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Lesson 1

[ / ]: , ________/ (

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Dances Around the World

Every nation [has/have] [its/their] own traditional dances [that/what] characterize its culture. Let's look
______() some of the popular dances around the world and [to learn/learn] about [their/its] cultural

Fly over to South America [and/or] you'll be able to experience the (:

) country of

Argentina. People in Argentina [take/takes] great pride ______() their national dance called Tango. It
[enjoys/is enjoyed] all over the world. It's a dance [performing/performed] with a partner and
[having/have/has] a rich history. It [originated/was originated] in Buenos Aires, the (:

) of

Argentina, in the mid 19th century from the poor classes of European immigrants. People danced Tango to

) their longings for their families that(:

countries. At that time, Tango was thought to be too (:

[ideal/ideally] for lower class. (*:

) they left behind in their home

), therefore [making/makes] [it/them]

), it spread [rapidly/rapid] through Europe in the early

1900s, especially ______() London and Paris. The European popularity of Tango eventually made it
more (, :

) ______() the [higher/lower] classes of Buenos Aires.

Now let's travel to Spain and [meet/meeting/to meet/met] the world-famous Flamenco dance. It is the (

) dance of the gypsies of Andalucia, the southern region of Spain. [Because/Even though]

Flamenco is still deeply [connecting/connected] to the gypsy culture, many non-gypsies have contributed
[to expand/to expanding] [them/it] both Spain and (:

). Flamenco expresses the deepest

emotions, usually sadness, and [reflect/reflects/reflecting] the (, :


) of the gypsies. It is a (

Lesson 1

) dance [in which/in that/of which/to which/where] the Flamenco dancer pours emotion

from his or her body ______() the sound of guitar strings.

In Asia, there is a unique dance in the Philippines, Tinikling. It translates ______() "bamboo dance"
in English and [is/are] one of the most popular Philippine dances. This dance was born on the island of
Leyte in the Visayan Islands. The worst enemy of the people on the island [is/are/were/was] a particular
bird that(:

) ate up the [ripening/ripened/ripen] rice grains. To catch(:

annoying birds, the farmers would place (:

) these

) made _______() bamboo. This bird was named

tikling, _______() which the Tinikling dance got [its/their] name. The dance imitates the movement
of the tikling birds [to escape/escaping/escaped] from the bamboo traps [set/setting] by the farmers. Today,
the Tinikling [performed/is performed] [during/while] cultural gatherings and holidays.

The last dance to introduce to you [is/are] a traditional dance of Korea known [as/for/to] the Farmer's
Dance(Nongangmu). [Originated/Having originated/Having been originated] in the Three Kingdoms
Period, the Farmer's Dance was traditional performed during planting, harvesting, and another agricultural
events to give discouragement to farmers. It was also often performed _______() a (:

) to

protect the village and to give thanks to the river or mountain spirits. The Farmer's Dance is characterized

) its [fast-paced/fast-pace] music and (, :

) body movements. The most

[exciting/excited] feature of the dance [is/are] [that/what] dancers have long, white paper ribbons attached
______() their hats and twirl them to the music. Today the Farmer's Dance [sees/is seen] mostly
______() special festivals and art competitions. (*:
from time to time at major village events in (:

There are many ways to learn(:


), it can also be witnessed(:

) areas.

) about the culture of other countries. Learning about their

Lesson 1

traditional dances can be an interesting way to (, :

) your knowledge. But there is a

more [effective/affective] way : [Instead of/Instead] learning about a dance, learn the dance


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