of River Red Gums backed by a lagoon
and flood plain forest with an understory of wattle scrub. One of the largest beaches on this stretch of the river.
Sandy, with little grass. Distant, constant traffic hum and occasional orchard bird gun across the river. Prolific
bird life and cattle grazing.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Tocumwal (03) 5881 1266 CFA District N. East Visit 13/05/02 Ref 799

5. Cobram State Forest :- Tocumwal - Green Beach

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray Rv just upstream of Tocumwal, downstream from Cobram
Access off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] 4.3k south of the Murray Rv bridge, east 1.4k on Green Lane (gravel)
to the grid and information board, continue on Green Lane 0.3k bear left 0.6k then left again 0.4k via a spur
track (with a small drop-down). All tracks formed but worn.
VicRoads 23 B7 Hema 42 A4 Other "River Beaches of Central Murray" booklet, Tocumwal
Access Dry weather only Size 20+ Height 80
Privacy Good: well off main roads, with occasional distant traffic and aircraft noise
Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
Site description
Green Beach is a
relatively narrow
sandy beach (with a
safe backwater
behind a sand island)
backed by an
extended, attractive,
green grassed, level
bank well shaded by
rows of immature
River Red Gums. Two
benches. Very
pleasant bush
camping by the
Murray River
surrounded by dense
flood plain forest.
Prolific bird life
(kookaburras, sand
pipers), kangaroos
and some cattle
An unformed track
links Brentnalls and
Green Beaches
Warnings Tracks may
be seasonally
Contact DSE
Tocumwal (03) 5881
1266 CFA District N.
East Visit 12/05/02
Ref 698

6. Cobram State Forest :- Tocumwal - Brentnalls Beach

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just upstream of Tocumwal, downstream from Cobram
Access off the Goulburn Valley Hwy [A39] 4.3k south of the Murray Rv bridge, east 1.4k on Green Lane (gravel)
to the grid and information board, continue on Green Lane 0.3k bear left 1.3k on Brentnalls Track. All tracks
formed but worn.
VicRoads 23 B7 Hema 42 A4 Access Dry weather only Size 4+ Height 60
Privacy Good: well off main roads

Suit: Facilities:  small Activities 

Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
Site description
A large beach
backed by a small
grassed (short,
green) bank shaded
by River Red Gums
with some wattle
understory. Bush
camping by the
Murray River
surrounded by dense
flood plain forest.
Prolific bird life
(kookaburras, sand
pipers), kangaroos
and some cattle
grazing. Features an
informal boat ramp at
the downstream end
of the beach and a
caravan park on the opposite bank.
An unformed track links Brentnalls and Green Beaches.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Tocumwal (03) 5881 1266 CFA District N. East Visit 12/05/02 Ref 1003

7. Cobram State Forest :- Dead River Beach

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray upstream of Tocumwal, just downstream from Cobram [B400].
Access off the Cobram-Koonoomoo Rd [C367], north 2.5k on Racecourse Rd (gravel) to the entry grid and
information board, continue on 0.4k to the river and a further 1k to Dead River Beach.
VicRoads 23 C8 Hema 42 A4 Other "River Beaches of Central Murray" booklet, Tocumwal
Access Dry weather only Size 15+ Height 80
Privacy Good: well off
main roads, very
distant occasional
traffic noise.

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
An extended beach backed by a green grassed level bank shaded by stands of immature River Red Gums
which continues around into an old horseshoe bend which the river now bypasses (land to the west, on the new
south bank of the Murray, is in NSW). Surrounded by River Red Gum flood plain forest. Prolific bird life, some
cattle grazing.
Access is possible on the Cobram Track west (downstream) to Davies Beach, Stewart's Beaches 1&2 and
Wilsons Beach (all backed by dryer, open forest) and further west to Bretnalls and Green Beaches.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact DSE Tocumwal (03) 5881 1266 CFA District N. East Visit 12/05/02 Ref 699

8. Cobram Regional Park :- Toms Beach

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just downstream from Cobram [B400].
Access from Cobram off the Barooga Rd [C370]: North 1.1k on Wondah Street past the football ground to entry
grid and information board, continue on 0.2k on the Cobram Track, bear right 1k to Little Toms Beach, continue
on 0.5k to regain the Cobram Track, right 0.3k, bear right 0.8k on Big Toms Track to Big Toms Beach (all tracks
formed but worn)
Privacy Good: well off main roads, occasional distant traffic noise. Expect day trippers
VicRoads 23 C8
Hema 42 A4
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
booklet, Cobram
Access Dry weather
Size 30+
Height 80

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by open flood plain forest. Prolific bird life and some cattle
Both Little and Big Toms Beaches are shaded by mature River Red Gums backed by open forest. Being close to
Cobram they are popular and a little worn. Big Toms beach is larger, with some stands of immature River Red
Gum providing shade to green grassed, level banks and a pit toilet.
Beaches upstream nearer Cobram (Thomsons and Quinns) are day use only.
It is possible to continue downstream via the Cobram Track to Dead River Beach.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded, bring own drinking water.
Contact DSE Tocumwal (03) 5881 1266 CFA District N. East Visit 12/05/02 Ref 700

9. Cobram Regional Park :- Scotts Beach

Type State Park, Camp Ground  
Situated on the Murray just upstream from Cobram [B400].
Access from Cobram off the Barooga Rd [C370] near the river: South-east 2.2k on River Road, left into Park
0.3k on Main Track, left past day area 0.2k to Scotts Beach.
VicRoads 23 C8 Hema 42 A4 Other "River Beaches of Central Murray" booklet, Cobram
Access Dry weather only Size 30+ Height 80
Privacy Reasonable: Off main roads, popular
Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Pleasant camping by
an extended Murray
River beach
surrounded by River
Red Gum flood plain
forest and lagoons.
Prolific bird life. Semi-
dispersed sites are
generally level with short grass and well shaded by River Red Gum saplings. Two pit toilets. Being handy to
Cobram it is popular. Distant traffic noise.
Beaches nearer Cobram (Thomsons and Quinns) are day use only.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 11/02/02 Ref 701

10. Cobram Regional Park :- Horseshoe Beach

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray just upstream from Cobram [B400]
Access from Cobram off the Barooga Rd near the river: South-east 4k on River Road, left into Park past
information board 1.6k on Horseshoe Track (formed earth).
Privacy Good: well off main roads but expect day trippers to nearby boat ramp.

VicRoads 23 D8
Hema 42 A4
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
booklet, Cobram
Access Dry weather
Size 12+ Height 80

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush camping extending along the Murray River backed by River Red Gum flood plain forest and
lagoons. Prolific bird life. Level, grassed and shaded sites perched high above the river with no beach (good
beach at nearby boat ramp).
Dispersed bush camping by small beaches accessible further upstream via Main track: Twin Nobbs Beach 3k,
Warnings Sepples Beach 4k and McKays Beach 5k.
Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 11/02/02 Ref 702

11. Murray River Reserves :- Dicks Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 8.5k south-east of Cobram, 28.5k west of Yarrawonga (opposite
Langan Rd); north on Cemetery Rd 1.7k (1.2k gravel) to entry grid, north east 0.8k on Short Track to river then
descend to junction with Dicks Track, cross anabranch (if bridge repaired) on Dicks Track then about 1.5k to
the river.
Privacy Good: Well of main roads, very distant highway noise

VicRoads 23 D9
Hema 42 A5
Other "River
Beaches of Central
Murray" booklet,
Access Dry weather
Size 10+ Height 60

