Touch It With Ultimate Learning and Exploring Experience: 122.000000 93.000000

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touch it with ultimate learning and exploring experience

<Y>93.000000</Y> <X>83.000000</X>


A Multitouch Computer

© 2009 Innovation Center AMIKOM. All Rights Reserved

This Document might contain trademarks or copyrights of third parties.
Introduction 1
What is TIWULE? 3
What are the key capabilities of TIWULE? 4
What is the result of using TIWULE? 5
How Using TIWULE ? 6
What kind of application provide by TIWULE? 7
Recognition 9
Using Scenario 10
Timeline 12
Conclusion 13
Nowadays the need of information and technology media which are attractive has become
a concern in some companies.

A lot of companies use touch screen technology which has been proven effective to make
user easier and interested to interact with the computer. Some company in Indonesia have
considered about the benefit of the touchscreen technology to communicate with their

The example of such technology is ATM Machine.

In the same time, as one of the countries in the world that uses tourism potency as its

Indonesia need some new ways to help them improve communication with the
tourists who are looking for easier way to get some information than just usual way
such as leaflet, internet, etc.

One of the implementation of the attractive and interesting

devices which has been mentioned above was “FindIT!” ( tourism
KIOSK ). But the KIOSK touchscreen device is only capable to
detect one input from the user. With KIOSK, It means we just
change the mouse into the single direct input and it only able to
handle single user at the same time. Whereas tourists generally
consist of more than one person. It means they need some device
to handle more than one person with the same device at the same

In other side, the technology known as multitouch has been introduced since 1997 by the
introduction of HoloWall by Matsushita et al.

Even nowadays there is multitouch device which

has been ready for market . The device hasn’t
widely used because of it expensive price, about
$15,000. This makes multitouch hasn’t been widely
known yet especially in Indonesia as developing
country where the buying ability of the society isn’t
as high as developed country.

Because of that, we make multitouch device to answer the society demand in general and

The demand is about computer device which is intuitive and attractive and also able to handle
multiuser in same device at affordable price, and it is available in the Indonesia market for the
first time.

Besides for tourism information, the multitouch system is also suitable for school, office,
developer, hotel & resort, shop, etc., which need more interesting device, and the device can
attract user both to learning and for exploring process.

Our ability to make cheap multitouch

device is because of our innovation
which we’ve done. In our innovation we
do combination and do modification of
some hardware and software which are
available in the market to create a unity
of multitouch computer named

What is TIWULE?

TIWULE stands for Touch It with Ultimate Learning Experience. TIWULE is the brand name
of a multitouch project produced by Innovation Center AMIKOM. This device will help people to
interact with digital content in a simple and intuitive way. It is simple because the device designed
as a simple large, horizontal table without any other input device. It is intuitive because users
don’t need to use indirect input device such as mouse, keyboard, etc to interact with the device.
User only must touch the table surface by their fingers to give input to the system. In addition,
TIWULE offers a unique gathering place where multiple users can collaboratively and
simultaneously interact with data and interact each other.

What are the key capabilities of TIWULE?

TIWULE has four key capabilities that

make it such a unique experience :

Direct interaction.
Users can grab digital information with their
hands, and users can interact with content on-
screen only by touching and by moving their
finger as a gesture without using a mouse or

Multi-user experience.
The large, horizontal, 96x62 display of TIWULE
makes it easy for several people to gather and
interact together with it ; providing a
collaborative, face-to-face computing

TIWULE responds to many points of
simultaneous contact not just from one finger,
like a common touch screen, but more than one
touch point at once.

What is the result of using TIWULE?

TIWULE represents a fundamental change in the way how user interacts with digital content.
Beside user doesn’t need mouse and keyboard behind. TIWULE makes user possible to grab
digital content with their hands and move information with simple gestures and touches.

By this new way of interaction the result is a fun, social and exciting learning experience.
TIWULE is suitable device that able to encourage user to playing together.

While social interaction become problem like autism children, TIWULE offers some place for
them to do interaction together which result as collaborative learning and playing device.

TIWULE also provides tremendous potential for businesses to improve communication, and
be more efficient in how they deliver information and services to their customers.

The intuitive and approachable interface will make customer easier and feels interesting to
explore the information provided by the company.

While different customer education background become problem to access digital content,
the intuitive interaction way provide by multitouch can help them to access information easily.

How Using TIWULE ?

Because TIWULE being made to create a device that make the interaction between human
and computer as natural as possible, so the interaction were designed similar to real interaction
between human and real world such as :

Translate Rotate Scale

Beside doing some movement by finger, user also can use multiple touch to make the device
detect as different interaction.

Indicates Single Touch Indicates Two Finger Gesture Indicates Three Finger Gesture
Pinch and Shrink

What kind of multitouch application supported by TIWULE?

TIWULE was included with some application that has already

support multitouch interaction such as :

3D Paint 3D Viewer

MTPhoto Video Player

puzzle mma-pro-v3

Paint vKeyboard

Particles bloop


TIWULE has proof it quality by got several awards.

1st winner in AMICTA 2009 ( AMIKOM ICT Awards 2009 ) category Research and
Development for Student Project at 16th May 2009 held by STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

1st Winner in INAICTA 2009 ( Indonesia ICT Awards 2009 )

for Student Project at 29th July 2009 held by Depkominfo Indonesia.

Using Scenario


Desember 2008 Januari 2009 April 2009

Design Concept Choose Experiment on Create Create the box Add Assembly Install Testing
the technique Monitor Illuminator surface the hardware Software

Mei 2009 Juli 2009

Present in First Winner Register Refine the box Present in First Winner Development Refine the Design Concept Make construction
AMICTA 2009 INAICTA 2009 INAICTA 2009 Planning technique used frame

November 2009 December 2009

Add surface Create Add Experiment Evaluation Experiment Add Assembly Software Install Testing Present in
Illuminator LCD Projector in Lens in Diffuser Diffuser the hardware Programming Software INAICTA 2009
Order Camera Register

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

With the construction of our own camera based multi-touch table we have demonstrated that
multi-touch technology has become affordable. By the affordable price, the implementation of
multitouch technology can be able to be experienced by society more widely. In other word,
society can get the benefit that provide by multitouch system that promise the more natural and
intuitive way while some interesting and fun experience can be get as result. TIWULE as a
product also promises a number of benefit from different perspective:

Economic, TIWULE is build to give solution for alternative and

cheap multitouch device in the market.

Usable, TIWULE is suitable for entertainment market, exhibition,

digital content creation, information visualization, etc.

Durable, TIWULE is made from durable, light, and robust material

from aluminium, PVC and acrylic. The computer hardware also
consists of qualified brand which is promise robust and durable
component while work in high performance.

Portable, TIWULE is easy to bring anywhere. Beside it was light

weight, TIWULE also able to knock down from it construction
means easy to transport.

Connectivity, TIWULE equipped with nowadays standard

connectivity port such as USB, Fire wire, audio, wifi, etc.

Although we have presented a multitouch solution by bringing TIWULE to the market especially
for the first time in Indonesia, we still searching room for improvement on hardware and software
level to creating more affordable and better multitouch device. Make more affordable price by
using alternate hardware and do modification on it such as adding some lens on the cheaper long
throw projector. Make better device by expanding the interaction capability such as make the
system able to detect another hardware using fiducial marker, QR code, barcode etc.

fiducial marker

Innovation Center Amikom
Jl.Ring Road Utara, Condong Catur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
PO BOX 55283
Telp. +62 27 4884201 ext. 120, Fax +62 274 884208
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