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3D Bowl

This tutorial shows you how to create realistic 3D fruit bowl illustration with one of the
Adobe Illustrator CS2 new features: 3D Revolve Effect.

Create the bowl

Create a path and fill it with yellow color like the image below. Then, select Effect > 3D
> Revolve from the menu.
Apply 3D Revolve Setting
When the 3D Revolve Options window popups, apply the following setting:

• Click on the More Options if the lower portion window is not showing
• Create a new light by clicking on the New Light icon and drag those two lights as
• Change Shading Color to orange by: select Custom from the drop drop, click on
the sample color box, Color Picker window will pop, then enter this color value
(R=255 B=50 G=0)
• If you want a smooth blending, increse the Blend Steps (default is 25, max is
256). Note: increase Blend Steps will also increase file size and memory usage.
Create the Apple
Create an oval path with the Ellipse Tool and fill it with green color. Then select that
green path and apply Effect > 3D > Revolve, leave all options in the 3D Revolve Options
window as default and click OK. Now, you should get something like the image shown

Add Drop Shadow

Keep the apple path selected, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the setting
as shown below.

Create New Art Brush

First create a path similar to the image as shown below, fill it with black (k=100), and
then create the highlight path fill it with 80% black (k=80). Drag it to the Brushes library
window to create a New Art Brush. If your Brushes library is not on the screen, go to
Window > Brushes or press F5.
New Art Brush Options
The Art Brush Option window should pop out, select Tints from the Colorization Method
drop down menu, leave everything as default, and click OK.
Draw the Apple’s Basin
Create a stroke path with the Pen Tool and select the Art Brush that you’ve created in the
previous step. Now place it on top of the apple like the image shown below.

Duplicate the Apple

Select the apple (with basin), hold down the ‘Alt‘ (or ‘Option‘ key for Mac), drag it to
make a copy of it. You may also use Copy & Paste to duplicate the apple. Then, change it
to red color.

Adjust 3D Revolve Setting

Select the red apple (oval path only), in your Appearance pallate, double click the 3D
Revolve effect icon to adjust the options/setting. If your Appearance is not showing,
select menu Window > Appearance or press Shift+F6.
3D Revolve Options
Now, your 3D Revolve Options window should pop out. Enter the following value(X=57
Y=63 Z=-159). You can change the rotation values manually by entering the numbers or
by dragging the cube on the left.

Fix the Apple’s Basin

Notice the basin is slightly off from the apple after you changed the rotation values from
previous step. Move the basin stroke to center of the apple by using the Selection Tool or
Direct Selection Tool.
Add One More Apple

Make one more apple by repeating above steps.

Put them together

Put the apples and the bowl together as shown. Draw a oval shape path, base on the shape
of the bowl.

Mask the Apples

Clone some reflections. You can paint them if you want, but cloning is easier.
That's all! The result should look something like this:

This tutorial will show you how to illustrate bamboo tree

Draw Bamboo Body

Create a path like the image shown below with the Pen Tool and fill it with green color.
Then, select Mesh Tool click on the lower left corner of the bamboo body(pt. 1) and pick
a lighter tone color(yellow-green). Then, add another Mesh point at the upper left corner
of the bamboo(pt. 2). Just a little right above pt. 2, add another point(pt. 3). Now, add the
final point beside pt. 2 and select a darker tone green for shadow.

Create Bamboo Stick

Select the bamboo body you’ve created in previous step, hold down the ALT key, drag it
up to make a copy (you can use Copy & Paste if you like). Then shrink the new bamboo
body horizontally with Selection Tool. Send this new bamboo body behind the first
bamboo body by select Object > Arrage > Send Backward or press Ctrl+[. Repeat this
step until you get a stack of 5 or 6.
Duplicate bamboo stick
After you’ve finished the first bamboo, make a copy of it by ALT drag or Copy & Paste.
Select the new bamboo stick, apply Filter > Distort > Twist(Angle=3) so that they don’t
look identical.
Draw a bended bamboo
We want the bamboo look natural, not Copy & Paste, so we need to create a bended
bamboo. Repeat Step 1 & 2 to create a bended bamboo like the image shown below. Now
we 3 different versions of bamboo: straight, bended, and twisted.

Duplicate more bamboo

Make more bamboo by ALT + drag. Selectively copy from different version of bamboo,
resize them or flip them around so they don’t look alike.
Create bamboo leaves
Create your bamboo leaves like the image on the left(below) and fill it with different tone
of green. Again, use Mesh Tool to create the lighter spot.
Make a bamboo leaves Symbol
After you done with the leaves, drag it to the Symbols Pallate to create a new Symbol. If
your Symbols Pallate is not showing, go to Window > Symbols or press Ctrl+Shift+F11.

Symbol Sprayer Tool

Create a new layer and lock the bamboo sticks layer(Layer 1). Select Symbol Sprayer
Tool and pick the bamboo leaves Symbol you have created in previous step. Spray it on
Layer 2 by dragging the mouse.
Symbol Sizer Tool
Now, we need to create various size of bamboo leaves. Select Symbol Sizer Tool,
randomly click on the bamboo leaves object. Tips: hold down ALT key+click to reduce

Symbol Spinner Tool

Use Symbol Spinner Tool to rotate/spin Symbols.
Symbol Shifter Tool
Use Symbol Shifter Tool to spread(by drag) bamboo leaves out.
Symbol Stainer Tool
Select a lighter yellow-green tone color and use Symbol Stainer Tool to stain Symbols
(stain Symbols randomly).