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

Site description
Pleasant dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by dense River Red Gum flood plain forest
on a small island with few beaches. Prolific bird life.
Near the entry there is a high level riverside BBQ and table on Short Track in open River Red Gum forest, with a
green short grassed and shaded bank below with a small beach - a pleasant camp.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact ParksVic Chilton (03) 5726 1234 CFA District N. East Visit 11/02/02 Ref 790

12. Murray River Reserves :- Cobrawonga Island

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 17k south-east of Cobram, 21k west of Yarrawonga (nearly opposite
Grinter Rd, 300m east of Bymay's poplar plantations); north on Cobrawonga Track 200m to forest boundary
and information board, over bridge and 700m to junction with Dead River Track, left over bridge (3 ton limit), 1k
to Cobrawonga Bend 1 Track, 1k to Cobrawonga Bend No 1. Tracks are rutted and worn.
Privacy Good: Well of main roads. Very distant highway noise.
VicRoads 23 E9
Hema 42 A5
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
booklet, Cobraw
Access Dry weather
Size 15+ Height 85

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red Gums, billabongs
and swamps with an understory of wattles and long grass. Prolific bird life. Little cattle grazing. Rougher and
longer tracks than for most other Murray River Reserves contributes to them being less popular (crowded).
Cobrawonga Bend No 1 has a large beach with a narrow grassed bank with some shade from River Red Gums.
Other similar sites are dispersed up to 8k downstream accessed off Cobrawonga Track (Killars Point, Hideway,
Langi Oonah, Toms Beach, Pumphouse Beach), some of which may have picnic tables.
Cray Point (accessed via Dead River Track 0.8k) has a small beach and grassed, shaded, level bank.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 11/02/02 Ref 706

13. Murray River Reserves :- Bourkes Bend

Type State Forest, Camp Ground  
Situated by the Murray River between Yarrawonga and Cobram
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 19k east of Cobram, 18k west of Yarrawonga (near the 105k post), go
through the signposted Hwy rest area, north on Bourkes Bend Track 200m to Bourkes Bridge, then about 3k to
the river (at about 2k keep left for Bourkes Bend 3).
Privacy Good: 3k off the highway
VicRoads 23 F9 Hema 42 A5 Other "River Beaches of Central Murray" booklet, Bourke
Access Dry weather only Size 50+ Height 85

Suit: Facilities:  Activities 

Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River 1948km upstream of the Murray Mouth surrounded by flood plain
forest - River Red Gums, billabongs and swamps - with wattle undergrowth. Tracks are formed earth with some
low dips, tending to deteriorate near their end. Very distant traffic noise. Prolific bird life (cockatoos) and
occasional grazing cattle.
Three sandy beaches spread around a very large river bend, numbered from downstream to upstream.
Murray Track leads upstream to Duffy's Bend and Nevins Bend.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 9/05/02 Ref 206
Bourkes Bend 1 is a
large beach with a
level, short grassed
bank with some

Bourkes Bend 2 has

a narrow, level,
short grassed and
shaded bank along
the extended beach.
Bourkes Bend 3 is a
large, level, short
grassed clearing
with limited shade, a
WC and table and
extended beach.

14. Murray River Reserves :- Duffys Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 25k south-east of Cobram, 12k west of Yarrawonga (near the 100k
post) north 2k on Thoms Rd (gravel), left 2k on Nevins Track West, left 2k on Duffys Track, right on short, rough
tracks to the beaches.
Privacy Good: well off
main roads, secluded
VicRoads 23 F9 Hema
42 A5 Other "River
Beaches of Central
Murray" booklet,
Access Dry weather
Size 8+ Height 85

Suit: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping on two small beaches with grassed, shaded sites by the Murray River surrounded by
flood plain forest - River Red Gum forest, billabongs and swamps with wattle undergrowth. Prolific bird life and
occasional cattle grazing. Very distant traffic noise.
Duffeys Track direct access to the highway has been closed. Murray Track now leads downstream to Bourkes
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 9/05/02 Ref 707

15. Murray River Reserves :- Nevins Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 25k south-east of Cobram, 12k west of Yarrawonga (at the 100km
post); North on Thoms Rd (previously Riparis and Buchanans Rds) 2k to forest boundary, continue on 200m to
information boards. The river is about 2k in any direction on formed tracks. Also accessible via Nevins Rd.
VicRoads 23 G9
Hema 42 A5
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
booklet, Bourke
Access Dry weather
Size 50+ Height 85
Privacy Good: Well off
main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping on grassed beaches by the Murray River surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red
Gum forest, billabongs and swamps. Prolific bird life (cockatoos, magpies), some cattle grazing.
Nevins Bend extends about 5k east-west. Main tracks are formed with some low dips. Odd tables and BBQs
have disappeared = no facilities. Very distant traffic noise.
Beaches from the left (west, downstream) are:
Nevins Beach West, via Nevins Track West
Harris Beach, via Harris Track
Buchanans Beach, directly north from the forest entrance on Buchanans Tk
Nevins Beach East, via Nevins Track East, large beach, semi-secluded grassed sites
Trues Beach, via Nevins Track and Trues Track.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 9/05/02 Ref 708

16. Murray River Reserves :- Bruces Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] Hwy 8k west of Yarrawonga (just after the 95k post), north 1.1k on
Bruces Rd (gravel) to entry grid and information board, track T junction at 2.1k from the Hwy. Beaches, from
the left, west, downstream (distances from the T junction) are:
Sharps, via Bruces Track and Sharps Track 3k, track deteriorates near end
Bruces Beach No 2 north off Bruces Track 2.3k, small dispersed sites
Bruces Beach No 1 north off Bruces Track 1.8k, dense immature Red Gums
Zinettis No 2 north off Zinettis Track 1k, large beach, little shade
Zinettis No 1 north off Zinettis Track 1.5k, small level area and beach but there are many riverside high-
level sites (without beach) along Black Hole Tk to the south.

VicRoads 23 G9
Hema 42 A5
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
Access Dry weather
only Size 50+ Height
Privacy Good: well off
main roads with some
secluded sites

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping on grassed beaches by the Murray River surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red
Gums, billabongs and swamps. Odd BBQs and tables have disappeared = no facilities. Very distant traffic
noise. Prolific bird life and occasional cattle grazing. About 1970k upstream from the river mouth.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 9/05/02 Ref 709

17. Murray River Reserves :- Forges Beaches

Type State Park, Camp Ground  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 7k west of Yarrawonga (0.5k before Bruces & Ryans Rd); East 1.4k on
Forges Pump Lane (light gravel, signed dry weather only) through 2 gates to the entry grid, 200m after the
track enters the forest there is a track junction. North 1.6k on Little Bruces Tk (rough) to Little Bruces Beach or
east 1k (formed) to Forges Beaches.
VicRoads 23 H9 Hema 42 A5 Other "River Beaches of Central Murray" booklet
Access Dry weather only
Height 85
Privacy Good: well of main
roads, some distant traffic

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed camping on broad beaches by the Murray River, surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red Gums,
billabongs and swamps. Prolific bird life. Distant, background highway noise.
Forges No 1 Beach is broad and large, partially grassed with WC, but open with little shade.
Little Bruces Bend also has a large beach, BBQ and an informal boat ramp but is very open with little
Forges No 2 Beach (0.5k north off Forges Bend Track) is shaded by immature Red Gums over short
grass - a pleasant bush camp.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 8/05/02 Ref 710

