U.D. The Films

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Unit: The Films English

Presentation of the Didactic Unit

In this Didactic Unit called The Films, we are going to see how to work English using the topic of the films as well as the use of the
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). In order to do it, we have prepared dynamic and interactive activities
appropriate to the level.
We have thought about activities in which the main objective is learning to learn, so that they have to record a short film using
everything learnt during the Didactic Unit.
All the Didactic Unit is made by us, including the activities, the resources and material used in each activity and also the timing of
each one. At the end of the unit, there is attached all the material to use in the Didactic Unit.

Stage 3 3
Unit: The Films English

Class Profile
Number of students: 30
Age range:10-11 years old
Mother tongue: Catalan and Spanish

About the unit

 Topic: the films
 Level: 5th primary
 Timing/Duration: this Didactic Unit is organized in 13 sessions of 55 minutes. The whole Didactic Unit takes 12 hours 30

The election of the topic of the films for 5th level of Primary Education is the result of a process of reflection. These are the
conclusions we have come up with:

 The students can learn in English aspects related to the films like how to do a script, the use of the video camera, the
different film shots… but also transverse aspects like the use of some New Technologies such as a Webquest or a Blog. Have
fluency in the speech, work in groups, have autonomy…
 This is a topic that students are very interested in. Taking advantage of their interests, they can learn new curricular
concepts in a funny and dynamic way.

Stage 3 4
Unit: The Films English

 Communicative and functional approach (CLT)
 Presentation, Practice and Production
 Task-Based Learning

Key competences Linguistic and audio-visual competence

Cultural and artistic competence
Information handling and digital competence
Learning to learn
Autonomy, initiative and decision taking
Social and civic competence

Area Communicative competence:

- Oral competence
- Written competence
- Audiovisual competence
Plurilingual and intercultural competence

Stage 3 5
Unit: The Films English

Prior At the end of this unit, all students should be able:

o To difference the film genres
o To difference the kind of film shots
o To know how to do a script
o To characterize a character
o To make a five minutes film
o To use the different film shots
o To do a script
o To memorize a script
o To have fluency in the speech
o To be able to record a short film with the video camera
o To participate actively in class
o To pay attention to the teacher
o To have fluency in the speech
o To use English in the classroom

Contents o The different film genres

o The representation of the different film genres
o The different kind of shots
o The performance of a character
o The parts of a script

Stage 3 6
Unit: The Films English

o Writing a script
o The use of a video camera
o Elaboration of a five minutes film
o Memorization of a script
o Fluency in oral speech
o Participation in the class
o Recording with the video camera some kind of shots

Stage 3 7
Unit: The Films English

Evaluation In order to evaluate each student, the teacher will use a grid to check whether the objectives have been
criteria achieved by means of the activities included in the unit. (see CD Track 13 and annex 1 page 15)

Timetable WEEK 1 Monday Wednesday Friday

3rd of May 5th of May: 7th of May:

- Act 1: we have gone to - Act 2: what film - Act 4: the kind of
the cinema genres do you know? shots
- Act 3: Which film - Act 5: color the shots
genre is it?
- Homework
- Homework

WEEK 2 Monday Wednesday Friday

10th of May: 12th of May: 14th of May:

- Act 6: how do you - Act 8: how to do a - Act 10: remembering
difference a genre? script the scripts
- Act 7: do you - Act 9: how do you - Act 11: introduction
remember which shot

Stage 3 8
Unit: The Films English

is it? perform someone? to the Webquest

- Homework - Homework

WEEK 3 Monday Wednesday Friday

17th of May: 19th of May: 21st of May:

- Act 12: how to use a - Act 14: what to o in - Act 15: writing my
video camera the Webquest script
- Act 13: practicing the
use of a video camera

WEEK 4 Monday Wednesday Friday

24th of May: 26th of May: 28th of May:

- Act 16: rehearsing - Act 17: finishing the - Act 18: recording the
the film! film! film!

Stage 3 9
Unit: The Films English

WEEK 5 Monday

31st of May:
- Act 19: all we are
- Act 20: did you like
the films?