Symbol Screener Tool

Use Symbol Screener Tool to reduce bamboo leaves Opacity (selectively click on the leaf
symbols). This will get a see-through effect.
Make more leaves behind
After you done with the leaves on Layer 2, make a new layer(Layer 3) and drag it to the
bottom of the layer list. Lock Layer 1 and Layer 2, use Symbol Sprayer Tool to make
more bamboo leaves(refer to Step 8-13) on Layer 3.
Add more bamboo sticks
Finally, duplicate more smaller bamboo sticks and send them behind the big bamboo

Here is the final image.

Learn how to create a a bouquet of flowers using adobe illustrator. This tutorial uses the
polar Grid tool along with the simple but great effects that comes with illustrator.
Remember all the artwork drawn in illustrator is Vector. Meaning it can be used
commercially and can be enlarged without distortion or loss in quality.

Using the polar Grid Tool located in your tool bar (see green arrow below), Point and
click anywhere to create a polar grid. A Polar Grid Tool options window will appear
prompting for setting adjustments. Adjust your settings to match ours, or input your own
settings if you are familiar with this tool.
Your Polar Grid should look like this:
Apply radial gradient to your polar grid as we have it below.

From the effects menu choose Distort & transform -> Roughen. Adjust the setting to
match ours. Your flower is now complete and should look like the image below.
One Flower is not enough to create a bouquet. Let's create more. Using copy and past or
CTRL C and CTRL V create duplicates of the flower we drew above. We need to give
the flower a different look and feels. Start by changing it's gradient color. Then From the
Effects menu choose, distort & transform > Pucker & Bloat and play around with the
setting. Use your creativity to create more create looking flower.
Applying the same tools and effects used above, Our final version now looks like this.
iTune Icon

Basic Shapes
Start making the basic shapes of the iTune icon.

Music note
Using the polar Grid Tool located in your tool bar (see green arrow below), Point and
click anywhere to create a polar grid. A Polar Grid Tool options window will appear
prompting for setting adjustments. Adjust your settings to match ours, or input your own
settings if you are familiar with this tool.

Make an oval shape and fill with black-white gradient. Make sure the black color is full
black (C,M,Y,K=100). Drag it on top of the orb and select Screen Blending Mode.

Make a tall vertical rectangle and an elongate circle; then Blend it. Duplicate it by Alt-
drag to the right.
Make a 3 color gradient path.

Make another highlight using the same Blending technique as in the previous step and
select Screen Blending Mode.

Use the Gradient tool and fill the CD shapes with white-grey gradient.
Rainbow Gradient
Make some multi-color line strokes as shown below. Make sure the first and last stroke is
white because it will be transparent. Use the Blend Tool (W), click on the edge of each
stroke starting from left to right.

Use the CD shape and mask the rainbow gradient by Ctrl+7 or Object > Clipping Mask >
Make. Then select Multiply Blending Mode and adjust the Opacity to 26%.

Repeat the previous step to make another rainbow gradient.

Music Note Refection
Make 3 oval paths, make sure the outer path is white color(this will make a glow effect).
Select all 3 paths, go to Object > Blend > Make (Ctl+Alt+B).

Drag it below the music note and select Multiply Blending Mode , 37% Opacity.
Duplicate the refection object by Alt-drag to the right side.

Drop Shadow
The last step is to apply a Drop Shadow effect to the CD. Select the outer CD path, go to
Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and apply the following setting:
Here is the final iTune icon!

3D Logo
This tutorial will show you how to make 3D gradient logo in minutes. This technique is
great for making 3D graphic objects and icons.
3D Text
Use the Type tool, type in "3D Logo". Go to Effect >Warp > Arc and apply the following

3D Extrude & Bevel

Then go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel and apply the setting as shown in the image
below. You can drag around the cube to set the X,Y,Z rotation values. Set the Extrude
Depth to 20pt.
Expand Appearance
Now go to Object > Expand Appearance to remove all effects and convert to paths. After
the text object is expanded, Ungrounp the object by Object > Ungroup or press
Ctrl+Shift+G. You probably need to do Ungroup 4-5 times in order to break the object

Merge Paths
Select the round corner paths and merge them together by the Pathfinder tool. Hold down
Alt key, click on the Add to shape area and the selected paths will be merged. Repeat this
step to clean up all round corner paths.

Apply Gradient
Select the top level paths and apply a yellow-green color gradient.

Select the back(depth) paths, use the Eyedropper tool and click on the front paths. This
will copy the gradient fill.
Keep the back paths selected, go to Gradient pallete and adjust the gradient colors to
darker tone.

Here is the final 3D Logo

3D Logo
You can use this technique to make 3D objects from any shape, text, etc.
Here are the steps:
 Apply 3D Extrude & Bevel effect
 Expand object
 Ungroup object
 Apply gradient
 Eyedropper gradient fill

You can use this technique to make 3D objects from any shape, text, etc.

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