18. Yarrawonga Regional Park :- Chinamans Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga, just downstream from Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 3k west of Yarrawonga (next turn right after the 90k post), north 0.6k
on Brears Rd (sealed) to the grid entry, left 1.5k on Chinamans Track (formed) to the river. (Right at the end of
Brears Rd leads to Green Bank)
VicRoads 33 H2 Hema
42 B5 Other "River
Beaches of Central
Murray" booklet
Access Dry weather
only Size 6+ Height
Privacy Good: Well of
main roads, but site is

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red Gum, billabongs and swamps.
Chinamans Bend is open with little shade, with a broad beach. The sole BBQ is perched between the road and
cliff edge. Prolific bird life.
Convenient to Yarrawonga, with distant traffic noise.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 8/05/02 Ref 711

19. Yarrawonga Regional Park :- Green Bank

Type State Park, Camp Ground  
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga, just downstream from Yarrawonga.
Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 2k west of Yarrawonga; right (north) 0.6k on Cullens Rd (sealed) to
the grid and information board, continue on 0.7k on Loop Track (well formed) around the Yarrawonga Common
to the river and Rifle Butts, continue on 1.1k downstream to Green Bank beach.
Privacy Reasonable: off main roads but expect day trippers. Popular at peak periods.
VicRoads 33 H2
Hema 42 B5
Other "River Beaches
of Central Murray"
Access Dry weather
Size 10+
Height 85

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by very open, mature River Red Gum flood plain
forest, billabongs and swamps. Prolific bird life.
Green Bank itself is a day area (including beach, WC and boat ramp) with open, level camping areas
nearby shaded by immature River Red Gums.
Rifle Butts is open, level and shaded by immature River Red Gums, with one table and fire place. No
Walking track access through a caravan park to Yarrawonga. Convenient to Yarrawonga, with distant traffic
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic Barogoga (03) 5743 3104 CFA District N. East Visit 8/05/02 Ref 712

20. Bundalong :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside  
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 14k east of Yarrawonga.
Privacy Very poor: Adjacent to
highway on outside bend,
houses nearby
VicRoads 34 D2
Hema 42 B6
Access Sealed Road
Size 3+ Height 130

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A reasonably large reserve surrounded by roads, reasonable shade from an open woodland of Grey Box and a
Peppercorn. 2 seats and bins.
Disabled flush WC and free electric BBQ, bin and benches at nearby Bundalong boat ramp.
CFA District N. East Visit 8/05/02 Ref 207

21. Lower Ovens Regional Park :- Parolos

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Ovens River between Yarrawonga and Rutherglen.
Access from the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] on the eastern side of the Ovens Rv (Parolos) Bridge (24k west of
Rutherglen, 22k east of Yarrawonga), north 0.2k on Williams Track, left 0.6k on Parolos Track (both well formed
VicRoads 34 E3
Hema 42 B6
Other CF&L "Lower
Ovens Forest" Map 1
Access Dry weather
Size 5+
Height 130
Privacy Good: off
main roads, popular
at peak periods.

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Ovens River just before its junction with the Murray River, the upper reaches of
Lake Mulwala. Surrounded by flood plain forest - dense immature River Red Gum with an understory of wattle.
Low, level banks with no beaches. Prolific bird life, including black swans. Convenient to the highway but with
distant traffic noise.
There is access on both sides of the highway west of Paralos Bridge:
north 0.3k to Naughton South Bend,
south 1.5k on Camerons Track to Chapel Lane.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic CFA District N. East Visit 8/05/02 Ref 713
2.5 Rutherglen

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Murray River Reserves Taylors Bend 4.3
2 Murray River Reserves Lumbys Bend 4.4
3 Murray River Reserves Stantons Bend 4.1
4 Murray River Reserves Granthams Bend 4.3
5 Murray River Reserves St Leonards Bend 4.1
6 Murray River Reserves Shaws Flat 4.0
7 Murray River Reserves Gooramadda (Police Paddocks) 4.2
8 Howlong (NSW) Lions Park 3.5
9 Browns Plains Rest Area 2.3
10 Murray River Reserves Doolans Bend 4.4
11 Murray River Reserves Richardsons Bend 4.2

1. Murray River Reserves :- Taylors Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River between Yarrawonga and Rutherglen.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 18k west of Rutherglen (28k east of Yarrawonga) just west of the 60k
post; north 4.1k on Brimin Road (2.4k gravel), bear right through gate on formed track (signed river access, dry
weather only) 1.7k to grid, 200m to a high level shaded and grassed BBQ, track descends to river and 0.6k to
Taylors Bend.
VicRoads 34 F2 Hema 42 B6 Other DC&E "Murray River Access - Lake Mulwala/Barnawartha"
Access Dry weather only Size 4+ Height 125
Privacy Good: well off main roads
Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact Parks Vic
Chilton (03) 5726
CFA District N. East
Visit 8/05/02
Ref 714
Warnings Tracks may
be seasonally flooded

Site description
Dispersed riverside bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red Gum,
billabongs and swamps. Open forest with short grass near the entry, denser immature forest and beach at the
bend. Prolific bird life, some cattle grazing. A relatively small reserve with an informal boat ramp. Big rigs and
caravans may have difficulty beyond the first BBQ.

2. Murray River Reserves :- Lumbys Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River between Yarrawonga and Rutherglen.
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 14k west of Rutherglen; North 3k on Kellys Road (1k gravel) to the
entry grid, 0.4 formed track to the river and a Y junction - sites in both directions.
Privacy Very good: well off main roads, semi-secluded sites
VicRoads 34 F2
Hema 42 B7
Other DC&E "Murray
River Access - Lake
Access Dry weather
Size 10+
Height 125

Suit: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by River Red Gum flood plain forest, billabongs and
swamps. There is more bushy undergrowth here than on most other Murray River Reserves. Reasonable shade
to most sites, which are generally level and covered with short grass on high banks. No beaches. Prolific bird
life, some cattle grazing.
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded
Contact Parks Vic Chilton (03) 5726 1234 CFA District N. East Visit 8/05/02 Ref 715

3. Murray River Reserves :- Stantons Bend

Type State Park, Bush
camp  
Situated on the
Murray River between
Yarrawonga and
Access off the Murray
Valley Hwy [B400] 6k
west of Rutherglen;
north west 4.1k on
Moodemere Rd (1k
sealed) (past Lake
Moodemere access
road), right 200m to
grid and down to the
river on unformed
tracks which extend
about 0.5k
VicRoads 34 G2
Hema 42 B7
Other DC&E "Murray
River Access - Lake
Access Dry weather
Size 10+ Height 126
Privacy Good: well off
main roads

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Warnings Tracks may
be seasonally
Contact Parks Vic
Chilton (03) 5726
1234 CFA District N.
East Visit 7/05/02
Ref 716
Site description
Dispersed bush camping on broad, grassed sand banks by the Murray River surrounded by River Red Gum
flood plain forest, billabongs and swamps. Beach, two benches and BBQs. Tracks a bit bumpy with low fords.
Prolific bird life - magpies, kookaburras and cockatoos. Cattle grazing.
4. Murray River Reserves :- Granthams Bend
Type State Forest, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray Rv near All Saints vineyard.
Access from the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] at Rutherglen: North west 6.5k on the Wahgunyah (Cowra) Road
[C376], right (north) 2.8k up All Saints Road to 300 past All Saints Vineyard , left 0.7k on gravel road, sharp
right through gate 200m to grid. Wander on sandy tracks.
Privacy Good, except for noisy speed boats on the river (boat ramp opposite). Can be crowded at peak holiday
VicRoads 34 H2
Hema 42 A7
Other D C.& E Murray
Rv Access-Lake
Mulwala #1
Access Dry weather
Size 50+ Height 125