Stage 3 10
Unit: The Films English

Sequence of Day 1, 3rd of May

Activity 1 (learning activity): we have gone to the cinema!
At 9 o’clock, the students go to Espai Funàtic cinema to see an original version film (in English). This is
a transversal activity; it will be used in English and Arts subjects.
When the film finishes, the students return to class.
In class, the teacher asks questions like: Do you like the film? Have you understood the film’s plot?
The teacher also presents the next Didactic Unit that they are going to work with, called The Film.
He/she tells them that the main objective in this Didactic Unit is making a film.
Timing: 40 minutes to talk about the film
15 minutes to explain the Didactic Unit

Stage 3 11
Unit: The Films English

Day 2, 5th of May

Activity 2 (learning activity): what film genres do you know?
The teacher tells the students that today they are going to do a brainstorming about the different film
genres they know. While they are saying the genres, the teacher shows a little link fragment of the
genre, so that the students know better the difference between all genres.
Material: PPP different film genres (see CD Track 1 and annex 1 page 1)
Timing: 25 minutes

Activity 3 (assessment activity): which film genre is it?

After doing the previous activity, the teacher shows a Power Point Presentation in which the students
have to participate. The teacher asks the students to make groups of three people and when they are
ready, she/he starts the activity.
The teacher explains that in each slide of the Power Point Presentation they can see the cover of a film,
which includes the title of it and a fragment of the film that they have to watch, and group by group,
they have to guess which film genre is the film that they have watched.
The teacher will take notes of the results of the activity in order to know if the students have understood
all film genres.
Material: PPP activity film genres (see CD Track 2 and annex 1 page 2)
Timing: 30 minutes

For homework, the teacher says to the students that in the Blog of the subject they have to write their
favorite film, saying the film genre and adding the link of the film they have found on the Internet, so
everybody can see it.

Stage 3 12
Unit: The Films English

Day 3, 7th of May

Activity 4 (learning activity): the kind of shots
In this activity, the students work the kind of shots that can be done in a film. To do it, the teacher
shows a Power Point Presentation containing some images of the different shots that can be done.
She/he explains that there are a lot of different shots and it can be distinguished by its size.
After the activity, the teacher hands out a sheet which contains all shots.
Material: PPP kind of shots (see CD Track 3 and annex 1 page 3)
Sheet, kind of shots (see CD Track 4 and annex 1 page 4)
Timing: 30 minutes

Activity 5 (assessment activity): color the shots

After the explanation, the teacher hands out the students a worksheet that they have to do. In the
worksheet they have to color the different shots with the proper color.
Material: worksheet, color the shots (see CD Track 5 and annex 1 page 5)
Timing: 25 minutes

For homework the students have to add a link on the Blog with a shot found on the Internet.

Stage 3 13
Unit: The Films English

Day 4, 10th of May

Activity 6 (assessment activity): how do you difference a genre?
The teacher says to the students that they have to make groups of three people to do the following
activity. One member of the group has to stand up and pick up two word cards. In one word card they
will find a sentence and in the other they will find a film genre. Then, each person has to represent the
sentence according to the film genre and their team has to guess which film genre he/she is
Material: word cards (see CD Track 6 and annex 1 page 6)
Timing: 40 minutes

Activity 7 (assessment activity): do you remember which shot is it?

In the following activity, the teacher shows a Power Point Presentation and, with the same teams that
have been done in the previous activity, the teacher shows some images and they have to say which
shot is it.
To finish the class, the teacher tells the students that the next day they will have to bring a scarf or a
handkerchief to do an activity.
Material: PPP activity of shots (see CD Track 7 and annex 1 page 8)
Timing: 15 minutes

Stage 3 14
Unit: The Films English

Day 5, 12th of May

Activity 8 (learning activity): how to do a script
The teacher shows a Power Point Presentation in order to explain the students the structure of a script.
She/he explains that in a script you can find the narrator, some characters, the scene which is normally
written in brackets, etc.
Material: PPP the structure of a script (see CD Track 8 and annex 1 page 10)
Timing: 20 minutes

Activity 9 (learning activity): how do you perform someone?

The teacher knows that today the students are wearing the physical education tracksuit and for this
reason, she/he has prepared the following activity. Today they are going to work the importance of the
resources in a representation or film.
To do it, the teacher places the students in front of the blackboard in order to play a game. This game
consists of: the teacher says a character and the students, with the jacket of their tracksuit and their
scarf or handkerchief, they have to perform him/her using the two clothes; for example: an old man.
Material: a handkerchief or a scarf
Timing: 35 minutes

For homework, the teacher tells the students that for homework they have to go to the Blog and open a
link which goes to a script’s page. They have to look it and add the URL of one script in the Blog and say
who the characters are, who is the narrator and underline the scene.

