March 25,1930. ' . V - (5 - APPLE 1,752,224: Filed Dec. 7, 1928

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>March 25,1930.


. v_ (5_ APPLE



Filed Dec. 7, 1928





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Patented Mar. 25, 1933



Application ?led December 7, 1928. Serial No. 324,434.

This invention relates to apparatus applicae 35, and cables 36 thru cutout 37 furnish the

ble to internal combustion engines, and com

prises the usual combination of a battery, a

battery recharging circuit.

Fixed to the other endof shaft 13 is a

dynamo electric machine adapted to be driven turbine wheel 38. A casing 39 surrounds the

5 by stored energy. from- the battery to start the wheel and a nozzle box 40 receives the-exhaust
engine, a means to convert a portion of the gases from engine 10 thru manifold 41. Noz
energy of combustion into electrical energy to zlcs 42 change the pressure of the exhaust
replace that drawn from the battery in start~ gases to velocity before they strike the wheel
ing the engine and to create a surplus for igni~. buckets 43, and a bypass valve 44 may be


10 tion, lighting and other purposes, together opened by lever 45 to permit some or all of the _ 60
I with a blower for supercharging the engine, gases to escape without passing thru the
all on the same shaft, interconnected and mu wheel.
tually dependent.
Intermediate turbine wheel 38 and a shaft
The object of the invention is to utilize the bearing 14 is a blower 46 for increasing the '

15 power in the exhaust gases of the engine volumetric efficiency of the engine cylinders.
which are normally wasted, both to drive a The blower comprises a chamber 47 contain


dynamo, to keep the battery charged and to ing the impeller 48 secured to shaft 13 by

drive a blower to supercharge the engine.


key 49. Chamber 47 has air inlet'ports 50

I attain this object by the combination of and an outlet 51 connected to the intake man

0 elements shown in the single ?gure of the ac

companying drawing, which is a longitudinal

vertical axial section thru a mechanism em

bodying the principles of my invention.

Referring to the drawing the numeral 10
was designates an internal combustion engine
having the usual ?y wheel 11 with ring gear
12 attached thereto. A shaft 13 has bearings
14'andl5 in the fly wheel housing. Pinion 16
rotatable by shaft 13 thru key 17 may be
3 moved axially on said shaft to engage ring
gear 12 when engine 10 is to be started inas
much as key 17 ?ts tightly in its seat in shaft


ifold of the engine by pipe 52.

The system operates as follows;

I Pedal 19 is depressed until contacts 34 and '

35 are joined by bridge 33 and pinion 16 is

meshed with gear 12.v Current then ?ows

from battery 32 thru starting generating dy

namo 24, whereupon engine 10 is rotated by
electric power.


While starting generating dynamo 24 is

i rotating the engine it is also turning tur

bine wheel 38 and impeller 48. The turning

of wheel 38 has the e?ect ofscavenging the

cylinders by creating a slight vacuum in man

13 but freely in the keyway which extends ifold 41 while rotation of impeller 48 has the

lengthwise thru the pinion and its spool like effect of providing a slight supercharge for
5 hub 18.

A pedal 19 pivoted at 20 carries pin 21

the cylinders at starting.

When the engine starts and runs on its own

which engages groove 22 of pinion hub 18 power pedal 19 is released to separate con
tacts 34 and 35 and to withdraw pinion 13
from gear 11, after which the armature 30
and the impeller 48 are revolved by turbine
wheel 38 to recharge the battery and to super
charge the engine. Cutout 37 operates in the
pied by a starting motor is mounted a start usual
manner to close the circuit when suffi
ing generating dynamo 24, which consists of cient voltage
is being generated to overcome

to shift pinion 16 axially into mesh with gear

40 12. A spring 23 is adapted to return pinion
'16 to its normal out of engagement position."
In the position on'engine >10 usually occu
45 a frame 25 carrying ?eld coils 26, a brush-cov

the battery voltage. Bypass valve 44 oper

er 27, brushes 28 and a commutator 29 andar able by lever 45 may be employed to govern
mature 30 ?rmly secured to shaft 13,- Cables . the speed of wheel 38 or to suspend its opera

31 connect starting generating dynamo 24

to battery 32 for starting whenever pedal 19

tion entirely.



_ .

Having described mechanism embodying

50 places metal bridge 33 across contacts 34 and my invention, I claim



i 1. In combination, an internal combustion generating dynamo, an armature, a common

engine, a blower adapted to superchargesa-ld shaft having the blower impeller, the tur- \
engine, an electricstorage battery, a gas tur

bine wheel and the armature sec'ured' thereto I

bine adapted to be driven by the exhaust, for simultaneous rotation therewith, and
gases of said engine, a starting generating means to connect and disconnect said common 70
dynamo and means whereby said starting shaft to and from said engine shaft.