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
Typical Murray River forest - Red Gums, grassed alluvial sand, some scrub but generally open understory.
Low, level banks with beach. Plentiful bird life - magpies and white cockatoos. Track continues upstream to St
Leonards Bend.
Warnings Tracks may be flooded, take own drinking water
Contact DSE Chilton (03) 5726 1234 CFA District N. East Visit 19/03/00 Ref 246

5. Murray River Reserves :- St Leonards Bend

Type State Forest, Bush camp  
On the Murray Rv behind St Leonards vineyard, north west of Rutherglen.
Access from the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy at Rutherglen: North west 6.5k on the Wahgunyah (Cowra) Road
[C376], right (north) 5k up All Saints Road then left 2k on St Leonards Rd to its end. Enter vineyard, 0.7k left
past (!) the cellar door and 'lagoon access' sign, down through vineyard on steep sand track to State Forest
(shut the gate). Left (past day BBQ and lagoon) then right on rough unformed track to the river (bridge 3 ton
Site description
Typical Murray River forest - open River Red Gums over grassed alluvial sand, some scrub but generally open
understory. River or lagoon views. Low level banks, no beach. Walk to winery and restaurant. Track extends
downstream to Granthams Bend.

VicRoads 34 H2 Hema 42 A7 Other DC&E "Murray River Access - Lake Mulwala/Barnawartha

Access Dry weather only Size 20+ Height 125
Privacy Good, well off main roads.
Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
Warnings Tracks
may be seasonally
Contact Parks Vic
Chilton (03) 5726
1234 CFA District N.
Visit 19/03/00
Ref 245

6. Murray River Reserves :- Shaws Flat

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River north of Rutherglen.
Access from Rutherglen [B400] north 1k on High St, right (east) 0.3k on Barkly St, left (north) 5.6k on
Humphreys Rd, right (east) 0.6k on Up River Rd just past the fire station, left (north) 0.5k on Shaws Flat Rd
(signed river access) (gravel) to the grid, track extends 0.6k along the river with a couple of low fords.
VicRoads 34 J1 Hema 42 A7 Other DC&E "Murray River Access - Lake Mulwala/Barnawartha
Access Dry weather only Size 8+ Height 130
Privacy Good: well of main roads

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Warnings Tracks may
be seasonally
Contact Parks Vic
Chilton (03) 5726
CFA District N. East
Visit 7/05/02
Ref 717
Site description
Dispersed bush camping on short green grass by the Murray River surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red
Gum, billabongs and swamps. Low level banks, no beach, informal boat ramp. A relatively small, pleasant
reserve with prolific bird life and grazing cattle.

7. Murray River Reserves :- Gooramadda (Police Paddocks)

Type State Park, Bush
camp  
Situated on the Murray
River north of
Access from
Rutherglen [B400]
north-east 5.1k on the
Gooramadda Rd, left
(north) 4.5k on Police
Paddocks Rd (gravel).
2.6k after crossing Up
River Rd turn left
(signed 'river access')
0.3k to Reserve entry,
gravelled track
continues about 0.4k
along Murphys Creek.
VicRoads 35 A1 Hema
42 A7
Other DC&E "Murray
River Access - Lake
Access Conventional
Size 15+ Height 130
Privacy Good: well off
main roads but expect
day trippers

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Pleasant bush camping
on broad open grassed
banks extending along
Murphy Creek, a
Murray River
anabranch. Access and
some sites are above
most flood levels. Sites are generally level, reasonably well shaded by scattered mature River Red Gums with
short green grass sloping down to the creek (occasionally slashed, cattle grazing) - park-like. One bench and
one BBQ. No beaches. The reserve covers 400ha, originally used for horse grazing by the Police during the
gold rushes, then as a State Forest, but most is inaccessible across the Murphy Creek.
Contact Parks Vic Chilton (03) 5726 1234 CFA District N. East Visit 7/05/02 Ref 718
8. Howlong (NSW) :- Lions Park
Type Reserve, Picnic Ground  
Beside the Murray River just south of Howlong (NSW), downstream from Wodonga.
Access from Rutherglen: East 16k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left north 8k on the Chiltern-Howlong Rd
[C381]. Access road (signed) to the river bank on the right just before crossing the last bridge.
Privacy Reasonable: Overlooked by road through trees.
VicRoads 35 B1 Hema 43 A8
Access Conventional Size 3+

Suit: Facilities: 
Activities 
15min walk to Howlong shops & pub
Boundary Parking fences
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Popular local swimming and fishing site,
consisting of a gravelled turning circuit
and short green grass shaded by mature
River Red Gums. Play ground. There is a
sign 'no fires in open' but BBQ is well
used. Low level bank and sandy beach.
Convenient wet weather stop, although
subject to high floods.
More secluded bush camping is possible
along tracks to the south, but scruffy.
Warning Subject to high floods.
CFA District N. East Visit 7/05/02 Ref 785

9. Browns Plains :- Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside  
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 15k east of Rutherglen, 11k from Hume Fwy [M31], by the Wodonga 25k post.
VicRoads 35 C2
Hema 43 B8
Access Sealed Road
Size 2+
Privacy Very poor: on the
outside bend of the
highway it is observable
from both directions

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A reasonably large, level
reserve with thin shade
from River Red gum
saplings. Small formal
gravelled rest area near
fruit-fly collection bin. A
poor, noisy overnight
stop surrounded by flat
CFA District N. East Visit 7/05/02 Ref 208
10. Murray River Reserves :- Doolans Bend
Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River north-east of Rutherglen.
Access from Rutherglen: East 16k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 3k on the Chiltern-Howlong Rd,
sharp right (south-east) 3k on the Barnawartha-Howlong Rd (to just over Indigo Cr at Creamery Bridge), left
(north) (signed river access) into reserve, 0.8k (gravel) to river.
VicRoads 35 C2
Hema 43 B8
Other DC&E "Murray
River Access - Lake
Access Dry weather
Size 8+ Height 150
Privacy Good: well off
main roads, some sites

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Activities 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Pleasant dispersed bush camping by the Murray River adjacent to flood plain River Red Gum open grassed
forest and billabongs. Sites are generally level, most with adequate shade and short green grass. Low level
banks, no beach. Small, muddy, informal boat ramp. Prolific bird life. Expect grazing cattle.
Warnings Tracks, although gravelled, may be seasonally flooded at ford
Contact Parks Vic Chilton (03) 5726 1234 CFA District N. East Visit 7/05/02 Ref 719

11. Murray River Reserves :- Richardsons Bend

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River east of Rutherglen, west of Wodonga.
Access from the Hume Freeway [M31] & Murray Valley Hwy [B400] junction: north 2k on the Murray Valley Hwy,
sharp right (south east) 1k on the Old Barnawatha Rd, left (north) (signed river access) 0.8k on Kings Rd
(gravel), right (east) 0.4k on Geerings Rd, left (north) 1k on Moss Rd (through a gate at 0.6k) to Reserve entry.
Gravel extends 1k to the river. Tracks beyond are unformed, boggy if wet.
Site description
Dispersed bush camping by the Murray River surrounded by extended open flood plain forest - River Red Gum,
billabongs and swamps. Well grassed (mown by grazing cattle), limited shade. Low, level banks with small
beaches. Prolific bird life. Riverside access beyond the first site (large and open) may be difficult for large rigs.
Track to the right 0.6k from entry proceeds 0.4k to the upper section of the reserve, more densely treed but the
track is rough.
This is the upper limit of floodplain camping on the Murray, the nearest camp to Albury/Wodonga
Warnings Tracks may be seasonally flooded.
Contact Parks Vic 0407 292553, (03)5720 8190 CFA District N. East Visit 5/05/02 Ref 720
Privacy Good, well off
main roads but
popular with day
VicRoads 35 D2
Hema 43 B8
Other DC&E "Murray
River Access - Lake
Access Conventional
Size 8+ Height 150