Stage 3 15
Unit: The Films English

Day 6, 14th of May

Activity 10 (computer’s room) (assessment activity): remembering the scripts
The teacher gives the students a worksheet which contains two exercises in order to remind the
previous activity about scripts. In the first exercise, they have to put a script in order, bearing in mind
all characteristics that a script has. In the second exercise, they have to match some sentences of a
script, with the correct character.
Material: worksheet scripts (see CD Track 9 and annex 1 page 11)
Timing: 20 minutes

Activity 11 (computer’s room) (learning activity): introduction to the Webquest

The teacher tells the students to make six groups of five people and he/she places them in a computer
per group. The teacher says to the students that they have to switch their computers on to do the
following activity.
The teacher writes an URL on the blackboard where they can find a Webquest to do. The students have
to read carefully the instructions done in the Webquest.
Timing: 35 minutes

For homework, the teacher tells the students to read again the whole instructions of the Webquest, in
order to be understood at all.

Stage 3 16
Unit: The Films English

Day 7, 17th of May

Activity 12 (computer’s room) (learning activity): how to use a video camera
The teacher shows a Power Point Presentation about how to use the digital video camera that they will
need to record the short story video of the Webquest. At the end of the presentation, the teacher gives
the pupils a summary sheet of the explanation.
Material: PPP how to use a video camera (see CD Track 10 and annex 1 page 12)
Timing: 15 minutes

Activity 13 (computer’s room) (assessment activity): practicing the use of a video camera
The teacher gives a digital video camera per group of students and tells them to go to the background
to practice some types of shots with the digital video camera. The teacher gives a worksheet which
contains some shots that have to be done by the pupils to practice the different shots and the use of the
digital video camera.
Material: worksheet, the use of the video camera (see CD Track 11 and annex 1 page 13)
Timing: 40 minutes

Stage 3 17
Unit: The Films English

Day 8, 19th of May

Activity 14 (computer’s room) (learning activity): what to do in the Webquest
The teacher tells the pupils that they can start with the Webquest work. First of all, they have to choose
the film genre they want, to the teacher. There are six film genres to choose and they can not be
When they have chosen it, they have to read the story that they are going to represent, which will be an
adaptation of the Little Red Riding Hood.
When the story has been read they have to choose each character. There are: the Little Red Riding
Hood, the hunter, the grandmother, the wolf and the camera person.
Material: Webquest URL
Timing: 55 minutes

Day 9, 21st of May

Activity 15 (computer’s room) (learning activity): writing my script
The students have to continue with the Webquest work. On this day they have to write the script of the
short film, bearing in mind the genre they have chosen.
Material: Webquest URl
Timing: 55 minutes

Stage 3 18
Unit: The Films English

Day 10, 24th of May

Activity 16 (physical education’s room) (learning activity): rehearsing the film!
Today, the class takes place in the physical education’s room where they can start to rehearse the film
using this space as a setting.
Material: Webquest URL
Timing: 55 minutes

Day 11, 26th of May

Activity 17 (physical education’s room) (learning activity): finishing the film!
The students continue rehearsing the short film in the physical education’s room and they can also start
recording some scenes. They can use as a setting, the physical education’s room or the background,
and they can also use objects.

Day 12, 28th of May

Activity 18 (learning activity): recording the film!
Today the students continue recording the short film in the physical education’s room or on the
background in order to finish it.
When they are finished, the teacher takes the sort film and he/she records it in a DVD.

Activity 19 (assessment activity): evaluation

At the end of the Webquest there is an assessment worksheet. The students have to download and print
it. After answering some questions filling the gaps, they have to hand out to the teacher in order to
finish the assessment.
Material: Webquest evaluation sheet (see CD Track 12 and annex 1 page 14)

Stage 3 19
Unit: The Films English

Day 13, 31st of May

Activity 19 (learning activity): all we are actors!
The teacher shows all short films made by the students to the whole class using the computer.

Activity 20 (assessment activity): did you like the films?

One by one, they have to comment each film and say which aspects are right and which aspects need to
be changed.

Stage 3 20
Unit: The Films English


o Kind of shots

o Film genres

Stage 3 21
Unit: The Films English

o Voki

o Webquest

o Blog

o Video camera

Stage 3 22

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