_ generating dynamo may take power from said

6. In combination, an internal combustion 1


battery to revolve said engine and said super engine, an engine shaft, an exhaust manifold
charger until said engine is started, said tur for said engine, an intake manifold for said
bine being adapted to revolve said starting engine, a blower adapted to discharge into 75
generating dynamo to charge said battery said intake manifold, an impeller for said.
and to revolve said blower to supercharge blower, a gas turblne, a turbine wheel, a start
ing generatlng dynamo, a armature, a com
said engine, after said engine is started.


engine, a blower adapted to supercharge said turbine wheel and the armature secured so_
engine, a gas turbine adapted to be driven by thereto for rotation therewith, means'to con

2. In combination, an internal combustion mon shaft having the blower impeller, the .

exhaust gases from said engine, a startinggen

nect said common shaft to and from said en

for simultaneous .rotation,vwhereby the en

prising a gas turbine, a blower, and a start


crating dynamo adapted to be connected to gine shaft, a conduit connecting said exhaust
said engine to start said engine, and a stor manifold to said turbine, and means to vary
age battery to operate'said starting generat the carrying capacity of said conduit.
ing dynamo, said blower, turbine and start- '} 73 The combination of an internal combus
ing generating dynamo being joined together tion engine with auxiliary mechanism com
gine, the turbine,'and the blower-may be ro ing generating dynamo joined to rotate in


tated by the starting generator dynamo until unison, said engine beingadaptedlto exhaust

-the engine is started and the blower and into said turbine, and said blower being ,
starting generator dynamo are rotated by the adapted to discharge into said engine.
8. The combination of an internal combus
turbine after the engine is started.
3. In combination, an internal combustion tion engine. with auxiliary mechanism com
30 engine, a blower, a blower impeller adapted prising a gas turbine, a blower, and a start 95
to snpercharge said engine, a gas turbine, a; ing generating dynamo joined to rotate'in
turbine wheel adapted .to be driven by ex unison,'said engine being adapted toyexhaust
haust gases from said engine, a storage bat into said turbine, said blower being adapted
tery, a starting generatingdynamo including to discharge into said engine, and said mech
35 an armature adapted to receive power from anism being adapted to be mechanically con 100

said battery to start said engine and'after negized or disconnected from said engine at

ward to recharge said battery, a common


9. The combination of an internal combus

shaft to which the turbine wheel, the blower
impeller and the armature are secured for tion engine and a storage battery with auxil


simultaneous rotation and means to connect iary mechanism comprising'a gas turbine, a




105 '.


joined tov rotate in'unisom'said engine being

4. In combination, aninternal combustion adapted to exhaust into said turbine, said

engine, an engine shaft, a gear on said engine blower being adapted to discharge into said.
shaft, a-blower, a blower impeller adapted to engine and said starting generating dynamo

supercharge said engine, a _ gas turbine, a being adapted to be connected to said battery. -

$0,. The combination of an internal c0m_

turbine wheel adapted to be driven by exhaust
gases from said engine, a storage-battery, a bustion engine and a storage battery with
starting generating dynamo, an, armature auxiliary mechanism comprising a gas tur 115
adapted to receive power from said battery bine, a blower and a starting generating
to start said engine and thereafter to recharge dynamo joined to rotate in unison, said en- 1
said battery, an auxiliary shaft adjacent and gine being adapted to exhaust intosaid tur- parallel to the said engine shaft, the turbine -' bine, said blower being adapted to discharge .
wheel, the blower impeller and the armature into said engine and means to mechanically
being secured to said shaft for simultaneous connect said auxiliary mechanism to said en-' 120
rotation therewith, and a pinion on said auxiL gine and electrically connect said starting iary shaft adapted to be moved axially into generating dynamo to said battery.
11. The combination with an internal com
andout of engagement with said gear.
5. In combination, an internal combustion bustion engine of auxiliar .mechanismcom



and disconnect said shaft to and from said blower and a starting generating dynamo

engine, an engine shaft, an intake manifold prising a gas turbine, av lower, a starting 125
for said engine,v a blower adapted to discharge generating dynamo, a turbine wheel, a blower
into said intake manifold, an impeller for impeller, a starting generating dynamo ar- , said blower, a gas turbine, an exhaust mani mature,_a pinion, a gear, an engine shaft and
fold for said engine adapted to discharge into an auxiliary shaft, said engine being con-'
said gas turbine, a turbine wheel, a starting nected to said turbine to exhaust into said 30


turbine, said blower being connectedv to said

engine to discharge into said en ine, said gear
being connected to said engine s aft, saidtur
bine wheel, said blower impeller, said pinion
and said armature being mounted on said

shaft for rotation in,unison therewith7 and

said pinion being movable axially on said
' auxiliary shaft to engage and disengage said











b In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my




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