Suit: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
2.6 Wodonga

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Chilton Ironbark Rest Area 3.2
2 Chilton Chiltern Park Rest Area 3.3
3 Lake Hume Talgarno 3.5
4 Murray River Reserves Pigs Point 3.8

1. Chilton :- Ironbark Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area,
Hwy Park   
By the Hume Fwy [M31]
279k north of
Melbourne, 40k north of
Wangaratta, 5k north of
the Chiltern exit.
Accessible by north-
bound traffic only.
VicRoads 35 C4
Hema 43 B8 Access
Sealed Road
Size 10+
Privacy Secluded from
freeway by terrain and
bush, although traffic
noise is constant.
Suit: Facilities:  
Boundary Parking fence Firewood Available Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Pleasant shady sealed parking area surrounded by iron bark forest, shrubs and wildflowers. Undercover
parking. Most sites are level. Street lights
Contact VicRoads CFA District N. East Visit 22/10/02 Ref 496

2. Chilton :- Chiltern Park Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Hwy Park  
By the Hume Fwy [M31] 26k south of Wodonga, 4k south of the Barnawartha flyover. Accessible by south-
bound traffic only.
Privacy Secluded from freeway by terrain and bush, although traffic noise is constant.
VicRoads 35 C4
Hema 43 B8
Access Sealed Road
Size 10

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Parking
Bookings No: pot

Contact VicRoads
CFA District N. East
Visit 31/10/02
Ref 123

Site description
Reasonable, sealed parking area surrounded by iron bark saplings and shrubs. Undercover parking. Most sites
are level. Limited shade, until trees grow. Street lights.
Adjoins the Chilton National Park.

Activities Graded walking track through Chilton National Park, 1k, 15min

3. Lake Hume :- Talgarno

Type Reserve, Bush camp  
On the Murray Arm of Lake Hume, 34k east of Albury. For 4k along the Talgarno Road [C542] between Wise
Creek and the Wyman Ferry are a number of short access points (unformed) to the Lake.
VicRoads 36 E2 Hema 43 B10
Access Dry weather only Size 40+ Height 190
Privacy Poor: most sites are visible from the road (low use) &/or lake &/or other sites

Suit: Facilities:   small Activities

Boundary Not controlled Firewood Limited Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Open grassland sloping down to the Hume Lake edge (where canoe and small boat launching is usually
possible). Scattered Peppermint and immature River Red Gums give some shade near the road. Dry Mount
Granya State Park across the road to the south. Many potential sites slope. Popular at peak periods.
CFA District N. East Visit 20/03/00 Ref 247
4. Murray River Reserves :- Pigs Point
Type State Park, Camp Ground  
Situated by the Mitta Mitta River off the Omeo Highway [C543], 8.1k south of the Murray Valley Highway [B400]
junction, just above the extent of Lake Hume.
Privacy Poor: Most sites overlooked by the Omeo Highway
VicRoads 36 E6
Hema 43 C10
Access Sealed Road
Size 10+ Height 200

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood NO-BYO
Bookings No: pot

Site description
A pleasant riverside flat, well grassed (mown), green and level. Some shade from scattered River Red Gums,
willows and poplars. Pleasant aspect across the river to farm land and steep hills. Rosellas, ducks and pelicans
are common. May be crowded at peak periods.
Warnings Low areas slippery if wet. River can rise fast (release from Lake Dartmouth)
Contact Parks Vic Tallangatta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit 27/10/02 Ref 837
2.7 Upper Murray

Ref Site Sub Site Rating

1 Jarvis Creek Regional Park Lightning Creek 3.8
2 Jarvis Creek Regional Park The Plateau 3.8
3 Mt Granya State Park Cottontree 3.9
4 Mt Granya State Park Mount Granya 4.1
5 Tallangatta Creek Rest Area 2.5
6 Mt Lawson State Park Koetong Creek
7 Mt Lawson State Park Mount Lawson
8 Mt Lawson State Park Kurrajongs 2.8
9 Lake Hume Mt Porcupine (Robinsons) 3.5
10 Dunpubin 4.5
11 Murray River Reserves Burrowye 3.9
12 Murray River Reserves Jingellic 3.7
13 Jingellic (NSW) 4.5
14 Murray River Reserves Neils Reserve 3.9
15 Murray River Reserves Clarkes Reserve 4.5
16 Shelley State Forest Pheasant Cr Flora Reserve 3.6
17 Mt Mittamatite Regional Park Embery's Lookout
18 Burrowa-Pine Mountain NP Hinces Creek Camp
19 Burrowa-Pine Mountain NP Bluff Creek
20 Burrowa-Pine Mountain NP Bluegums Camp
21 Koetong Plantation Lawrence Lookout
22 Koetong Plantation Shelley
23 Avondale Gardens Reserve
24 Nariel Recreation Reserve 3.2
25 Constable Creek
26 Towong Reserve (NSW) River Reserve 3.8

1. Jarvis Creek Regional Park :- Lightning Creek

Type State Park, Picnic Ground  
Situated between (and high above) the two arms of Lake Hume.
Accessed from the north off the Talgarno Rd [C542], 9.5k south up Georges Cr Rd (steep sections sealed),
right 4.5k up Plateau Rd (narrow, twisty, gravel), right 0.5k on Sirls Tk (formed, narrow), left 0.2k down
Lightning Cr Tk (formed, steep, narrow).
Alternatively, from the south at Old Tallangatta, 4k north west up the Jarvis Creek Rd (sealed), right up the
Plateau Rd (narrow, steep, gravel) about 6k (1.5k past The Plateau Picnic Ground), left on Sirls Tk.
All junctions signed.
Privacy Good, although adjacent to a (very little used) track
VicRoads 36 E4
Hema 43 B10
Access Dry weather
Size 2+ Height 640

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
Contact ParksVic
Tallangatta (02) 6071
CFA District N. East
Visit 27/10/02
Ref 360

Site description
A very pleasant, remote, small (1 BBQ & table) but sloping picnic ground situated in a small mountain-top
valley. Grassed and green. Shaded by white trunked Southern Blue Gum and surrounded by a mixed sub-alpine
forest including Red Box, Silver Bundy, Red Stringybark and Peppermint over grass and scattered wattle. Very
quiet, except for constant bird calls. Kangaroos and wombats are common. Spring wildflowers. Small mossy
dam on a small intermittent creek nearby.

2. Jarvis Creek Regional Park :- The Plateau

Type State Park, Picnic Ground  
Situated between (and high above) the two arms of Lake Hume.
Accessed from the north off the Talgarno Rd [C542], 9.5k south up Georges Cr Rd (steep sections sealed),
right 6k up Plateau Rd (narrow, twisty, gravel), signed on the right.
Alternatively, from the south from Old Tallangatta, 4k north west up the Jarvis Creek Rd (sealed), right up the
Plateau Rd (narrow, steep, gravel) about 5k, signed on the left.
All junctions signed.
Privacy Reasonable: just off a very low use tourist track
VicRoads 36 E4
Hema 43 B10
Access Conventional
Size 2 Height 660

Suit: 

Boundary Parking
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact ParksVic
Tallangagtta (02) 6071
CFA District N. East
Visit 27/10/02
Ref 301

Site description
A small fenced, grassed picnic ground with gravelled level parking and a small muddy dam adjacent on a small
rolling plateau, shaded and surrounded by a sub-alpine mixed forest of white trunked Southern Blue Gum, Red
Box, Red Stringybark and Peppermint over grass and scattered wattle. Very quiet, except for constant bird
calls. Kangaroos and wombats are common. Spring wildflowers.

3. Mt Granya State Park :- Cottontree

Type State Park, Camp Ground  
Situated east of Wodonga between the two arms of Lake Hume
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] to Bullioh, left (north) 14k on the Murray
River Rd [C546] to Granya, left (west) 1.7k down Webbs Lane (gravel) to signposted short access track (may be
rutted) on right.
Privacy Good: Well off
main roads, house
nearby. Expect day
VicRoads 36 F3
Hema 43 B10
Access Conventional
Size 4+ Height 280

Suit: 
 
Activities - 500m to
Granya Falls, 11.5k
(4hrs) to Mt Granya.
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A pleasant picnic/camping area in a small valley on the edge of the Mount Granya State Park.
Features a level, gravel car park and large level mown lawn (an old dairy site). There is very little shade,
although backed by open, dry sclerophyll Red Stringybark and Long-leaved Box forest. Recent plantings
around the boundary may improve shade and privacy. The sole BBQ is on a small ridge some distance from
level ground and surrounded by broken cement debris - gas stove cooking is encouraged. The small,
intermittent, creek flows through a bulrush swamp.
Nearby Granya Falls best in winter and spring.
Mount Granya SP has steep, rocky slopes with open eucalyptus forest and shrubs. Wildflowers (and birds) in
Warnings BYO water in dry periods
Contact Parks Vic Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit 23/03/01 Ref 374

4. Mt Granya State Park :- Mount Granya

Type State Park, Picnic Ground  
Situated east of Wodonga high above the two arms of Lake Hume.
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] to Bullioh, left (north) 7.6k on the Murray
River Rd [C546] to Granya Gap (large flat parking area), left (west) 7.5k up the Mt Granya Rd (steep, narrow,
twisty but good gravel surface) to its end. Privacy Good: Well off main roads, but expect some day trippers.
VicRoads 36 F4
Hema 43 B10
Access Conventional
Size 2 Height 870

Suit: 
 
Activities - from 50m to
11.5k tracks
Boundary Specific
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact Parks Vic
Tallangagtta (02) 6071
CFA District N. East
Visit 23/03/01 Ref 375

Site description
An alpine picnic area in a small clearing on the peak of Mt Granya. There are two small parking bays with tables
and BBQ nearby on alpine tussock grass. Some shade from a Mountain Gum and wattles. Lyrebirds, wombats
and wallabies are common.
Most of the potential view is hindered by tree tops - Red Stringybark and Peppermint - although there is short
walk to a vantage point looking south. The fire watchers up the locked lookout tower must have a stunning
Warnings Potentially very cold nights. Snow in winter.

5. Tallangatta Creek :– Rest Area

Type Road Rest Area, Roadside  
On the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 14k east of Tallangatta, just over the Tallangatta Creek bridge.
VicRoads 36 G5 Hema 43 C10 Access Sealed Road Size 4+ Height 210
Privacy Poor: Observable from the Highway, through a row of poplars.
Suit: 
Facilities: 
 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot
Site description
A roadside rest area
on the old road
formation (level) by
the pleasant bubbling
Tallangatta Creek.
Some shade from
Poplars and creek
side scrub. Pleasant
rural farm outlook.
Despite a long row of
Poplars and some
shrubs the area is
observable from the Highway - a poor but convenient overnight stop
CFA District N. East Visit 23/03/01 Ref 836

6. Mt Lawson State Park :- Koetong Creek

Type State Park, Bush camp 
Situated east of Wodonga between the Murray Arm of Lake Hume and the Murray Valley Hwy.
Access from Wodonga: East 74k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] (about 2k past Koetong), left (north)
2.5kdown Burrowye Rd, continue north 4k up Wallace Rd, left west 4k up ?? ??thence Koetong Creek Track.
VicRoads 36 H3 Hema 43 B11 Access Dry weather only Height 480

Facilities:  Activities
Site description
"Located near Koetong Creek." "Tall Peppermints, Blue Gums." "Cascades"
Warnings 4 wheel drive access recommended
Contact Vic Parks Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 378

7. Mt Lawson State Park :- Mount Lawson

Type State Park, Picnic Ground 
Situated east of Wodonga between the Murray Arm of Lake Hume and the Murray Valley Hwy.
Access from Wodonga: East 74k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] (about 2k past Koetong), left (north) 2.5k
down Burrowye Rd, continue north 4k up Wallace Rd, continue north 7.5k on the Mount Lawson Track to the
picnic ground at the mountain peak.
VicRoads 36 J2 Hema 43 B11 Height 1040

Facilities: Activities 
Site description
"Snow Gums above tall Peppermints, Blue Gums and Brittle Gums. Stunning views over upper Lake Hume and
Warnings Cold (snow) in winter
Contact Parks Vic Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 377

8. Mt Lawson State Park :- Kurrajongs

Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated above the upper Murray arm of Lake Hume, east of Albury.
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] to Bullioh, left (north) on the Murray River Rd
[C546] 43k (4.7k east of the Thologolong war memorial), right (south) 200mk through a couple of fence posts
with poor signage up an old farm track almost to its end (at a small flat car park by a large dead gum), left (east)
50m on an overgrown rocky track to a clump of Red Stringybark.
Privacy Good: Out of view of little used main road
VicRoads 36 H1
Hema 43 A11
Access Conventional
Size 1 Height 230

Suit: 
trails 
Boundary Not
- marked

Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact Parks Vic
Tallangagtta (02) 6071
CFA District N. East
Visit 23/03/01
Ref 376

Site description
A real bush camp - a small overgrown and sloping clearing with little room to turn and no facilities. Thin shade
provided by a grove of Red Stringybark at the base of Mt Lawson. Good privacy provided by heath scrub
Alternatively, overnight in the small level sandy car park or on the grass under the 2 Kurrajongs by the main
track. (might suite caravans and big rigs)
The northern, dry, steep slopes of Mt Lawson are forested with Black Cypress (Murray) pine and Kurrajongs.
Wildflowers in spring. Hot in summer.

9. Lake Hume :- Mt Porcupine (Robinsons)

Type Road Rest Area,
Bush camp 
VicRoads 36 J1
Hema 43 A11
Access Conventional
Size 5+
Height 190

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Situated by the upper reaches of the Murray Arm of Lake Hume.
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 42k on the Murray River Road
[C546] just by the W96 K post. In dry weather go down through the signposted rest area then left or right along
the river.
Alternatively 35k west of Walwa on the Murray Valley Hwy.
Privacy Good: Visually protected from the road by thick groves of red gum saplings and scrub. Road is little
used, especially at night.
Site description
Extended river-side flats upstream of the normal start of Lake Hume. Shade from a few old and many young
Red Gums plus wattles. An informal/unofficial camping area. Many potential sites are overgrown by grass and
fire-weed. Most are protected from the low use road by thick groves of Red Gum saplings and scrub.
From the rest area the left track leads down to a sandy beach, the right to a swimming hole complete with a
swing rope hanging from an old Red Gum.
Mount Lawson State Park dry sclerophyll forest rises behind with the forested Mt Pleasant range across the
river - a pleasant, quiet outlook.
The rest area itself is semi-secluded from the road, is above the flood line, has a BBQ (broken) and rubbish bin,
but has limited level areas.
Warnings May be flooded if Lake Hume is full or in winter
CFA District N. East Visit 20/03/00 Ref 248

10. Dunpubin
Type Reserve, Informal/unofficial  
Situated by the Murray River north of Mt Lawson.
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 45k on the Murray River Road
[C546] (30k west of Walwa). About 300m east of Dunpubin (farm)(RMB 4033) at the top of a short rise, a narrow
track descends 100m north to the river. (About 400m further east is an old W65 mile post and a Mt Lawson
State Park sign.)
Privacy Excellent: Tucked in below the little used road, visually secluded with minimal traffic noise.
VicRoads 37 A1
Hema 43 A11
Access Dry weather
Size 2+ Height 200

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot
CFA District N. East
Visit 21/03/07
Ref 249
Site description
A small, attractive,
green, grassed level
flat above the river
tucked in below the
little used road,
visually secluded
with minimal traffic
noise. Good shade
from Wattle, Manna Gum and Kurrajongs. A pleasant rural view over the river to rough forested hills. The Mount
Lawson State Park extends to the south, over the road. Kookaburras, magpies, ducks, rosellas, wrens and tree
creepers are common. Wombats are plentiful. A local farmer occasionally slashes the grass.
A very pleasant informal/unofficial site. Big rigs and caravans may be able to access - walk down and assess.
11. Murray River Reserves :- Burrowye
Type State Park, Bush camp  
Situated on the Murray River north east of Mt Lawson.
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 51k on the Murray River Road
[C546] (25.5k west of Walwa, 2k west of Guys Forest Rd junction (Burrowye)).The entrance is not obvious -
fenced with a farm gate (and a red CFA "W" arrow opposite) the National Parks sign is down the sandy access
track .
Privacy Good: Lower river flats are not visible from the 300m distant, little used road. Popular over holidays.
VicRoads 37 A1
Hema 43 B11
Access Dry weather
Size 50+ Height 200

Suit:  
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Contact Parks Vic
Talangatta (03) 6071
2604, Corryong (03)
6071 2604
CFA District N. East
Visit 21/03/00
Ref 250

Site description
A large river-side reserve, with a grassed open paddock by the road and tiered river flats by the river where
white trunked Manna Gums, willow and wattle provide some shade to grassed sites.
Features long pebbly river beaches and a pleasant rural outlook. The lower river flats are not visible from the
little used road 300m away.
May be crowded over holiday periods. Cattle may be grazed to keep the grass down.

12. Murray River Reserves :- Jinjellic

Type State Park, Bush camp 
Situated on the Murray River opposite Jingellic.
Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 69k on the Murray River Road
[C546] (5k nor-west of Walwa), left 0.5k on Nursery Lane (gravel) through the Golf Club to the river.
VicRoads 37 D1 Hema 43 A11 Access Dry weather only Height 210
Privacy Good: Secluded by distance and vegetation

Suit:  Facilities:  Activities , golf

Boundary Not controlled
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
Small bush camp by a pebbly river beach. Only a couple of level sites. Grass may be long, overgrown. Shade
from River Red Gums and scrub.
Alternatively there is a very pleasant site on the opposite bank in NSW.
Contact Parks Vic Talangatta (03) 6071 2604, Corryong (03) 6071 2604
CFA District N. East Visit 2003 Ref 251
Murray River

13. Jingellic (NSW)

Type Reserve, Camp Ground  
By the upper Murray at Jingellic, behind the hotel. East from the general store about 1k on the River Road
(follow hotel signs), past the school and 100m past the pub, right down to the river flats.
Privacy Reasonable: Off low use road secluded by terrain and vegetation
VicRoads 37 D1
Hema 43 A12
Access Sealed Road
Size 10+ Height 210

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Bookings No: pot
Visit 27/02/01
Ref 846

Site description
A very pleasant
riverside camp
ground situated on a
river flat just below
the Jingellic hotel.
A park-like
atmosphere with
exotics providing
shade over mown
grass, gravelled access road. Attractive outlook over the river. Ablution block provided at the back of the hotel
- camping is encouraged to promote custom. Can be popular at peak times
14. Murray River Reserves :- Neils Reserve
Type State Park, Bush camp  
On the Murray River north of Pine Mountain.
Access from Wodonga: East 56k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 84k on the Murray River Road
[C546] (7k east of Walwa, 1.6k west of Eight Acres Rd junction). Signpost at entry gate.
Privacy Very good: Riverside camp sites are secluded from the road, many are 400m+ from the road.
VicRoads 37 E1
Hema 43 B12
Access Conventional
Size 20+ Height 210

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot luck
CFA District N. East
Visit 21/03/00 Ref 252
Site description
A large reserve
extending over tiered
gravel flats to a large
river bend. Generally
open and covered
with long grass and
low scrub, although
there are some
grassed clearings
between poplars and Tea-tree scrub and a limited number of shaded (Red Gum, Manna Gum & wattle) river-
side sites. May be crowded over holiday periods.
Contact Parks Vic Talangatta (03) 6071 2604, Corryong (03) 6071 2604

15. Murray River Reserves :- Clarkes Reserve

Type State Forest,
Bush camp 
Privacy Very good:
Secluded and distant
from the road.
VicRoads 37 G2
Hema 43 B12
Access Conventional
Size 20+ Height 230

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Limited
Bookings No: pot
CFA District N. East
Visit 21/03/00
Ref 253
Situated on the Murray River north of Corryong.
Access from Wodonga: East 56k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 105k on the Murray River Road
[C546] (6k nor-west of Tintaldra). Signpost at entry gate.
Site description
A large, pleasant reserve with a gravelled circuit road following the river, around Clarkes Lagoon, past
grassed sites, most with Red Gum, Manna Gum and wattle shade. Some sandy beaches.
Grass is occasionally slashed, otherwise many potential sites may be overgrown. Secluded and distant from
the road. Can be crowded over holiday periods.
Contact Parks Vic Talangatta (03) 6071 2604, Corryong (03) 6071 2604

16. Shelley State Forest - Pheasant Cr Flora Reserve

Type State Forest, Informal 
Situated high on the Koetong-Shelly plateau
By the Shelley-Walwa [C547] Rd about 5k north of the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy, signed on the right
Privacy Good: open to low use road
VicRoads 37 B4
Hema 43 B11
Access Sealed
Height 700
Size 5+

Suit: 
Boundary Not
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck

Site description
A pleasant bush camp
by a large clear dam on
the Koetong-Shelley
plateau in the
headwaters of the
Pheasant Creek. Open
with scattered shade,
in a large bushland
reserve surrounded by
low rolling pine clad
Warnings Potentially cold (surrounding summits over 1000m)
CFA District N. East Visit 1/12/05 Ref 148

17. Mt Mittamatite Regional Park :- Embery's Lookout

Type State Park, Picnic Ground 
Situated north high above Corryong.
Access from Corryong: North 4k along the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north east) 3k on Keils Lane, right
north) 7k up Keils Rd (gravel after 3k), left (south east) at T junction with Ranch Road, 7k to picnic ground and
VicRoads 37 F4 Hema 43 B12 Access Conventional Height 1000

Facilities: 
Activities Watch sunsets & sunrises. Rock climbing, abseiling, hang gliding
Site description
Two nearby mountain top picnic grounds - Mt Mittamatite summit (1,003m) and Emberys Lookout.
"Magnificent views 50k to Kosciusko and over Corryong. Wildlife abounds"
Warnings Potentially cold CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 420
18. Burrowa-Pine Mountain NP :- Hinces Creek Camp
Type National Park, Camp Ground 
Situated near the gap between Burrowa and Pine Mountains.
Access from Cudgewa (110k east of Wodonga via Murray Valley [B400] Hwy); North east 10k NE via Cudgewa-
Tintaldra Rd 10k, left (nor-west) 9.2k on the Cudgewa North Rd which becomes the Cudgewa North-Walwa
(Cudgewa Bluff) Rd to Park boundary, left 700m on Hinces Track (narrow, rough gravel).
Privacy Very good: Secluded and distant from the road.
VicRoads 37 E3 Hema 43 B12 Access Conventional Height 620

Facilities:  Activities
Site description
"A small camping site near Hinces Creek."
Warnings Expect snow on the higher peaks in winter. Creek may be dry in summer
Contact Parks Vic Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 359

19. Burrowa-Pine Mountain NP :- Bluff Creek

Type National Park, Camp Ground 
Situated well up Black Mountain
Access from Cudgewa (110k east of Wodonga via Murray Valley [B400] Hwy); North east 10k NE via Cudgewa-
Tintaldra Rd 10k, left (nor-west) 5.4k on the Cudgewa North Rd, left (south) 4k up the Bluff Falls Rd, signed on
left. Privacy Very good: Secluded from the road.
VicRoads 37 E3 Hema 43 B12 Access Conventional Size 6 Height 500

Suit: 
Facilities:  Activities Cudgewa Bluff Falls (best in winter and spring). Ross Lookout 3hr
Boundary Designated
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot luck
Site description
A small camp ground in a narrow, forested gully. 6 designated, grassed, level, shaded sites.
Both Burrowa and Pine Mountains are volcanic but differ in geological formation, fostering different vegetation.
The dry rock slopes of Pine Mountain supports a number of rare species amongst the Cyprus-pines and
Kurrajongs. The wetter Mount Burrowa area supports wet forests of wide diversity: ferns, Snow Gums, Alpine
Ash, Candlebarks and Blue Gums with Peppermints in the foothills.
Lyrebirds, wallabies, kangaroos and wombats are common.
The mass of Pine Mountain is 1.5 times larger than Ayers Rock.
Warnings Expect snow on the higher peaks in winter. Creek dry in winter
Contact Parks Vic Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit 11/3/07 Ref 357

20. Burrowa-Pine Mountain NP :- Bluegums Camp

Type National Park, Camp Ground 
Situated well up Black Mountain near Cudgewa Bluff Falls.
Access from Cudgewa (110k east of Wodonga via Murray Valley [B400] Hwy); North east 10k NE via
Cudgewa-Tintaldra Rd 10k, left (nor-west) 5.8k on the Cudgewa North Rd, left (south) 4k up the Bluff Falls Rd to
the Bluff Creek camp/picnic area. Continue on 700m (gravel), left 200m narrow rough gravel track (2 rocky
Privacy Very good: Secluded and distant from the road.
Site description
A small camping ground in a narrow forested gully. 4 level, grassed, shaded sites, 1 table, 1 BBQ
Warnings Expect snow on the higher peaks in winter
Contact Parks Vic Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit 11/3/07 Ref 358
VicRoads 37 E4
Hema 43 B12
Size 4 Height 580

Suit: 
 
Cudgewa Bluff Falls
(best in winter and
spring). Ross Lookout
Firewood Available
Bookings No: pot

21. Koetong Plantation :- Lawrence Lookout

Type State Forest, Picnic Ground 
Situated by the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 84k east of Wodonga, 36k west of Corryong.
Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 1k east of the Shelley-Walwa Rd junction, signposted north 0.4k
VicRoads 37 B4 Hema 43 B11 Access Conventional Height 817
Facilities: 
Site description
"Ridge top beside Murray Valley Hwy. Good views of Alps. Limited shade, open"
Warnings Potentially cold. Contact DSE CFA District N. East Visit 1989 Ref 421

22. Koetong Plantation :- Shelley

Type State Forest, Picnic Ground 
Situated by the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 80k east of Wodonga, 40k west of Corryong.
Access via Murray Valley [B400] Hwy just east of Shelley on the south side of the Hwy.
VicRoads 37 A4 Hema 43 B11 Access Conventional Height 700

Suit: Facilities: 
Site description
A large picnic ground between the Murray Valley Hwy and the Forest Plantation Camp. Grassed, rather open
with pine trees on edge
ActivitiesCar tour pine plantation, nursery, deer (pamphlet)
Contact DSE CFA District N. East Visit 1989 Ref 422

23. Avondale Gardens Reserve

Type State Park, Camp Ground 
Situated south of Shelley.
Access from Wodonga: East 80k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] to Shelley, right (south) ??k on the Avondale
VicRoads 37 A5 Hema 43 C11
Site description
"The Avondale Gardens Reserve (22ha) contains an impressive 2ha garden of mainly exotic trees, being the
site of the original homestead. Camping is permitted in designated areas."
Contact Parks Vic Tallangagtta (02) 6071 5301 CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 838

24. Nariel:- Recreation Reserve

Type Reserve, Camp Ground  
Situated by the Corryong Cr south of Corryong.
Access from Corryong: West 7k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] to Colac Colac, left (south) 3.5k on the
Banambra Rd [C545], sign at entry gate, 200m (gravel) to creekside.
VicRoads 37 F5
Hema 43 C12
Access Conventional
Size 50+
Privacy Reasonable:
well off road but very

Suit: 
Facilities: 
Boundary Not
Firewood BYO
Bookings No: pot
CFA District N. East
Visit 18/11/04
Ref 1019

Site description
A large, level, open, well grassed reserve by the rushing Corryong Cr. Limited shade from a few rows of
exotics. Taps signed "not for drinking". Cattle. Grass occasionally slashed. Sign advises fees payable but no
indication of how much or to whom.
Occasionally used for folk music festivals, there is a fenced shelter and stage.

25. Constable Creek

Type State Forest, Picnic Ground 
Situated in the Bunroy Valley in the Upper Murray mountains, south east of Corryong.
Access from Corryong: North east 11.8k on the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy (0.7k short of the Murray Rv), right
(south) 12.6k on Upper Murray Road through Towong Upper, right (SE) 14k up Bunroy Rd (gravel after 4k) to
multiple road and creek junction.
VicRoads 37 J7 Hema 43 C13 Access Conventional Height 480

Facilities:  Activities
Site description
"Deep in a forested mountain valley"
Also check picnic ground between Towong Upper and Biggara
Warnings Potentially cold (surrounding summits over 1000m)
CFA District N. East Visit not yet Ref 423
26. Towong Reserve (NSW)
Type Reserve, Camp Ground  
By the Murray River and Tooma Rd
Access from Towong: Nor West 1.2k via the Murray River [C546] Rd and Brooke St, on the right just over the
bridge into NSW
Privacy Poor: open to Tooma Rd.
VicRoads 37 H4
Hema 43 B13
Access Sealed road
Size 10+

Suit: 
Facilities: 

Boundary Not
Firewood BYO
Bookings No: pot luck

CFA District N. East

Visit 3/12/05
Ref 327

Site description
Pleasant, river-side camping on well grassed (mown) flat, shaded by 3 rows of large plain trees.
Popular at peak periods.

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